The Loup City northwestern. (Loup City, Neb.) 189?-1917, October 31, 1912, Supplement, Image 9

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    \*A. \\\ Loup City, Nebraska, Thursday October 31, 1912 Kumqej 51
Along R. R. Nos. I and 2
v •- -a .r -;•< ! lirr-i.'M Mr.
"I* ... .* • a :a \ ' l: |-A'!
Mi'll aa- 't 1IJ ' if *»«"H
m ‘ I :* j aii H K .If I. .a~t
. * * <. ■ a i-it. <i a !« * •in- al
U * • Ii! AH' J'l Aft k
Ilf t.r llft-tl | • in a *»ijl r n r
■ a- M - \ it ! . < f: j . - a» 11 . lilt '
Mr afe! M - \ it-1 .1 -ift ii' ii arc
a- i • afalit »;it i '|tf||fiilif 't-\f .a
m.. f' a * \ 1*1 -*i N ■ 1*
Ml' It* laif tv • I- II '!'!•• ial 11C I
1 . ll I tali' * > U'T Aft t»
... ».! ' .ii la> III lil' a it
after Itt r
Mi- kMf*|i i' i i'l* l»i_: at \icaiiu
! 1.1' Atfk
j *. M< M... ti« »»* at I. ..i< * if >
M i. !a ■ ll*- 'a I t • a’ I. ■ l a I |tct*i*
ii.| i . a . a| i 11 .ii- r .' a . a
1 r.-ii lie <i »a'at I. |i < if i alter
t .. * * i j. Mi .Jut '
I . - . Ik . *■ «i i a* l« * it « tkmy
a' M Tit* tlx fa*t «•**
k til I Mr 31*4 Mr*. klIM-'t
1*3*1 i * a*t I ia>. a * n
Mr at»l Mr* Ikn \\ i.kit> ri frurn
!.atr- kar;*a* < a • »•*-« ft ti-t’.iiiy
Mr* Mifcifi* n* tat • *• r a ini <m*tlit-r
i i it l!i ■ iiiia t11* ; * i*t »t*i.
I ; • kit-' \; i * It-! v !■*•• * at t It*
I . : k t. I *r •*» II* V I t r* la t
| . r l. ti 1.3' t* jyi : a ii«*a I* • • l
• lit t* r
Mr atnl Mr* II nl if: .1 lit** «i t<*
■*j m * a' I. .f i itt a*! I'li .-**la\
ami * • k t Hi*** a i<. a*l 11 <*• >a'.
"1 • kail*' \i‘l * **l**t\ ’i *T a! 11If
* •- u I —i a-’ Tl...t*4lat
V * * I. ii l\ . ti' ri at.'l 'I i' < f t,
|| i*' ti*it«i| it tlx* -I ••* l*ailtl“t\
i "i.i a** kiitlat
t J \ <r<i*’**l: t k I. hi.t* a I* a«i
, *i* * fr • u I. *ii|* I it> la*t »•**■ k.
I rttiii. \iia*f* ti arkt*tfi| a U*ai| til
l tki r* a-’ kriiiat.
J>i ti 11*4*11 I it* I jit**! * ti Maylit*r
*» *-ra *1 at* I!• * jia*’ »****k.
Ni * l*ail*l i a* r**;-iatikt*il tin*
•triityr »4-*t "f lli** i-liun li
Mr an 1 Mi* 11* n \\iikiii~nii art*
_ ■ tia*"k t 1 * ’ ti Ni-li .
'r n I.iiir Hat;~a~
■ t F |• r-. ti 1 a~ U a-n In.inline a
i.. * • mi . riband suniri int
•III! ii'r I. tlir |ia*t wia-k
'•aii « i kr- .« f'ki lia' I wen Iniilii
ine a in-» tarn t*.1— *eek.
I. \1 Hi ian«'‘ earriei n II mte .!.
a ,..i nnc n II •■• - > . in 11 \
I. -* i in i :i~ atauut I3MM lausliels of
. m in 111** <- 1 i liat lie a ill sell. lie
i >\. ' • l'm a* * ii a» liei'an
nf 'aim
J T'" i hi tiark frinii lletidaT
*■11 3't Friilay.
Kd Ha t- ill. Harry Tay lor ami Freai
K imr 'I ( it in -I " ' nicer-' new
lie a lexatur tin* ('3't Week.
Tl . Havenna < Tea nery are <licc>»C
:lieir l *■ I ’iw aleeper llii' week.
\ll»*ri SnyakT »3'han'inc Fay lu't
'! - i. mi n Smdei ni l Miss liojt
• i , iv at liavema last
Kri'lui nciiiii,'. Tliev returned :omi j
"at .idav
I « I.- was a dame at -I liowdoil's
a'- Finlav nielli.
