Pe-ru-na and Ka-tar-no 1 bare rocelo Ml a letter from a youc* lady. • bo aah* me: la the old Pa ru-na . Ka tar lsi better than ibe revised Pa ranm?" Esther medi cine has its place One la adapted (or one condition, a a ■ other (or anoth er Ka tar no Is a better remedy (IBM thaa the UHsmaltb permed Pe-ra u Ol the other hand, the revised Pem ta Is s better remedy for some eeadiuocw thaa Ka-tar-ao. They are twfh atetid-d as catarrh remedies. They hat# both dose a great work in rrlie-ring catarrh, rhroalc and settle Kill fcuedr> £» of cases of chronic catarrh ha-* mirend while taking IU tar no and the same Is true of the revised I'v- rs aa during the last six years due* hi revisioia. There i* a difference, however, la the twa remedies Whenever catarrh Is associated with coast ipstioo then tfc* revised Pe ra aa ia the best in 'deed, this is exactly why the revision sas made to meet such cases. Hut where a* laxative is seeded, where the bowels srw regular or Inclined to be loos# the* the old Peru-** ■ Ka tar aai Is fb^ better remedy Per* us Man-aim and La-cu-p water iwr Mxwr Load Mx* - n --< * -rf iiu- Eei t row* Hill Bile law lesw ihwt » sit Idas 1<1> Mb-; {Ja-u- fortune knocks at a am*1* dear be at* ays " rubbers" to ae« if (he a« ghlurt arc ions mg TOO cor C *R CATAKBH t*v i, r I" Cvmtbwtos. It I* a wen* . AS Assays. Bodlk. Act. C'*rjics*.»« Lsawry. 'B» i kcr luu a k«v mad huger ' ■*! • twotia-r tut ran Her fey at, ,««•.,emthile " Bad Utk They <•«s*4 tbe aatae question And then another Pretty soon a matt be didn't M» anyhow approached loot el*n't i-s be *»a«d Tbe farmer •Bed ap etrpneme dtagnst "OB. so. >aat diggls* worms for my pet tnwhrard be rrjrfi*4 — Kansas City Btaw Ope- A.r Senaot* Grew •« Favor. •‘Mb ’be opnucg of the fall arhoo! •erm o»«-r zm open-air school* and tfoah-atr classes (or tabr-renton*. and ittet* chtldrea. and also for all chi! tee a ts trttai* feat and grade#. Bill te a epera'ion taianoaa parts of tbe I'tlbd Ml**, according to the Nation »i d nar utmn for the Study and Pre • Htat «t Ikbfrakau All of these Mthoaia ua*e hev-ts established since iahaar- i2*C. when the Brat tortttu two w* La character waa opened te Ptotidmwe, K 1 On January 1st 1*2* tber* were only 12 open sir w haul# la (his country and a year lal •t the number bad isereased oaly to 22 i bus the real growth ta this motement has been within the last • aw y >am Maasach-wsesta «*ow leads ibe States aitfc M (resh-alr school* und classes lor taberonlnas, aaaemi* and other ecbosd rbiidren. Hostoc dost hat f Guthrie and ararngements for the 'aising of funds to assist in the cam aign Guthrie is making to min back h<* location of the state calital Why. • <*on * hear a word of gossip the eo- | ire afternoon, for ail the ladies were • interested in the Chamber of Com merce' *' *■ formed the Chamber of Com •uerce. eaid Mrs Rebecca L. Finch, he president, after much discussion imeng ourselves as to ihe best meth >d of helping in the campaign for the ipital. in the bath houses j country side invited to eat from plates of fried spring chickens piled high and in tempting rows down a table long enough to seat hundreds at one time And to prepare the dinner it will be easy, for each member of the Women's Chamber of Commerce will bring two fried, and tbere will be chicken to spare. Should the people of other cities who read this like to participate in the eating they will be' welcome. And then, this fall, after the weath er is cooled by September frosts, there is to :>e a 6treet fair, managed by the women. Not one of the old style va riety, where seme traveling organiza tion furnishes ail the side shows and other amusements, but a home made affair where the ladies themselves will preside in the booths and where every side show feature will be native and every actor and other participant be a Guthrie citizen. A circus parade w ith caiiithumpian features wUi be one day's program and on the next the other extreme—the society ladies in flower bedecked automobiles and car riages And even for the balloon as censions it will not