! ’T" ' v. Loup City Northwestern 1 VOLUME \\.\_ LOUP CITY. NEBRASKA, THURSDAY, OCTOBE^T 31, 1912 NUMBER 51 r PROFESSION A I- CARDS M)BT. P. STARR - Attorney-at-Law, LOUP CITY. MEBRMSKM. NIGHTINGALE & SON iZTJI vsi _LOUP CITY, NEB K H. MATHEW. * Attorney-at-law, Sad Booted AlatArtor. Loop City, Nebraska AlBOX WALL Lawyer Practices in all Ourta Losp Qtr, \'7k. longAckiT PHYSICIAN aiH SDKGEON Office, Over New Bank I ELEPHoSE CALL. SO. aS “ A. J. KKAKNS — .PHYSICIAN AND SOBGEON tiMM. » «M»t IwirttefS T sms Ua* U-jot Connection i. £ *•—»— a U. Chen L Hmhi a I». BOWMAN A BOWMAN rw» Ml tUf ,>ekrMA| S. A. ALLEN. mB.VTtST, Locr cmr. - - neb. Oftce «, tuu» tu ike new State <4 ask b**44tar. W L MARCY. DENTIST, . I\'EB OFFICE: Eirtvlr 1‘bUkxuu». Fbciae. VtomM V. I. McDouall 1 Prompt Dray Work Call lumber yards or Taylor’s eierator Satisfaction guaran teed Phone 6 on o7 W. T, Draper The < lid Reliable PLASTERER Best of work always (‘boor Kon n* Loup.Ov* Xeb. C. E. Stroud t’armrrij of ("itr. Painting, Papering and Deccrating Special attention paid t • Autos and Carriage*. All tops re newed and repaired All work guaranteed. Phone 0 M. DDHX1 CoNTBA‘ToK and PtX-TEKEt Pi tone«» on 70 Give me a call and get my pm**. I will tr»at you right. Satisfaction Guaratiled For a Square Deal IN Real Estate And Insurance See J. W Dougal Offce First Floor, 4 doors south of Stats Bank Building a To Northwestern Subscribers We desire to cali our readers' au beniioa to the new ruling of the postal department which does not permit pubusiiers of newspapers to longer maii copies of the publication to sub scribers who are in arrears more than one >ear. Tills means that unless we can get immediate settlement from subscribers who are thus in arrears we •ill be compelled to pay the regular rate of postage on all such papers sent out. Of course no newspaper can af ford to do this, and we take this means of notii.ling our readers of this new requirement. The postal department has called upon us for a statement of our books with tin.' issue, as it lias upon all other papers in the country. The North western. like many other papers, lias encoded credit to its readers and lias **- idom sent out statments of account, because our readers bare been of the kind who always pay when their at i tent, n is calit-d to the matter. Now, - the f verment has intervened with a., newspapers, and requires the col * tun of these accounts more than '-•be i car old. With this explanation, *'e a-k all of Uiose who know them to be indebted to arrange for H*3 meat We cannot in a short time - . a!i of you. and it means a great am -:it of work to prepare and mall statement' to so many. However, we wih as fast a» possible, send state ments to those w lio do not respond to ti > notice. Our readers have been uniformly prompt in paying their a -into, and we hare not the slight est complaint to make, but we are compelled to obey tiie mandate of ; n. e Mm. Tlianking you in ad. vance. we are. Very respectfully. J. W. Biklkigh Bad Fall Results In Broken Nose Last Frida y morning early. Uncle Ct-arley French, who is janitor at the igii school building, received a fall, rv-t, .ling in the breaking of his nose and cutting tlie flesh on the same, •-ausing several stitches to be taken, lie tiad climbed a ladder to tlie attic and had just opened the trap door «ten the ladder slipped, and he fell some eleven feet to tlie floor, striking ■•>t» his face with above results. It is pretty tough on any one to make > - li a descent, especially one of his year*. R. . Mathew New Law Office H. II. Mathew last week started the ■-hiding of iiis new and up-to-date law ti e just south of the State Bank '■ «V Tlie sides are now up and the r"f i- being put -m. It is to be 18 1 -v >■ feet, jritli fine plate glass front, -feel eiling. and in all ways will com pare favorably with other improve ments going on in the city. Through the kindness of Banker S. > i’ols. i of Ashton, on Tuesday of I this week, the editor accompanied I him with li. H. Mathew and Druggist lihuby of Ashton in his car to Kearney and ha a iliat evening. It was the editor's first visit to tlie capital of Buffalo and over the Intervening untry and was a rare treat. God i uev er made a prettier country than ays between iiere and Kearney and -urn.unding tliat pretty little city. ! in spite of the fears of the present o*w bad crops. Lite re was little evi j up City football team will ueet the Ravenna team tomorrow Friday) afternoon at Jenoer's Park. : The buys have been working liard to 'developa team tiiat would bring hon >r to our city and under the strict 1 coaching of Trainer Freeney they I Jive near lev reached that point. Free 1 net is working hard to bring the game | to a point wltere it will be a great I pleasure to witness as well as making j it a game of science. The team has been siufted around until every man has the position best suited to him, and with Gilbert. Gowin. Pritchard and Freeney for the back field, there is a quartet tiiat will be liard to beat. Tine line will be changed some as it proved the lass for Loup City in the •ast game. Adamson will remain a! center, Wharton