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About The Loup City northwestern. (Loup City, Neb.) 189?-1917 | View Entire Issue (Nov. 28, 1912)
Loup City Northwestern VOLUME XXXI_LOUP CITY. NEBRASKA, THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 28. 1912 ======== - ^UlCIt 0 COUNTY ATTORNEY CONTEST W. J. Fisher, Files Contest for County Attorneyship, for Which Returns Show J. S. Pedler Was Elected GROUNDS OF COMPLAINT Alleged Violation of Corrupt Prac tices Act at Primary and Reg ular Elections and Alleged Illegal Count of Demo cratic and Socialist Votes in Kis Favor A sensation was sprung last Friday. I when VV. J. Fisher, late nominee of the progressive party, through his at torneys, U. J. and II. S. Nightingale, tiled papers in a contest against J. S. I'edler, who the returns show was elected over W. J. Fisher for county attorney ao the late election by nearly 300 majority. The allegation, which cover some twelve pages of typewritten copy, gives three grounds of complaint, the lirst being alleged violation of the corrupt practices act in securing the nomination at the primary election; the second covering the same grounds at the genera, election, and the third reciting erroneous count of ballots on tlie democratic and socialist ballots in favor of the defendant. Loup City Girl Goes to China We have received at this olllce from Washington, 1). C., the announcement that Eider Kenneth H. Wood and wife of Los Angeles, Calif., have ac cepted tliexall ot the General Confer ence of Seventh Day Adventists, which lias its world headquarters in that city, to go to China as mission aries for that denomination. What makes the announcement of peculiar interest to the people of Loup City and Sherman county is the fact that Mrs. Wood was formerly Miss Florence Nightingale of Loup City, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. T. S. Nightingale, who moved from here to Southern California a few years ago. Mrs. Wood was born and grew up to woman hood here where she is well an favor ably remembered by a legion of friends of herself and parents. She is a niece of Mr. and Mrs. R. J. Nightingale. Tlie Northwestern, with our people generally will follow the former Loup City girl and her husband to China with best wishes ror their future. Farmers’ Institute Wiggle Creek Church and School House Friday, December 6, 1912 Dinner at Noon. PROGRAM 1:30—“Weeding Out the Unprofit able Cow,” W. C. Andreas, Beatrice; “Winter Wheat Problems,” W. F. Johnson, Harvard. 2:00—“Home Nursing,” Mrs. W. L. McKenney, Palmer. 7:30—“Pure Food,” Mr. Andreas; “The Market Side of the Egg Ques tion,” Mrs. McKenney; “Up-to-Date Farmer,” Mr Johnson. The ladies will have a cooking ex hibit and needle work, and there will also be an exhibition of corn and grains. Come and enjoy the program and sociability. A. E. Jorgenson, Sec. Fortunate Accident Last Friday morning, while Mrs. Geo. Zeigler, and her daughters, Mrs. Lsman Pray and Miss Zeigler, were coming into town in their double seated carriage, driven by the younger daughter, and when near A. J. John son's place northeast of the city, a boy who was working for Mr. Zeigler, and was coming into town with them, suddenly struck one of the horses with a whip, causing ttie team to swerve against a bank, dpsetting the carriage and occupants, badly damag ing the vehicle but with no injury to those driving therein. An auto com ing along just at that time brought the ladies on into the city. It was miraculous that no serious injury re sulted, as when the carriage over turned the ladies were for a time pinned underneath. However, when struck with the whip, the plunging team broke the doubletrees and were detached from the vehicle, or the re sult would undoubtedly have been disastrous. WRESTLING GONTEST Stecker Wins Over Mil ler in Straight Fails Fast Preliminary Between Robin son, State Welterweight Cham pion, and i6-Year-Old Clarence Miller The wrestling game at the old opera house Monday night was hot stuff while it lasted and was gamey as has ever been pulled off in this city. The (match was between our local champion. Warren Miller, and one Joe Sleeker, an unknown quantity, hail ing from Dodge, this state, but who proved by far the best man appearing here and would rank with such men as Gion, Wassem and others. About one hundred of our lovers of the sport were present and we have heard no complaint of not getting their money's worth. Preliminary Tussle The preliminary was tirston