The Loup City northwestern. (Loup City, Neb.) 189?-1917, November 07, 1912, Image 5

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sr fhep Act
if 11
3 M
Many people plan their whole lives to
hare a bank account and then leave this
world without so much as a start at one.
Planning isn't worth anything unless
followed by action.
Good intetioM nercr land you any
J where.
Make your plans to start an account
. with ur this week and back up your (dans
with action.
t UL f. Him*, prewt JL 8 Csithsuse. Vic* Pres'
L. basses. CasMcr
* Clears Che Complexion *
Caa ?<»* imagine aiijtlriag more emharrr.?*ii;g than to have a
oOMpiexioa that i« marred with blotches?
It is But «*alv anpleaaaat -tiat isn't the worst feature—it
r.’i*-*:.' ti.jtt .•• t>. . »j n impur and the longer vou neglect
it tfie more u>o suffer from aim*nance.
Stin eruptions froman? iurrifUoa fadicatr. iurvert impover
Mmaaaaf tic Had Mpfif a fsa’t parr and you cannot eipect it to supply
*. • pr ,^-i _r • r n .un • m-tn to tlie grounding tissues
***d the truehie-cleanse the bio <d of impurities- stir up the
■ *j *■;. ! . ■ •'«■ ' -ids and l.ave your food absorbed in
the proper cuniMt
Nyat s Hot Springs Blood Remedy
si r»-n_'ibru» !rt> Mow! supply. enriches it. cleanses it uf impure
• ast#- material and lhas supplies a toandation tor the build
f iac af a permmieal health
* Ton WM malt* a dm di d impm—irm with Uie first few doses, the ap*
pWH* am ha facnaand. yow will feel the Wood coursing through vour
*«*n. and the skin wil. take on U-e gkm of healtii
We recommend it- S If* • t he b<*ttle
W« erpmc to he here In hmiaama good ma The only way we
‘ i'‘ h» treatingetery ujd* right- That’s our policy.
For Sale hit
Swanson & Lofholm
( SaWriplioB la Ike Norik- j
« aestem i* fl.iio a year •)
( Wl«lr I'ofijr i real*
If V*. ier.<Meopath, Grand Island
C. i Trarr «t» am the wi list a
firs flat» last meek.
'■oh Loose for meats (or rale, lo
ti -»re at Ashley « career.
Loom Bela bad political business
at A*hum X mday.
Yen tad better 411 your bins with
jenr saptdy of soft anal foe »inter
am. 1 cone and see »ur nal.
Tat lob'* Kucvaerm.
A tmby bay »as burn to Mr. and
Mrs Henry Biefaei last Thursdav.
*' joyrratuiau-aas. limn no* has a
pair of fine lads to run Ids tone.
iHmstt WiUtams *a» a pimcnfr r to
If yaa t«*e a horse or a mule to
•eft. call phene a-on-Os
Mtkl. A Yams
A lf-poond daortiter armed last
Ibsinday at the home at Mr. and
Mm John MatowskL
If you stm ailay. phone A. L. Er
hflh. « on «SL nr hate tour order
with either lam tor yard or E. G.
Taylor. Best of ante guaranteed.
*. H. Harris, ef Lamp (Hr. was
here Sunday. the guest of his s«*ter,
Mr*. M. E- March He iiaa been at
Grand Island t» attend the funeral
of afnend and came dowafroa there
Central City XaapaartL
Israoinr paper for the schools fur
sale at this udet Z cents a sheet ur Z
sheets far a a» ks
W. U MeMae armed -ast «•. urday and reatainmf till Tues
day s eiertiea. in coder to nx-ord his
vote. 4 »: ancrfaiktscoselrmc
to card Ids ballots cm priaaary and
regular elariitm*.
Me are paying » cents cash for
erram dmisetnd at the creamer;. We
test and pay cash for ream.
•bum < auaeav Co.
