The Loup City northwestern. (Loup City, Neb.) 189?-1917, November 07, 1912, Image 1
FLoup City Northwestern VOLUME \.\\_LOUP CITY. NEBRASKA. THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 7. 1012 - NUMBER ;.2 $ $ $'s In Your Pocket $ $ No Stripping of Gear No Transmission oil to buy No grinding of cogs in changing speeds 50 TRANSMISSION TROUBLE bar } A Automobile Let Lee Bro's Show you The works in a Cartercar The Improvement Record Tbe fir* <droliU UXe) is now up t < ihr lint ttun and U*e floor is be /ing jid Oet tractor A loj ub-t thinks 1: Use a rather rra tnu fairly good lie • hi )is*e the tmlillng endowed by the holidays. Tl.r Mali* jtmek *a* &ai»bedSatur day loTtitutm so far a» Ur brick work and nuftm is concerned and Ute pastrrers ate busy Ud» week doing tor inside » rk Mr. Halle hope* u« U't Ur Uihitie (uarbumd ready far occupancy Ur early part of I»e crater. Vaughn & llminan. Ute druggtsts. wid occupy Ur lower story and l*Mrai*st. white County Supenn IradfWt 4 ■ crier wth occupy two front t ves of the second story for bis olb<v. and the sound two rooms ltave been engaged by an osteopath physic ian from •.rand istand. wlwne name we i a»c not earned There are six Uhc« h-wk In the second story. Uie two south r>« ate not yet spoken fur. The upper Cv. t will hare a taratury lor the use of Ute various after* iiilrasa to U.e old Society ban aib br made through the new building, and the back entrance will b| lined. Hue new bo tiding will be r ■ .trti ..iUd UX nut furnace nor tasw rate*, it is mighty good loot ing from U>e outside and will be a pude In one city. The new Lnddo* opera bowse is now complete and ready for use. Tbe drop «mrtuia. wings and ail stage s -urn .» in pine A ucauUful * «nr » given on the drop curtain. ^iruitMiig width are neat adver uwcsu at our busitiea* h juse». Tbe s> mi.-- curtains are also very beauti ful i» design and very arustic. Hie tnoeUuf of U>e bunding, a* weii aa Ute extenor. »s up to-date and the opera t use w ill prose a pride and honor to our city. The nr* uthcc of the Un. Bow mao wa» tuhcd last week and they were able in we In and occupy the same. They ha*e utwr <d the karat and most up-to-date <dk«i in the nest. Ttiey bate a large reception room in front, ' u« itgbt of siiidi Dr. J. K. has its peltate odu-e, eidie to the west on t.-e left is the pritate other of bis wife. In tame L . and leading west and to the right of the big reception rtium are the hung rooms of the worthy couple, suit to the west J roui In Carrie L s odke will be found tut operating room and medk at lab intney and still beyond the baUi tunm and unahiry. Ibere is a nice uasemeat under the enure building. They bate a ngbt to tie proud ot Uieir i fHMpK Uiiidittf 4. T. Hale, who owns Uie store . mum south of the State Baas build jug. t urmeriy occupied by the Britt pm* room, t* putting a nice brick hunt on the tease, to correspond with Uie Mathre uttc* building. Nt aontent with Bfli-kie street :igills, orders were given for two ad ditional elenrtt- .ights. which were pui in this week on either side of the son uacks to the north and west of the B k M. depot, making a tine t luguung for passengers going and cam un that ime at night. County School Notes •f *«*> L M Urrlw Sf a careful ruaiutloe of tiie Teacher* Koaiiut Magana I tind tint there are a atvr nu:uUer of pupil* of achooi age la the count* who were not attending achooi at the cloae of three pupth are kept at houae to pick («a I* It right to 1 rep children out «f achooi to pickcora? It h a -gain ful oorapauon ' and m. a^rurdiag to the law. chiMnea otuat hot In engaged la it w hile aclaooi la ta eeadua. To all jaeent* or guardian* who bare cnil cne of achooi age aho are not attend tag actmui. I a iah to call four atten I " ~~ ~ I tioo to the fact Uiat we liave a tir e ;( tnpulsorv Attendance Lawwidchis very easily opperated. Please read t .is law carefully. Omitting the law for a WMM. i> u right to tlie chii dren and the district? (*ther cliildren are getting well started in their clas ses These corn pickers will enter classes that they arc not fit to work with, they will work from day to day without tlte self respect that comes from intelligent work, and without standing shoulder to shoulder with the other*. Tliev are losing their chance. ri%v are not old enough to know or decide. Their parentsshouid give them tlie habit of gciDg to school . every day visiting or hunting or corn picking set aside. I'criiapsthe teacher will make sep arate classes wtien they enter school. In tliatcase every other child is robbed 1 1 f little time out of the teacher's p full day. Is it right for either tlie children