The Loup City northwestern. (Loup City, Neb.) 189?-1917, November 28, 1912, Image 2

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    the Lonp City Northwestern
W— — - - ■——
' J. W. BURLEIGH, Publisher
Loup city, • • Nebraska
Includes What Is Going On at Wash
ington and in Other Sections of
the Country.
That there will be no effort to con
vert the progressives of the senate
into a separate party organization
was the opinion expressed by Senator
Bristow of Kansas.
The state department received word
that William M. Fink, an American
citizen, superintendent of the San
Toy Mining Co., whose camp is about
fifteen miles from Chihuahua, is being
held for $5,000 ransom by the Mexi
can rebel bands which captured Santa
Gideon C. Bantz, connected with the
treasury department for forty years,
resigned as assistant treasurer of the
United States at the request of Secre
tary MacVeagh. He will be succeed
ed by Christian S. Pearce, chief of the
division of banks, loans and postal
~A new grandson, or, more correctly
(peaking, a ‘‘grandson-in-law-’ was the
tither unique present received by the
(Jmerable Senator Shelby M. Cullom
jf Illinois on the occasion of his
eighty-third birthday anniversary. The
lddition to Senator Cullom’s family
was brought about by the wedding of
his granddaughter, Miss Eleanor Cul
lom Ridgely, daughter of William
Barret Ridgely, former comptroller of
the currency, and Dr. Henry P. Par
ker of this city.
The supreme court has taken a re
cess until December 2.
There will be no break in the treaty
relations of the United States and
Heartrending scenes are pictured
In the Turkish cholera camp of San
Stefano, Constantinople
The Carnegie foundation will pen
sion future ex-presidents in the
amount of $25,000 a year
Omaha has been made exchange of
fice for collection of duty on ship
ments from foreign countries.
The second anniversary of the
launching of the Madero revolution
was celebrated at Mexico City.
All of the Nebraska constitutional
amendments, voted upon at the recent
election, carried by jgood majorities.
Senator Moretay Prendergrast, the
ex-premier, was unanimously elected
president of the Spanish chamber of
Two French aviators were killed,
one, Andrew Frey, at Rheims and the
other, Sub-Lieutenant Laurent, at
E tamps.
The message of the governor of Ok
lahoma interests Nebraska politicians.
It recommends abolishment of many
public officers.
The Iowa state conference of chari
ties and corrections at its final ses
sions selected Sioux City as its next
meeting place.
Slot machines, candy raffles and all
kindred games have been banished
from the counters of the Waterloo,
la., business men.
Disagreement over the permissibil
ity of testimony brought the steel
corporation hearing at Chicago to an
abrupt temporary ending.
George W. Coulson. former aider
man and head of a manufacturing
company at Sioux City, committed
suicide by shooting.
A dispatch from Canton, China,
says: Canton has an army ready to
be of service if called to arms against
the Russians in Mongolia.
At Buffalo, N. Y., a wealthy frater
nity man confesssed to having com
mitted many murders, and told where
to find several of the bodies.
After fighting with the state for
twenty-six years, the Pullman com
pany filed incorporation papers with
the secretary of the state of Iowa. '
President Taft attended a meeting
of the Yale corporation at New Haven.
A story of admissions made by Sus
pect Clancy was told at the dynamite
trial at Indianapolis.
Twenty-six indictments are being
nought by the district attorney’s of
fice at Portland, Ore., in connection
with the scandal brought to light
through the admissions of a delin
quent boy.
An addition of $2,000,000 to the en
dowment fund to the Carnegie foun
dation for the advancement of teach
ing was announced by Andrew Car
negie at a meeting of the trustees of
hia foundation.
Countryfide search for a man who
has been victimizing the members of
the fraternal order of Knights and
Ladles of Security all over the coun
try came to an end at Peoiia, 111.,
■when the police arrested John H.
Matthews of Louisville, Ky.
Near Duquoin, 111., Mrs. Vera Ben
nett, a flfteen-year-old bride, was
burned to death when she attempted
to start a fire with kerosene.
Dr. Samuel H. Van Cleave, aged
fifty-eight, son of the late Mrs. Char
lotte O. Van Cleve, the first white
child born in Minnesota territory, is
dead at Minneapolis.