M» Heman who Ua
U-e* no IS the pwa few ««ek» with
. laifil MU n Ifawwailwj. wa* able to
hr 4oa« M the dtf Muadai of tills
■«* Her May mends w*U rejoice
hint she lias m far recovered her
Mrs A. M. Lewis ntsrad to hei
Uat at HMip. this state, lv. Sat,
urday asornlnr after a two week'*
rMt With her ran. Ed Lewis, and
fanlty. Mr. Lewi*. who has been
he** seven! weeks, leotiap after new
inpruerneotc oa the farts, returned
C i. Tracy had a merry < arty for
Ida Sunday school elan Haliowe en
lapht- Hr had onraahed his dam
lata "fioacs.” and oa that even to*
they went oat a* pbcau. briny sent
tram one place to another, finally
wiodinp up at Mr. Tracy's to a boa
■ HfiUBttil supper it was a most
eayoynhie tine for the boy a
* "
We pay cash for eggs delivered at
Uie creamery.
Ravenna Creamery Co.
Mr- J. A. lAnielson returned last
Saturday evening from 4ier Iowa
visit. ^
A clear. liealUiy skin and health in
ab.ndance result from tlie conUnued
~-c ol Nyai's Hot Springs Blood Rem
edy. Ask us about lt
Swanson & Lofholm.
•*«o. l»eininger came up from St.
Raul ia«.t Kridav evening and remained
R i Monday morning visiting relatives
and friends.
Tlie Loop City Mills have oil meal
on iAnd at ail Ume9. Tliey slilp itout
to surrounding towns a. d can supply
J *u in ton lots at red used prices.
Loup City Mill & Light Co.
Taken up A span of bay horses
with white stripes on faces, coming
J years old. Owner can have same by
paying for advertising and feed.
Henry Obermiller.
Tlie J-nior Bible Class held a pub
• social in the basement of the M.
K. church last Friday. While it was
no* * limnctai success, a most enjoy
ao.e time was had by Uiose present.
• fl*** tor best costumes were won by
Luce and Miss McGovern, and
in the pie taxing contest by Roscoe
Owens and Karl Gasteyer.
The NorUiwestern was a day late
in p . his. it 2 last week, owing to tlie
t lUa » 'r». in geU-ing out Uie election
tia.. .ts. uf which Uie Northwestern
iAd U»r contract. Fortunately, we
••re able to secure the valuable ser
i sof Miss It a Henry, in addition
-o our -aal lorue. or we would 1ave
uetustiil further delayed.
M-•>. Jennie Rawson le'tfor Lincoln
ioX Friday morning. J. W. Long ac
< ompanjing l»er. From there she and
Mr». W. R. Meilor will to go to Ken
to for a visit with their son and
hrorlier. I>r. Rawson. Mrs. Ilawsoc
v. j_c two weeks since received a bad
fall at the home of Mr. Long, whicl
*as since resulted in her being unable
to walk or move on her feet wiUiout
aid. We trust time and proper rest
and medical aid will remove Uie a is
< ability.
K .Lor and Mrs. Chas. T. Miller ol
Canm it on, Iod.. where Mr. Miller L
♦dll. r of the Emjuirer. aud who liav<
been here for tlie pas*, few wet-Ki
iklUof tinier W. F. Mason anc
fami:y. expect to leave today for home
The v hit to the west was made it
the interest of Mrs. Miller, who was
in frail health, and we are glad to nou
she returns home much improved
tailor Miller is to the manner born
having been connected with newspa
pets from the tender age of 13 year
up to the present, and is at once 1
prince of good fellows and an editoi
of noteat home. He is a bright and
versatile writer and lias ability to fit
a much larger field in newspaperdon
than he does at present. May health
prosperity and the kindest of gooc
fortune follow them both.
Special Sale on ladies’ dress skirt
at the Hub. Vlener * Krelsteso.
See my line of men and boys' over
coats. A bargain at Lorentz'.
Uncle Bob Jackson is up and around
again after a two weeks' illness from
: rheumatic troubles.
You can save money by buying
your winter suit at Lorentz’.
A Mrs. Jones from Aurora lias been
secured as housekeeper for J. W. Long
in the inability of Mrs. Raw son.
Lard cans for sale at 20c each at
J uug & Melberg's Bakery.
Fritz Johansen was up from South
Omaha to cast his vote Tuesday, re
turning the following day.
If you want good, prompt draying,
call on C. L. McDonald, successor to
j Hagood.
The Northwestern returns thanks
1 for the large number of our readers
who have renewed their susberiptions
the past few days. They are among
the best people on earth.
The biggest ling of Overcoats in
the citv at Lorentz'.