or Hi? neighbor's children**!) pay Lite price for corn picking? It j «u haven't thought of it before, isn't ' four cent*a bushtu a goodde?! clteap er? The law is clear. Here is a part j of it. It is Uie duty of tlie teacher report to ti»e director any names appearing on the school census but ik* on tiie register. It is the duty of Uie director to report to the county superintendent such names. It then : becomes Uie duty of tlie superinten dent U) see Uiat these cliildren attend school. It will probably be the pleasure of parents to whose atten tion tliis law is called to comply with its requirements: Every person liav ing under his con trol a child between tiieage of seven and fifteen years, both inclusive, shall annually cause such child to regularly attend some public or private school 1 for * period not less than two-thirds of Uie enUre time scliool shall be in kcssion during the school year in the district in which said person or per sons reside. For every neglect of such duty the person offending shall be fined a sum of not less than five dollars (*5) nor not more tlian twenty-five dollars ($25). The next regular teacher s exatnl naUon will he held Nov. 15th and 16th. Medal Contest at Wiggle Creek Ttie W.C.T.r. of Wiggle Creek held a Surer Medal contest at the church 1- riday night. Jiov. 1. which washighy appreciated by the whole community. Tue selections were of a high or ler and very well spoken, asone man said. "It did not seem like a children's en tertainment Tiie church was beau : tifullj decorated with garlands of evergreen and yellow autumn leaves. The mottoes and banners in the front deserve special mention. One was a arge drawing of Father Time handing Hie world to the eager outstretched lands of a little boy. A bove were the words. -Help Father Time give a world, clean, safe aad pure to the boys and girls." Thecontest was very j clone, but ali agreed with the judges that Yeva Wilkie'S* as a fraction the I best She got the beautiful silver medal, but each one of the others got a pretty sliie.d pirn with the let ters C. M. as a monogram A beautiful coincidence was Uie fact tiuit it was Mr Wilkie’s birthday, and tie had a daughter Veva who got j Uie medal and bis son Russel did him self credit as a speaker. One cannot think of a finer birthday present. Ti*e community thanks Rev. Tour | telk»t. Rev. Leeper and Supt. Currier for Uieir kindness in coming out and acting as judges, for Uieir encourage ment u> Uie W’.C.T. C. as an organi zation, and Uieir appreciation of the work of parents and young people in ; providing helpful, wholesome enter tainment for Uie neighborhood. We also Uiank each one who so kindly ’ helped in Uie music. We hope to have several more con testa during the winter and before another year have one of our young >AIIA A KREBS Succssors to LB, HALE, Furniture and Undertaking Co. We carry a full line of Furniture. Rugs, Linoleum,Carpets, Shades and Draperies * and everything to be found in an up-to-date Furniture Store Call and inspect our stock and get acquainted people the proud possessor of a Gold Medal. There is no work that the young people can do that is more helpful to them as individuals, more pleasingto the community and more far reaching for good. Ida M. Bvrwell. FOOTBALL GAME Loup City 6, Ravsnne 6 The Loup City-Ravenna football game at .lenner's Park last Friday afternoon was a peach from an inter esting standpoint. although some lit tle had blood was engendered over some of the plays and the final out come. The game was called at 4 o'clock. Manager Freeney winning the toss, with Loup City defending the east goal. Ravenna kicked, Gowen receiving the hall and carrying it to the .15-yard line where the first scrim mage began. Freeney called end runs. Gilbert and Pr.t -hard making good gains. The hall was carried to 20 yards of t lie goal, where it was lost on a fumble. Ravenna tried to carry the hall, hut was forced to punt. Loup City recovered the ball and car ried it hack into Ravenna's territory. The teams played backward and for ward until the whistle w as blown and the first quarter was ended. The second quarter started with the'ball in Loup City's territory and position. They tried to advance the hall, but could not make any gain and the spiiere went to Ravenna. They tried a-forward pass. Freeney^ got the hall and was going for a good gain, when he was tackled and received a wrenched back. Pritchard took the ball and made a good gain, then they tried a fake play and lost. Ravenna recovering the ball and winning for a touchdown. Ravenna tried to kick goal and failed, the score at this stage being 6 to 0. Loup City