A dispatch to a news agency from
St. Petersburg says an unsuccessful
attempt was made to wreck the train
on which Emperor Nicholas and
members of the Russian imperial fam
ily were returning from Spain to
Esarko-Selo by tearing up the rails.
H. 0. Jeffries, editor of the Nowata,
Okl., Advertiser, was acquitted of the
charge of murdering Mrs. Irene Go
keen, an advertising solicitor.
C. S. Stetson, master of the state
grange of Maine, was elected a mem
ber of the executive commttee of the
national grange at its session in Spo
kane. Wash.
Woodrow Wilson says he has not
made a single offer of a cabinet port
Governor-elect William Sulzer of
New York state will begin a hunt for
wild turkeys In the mountains of Vir
Part of Jamaica was 6wept by a
tidal wave and causing the loss of
many lives.
Woman suffragists claim to see the
triumph of their cause within the next
few years.
Prospects are bright for the early
settlement of the West Virginia strike
of coal miners.
A court order restraining an in
crease to Woodmen rates was issued
at Springfield, 111.
Thousands of people attended Min
neapolis day at the Northwestern
Products exposition.
The government scored an lmpor
s prosecution of the
J. H. Harthem, a veteran German
editor, dropped dead at Shenandoah.
Ia., from heart failure.
Games and fancy dress dances are
being taught the girls in the state
industrial school in Iowa.
A German correspondent pictures
the awful condition of Turkish troops
along the Tchatalja lines.
Chairman Prouty of the Interstate
Commerce commission says railroads
should treat all states alike.
A half million dollars in election
bets is tied up in California awaiting
definite result of the vote.
Major Henry Clay Merriam, retired,
died at Portland, Maine, after an ill
ness of nearly two years.
The constitutionality of the news
paper publicity law is soon to be at
tacked in the supreme court.
The American federation of labor
will urge support of alleged dynamit
ers until they are proven guilty.
Testimony was given to show that
dynamite leaders were constantly in
search of recruits to their ranks.
Hundreds of Dakotans attended
“Dakota day” at the northwestern
products exposition at Minneapolis.
The parcels post is not irrevocable.
Should its workings prove generally
harmful it can and will be repealed.
A madman with a box of dynamite
invaded the Los Angeles police sta
tion and gave the officers a bad hour.
President Taft will open the annual
sessions of the National Rivers and
Harbors congress in Washington De
cember 4.
Henry L. Stimson, the American
secretary of war, and his party were
entertained at Panama Saturday night
at a grand bail.
Neil Mulcahy, convicted bank burg
lar, who escaped from jail at Marys
ville, Kan., mre tohan a year ago, has
been recaptured near Huntsville. Ark.
Judge Hough, in the United States
district court at New' York approved
the amended bill of sale for the bank
rupt United States Motor company’s
President Taft will be the final ar
biter in construing the law passed at
the last session of congress admitting
shipbuilding material, machinery and
equipment to the United States free
of duty.
San Francisco’s fight for the use of
the Hetch Hetchy Walley in the Yo
semite National park as a reservoir
for the city’s water supply will be
waged before Secretary of the Interior
When Mrs. Pansy Ellen Lesh,
charged with poisoning two women in
Pettis county, Missouri, several years
ago, appears in the criminal court at
Sedalia she will plead not guilty,
At El Paso, Tex., the last transpor
tation given to refugees from Mexico
was issued by the army quartermas
ter’s department. Congress made an
appropriation for sending these peo
ple to a point in the United States
they wished to go when they were
forced by the rebellion to leave
The president has approved the sen
tence of court martiais desmissing
from the army Captain A. H. Bishop.
First Infantry, and Second Lieutenant
Armine W. Smith, third field artillery.
Captain Bishop was convicted of false
entries and embezzlement and Lieu
tenant Smith of "deceit in the solu
tion of a military problem.”
Four Japanese stowaways who came
across the Pacific on the liner Yoko
hama Maru, which arrived at Victoria,
B. C., eluded immigration authorities
and now have their freedom in that
province. Word was brought by the
Sadi Maru that the examination in
Yokohoma shipping circles disclosed
a stowaway society. The ringleaders
were severely punished.
