The Loup City northwestern. (Loup City, Neb.) 189?-1917, October 24, 1912, Image 1

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    Loup City Northwestern
volume: x.xx_loup city, nkbraska, Thursday. October 2l :<>i2 - number ;,u
- essiohat Cards
An* BorwWd Abstractor.
Loup City, Nebraska
Practices in all Court!
Loup City, Neb
Bonded Abstractei
burr Crrr, - Nebraska.
OaJj set of Abstract »<ouAa ia coast]
Office. Over New Bank.
“a. J. KBABK8
f'»«• bmn Iwt vt Tdrptttmr Cmmuml
Loup City, - Nebraska
Loup City, Nebr.
Teiepbuctr ( unnectiot
J. A a ««uM U. ('an*L K. M~D
PtMHbiaasaad »erte—
r%*mm lit U«p(tt|.3iabrssk|
s7 A. ALLKS.
uovr cm. - - neb.
OCc* op stairs ia tfce new StaU
iuk buliiar.
OPEICE: Last tsi4* Pubbc Saaaie.
Chant. 10 an 9t
V. I. McDonall
Prompt Dray Work
Call lumber yards or Taylor’s
elevator. Satisfaction guaran
teed Phone *» on 57
W. T, Draper
Tbe Old Reliable
Beat of work always
Ptxme »<• oo Loup.City* Xeb.
C. £. Stroud
Formerly of Kintam City.
Painting, Papering
and Decorating
Special attention paid 11 Autos
and Carriages. All tops re
newed aad repaired All work
guaranteed. Phone 0
MT, M* DCfflKB
OoxTKAfTuK and Plasteheb
Plione 6 on 70
Give me a call and get my
prices. I will treat you right
Satisfaction Guaranted
Fur a Square Deal
Real Estate
Aad lasaraace
J. W Dougal
Offce First Floor; 4
doors south off
State Bank Building
For Special Bargains In Dry
• I •
• I
Goods apd Shoes
Watch this space next week
I have a few of the bargains left over from last week, come
and get some of them before they are all gone
I am buying another large stock this week
which will be on sale in 10 days
- '_
For quality and quantity Call on
Vic Swanson
To Northwestern
We desire to cali our readers' at
tention to tiie new ruling of the postal
department which does not permitj
publishers of newspapers to longer
mail copies of the publication to sub
scribers who are in arrears more than
j one year. Tills means that unless we
can get immediate settlement from
subscribers who are thus in arrears we
j will be compelled to pay the regular
\ rate of postage on all such papers sent
out. Of course no newspaper can af
ford to do this, and we take this means
of notifying our readers of this new
The postal department lias called
upon us for a statement of our books
with this issue, as it has upon all other
papers in the country. The North
western. like many other papers, lias
extended credit to its readers and has
seldom sent out statments of account,
because our readers have been of the
kind who always pay when their at
tention is called to the matter. Now,
the goverment lias intervened with
ail newspapers, and requires the col
lection of these accounts more than
one year old. WTith this explanation,
we ask ail of those who know them
selves to be indebted to arrange for
payment. We cannot in a short time
see all of you, and it means a great
amount of work to prepare and mail
statements to so many. However, we
will, as fast as possible, send state
menu to those who do not respond to
this notice. Oar readers have been
uniformly prompt in paying their
accounts, and we have not the slight
est complaint to make, but we are
compelled to obey the mandate of
I'ncie Sam. Thanking you in ad
vance, we are.
Very respectfully,
J. W. Bublxigu
The Youth's Companion appeals to
every interest of family life, from
; housekeeping to athletics. It begins
j wltiifctoriesof youthful vim and vigor,
j with articles which disclose the secrete
1 of successful play in ttie games, with
! charming tales of life at the girls’
j colleges. But The Companion does
not surrender these readers when they
ttave entered the more serious paths
I of life. Mothers will welcome the
page for little children and the weekly
doctor’s article. Fathers will find the
important news of the day as it is,
and not as it is rumored to be. The
satire 1 to use hold will appreciate the
sketches with touch, gently on com
mon foibles or caricatare eccentricity.
In short, for less than four cents a
week The Companion brings into the
home clean intertalnments, pure in
spiration, tine ideaa.increase!of knowl
Names rarely seen in table of con
tents will be found in The Com
panion's Announcement for 1913,
which will be sent upon request—with
mm pies of the paper, to those not
familiar with it.
