The Loup City northwestern. (Loup City, Neb.) 189?-1917, October 24, 1912, Image 5

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    ““ ---- -- —
■; ’Ta r A TT__
, \ * 4
-■ Then A°t
Maay people plau their whole lives to
bare a bank account and then leave this
world without ao much as a start at one.
Planning i*n t worth anything unless
followed by action.
9m§ intetioas MW land you auy
r where.
Make your plans to surt an account j
with u» thfr week and back up your plans
with action.
* ®- f Hases. Prest H. B. Ciithcuee. Vice pres ;
L. haascs. Cashier
► Clears Che Complexion *
' »n y«>u ttnagiar any thing mor>- tm harassing than to have a
'Uij*ie\i«*n tfiat is marred with blotches?
It in ant otalj aapleanaat—tint isn't the worst feature—it
: - tvr i, ■ . j is i’upur and the longer vou neglect
it the more y«a suffer from aunovance.
" %
man my 4ofriy<ln» indicate. in every instance, an impover
iAmmaof tiie Mam supply It Isn't pure »• Man expect it to supply
• pr »( r a* -..nt • tt in*, uent to Um- surrounding tissues
■ if*'- ti • i> -J of impurities stir up tlie
4 * irt-i'is and have your food absorbed in
U*e proper ttimarr
Nya! s Hot Springs Blood Remedy
>i rengthea* I h*- I* l**«l supply, enriches it. cleanup* it of iatpore
»a»le material and Ihu* supplies a Inundation tor the build*
^ ins »f a permanent health
Tau ad U aatiee a derided leipmeemeat i -i few doses, the ap'
■ - 1 . eiilfeel t!*> blood coursing through your
veins and U* akin mil talc oa U* gk>» of iiealth
We recommend it— $1.00 the bottle
- neie la business a good many year*. The only way we
<ao do It i> by tr*-* rigecrrrbody right. Tiiat's oua policy.
r»r Sate bit
Swanson & Lofholm
C Siliuriylini l« Ike \wrilT^
( western i« #!.**• a year *1
( Minrl«- * »pj i reals «)
Two Jacks at the ilaaael sale.
Veal calves wanted by Lee Brothers.
!*r \ all»er.<MteupaUi. «• rand Island
1. CL Thornton last week sold his
dray busnru to John < urtis.
Boy an incubator at the Hansel
Mr. and Mrs Thos. Hinsdale re
t .rneJto their home at l*altuer Man
da* after a few days visit here.
k < twice hotter Sc per pound at Lee
Brothers' meat market
A. C. «ipie now occupies ti<e finr
ruift t* h> Mayor Wes l'edler
and has a oka home for ids Ford
autos and repair works
You lad better fell your tans with
your supply of soft coal for winter
nee. Come and see our coal.
TaYLoa's Euutml
Lout A redd lar breast pin. set
with one ruby and two pearls. Finder
will be tap ; rewarded by leaving
same at the Xofthwewtern office
if you ha*e a horse or a mule to
•ell. cab phone *os**.
Mtu.. A. WtaituK.
Mbs Brace Adamson returned home
last Friday from a visit to iier sister.
Mrs Taylor, at Council Fluffs.
Smoke house for meats for sale. In
«i uirr of Ashley * 'aaper.
Mia. Anumetbe 11 lav a. who had
been here several days from Harman
visiting her seder. Mrs Hus Lorent/.
returned home last Saturday atom
w If you want a<!ray. pi.ite A. L. Un
der k*. * on *Ck or leave your order
with eitiier = umber yard or E. H.
Taylor. Best of serv ice guaranteed
We received a pleasant call last Sab
utday from J A ( onverseof Hibhcm,
• ho was here Inking after tils land
Iftrxmnc paper for the schools for
sals at thh utter 2 cents a sheet or 3
f streets for a nirkie.
Prank Manchester another one of
the toad Manchester hors around
North Loup, adds Ids name to our
(iwUu Out W« Wish there »ere
several dmen more of those boys.