Disregarding race and creed in the
hour of distress, the Red Cross has
stretched out a helping hand to the
Red Crescent. Ambassador Rockhill
at Constantinople cabled the state de
partment that the Red Cross relief
organization in that city under Ameri
can supervision had not only supplied
the Red Crescent with complete out
fits for several hundred wounded in
the military hospital at Tashkissla,
but has equipDed a ward in an operat
ing room and supplied surgeons, as
sistants and nurses under the super
vision of Major Sinclair Ford of the
medical corps. United States army.
The complete count In California
j gives Roosevelt a slight lead.
President-elect Wilson on Sunday
attended church in Bermuda.
Judge Wakely, dean of the Douglas
county (Nebr.) bar, who died a few
days ago, was 90 years old.
Charles D. Hilles has resumed his
duties as private secretary to Presi
dent Taft.
John Schrank. assailant 'of Roose
velt, was pronounced insane and com
mitted to an asylum.
The press was scored by President
Madero as being largely responsible
for the ills of Mexico.
Democratic congressmen are being
deluged with applications for office
by hungry constituents.
Premier Asquith says the powers
would gladly stop the war if they
could do it satisfactorily.
Congressmen and others abuse the
franking privilege is the opinion of
Postmaster General Hitchcock.
Judge K. I. Perky has been named
U. S. senator for Idaho, to fill the un
expired term of Senator Hepburn,
Senator Epperson of Fairfield Pre
sents Matter to Auto Association
Other News at Capital.
The teaching of road building in the
schools of the state as a means to
ward education of those who would
iu later years take more interest in
this than has the present generation,
was advocated to the State Automo
bile association in Lincoln by C. H.
Epperson of Fairfield, former state
"Our future road overseers, county
officials, legislators and governors ure
growing up within our reach,” said
Mr. Epperson, "and why should we
not begin by teaching them the things
that will help them solve the prob
lems of the future. The present gen
eration has only opened up the way—
more remains to be learned and still
more to be done. Improvement can
only begin where entire communities
are united in the work and where they
are desirous of aiding other commun
ities in completing good roads, with
every other section to accomplish
lasting results. There can be no bet
ter way toward partially solving the
problem than by rearing children who
are in sympathy with the move and
who understand most of its phases.”
Senator Epperson has a bill provid
ing for the instruction suggested and
it is likely that this will become a
part of the road law's' legislation
which will be introduced at the com
ing session of the state's lawmakers.
The greater part of the time of one
day's session was given over to a dis
cussion of proposed road legislation.
A bill looking to the creation of a
state highway commission was read
aver section by section and discussed
it considerable length. This as final
ly approved by the association includ
ed the following provisions:
f'roposeo Legislation.
"The state highway commission to
oe composed of the governor, the at
torney general and the land commis
sion—the same make-up as the pres
ent state board of irrigation. The
governor to be chairman of the
"Taree deputy highway commis
sioners to be appointed by the com
mission—not more than two members
of the same political party. Term of
office shall be two years. These of
ficials are to assume oSlce as any
other state officials and are to have
offices at the state house.
"The duties of the commission shall
be to investigate and carry on exper
imental road building work, to test
different methods of construction, to
try out plants for building roads in
sections of the state where different
soils are encountered and to act in a
similar capacity with respect to the
building of bridges.
“The commissions may be consulted
oy any county or township or city of
ficials having supervision of roads
for information and data relative to
road construction, repair or mainten
“The commissioners shall receive
no compensation for their labor,
but they may draw such expenses as
they incur in performing their duties.
"The deputy commissioners shall
nave power to appoint a state engi
neer to be a specialist in road build
ing and maintenance.
“All road overseers and other of
ficials of counties, villages and towns
of the state having supervision over
roads, streets and bridges to furnish
detailed information with respect to
the highways and bridges under their
Having in mind the defeat of sev
»ral road bills at the 1911 session of
the legislature, the various good road
organizations of the state do not pro
pose to let the matter go by default
at the coming session. Every effort
will be,made to obtain the passage of
the measures, and in this the automo
bile association will join.
