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About The Loup City northwestern. (Loup City, Neb.) 189?-1917 | View Entire Issue (Nov. 14, 1912)
Loup City Northwestern VQiniK XX M_I.OIP CITY. NEBRASKA. THURSDAY, NOVEMBER U. 1912 xrMKEB $ $ $ s In Your Pocket $ $ No Stripping of Gear No Transmission oil to buy m So zrmdmg of rogn in dunging »]«ee<ls XO TRAX&MiasK »X TROUBLE Yowr bor an rm * - d. . t ... Yoor girl on m;, , A CVrtow Automobile Let Lee Bro's Show you The Horks in a Cartercar AUTOMOBILES TURN TURTLE , --- Wm. Criss Killed Mear Austin, When Auto Turns Turtle Lax Thmlr arid t. «t rather t*-! tncre 1:3i and (Sat \g-A Frida • 1 t ig. W*. C’fn-* of ltd* ntj »i* killer! , «!arn 14* lac lot-ring car Umd tur- ! t * ahoot a iaif sic til* dfe of .Faua jxX a* it ana® or d t tea «s*4**ft Utat Lad fnaeocijrt jfictti pm* in. The Mart of the <Jea'-«! and erttmt. a* mar a* arc canid gather Jtum the , euofSictiag x r««-» regarding the I iraged*. to a* fc w*. Mr.« rtm lad g o4i»« to lanmugMar Bur n and Krirtflc tot the porgooe of die KMag X the car*, on Tiufvii; and ta Mura, r »mr tin*in am algo'. "e-hen he ran m to 'the be* grade » here u* accident occurred. miR. mg X hkt death iox ahat u# dr-' i.uun tt net* pee eding the tug- > «d| there are toadftrtiag xatement*. J * me Xor* a* to the «f< that he tod tom at. c -p to madiuctxt • llh frmndi Another fewtledect tint he toad dinner at the home of' W». Young, near hod to. to *t*oaa" x* im 'raws UJt iifiitrtimt t: jt • bn* bm etemkau moee for the fen hoar* pm dttg :>dnu-. conflict' fng eiate-sent* ue trade. The •iis cwert nf tin c»«ert_rr*d aato an* made abut ihte the a-raiar a* the IT. P motor «a» game mho Ajms. i jnds*t*r A art n.ocsag it ani a», he it ppd at the tUUco ahted f.atetxw imddoa off the tact. A» I*ad4>» : earned to f». Couton. near »hoee borne the accident oocanod. of tne fact* obtained feoae Mr AataA. both rroUMt * kart? mg to the *cene and lading the dead tod? of Mr.! < rhn gened aeoti the aeto. aiacfe ■a* (tog apedde dan n north of the rnfiert tnaotr Main »a» at once naCtked and attb a nomber of mizeu* of Loop City horriidly drone by aoio . to the anene- A jar? »a» teandiau- . .• tapma-oi. it* rerdart being that decerned came to to float n a* per Jact* abene gicen Foikmin.- the I •eaflad. the tody *a* placed in the '.machine aide* bad b-en righted and Mtud kttoct ani brought Sathb ritj. Hm orraamtanre that a urn ftmnd t he machine- »a* euaued and it a a* -oaa that the pmrr iad been Cjh pletoiy ohdtad. ■neiMearkuSaeit that Mr. » ria». »i« he diwi the .rade hdei to the cuHert, had. realised hi* danger and *h jt off tie oner and iiid t jn-d tid .uactiiae abrspU? to the left la an endeavor to! gat upon the grade before be readied the bridgenort. bat too late a* the fora aid axle >Ui ->rner of tie - idefiness that I e *“ *®» «ed back of the wheel and a eu u.r a-to oierturned tlie imp;-: t *' kr I* - **i k and deatii was in. KCAfWOtas. red f rooi tlie home 41 - m< n. Ret. j. r. 1 *. ml ii- iftj; tlie sen ices, • h t. ■ mlaoeeevergiven *' 4 r« i r e Ji.r.-ral in this city, • ir--" "Jf -*f had lived for the b- u t .a. 'ids forty vears' residence in »!*i man county. in a tli if W m. < riss. Lo_p 1 ; ; * *e of its best citizens, a an f st* r ir c iiara ter: a m:m • >eenemies. a he had any. w, re ifkn i.. and "•base fronds weie counted am ;,g til thane who knew ;-fi. lie wa» <jtiet and tnasaaiiug Hi character, friendly with all. and in bis death the Community lias lost one »uise place atncijr us will be hard to All. Vumecwu* fnols from Arcadia. L.U a ;d. If >csiille, Ashton. Austin a*sf the *arr nnrlag co-jntrr attend ed the funeral. VV .i»C:.»»n»«oao{ Mr. and - 'lapsus Cr.*s. and was bora in It.liana Jane 7. *.>. With his pa - . , moved to lv.g county Ne 1 raslca. in 1*71. and in 1*72 came with -» parent*- _o Si aero; an county and «s:imtro mi*s west of — jp t it? Me iiv<d there until ids »ama*re u> Mn~ Ameia Keidel in t*"- Tie? .irec upon a farm until !