The Loup City northwestern. (Loup City, Neb.) 189?-1917, November 28, 1912, Image 3

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He—Why, darling, I’d be your slave.
She—I’d want a stronger one.
90." Lowell Place, Chicago, 111.—
“The trouble began by my hands burn
ing and itching and I rubbed and
scratched them till one day I saw lit
tle red sores coming out. MV hands
•were disfigured and swollen, and trou- \
bled me so that I could not sleep.!
They were cracked and when the
small sores broke a white matter
would come out. I could not do any ’
hard work; if I did the sores would '
come out worse. For two years no
body could cure ray eczema, until one
day I thought I would try the Cuticura
Soap and Ointment. I used warm wa-!
ter with the Cuticura Soap and after
that I put the Cuiicura Ointment on
my hands twice a day for about five
or six months when I was cured.
(Signed* Sam Marcus, Nov. 2S, 1911.
Cuticura Soap and Ointment sold
throughout the world. Sample of each
free, with 32-p. Skin Rook. Address
post-card “Cuticura, Dept. L, Boston.”
“I always embrace an opportu
"But, then, you must be careful you
are not hugging a delusion.”
“Pa, what is the Bridge of Sighs?” j
“That's the bridge your mother ]
plays, my son.”
Suiting Himself.
The modern small hoy is painfully
“Would you like to come to our bon
fire on the 5th of November?” one was
Back came an answer worthy of a
cabinet minister: “Well, if I haven’t
a bonfire of my own and if my father
doesn’t take me to Belle Vue, and if
I’m not asked to a better bonfire, I'll
be awfully glad to come.”—Manches
ter Guardian.
Mrs. Hiram Often—I’m afraid you
won’t do. As nearly as I can find out,
you have worked in six or seven
places during the last year.
Miss Brady—Well, an’ how manny
girls has yerself had in the same
tolme? No less, I’m thinkin'.—Boston
That Is Unkind.
Tommy—Pop, what is a free think
Pop—A free thinker, my son, is any
man who isn't married.—Philadelphia
Cole's Carbolisalve stops Itching and pain—
and cures piles. All druggists. 25 and 50c. Adv.
You can’t convince a schoolboy that
history repeats itself.
A man can have short legs and still
carry his head high.
(Copyright 1912 by the TonitWes Co.)
When the blood is tired, it fails to
supply sufficient gastric juice to prop
erly digest the food, and we have
Dyspepsia, Indigestion, Nausea, Heart
burn, Gastritis, Bad Breath, etc. Build
ing up the blood is the only way to
prevent and euro this condition. For
their action on the blood, they help to
supply .the necessary gastric juice,
and also to increase the strength of
the muscles of the stomach. 75c. per
box of dealers or by mail.
The Tonltives Co., Buffalo, N. Y.
W. N. U., OMAHA, NO. 48-1912.
% ]'
y. Lriiis iirrmn
yi—aiina^ l
Jr" 11 AVegefable Preparation for As -
kjsgj similating the Food and Reg ula
jj:j| j ting the Stomachs and Bowels of
$1 M ^v«ie«4
Mr, Promotes Digestion,Cheerful
?j nessandRest Contains neither
Opium .Morphine nor Mineral
Sj Not Nabc otic
^ fiettpt cf Old Dr SAMUEL P/TC/fE/i
3la* Pumpkin Seed -
A lx Senna ♦
I I fiothtlle Sails -
Anise Seed -
Ppperrmnt - l
ftifirienakScdet •
, \ Worm Seed -
}t» • Clarified Sugar
Wink rare tn Flavor *
Cl -
ifc; Apcrfect Remedy forConstipa
V'f lion. Sour Stomach.Diarrhoea,;
£{l! Worms,Convulsions.Feverish
ness and LOSS OF SLEEP
j:;tj Facsimile Signature of
is? -r—
<i? The Centaur Company.