Every new subscriber for 1913 will
receive free all the issues for the re
maining weeks of 1912: also, free The
Companion Window Transparency and
Calendar for 1913, in rich, translucent
colors—the moat beautiful of all Com
pevfVwr souvenirs.
lti Berkeley St., Boston, Mam.
New Subaeriptione Received at this
Offloe. _____
The old sign board of the North
western offloe, 18 inches in width by
16 feet in length, can be purchased
cheap bp anyone wishing same for
S. R. McKelvie For Lieutenant
This year brings to the voters of
Nebraska their tirst opportunity
to vote for a native Nebraskan for
the im portant office of liteutenant gov
ernor. S .R. McKelvie was bom on a
farm in Clay county and lived there
upon the farm until of age. His
father, Sam McKelvie, is a Nebraska
pioneer and the oldest breeder of Po
land China hogs in this state. Upon
leaving the farm S. R. McKelvie took
up work in the field of firm paper
journalism, His rise to success was
rapid, and he is today publisher of
The Nebraska Farmer, the oldest
farm paper in the west, established
in 1859 by Robert W. Furnas. That
publication is regarded throughout
the state as extremely fearless and
efficient in its championing of the
farming interests in Nebraska. In
public life Mr. McKelvie is the kind
and character of young man who is
rapidly forging to the fore. He served
one term in the city council of Lin
coln and is now a member of the state
legislature from Lancaster county.
In the last session of that body lie
worked earnestly and zealously in the
interests of the initiative and refer
endum, tiie stock yards bijl and other
measures which gave him the stamp
of a thorough progressive The only
measures which he introduced were
of a non-partisan character and re
lated to agriculture.
Clear Creek Items
A dance was given at the home of
Mr. and Mrs. Warren Edson, Friday
Fred Egger of Princeton, Nebr., is
visiting at the home of Mr. and Mrs.
Adam Zahn.
Mr. Van Dyke shipped a car of cat
tle Monday.
Emery Bunyon of Mason City visit
ed at the home of Mr. and Mrs. R.
D. Adams, Sunday.
A dance was given at the home of
Mr. and Mrs. Will Carey Friday even
Mr. Edson is building an addition
to his bam.
Mr. and Mrs. Ed Fielding and
family spent Sunday at the home of
Mr. and Mrs. Scott Haddir.
Remember the basket social at the
Lone Elm school house Friday even
ing, Oct. 25th. Everybody cordially
The biggest line of Overcoats in
the dtv at Lorentz’.
1 r
Vic Swsnson reports especially
large sales tlie past week and lias had
to make a special order for more goods
to supply the demand. Watch this
paper for further bargains. .
Road Notice
To all whom it may concern: The
commissioner appointed to locate a
road, commencing at about 8 rods
east of the quarter stake on tlie north
line of section one(l).following thence
the traveled road running south over
said section one and following the same
course south, the traveled road run
ning along tlie ravine on section
twelve (12) until it reaches a point
about half way through the south
west quarter of sec. twelve (12) thence
following aro.rnd the heads of ravines
south to connect with “Old Delaney"
road No 45 all in township lti, range
15. has reported in favor of the es
tablishment thereof-and all objection
thereto or claims for damages must
be tiled in the office of the connty
clerk on or before noon of December
15,1912, or such road will be estab
lished without reference thereto.
Dated at Loup City this 8tb dav
of October 1912.
[seal] W. C. Deitebichs
County Clerk
Last pub. Nov, 7
Call for Bids on Township Lina
Brides 1-2 Mils North of
Sealed bids will be received until 1
o’clock p.m.. November 2, 1912, at the
office of the county clerk in Sheridan
county, Nebraska, for the construc
tion of one steel reinforced concrete
bridge across Oak Creek, located about
one-half (J$) mile north of Schaupps
on the township line between Ashton
and Loup City townships at the site
of the 0I4 bridge.
Bids will be received for the above
bridge as follows:—viz
One (1) twenty (20) foot steel rein
forced concrete bridge as per plans and |
specifications on file at the countv ;
clerk’s office.
Bids will be opened publicly at the
county clerk's office in Loup City,
Nebraska, at 2 o'clock p. m. Novem
ber 2. 1912.
The townships of Ashton and Loup
City reserve the right to reject anv
and all bids.
A. J. Johnson,
Twp. Clerk. Lou|) City Twp.