kicked to Ravenna and downed them on their 30-yard line. They were advancing the ball, when Freeney was again laid out and forced to leave tlie field. Ra venna carried the hall to center of field and the second quarter was ended. Ravenna had the hall at the begin ing of the third quarter, but was forced to punt. Pritchard got the hall and ran for 30 yards. Loup City lost the ball. Ravenna tried forward pass and made 30 yards. The third quarter ended with the hall in Loup City's territory. Beginning of the fourth quarter, the ball was on the 15-yard line, Ra venna having the ball. They tried to gain and lost the hall. Loup City punted out of danger. Ravenna got the hall but lost it on the fourth down. Loup City punted again and recovered the hall. They tried a for ward pass and got within two feet of the goal line, where they played Pritchard through the line for a touchdown, and the game ended with the score 6 to *1. ADVERTISING FARM SALES Dollars Used for Advertising Farm Sales Wisely Invested NEWSPAPER^SPACE BEST All Forms of Publicity Good, but Some are Superior to Others Some farmers who conduct an auc tion sale of farm machinery and live stock are getting as wise as the dry goods merchants and they are adver tising their sales just as freely as the merchant advertises a bargain sale There has been a remarkable change in the manner of advertising these farm sales. A dozen years ago the average farmer who made a sale of his personal property at auction thought he was doing enough advertising if he bought $2 or $3 worth of handbills and scattered them about the neighbor hood, but today the wise farmer is run ning attractive display advertising in the county newspapers. Some of the best auctioneers will not contract to cry a farm sale unless the owner of the property to be sold will do a specified amount of adver tising. On this subject a successful auctioneer recently said: “It is hard work trying to sell property at right prices to a small crowd, but it is easy when the crowd is large, because there seems to be a sort of electric * current through the bigjcrowd. always arousing contention among the bid ders. 1 positively know that judicious \ advertising of a farm sale brings good ; money to the owner of the property. Let me illustrate: Suppose that by the aid of good advertising a farmer can draw to his sale only two bidders who would not have been there if they had net seen the advertising. Suppose these two bidders each happen to want the same kind of a horse or some > cattle or farm machinery offered at the sale. Why, the bidding of these two extra bidders at a sale might in crease the sale price of one team of horses enough to cover the cost of advertising, and the example of the two bidders might inspire the other bidders to pay a much higher price for everything than they would have paid if the two extra bidders had not been there to put ginger into the bid ding.-’ Tiie auctioneer was asked to give his idea about the best plan for adver tising. and he replied: ‘•The best money a man can spend in advertising a sale of farm property is to carry an advertisement in the county news paper. My advice is to select a county newspaper which lias a large circu lation. and carry a good-sized adver tisement two or three weeks in ad vance of the sale. It is all right to ! have handbills printed and scattered i over the the neighborhood, but the newspaper advertising is much better than the bills because handbills are quickly destroyed, while the newspa per advertisement is taken into every home, and is constantly before the readers of the county paper. I would also advise every farmer to mail a lot of postal cards to persons whom he believes might be interested in his sale. Mail the cards just a day or two before the sale, thus getting a late jog to the memory of those who | might otherwise forget about the, sale.”—Aurora Republican. No Hunting Allowed Notice is hereby given that no hunting nor trespassing will be allow ed on my land on and after this date. Sportsmen will takejnotice and govern themselves accordingly. Dated this 7th day of November 1912. Mike Chilewski. Sheriff s Sale. Notice is hereby given that by vir tue of an order of sale to me directed 1 from the District Court of Sherman county. Nebraska, upon a decree of foreclosure rendered in said court on the 3rd day of September, 1912, where in John W. Bellmore was plaintiff, and Minnie A. Elliott Bellmore.etal. were defendants: I have levied upon the following described real estate, to-wit: The south one-hundred and twenty (120) acres of the northwest quarter of section twenty-four (24). township fifteen (1ft) north range six teen (16), west of the 6th principal meridian, situated in said Sherman county and state of Nebraska, and I w ill, on the 12th day of November. 