and Jones at the end, Burrows and Horsey tackle, Ohlser and Ward guard, will be the men foi next Friday 's game. The boys havi the spirit, so let us encourage them DAILY & KREBS j Succssors to LB, HALE, Fnrnltare and Undertaking Go. ! • • * \ • I -—-*-j We carry b full line of Furniture. Rugs, Linoleum‘Carpets, Shades and Drdperics and everything to be found in an up-to-date Furniture Store Call and incpect our stock and get acquainted ■■■■ - -- - — : . — -i Vice President Sherman Dead Vice President James Schoolcraft Sherman died at his home in Utica, last (Wednesday) evening at 9:42 o'clock. His death had been unex pected for several days. New Switchboard Installed At Central On Tuesday afternoon of this week, with all the connections made and everything in readiness, Manager Steven at a given signal cut the wires attached to the old switchboard, the "Hello” girls took their place in front of the new and up-to-date board, and presto without a moments delay, to 6peak of, the new board was put in active operation. Just how Mr. Ste ven and his men could have worked in such a manner as to have caused no delay in making the change from the old board to the new is a secret we have not been able to ferrit out. And say, patrons of the telephone ser vice, when you are feeling like “cus sing” over delay in answering your calls, just call at central and watch the "Hello” girls for a few minutes inthe“craiy quilt patchwork”, and you will wonder how they really do as well as they do. Little Oral YouQg '4 Receives Bad Fait While playing about .the school house last week Friday afternoon, little Oral Young, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. A. B. Young, received a sudden push from a little boy play mate. throwing her off her balance, and she fell backwards into an area in front of one of the basement win dows. giving her a severe shock, strik ing upon her head on the cement work at the bottom. Fortunately, she escaped serious injury. Mail Agent Caught Filching Money Last Thursday morning at Aurora, Mail Clerk R. H. Miller was taken in charge by a detective of the postpffice department oh charge of stealing money from the U. S. mails and was taken to Grand Island to answer to the charge. There is no man in the employ of thegovemment mail service in the state more widely known than , Fatty” Miller, and. by the way, no man stood higher in the estimation of his friends than he. When the ar rest and facts regarding same became known, there was wide-spread in credulity expressed on every side. Mr. Miller was grand master of Odd Fellowship in the state two years ago. and only a couple of weeks since was defeated for grand secretary by the meager vote of 125. He is an ordain ed Methodist minister, and is possessed of a family of wife and four children living at Aurora, and accused and .family had the love and-esteem of all who knew them. We have been ac quainted with him for the past fifteen or more years, and his arrest and the disclosure of the circumstances were hardly believable. However, the facts leading to his downfall seem certain of proof. He had been a trusted ser vant of the government in the mail service for the past 23 years, and one can but wonder how he could thus have brought upon himself the dis honor and the consequent disgrace to his family^_ ^ _ Jim Grow Says See The Other Miew Jim Grow is sporting the prettiest pair of colored optics ever exhibited in our city, and to all inquiries merely remarks, “See the other fellow.” Last Friday, while engaged in Ijhe football game, he and one or two of the boys came together, with dis astrous results, placing Jim in “in nocuous disuetude,” so to speak. In fact the compact was such as to ren der Jim unconscious for a time, but luckily proving nothing serious be yond fixing his peepers into a state ol mourning. Special Sale on ladies’ dnm skirti at the Hub. TIhw Jk Fiaisfm Elsie Ohlsen Suffers A Broken Ant Last Sunday, while playihg around the ocean wave near the home, little Elsie Ohlsen, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Henry Ohlsen, suffered a broken arm. A number of children were sending the wave around, With Elsie holding on to a rope whefi she was thrown violently to the ground with the result aforesaid. * Fell Down cellar Forehead Badly Cut Last Monday morning, while little Raymond Pritchard, son of R. H. Pritchard, was playing about the home, he fell down the open cellar, striking on his face and cutting a gash in his forehead which required six stitches taken in the same. The little fellow, otherwise was uninjured, save minor bruises over the body. Crust:1! Hand In Electric Wringer Monday morning of last Week, while Mrs. S. N. Sweetland was doing her washing, using an electric washing machine and wringer, she caught her hand in the wringer, drawing it clear through to the wrist, before she could throw off the electricity and stop the machine. At the present time the hand is so badly swollen that it is as yet impossible to ascertain the result of the injury and as to wlM^ber any hones were broken, ids tnbe hoped that the hand may speedily heal «»«< no serious