The Loup City northwestern. (Loup City, Neb.) 189?-1917, October 31, 1912, Image 8

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    The Lady
> X VT »*« a *w*
L~-' - iopa that tfea
"Ok. r«k* aka aa-.d. wftk as «*ort.
fciiV aittla* ay Aad tfcca lrraWantly.
mAm4 Ukis piMaeV
•trv4^U'1tovl«M Soften row
Hatbroat ttea law Ms pockets.
"»u tt fro* tbo rocks—tad tbs
wm' How did I pot barer
~T~ If*'*:, la » to
“*b« r*d to road tho borso toward
tbo ude. I was woirbia*: boptac rod
witttad oo tbo bold. arif-neUsat brow.
And witb this reobatttoo of eometMa*
The Sallowing proposed amendment to
tbe ossututiwi uf thv Stale or Nebraska,
aa bwdaaftw set forth in full, is sub
Mtm *e tbs slectors of the Stale of Ne
brtMs. to bo voted upon at the general
elecdoa to be bold Tuesday. November
Mb. A. D. 1112.
"AN ACT for s Joint resolution propos
ing amendment to Section 1 and Set
tles It Article S of tbe Constitution of
tbe State of Nebraska, and supplement
ing Article entitled 'Amendments.'
U Resolved sad Enacted by the Legis
lature of tbe Slate of Nebraska
Bastion 1. That at the general election
Bor stats sad legislative officers to be
bald on the Tuesday succeeding the first
Monday In November. 1*11. the following
previsions be proposed and submitted as
amendment te Section 1 and Section lu
Of Article 2 of the Constitution of the
State of Nebraska
Section 2. That Section 1 of Article 2
of the Constitution of the State of Ne
braska is hereby amended to read as fol
Section t. The legislative authority of
the state shall be vested in a legislature
consisting of a senate and house of repre
sentatives. but the people reserve to
themselves power to propose laws, and
amendments to the constitution, and lo
enact or reject the same at the polls in
dependent of the legislature, and also re
serve power at tin tr own option to ap
prove or reject at the polls any act. item,
section, or part of any act passed by the
Section 1A. The first power reserved
by the people Is the initiative. Ten per
cent of the legal voters of the state, so
distributed as to Include five per cent of
the legal voters in each of two-fifths of
the counties of the state, may propose
aay measure by petition, which shall
contain the full teal of the measure so
proposed Provided, that proposed Con
stitutional Amendments snail require a
petition of fifteen per cent of the legal
voters of the State distributed as above
provided. Initiative petitions (except for
municipal and wholly local legislation)
shall be hied with Die Secretary of State
and be by him submitted to the voters at
the first regular state election held not
leas than four months after such filing.
Tbe asms measure, either In form or in
essential substar., e. shall not be sub
mitted is the people by initiative petition
isitoer affirmatively or negatively)
eft.-tier than once in three years. If con
C. tiug measure- submitted to the people
at the same election shall be approved,
the one receiving th« hignest nun.iter of
affirmative votes shall thereby become
isw as to all conflicting provisions. The
Constitutional limitations as to scope and
subject matter of statutes enacted by the
leglaAturs shall apply to those enacted
by the Initiative.
Section IS. The second power reserved
Is the referendum. It may be ordered by
s petition of ten per cent of the legal
voters of the state, distributed as re
quired foe initiative petitions. Referen
dum petitions against measures passed
by the legislature shall be filed with the
Secretary of State within ninety days
after the legislature enacting the same
adjourns sine die or for a period longer
than ninety days, and elections thereon
shall be had at the first regular state
ejection held not loss than thirty days
after such filing.
Section 1C. The referendum may be
ordered upon any act except acts m iking
approprlat lor.- for the expenses of the
Mate government, and state institutions
existing at the time such act is passed.