Mr. Daily, of the Daily & Kreb fur
niture store, went over to his old
home at Scotia over Sunday to be
with his family and cast his ballot
at the regular election. He will bring
j his family over later, when lie can
get possession of his new home,>’hich
will be when the present renter. Mr.
! O. S. Mason, secures a new home.
Xews comes to us of the marriage
at Central City, the 24 ult., of Miss
Mabel Fulliton. daughter of Mr. and
Mrs. Willis Fulliton of Austin, to Mr.
Harry Parker of Benedict, Neb.
They have gone to Willard. Colo.,
where the bride has a homestead, and
may make Benedict their home later,
j The Northwestern wishes them suc
cess and happiness.
Marion Fulliton. who has been in
Colorado for some time past, is expec
ted home soon to spend the winter. I
He lias a home in that mountain state
Howard Fulliton and wife who have
a homestead up near Lakeside, this
state, will be home soon and expect
to remain over the winter months at
Chapman, this state, with a brother, j
Mr. George Fulliton. Both boys will
' visit more or less during the whiter
with Father and Mother Fulliton at
We are making cut prices on flour
; in 500-pound lots. Also any of the
merchants will make you the same
price. You better buy a supply now
i while prices are low.
Loup City Mill & Light Co.
E. G. Taylor last Saturday pur
! chased the property in west Loup
City built by C. C. Cooper and after
wards owned by Banker Williams and
: later by a brother of Mr. Williams,
trading in his Buick autoon the same,
and we understand E. G. will later
purchase a Mitchell 6-cylinder car.
Mr. Williams has moved on his farm
near Schaupps.
Hallowe en, last Thursday night
was celebrated by our young people
here very nicely and with the least
number of pranks of any like night
in years past. Of course the boys
could not resist piling up old vehicles,
machinery, etc., on our main streets,
but so far as the residence section was
' concerned it was undisturbed, for
! which the owners of properties re
turn heartfelt thanks. On that even
ing. there were several social events
among the young people of the city,
which in a measure explains the ab
sence of the usual amount of devil
ment, if we may be allowed to so
Nov 9. CLOSING OUT Nov. 9
All Our Men’s
Foremostm? IS*
This sale will commence Saturday
; morning November 9th.
! As we have decided to discontinue the handling of men’s
suits as we have not the room to handle them. These goods
must go, they are all new and up to date, we have no old
suits in our store. The price of these suite range from $1 $
to $21. Sale Price $11.99 for your choiee.
OVERCOATS range in price $15 to 929
Sale price$19.99
Rember the date at the Loup City Mercantile Co.
A No. 1 baled hay for sale in cai
load lots. Phone 8-on-S4. F. P. Peter
Foe Rent—Huckleebury's new and
modern cement bungalow in the
northeast part of town. Inquire ol
R. H. Mathew.
The Masonic fraternity have moved
and settled nicely in their new hall
over the Ogle garage.
M. C. Mulick returned Monday from
a two weeks' stay at Excelsior
Springs. Mo., where lie was taking
treatment. He is looking fine.
Mrs. J. Cowling on Sunday of this
week was made happy by a visit from
her brothers.Mr. Free Eichelberger of
Akron. Ohio, and Mr. John Eichel
berger of Marquette, this state, with
their families, who came up from the
home of the latter by auto, return
ing Monday.
Our good friend, Ira Timson of
Washington township renewed for
another year's reading of the North
western on Monday. The Northwes
tern has the best class of friends on
Charley Wharton left Tuesday
morning for California, where he ex
pects to engage in the undertaking
business. Charley was not positive,
before leaving, just where in the
state he might locate.
Leave orders for theC.L.McDonald
dray at either lumber yard or E. G.
at Taylor's.
We regret to learn that Mr. John
Peughand family of Wiggle Creek
will soon leave for Illinois, where Mr.
Peugh has business interests, which
call him there, and where he will
make his home at least for a time, j
However, he has not- sold his farm ,
here and may return in the future.
He is one of our most respected citi
zens. lie has contracted with this
office to get out bills for a public sale
of his chattels, the sale to come c II
Wednesday. Nov. 20th.
Preaching every 'Sunday at 10:30
and 7:30. Sunday school 11:45, O. S.
Fross. Supt. Epworth League 6:45.