Grand Island was chosen for the
191" meeting. The following officers
were elected:
President, A. P. Overgaard of Fre
mont; vice presidents, Lee Huff of
Omaha and C. E. Parisoe of Minden;
secretary, O. C. Turner of Omaha;
treasurer, E. R. Wilson of Omaha.
nygiene m inc ocnoois.
A department of hygiene, working
with the school children of Lincoln
during' the twelve months in the year,
is expected to be in operation by the
second semester of this year or the
first of next. The work of this depart
ment will not only embrace the teach
ing of hygiene in all of the grades,
but will include the complete work
ing out of the course of study in phy
sical training and organized play.
Some Apples.
Nebraska raised 7,378,899 bushels
of apples this year from a total of
2,604,248 trees, according to a report
made by Labor Commissioner Guye.
In 19111 the total yield was 9,935,889
bushels from 3,436.124 trees. While
the aggregate amount of the current
year was smaller than the year pre
vious. the average yield per tree was
also slightly less, the average being
2.88 bushels for 1911 and 2.73 bushels
per tree this year. During the year
there were raised in the state a total
Of 10,072,698 quarts of plums.
Government Accepts Buffalo.
The government has accepted as a
gift the herds of buffalo, elk and deer
owned by J. W. Gilbert of Friend and
will place them on the abandoned mil
itary reservation of Fort Niobrara,
near Valentine. Frederick M. Dille,
special agent of the government bu
reau of biological survey, is arranging
for the removal of the animals and
reports that fences are being built to
keep them enclosed. Mr. Gilbert gave
the animals to the government with
the understanding that they should
pot bd taken out of the state.
The Great State of Nebraska la Near
the Top.
The cackle of the Nebraska hen has
been immortalized in verse and het
deeds of performance have been made
subject matter for legislative report*
in years gone by—and well it might.
For, according to a statement Just is
sued by the Nebraska department of
agriculture the value of poultry prod
ucts for the year 1911 exceeded $43,
000,000, an exceptionally strong show
ing when it is taken into considers:
tion that the value of all such prod
ucts in the entire United States was
$750,000,000. While exact statistics
are difficult to obtain from all the
states it is believed Nebraska ranks
well up toward the top. Says the agri
cultural department’s report:
“That the poultry of Nebraska is cf
some importance is verified by the
fact that the assessment Of hens re
turned by the county assessors in
1910 is over four times as much as
all the diamonds found in the state,
half as much as all the pianos, ten
times as much as as all the cash re
gisters, nine times as much as all the
safes, and $112,000 more than ail the
steam engines.
“The helpful hen is one of the
prime factors in reducing the high
cost of living; the family with a few
dozen hens well kept, need not worry
about the meat problem. The busy
biddies of Nebraska are hustling her
gr»eat herds of swine for first place
in importance of the marketable
products of the state.
“Nebraska hens laid so many more
eggs last year than the hens of Kan
sas that a Nebraska hen could lay
one egg a day until she had enough to
hatch a brood of chickens, sit on the
eggs, hatch the chickens and then
overtake the Kansas hen with a sec
ond brood before the Kansas biddy
had done clucking over her first brood
of chicks.
"But Nebraska hens do not have to
hatch eggs; they can put in their
time laying, for Nebraska factories
make annually one-half of all the in
cubators manufactured in the United
States and Canada. These incubators
are sent by carloads all over the civil
ized world, and fluffy chicks by the
millions belt the globe as a tribute to
the maternal industry which has its
headquarters in Nebraska.
wnite NeDrasKa is selling its vast
amount of poultry products annually,
the great state of Oregon is buying
three million dollars worth from Ne
braska and other states. The state
superintendent of public instruction in
Oregon is endeavoring to enlist the
school children in the problem of can
celling this deficit by having every
child in the schools of Oregon be
tween the ages of 6 and 16 keep a
dozen hens. If Nebraska school chil
dren were to do that they would make
Nebraska the greatest poultry market
in the world.”
State Highway Commission.
The State Automobile association,
which held the opening session of its
annual meeting here, went on record
as favoring the creation of a state
highway commission atid the appro
priation of such money as would ac
crue from half a mill levy to aid in
the movement for better roads. Mr. G.