1912, at 2 o'clock p. m.. of said day, at the south door of the court house, in Loup City, Sherman county. Nebraska, offer for sale and sell said above de scribed real estate at public auction to the highest bidder for cash to satisfy the amount of $664.65 with in terest at 10 per cent from the 3rd day of September, 1912, and $17.70 costs of the above action, and accru ing costs, which amount was adjudged to be due to the plaintiff above named from the defendants.Minnie A. Elliott Bellmore. et al, above named, and to be a lien upon the above described premises. Dated at Loup City. Nebraska, this 9th day of October, 1912. L. A.Williams, Sheriff of Sherman County, Neb. Clements Bros., Attorneys. (Last pub. Nov. 7) Road Notice (Johnson) To all whom it may concern: The • commissioner appointed to locate a ! road, commencing at about 8 rods ! east of the quarter stake on the north ‘ line of section one (l).following thence ■ the traveled road running south over * said section one and following the same course south, the traveled road run ning along the ravine on section twelve (12) until it reaches a point about half way through the south west quarter of sec. twelve (12) thence following aro.rnd the heads of ravines south to connect with "Old Delaney” road No 45 aH in township 16, range 15. has reported in favor of the es tablishment thereof and all objection thereto or claims for damages must be tiled in tbe office of the connty clerk on or before noon of December 15,1912, or such road will be estab lished without reference thereto. Dated at Loup City this 8th dav of October 1912. [seal] W. C. Dkitkkichs County Clerk Last pub. Not, 7 Legal Notice In the District Court of Sherman County, Nebraska. In the matter of the petition of Wai ter P. Reed, executor of U e la^t will and testament of Thomas M. Reed, deceased, for license to sell real estate. And now, on this 22nd day of Oeto her. 1912, this cause came on for hear ing upon the petition under oatli of Walter P. Reed, executor of the es tate of Thomas M. Reed, deceased, praying for a license to sell the fol lowing described real estate of the said Thomas M. Reed, to-wit: Lots four and five in block seventeen, lots fifteen and sixteen in block ten. lot sixteen in block three, lots sixteen and seventeen in block twenty-two. all in the original town, now city, of Loup City, m Sherman county. Ne braska: also, a certain piece or parcel of land lying in the northwest quar ter of the northwest quarter of sec tion eighteen, in township fifteen, range fourteen, west of 6th P. M„ in Sherman county. Nebraska, and moie particularly described as follows: Commencing at the southeast corner of the said northwest quarter of the northwest quarter of said section eighteen, and running thence north ninety feet to the place of beginning, running thence north two hundred and ten feet, thence west three hun dred feet, thence south two hundred and ten feet, and thence east three hundred feet to the place of begin ning: also, the southwest quarter of section twelve, in township eighteen, range twenty-four, west of 6th P. M., in Cu>ter county. Nebraska, or a suf ficient amount thereof to bring the sum of about$6.o00. for the payment of the debts allowed against said estate, and allowances and costs of adminis tration. for the reason that there is not a sufficient amount of personal property in the possession of said Walter P. Reed, executor as aforesaid, belonging to said estate, wherewith to oav said debts, allowances and costs. 'It is therefore ordered that all per sons interested in said estate appear before me at the court room of the district court of said county of Sher man. in the city of Loup City, in said county, on the 17th day of December. 1912. at the hour of nine o'clock a. m.. to show cause, if any there be, why a license should not be granted to sain Walter F. Reed, executor, to sell s« much of the above described real es tate of said debedent as shall be nec essary to pay said debts and expenses, and the costs of this proceeding. It is fu ther ordered that a copy of this order be served upon all persons interested in said estate by causing the same to be published once eacii week for four successive weeks in the j Loup City Northwestern, a iega. newspaper printed, published and 01 general circulation in said county o> Sherman. Given under my hand ab Kearney, bhis 22nd day of October, 1912. O. Hostbtlku. Judge of the District Court of Sher man county, Nebraska. Last