be necessary to employ a foreigner, for home talent will go up" and "make the drops." The officers of the Women's Cham ber of Commerce are Mrs. Rebecca 1. Finch, property owner and school teacher, president; Mrs. Robert R Hustjn. whose husband was a rough rider captain killed during the Span ish-American war, and Mrs Fd. C Petersen, vice-presidents; Miss Cath erine Cassidy, treasurer, and Mrs. C M Sarchet, secretary. On the ex =U Cassidy's committee were Mines. Ches ter A. Marr, E. £. Petersen. Will K Patterson. H. M Doyle. Rebecca U Finch. Will Barwi-k. C. M. Sarchet. Emma Miller J. D. Reed, E. J Allen. O. W. Barnett and Misses Elizabeth Melvin. Florence Adler and Catherine Cassidy. On Mrs. Cassidy's commit tee were Mmes. G. A. Hughes. Tell Walton. H. J. Waugh. .1. E. Nissley. Ira Longaker. R. N. Dunham. E. A. Doug las, N. M. Carter. L. J. Parker, J. W. Speer. P. D. Piersol. J. E. Donnecky. E. D. \\ alton. John J. Hildreth and Miss Petersen. To help the women of Guthrie aise money for the state capital campaign the w'ves of the farmers in the country surrounding are preparing to entertain the people of the city at a lawn social some moonlight evening in the near future, or. the campus in front of the farm residence of Fred l» Wenner. two miles ->ast cf the city limits. To make the trip to the farm an easy one so far as the roads are concerned, the farmers of the community are now building a good road for the entire distance, so that the automobiles tond other vehicles will encounter no dif ficulties. It is the intention of the Women's Chamber of Commerce to file applica tion immediately for membership in the state and national associations of commercial clubs and chambers of commerce, and delegates will be elected to represent the women in both organizations. Atrrangetnents will be matured to encourage formation by the women of cominer CHAMBER OF COMMERCE IN SESSION. sad sanitarlun^c connection with Min -rxl Wells Patw and In bringing addt '■nal Industries to the city. We dud that a majority of the women of 4 city have plenty of time to take part in civic affairs and that all they need s as invitation to participate. We started the organization with about 50 women a week ago, and now we have 4 membership of 4<*0. and it is still growing Svr is the membership confined to be society set and members of the 'lubs It takes in the women who are he most prominent in church work It nciudes the girls in the stores and tEces. the telephone girls, numerous •ei.ographers. newspaper women, aoinen physicians, and will eventually through auxiliaries the wives f the farmers throughout the county, n fact, the farmers' wives are already •rgamzing district auxiliaries to the 'ounty Farmers' Institute, and the Women s Chamber of Commerce will 4orb In connection with these through i bystem of committees. There are to b" many committees, or .n this manner the work is to be llvidesl Mrs Finch, the president, is ,ow working on her list of standing ommlttees and expects to announce hem la the near future Prominent tracng them will b" three consulting •emmltteea—one each for the Guthrie 'hamber of Commerce fthe men's or tanixatioct. the women's federation of •lubw and the auxiliaries -o the Cc xn jr Farmers Institute Practically all be work looking toward the city beau *lf«l ta to be done through the sepa rate wrtnen s club organizations, of ahxrb there are ten In Guthrie The firs, undertaking to raise funds or the state campaign will be a chick u d nner This does not mean a hot r.