injury be found beyond the crushing of the flesh. Road Notice (Johnson) To all whom it may concern: The commissioner appointed to locate a road, commencing at about 8 rods east of the quarter stake on the north line of section one (l).following thence the traveled road running south over said section one and following the same course south, the traveled road run ning along the favine on section -twelve (12) until it reaches a point about half way through the south west quarter of sec. twelve (12) thence following arojnd the heads of ravines south to connect with “Old Delaney" road No 45 all in township 16, range 15, has reported in favor of the es tablishment thereof and all objection thereto or claims for damages must be tiled in the office of the connty clerk on or before noon of Deoember 15,1912, or such road will be estab lished without reference thereto. Dated at Loup City this 8th day of October 1912. [seal] W. C. Deitebichs County Clerk Last pub. Nov, 1 Call for Bids on Township Lino Bridge 1-2 Milo North of Schaupps Sealed bids will be received until 1 o’clock p.m.. November 2,1912, at the office of the county clerk in Sherman county, Nebraska, for the construc tion of one steel reinforced concrete bridge across Oak Creek, located about one-half {14) mile north of Schaupps on the township line between Ashton and Loup City townships at the site of the old bridge. Bids will be received for the above bridge as follows:—viz One (1) twenty (20) foot steel rein forced conc rete bridge as per plans and specifications on file at the count; clerk’s office. Bids will be opened publicly at the county clerk's office in Loup City, Nebraska, at 2 o’clock p. m. Novem ber 2,1912. The townships of Ashton and Loup City reserve the right to reject any and all bids. A. J. Johnson, Twp. Clerk, Loup City Twp. (Last Pub. Oct. 31) Order of Hearing and Notice of , Probate of Will m the Count; Court of Shermon count;. Ne br&ska State of Nebraska, i Sherman Count;, t To the heirs, and next of kin and all persons interested in the estate of Katherine Kochaa owski. deceased. On reading the petition of Wladyalaw Kochan owski. praying that thelnstrumont filed in this court on the 7th day of October 1*11. and pur porting to be the Inst will and testament of the said deceased, may be proved and allowed and recorded as the last will and testament of Katherine Kochnnowskl. deceased: that amid instrument be admitted to probate and the administration of said estate be granted It Is hereby ordered that yon. and all persons interested In mid matter, may. and do. appear at the County Court to be held In and for said county, oa the tth day of November. A. D. 191A at a o'clock p. m. to sbow cause. 11 any there be. why an pcaytr of the petitioner should not be gras ted, sad that notice of the pendency of said petition end that the hearing thereof be gives to all per sons interested in said matter by publishing n copy of this order in the Loup City North western n weekly newspaper printed in said county, tor S successive weeks prior to sold day of hearing. Witness my hand and seal of said court this 15th day of October, a. D MB. E. A. Sum. [snaL] Couaty Judge. (Last pub Oct Si) Legal Notice In the District Court of Sherman County, Nebraska. In the matter of the petition of Wai ter P. Reed, executor of the last will and testament of Thomas M. Reed, deceased, for license to sell real estate. And now, on this 22nd day of Octo her. 1912, this cause came on for hear ing upon the petition under oath of Waiter P. Reed, executor of the es tate of Thomas M. Reed, deceased, praying for a license to sell tj>e fol lowing described real estate of the said Thomas M. Reed, to-wit: Lou four and five in block seventeen, lots fifteen and sixteen in block .ten, lot sixteen in block three, tots Sixteen and seventeen in Mock twenty-two. all in the original town, now city, of Loup City, in Sherman county, Ne braska: also, a certain piece or parcel of land lying in the northwest quar ter of the northwest quarter of sec tion eighteen, in township fifteen, range fourteen, west of 6th P. M., in Sherman county, Nebraska, and mote particularly described as follows: Commencing at the southeast corner of the said northwest quarter of the northwest quarter of said section eighteen, and running thence north ninety feet to the place of beginning, running thence north two hundred and ten feet, thence west three hun dred feet, thence south two hubdred and ten feet, and thence east three hundred feet to the place of begin ning: also, the southwest quarter of section twelve, in township eighteen, range twenty-four, west of 6thT. M., in Custer county, Nebraska, or % suf ficient amount thereof to bring the sum of about*6,500, for the paympntof the debts allowed against said estate, and allowances and costs of adminis tration, for the reason that there is not a sufficient amount of personal property in the possession oP said waiter P. Reed, executor as aforesaid, belonging to said estate, wherewith to pay said debts, allowances and oosts. It is therefore ordered that all per sons interested in said estate appear before me at