(Last Pub. Oct.\31)
Order of Hearing and Notice of
Probato of Will
in the County Court of Sherman couotv. Ne
State of Nebraska, i _
Sherman County, \ ss
To the heirs, and next of kin and all persons
interested in the estate of Katherine Kochsn
owski. deceased.
On reading the petition of Wladyalaw Kochan
owski. praying that the instrument Sled in this
court on the 7th day of October 1913. and pur
porting to be the last will and testament of
the said deceased may be proved and allowed
and reoorded as the last will and testament of
Katherine Koehanowski. deceased: that said
instrument be admitted to orobate and the
administration of said estate be granted
It is hereby ordered that you. and all
persons interested in said matter, mar,
and do. appear at the County Court to
be held in and for said county, on the 6th
day of November. A. D.1912. at 3 o clock p m
to show cause, ii any there be. why the prayer
of the petitioner should not be granted, and
that notice of the pendency of said petition and
that the hearing thereof be given to all per
sons interested in said matter bv publishing
a copy of this order in the Loup City North
western a weekly newspaper printed in said
county, for 3 successive weeks prior to said
day of hearing.
Witness my hand and seal of said court this
15th day of October, A. D.. 1912.
E. A. Smith.
[seal] County Judge.
(Last pab Oct 31)
Order of Hearing on Petition for
Appointment of Administrator
or Administratrix
f£™iNCoS£*}*s * Count, Court.
In the Blatter of the estate of Minnie S.
Aileman, deceased.
Ob reading and tiling the petition of Clark
L. Aileman. praying tbat Administration of
said estate may be gran ted to Clark L. Aileman
as Administrator.
Ordered, that November 9th A. D. 1912. at 10
o'clock a m_ be assigned for hearing said pe
tition. when all persons interested in said
matter may appear at a County Conn to be
held in and for said county, mad show cause
why the prayer of petitioner should not be
granted: and that nodee of the pendency of
said petition and the hearing thereof be given
to all persons interested in said matter by
publishing a copy of this order fa the Loup
City Northwestern, a weekly newspaper print
ed in said bounty ihreesuccessive weeks, prior
to said day of hearing.
Dated October 19, 1913.
Last pub Nor. 7.
• , •' ' 1?
Legal Notice
In the Dist i !•*& < ourt- of Sherman
County. Nebiaska.
In the mat; . , the net.’Lien of Wai
ter I*. Keen. i':wuior <1 tie la t
will and :«■-lament of Thomas.'.
Reed, deceased. ;.>r license to sell
real estate.
And now. on this 22nd day of Goto
ber. 11*12.this cause came on for heat
ing upon the petit, n under oath of
Walter P. U, i. executor of Uie es
tate of Thomas M. Reed, deceased,
praying for a license to sell the fol
lowing desertoed real estate of the
said Thomas M. IL "d, to-wit: Lots
four and live in block seventeen, lots
fifteen andsixuen in block ten, lot
sixteen in lilock three, lots sixteen
and seventeen in block twenty-two.
all in the original town, now city, of
Loup City, in Sherman county. Ne
braska: also, a certain piece or parcel
of lane, lying in the northwest quar
ter of the northwest quarter of sec
tion eighteen, in township fifteen,
range fourteen, west of 6th P. M., in
Sherman county. Nebraska, and mo.e
particularly described as follows:
Commencing at the southeast corner
of the said northwest quarter of tiie
northwest quarter of said section
eighteen, and running thence north
ninety feet to the place of beginning,
running thence north two hundred
and ten feet, thence west three hun
dred feet, thence south two hundred
and ten feet, and thence east three
hundred feet to the place of begin
n:ng: also, the southwest quarter of
section twelve, in township eighteen,
range twenty-four, west of 6th P. M..
in Custer county. Nebraska, or a suf
ficient amount thereof to bring the
sum of about - '5.500. for the payment of
[lie notes auoweci against saui estate,
ind allowances and costs of adminis
tration, for tne reason that there is
not a sufficient amount of personal
property In the possession of said
Walter P. Reed, executor as aforesaid,
belonging to said estate, wherewith
to pay said debts, allowances anti
It is therefore ordered that all per
-ons interested in said estate appear
before me at the court room of the
district court of said county of Sher
man. in the city of LoupCitv. in said
county, on the 17th day of December,
1912, at tie boor of nine o'clock a. m..
to show cause, if any there be. why a
license should not be granted to said
Walter 1*. Reed, executor, to sell so
much of the above described real es
tate of said decedent as shall be nec
essary to pay said debts and expenses,
and the costs of this proceeding.
