The Loup City northwestern. (Loup City, Neb.) 189?-1917, October 31, 1912, Image 5
PLAN= ~ fhe.p /\ct **&£<&*> s ( Many |«eopie plan their whole lives to hare a bank account and then leave this world mitbout so much as a start at one. Planning isn t worth anything unless followed by action. (ro«*d intetions never land you any where. Make your plans to start an account with us this week and back up your plans with action. FIRST NATIONAL BANK IB. f. Muot. prest H. B. Outhcust. Vtce-pres* L.. f>an»cn. Cashltr > Clears Che Complexion # < m v<*u >gine anything more embarrassing than to have a complexion that is marred with blotches? ft i* not only unpleasant—that isn't the worst feature—it •,**an* that Hie b, > >d is impure and the longer you neglect it the more you suffer from annoyance. Skis w»nlantfw any dencriptJon indicate, in every instance, an impover i- <3»ent of U* O.oon auppiy it isn’t pore and you cannot expect it to supply - *c proper an -nt A nourishment to Uie surrounding tissues Oet at tf»e root of tbe trouble-oeatu* Uie blood of impurities -stir up the ■n'.. fie up Ui* digestive fluid- and have your food absorbed in the proper manner Nyal's Hot Springs Blood Remedy > ire art ben- the blood -apply, enriches it, cleanses it of impure material and thu- -upplie- a loundatiou for the build «*c of a permanent health Y«m niU notice a decided improvement with the first few doses, the ap' .elite • ill be increased, you will feel the bioud coursing through your veine and the skin will take on Lite glow of health We recommend it— $1 .(Xl the bottle We expert U) be here in business a good many years. The only way we •an do it »» by treating everybody right. That's our policy. For Sale bit Swanson & Lofholm DRl'tx STOKE PAGELER & ROUNDS Auctioneers Arcadia, - - - Nebraska aooooceoecffinnooooooooot We will call sales together or separately, in any pari •f Sherman Comity. Phone or write. Jack Pageler 01 Pari Rounds. Ar«adia. Nebraska. THE NORTHWESTERN t LOCAL NEWS. Veai calves wanted by Lee Brothers. I»r Valiler Osteopath.Grand Island Auto curtain found on the road south at *. O. Brown's. Owner will find one at this office. < ietce batter 2Sc per pound at Lee Brothers' meat market Mrs. II Leininger. who lias been on the sick list for the past few weeks, has now nearly recovered tier normal health You had better fill your bins with your supuiy at *oft caul for winter use. Come and see our coal. Tivua s Elevator Oar good friend. L. L, Smith from Litchfield was in to see us Tuesdiy and poshed his date for reading the Northwestern well in advance. We wish we had five ilwvnsatul more friends like L. L. Lash-A gold tar breast pin. set with one ruby and two pearls. Finder will be amply rewarded by leaving same at the Northwestern office. Mrs. Lawrence Costello arrived from Grand Island lass Sato rday even ing to visit a wee* with her parents. Mr and Mrs. M. C. Mulick, and her bosk of friends here. If you have a bone or a mule to sell, call phone i-oo-*« M*el. A. Waekk'k. The Industrial Society will met with Mm. Goo. Colilpriest. Wednes day afternoon Nov. i fcmoke bouse for meats for sale. In quire of Ashley Conger. If you want a dray, pi tone A. L. Eo deriee. fi oa fil. or leave your order with either lumber yard or E. fi. Taylor. Best of service guaranteed. Drawing paper for the schools for sale st this office 2 roots a sheet or 3 sheets for a nickle. We are paying r cents cash for cream delivered at the creamery. We test and pay cash for ersam. Bates*a Ckxamebv Co. r — * Hud O'Bryan and wife of Grand island are visiting Mr. and Mrs. Joe Thompson this week. They have just returned from their honeymoon trip to Kentucky and other points in the Southland. We pay cash for eggs delivered at the creamery. Ravenna Creamery Co. Ikm't forget the supper election night given by tl»e ladies of the G. A. R-. in the building just east of Ma kowski's store. First snow of the season Oct. 31. How long will you remember that? Mrs. and Mrs. A. L. Enderlee were made a pleasant visit last week from Mr. Enderlee's good mother from Aurora, and his aunt. Mrs. Hack of Winona. Minn. A clear, healthy skin and health in abundance result from the continued use of Nyals Hot Springs Blood Rem edy. Ask us about it. Swanson & Lofholm. Mrs. Harry Johnson and children of 1 imaha was a two-weeks' guest at the home of her sister. Mrs. C. J. I’eter soo. Mrs. Johnson returned to her home Tuesday morning. The Loup City Mills have oil meal on hand at all times. Theysliip itout to surrounding towns a< d can supply you in ton lots at red used priegs. Loup City Mill & Light Co. Frank Peterson and wife were out tt> Hershea. in Lincoln county, last week looking after his ranch of over 1100 acres. Frank will put a goodly portion of it in cucumbers next year, h rank has rightly