deck. Referee C. W. Conhiser announcing and introducing Ross Robinson of Lincoln, champion welterweight of the state, and Clarence Miller, the l(i year-old son of Eugene Miller, who at once proceeded to mix, giving fifteen minutes of very pretty work, Miller for the most part working on defen sive and had prevented the champion from pinning his shoulders to the mat when time was called. Ttiis contest was not intended to he to a finish, but rattier to show the quality and ability of our young ama teur and see an exhibition of tiie work of Hess Robinson, who holds the state welterweight championship in the wrestling game. He is a ap pearing young fellow, sturdy, with veil knit frame, of clean habits and a protegee of Farmer Burns, which speaks well for the young man, who will appear here next week with the veteran, announcement of which ap pears elsewhere in this issue. The Big Event At tlie close of the preliminary came the big event of the evening between heavyweights Miller of this city and Stecker of Dodge. As the big fellows came forward, the upper parts of their bodies’ bare, and their giant frames fiom their waists down en cased in trunks and their well trained muscles playing in the electric light, a murmur of admiration greeted them. Stecker was perhaps two inches taller than Miller, the latter being just (i feet in height. In weight it was claimed Miller tipped the beam at 18.5 pounds, while Steker was two pounds heavier, although we were later assured Stecker balanced the scales at 204 pounds, and he looked it. In age, Miller was 20 years, while his antagonist confessed his age at 19. Atwordfrom Referee Conhiser, the men advanced, shook hands broke away, and then clinched. From that on for the hrst five minutes, the fun was fast and furious, clinches, break aways and foot work predominating, with honors about even. Then the superior height, reach, training and experience began to tell and Miller was placed on the defensive, in vain attempts to dislodge the husky Bo hunk, get the upper and save his shoulders from the mat. At succes sive times Steelier got in the toe hold, hammerlock and other danger signals but the nervy Loup City boy balked and stubbornly refused to roll, and at one time the big fellow let up on the hammerlock after Miller’s arm was bloodless to the finger tips and re sembled the twist of a hemp rope, rather than going further with possi ble injury. However, the uneven bat tle could have but one ending and at the end of 18, aiinutes the mat bore the imprint of both of Miller’s shoul ders and the first fall accredited to Stecker. iiiteen minutes rest, was then tak j en, after which the wrestlers locked horns, but the hammerlock hold had left Miller in such shape lie was una ble to put up good work and within a minute the Dodge lad had fored him to the mat and won the second fall. It was no cause for iiumiliation to our Loup City boy to lose the battle, but rather to his credit that he was able to put up the royal battle lie did. His opponent has been in the game at least four years to Miller's one, is thus more experienced and seasoned, so to speak, and better able to get in points to his favor, besides having advatages above enumerated. Auction of School Lands Notice is hereby given that on the 12th day of Dec., 1912, at 1 o’clock p. m., at the office of! the County Treaurer of Sherman County, the Commissioner of Public Lands and Buildings, or his authorized represent ative, will otfe? for lease at Public Auction all educational lands within said county upon which forfeiture of contract? has been declared as follows W 1-2 of 16, 16, 11 Aakon Wall E B. Cowles, Commissioner of Public Lands and Buildings. Dated November 12,1912. (Dec. 12, 1912 Furniture & Undertaking In order to reduce our present stock and make room for new goods we are making special discount on Bedroom suits, odd dressers, bookcases, china closets side boards and dressing tables. Come in and inspect our goods and get our prices « WRESTLING TOURNAMENT Farmer burns, Welterweight Champion Robinson, Henry Smith and Our Own miller Boys WEDNESDAY NIGHT, DEC. 4 Next Wednesday night, at the new opera house, will appear Farmer 3urns, the nestor of all wrestling,who will give an exposition of the wrest ling game, showing the various phases of the sport,toe holds,hamerlock, etc., with the grandest temperance lecture ever given, with plea for clean-cut life, and will referee a contest be tween Champion Welterweight Rob