**■•*. when they mcved to Loup City and t tlieir present home and Mr. * eoaaged in the blacksmith busi r*3* arunning a thra* machine i-nng t:.«• JaJl seasons. In IMF he' > td !.!*> blacksmith shop and las since been engaged in U»e automobile t-ueiness His accidental death .ast Friday morning a me as a distinct *h** to the cotes.unity. Mr. Criss was a . ;ng l. usband. a food father, a good * jtiwn and an accomodating o^siness man He was a member of the Ancient order of Fluted Work men. He eaves U mourn their loss, aw .v. .ne daughter. Mrs. L. Bangs. - mother, lire brothers and four sisters, besides a bust of friends. WITHER AUTO TRAGEDY Ante Hear Asr.ton Turns Turtle Ruling One Child. Perhaps Fa tally injuring Another and D locating Drivers St ouidcr I-a*' 'ituitif evening, just alter arc. IV ter Kwistkowski. afaruer nlfig three mi «s out of Ashton, was driving h me in ins auto, with his wife and two children with him in > car. and u. .e 1 trying to drive over anew grade abont one-half mile from town the ear In some manner became -■manageable and turned turtle on DAILY & KREBS j Furniture & Undertaking In order to reduce our present stock and make room for new goods we are making special discount on Bedroom suits, odd dressers, bookcases, china closets side boards and dressing tables. Come in and inspect oar goods and get our prices the grade, killing one of his children, dangerously injuring the other and dislocating the shoulderof Mr. Kwiat kowski, his wife escaping uninjured. We have not learned the particulars of the tragedy. otherwise than given above. Whether others were near the scene when the accident occurred or whether the overturned auto and party were found later, we have no knowledge. It was oniy perhaps a year ago. and within a few feet of the accident, that a lirst tragedy occurred to this family, when the buggy in which they were riding home from Ashton was struck by a runaway team.killing one of Mr. K wiatkowsUi's children Toe funeral of the 2-year-old babe t*>ok place from too Catholic church in Ashton Monday afternoon of this week The injured child was. at lat est reports, out of danger. Injured in a Runaway Last Thursday evening, while Mr. J. L. liaillie, his daughter, Mrs. W. J. Fisher, and her little son. were riding in a buggy near the cemetery, the l«orses they were driving became frightened and ran away. Mrs. Fisher and iittle boy were thrown out unin jured. s-ve for minor bruises, but Mr. fiaitlie clinging to the reins, was dragged some distance before loosen ing his hold, the wheels of the buggy running over and bruising his lower limbs so severely that he is laid up at home and w ill keep him housed for some time. Luckily none of them were seriously injured. His Insanity of Peculiar Nature Andreas Gustafson. a young man of perhaps 24 years. who has for the past few weeks been working around Ash ton. was brought before the board of insanity commissioners last Friday and after due consideration of Ids case was adjudged insane and ordered committed to the hospital for the in sane at Hastings. Sheriff Williams taking him there Saturday morning. Little could be learned regarding him save that he used to work in the cop per mines at Butte. Montana, but as to his former home, parents or friends, nothing could be gleaned. His pecu liar malady was the idea that he could telegraph to another world. Additional Electric Lights Following are those who have wired up and are receiving electric light service since our last report. Septem ber 25. The first list comprised the names of about eighty users of the juice, and these additional makes close to one hundred who are patron izing Uiis best enterprise ever brought to our city: Amick. J. W., residence. Burleigh, J.W . Northwestern office. Bechtbold. L.. residence. Biemond. T.. residence. Bowman & Bowman, Drs. office. Bank. First National. Cook. A. N., residence. Conger, H. S., residence. County Superintendent, office. Hughes. \V. H.. residence. Jueling. Hev. p. parsonage. Keystone Lumber Co., office. Kettle. George, residence. Long & Henry, office. Long. J. W.. residence. Marcv. Dr. W. L.. office. Nightingale & Son? office. Ogle. A. C.. garage. Pedler. II. VV., hall. Swanson. Vic., store. ' Sherman Co. Telephone Co., office. Tourtellot, Ilev. J. C.. manse. Thompson. Willard, hall. Following are a few wired, but not vet connected ud and using lights: Huckleebery. E. J., residence. Thompson. Willard residence. Whirton. Win., residence. I. O. O. F . hall. Wait W. S.. business building. Sehuman, Wm„ residence. Orders for wiring up for electric lights are comiDg in faster than the company can do the wiring, but will be done as speedily as electricians can handle the orders. Would-be patrons are requested to be as patient as possible and their residences and business houses will be made to the good at railroad speed. Ravenna Bojrs Very Sore Last week the Ravenna football gladiators came over to Loup City ex pecting to eat up our boys just as an easy pastime. The fact that our boys held them down to an' even | score made them so sore that they went home and made our innocent; friend. Bro. Cass, of the Xews believe I I that the score stood t> to 0 in their i favor, and that the game was only a sclioolboy affair after all. The referee and all exponents of the national' game agree that the score stood 6 to 6. j so what's the use of the Ravenna boys! using the truth so sparingly. Here is what the cry-babies made Bro Cass say: "A iiastily organized squad of foot : ball players went to Loup .City last week, to engage the Loup City team, and won the game by a 6-0 score. The game was something of a joke for the reason that tbe Ravenna tew had never before played together, some of the players had never played the game, and for the further reason that the Loup City warriors instantly caught on to the ancient code of sig nals used by Ravenna. The boys had good time, however, although some of them were tin subjects for the hospital by the time Loup City got i through with them.’’ And that tlie game was no scbool [ boy affair, the following excerpt from i the News proves conclusively, or on the contrary proves their great fistic gladiator McCarthy, whom they claim the greatest "whit* hope-’ in the state, can be easily disheartened by | even a pack of school-boys: "Tom McCarthy, the gladiator of i numerous prize ring contests, passing through sucj ordeals with no injulr whatever, sustained a dislocated shoulder and numerous other bruises and contusions in the school-boys’ game of football, at Loup City, last week. He declares that in future he will prefer to devote himself exclusive ly to comparatively harmless sport in the.roped arena, rather than cm the gridiron.■’ Official Vote of Sherman County Z, _ r _ - Z — z — - -T V — re — < Z" * B L - =3.-- *rsrs»3 - =-5 ET. = =• ® E o = S’ Z - * re z c - x •.- '• ®z - ® re © — < ® E. 2- c- - § s r a : ^ To»u»iut» * ; « ; : ^ : - : : :::•“; §■ <5 • • • • • c “ * *• - .-*•*• •••*•, * • - I * * * * ■ * • * • . • * . * • 'uxLr** J1 ! -- J!' 41 37 w * 25 39 30 12 20 45 31 48 10 10 38 19 8, W* ttgVj€ - 4 4 j” “ ‘ 19 * 39 30 42 27 33 23 40 66 35 24 - 20 26 29 log StT “ 41 12 ^ f t 5,1 23 21 53 38 47 27 29 62 46 28 30 3 42 114 — * ?* * 49 23 49 3,1 3* — lo 35 29 35 25 13 aO 31 22 28 3 26 82 » * *' ^ - ■** 34 50 3<> 32 34 17 28 44 39 26 18 45 41 28 35 21 86 .;•;.» » “ »> »> T O a* IS IS ,« « 201 227 133 127 » m «. u ^ *0 14 56 <4 30 86 *6 50 50 64 72 106 37 20 91 31 im S?"“ -i l i "“; *•“»»'> « « ■« 32 2 £ 2 « S i m ^ ^ * |f 64 J‘ 36 12 42 48 53 34 19 79 32 44 30 5 29 113 l! J 33 ** • 88 .8 100 67 5 79 92 109 66 10 148 50 94 64 7 27 213 . V ;; * 3 49 31 M> 39 28 39 14 29 38 25 50 8 57 22 22 33 3 20 84 .. 