!§J k---——^.--.TT^rr .. ■ = ■■ . ---—
fa I
>$Guaranteed under the Foodawj
Exact Copy of Wrapper.
For Infants and Children.
The Kind You Have
Always Bough!
Thirty Years
Shipping Fever
Influenza, pink eye, epizootic, distemper and all nose and throat
fof 1* diseases cured, and all others, no matter how “exposed,’’ kept
|—( If from having any of these diseases with SPoiIN’S l.lypil) DIS
TEHPEK CP UK. Three to six doses often cure a case. One 50
cent bottle guaranteed to do so. Hest thiug for brood mares.
Acts on the blood. 50c and $i a bottle. $t’> aud $11 a dozen
bottles. Druggists and harness shops. Distributors — ALL
SPOHN SIEU1CAL CO., Chemists and Bacteriologists, Goshen, Ind., C. S. A.
A Bit Candid.
First Tripper (after lengthy survey
of second ditto)—You ’as got a hugly
face, ’asn’t you, mate?
Second Tripper—Corn’t do nuffin’
abaht it.
First Tripper—You might ’ave
stopped at ’ome.—Punch (London).
In another part of this paper you
will find a large ad of the Loose-Wiles
Biscuit Co., Omaha, Neb. They offer
to send to any reader a box of assort
ed biscuits absolutely free. Don’t miss
this opportunity. Cut out the coupon
from their ad and mail it today.
Not According to Rule.
“Her emotions are ungrammatical.”
"What do you mean by that?"
“All her moods are tense.”
The Tender Spot.
“What have you done toward pun
ishing lawbreakers?”
“Well,” replied the shady police of
ficer, “I have done a great deal to
ward hurting their feelings by taking
their money away from them.”
Cole’s Carbolisalve stops the pain instantly.
Cures quick. No scar. All druggists. 25 and 50c. Adv.
A deaf mute in Ohio recently gave a
minister a ?250 marriage fee. A wife
ought to be worth that to a deaf man.
Mrs. Winslow’s Soothing Syrup for Children
teething, softens the gums, reduces inflamma
tion, allays pain, cures wind colic, 25c a botlie.Ma
To love a woman is human; to keep
on telling her so is superhuman.—
Houston Post.
T he Cheerful Life
It is the right of everyone to live and enjoy the cheerful life. We owe
It to ourselves and those who live with us to live the cheerful life. We,
cannot do so if ill health takes hold of us.
The wife, mother and daughter suffering from hot flashes, nervousness,
headache, backache, dragging-down feeling, or any other weakness due to disorders
or irregularities of the delicate female organs—-is not only a burden to her***1*,
but to her loved ones.
There is a remedy. Forty years experience has proven unmistakably tint
Favorite Prescription
will restore health to weakened womankind. For 40 yuan it haa survived
prejudice, envy and malice. Sold by dealers in medicine In liquid or tablet form.
Dr. Pierce’s Favorite Prescription Tablets can be had of druasiat or mailed on
receipt of one-cent stamps—for $1.00 or 60c size. Address R. V. Pierce. M. D_
Buffalo, N. Y.
Pr.Pltrct’s WeMMt^ Invigorate
(Photo, by Underwood Sc Underwood, X. T.)
Nobody thinks of jumping on a chair at the sight of this little mousie
—in fact, one can siMn perfect calmness while he gambols on one's instep.
For the mouse is really embroidered on the silken stocking. The embroidery
Is done on the thread silk stocking with mouse-colored silk and the effect
is very natural and rather startling at first glimpse.
Combination That Deserves the Popu
larity Which It Has Been Un
hesitatingly Accorded.
Not every one can afford frocks of
silk velvet, so velveteen was manu
factured as a substitute. It is lovely,
and gives practically the same effect
as silk velvet when made up. Velve
teen and corduroy are used to fashion
many smart frocks for street wear.
Plain colors are more frequently
used for the velveteen models. They
are effectively trimmed with fur, me
tallic laces, Persian or tapestry em
Velveteen does not adapt itself so
successfully to draping as do the
softer velvets, so the skirts are usual
ly plain or with pleated insets.