pub. Nov. 14 Legal Notice In the District Court of Sherman County, Nebraska. In the matter of the petition of. Ida Betts as executrix of the last will and testament of William E. Betts, deceased, tor a license to sell real estate of deceased. And now on this 22nd day of Octo ber, 1912, this cause came on for hear ing upon the petition under oath of Ida Betts, executrix of the last will and testament of William E. Betts, deceased, praying for a license to sell the following described real estate of the said William E. Betts, to-wit: A certain piece or parcel of land sit uate in the City of Loup City, in Sherman county and state of Nebras ka. and being part of lots thirteen (13) fourteen (14) and fifteen (15) in block five (5), in the original town of said Loup City, and which is more particularly described as follows, to wit: commencing at a point on the south line of said lot thirteen (13), in said block tire (5). thirty feet east of the southwest corner of said lot thir teen, running thence north and paral lel with the west line of said block five, seventy five feet to the north line of lot fifteen in said block five, running thence twenty-five feet east along the north line of said lot fifteen, running thence south and parallel with the west line of said block five to the south line of said lot thirteen, and running thence west twenty-five feet along the south line of said lot thirteen to the place of beginning, for the purpose of paying the debts al lowed against said estate of William E. Betts, deceased, and allowances and coses of administration, and the costs of this proceeding, for the reason that there is not a sufficient amount of personal property in the possession of said Ida Betts, executrix of said estate, belonging to said estate, to pay said debts, allowances and costs. It is therefore ordered that all per sons in ceres tea in saia estate appear before me at the court room of the District Court of Sherman county. Nebraska, in the city of Loup City. Sherman county, Nebraska, on the 17th day of December, 1912. at tlie hour of ten o’clock in the forenoon, to show cause, if any there be, why a license should not be granted to the said Ida Betts, executrix of the last will and testament of William E. Betts, deceased, to sell the above de scribed real estate of said decedent for the purpose of paying said debts, allowances and costs. It is further ordered that a copy of this order be served upon all persons interested in said estate by causing the same to be published once each week for four successive weeks in the Loup City Northwestern, a legal newspaper printed, published and of general circulation in said county of Sherman. Given under mv hand at Kearney this 22nd day of October, 1912. Bbcxo C. Hostetler. Judge of the District Court of Sher man county, Nebraska. Last pub Nov 14 Oyster Supper On election nigbt the Ladies of the G.A.R. will serve an oyster supper. Price 25 cents. Also sandwiches and coffee 15 cents. One door east of Makowski’s store. Everybody come and help the ladies. The Home 8 Of Quality Groceries jj We like to meet you I Face to Faoo Would be our choice! j, But when this can’t be the case we hope to hear your voice Use Phone 86 For Choice Groceries ] © & |~ | Try These—They’ll Please j Olives Maple Sugar Butter Horse Radish Honey Pickles Peanut Butter Mustard Chocolate Catsup Jello ! -_._J__ GHSCSYGR'S The Quality House Established 1888 «the time to improve the looks^^ f your farm by putting up Can’t^^k tice how the boards are double-bo Red 1 uprights. They can’t sag or drag. Stock can see^^L >reak them dawn or twist them out of shape. no more than that of the clumsy short-lived all-wood ■git re times as long. ur Own Caa’t-Sag Gates^P save money. We sell the complete gates ready Gate Steels, which include 8 angle steel uprights, dou all bolts, hinges, lag screws, lightning socket* »d direction sbes.t. Come in and examine the t-Sag Gate next time you come to “n — sUSM KEYSTONE LUMBER CO. I have just received a big line of winter goods, such as lur coats, fur robes,, plush robes and all] kinds of horse blank ets. These goods | are of the best quality and in spite of the big advance >in prices, I will sell them at the same price as last >year, Call and see them, , JAMES BARTUNEK’S - - - AT I2C AND 25C EACH Let us Figure your bill of Hiiara/ber and all kinds of 73-u.ilciirLR i MATERIAL AT THE f LEININGER LUMBER. CO., Loud Cilv Neb If You want your Ad to bring you returns have it put in the Northwestern It will be a great accommodation to us if our advertisers and all other* would have their copy in for us not later tha» Tuesday evening.