He Lfttp City Northwestern ' l. V. BtWJacn. PttMiafccr LOW* CITY, . . NEBRASKA FOR THE BUSY MAK1 ! MAS E*«TOMC THAT CAN SOON SC COMPASSED. MUNI EVENTS ABE MENTIONED H»mm F>rtt|« i^telltfwc« Ccn g>"lia l*t» T IN lH Fsif LlM Firtgrjpri P».it1c«l Kites. Pr-s cmat Taft predicts victory for repot-mac pony seat aoaih nuppovtcra of Pr»*.a~u'. Taf”. is Ca ■Wanna are ptau-iy c.efranrhised Co* trunk. It is said, atli make •* come *peer-bea during tbe tain at- used Governor on tbe uwt queo Smt alter tbe eject**. President Taf' i* -oa'-mpia'iat a tnp to tbe Fnaama canal Sett in behalf of < ot«rl Roosevelt bee neat. star**d *ga.a#t. a Mich.gas oditot for *-.r*ed libel Governor Marshall t-Plet Gover nor .lebavi ■ oa ba> mg sock a bad »e•■-»! iaa ib California Cugeae V lobs eueialio! candidal s Jbr pr*e.Oec is oa a speech making Imr it riniftnuir (be country la a letter to Jobs Wan am*her. * re*ideat Taft argued again*: a 'nt* • tn admin-avrauve policies In it» opinion of ikatior ( nmnai tbe i-tairivdu party praacip*e» are tocrei, advanced republican idea*. Mepubucaa* filed an injunction max tbe secretaiv of stale of la>f-..»taba to prevent him placing pro rr-M.i- eiertora <« lie official hal lo* for tbe V«»vember dectioa. Kepre*ertntive Henry of Texas me Murrf 'Sal ta hu> informal elate nrat of campaign expense* cent to Wav- tar so be bad certified be did nan ip*ud a cent either in the pn mart or general elertioo Gaoemor hilt* mad bis advocates bate t.an pet seated the attitude of tbe ; 'arreo.se party toward tbe *ru» • aa* charged by Governor John nan of California in a ip» »ch in tbe ana-tor am at Harrisburg. Pa fi* retail Hester it a statement of tbe worlds visible >apply of cotton shorn* an increase tor the week just dosed of 39PJ1T bab* against as in rr*w*e of :j.M« bales last year and an increase of fiT.fl* hales year be fore ir *f t i*rVv Vage- secretary of ton ne - and labor, m aa address at raates Ohm defended President Taft s policies during bis administra tes orb a recounting of various prtv grestate isms urbirfi mere secured through bis activity t'hi'ed States Senator La Pallette. fa a sgeee-fe at La * rosse. Wis... de dared that be wowld veto for ne ther sdt. Taft nor Wilson He com tbe suppression of competition I ' tbe trusts, to a huge cancer, •bo removal of which requires great skill Making bis las* address in Mew Jer f be present campaign. Gov sharply rrttkMid Got for hia failure fo do a Li tie trust bouse dealing by drtitmg •be standard Oi Tohneeo company and thirty or fairy other treats, of which Mew Jersey is the mother, out * ontrtbutionr to the president ta! cams* im fund of the oe*worratir par ty ibis yoor totalled KUJH. accord in« to the swora statement of Treas uter kolia C »r> of fit Lous, tiled with the chief decs 9t tbe house of fs-preaetttstivws KapewdiiUfM ag ■mstaioi LG ili rt. including f 12*. ono sen* to bswdquarters ar S*v York, and there are outstanding obli gmiocs of •*&.!«* (milil IkMi irvsUr is !e*nd to t uba to uaMCMi with I to Cuban dec turn The tailed Mate* will adhere to lia policy of nun nirrtention in ■use *ay# Uooaeveit Mb enemies by ytod at tb# dawatrcddiu _i who tried to rna a tea ..i dollar cotton corner hate a i-Oarine to escape government pro** The London Tim** understands that both majority aad minority reports of the divorce raaaaskxi srili recom mend that the sexes b* equal before the to* to the matter of divorce TW general election to Norway is ■mag strongly against the government d !•» be! eve the federal forces in terded to join their standard. Secretary of Agriculture James Wilson declared the tariff was the only -sue in the present campaign. George W Perkins, as a witness before "he senate committee, became vepeir.. ct in bis denial of charges. Important witnesses wanted in the pros si-..’ ion of the Jack Johnson-Lu etic Cameron affair have disappeared. Firths thousand dollars in pay cne- k* were stolen from a messenger t*i . and partly cashed at Minneapolis. \ national marketing association for 'anuers was advocated by B. F. Yoakum at liallas. Texas, in an ad die-* t*. fore the convention of South si eatern growers. Mi** Mildred Kelly, a young white woman was shot in New York and probably fatally wound* J by Charles E Lee. a negro, u bo w as formerly her chauffeur L«*e then killed him self. Woir.'n o' republican headquarters in New York are exhibiting the pro *er*ne tariff doll, ia lace and finery, to - low that the average woman can .