E. Parisoe of Minden declared that
Nebraska farmers now pay an average
of sixteen cents per ton per mile to
transport their goods in and out of
Requisition for Cheeks.
Governor Aldrich has issued a re
quisition for the Veturn of Gus Cheeks,
arrested at Omaha, to Des Moines,
where he is wanted on a charge of
robbery. He is accused of having
“held up” one H. P. Dolan, on October
31, and securing a gold watch and $40.
Wesleyan Presidents to Meet.
More than 100 presidents of Wes
leyan schools and colleges in the
United States will gather in Lincoln
early next year, making an epoch in
the Nebraska history of Methodism.
New State Buildings.
Several of the state institutions
will have new buildings provided for
in the appropriations made by the
coming legislature if the plans now
being arranged by interested parties
are given the approval of the law
makers. The following list shows the
contemplated building to be done
within the next two years: Ortho
pedio hospital, $110,000; Pru normal
school, $75,000; Wayne normal school
$85,000; Chadron normal school,
$75,000; Girls’ Industrial school,
$15,000; and Grand Island Soldiers'
home, $10,000.
Wait on Legislature.
The board of public lands and
buildings, after lengthy discussion of
the advisability of creating a deficit
by furnishing the two new buildings
at the Lincoln asylum, decided not
to take this step until the legislature
meets in January. The buildings are
practically completed, but a total cost
of $24,000 must be entailed to connect
them with the asylum heating and
lighting plant and for the required
furnishings for the structures.
Diphtheria at Ponca.
As the result of the visit of State
Health Inspector Wilson to Ponca,
five families in that town are undei
quaraantine for diphtheria and orders
have been issued that every school
child be vaccinated at once. The in
spector advised that no public meet
ings, including church services, be
held until the situation improves. One
hundred persons in the town are said
to be affected by the disease. While
most of the cases are of a mild type,
a few have been severe and it has
been thought best to take no chances.
Official Pluralities.
With official figures at hand from
every county in the state excepting
Douglas county, the plurality of Nor
ris over Shallenberger for United
States senator is closely estimated at
14,000. The official vote on governor
shows Mr. Morehead will have a plu
rality over Governor Aldrich slightly
under 10,000. In ninety-one counties
the total official vote as shown in the
office of the secretary of Btate is:
Senator—Norris, 111,847; Shallenber
ger, 98,944. Governor—Morehead, 108,
569;'Aldrich, 102,944.
Impeachment Trial, Six-Year Terms,
Liquor Shipments and Other Im
portant Measures).
Washington.—Congress will recon
vene a week from Monday (Dec. 2),
for the last short session of republi
can control in national legislation.
Comparatively fewr senators and rep
resentatives had reached Washington
Sunday, but discussion has been act
ive during the last week among
those early on the scene over plans
for the winter's work and the pros
pects for the special tariff session
next spring, when all branches of the
government pass into the hands of
the democrats.
During the early part of the session
the house will be busy shaping appro
priation bills, while the senate is dis
posing of the impeachment trial of
Judge Robert W. Archbald of the com
merce court set to begin December
Several important measures will be
pushed for early action in the senate,
among them the resolution of Senator
Works of California to limit the presi
dent to a single six-year term; the
Sheppard-Keuyon bill prohibiting the
shipment of liquor into prohibition
states; and the vocational education
bill of Senator Page of Vermont. The
bill of Senator Borah creating a de
partment of labor is also scheduled
for early consideration.
Energetic efforts will be made in
both houses to secure legislation
amending the Sherman anti-trust law
and limiting contributions to political
campaign funds.
Senator Kenyon's bill amending
the Sherman law which has been be
fore the senate interstate commerce
commission will undoubtedly be
brought up for early action in the
Efforts will be made during the ses
sion to repeal at least a part of the
Canadian reciprocity tariff agreement.
The attempts failed last summer,
when the repeal was attached to var
ious democratic tariff bills.
The failure of Canada to ratify the
agreement left only the clause relat
ing to wood pulp and print paper in
Cry of Fire by Film Operator Starts a
Bilbao, Spain.—A terrible panic was
caused Sunday afternoon by the cry
of fire at a moving picture show here.