*-al served at noon in a stuffy store louse somewhere abiut town, witb the women tired out and weary from cook ng and serving, but instead a cold din er served under the biggest cotton wood tree in the state, in Mineral Veils park, with the eiitir» city and [ecutivc committee, in addition to the | president and secretary are Mrs Webb Baker. Mrs. Will K. Patterson Mrs. U. M Vampner, Mrs. E. J. Al jlen ar.J Miss Elizabeth Melvin, a prac Jticlug physician. In order to enlist all the women of I the ri'y in the new organization, a six I days' contest was arranged and two |soliciting committee* named, with Mrs. ;John R Abernathy and Mrs. M Cas I sidy as captains. The former's com mittee was known as the "Red Rus tiers." and the latter's as the "Blue. Boost* rs." As a result of their work betw een 400 and 500 women are now enrolled as members. Assisting Mrs. Abernathy to get more members, if possible, than Mrs cial clubs in the other cities of the c. enl $:rr, at iVntrgiPta GET RICH ON A SMALL INVESTMENT— We have the moat promising GOLD MINE .n this district. No experiment. Investlgat* r.nd we will prove what we claim. Address Box S6*. Grans Valiev. Calif. relieves TIRED EYE3 W. N. U-, CM AHA, NO. 43-1912. EVERY CHILD SHOULD HAVE THE Faultless Starch Twin Dolls ^ Min Lilly Wills and iun Phoebe Prim. \ If yoo will o*e the beet starch made both of these l ra« dolls, each 121-2 laches hi**a and ready to cat oat I and ttcS, will be sent to any a lares*, postpaid, cn re ) eeipt< f six front*of 10cent* anhless Starch packages, or twelve fronts of 5 cent Faultless Starch package* and S cents la stamps to cover postage and p*< king. ^ Or either doll will be sent on receipt of three Worn* ^ fronts or six 5 cent fronts and 4 cents in stamps. Cut T* cut this ad. It will be accepted in place of one li) cent front, or two 5 cent front*. Only one ad will be accepted with each application. FAULTLESS STARCH CO., K*na» Otj, K®. ——a-jn— av4 W.L,DOUGLAS/ SHOES k $3.00 $3.50 $4.00 $4.50 AND <5.00 f FOR MEN AND WOMEN $i Bays wear W. L. Douglas $2.00, $2.50 A $2.OC School <0 Shoes, because on* pair will positively outwear two \ pairs of ordinary shoes, same as the men's shoes. 4' W.i-Dougias makes am) sells more $3.00,$3.30 & $4.00 shoes rat than any other manufacturer in the world. THE STANDARD OF QUALITY FOR OVER 30 YEARS. The workmanship which has made W. L Douglas shoes famous the world over is maintained in every pair. Ask your dealer to show you W. L_ Douglas latest fashions for fall and winter wear, notice the short vamps which make the foot look smaller, points in a ■hoe particularly desired by young men. Alto the conservative styles which have made W. L. Douglas shoes a household word everywhere. If you could visit W. L. Douglas large factories et Brockton, Mass^ »~l ^ for yourself how carefully W. L. Douglas shoes are made, you would then un derstand why they are warranted to fit better, look better, hold their shape »~l wear longer than any other make for the price. Fait Color £yslets. CAUTION.—To protect you asainst inferior sboea. W.LDousIaa stamp? bis name on the bot tom. Look for the stamp. Beware of substitutes. W. L D Out las shoes are sold is 78 on . wares and shoe dealers ererywhere. No manor where you live, they are within ymietck If your dealer cannot supply you. write direct to factory far catalor showier bow to rrdfT br nail —hoes sent eve-vvrSere. delivery charsos prepaid. W I rLe.fl.., B-elsw MANUFACTURERS who make Hardware. Farm Implements and Kitchen Utensils that are of such quality that they have joined Wright £ WHhelmy Co. in placing on all such goods a guarantee that excels all other guarantees. These manufacturers can do this because they make the BEST FACTORY BRANDS IN THE COUNTRY The Guarantee Tag is Three Color. On it is the name of the manu facturer of the article to which it is attached, also the name of Wright &. Wilhelmy Co., who jointly state in plain terms that the dealer is authorized “to replace this article free of cost if for any reason it should prove unsatisfactory." it is left to the user's sense of right. You can net get a stronger guarantee. Ask your Dealer for Double Guaranteed Goods. T WffismiWuBjffCa Look over this list of manufacturers and note the length of time their products have stood the test. The Double Guaranteed Tag representing Quality Hardware will be attached to the goods made by them. TGOI.S. Geo. H. Bishop & Co.. ! Makers of Guaranteed Saws 1* years. Cleveland Twist Drill Co.. Makers of Highest Grade Drill Hits for 3b years. ■ ( arhfinindum Co., For 12 y^sr* leaders In making