We are paying 2T cents cash for
rreaat delivered at the creamery. We
test, and pay cash for cream.
haves % a < KAAMeav Go.
Mr. EnwaHJier arrived from San
Prawereco last Saturday on a visit to
Ida parent*. Mr. and Mrs. T L Hi
rer. Hr* iWt ua* caused by special
anxiety to see bis faUrer. a bo ia on
the sick bed.
LaaaoaMI the beet lot oolda in
tablet feres easy to take and bandy
te tarry acta directly un Lhemucous
membrane* a fen Labiate brine relief
aa annui a Lofboim.
Ift McCullough and family visited
'■ er ,i>'. >onday at Rockville with a
We pay ash for eggs delivered at
the creamery.
Ravenna Creamery Co.
A note from our young friend John
Peterson, who is now at Teeds Grove.
I * a. assistant cashier in the Teeds
Sitings hank, in remitting for another
year's visits of tlie Northwestern
**}*• “Tlie weather is tine here and
tlie crops look as if we were to have
a bumper corn crop.”
if you want to buy anything, go to
I the Hansel sale.
Mrs. W L. Boyce went to Grand
1 -land Monday noon, where she will
remain for some time with Mrs. Belle
(•u -iwin. Mrs. Goodwin had been
uere for some time at tlie home of
her parents. Mr. and Mrs. M. C.
Mu lick
Bring your veal calves to Lee
Mi's Lucille Kra/im returned home
to Raienria Monday morning after an
-»er Sunday visit with her sister,
Mrs. (.us Lorentz. She sccompanied
Mi" "mine Gasteyer. tlie latter hav
ing been visiting at theErazim home.
( hie kens by tlie car load wanted by
i Lee Brothers.
Edgar I iraper was taken ill with a
seiere case of tonsiiitis last weak
Vtednesdav. and was confined to ilia
: e until Tuesday because of the
severeness of tlie attack.
Lee Brothers will pay cash for a
car load of chickens.
Mr and Mrs. A. E. Raed came from
Loup City Wednesday and will in the
M make Greeley their home. Mr.
lived w in be employed as salesman
lor the Adner Si Mikkelson imple
ment firm. -Greeley Leader.
C. L. Mclionald. the drayman: try
him lor good, prompt service.
Col. Jack Pageler has gotten out
hills at Uiis office adding some fifty
-‘-year-old steers to be offered for sale
at the Hansel sale, the doth, in addi
] G-m to those advertised in the bit
i page bill of tiie Hansel sale issued
i1 rom tills office. This makes the big
■ gest sale of tlie season.
4 'abbage and borne made saur kraut
lur saie. rnone in.
L. A. Bangs.
We received a pleasant cal I last Sat
unlay from our friend, John O’Bryat
>f (1 rand Island, who has quit rail
roading and is now extolling the
merits of the Pttoer light, an individ
ual plant for lighting purposes, and
lias iiis headquarters at the Island
and is doing a dandy business in in
stalling tbe same over a goodly ter
ritory. We wish him success.
On Sati «ti»AY. Oct. 26th, we will
serve, free of charge, a cup of one ol
our popular Hot Drinks, of Hoi
Bouillons, to each Lady making a 25c
cash purchase. We want you to gel
acquainted with our Hot Soda depart
meni and will appreciate your callim
as a special favor.
Vaughn & Hinman.
We are making cut prices on floui
in .VxwpoHnd lots. Also any of the
•* r w’M imiV » r*%*i t’i<»
• • v .. -*» . » *
Loup City Mill «x
A new Moline layby at the Hansel
Mr. and Mrs. A. L. Gilbert returned
last Saturday from a two week’s
visit at Kansas City with Mr. Gil
I bert’s mother.
See my line of men and boys’ over
coats. A bargain at Lorentz’.
Irvin Rowe was home last Sunday
j from his work at North Loup, return
ing to ids work Monday.