inson and our Clarence Miller, or will take on any welterweight wrestler in the state with forfeit from 8o0 to *100. FARMER BFRNS. WHO WILL BE HERE NEXT WEDNESDAY Farmer Burns will also referee a bout between Henry Smith, a .teavweight of Omaha, and our local heavyweight, Warren Miller. This will be your chance to see the old veteran of wrestling, whose name is familiar in every household in this country, and whose clean, wholesome life is and should be an inspiration to every boy and >oung man who desires to attain physical perfection. Ladies—the mothers, wives, sisters and Sweethearts of our boys and men, are especially invited and will be ad mitted FREE, and are assured that nothing will be said or done to offend the most fastidious. At Lincoln, Omaha, and other cities, ladies at tendfreely and enjoy the evening. Those prejudiced against this phys ical sport are urged to attend and clear their visions a such prejudice, which is born of lack of personal knowledge of the game. Public Sale The Northwestern Monday printed bills for the public sale of George Peterson, on his farm just in the sub urbs of Loup City, near the south bridge over the river, to be held next Wednesday. Dec. 4th, commencing at 1:30 p. m., at which he will dispose of a span of mules, a Shetland pony, nine bead of cattle, forty head of shoats, four dozen chickens and ail his farm machinery. George is dis posing of his personal effect prior to his moving up on his land in Minne sota in the spring, of which we shall speak more at length later, Hay For Salo I have some good prairie hay for sale by the ton or in car load lots. Phone 18-on-94. F. E. Kennedy. Notice to Creditors the count,Court Id the matter of the estate of Ladislaus Krzyckl, deceased. To the creditors of said estate: You are hereby notlDed, That I will sit at the couuty court room in Loop City, In said county, on the 7th day of February 1913. at 10 o'clock a. m. and on the 6th day of June. 1913, to receive and examine all claims against said estate, with a view to their adjustment and al lowance. The time limited for the presents tion of claims against said estate is the 6th day of June A.D. 1913. and the time limited for p i.rment of debts is ooe year from said 6th day of June. 1913 Witness my hand and the seal of said count; court, this 13th day of November, 191c. E. A. SMITH. skalj County Judge. (Last pub. Dec. 5.) BAD INDIANS Two Indian Horse Thieves Cap tured at Berwyn Sheriff .Joe Wilson. Deputy Chas.Orr and Deputy Sheriff ('. M. Hahn, of Cherry coontv made an important criminal haul on Saturday forenoon of last week when they gathered in at Berwyn "Brown Takes the Gun,” bet ter know n as*-Little Eagle,” and Peter Thompson, alias “Little Bear..’ two Indians from Standing Rock, in the vicinity of Rosebud Agency. According to partial admissions made by Little Bear, the two noble red men are indirectly concerned with a regularly organized gang of horse thieves that operates between Rose bud agency and Western Nebraska. For some time past, horses have been disappearing from Cherry county at a rate not at alf pleasing to the resident; of that section, and the officers of the county have been unusually active in their efforts to locate some of the missing stock. To this end. Deputy Sheriff Hahn started out of Valentine with only t lie slenderest of clues to work upon and It was only when he readied the place of J. B. Watts, near Seneca, that lie struck Uie rigRbjBail, leading to the capture of the fndifns. He was talking with Mr. Watts, who. by the way, had a stolen horse recov ered for him by Sheriff Wilson several months ago, when the latter gentle man mentioned the fact that two In dians had recently passed that way with a hunch of horses, and gave the direction they took. This was enough for the officer from Cherry, and, ac companied by Mr. Watts he started out to pick up the trail. They found that the alleged horse thieves were apparently headed toward Broken Bow, and when they reached Dunning, there was no doubt of it whatever. Mr. Watts, wiiose confi dence in Sheriff Wilson’s ability to lo cate stolen iiorses was unlimited, suggested that the Custer county official be notified at once and Mr. Ilahn acted upon the suggestion. It was Friday evening when the telephone wires in theshierff’s office at Broken Bow commenced to get busy. Sheriff Joe was out of town at the time, but Deputy Orr was on deck and at once started to get action on Ansley, Calloway, Oconto,Westerville