D» st Sharpening Stones. llenry Dlsston & Sons. leading Saw Makers 11 years Fagle S don Mitre Boxes 44 years Xirtirlann File Ca, Celebrated Nicholson Filo on the 1 market 55 years RIxford Mfg. Co.. \ Rixford Scythes a-d Av^s ha\*e a*t users 190-years Staple? Role * Icv.1 c*.. Have been maklnc Bell Planes and Carpenter Tool* M year* Star Mfp. Co.. Manufacturer* of the celebrated El kin Wrench. It tea ’hop Fnrre Co. Quality Flier* hive store! the te»t 15 year*. C. K. Wood Tool Oa^ Maker* of the New Keerlsstink Chis els that please. Brawns’ HARDWARE. Alllth-Prwaty cw. Mfr. of durable Parlor and Barn Door Hanker! SB year* Chlrake Spetak TT.l I Ca. Spring Hlagvs that do the work. I Eagle l.erk Co.. I'no l.'H ko and Cabinet Locks In use 19 yearn Patent Vulcanite Knoftrc Co.. Vu’r^nit,* Roofing been used 36 years. • Pullman Mfg. Co.. Makers of original Pullman Sash Balance 26 years. I! 1 chords-XVHoot Co.. Mad*- successful Door Hangars 30 years. RuseeM £ Frwln Mfg Co.. L« «d» rs :n I>k Ks and Hardware for 59 years. Shelby Spring Hinge C«.. Ce lebrated Sheiby Chief Floor Hinge for years II. XV XVelUngtra Co.. Silver la>> * Eddy stone Sash Cord t:s* vl lor 45 years. Harder. Adamson £ Co.. Have made the b-at Sand Paper for M years. FARM ANTI XT AGON HARDWARE. American !'<»rfc £ Hoe Co.. < Successors to XVIthlngton A Coolly Mfg Co. • Th« ir Jackson Steel Hoods have stood the test 19 years. Amo Shovel £ Tool Co„ (owners of Wright Shovel Co » Ijincest p*^d«r^n of Shovels and Spades in the world. Cle\eland Stone Co.. leading makers of Grindstones manjr yesrs. Cyclone f ence Co.. Beautiful Cyclone Lawn Fer.ce and Galea 11 years. Fenn Mfg. Co.. Mira of Fenn Post Augers—mono better. Gilbert £ Bennett Mfg. Co. Makers of Climax Poultry Netting and Hardware XVire Cloth 1 other Grinder Mfg. Co.. Originators and makers «f best lino «*r Rapid Grinders many years J- F. Porter Co.. IN »ter Hay Carriers and Barn Equip ment on top for 44 yeaVs HOI SE FI'RMSHING GOODA Bisoell Carpet Sweeper Co.. Have made the popular Bianell Car pet Sweepers 56 years Riat kafnne Mfg. Co.. Makers of Begat and other Washing Machines 42 years Cleveland Tool tad Stamping Co.. Have made Vulcanic Enameled ware the best that can be made. Dexter Mfg. C©^ Producer* of the Sunny Monday Washers that clean Cloth*«r Dobson Mff. Co., Mfrs. of Favorite Churns—satisfied users over SO yearn Do»er Mfg. Co.. ! Originators and makers of Asbestos Sad Irons 1ft years. Enterprise Manufacturing Co. of Pa. Leaders In Enterprise Meat Cutters and Lard Presses 44 yearn Estate Stove C©^ Makers of the celebrated Eatats Stoves—none better for 47 yearn C. T. Ham Mfg. C©.. Makers cf Nustvle Lanterns and good 1-antern Makers 24 yearn Household Equipment C©.. Mfra of Pp»-r W-r*» known for quality all over the country. II lil*e Mountain Freeaer Co.. White Mountain Freezers known everywhere. HARNESS. American Pad 4 Textile Co.. M'r*. of Tnpatco Pads—tested and tried SI yearn Konnnfr Gaver C©^ Makers of our **Clean Clipper” liar n'W—none better. CITEERY AND SIFTER 11 AUK. H. linker 4 Co.. Mfra. of everything in Fine Cutk ry for 7ft yearn Harrington Cntlery Cn. Make the Dexter Butcher Knife that keeps sharp. International Stiver Co., Mfra of Rogers 1874 Plated Ware— used 64 yearn l ister Knife C©.. Th»lr Pocket Knives recognized tor quality 34 yearn Gl NS AND SPORTING GOODS. Colt’s Patent Fire Arms Co.. i Makers of Colt’s Revolvers that shoot 74 yearn j Great Western Mfg. CV. Make Bicy cles that wear. RswHsfi Mfg. Co.. Their Base Ball Goods lead the mar ket. It you want vluality ask your dealer tor above factory brands bearing the Double Guarantee Tags "When you buy your hardware insist upon the Best Brands made. Brands that carry the name of the manu facturer who is not afraid to give a Double Guarantee that Protects. Don't let your dealer show you a “just aa good" article made by any manufacturer and sold under a^ private brand, but get what you pay for—Quality. The Standard Factory Brands bearing the Double Guarantee Tag which protects the Dealer and You. I —J__ __