The bodices are jumper effects, with
guimpes of lace or chiffon.
Corduroys in the soft-finished qual
ities are extensively used.
Frocks and coat suits are develop
ed of this material and seem to find
a ready sale.
The two-tone corduroys in brown
and tan, blue and black and white
are especially favored.
In plain colors, dark blue, brown,
black and burgundy are the shades
more frequently used.
This is a smart little blouse to be
worn with a costume skirt. It is in
soft chiffon taffetas, with embroidery
on the shoulders, center front straps
and cuffs. Two deep folds are made
from the shoulders to waist each side.
Materials required: 1% yards 42
inches wide.
Evening Dresses.
The Grecian draperies and oriental
colorings strongly dominate the very
exclusive evening dresses, says the
Dry Goods Economist. Embossed vel
vet patterns on chiffon cloth, on
charmeuse, on satin or brought out on
cloth of gold and silver are utilized.
Metallic brocades, gold and silver tis
sues, moire and plain cloth of gold
and silver, as well as rich embroider
ed fabrics, are represented in many
of the most favored models. Rich
laces are also in favor, particularly
the finer varieties, such as Chantilly
and Bohemian. Venise is used most
ly as a finishing touch on velvet
Extreme Effects.
Some of the extreme panier effects
Introduced this season suggest an or
dinary sack combined with Turkish
trousers. The pannier is slightly
gathered into the waistband and falls
between the knee and the ankle, over
a plain narrow skirt; so that the full
ness lays over it. This style is us
ually carried out in the flowered
Bilks or chiffon that suggests the
modes of Louis XIV.
Pretty Thing Evolved by Clever Girl
in a Most Economical and Sim
ple Manner.
A novel and most economical way
to make a pretty tea-tray was dis
covered- by a girl who is very clever
with her wits and her fingers. She
first purchased for forty cents a large
oval picture frame from a second
hand store, securing a very good bit
of natural old woodwork. Then with a
bottle of stain, some sand-paper and a
little varnish she polished up the wood
to look like new, then screwed on two
brass handles, one at each end, after
wards cutting a piece of pretty cre
tonne the same size as the glass, and
pasting it smoothly where the picture
would ordinarily go. Covering it with
the boards that belong to the frame,
tacked securely into place, the entire
back then being covered with a piece
of felt, when she found herself pos
sessed of a most fetching tea-tray,
which in the shops would cost from $5
to $S.
To Prevent Flowers Drooping.
The preservation of flowers is a
point upon which most people are
singularly ignorant, though it is real
ly quite a simple matter. A little
very fine invisible wire is the essen
tial thing, and will preserve the nod
ding beauty of the spray for many
hours, when, if unmounted, the flow
ers would droop and die. Roses in
particular, need this support if they
are to keep their grace for any length
of time. The other important secret
in preserving blooms is the question
of water. The flowers to be worn at
night should always be cut in the
morning and put in water for the rest
of the day, until It is time to wire
and make up into the spray. Flowers
cut in this way will last much better
through the evening than those cut
immediately before wearing.
Care of the Skin.
Before going to bed at night, sponge
the face, neck and arms in a solution
of cold salt water. You will find your
self awakening in the morning with
that desirable slight pink glow, which
you so often see in the face of a
child at this time. Another skin stim
ulator is a small piece of ice, placed
in a soft piece of linen and rubbed
gently over the entire face and neck,
care being taken to reach every part
of the surface about the eyes and eye
lids. This should not be done to ex
cess: and afterward the face should
be gently but thoroughly dried, and a
little cold cream applied. All cream
that the flesh has not absorbed should
be removed, especially from the face
that has a tendency toward being
Vogue of Moire.
Moire is being used extensively for
suits this fall, as well as for trim
mings. There are several classes of
moire, including the moire antique,
the moire velours and the regence.