-»ve -uch an outfit Id spite of tariffs, for Jack Johnson. puzJP*t. will not be a owed to appear on any vaudeville stage ;n Kansas City, if Mayor Jost ran $' tulles out from Sail Fran Haro. A police woman's conference open ed :* sessions in Portland. Ore., w -It i< presents!ives of Washington, Oregon and California cities in attend ance. The delegates to the confer ence are women actually in police sotfc. J. C M*-rreraus. president of the Her r*u Bridge and Construction company. and George West, a civil en g*us«*r. were killed when a motor car in wh.ch they were riding dropped l',H fee- off s declivity in the Malibu a.out. a.ns .-*ven n.lies from I’alaba sas. CaL Findings of the genera! court mar tial acquitting Captains Jewitt and Henderson and five enlisted men of the t-tate National Guard of charges growing out of the killing of three citizens during the Augusta street rar strike were approved by Gover nor Brown of Georgia. Hear Admiral Southerland has re ported to the Navy department •hat the mounted American marines and tilue-Ja* kets making excursions through the sections of Nicaragua re cently torn by the revolutionists, found that good order prevails as the date lor the election, November 3. approaches. There may be some reasons for anonymous authorship in special cases, but there seems to be no good reason for anonymous manufacturing, yet. notwithstanding, it appears to be practised a great deal, so much so that a bill was introduced in the last congress which provides that every article placed upon the market for interstate or foreign commercec shall bear the name and address of the manufacturer under a penalty of a fin*- not exceeding Sl.OOO.MO, or six months' imprisonment, or lioth. Why should not that also be a wholesome provision for domestic commerce to prot<-ct our own people, as so many articles are now being offered under private brand* without the maker’s name, and therefore cannot be deter m.ued to what class they belong? Infantile paralysis has appeared among the Eskimos of Alaska for the urst time of which there is known record Personal. N ice President Sherman made a contribution to the campaign. Attorney General NViettersbam open ed fcis lour days' speaking tour of Ohio. Pr«wdent Taft and family- have re turned to Washington. Woodrow Wilson expects to make a few mor<* campaign speeches. Secretary Nagel contends the third party cuta no figure. Attorney General Wickersham com mended President Taft for his vetoes. NVitnesees in the Salem, Mass., riot trials put all blame on the strike leaders. Senator LaKollette announced he would not rote for any presidential candidate. Senator O'Gorman said that after all the tariff was the chief issue of the campaign Robert Bushnell Hart says the po litical convention Is doomed to die a natural death in a few years. — __ $TATE SUPREME COURT HAN06 DOWN TWO DECISIONS. RIGHTS OF VARIOUS PARTIES Taft Men Placed as Republican! and Roosevelt Admirers Will Be on tha Ticket as Progressives. The state supreme court handed down a unanimous decision holding that the six Taft electors chosen by the republican state committee, to gether with the two republican elec tors chosen at the spring primaries who remained loyal to Taft are en titled to the designation “republican” on the ballot in the general election and to a place at the top of the bal lot. The decision of the district court in a case brought by the Taft men seeking to deny the Roosevelt men the uses of the name “repubit can” was upheld by the supreme court. Secretary of State Wait order ed the county clerks of the various counties to proceed with the printing of the ballots for the general election and place the names of the Taft electors at the head of the list with the designation, "republican.” The Roosevelt electors chosen in the state primaries go at the bottom and are labeled “progressive." The Morrisey Case. The rourt also handed down a de cision ir the Morrisey case. The low er court is upheld and the right given to the third party for a place on the November ballot. Thus all parties will now bp given opportunity to vote for those who will represent their wishes in regard to the presidency of the na tion. Signers of Statement No. 1 Of .he candidates of the two big parties for the legislature, 253 have signed statement No. 1. agreeing to vote for the popular choice for i'nitd States senator. Where the other thirty stand is not known, ac cording to information from The of fice o’ secretary of state, state legisla tive inference bureau and headquar ters of the two political parties. Of >he thirty thus denoted only two members are in the list of candidates for the state senate, T. T. Linkhart of Uoler.dge and Peter Jansen of Beat rice. The latter was in the last ses sion ose of raising plants by the aid of dectricity. He will electrify onions md snapbeans, potatoes and hops, r'or more time Dr. Briggs has been xperimenting with electricity in the •ultivation of plants. Dr. Briggs will lot tell just how he is going to apply dectricity to the onion and to the lean, but he thinks that be will pro luct better vegetables at a lower cost. JUMPS FAR FROM POLICE Man Accused of Attacking Woman Leaps From Second Story to Escape Arrest. Philadelphia.