'Ir~ I‘ Mi 'lii icii from Lyons.
Ii . is visiting ai tin- Teeters home
n < tear Fieek tl<i> week.
Kmest i.amette made hi" regular
i |il'iu S uinlay evening.
'll and 'I T" < has Sehw aiierer anil
an,i v at ti-nded ehu >eh at Loup l it.'
" inlay.
I i «• l.ailn s' A i<l w il serve a liirr.
i . i ’ i • i • i ~ s,, per at t lie Wiyjrle
11 evening. Nuv.
lii' - ip| er. with a hi*j ilish
I ulster s up. J.V ( iiii«tit'ii ami
e\t ra iii"i« ' of ov si ■ r>. s|» rial priees.
Lveiilioiiy emiie ami enjoy pro'perit v. ^
•lo« MeMtilleti was on the market
wr ii a , ia*i u! hoes 'lomlav.
I i e \\ i T I vi nl l.a.e a Silvor
Meiiai e itite-t at the Wiejtle Creek
■ u -r.ii. Itegiiiniiit! at "oY.ock Friday
eveliine. Nov. 1. Toe ' li tfiade ol
tin- Velduiette sell >ol will tie the eon
teslanl' \iiiiiissi(Mi pH-. Kvervtmdv
■ ue ami em >uras!e tlie W. C. I'. C
ami the . mi ,-s; ant s
I. i rick took home a load of
lua k M mdat.
Ji ! I. .-I n hit ifrodock and II.
I* Ik iidm k>on alii n.led I <• i i K
dg> at r \ Saturday evening
Marry \ lughn and Muckleelierry
t s their first steps in Odd he low
' ip .i't satuidav evening. They
"1. take t heir si r i:id step, the tiist
iegree. lilts Satuidav night.
hi KadelilT and men have iieen
w ikiig at II s ( i ngei's house this
V liveryman from Kearnev broke a
w he* . on ills auto, 'jutli off OHjen
iu un's Sunday.
Wi Silium-.n's auto took Miss
i tii sen to per seliool Mondav.
Mi "^♦*”s Winifred I'arsley and Teresa
We;ier spent Sunday at their ho nes
on t lear t reek.
The neighbors nf Mr. and Vrs .lolin
lleapv 'ii t iear t'reek surprised them
las! Wednesday evening liefore their
tiepinure to the ' nh. Tliey have
lived on t dear t reek almost ah their
lives and will lx- missed iiy all who
know them. They are going south
I -r the health oi one of their children.
The carrier joins with tiiet leart 'reek
i • ip «• 111 w I'hlllg the ii good luck.
Kugene M iller and'oils have fieett
grading W.o Mrowii 'yard this week.
I hi' maki' \\ i > ' Imnie look grand.
Liven . in McLaughlin took a load
to Liichiieid Tuesday.
Following are the names of the
pupils of 1 Ust riet 47. that received at
tendance certificates during < fetoher:
I Jennie IJat/lalf. Henry Hat/latV. I»avid
I Jut/la 11. Sarah IJichel. Marie Michel.
John Flynn. I *eclen Flynn. Alice
Flynn. Miss Kdna Henderson,
Kighleen of the L.C.II.S. gradutes
and Miss Meynon were out on their
observation tour last week Wednes
day. They visited Hist. No. 4. both
morning and afternoon. Comeagain.
They also visited I list. .'><> and gave
excellent leports from both districts.
I’upils of District 4t> who were
neither absent nor tardy during the
month of October: Veva Wilkie. I
Lviia Snyder, llussel Wilkie, l-loyd, lfeit Snyder. Bessie John
son. Kdith A Seiuan. Ilaitie Joimson.
Maggie I'aulsen. Buila Wilkie. Fern
W ilkie. Bern Wilkie an I Cower Han
sen. Cairie Bogselh, teacher.
T"iiy Johns loaded a c..r of baled
hay liii- week.
Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Burt visited
at Ji I in 1 Vi.ghs last Sunday.
Herman Jung is on the sick list.
Homer Hughes and wile and Wini
fred Hughes and wife visit.-d at
Lrnest Daddow's .ast Sunday after
Mr. and Mrv ll.irt spent Sunday
evening i.t Herman Jung’s.
Don’t forget the annual election
supper at W iggle Creek church.
Those receiving perfect attendance
certificates in lu.-t. du for the month
of < Vtober were: Kthel Daddow. Lulu
Brodock. Laurice I'eugli. Ha/.el and
Vergie McFaddeii. Fl»a. CiiiTord and
Curtis Boush. Floyd and Klsic Coo.i
vvin. These weie given a "peanut
hunt" and a merry time followed.
Klva Boush found the most peanuts.