The latter denotes the ribbed weaves
as applied to the moires. The change
able and chameleon effects are shown
in the moires quite as often as the
plain. The taffeta moire has a beau
tiful but not, too sharply defined wa
tery effect which makes it very desir
able. This fabric has almost ousted
the changeable taffeta.
Fur in Neckwear.
Among the distinctly new ideas In
neckwear are the novelties in which
tiny bands of fur are utilized on the
collar portion and. in some instances,
on the jabot, is the statement made in
a recent issue of the Dry Goods
Flowers for Pet Dogs.
The flower notion has got around
to the dogs; for the newest of dog
collars is made of a circle of silk
roses, and tints of pinkish yellow
take precedence over other colors for
Wool Should Not Be Too Coarse or Excessively Fine, but Should
Possess Something of Medium Quality — Superior of
Mutton and Wool Most Desirable.
The best time to study the wool pro
ducing quality of one’s flock is when
the animals are sheared. As wool is
being removed from the sheep time
should be taken to remove a few fi
bers of the fleece and note its quality.
In every flock there is wide varia
tion in the quality of the wool from
different individuals, despite the fact
that they were sired by the same ram
and given practically the same care
and feed. The average wool produc
ing sheep of the double-deck type
should shear at least twelve pounds
of wool of good length and density.
The wool should not be excessively fine
nor, on the other hand, too coarse, but
should possess something of medium
quality. I have a number of indi
viduals In my flock that annually
shear from twelve to thirteen pounds
of wool of the quality that always de
mands the highest market price.
These ewes are on the order of the
j mutton breed, although they have
i been bred for a number of years for
! both wool and mutton production.
I am firmly of the opinion that the
! most profitable sheep for the average
j farmer to raise in the future is the
; animal that will produce a high qual
! ity of both wool and mutton. In view
Prize Mutton and Wool Sheep.
of the fact that many of our flocks at
the present time have been bred along
mutton lines exclusively, I believe
flock owners can well afford to give
more attention to the wool producing
■ side of their flocks.
For the past few years wool has
been commanding a very high and uni
form price. The mutton market is well
established. To insure the greatest
profit from the growing of sheep, eith
or on the farm or Range, a superior
grade of both wool and mutton must
be marketed.
There has been a decided improve
ment in the sheep producing industry
in the past few years along the line
above considered, but I am fully aware
there is plenty of room for consider
able more along the line of combin
tng both the wool and mutton quali
An Impression prevails in the north
of England, says John Wrightson in
London Live Stock Journal, that sheep
never drink, and in this faith I was
brought up. Water was always con
sidered to be an important accessory
in cattle pastures, but its absence was
never looked upon as an objection to
sheep runs. There is a breed known
as "crag” sheep in Lancashire, which
range over the extensive upland of the
mountain limestone, that are said to
require no water; but this does not
strike a Northumbrian as very re
markable as it fits in with his precon
ceived notions.
Mr. Primrose McConnell supports
this view when he writes that “in his
boyhood he had herded sheep and
cows together in hot summer weather,
and been struck by the cows constantly
repairing to the water, while the sheep
never went near it, and were never
seen to drink at all, although they tad
access to a running stream close at
hand.” He adds that a northern shep
herd would ridicule the idea of a
sheep ever drinking unless it was in
bad health. This opinion I can en
dorse with slight modification, as my
idea in the north of England was that
sheep were practically independent of
That this is also true to a certain
extent in the south is shown by the
practice of many good shepherds, who
do not allow their ewes water during
the period of gestation. There are
circumstances in which this rule is
not adhered to, but they constitute ex
ceptions which may be said to prove
the rule.
To speak generally, It is a bad sign
when a ewe drinks frequently, and
indicates unsoundness in some form.
The truth seems to be that as long as
herbage is succulent, or is moistened
with dew, or from rain from time to
time, sheep do not require water.