earned cognomen of “Cucumber" Peterson, by his great success in raising that vegetable We are making cut prices on flour in ,j00-pound lots. Also any of the merciiante will make you the same price. You better buy a supply now while prices are low. Loup City Mill & Light Co. We received a letter the other day from W. B. OweoatSunnyside, Wash, changing his address to North Yakima, where he will be found em ployed in the federal building, and in which be remit# for more visits of the Northwesters with the good words, •‘I do not want to get along without the Northwestern." And neither do we want him to get along without it, ao be will get it, you bet. See my line of men and boys’ over coats. A bargain at Lorentz’. The young people of the C. E. society will serve coffee, sandwiches and doughnuts on the court yard, election day, from llo’clockon. Price of lunch 15c. You can save money by buying ! your winter suit at Lorentz'. Miss Lena Smith was a delegate to ! the State Christian Endeavor conven | tion at Kearney last week, going Fri day morning and returnining Monday 1 evening of this week. Lard cans for sale at 1*00 each at Juug& Melberg's Bakery. Ed and Albert Magnuson were pas sengers for Marquette last Saturday morning, Albert returning home from a visit here and Ed going down to see how things look and make a visit to old associations. If you want goodv prompt draying, call on C. L. McDonald, successor to Hagood. J. T. Hale arrived from Ogden. Utah. Tuesday evening and will re main for the winter. He is looking fine and much Improved by his ab sence in that mountain country. Mrs. Peter Rowe left Wednesday morning for Greeley by auto to visit her brother. Harold. Mr. and Mrs. Joe Thompson enter tained Tuesday evening in honor of Bud O'Bryan and his tride. The many friends of Grandpa Jens, an old resident of Sherman county, now of Granc Junction. Colo., will be grieved to learn he is almost blind. We understand his son. John Jens, will soon take him to Omaha for treatment. The biggest line of Overcoats in the citv at Lorentz'. For Sale Pure Bred Poland China boars. A good line, large type Poland China boars of March and April farrow. Two litters sired by the 2nd prize winner in aged boars at 1912 Nebraska State Fair. This sire is a full brother to the Champion. If vou are in the market for a good hoar, come and see them. Three-fourth mile south-east of town. H. .1. Johansen. Clear Creek Items Mis- Grace Adams spent Saturday and Sunday with the Misses Woods of Mason City. Miss Inez Van Dyke visited at home over Saturday and Sunday. Mr. Knapp of Bethany attended tiie Iwsket social at Lone Elm Friday evening. Loren Ilayden spent Sunday at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Wash Peters A dance was given at the home of Wash Hammonds Saturday night. A large crowd attended tire pro gram and .-<>cial at Lone Elm Friday evening. Proceed- resulting from sale of baskets amounted to $3l).a5. Handed Him A Lemon W. .1. Fisher a few days since re ceived a lemon from his friend. Geo. H. Gibson at Zepliyrsville, Fla., which is a hugh one. weighing two and a half pounds. As Mr. Fisher is the Progressive candidate for county at torney. the receipt of the lemon i; very suggestive to say the least. Chickens by the car load wanted hi Lee Brothers. Bring your veal eaives to Lee Brothers* A No. 1 baled hay for sale in car load lots. Phone g-on-84. F. P. Peter son. Mrs. D. B. Smith of Ord. accom panied by her son, Evet. was last week visiting her sister, Mrs. David Kay. and her niece. Mrs. F. E. Tracv. i of this county. Lee Brothers will pay cash for a car load of chickens. Editor Reider of the Arcadia Cham pion was a Loup Cit\ visitor Monday. Home made saur kraut for sale. Phone 87. L. A. Bangs. Mr. and Mrs. Vic Swanson had a pleasant visit last week from Mrs Swanson's undo and aunt, >fr. and Mrs Sevens Swanson of Moline. Ills., who were homeward bound from a trip to California. Mr. Swanson is maker of the Moline autos. I Leave orders for theC.L. McDonald dray at either lumber yard or E. G. at Taylor's. Mr. and Mrs. A. Er Houser drove up from Aurora in their car last week, accompanied l»y their son. George, for a visit with the Leiningers. They returned home on Monday of this week. Miss Lizzie Leininger and Master John Leininger accompanying them for a few days’ visit. The two latter returned Ruesday evening. I want three car loads of chickens at once. 1 will will pay the highest market price.