Let us try to have all tluse enrolled
on the perfect attendance list this
mont ii.
i upns iumi :'n aiiseuL 1101 i.uuv in
District No”2. during the month of
< Vtoher: Al'enu Itlsmcnke. Judith
Johnson. It itiert Henderson. Knocii
Johnson, Viola Ki . itriek Bessie Ki -
Patrick Frit . S iphia and Lvi.i-u
Schwaderer. Kmma and Mmnic
Adams. Miriam and Helen Draper,
Film and lit rtha Hiaschke. Tiiere
are :;o pupils eniuiled.
Frit/ Holm is woiking for Mr. Kil
W. T. Draper, who is p ostering in
Arcadia spent Seiiday "itli ids
tumily on Boute-.
The following pupils of Dist. No. 4
receiv'd perfect attendance cerili
catts: Viola Daddovv. But! McFad
den, Francis Spencer. Ilerliert Oltjsn
hruns. Theodore atid Willie Dadd' vv.
Klsie Spe'icer. Karl Kallavvay.
Misses Leonia Mac. Ilelma Jung
and Dorthy i ihlsen visited school
Friday afternoon in Dist. 4.
Tom McFadden and Homer Hughes
left Monday for Oklahoma.
Kettle I'eugh and Kgdar Foster
spent Sunday evening at the home of
II. Beed.
l ne social at uie scnoo; nouse in
Ihst. :!7. was well attended. The pro
ceeds amounted to si''.
Fred Heed marketed hogs at Loup
City. Monday.
Winifred Hughes. S McFadden and
Mr. * Mtjenbruns ha\e liegun shocking
Will Smalley is going to spend the
winter with Steve Smalley.
Allie Hailey and Miss Kmma Howe
autoed to Brewster Saturday, staying
over Sunday with the latter's sister,
Mrs. Beehtold.
Lilia (loodwin is expected home
from Kearney next week, as the
teachers will go to < hnaha l\jr the as
Ada Smith from Loup City attended
the lx \ supper in Hist. :r. last Friday
night She visited at toe Stewart
McFadden home.
Mr. and Mrs. C. W. Hurt were visit
ing at John 1‘eugh‘s Sunday.
We understand Henry lleed lias
rented a farm in Iowa and expects to
move there in the near future. We
will miss these good people on Route
Mr. and Mrs Frank Haddovv drove
to Kearney last Friday to visit Mr^.
Haddow's motiier. returning home
Crover Huston's friends on Wiggle
Creek will be glad to know that
he was well enough to leave the hos
pital at Kearney Tuesday. Hisbrotli
er. sister and mother have been with
him all the time and Tuesday took
him to their homt in Illinois.
W 11 Hunn of Kearney, has lieen
visiting at the home of Jim Roush
the (>ast week. He has lieen a con
stant sufferer all summer but is feel
ing much better.
Mrs. Carl Spuires. while doing some
sewing Monday ran the sewing ma
chine needle into one of her fingers,
breaking the point off. It is very
Mr. and Mrs. II. S Conger visited
at the home of W. < >. Rrown Sunday
Nick Ikiddow and family, Henry
ticodwin and family and Oliver 15ro
dock visited Lonnie I'addow's Sun
Eva Goodwin visited at Mr. Lough's
Fri lav evening.
K. 1* Uatsiaff was hauling corn to
Kay McFadden's Tuesday.
< arl Squires sold his crop in the
held to some parties from Arcadia,
and will have a sale Nov. 12 and move
to Comstock, where lie owns a half
interest in a livery barn with his
brother John.
Lulu lirodock is staying with her
sister. Mrs. I! ssje I'addow. thisweek.
C'uav Sn ligrassis working for Mr.
MvKet.i this fall.
A barque Hallowe'en Social
A Masque Hallowe'en S.K-ial will he
held in the basement of the Method
ist church. Friday evening. Nov. 1st.
to which all are cordially invited.
Numei is amusements have been
planned to make it a pleasant social
feature, among which are a mystic
tish-pond. a pieeating contest, fortune
telling, etc. The receiplsof theeven
ing will t>e used to lend financial aid
to the Sunday school and establish
a library fund. At v o'clock the fol
lowing refreshments will lie served:
Mystic Broth and Wizard Islands..V*.
Black Cat's Sorrow
Witches' Pride 1 ...
Lamentations v >c ts
•lob's Tears
Black Lotion
Soothing Svrup 1 , ,
Yellow Peril , 1,1 °*‘nlS
Sweet Kevenge
The old sign board of the North
western office. 1** inches irt width by
1«» feet in length, can lie purchased
cheap by anyone wishing same for
sign work.
C. L. McDonald, the drayman: try
him tor good, prompt service.