The W.C.T.U. at Wiggle Creek will
have a silver medal contest in the
near future, exact date will be given
next week.
You can save money by buying
your winter suit at Lorentz’.
Treasurer F. M. Henry returned
from Omaha last Saturday evening.
H. J. Johansen la suffering with a
severe attack of tonsilitis. Mrs. Jo
hansen is slowly improving.
Lard cans for sale at 20c each at
J uug & Mel berg’s Bakery.
Mr. Ernest Roseberry of Hastings
was here the first of the week visiting
his cousins, the Misses Pearle and
Byrdee Needham, and other relatives.
A baby boy was born on Tuesday
morning of this week to Mr. and
Mrs. Frank Borys of Webster town
A uctioneer Sloat. the big, jolly sale
, speeler from Litchfield, was a pleas
ant caller at this office Tuesday.
Chris Domgard has purchased the
|Ord moving picture show of A. O.
Lee. and went over yesterday with
the latter to take charge of same.
Mr. and Mrs. C. S. Sweetland are
rejoicing over the arrival Monday
morning at their home of a fine boy,
who Clarence thinks will be a
plumper) good one latter and help
dad make a fortune in his line. Con
All kinds of flour and faed at
Reynolds' Flour and Feed store.
Frank Kennedy lias been cooking
Ids own food the past ten days and
slept in an unmade-up bed. to save
work. All because ttye queen of his
household is away on a visit to their
old home at Aurora. She will be
home this week Saturday, and Frank
will cease singing mournful ditties.
For Sale—My three residence prop
erties in Loup City, composed of ten
lots, with three cottages thereon.
You can get a bargain on these by
calling on Mrs. Mary A. Gardner.
If you want good, prompt draying,
call on C. L. McDonald, successor to
, Hagood.
The Loup City Mills have oil meal
on hand at all times. Theyshlp itout
to surrounding towns and can supply
you in ton lots at red used prices.
Loup City Mill & Light Co.
1 want three car loads of chickens
at once. I will will pay the highest
market price.—S. F. Reynolds.
A clear, healthy skin and health in
abundance result from the continued
use of Nyal's Hot Springs Blood Rem
I edy. Ask us about it.
Swanson & Lofholm.
Don't forget the date of the Hansel
sale—October 30, 1912.
Mrs. A. L. Watson arrived from
Wood River last Saturday for an over
Sunday visit with her good mother,
Mrs. Mary A. Gardner, returning
home Tuesday morning of this week.
Mrs. Watson is a regular reader of
the Northwestern, which she says
keeps her informed on all the news of
this, her old home, and is especially
welcome. She finds time two or three
times a year to come up and visit her
mother in her declining years, show
ing a true daughter’s devotion. Many
of us, who have lost that dearest of
all earthly friends, would give all we
had, were it. possible to have them
with us once more, when our devotion
would be doubled and trebled over the
Base Ball Fans—here you are—
I world’s series souvenir pictures.
! To each gentleman making a cash pur
chase of 25c at our store on Satur
day, Oct. 26th, we will give (while
they last) a picture of the Boston Red
Sox, and the New York Giants, size
12x14 inches. These pictures are
good. Don't miss getting one.
Vaughn & Hinman.
The district dental meeting attend
ed by our Drs. Marcy and Allen at
Hasting is reported by them to have
been very successful. The two ques
tions. "Does iron as a medicine injure
the teeth*’ and "Does candy cause
teeth to decay?” brought out much
discussion at the banquet, with muck
proof showing that Yes answers both.
The largest attendance in tbe history
of the organization brought some tc
ask President Allen how it was done
and they were Informed that printers
ink on something over one thousand
pieces of mall put out by Tbe North
western printing force at Loup City
did tbe trick. We think Dr. Allen Is
half right in that, the other half be
ing due to his aggressive policy at
president of the association.
Special Sale on ladles’ dress skirt*
at the Hub- Viener tc Krelstesn.
For Salo
Pure Bred Poland China boars. A
good line, large type Poland Chins
boars of March and April farrow.