—S. F. Reynolds. Elsewhere in this issue will be found the advertismentof the new furniture , meu. Messers. Daily & Krebs, who recently bought out Use Hale furni ture store. These gentlemen are most, pleasant to meet and with their families will undoubtedly prove valu able acquisitions to the good people of Loup City. They came from Scotia. In the deal. Mr. Daily purchased the li. P. Ferdinandt residence property in southeast Loup City, and Mr. Krebs ' has rente I the James Bone cottage in jeast Loup City. Mr. Bone going back on the farm and giving possession in about two weeks. The Northwestern . is pleased to commend these gentle-; j men and their families to our people. ! who they will find are the best peoples on earth. Messers. Daily & Krebs have already made most excellent changes in the appearence of their store and as they are live business men will make of their furniture es tablishment one of the most enter prising in the city. Mr. Daily is the furniture man. while Mr. Krebs is a first class undertaker. May success attend them. CHURCH LOCALS Preaching every Sunday at 10:30 and 7:30. Sunday school 11:45. O. S. Fross, Supt. Epworth League 6:45, Orpha Outhouse, president. Prayer meeting each Thursday at 7:30. Class meeting every Sunday morning. A cordial invitation is extended to every one to attend any oral) of ourservices. D. .-V. Leeper. Pastor. Swedish Church Friday. Nov. 1, i at 7:30 p. m.. sermon by the Rev. ! Carlson of Denver. Sunday. Nov. 3: j Sunday school 10:30 a. m .and sermon at 11:15. Subject ‘The Beatitudes.” Matthew 5. All welcome. Presbyterian church Nov. 3: Morn ing theme "A Christian's Politics." Evening—“Our Choice of a Ruler.’’ j Preaching at A ustin at 3 p. m. Nov 9. CLOSING OUT Nov. 9 All Our Men’s ■FoREHOStP? m — CLOTHES *opfin. £2?* ^Kansf/fld This sale will commence Saturday morning November 9th. As we have decided to discontinue the handling of men’s suits as we have not the room to handle them. These goods must go, they are all new and up to date, we have no old suits in our store. The price of these suits range from $15 to $20. Sale Price $10.99 for your choice OVERCOATS range in price SIS to $20 Sale pnce$10.99 Rember the date at the Loup City Mercantile Co. ^LADIES’ CLOAKS! 17 k 5230 Black Imitation Pony Skin. Size 32 to 38, Our Price $4.89 17 k 5232 Ladies' black caracule or broadtale, size 32 to 40 others get 811. Our Price $8.50 IT k ;V234 Siik £eal Piush Coats, full satin lined. Our Price $15.00 We have all kinds of cloth cloaks of all the latest patterns. Call and get your cloak be fore the best is gone. Children’s cloaks, Price $2. to S8.50 « Munsing Underwear No. 3557 Bleached Misses Munsing union suit, drop seat, per suit SI-00 No. 3517, Ladies' bleached union suit in Munsing half open front, l . ankle length, elbow sleeves S1.0G / No. 3545 Ladies’ bleached union suit, high neck, long sleeve, ankle length.Munsing underwear $1. _ \ BRADLY SWEATERS Made from the best material and made to fit Price SI-75 to S850 Bradley Caps FOR Ladies' Girls and Boys/ These are % made to wear fg well and are warm. Price 50c to > $2.50 i ^ SPECIAL DRiVES Ladies Aprons Shoulder ■\ Strap. Gingham ^ Aprons 50C Gingham §|. Aprons with P bib 65c INFANTS HOODS Made of India Linen 25c Hood made of China Silk 50c' Pace Cloth Good size bleached terrv face cloth 5 i Turkish Towels good turkish bath towels-with fringe ends.36xl9 bleach ed, a bargain \ 5c Lace and embroideries an excellent assortment of attractive pattern at popular price 5c ■ Ribbons A splendid lot of ribbons including all the newest \ shades for bows, sashes, etc. Special attention is called to the super- J ior rai ues shown at per yard only IOc Women's. Misses and children's hose support is. elastic veb top. non elastic tottcm rubber post buttcn. in black and white only 10c Some splendid va ues in men's fleeced f underwear in srra At 50c one better trrade in cream color heavy fleeced at 65c Some splendid values well made work shirts, good wearing materials in plain and fancy collars, a money sav ing chance not to be overlooked at 50c Men's negligee shirts, clearance of regular dollar goods various styles, same with soft roll collar and same w ith high soft detachable col lars. All well mads and roomy, good material neat pat terns and coiiars. Your choice of any in this lot at 7 5c A big lot to I choose from all the popu lar styles and weights price 25 to 50 Men's cloth gioves bleached can ton flannel gloves big1 value at 3 For 25c , BACK COMBS | Good quality plain | and fancy. 1 12 and 25c MEN'S Hosiery A splendid lot of men s half hose inclding various styles and colors at i 15 to 25c j Children’s j Stockings A splendid lot of Boys and Girls stockings at 15c We also handle the FAy stocking the best money can buy for the price <3-roceries lOOlbs bestgr'd sugar 6 25 lOOlbs Chicken grit 90 2 cans Tomatoes 25 2 cans peas 25 1 doz good lemons 30 2 box grape nut 25 2 Cream Wheat 25 3 Post Toasties 25 ‘3 Egg-O-See „ 25 6 bars flake white soap 25 10 bars polo soap 25 ; 0 gal coal oil and good steel tank $9 50 Do not be swindled, as we can always save you money Loup City Mer. Co.