and other places. Later in the even ing information was received thattwo Indians answering the description given, wereat Berwyn with a couple of horses, and had them stabled at Roy Welch’s barn. About this time, Deputy Ilahn and his companion arrived on the local freight from the west and Sheriff Joe rolled into town by auto. It was agreed not to start after the fugitives until Saturday morning, thereby giv ing the western officers a chance to rest up. At nine o’clock the follow ing morning, Sheriff Wilson, Deputy Orr, Deputy Hahn and Mr. Watts boarded Joe’s 4-seated car and started in the direction of Berwyn. They were there all right and as soon as the officers started to arrest them, made an attempt to put up a gun light. Messrs. Wilson and Hahn were prepared for this, however, and in a few seconds the fugitives were overpowered and their shooting irons taken from them. One had a regular 38 gun and the other a 38 on a 45 frame. Both wore belts well tilled with cartridges. Liitle Bear, who seems to be tl»e ‘•bad man,” of the two. has not been out of theNebraska penitentiary very long, having been pardoned after serving three years of a five-year sen tence for horse stealing. Two horses were found in their possession, a third having been disposed of to a local liveryman, when the two passed through this place last Friday. Deputy Sheriff Hahn expected to lind some of the missing stock from Cherry county, but upon examination, the animals were found to bear the brand of the Rosebud agency. Later in the day. the officers wired to the agency and ascertained that the horses had been stolen from there. This puts the case up to Uncle Sam and the Indians will be turned over to a United States Marshal. After Little Bear had been safely secured he showed a Christain spirit bv remarking: ‘H’d like to see about fifty Indians make a raid on this place and have you fellows crawl under the barn, then I’d set (ire to it and listen to you squeal,!’—Custer Chief, HOW TO RELIEVE TOOTHACHE Oil of Cloves Is the Best Home Rem edy for That Most Distress ing Pain. There are very few people who have not experienced at some time of their life that nagging, persistent pain known as toothache, a pain that tends to drive one to distraction, and which one is at loss to know how to control. In most of the common aches, a measure of relief can be ob tained by the use of liniment, by rub bing or by heat; but the excruciating pains inside the tooth often defy such simple remedies. The pulp, or nerve, as it is some times called, closely resembles a small liber of beefsteak, and lies in the middle of the tooth. Being thus en cased in a bony socket, when it be comes inflamed and starts to swell, there is no opportunity to enlarge, and this is one of the reasons for the severe pains. A similar inflammation in the arm, for instance, of that amount of tissue would hardly be no ticed. Toothache may be roughly divided Into two classes, those cases In which the nerve is alive and those in which the nerve is dead. “But,” says some one, “I do not see how any tooth can ache without a live nerve; there must be some mistake.” There is no mis take, nearly one-half of the toothache v. e have comes from just such cases. When you see some one going around with his cheek all swelled out, as if he had eaten an apple dumpling and forgotten to swallow it, you may be certain that he has no live pulp in the tooth that is causing the trouble. Of the many remedies for toothache, the one best adapted for the home is oil of cloves. It is fairly efficient for all forms of toothache, is mild in its action, and does little damage If It ac cidentally spreads on the tissue. Strong solutions containing carbolic acid, such as are often sold in the form of liquids, or waxes, should be avoided, as very often the mouth is burned by their use. When the pulp is alive the tooth Is sensitive to heat and cold, sweets hurt it, and anything thrust into the cavity causes intense pain. It gen erally has what we style jumping pains, but there is little soreness, or swelling. In these cases if the cav ity is gently wiped out with a pledget of cotton, and a small piece of cotton saturated with the oil is laid in the bottom and held in by a larger pellet of cottcn, the pain will generally sub side, if there has not been too much inflammation. When the pulp is dead, the pain is dull and heavy, the tooth is sore and feels longer than the others when we bite. In time there is