Orpha Outhouse, president. Prayer
meeting each Thursday at 7:30. Class
meeting every Sunday morning. A
cordial invitation is extended to every
one toattend any oraiiof ourservices.
P. a. Leeper. Pastor.
Swedish Christian church. Sunday.
Nov. 10: Sunday school, 10JO a. m.:
sermon. 11:15 a. m. Subject—"The
Ancient Pharaoh and the Modern
Ones." All welcome.
German Evangelical church. Sun
day. Nov. 10th: At Loup City. 10 a.
m., Sunday school: 10:30 a. m.. ser
vice. Nov. 9th at 10 v m., lesson in
Baptist church. Sunday school at
10 a. m. Preaching at 11 a. m. and
7 JO p.m. Morning topic—' The Church
at Ephesus Compared with the Baptist
Church at Loup City.” Evening
topic—“VicariousSuffering.” All are
cordially invited to attend these ex
Presbyterian church: The usual
services Nov. 10th, 10:30 a.m. and 7:30
p. m. Labbath school at 11:45 and
Oiuistian Endeavor at 6:30 p, m.
Rev. J. C. Tourtellot. of Loup City*
will preach in the Sherman school
house, northwest of Rockville on Nov.
10th, 1012, at p. m. A cordial invita
tion is extended the community to be
1? k 5230 Black Imitation Pony
Ski a. Size 32 to 38, Our Price $4.89
I*' k o232 Ladies' black caracule
or broadtale, size 32 to 40 others
get 811. Our Price S8 50
I k Silk Seal Plush Coats, full satin
lined. Our Price $15.00
We have all kinds of cloth cloaks of all the
latest patterns. Call and get your cloak be
foro the best is gone.
Children’s cloaks, Price $2. to $8.50
M unsing Underwear
No. 3557 Bleached Misses Munsing
union suit, drop seat per suit $1.00
No. 3517, Ladies’ bleached union
suit in Munsing half open front,
-k ankle length, elbow sleeves $1.00 /
No. 3545 Ladies bleached union suit, high neck,
long sleeve, ank e iength.Munsing underwear $1.
Made from the best material and made
to fit. Price SI-75 to $850
and Boys,
^These are
made to weai
well and art
Price 50c to
Ladies Aprons
S Gingham
-'Aprons 50c
Aprons with
ibib 65c
Made of India Linen 25c
Hood made of China Siik 50c
Face Cloth
Good size bleached
terry face cloth 5
Turkish Towels
guod turkish bath
towels with fringe
ends. 36x19 bleach
ed, a bargain f5c
Lace and embroideries
an excellent assortment
of attractive pattern
at popular price 5c
A splendid lot of
ribbons including /
all the newest
shades for bows. ^
sashes. etc.
Special attention is j
called to the super
tor values shown at
per yard only 10c
Women's. Misses and
children's hose support
is. elastic »eb top.
non elastic totlcm
rubber post button, in
5lack and white
only 10c
Some splendid va
ues in men's fleeced
underwear in gra
At 50c
one better grade in
cream color heavy
fleeced at 65c
Some splendid values well made work
shirts, good wearing materials in
plain and fancy collars, a money sav
ing chance not to be overlooked at 50c
Men's negligee
shirts, clearance of
regular dollar goods
various styles, same
with soft roll collar
and same with high
soft detachable col
lars. All well mads
and roomy, good
material neat pat
terns and collars.
Your choice of any
in this lot at 75c
A big iot to I
choose from r
all the popu- 1
lar sryles and |
price 23 to 50 J
Men's cloth
bleached can
ton flannel
gloves big*
value at
| Good qualitv plain
| md fancv.
112 and 25c
A splendid lot
of men's half
hose inclding
various styles
and colors at j
15 to 25c14
' Children’s
A splendid lot of
Boys and Girls
st-oc Kings at. 15c
We also handle the
FAy stocking the
best money can
buy for the price
lOOlbs best gr'd sugar 6 25
lOOlbs Chicken grit 90
2 cans Tomatoes 25
2 cans peas 25
1 doz good lemons 30
2 box grape nut - 25
2 Cream Wheat 25
5 Post Toasties * 25
3 Egg-O-See 25
6 bars ffeke white soap 25.
10 bars polo soap 25
50 gal eoal oil and good
steel tank §9 50
Do not be swindled, as we
I can always save you money
Loup City Mer. Co.