Who* the referendum is ordered upon an
see or say part thereof it shall suspend
lie operation until the same is approved
by the rotors, provided, that emergency
acta or acts for the immediate preserva
tloe of tho public peace, health, or safety
•hall continue in effect until rejected by
toe voters or repealed bv the legislature.
Filing of a referendum petition against
oa# or more Items, sections, or parts of
an act shall not delay the remainder of
the measure frotr. becoming operative.
Sect tea ID. Nothing in this section
shall be construed to deprive any mem
ber of the legislature of the right to In
any measure 1 r.e wnoie num'oer
of »«*ea cast for governor at the regular
election last preceding the tiling of any
mmative or referendum petition shall be
the haste on which the number of legal
voters required to sign suck petition shall
be computed. The veto power of the gov
ernor shall not extend to measures Initi
ated by or referred to the people. All
each measures shall become the law or a
rt of the constitution when approved
a majority of the votes cant thereon,
provided, the votes cast in favor of said
initiative measure or part of said Consti
tution shall constitute thirty-five per
cent tXS^i of the total vote cast at said
ainctJon. and not otherwise, and shall
inks effect upon proclamation by the
governor which shall be made within
tan days af the completion of the official
—— — The vote upon Initiative and
lum measures shall be returned
-'eased in the aamo manner as Is
_-Tlbed In the case of presidential
electors The method of submitting and
adopting amendments to the constitution
provided by this section shall be supple
mentary to the method prescribed in the
artii is of this Constitution, entitled
'Amendments.' and the latter shall in no
oaaa be construed to conflict herewith.
This amendment shall be self-executing
tat legislation may be enacted especially
te facilitate its operation. In submitting
petitions and orders for the initiative and
tbs referendum, the Secretary of State
and all other officers shall be guided by
thla amend meal and the general law*
tatll additional legislation shall be espe
dally provided therefor: all propositions
submitted ia pursuance hereof shall be
submitted fa a non-partisan manner and
. without any Indication or suggestion on
the ballet that they hava been approved
ae endorsed by any political party or or
ganisation. and provided further that
•**T the title of measures shall be printed
•n eke ballot, and whan two or more
measures have the same title they shall
be numbered consecutively In the order
ef fllidg with the Secretary of State and
Including the name of the first ts titioner
••ction g. That Section 10. of Article 3.
•f the Constitution of the state of Ne
braska be amended to read as follows -
Section 10. Tho stylo of all bills shall
ta ta il enacted by the people of the
State of Nebraska, and no law shall
be enacted except be bill. No bill shall
be passed by the legislature unless by
aaoent of a majority of all the members
ejected to each house of the legislature
and the question upon final passage shall
ta taken Immediately upon Its last read
«■« tad tta yoae and nays shall bo on
UrH upon th« journal.
loctioa 4. Tiiat at said ^lection on the
Tuesday succeeding the first Monday in
November, mi. on the ballot of each
•lector voting thereat there shall be
printed or written the words -For pro
posed amendment to the constitution re
•ervtng te the people the right of direct
Idtatlm through the Ir.itiaiive and ref
erendumand "Against proposed amend
ment to th« constitution reserving to the
people the right of direct legislation
through the Initiative and referendum "
And if a majority of all voters at said
election shall be in favor of such amend
ment the same shall be deemed to be
adopted. The returns of said election
UF°S Jh* adoption of this amendment
•hall be made to the state canvassing
board and said board shall canvass the
vo e upon the amendment herein in the
same manner as is prescribed in the case
of presidential electors If a majority ol
**• votes cast at the election be in favor
of the proposed amendment the governor
*2.2*" V'*r th' rrault i* ascer
tained. shall make proclamation declar
ing the amendment to be part of the con
stituUoe of the state, and when so de
the amendment herein proposed
■kali ha In force and aelf-executing
Approved March 34. 1»11
L Addison Walt. Secretary of State of
til-# *1.1 g *** QO nere°y c®rtify
^A*th* forerolnc proposed amendment
to the Constitution of the State of Ne
braska Is a true and correct eopv of rh#
original enrolled and engrossed bill a«
passed by the Thirty-second session ol
the Legislature of the State of Nebraska
C appears.from said original tall on'file
this office, and that said proposed
amendment is submitted to the qualified
vo ero of the state of Nebraska for their
adoption or rejection at the general elec
tion to be held on Tuesday, the 5th day
of November. A. D. 1*1*. J
In Testimony Whereof. I have hereunto
•et my hand and affixed the Great Seal
of the State of Nebraska. Done at Lin
coln. this 10th dav of May. in the vear of
oor Land. One Thousand Nine Hundred
hftd Twelve, and of the Independence of
the United States the One Hundred and
Thirty-sixth and of this State the Forty
[Seal] Secretary of State.