When ewes are fed on hay they
should have water; and when they re
ceive cake and hay together, and are
not allowed roots, it is evident that
the moisture of the body must be kept
on. On the other hand, if they have
access to roots they do not require wa
ter, and this is one of the best rea
sons for growing roots on high and
dry situations.
Again, the need of ewes which have
to support lambs at foot are different
to either dry sheep or pregnant ewes.
They are called upon to supply a
larger quantity of water in their milk,
and they must be supplied either di
rectly or through succulent food in or
der to do so.
To Raise Two Litters Annually
One Must Not Allow Over
(By Q. W. BROWN.)
There is a decided difference in car
ing for the pigs of autumn farrowing
and those of the spring litters. On the
average farm the latter have the ad
vantage over the former of coming
in previous to the advent of the spring
grasses, and have a more generous
supply of milk and other laxative food
stuffs to keep them growing and in
perfect order.
It has been my practice for a num
ber of years to raise two litters of pigs
a year. To do this successfully I find
that one must not allow overstocking,
but rather should sell off a portion of
the pigs soon after weaning time,
keeping only so many as he knows
he can accommodate with good quar
ters and generous feeding. One must
not slight pigs during cold weather
either in housing or feeding.
Besides dry nesting quarters the
pigs should have a good-sized lot in
which they may get plenty of exercise.
Growing pigs should not be crowded
into close, filthy quarters, exposed to
vermin and disease.
Our winter pigs are very profitably
Ted upon whole corn in the fodder, as
they delight in getting their feed from
this material. I find that they eat
very much of this fodder, w hich forms
a fine diet. The cobs and the coarse
stalks are raked up and burned fre
quently, affording the pigs a generous
supply of charcoal.
I af{n to keep a cow for every litter
winter pigs, and with the milk and
milkstuffs I can grow a bunch of pigs
equal to the spring litters.
Floors for Hog Houses.
Our experience is that wooden
floors in the hog houses will produce
rheumatism in the animals juA as
quickly as cement floors if former are
allowed to remain damp and the bed
ding holds moisture, says a writer in
an exchange.
If the cement floors are kept clean
and well littered with dry straw t.r
other material frequently, rheumatism
will not result.
Better have a hole two feet wide at
the top of the pen and a crack two
inches wide at the bottom. It is the
cold air blowing under the doors and
around the pen that causes the great
est discomfort.
Profitable Hens.
As a rule it is not profitable to
keep hens after they are two years
old unless they are of very valuable
stock. Now Is a good time to mark
those for disposal whose age be
gins to affect them as egg pro
Chickens to Kill.
When disposing of some of the old
stock pick out the poor layers. They
are “just as good*-’ for roasting pur
poses. and you cannot afford to part
with the money makers. .
Young Animal Must Have Exer
cise and Freedom of Yard
and Farm.
(By J. C. FRY.)
Feeding and raising the calf on
skim-milk is not always an easy prop
osition, but I have had very good
success. The calf stays with the
mother until the milk Is good to use;
then it is given whole milk for three
weeks; then it is gradually changed
to skim-milk. The calf will soon learn
to eat alfalfa hay. By putting a little
corn chop in the bucket when the
calf is through drinking it will soon
learn to eat it. Corn will supply the
fat that is taken out of the miik. The
caif must have exercise and is al
lowed the freedom of yard and farm.
We have the best success with ibe fall
and winter calves. Hay is better for
the calf than grass.
Make Valuable Addition to Ra
tions During the Cold Win
ter Months.
No matter what some people tell
you, turnips and other roots make
fine milk-producing feed. Turnips
will not affect the flavor of milk if
fed at the right time.
If turnips are fed in large quanti
ties, and tvjo or three hours before
milking, they are likely to give the
milk an unpleasant taste, but if fed
directly after milking no flavor what
ever will be noticed.
A peck of turnips to each animal
per day is sufficient in most cases. A
good plan is to feed directly after hay
in the early morning, and once a day
is often enough.
Roots make a very valuable addition
to the winter rations because they
add to the variety of the feed and no
animal on the farm appreciates va
riety more than the dairy cow.