—With a revolver in each hand, bareheaded ar.d barefooted. Enoch Oossen. thirty-five years old. leaped from the second-story window of his home, at Ann and Chatham streets, and escaped, just as the police entered the front door to arrest him for an alleged attack upon a woman. He exchanged shots with the poliee, who pursued him, and managed to es cape. Cossen was charged with entering the store of Mrs G. Glowatt. 2363 Ann street, and beating the woman over the head with a chisel. To War on Oysters. New York—A campaign to insure pure oysters has been started here. Unless halders of oyster-selling li censes can show that their product is raised in a healthy locality the licenses are to be revoked. A Good Business Scheme. "What are you figuring there?” In quired the friend. "This matinee idol gets $200 a week I'm told,” answered the druggist “What of ltr “I was just wondering if I conic afford to hire him to draw soda foi me.” For Every Baking CALUMET BAKING POWDER Best—because it’s the purest. Best—because it never fails. Best— because it makes every bakinglight, fluffy and evenly raised. Best —because it is moder ate in cost—highest in l quality. At your grocers. Vou Jon'i save money when you bay cheep cr big-can baking powder. Don’t be misled. Buy Calumet. lt‘s more economical—more wholesome—gioes best results. Calumet is fas superior to * soar milk and soda. Surprise for Mother. A certain mother, given to mysti cism and impressive theories regard ! ug her highly natural children, one j evening was entertaining visitors, j Suddenly came the sound of little feet pattering to the head of the stairs. The mother raised her hand in solemn 1 warning. i "Listen," she said, softly. “The cbil Iren are going to deliver their good | night message. It always gives me a feeling of reverence to hear them— hey are so much nearer the Creator han we are. and they speak so won ierfjtlly, sometimes. Hush! One of them is speaking now." Then, breaking through the tense si 'ence. came a shrill whisper: "Mamma! Willy’s found a bug in dis bed.” i_ Diffident Youth. “Good morning. Mrs. Ales," said a grocery boy awaiting an order from a lady in a suburban town. "Please call me Allees," answered the lady. "That's my name.” i "But I don't know you well enough ; to call you Alice." rejoined the youth, .-onfusedly. Couldn't Use 3reen Snow. "Why are you writing your play on | green paper?" "I hear managers tear up a good I many plays for stage snowstorms ; I'll fool 'em that far. anyhow.” His Job. "What is Jaggs doing now?" j "Everybody he can." A woman's second thoughts ar» I 'tearlv alwavs the most unsatisfactory. ALBERTA THE PRICE OF BEEF IS HIGH AND 80 IS THE FK1CE OF CATTLE. ' For yean? the Province of Allied a (Wegtern Canada) was the Big Ranchingt'ountry.Many of ibt»*e ranches today am uuuien&c grain fields and the cattle have given place to the cultivation of wheat.oats, barley and flax; the change has made manv thousands of American*. settled on these * \ plains, wealthy, bet it has iu cren sed t he pricy of live stoct. There is s.lendid opportunity Dow to get a Free Homestead of 160 arms (and another as a pre emption' in the newer districts and produce either caitleor gram. ■ The crops are always good, the climute is excellent, schools and 1 churches are convenient, markets splendid, in either Manitoba, tius hatche wan or Alberta. Send to the nearest Canadian Government Agent for literature, the latest information, railway nates, or write: Superintendent of Immigration, Oiu.t, Cutda. W. V. BENNETT, Bee Cuil^ins. Omaha, Neb. N$53,000 S3 Being Given Kentatl.es of Everybody’s Marx A ailneandThe D.\ AUfOl/ llneator—all In ad- \ W Cl V diiion to liberal coat- X — missions. Let ns show you bow you can Secure a Share \ simply by forwarding the sub- \ script ions of your friends and neighbors and collecting the renew »ls of our present subscribers. Try X. for this month’s prtsee. Write.t once X. to Bnt-.erlrk BubllsbtngCu- Butterlck X Building, New Fork City. X^