64 31 67 44 60 64 57 59 8 59 58 25 94 10 95 V 41 42 10 » 12® ■*“.± JL JL _*_L -1 JL JL JL JL S*S 5 5 SS 5 m T0^,.459 432 m ** m m ** *» 753 705 286 830 785 632 678 459 1075 ^780 550 343 Hn "454 1943 In the District Court of Sherman Count*. Nebraska. In 3b* natter of 3b* petition of Wa ter P. Heed, executor el afc* last wW *n*i testancut oi Thomas X. Reed, uwceusec lor Heceosw to sell real estate. And a»*. eat Shis 22*ni <£*? of Oeto ber. t*K2.3teir>. cause came vet #» fcear tef ®pa* tew swtftKj* warier oate. of Wiiter P Reed. eieiMteM of tew es tate of Ptoemas Jt Reed. rinoemwi pteterigtom xene so s*S tee ?.v .owtw riesmiteri tea. estate of tew' suitkuMf S R*osL te-wHt: Lefts, foear and t*e la btocik str*eoueen. tons Stem and, in btodk test, tot' sixteen In bwct u.iee tots sixteen and seventeen In buck twenty two. all la Uw onr.oi town, non city, of Loup City, in Sherman county . Ne braska: also, a certain piece or parcel of land lying m the northwest quar ter of the northwest quarter of sec tion eighteen, in township fifteen, range fourteen, west of 6th P. M.. in Sherman county, Nebraska, and more particularly described as follows: Commencing at the southeast corner of the said northwest quarter of the northwest quarter of said section eighteen, and running thence north ninety feet to the place of beginning, running thence north two hundred and ten feet, thence west three hun dred feet, thence south two hundred and ten feet, and thence east three hundred feet to the place of begin ning: also, the southwest quarter of section twelve, in township eighteen, rauge twenty-four, west of 6th P. M., in Custer county, Nebraska, or a suf ficient amount thereof to bring the sum of about*6.500. for the payment of the debts allowed against said estate, and allowances and costs of adminis tration, fox the apason that there is not a sufficient amount of personal property in the possession of said Walter P. Reed, executor as aforesaid, belenging to said estate, wherewith to pay said debts, allowances aQd costs. It is therefore ordered that all per sons interested in said estate appear before me at the court room of the district court of said county of Sher man, in the city of Loup City, in said county, on the l"th day of December, 1912, at the hour of nine o’clock a. m., to show cause, if any there be, why a license should not be granted to said Walter P. Reed, executor, to sell so much of the above described real es tate of said decedent as shall be nec essary to pay said debts and expenses, and the costs of this proceeding. It is further ordered that a copy of this order be served upon ail persons interested in said estate by causing the same to be published once each week for four successive weeks in the Loup City Northwestern, a legal newspaper printed, published and of general circulation in said county of Given under my hand at Kearney. I this 22nd day ol October, 1912. Bruno O. Hostetler. J udge of the District Court of Sher man county. Nebraska. Last pub. Nov. 14 U|al Notice In the District Court of Sherman County. Nebraska. In tbe matter of the petition of Ida Betts as executrix of the last will and testament of William E. Betts, deceased, tor a license to sell real estate of deceased. And now on this 22nd day of Octo ber. 1912. this cause came on for hear ing upon tbe petition under oath of Ida Beus. executrix of the last will and testament of William E. Betts, deceased, praying for a license to sell tbe following described real estate of the said William E. Betts, to-wit: A certain piece or parcel of land sit uate in tbe City of Loup City, iu Sherman county and state of Nebras ka. and being part of lots thirteen (13) fourteen (14) and fifteen (13) in block five (3). in the original town of said Loup City, and which is mote particularly described as follows, to wit: commencing at