Two Utters sired by the 2nd prize
winner in aged boars at 1912N«braska
State Fair. This sire is a full brother
to the Champion. If vou are In the
market for a good boar, come and see
them. Three-fourth mile aoutb-enat
of town. H. J. Johansen.
Five extra good milch cows at tin
Hansel sale.
m w m rv —* v-v -— v—^ ^ — r—•
-• ' » * * ~._i * «...
V«. «•» i
Wae»l.„._ .
Corn... ..55 its
Oats.35 & 3*
Cattle.3 30 to 4 50
Hoes . . 7 81
Hens. 814
Springs. 12
Butter. 25
Eggs . 20
Furniture Store
Changes Hands
As we go to press this morning, we
learn that LBanks Hale last evening
sold his furniture and undertaking
business to Messrs. Daly & Krebs of
Scotia, the invoicing beginning today
F. M. Henrv is again on the sick
Misses Pearl Keeler and Elizabeth
Leininger were to go to Kearney this
morning as delegates to the State
Christian Endeavor Convention, to
last over Sunday.
S.S. Reynolds is on the sick list.
Mr. and Mrs. Wright Reynolds are
over from Litchfield visiting relatives
and friends.
Clarence McLaughlin came up from
Aurora last Friday, for a visit with
his parents and old friends, return
ing home Wednesday of this week.
Rev. P. Jueling and bride arrived
in Loup City Tuesday evening of this
week, and will at once occupy their
new parsonage. Our people will give
sincere welcome to them.
Just the minute you notice signs of
impure blood, start on Nyal’s Hot
Springs Blood Remedy—it cleanses
the blood, increases the circulation,
nourishes the tissues and builds you
up in a hurry. Ask us about it.
C W ailSUIJ OC LiUl UU (Hi.
Mrs. Belle Goodwin, who has been
at the home of her parents. Mr. and
Mrs. M. C. Miilick. for the past num
ber of weeks, and is in enfeebled
health, returned to Grand Island last
Saturday, Mrs. Muliek accompanying
her. We sincerely trust Mrs. Good
win will be speedily restored to
Loup City is on the map and on
the map to stay. More men and
women of this city have been honored
with offices by different state societies
than any other town in the state.
The latest to be honored by any
society was J. W. Conger, who last
week was elected treasurer at Lincoln
of the Patriarchs Militant. And the
best of it was that he was eminently
worthy of the distinguished honor.
Mr. and Mrs. N. T. Daddow and
son Harold, who reside on a farm near
Loup City, this state, stopped off here
Saturday evening, remaining until
Tuesday morning guests of the editor
and family, Mrs. Daddow and Mrs.
Brown being sisters. They were re
turning from a visit with another
sister In Oklahoma, and although
they were not very favorably im
pressed with the Oklahoma country
they fell in love with the country
they saw around Friend. They left
for home Tuesday morning.—Sentinel.
The new switch board for the central
telephone office is being installed and
we will soon have one of the most
complete and best equipped systems
in the state. To watch Messrs. Steven
and A ngier getting the complex tal kee
talkee machine in place is a regular
Chinese puzzle to the uninitiated and
we would as soon expect to translate
the discussion of a couple of Feegee
Islanders as to try and explain com
prehensively to our readers how it is
done. A visit to central is necessary
to give any one any idea of the beauti
ful piece of mechanism or the difficult
job the boys have on hand. It is ex
pected by Manager Steven that they
will have the system ready for busi
ness by the middle of next week,
when within ten minutes time they
change from the old to the new
church Locals
Preaching every Sunday at 10:.V
and 7:30. Sunday school 11:45, O. S,
Fross, Supt. Epworth League 6:45,
Orpha Outhouse, president. Prayei
meeting each Thursday at 7:30. Class
meeting every Sunday morning. A
cordial invitation is extended to every
one toattend any orallof ourservices
D. xt. Leeper, Pastor
Swedish Christian church, Sunday
Oct. 27: Sunday school at 10:30 a. m
and sermon at 11:15. Subject—"Om
king by name and one by merit.'