the court room of the district court of said county of Sher man, in the city of Loup City, in said county, on the 17th day of December, 1912, at the hour of nine o’clock a. m., bo show cause, If any there be, why a license should not be granted to said Walter P. Reed, executor, to sell so much of the above described real es tate of said decedent as shall be nec essary to pay said debts and expenses, and the costs of this proceeding. It is further ordered that a copy of this order be served upon all persons interested in said estate by causing the same to be published once each week for four successive weeks in the Loup City Northwestern, a legal newspaper printed, published and, of general circulation in add county of Sherman. . Given under my haad at Kaarney, this. 22nd afOctebe* MM. ' Bsowo 8. Bmsium; Judge of the District Court ef Sher man county, Nebraska. Tjie, pub; Not. 14 In the District Court of Sherman County, Nebraska. In the matter of the petition of Ida Bette as executrix of the last will and testament of William E. Bette, deceased, for a license to sell real of deceased. - And now on this 22nd day of Octo ber, 1912, this cause came on for hear ing upon the petition under oath of Ida Bette, executrix of the last■ will tnd testameim of William E. Betts, ieceasod, praying for a license to sell the following described real estate of the said William E. Bette, to-wit: A certain piece or parcel of land sit uate in the City of Loup City, . In sherman county and state of Nebras ka. and being part of lots thirteen ;13) fourteen (14) and fifteen (IS) In block fire (5), In the original town of said Loup City, and which is more particularly described as follows, to wit: commencing at a point on the south line of said lot thirteen (13), 'in said block fire (5). thirty feet east of the southwest comer of said lot thir teen, running thence north and paral lel with the west line of said block five, seventy five feet to the noHh line of lot fifteen in said block fire, running thence twenty-five feet east along the north line of said lot fifteen, running thence south and parallel with the west line of said block five to the sooth Una of said lotthirteon, and running thence west twentT-fiv# feet along the south line of said lot thirteen to the place ot beginning, for the purpose of paying the debts al lowed against said estate of William E. Betts, deceased, and allowances and costs of administration, and the costs of this proceeding, for the reman UtMkU WIOIO KJ uut m auiuvirow •uiwuuv of personal property in the possession of said Ida Bette, executrix of said estate, belonging to saia estate, to pay said debts, allowances and costa. It Is tberefore ordered that all per sons interested in said estate appear before me at the court room of the District Court of Sherman county, Nebraska, in the city of Loup City, Sherman county, Nebraska, oa the 17th day of December, 1912, at the hour of ten o’clock in the forenoon, to show cause, If any there be, why a license should not be granted to the said Ida Betts, executrix of the last will and testament of William S. Betts, deceased, to sell the above de scribed real estate of said decedent for the purpose of paying said debts, allowances and costs. It is further ordered that a copy of this order be served upon all persona interested in said estate by causing the same to be published once each week tor four successive weeks in the Loup City Northwestern, a legal newspaper printed, published and of general circulation in said county of Sherman. Given under my hand at Kearney this 22nd day of October, 1912. . Bruno C. Horrur, Judge of the District Court ot Sher man oounty, Nebraska. Last pub Nov 14 Oyster Suppsr On election night the Ladies of the G.A.R. will wm an oyster supper. Price 25 cents. Also sandwiches and coffee 15 oanba One door east of MakowekPs store. Everybody come and help the Mies. ! The Home Of Qullly Groceries ! — ' — We like to meet you Face to Face Would be our choice! But when this can’t be the case , we hope to hear your voice Use Thone 86 For Choice Groceries 3S m & | | Try These—They’ll Please j Olives Maple Sugar Butter “ Horse Radish Honey Pickles Peanut Butter Mustard Chocolate Catsup jello i GHsreyeR's Tie Quality House Established 1888 .. More D»*s 1A xroU ab°U^ Ac ^ainl^ ^et01 possibly M *te ^dBardv as you «» «•* *SL*a* 8 ** xo'ff Ptice9 t#C°OUn nr.;ol^- OUl mucb Pte!et Jopleba^* +*~ sa\®s N'anage P o BE-60, Jl hare just received fa big line of winter £goods, such as fur « 5 coats, fur robes, ^ S plush robes and allfl vkinds of horse blank-£ # _ m #ets. Inese goods jare of the best quality and in spite of the big advance vin prices, I will sell them at the same price as last Xyear, Call and see them, A JAMES BARTUNEK’S - - FENCE POSTS - - AT I2C AND 250 EACH Let us Figure your bill of Xi'u.xn.'ber and all Icinds of .‘l3iiildinR t MATERIAL AT THE f LEININGER LUMBER. CO., Loud Citv Neb If You want your Ad to bring you returns havo it put in the Northwestern It Will be a great accommodation to us if our advertisers and all others would hare their eopy in for us not later t'nar Tueeday evening.