About fifty children and others were
killed. Only one woman up to a late
hour at night had been found among
the dead. The number of injured is
not known as most of them were tak
en home by friends.
The scene of the accident is a large
circus, which had been converted into
a continuous cinematograph show.
As the price of admission was only 2
cents, the building was crowed to its
utmost capacity, for the most part
with women and children.
Trade in Exports.
Washington.—Attainment of a
$4,000,000 foreign trade by the United
States in 1912 will be one of the
most noteworthy facts for historians
to record of the American nation at
the beginning of the new year. In an
nouncing the totals of the export and
import trade of the country for the
ten months ending with October, the
bureau of domestic and foreign com
merce on Saturday stated the foreign
commerce would reach this enormous
total by the end of December.
Orozco Near Los Angeles.
Los Angeles, Cal.—General Pascual
Orozco, jr., whom press dispatches
have located in a mountain retreat
south of the Texas border suffering
from rheumatism, is in Los Angeles
or its immediate vicinity and his ar
rest may be made any day, according
to department of justice officials in
this city.
Five Thousand Eat Goose.
Sacramento, Cal.—Five thousand
sportsmen from all parts of the Unit
ed States participated Sunday in a
feast at Agricultural park, as the
guests of Sacramento. The big^goose
stew, as it was called, was probably
the largest affair of its class yet re
The Railroads Arraigned.
Boston.—In a lecture before a Wel
lesly Woman's club, Dr. Harvey Wiley
said the railroads provide better tra
veling facilities for hogs and steers
than they do for humanity.
Sounding Board for House.
Washington—A new sounding board
of stout oak is being placed on the
speaker’s desk in the house to with
stand the crashing blows of the gavel
wielded by the good right arm of
Speaker Clark in the coming session.
The old board was ruined.
King’s Brother Wounded.
Uskub.—Prince Arsene, brother of
King Peter of Servia, was badly
wounded in the battle which preceded
the capture of Monastir, it was learn
ed here on Saturday.
Greeks Occupy Mitylene.
Athens.—Admiral Countouriotis of
the Greek fleet, confirmed the report
that he occupied the island of Mity
lene. The Turkish troops forming the
garrison, numbering 700, retired to
the interior. They are being pursued
by the Greek troops.
Thompson Becomes Treasurer.
Washington.—Carmi A. Thompson
was sworn in ae treasurer of the Unit
ed States, succeeding Lee McLuna
He will retire on the 4th of March
with President Taft.
"The Sunshine Soda”
The Crumbless Cracker
Breaks evenly in the center. The Cents
only crispy, appetizing soda biscuit
that can be eaten with pleasure any time, any
where, without the usual mussiness of crumbs.
Tastes as good as it looks.
are made in variety to suit every taste and
every occasion, inat .
you may know how
different and how
delicious they are,
accept our Free
“Surprise Box” of
Assorted Sunshine
Biscuits. Use the
|oose-\^qxs fjiscurr (ompmcT
Bakmrm of Sanifunm Biscuits
Loose-Wiles Biscuit Company
Please send me FREE my “ Surprise
Box ” of assorted Sunshine Biscuits.
Grocer’s Name.. j
Address.. f
For Best Results Ship to
Omaha Live Stock Commission Go.
His Companions Safe, Philadelphia
Man Was Satisfied That He Had
Really Shot Buck.
Thomas Martindale. the Philadel
phia moose hunter, said, apropos of
the opening of the deer season:
“Buck fever is a strange disease.
The victim of it does some remark
able things.
“A Philadelphian was deer hunting
in Maine. He shot four or five shots i
into a thick copse, and then he j
! "‘All of you come out of there!'
“Half a dozen sportsmen issued
from the copse hurriedly.
‘“Are you all out?’ said the Phila-j
delphian. ‘One, two, three, four.
Where’s Jake? Oh, there you are. j
Jake. Are you all out, sure?’
” ‘Yes,’ they answered. ‘We’re all
out; the whole party’s out.'
“‘Hurrah, then!’ shouted the Phila
delphian. ‘Hurrah! I’ve shot a
buck!’ ”
Smelled a Grafter.