John 4: 47-54. All welcome.
H. Blom, Pastor.
German Evangelical church, Sun
day, Oct. 27th, will be services al
Loup City: 10 a.m., Sunday school
10:30 a. m , service. Oct. 26. 10 a. m
lesson in German.
P. Jueling, Pastor.
Preaching services as usual next
Sunday at the Presbyterian church
and at Austin in the afternoon.
r— - --- ■ "■
" "v- :~:’=;:or> pc»y
I-H-— ;'=Cb
— ---—
1? k 5232 Ladies' black caracule
or broadtale, size 32 to 40 others
£<• IL Our Price $8.50
v a ]i Silk Seal Plush Coats, full satin
oil. Our Price $15.00
. ve aii kinds of cloth cloaks of all the
i ' ’patterns. Call and get your cloak be
■ ‘ the best is gone.
Children’s cloaks, Price $2. to $8.50
Iv unsing Underwear
'M'M Bleached Misses Munsing
si J. 1.op seat, per suit SI.00
No. 2317, Ladies’ bleached union
sin Munsing half open front, /
” ae icruab. elbow sleeves SI.00 f
No. 3345 ad bleached union suit, high neck, 1
1, v ;. !> v •, a ; e .. ngth.Munsing underwear S1.!
Made frorr the best material and made #
to fit. Price $1-75 to $850 \
J £i 5
* J f ^ tf»: «**
f _ WCi(*d
k Girls
:J\ ^
" :aQt Boys.
These are
. made to wear
§ well and are
i '
Price 50c to
Ladies Aprons
K Gingham
'J Aprons 50c
• Aprons with
I bib GJc
/ / V , w
Made of India Linen 25c
Hood made of China Silk 50c
> Face Cloth
Good size bleached
'N terrv face cloth 5
Turkish Towels
good turkish ba h
towels with iiMige
ends,36x19 bl. ach
ed, a bargain 15c
Lace and embroideries
an excellent assortment
of attractive pattern
at popular price Ec
Ribbons j
A splendid lot of
ribbons including
all the newest
shades for bows,
sashes, e tc.
Special attention is /
called to the super- ™
ior values shown a.t
per yard only 10c
\V oxen's. Misses anti
children's hose support
is. elastic web top
non elastic fcottcnc
rubber post button, ir
k black and white
only 10c
S n e splendid va
- in men’s fleeced f|
underwear in gra j
fU 50c '
m better grade in
•ream color heavy
i. eeed at 65c
>5 -
* y ■■
some splendid values well made work
dii ids. good wearing materials in
oh.'n and fancy collars, a money sav
:■ g r,. e no. to be overlooked at 50c
Men's negligee
shirts, clearance ol
J regular dollar goods
1 various styles, same
; with soft roll collar
and same with high
fsoft detachable col
lars. All well mads
and roomy, good
i material neat pat
i terns and collars.
Your choice of anj
iri this lot at 75<
A big lot to
choose from
all the popu
lar styles aad
price 23 to 50 ;
Men’s clotl
bleached can
ton tlanne
gloves big*
value at
g Good quality plain
Q and fancv.
| 12 and 25c
A splendid lot
of men's half
hose inclding
: various styles
and colors at A
15 to 25c^
U Children’s
| Stockings
f A splendid lot of
Boys and Girls
stockings at ISe
We also handle the
FAy stocking the
. best money can
buy for the price
lOOlbs bestgr'd sugar 6 26
lOOlbs Chicken grit 90
2 cans Tomatoes 25
2 cans peas 25
1 doz good lemons 30
2 box grape nut 25
2 Cream Wheat 25
3 Post Toasties 26
1 3 Egg-O-See 25
6 bars flake white soap 25
1110 bars polo soap , 25
60 gal coal oil and good
■ I steel tank $9 50
Do not be swindled, as we
i can always save you money
Loup City Mer. Co.