_ *"b* following proposed amendment to
the constitution of Ole State of Nebraska,
so hereinafter net forth in full, is sub
“***•* to the electors of the State of Ne
bvojjtn. to be voted upon at the general
. n ** be beld Tuesday. Novembei
Hh. A. D. Uli.
"A JOINT RESOLUTION on proposing
na amendment to Section 4 of Article
* of the Cooatltution of the State ol
Be It Resolved and Enacted by the Legis
lature of the State of Nebraska:
section 1. That at the general election
foe state and legislative officers to be held
on the Tuesday following the first Mon
November. Uli the following bt
••“•nutted AS an amer.dir.eiu to Section i
the Constitution of tht
Staio t Nctmaaka:,
see. *. 1TTO first election of mem
bers of the legislature held after the
adoption of this amendment members of
the Senate and House of Representatives,
shall be elected for the term of two years.
Both senators and representatives shall
each receive pay at the rate of six hun
dred dollars for each regular session of
the Legislature, during their term, and
ten cents for every mile they shall travel
In going to and returning trom the place
of meeting of the legislature, on the most
usual route. That neither members of
the legislature nor employes shall re
ceive any pay or perquisites ether than
their salary and mileage. Each session,
except special session, shad not be less
than sixty daya After the expiration of
twenty days of the session, no bills nor
Joint resolutions of the nature of bills
shall be introduced, unless the governor
shall by special message call the atten
tion of the legislature to the necessity of
passing a law on the sublect-matter em
braced In the message, and the introduc
tion of bills shall be restricted thereto.
Provided, that the general appropria
tion bills may be Introduced up to and
including the fortieth day.
Sec. 2. That at said election on the
Tuesday succeeding the first Monday in
November. 1912. on the ballot of each
elector voting thereat there shall be
printed or written the words: "For pro
posed amendment to the constitution fix
ing the term of office and salary for
members of the legislature." and
"Against proposed amendment to the
constitution fixing the term of office and
salary for members of the legislature."
And if a majority of all the voters at ths
said election shall be in favor of such
amendment the sams shall be deemed to
be adopted. The returns of said election
upon the adoption of this amendment
shall be made to the State Canvassing
Board and that Board shall canvass the
vote upon the amendment herein In the
same manner as is prescribed In ths case
of presidential electors. If a majority of
the votes cast at the election be In favor
of the proposed amendment the governor,
within ten days after the result Is ascer
tained. shall make proclamation declar
ing the amendment to be part of the
constitution of the state, and when so
declared the same shall be In force.
Approved April 10. 1911.”
I. Addison Wait. Secretary of State, of
the State of Nebraska do hereby certify
that the foregoing proposed amendment
to the Constitution of the State of Ne
braska is a true and correct copy of the
original enrolled and engrossed bill, as
p issed hv the Thirty-second session of
the Legislature of the State of Nebraska,
is appears from said original bill on file
In this office, and that said proposed
amendment is submitted to the qualified
voters of the state of Nebraska for their
adoption or rejection at the general elec
tion to be held on Tuesday, the 5th day
of November. A. T>. 1912.