It is fuither ordered that a copy of
this order be served upon ail persons
interested In said estate by causing
the same to be published once each
week for four sutv ssive weeks in the
Loup City Northwestern, a legal
newspaper printed, published and of
general circulation in said county of
Given under my hand at Kearney,
this 22nd day of October, 1912.
' BkvNo O. HosTrfCEft,'
Judge of the District Cojrt of Sher
man county. Nebraska.
Last pub. Ncv. 14
Legal Notice
In the District Court of Sherman
County. Nebraska.
In the matter of the petition of Ida
Hetts as executrix of the last will
and testament of William E. Betts,
deceased, for a license to sell real
estate of deceased.
And now on this 22nd day of Octo
ber. 1912. this cause came on for hear
ing upon the petition under oath of
Ida Betts, executrix of the last will
and testament of Willi an E. Betts,
deceased, praying lor a license to sell
the following described real estate of
the said William E. Betts, to-wit:
A certain piece or parcel of land sit
uate in the City of Loup City, in
Sherman county and state of Nebras
ka. and being part of lots thirteen
[13) fourteen (14) and fifteen (15) in
block live (5). in the original town of
•aid Loup City, and which is more
particularly described as follows, to
wit: commencing at a point on the
south line of said lot thirteen (13), ii
said block five (5). thirty feet east of
the southwest, corner ot said lot thir
teen. running thence north and paral
lel with the west line of said block
live, seventy live feet to the north
line of lot fifteen in said block five,
running thence twenty-five feet east
ilong the north line of said lot fifteen,
running thence south and parallel
with the west line of said block five
bo the south line of said lot thirteen.,
and running thence west twenty-five
feet along the south line of said lot
thirteen to the place of beginning, for
the purpose of paying the debts al
lowed agair si said estate of Wiiiiam
E. Betts, deceased, and allowances and
:oscs of administration, and the costs
of this proceeding, for the reason
that there is not a sufficient amount
of personal property in the possession
of said Ida Betts, executrix of said
estate, belonging to said estate, to
pay said debts, allowances and costs.
It is therefore ordered that all per
sons interested in said estate appear
before me at the court room of the
District Court of Sherman county.
Nebraska, in the city of Loup City.
Sherman county, Nebraska, on the
nth day of December. 1JU2, at the
hour of ten o'clock in the forenoon,
to show cause, if any there be, why a
license should not be granted to the
said Ida Betts, executrix of the last
will and testament of William E.
Betts, deceased, to sell the above de
scribed real estate of said decedent
for the purpose of paying said debts,
allowances and costs.
It is further ordered that a copy of
this order be served upon all persons
interested in said estate by causing
the same to be published once each
week for four successive weeks in the
Loup City Northwestern, a legal
newspaper printed, published and of
general circulation in said county of
Given under my hand at Kearney
this 22nd day of October, 1912.
Judge of the District Oourt of Sher
man county, Nebraska.
Last pub Nov 14
Oyster Supper
On election night the Ladies of the
G.A.R. will serve an oyster supper.
Price25cents. Also sandwiches and
coffee 15 cents. One door east of
Makowski?s store. Everybodv come
and help the ladies.
! The Home
I Of Quality Groceries
■ i---._ 1
We like to meet you
Face to Face
Would be our choice!
But when this can’t be the case
we hope to hear your voice
Use ’Phone 86 For Choice Groceries
j 3* ® & |
| Try These—They’ll Please ~ I
Olives jMaple Sugar Butter
Horse Radish Honey
Pickles Peanut Butter
Mustard Chocolate
Catsup Jello
The Quality House Established 1888
—— - - ... _ _ -
have just received
ja big line of winter
Jgoods, such as fur 4
5coats. fur robes, ^
S plush robes and all®
i * kind&of horse blank-^
^ets. These goods ^
Jare of the best quality and in spite of the big advance
Jin prices, I will sell them at the same price as last
Jyear, Call and see them,
- —— —- C V
The Telephone
—Finishes us another means
of serving you. No matter
^ what your needs in our line
may be, you may
and we will have what you
wish ready for you when
you call. See our line of
Holloween Goods.
THe Rezall Store
Let us Figure your bill oi
XjVLin'ber and all
kinds of "SmilcilrLR
;t material at THE f
If You want your Ad to bring you returns
have it put in the Northwestern
It will be a great accommodation to us if our advertisers
and all others would have tbeir copy in for us not later thav
Tuesday evening.