a point on the south line of said lot thirteen (13), in said block five (5). thirty feet eest of the southwest corner of said lot thir teen. running thence north and paral lel with the west line of said Mock five, seventy five feet to the north line of lot fifteen in said block five, running thence twenty-five feet east along tbe north line of said lot fifteen, running thence south and parallel with the west line of said block five to tbe south line of said lot thirteen, and running thence west twenty-five feet along the south line of said lot uuneen to wie piace oi Degmmng. ror the purpose of paying the debts al lowed against said estate of William £. Betts, deceased, and allowances and cos&s of administration, and the costs of this proceeding, for the reason that there is not a sufficient amount of personal property in the possession of said Ida Betts, executrix of said estate, belonging to said estate, to pay said debts, allowances and costs. It is therefore ordered that all per sons interested in said estate appear before me at the court room of the District Court of Sherman county. Nebraska, in the city of Loup City, Sherman county, Nebraska, on the 17th day of December, 1912, at the hour of ten o’clock in the forenoon, to show cause, if any there be, why a license should not be granted to the said Ida Betts, executrix of the last will and testament of William £. Betts, deceased, to sell the above de scribed real estate of said decedent for the purpose of paying said debts, allowances and costs. It is further ordered that a copy of this order be served upon all persons interested in said estate by causing the same to be published once each week for four successive weeks in the Loup City Northwestern, a legal newspaper printed, published and of general circulation in said county of Sherman. Given under my hand at Kearney this 22nd day of October, 1912. Bruno C. Hostktlkr. Judge of the District Court of Sher man county, Nebraska. Last pub Not 14 Card of Thaakc Through the Northwest erd, we wish ta express our heartfelt thanks for the kindness and sympathy given us in the logic death of our loved bus band lid father. Mm. Wm. Criss and family. j The Home W Groceries We lite hi meet you J F*r* to Far* Would be our choice! But when this can't be the case we hope to hear your voice Cse Phone 86 For Choice Groceries I a? m & p 1 Try These—They'll Please I Olives Horse Radish Pickles Mustard Catsup | ____ . Maple Sugar Butter Honey Peanut Butter Chocolate Jello __ GHszeyeus The Quality House Established 1888 i____ Now is the time to improve the looks>t^. and value of your farm by putting up Can’t^afe ST Sag Gates. Notice how the boards are double-bolted in Sbetween 8 angle steel uprights. They can't sag or drag. Stock can seeV ■them plainly—won’t break them down or twist them out of shape. \ l The first cost is no more than that of the clumsy short-lived all-wood] >t five times as long. rour Own Can’t-Sag Gates J ■nd save money. We sell the complete gates ready the Gate Steels, which indtxi* 8 ansle stv^f epnghts. clou- ^Kl boits. hinges, lag screws, lightning socket- ' m and direction sheet. Come in and examine the Caa t-Sag Gate next time you come to tow n. KEYSTONE LUMBER CO. I have on hand a big line of winter goods, such as fur coats, x far robes,, plush robes and all; 1 kinds of horse blank-i ets. These goods (are of the best quality and in spite of the big advance jin prices, I will sell them at the same price as last >year, Call and see them, J, JAMES BARTUNEKS AT I2C AND 25C EACH Let us Figure your bill of Xi~u.~m ber and all InincLs Of ~t3n il i-n p f MATERIAL AT THE f LEININ9ER LUMBER, CO., Loud City Neb If You want your Ad to bring you returns have it put in the Northwestern It will be a great accommodation to ns if our advertisers and all others would have their copy in for us not later than Tuesday evening.