In Testimony Whereof. I have hereunto
set my hand and affixed the Great Seal
of the State of Nebraska. Done at Lin
coln. this 20th dav of May. In the year of
our T,«rd. One Thousand Nine Hundred
and Twelve, and of the Independence of
the United States the One Hundred and
Thirty-sixth and of this State the Forty
[Seal] Secretary of State.
The following proposed amendment to
the constitution of the State of Nebraska,
as hereinafter set forth in full, is sub
mitted to the electors of the State of Ne
braska. to be voted upon at the general
election to be held Tuesday. November
5th. A. D. 1912.
tion nineteen (19) of Article five (5) of
the Constitution of the State of Nebras
ka creating a Board of Commissioners
of State Institutions.
Be It Enacted by the Legislature of the
State of Nebraska:
Section 1. That Section nineteen '19).
of Article five (5) of the Constitution of
the State of Nebraska, be amended to
read as follows:
sjctnun i». me ooveraor snail, prior
to the adjournment of the thirty-third
session of the legislature, nominate and.
with the consent of two-thirds of the
members of the Senate in Executive Ses
sion. appoint three electors of the state,
not more than two of whom shall belong
to the same political party and no two
of whom shall reside at the time of their
appointment In the same congressional
district, as members of a board to be
known as a “Board of Commissioners of
State Institutions.” Said members shall
hold office as designated by the Governor
for two. four and six years respectivelv.
Subsequent appointments shall be made
as provided and. except to fill vacan
cies. shall be for a period of six years.
The Board shall at all times be subject
to the above restrictions and limitations.
The Board of Commissioners shall have
full power to manage, control and gov
ern. subject only to such limitations as
shall be established by law. the State
Soldiers’ Home. Hospitals for the Insane.
Institute for the Deaf. Institute for the
Blind. Industrial Schools, institute for
Feeble Minded Children. Nebraska Indus
trial Home. Orthopedic Hospital, the
State Penitentiary and all charitable, re
formatory and penal Institutions that
shall be by law established and main
tained by the state of Nebraska. They
shall each give bonds, receive compensa
tion for service, perform all duties and
comply with all regulations that shall be
established by law. The powers pos
sessed by the Governor and Board of
Public Lands and Buildings with refer
ence to the management and consul of
the Institutions herein named shall, on
July 1. 1913, cease to exist In the Gov
ernor and the Board of Public Lands and
Buildings and shall become vested In a
Board of Commissioners of State Institu
tions. and the said Board Is on July 1. 1911.
and without further process of law. au
thorized and directed to assume and ex
ercise all tha powers heretofore vested
in or exercised by the Governor or Board
of Public I-andl and Buildings with ref
erence to the Institutions of the state
named herein, but nothing herein con
tained shall limit the general supervisory
or examining powers vested in the Gover
nor by the laws or constitution of the
slate, or such as are vested by him In
anv committee appointed by him.
Section 2. That at the general election.
In November. 1912. there shall be submit
ted to the electors of the state for their
approval or rejection the foregoing pro
posed amendments to the constitution In
the following form: On th« ballot of each
elector voting for or against said pro
posed amendment shall be printed or
written "For proposed amendment to the
Constitution creating a Board of Com
missioners of State Institutions” and
“Against said proposed amendment to
the constitution creating a Board of
Commissioners of State Institutions.”
Section 3. If suoh amendment to Sec
tion nineteen (19) of Article five (S) of
the Constitution of the State of Nebraska
shall be approved by a majority of all
electors voting at such election said
amendment shall constitute Section nine
teen (19) of Article five (5) of the con
stitution of the state of Nebraska.
Approved April 10. 1911.”
I, Addison wait. Secretary of State, of
the State of Nebraska do hereby certify
that the foregoing proposed amendment
to the Constitution of the State of Ne
braska Is a true and correct copy of the
original enrolled and engrossed bill, as
passed by the Thlrty-seoond session of
the Legislature of the State of Nebraska,
as appears from said original bill on file
In this office, and that said proposed
amendment is submitted to the qualified
voters of the state of Nebraska for their
adoption or rejection at the general elec
tion to be held on Tuesday, the 5th day
of November. A. D. 1912.