Cleanliness and Ventilation.
Clean pens, stalls, bedding, etc., and
plenty of ventilation are important
and without these things hogs are in
such weak condition they are likely
to take anything.
Handling Lambs.
There is a vast difference In han
dling lambs intended for breeding and
for the market. The first should be
matured slowly In order t- produce
good bone and stability, but the lat
ter should be forced to put on fat as
quickly as possible, as weight is the
only thing that counts.
Horses for Cuba.
Cuban police officers recently
bought a large number of fine horses
In Missouri for the use of the mounted
police of Cuba.
Poor Girl.
“How long have you been married?”
“It will be six months next Thurs
“And do you still regard’ your hus
band as the most wonderful man who
ever was bom?”
Then the poor girl broke down, says
the San Francisco Star, and sobbed
piteously. When she could trust her
self to speak again she said:
“No. Charles has disappointed me
terribly. I’m afraid I have wre
wrecked my li-life. Last night when
I asked him to get up and seo if there
wasn’t a burglar In our room he
bumped his nose against the edge of
the open door and he said three sim
ply awful words Just as if they came
natural to him.”
Education and Larger Life.
It seems to me that the woman who
cannot cut out a garment better be
cause of her geometry and her draw
ing lessons, who cannot speak English
more distinctly and with fuller vocab
ulary because of her study of French
or German, who cannot find a hundred
uses for her chemistry in the little
everyday emergencies of her house
keeping. has not succeeded in getting
frdm her studies all that they had to
give her.—Home Progress Magazine.
Every reader of this paper can se
cure absolutely free a box of assorted
biscuits by simply cutting out the cou
pon from their ad appearing in an
other part of this paper and mailing
it to Loose-Wiles Biscuit Co., Omaha.
Neb. The firm is thoroughly reliable.
Take advantage of this liberal offer
and write them today.
"Here’s your portrait, sir.”
“That my portrait? Well, I may
have sat for it, but I won’t stand for
Red Cross Ball Blue, ail blue, best bluing
value in the whole world, makes the laun
dress smile. Adv.
A girl of ten hates to be kissed al
most as much as a girl of twenty
It always costs more to acquire a
grouch than it is worth.
Before marrying a poet a girl should
have her appetite amputated.
OH! “You
Do you look forward to
mealtime with real pleas
ure or do you have that
“don’t care” sort of feel
ing ? Then, by all means,
try a bottle of
Stomach Bitters
It coaxes the Appetite,
aids Digestion, prevents
Constipation, Bilious
ness, Colds, Grippe and
Malarial Disorders.
. ---—
Don’t Persecute
Your Bowels
Cut out cathartics and purgatives. They art
brutal, harsh, unnecessary. Trwj^
Purely vegetable. Act,
gently on the liver,
eliminate bile, and^
Boothe the delicatej
membrane of thej
bowel. Curei
Sick Head- 1
ache and Indigestion, as millions know.
Genuine must bear Signature
Miss C. Mahoney, of 2708 K. St.,
W. Washington, I>. C., writes : ”T suf
fered with rheumatism for five years
and I have just got hold of your Lini
ment, and it has done me so much
good. My knees do not pain and the
swelling has gone.”
Quiets the Nerves
Mas. A.Weldman, of 403 Thompson
St., Maryville, Mo., writes : — •' The
nerve in" my leg was destroyed five
years ago and left me with a jerking
at night so that I could not sleep. A
friend told me to try your Liniment
and now 1 oouid not do without it. I
fim^ after its use X can sleep.”
“Is a good Liniment. I keep it on
hand all the time. My daughter
sprained her wrist and used your
Liniment, and it has not hurt her
of Relma, N. C.
R.F.D., No. 4.
At All Dealers
25c., 50c., $1.00
Sloan’s book on
horses, cattle, hops
and poultry sent
free. Address
Earl S.
Sloan, S
Boston, j
Mass. /