A Boston clubman recently returned
from a visit to New York city. In
discussing his trip one of his friends
asked him whether he had a police
man in his pocket. The clubman hesi
tated for a moment, seriously ques
tioning his friend’s sanity, when the
latter added:
"I didn’t know whether you could be
there a week without some grafter or
other getting into your pocket.”
Too Great Expectations.
First Angler—Look, this fish was
almost caught before; see the broken
hook in its mouth.
Second Angler—It should have had
sense enough to steer clear of hooks
after that.
First Angler—Oh, come, you can’t
expect a fish to exhibit more sense i
than a human being.—Boston Trans- :
“I like affectionate animals. Does
this dog attach himself to people
“Not if they can run faster than he
Something Worth Listening To.
A young Nebr. man was advised by
a friend to eat Grape-Nuts because he
was all run down from a spell of
fever. He tells the story:
"Last spring I had an attack of fe
ver that left me in a very weak con
dition. I had to quit work; had no
appetite, was nervous and discour
“A friend advised me to eat Grape
Nuts, but ! paid no attention to him |
and kept getting worse as time went
‘‘I took many kinds of medicine but i
none of them seemed to help me. My ;
system was completely run down, my
blood got out of order from want of ;
proper food, and several very large
boils broke out on my neck. I was
so weak I could hardly walk.
“One day mother ordered some
Grape-Nuts and induced me to eat
some. I felt better and that night
rested fine. As I continued to use the
food every day, I grew stronger stead
ily and now have regained my former
good health. I would not be without
Grape-Nuts, as I believe it is the most
health-giving food in the world.”
Name given by Postum Co., Battle
Greek, Mich.
Read the book, “The Road to \Vell
/ille,” in pkgs. “There’s a reason.”
Ever read (be above letter? A new j
one appears from time to (Ime. They i
are Pennine, true, and full of bnmaa <
Interest. Adv. ] '
Senator Borah was talking about a
disgruntled political opponent.
“His attitude,” said the eloquent
senator, “reminds me of a young lady
at the seashore.
“Discussing this youn^; lady and c
Chicago millionaire, a girl remarked:
“ ‘She says he’s not a very good •
catch, after all.’
“Another girl, tossing her head, then
made the comment:
“ ‘She says that, does she? Then
he must have dropped her.’ ’’
She—Sometimes you appear really
manly and sometimes you are effemi
nate. How do you account for it?
He—I suppose it is hereditary. Hali
of my ancestors were men and the
other half women!—Tit-Bits.
Dr. Pierce's Pleasant Pellets regulate and in rig
orate stomach, liver and bowels. Sugarcouted,
tiny granules. Easy to take as canuy. Adv.
A girl’s idea of a tiresome man it
one who has good sense.
Some of us must save money in or
der that others may inherit it
It Wins
its to ay by service
L.C. Smith & Bros.
(Ball Bearing—Long Wearing)
In buying n typewriter you want a
satislactory answer to three questions:
What Will it do for me?
HoW Well Will it do it?
HoW tong Will it do it ?
By answering these queries with the
needs of the typewriter owner and user
in mind, theL-C. Smith fit Bros. Type
writer Company has attained the front
rank in the typewriter field.
Some people think that a typewri ter ie a type
writer and that is all there la to it. Machines
may look alike but there is a lot of difieience
in efficiency.
The new Model Five ie built not ooly foe
straight njtrespcndeooe but for tabulating, bill
ing and in fact for every service needed in the
average business.
Its ball bearings at aO points where friction de
velopes through action, permit dose adiustment
and insure cocreci and accurate typewriting.
"Wt would Jilt tit opportunity to uJI you
mart about it.
Writt for fret book of our now Modt) Fivt.
Hod Offieefor Domestic and Foreign Business
BrancAss in all Principal Citits
Omaha Branch, 1316 Far
nam Street, Omaha, Neb.
AGKNT8 In every town. Beet eelllng houe.
hdd ertlclee. Start nt once. Large demand
lor gooda $25 to $50 n week. Sure.a* Be
TV^’o.’BAL^BlR^riL^0” SPE‘*