In Testimony Whereof. I have hereunto
set my hand and affixed the Great Seal
of the State of Nebraska. Done at Lin
coln. this 20th day of liav. In the year of
our Lord. One Thousand Nine Hundred
pii Twelve, and of the Independence of
the United States the One Hundred and
Thirty-sixth and ef this State the Fqrty
[Seal] Secretary of State.
The following proposed amendment to
the constitution of the State of Nebraska,
u hereinafter set forth la full, Is sub
mitted to the electors of the State of Ne
braska. to be voted upon at the general
ilection te be held Tuesday, November
1th, A. D. 1912.
amendments te Meotloa Eve (6) of
Article six (6) and Section thirteen (11)
of Article sixteen (It) of the constitu
tion of the state of Nebraska as found
in the Compiled Statutes of Nebraska
for 1909 (Section thirteen (12) of
Article eighteen (It) of Oofefcey's An
notated Statutes for 1999). relating to
time of electing Judges of the supremo
court, fixing the time of the general
election and providing for bolding over
of incumbents until their successors
are elected and qualified.
Be it Resolved and Enacted fey the Legis
lature of the State of Nebraska:
Section 1. That Section five (S) Of
Article Six (8) of the (Constitution of the
State at Neb-ask* be am ended to road an
Section S. That at the general election
to ha hold In the State at Nebraska la
the year 191t, and each six years there
after, there shall be sleeted throe (!)
fudges of the Supreme Court, who ohaB
hold the!' offloe for the parted of eta (tl
roars; that at the general election 90 fee
fhpreffife Collft wtttt Shan norer tttefr oflToe
for the period of six years; and at the
general election to be held in the State
of Nebraska in the year 1920 and each
ilx (6) years thereafter there shall be
elected a chief justice of the Supreme
! Court, who shall hold his office for the
period of six <6) years. Provided. That
the member of the Supreme Court whose
term of office expires in January. 1914.
shall be chief justice of the Supreme
Court during that time until the expira
tion of his term of office.
Section 2. That Section Thirteen (13)
it Article Sixteen (16) of the constitution
of the State of Nebraska as found in the
Compiled Statutes of Nebraska for 1909
(Section thirteen (13) of Article eighteen
(18) of Cobbey’s Annotated Statutes for
1909) be amended to read as follows:
Section 13. The general election of this
state shall be held on the Tuesday suc
ceeding the first Monday in November
in the year 1914 and every two years
thereafter. All state, district, county,
precinct and township officers, by the
constitution or laws made elective by th*
people, except school district officers, and
municipal officers in cities, villages and
towns, shall be elected at a general elec
tion to be held as aforesaid. Judges of
:he supreme, district and county courts,
ill elective county and precinct offic is,
*nd all other elective officers, the time
for the election of \\ bom is not herein
otherwise provided for. ind which are
aot Included In the above exception,
•shall be elected on the Tuesday succeed
ing the first Monday :n X i nber. 15*1 h
ind thereafter at the gem ral election
next preceding the ti ne of ; * terr.vhvi
tion for th -ir respec .o terms of
ITovided, That no office shall • va ;t»* :
thereby, but the i:c. t thereof shall
hold over until hs successor is duly
rlecfed ar.d qt.'lifred.