swelling and much distress. In these cases there will not be much relief from the medi cine unless it should happen that the cavity is open to the dead pulp and the medicine can get to it. Home remedies are useful only as expedients to quiet pain until more permanent and reliable service can be secured. (Copyright, Western Newspaper Union.) FILLINGS FOR THE TEETH Gold Is Usually Best for the Purpose, but Other Materials Often Are Used. Of all the materials used in the fill ing of teeth, none other has won quite so universal regard as gold. We learn from history that it was per haps the first substance to be used lor this purpose, and while the man ner of using it has changed, it still holds an important place in the equip ment of the dentist. The advantages that gold possesses as a filling ma terial are many. It more nearly ap proaches the color of the teeth than any olher metal; it can be easily placed in the cavity of a teeth so firmly as to prevent further decay; it is not affected by the saliva or the foods that we eat. and it does not discolor the tooth that is filled. Many people have no other filling in their teeth than gold, and with those who can afford it, and who de sire it, it docs very well. The usual methcJ, however, is to rely upon the judgment of the dentist as to which filling material is best adapted to each tooth. For instance, an average mouth may show gold fillings, amal gam fillings, gold inlays, porcelain in lays, crowns of various sorts and bridges, all serving a useful purpose, and placed according to the dentist's best judgment. The usual location for the gold fill ing is the front teeth, where its dura bility and its freedom from staining render it valuable. Where the cavity is large and it would thereby be very noticeable, it would be better to use a porcelain or enamel filling, though as a rule they are not as durable. Many people in order to economize have their teeth filled with cement in stead of gold, and while somet.imes this may be necessary, yet as a rule it is poor economy, for geld is a per manent filling, while with the cheap cements we may only hope for tem porary relief. Some people shew peer fasts in try ing to have their teeth display as much gold as possible, much after the style of the jockey who sports a mar sive watch chain. Others carry their sensitive feelings too far the other way, and will not allow any gold in their mouth whatever, even if it is the one thing needful to preserve the tooth. Hoth the*e extremes are wrong, and the sooner we get to us ing better judgment the better for our teeth. The shape of the tooth, its lo cation, condition arj other points en ter into the question so largely, that alter all the decision of the proper ■wibiV--- _Tt!y a technical. The Home Of Quality Groceries The most important day of the year from a culinary poiut of vtew -he day wnen the utmost caution and discretion be used, and the best judgement exercised in the se lection of the viand for the Thanksgiving Feast! Sue cess in this respect, insures the additional thankful ness of all concerned—the guests, the host and host ess—rnd—the grocer. I w. m & j 1 Try These—They’ll Please. j Sweet Potatoes Spanish Graphs Turnips Oranges Parsnips Bannas Onions Garpe Fruit Squash Cranberries Pumpkin Figs Mince meat Cocoanut GHSceyeR's The Quality House Established 18 88 Prolong Their Life By painting your screens with a special ly prepared screen paint. A coat of this screen paint applied to your screens when you take them down to put away for the winter, will make them last very much longer. They will be ready to hang again in the bpring. One of our 20 cent cans will paint a number of screens See our notice elsewhere in this issue for our ECONOMY HOUSE WARMER Keystone Lumber Company Yards at Loup City, Ashton, Arcadia, Rockville and Schaupps. I have on hand a bigline of winter goods, such as iur coats, fur robes, - plush robes and all! kinds of horse blank 1 ets. These goods are of the best quality and in spite of the big advance ,in prices, I will sell them at the same price as last ,year, Call and see them, JAMES BARTUNEKS AT I2C AND 25C EACH Let us Figure your bill of Lumber and all IsirLds of *t3uf.ildirLR f MATERIAL AT THE f LEININGER LUMBER. CO., Loud City Neb If You want your Ad to bring you returns have it put in the Northwestern It will be a great accommodation to us if our advertisers and all others would have their copy in for us not later tnav Tuesday evening. * o