Section 3. The f n of 1 a!Ion the
amendments propose-: herein shall be as
follows: "For prop. i am* • tl.nonts to
the constitution psovaTng for gv acra?
election once in two • * and '* *r : st
propos 'd aruor.dments t • e.vjsiituti
providing far general election once in
two years.**
Approved April 7. T911.**
I. Addison \dait. Secretsrv of Sf'te. of
the State of Xehr.tsh.i d* : v* cort'.y
that the fore-ro:og pr'p >ed inn- it
to the Constitution of t' St. :• of Ne
braska is a true and corr ct y f the
original enrolled and *• .* ■ ;p a<
passed l y t . ■ T>.i :v-s» « d < .••<; m n.
the Legislature f :ae s • of X - -rask .
as appears fr. m said - ri *inal ! :*» n -
in this an’ said j • j
amendment is sinniXhfd to ::*e ■; t.r.t,*,
voters of the state of Ne' risk ^ th* r
adoption or rejection it the gc • * ral elec
tion to be held on T • ' lay. Lie 5th dxy
af November. A. TV. T?'2.
In Testimony Wh • : I have hercnint
set my hand and « " I • Great Sea
the State at Nehra : • at I*h
coin, this 20th d v . •** > .v. in the vv:ir »
>UT Lord. One Th>• .::d X;*: H in : «•
ind Twelve, and of the Indf. 're* •' <
tne Unit*.! States the O . . j
Thirty-sixth and of this "t r ry
sixth. ArOS*ON WOT.
[Seal] Secretarv of Suite.
The following d time; ardent to
the constitution ol toe runs.- tn N or..ska.
as hereinafter set lotto :a in... :s e o
mitted to the electors ot tile Slate . : .Ne
braska. to be voted i pan or t.n ..era!
election to be hcid 'l uesday. No, in ., r
ith.A. L>. IV1E.
"AJC ACT for a Joint Resolution to ; re
pose an amendment to the c .,s.;t..r:on
of the State ol Mebr.tska.
Be it Resolved and (unacted :v tile Legis
lature of trie State of Mehta
Section 1. Th..t at the g • r... . clion
for state and legislative officer:, to tie
he!d in the State of Meorask.. t . first
Tuesday succeeding the !i..-. Jeon Jay :n
November. lSld. the following pro.iskm
b« proposed and submitted to the electors
of the State of Nebraska:
Sec. 2. Any cit\ having a popula
tion of more than live thousand >
inhabitants may frame a charier for its
own government, consistent with ana
subject to the constitution and i.,ws ol
this state, by causing a convention of
fifteen freeholders, wno shall hate been
for at least five years qualified met -rs
thereof, to be elected by the qualified
voters of said city at any general or spe
cial election, whose duty it shall be
within four months after such election,
to prepare and prepos* a charter for such
city. which charier, when completed,
i prefatory synopsis, shall be signed by
the officers and members of the conven
tion, or a majority thereof, and deliv
ered to the clerk of said city, who sh i
publish the same In full, with his official
certification, in the official paper of said
ritv. if there be one. and if there be :.o
official jkiper. then :n at least oae news
papier published and in genera! circula
tion In said city, three times, and a we k
apart, and within not less than thirty
days after such publication it shall *e
submitted to the qualified electors of said
city at a general or special th-ciion. and
If a majority of such qualified voters,
voting thereon, shall ratify the same, it
shall at the end of sixty days thereafter,
become the charter of said city, and
supersede any existing charter and all
amendments thereof. A duplicate cer
tificate shall be made, setting forth the
charter proposed and Its ratification (to
gether with the vote for and .teams’, i and
duly certified by the City Clerk, and au
thenticated by the corporate seal of said
city and one copy thereof shall be filed
with the secretary of state and the other
deposited among the archives of the citv.
gnd shall thereupon become and be the
charter of said city, and all amendments
to such charter, shall be authenticated in
the same manner, and filed with the sec
retary of state, and deposited In the
archives of the city.
Sec. 3. But if said charter be re
jected. then within six months thereafter,
the Mayor and council or governing au
thorities of said city may call a special
flection at which fifteen members of a
new charter convention shall be elected
to he called and held as above in such
fity. and they shall proceed as above to
frame a charter which shall in like man
ner ana to the like end be published and
submitted to a vote of said voters for
their approval or rejection If again re
jected. the procedure herein designated
nay be repeated until a charter is finally
approved by a majority of those voting
thereon, and certified (together with the
vote for and against! to the secretary of
-fate as aforesaid, and a copy thereof
deposited In the archives of the city,
whereupon it shall become the charter of
?uld city. Members of each of said char
ter conventions shall be elected at large;
tnd they shall complete their labors
within sixty days after their respective
The charter shall make proper pro
vision for continuing, amending or repeal
ing the ordinances of the city.
See. 4. Such chatter so ratified and
• dopted may be amended, or a charter
-invention called, by a proposai therefor
”nde by the law-making body of such
or by the qualified electors in num
ber not less than five per cent or the next
preceding gubernatorial vote in such city
by partition filed with the council or gov
erning authorities. The council or gov
erning authorities shall submit the same
to a vote of the qualified electors at the
next general or spiecial election not held
Within thirty days after such petition is
filed. In submitting any such charter or
charter amendments, any alternative
article or section may be presented for
the choice of the voters and may be
voted on separately without prejudice to
others. Whenever the question of a
charter convention is carried by a ma
jority of those voting thereon, a charter
convention shall be called through a spe
cial election ordinance, and the Rime
shall be constituted and held and the
proposed charter submitted to a vote of
the qualified electors, approved or reiect
ed. as provided in Section two hereof.
The City Clerk of said city shall publish
with his official certification, for three
times, a week apart in the official p#.,-r
of said city, if there he one. and if there
be no official papier, then In at least one
newspapier, published and in general cir
culation In said city, the full text of any
charter or charter amendment to be
voted on at any general or spiecial eleo
No charter or charter amendment
adopted under the provisions of this
amendment shall be amended or repealed
except by electoral vote. And no such
charter or charter amendment shall di
minish the tax rate for state purposes
fixed by act of the legislature, or inter
fere In any wise with the collection of
state taxes.
Seo. S. That at said election In the
year 191*. on the ballot of each elector
voting thereat, there shall be printed or
written the words—"For proposed amend
ment to the Constitution allowing cities
of more than five thousand Inhabitants in
this state to frame their own city char
ter.” and “Against proposed amendment
to constitution allowing cities of more
than live thousand Inhabitants in this
■tats to frame their own charters.” And
If a majority of all voters at said elec
tion shall be for such amendment the
same shall be deemed to be adopted.
Approved March 29. 1911.”
L Addison Wait. Secretary of State, of
the State of Nebraska do hereby certifv
that the foregoing proposed amendment
to the Constitution of the State of Ne
braska is a true and correct copy of the
original enrolled and engrossed bill, as
passed by the Thirty-second sessson of
the Legislature of the State of Nebraska,
as appears from said original bill on die
in this office, and that said proposed
amendment is submitted to the qualified
> nueES of the auo-c of Nebraska fox y^ir ,
1 *aoption or relscHon at TfiA'gFnerM sec
tion to be held on Turadav, the 5th day
Of November, A. D. 1912.
In Testimony Whereof. I have hereunto
set my hand and affixed the Great Seal
of the State of Nebraska. Done at Lin
coln, this 20th day of May, in the Year of
our Lord. One Thousand Nine Hundred
and Twelve, and of the Independence of
the United States the One Hundred and
Thirty-sixth and of this Shite the Forty
[Seal] Secretary of State.
What the Nebraska
Farmers Are Doing
When the magazine writers go hunt
ing for a story about big things in ag
riculture. they have the habit of go-1
ing to Kansas: for the reason that!
Kansas has been unusually progres
sive in advertising her resources: and
Kansas has done great things with
her 1,734.463 people on the farms and
her 15,(40.550 acres under cultivation, j
But in 1910, Nebraska with less than
two-thirds of the population and
about half of the cultivated acreage
beat the Sunflower state to a frazzle,
for instance:
Kansas produced an average per
capita value of agricultural products
of *167.32; Nebraska an average of
Did you get that? Read it again.
Kansas produced from her farms
wealth to the amount of *11.2$ per
cultivated acre: Nebraska farmers
turned out *25.47 per cultivated acn.1
And that's different. Remember it. !
Kansas produced from her total ag
ricultural and live stock business
#316.00 per capita. Fine!
Nebraska produced from her total
live stock and agricultural business
*451.00 per capita.
And that's different again. Don't
forget it.
To make it plain. Nebraska, with
just about half as many folks on her
farms, beat Kansas *3.242.347 in the
total of wealth production: a matter
of #135.00 per capita.
Tiie F. S. census says that the av
erage wealth of the farmers of Kan
sas was *1.175 per capita in 1910: Ne
braska farmers had *2,360 per capita.
That's #5.925 more of wealth for every
family of five on the farms of Nebras
ka thanforsimilarfamilies in Kansas.
There's a reason for these things.
Nebraska is a good state to live in.
Paste it in your hat!
ton wait!
e Helm an3 imeroper
treatment at disease
AT means toes el time.
I mones and health.
r'g*V- Consult a reliable
jilt Specialist, one »bo is
J not a*ra;d te use his own
name, aid who has a
permanent business and resi
n> nameless doctors mho come
and no. There is no on? eaj
cere tor Piles or Raptu-e or
i » ucy ui:c h i t’.i'v, in
. f» D p|« 1.1 P'-^afc Jsecses
J . h i L*. .AsTHn «?£CI«.:ST. Chronic
3*W Pr«» 5 v. ?i*«s ; Ruptake cured
. ».i-vut c , r^r i. jf 1O0 tor 6S00J Pr>«i>n.
Opportunities for All
in California
Whether you are looking for a place to retire on small farm or
orchard tract, or if you are seeking a business location, California of
fers you great inducements. The climate varies but little and the land
is never idle—some crops ripen every season. Three crops from the
same land in one year is not unusual. With the increasing farm pop
ulation. new industries are needed to turn the raw products into man
ufactured goods. It is to your interest to investigate the possibilities
of this state with a view of selecting a location here.
Standard Road of the West
Dustless Roadbed. Double Track.
Protected by Automatic Electric Block Safety Signals
desire to help you choose your new field and when you have decided
upon the location, will take vou there comfortably and quickly and
after you are settled will aid you in getting your products marketed
Low round trip homeseekers’ fares in effect
first and third Tuesday of each month.
For literature and information relative to
this wonderful state, call on
J. W. Collipriest, Agent, ”
Loup City, Neb.
j For The Same Money
you might pay for clothing
I l made six or seven months ago
over dummy models, our
Chicago tailors, Ed. V. Price
&Co., huild up-to-date clothes
Exp ressly To Your Order
and give a style tkat pleases, a
shape that is permanent, a
wearing service that means economy, and an
individuality that satisfies.
A personal trial will prove why their work is so
highly regarded. Let us take your measure. Todav!
Now is the Time to
Golden Prairie District
Near Cheyenne Wyoming f
You have seen our advertisement before and many of you have thought you would
go out Inter The fall work has prevented you, however, and you have yut it off
Now is the Time
For you to go. It is a period between threshing and corn picking, when you will be
least busy. You will never h§ue your work all done and the longer you delay the less
you can see of the crops
If You will Come now
We can still show you some grain in shocks in the field; a great many crops in the
stack; some fine crops of winter wheat that will go another 35 bushels next year.
whether you are interested or not. You haven't writen us if you are. Let us know
and our agent w ill call and showr you samples of the crops. You can talki. over with
him and decide whether it is a proposition youjwant or not
To look .t the land you are under no obligation to buy. If you will risk the $17 for the
round trip and $1.25 a day while you are gone, we will ShoW you the land Free of
Charge whether you buy or not. We will also
Refund Railroad Fare
To purchasers. If you are interested Write now
The Federal Land and
Securities Co. .