The Loup City northwestern. (Loup City, Neb.) 189?-1917, October 17, 1912, Image 5

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    . — Ther Act
I I 5iF
Man\ people plau their whole lives to
| | hare a bank account and then leave this
»<*ri*l w ithout so much as a start at one.
1 . inning isn t worth anything unless
; followed by action.
. * invtions never 1 and you any
i ; £ where.
Make your plans to start an account
witii u- this week and back up your plans
with action.
i I —___
; g iU f. Hmch. prcM 3. B. Out he use. Vtce-pres- n \
L- I>*wscw. Cashier?_\
Sneezing again
Take Laxacold
Start after the sneeze—no unpleas
ant effects—tablet.- anyone can use
’' . 1 1 quick m action and handy to carry
Do not neglect a cold
N I matter boar innocent at fir-t it takes bint very little for
•v.- }*• imo a serious complication. Nothing will affect
tbe lung* so quickly as a heavy cold —if you value your lungs
y«m owe it to yourself to use
Laxacold Tablets
tatelM—M hart lac ia the ears and no nausea—the fever of colds and
tlieaaM ttedfare yitrtlr baaiabed. X» tablets to Lbe box—enough for sever
at oolb. £> cents tbe box
" ' ' - • »re la a.-mess ajro >i nan., years. The only way
■ do it b by Ueetiac everybody rijfht. Task’s our policy.
For Sale by
Swanson & Lofholm
| Saberiylioa Ifl^lhTToruT^
L*okra is ll.M a }f»r ),
n Hiart e < ii|*j .'* rriU ^
Two Jacks at tie Hamel sale.
\ eaJ calves wanted by Lee Brothers.
I*r ValiRf.< M«o(aili. tirwl Island
Boy an Incubator at tie Hansel
Choice batter 35c per pound at Lee |
Brotiers' meat market
Mns Jessie McGovran spent Sun- ,
•lay at her home in Comstock.
You bad better till your bins with
tour supply of soft coal for w inter
use. Cook and tee our coal.
T*ru* t Klkv atuk.
Miss Hazel Iie< amp. of oar city
schools, went to Iter liome at St 1
faui Friday evening, returning Sat
if yoa lave a bone or a mule to
sell, call phone 5-on-w».
Mint. A. Waebick.
Mr and Mr* Lawrence Loflio.m
returned last Saturday trovi Kansas
Smoke bouse f««r meat* for sale. In
qolRof .tdilrf I oncer.
If you want a dray, phone A. L. En*
deriee. * on *50. or leave your order
with either lutnbrr >ard or ¥.. G.
Taylor. Best of service guaranteed.
I>rawing paper for the school* for
•ale at this ottce Z cent* a sheet or 3
sleets (or a nkkle.
For that cold take Laxacold tab
let* anyone can take no quhiine. no
baring in tlie care relief in a day
and a night. Swanson k Lofholm.
fax in and enjoy a delicious Hot
I’rink, served from our new Hot S<ida
Equ'pmer.t. Young man. treat your
lady <rtend to a delicious Hot Clioro
will appreciate it.
Vaughn k Hinman
Ladies are especially invited to in
speca our Hoc Soda equipment and
uy our Hot drinks. We have just
installed a splendid new outfit and
are prepared to verve all toe popular
Hot drinks, inch ling Hot Oiucotot*.
Hot Uecf Tea. Tomato Bjuliion. etc.
Vaughn k Hinman *
We are paying fl <«ou cash for
cream delivered at the creamery. W'e
taut and pay cash for cream.
Karas** Cacaam Co.
Laxacold- tie best for colds- in
tablet form -easy to take and Iandy
to carry acts directly on the mucous
membranes a few tablets bring relief
Swanson k Lofboim.
torxar From the stock yards in
d’ls city last week W ednesday, a roan
cam, branded “V" on left hip. In
formation leading to her recovery will
be rewarded W. T. Chase, j
We pay cash for eggs delivered at I
the creamery.
Kavenna Creamery Co.
Jf yo want to buy anything, go to
tiie Hansel sale.
Bring your veal calves to Lee j
Rev. J. C. Tourtellot left yesterday j
morning by auto for Hastings to lie
present at the session of the synod of j
tiie Presbyterian church. E. G. Tay-1
MAtothl synod the same i
morning via the I'. P.
Chickens by the car load wanted by
Lee Brothers. j
Tiie first masquerade bail of the
season at Jenn r's Park, which was
postponed on account of inclement i
weather, is now dated for Wedness j
day. Oc*. ittrd, All those who enjoy ,
such occasions will please remember
the date and be present on that oc
Lee Brothers will pay cash for a
car load of chickens.
I»rs. S. A. Allen and W. L. Marcy:
left Monday to attend the Annual j
>ession of the Northwestern District
Dental Society, which was held . t
Hastings on the following day.
Don't miss the book sale at TB 1
REX \LL STORE. Cloth bou i
Popular Fiction : i e snap price
per copy. . ..cnk ^fic for i
cloth B urn, copy of late notion. Bet
ter hubby, these books will go fast.
\ augnn uinman.
Dr. Carson of Grand Island will be
at Dr. Longacre's oilice Wednesday,
Oct. prepared to treat the Eye.
Ear. Nose and Throat and al-o to
Kit Glasses.
C. L. McDonald, the drayman: try
him lor good, prompt service.
Lou Schwaner was putting his feet
under the dining tables at the Mil
burn hotel the first of the week. Ins
wife and baby having left him Satur
day to \ isit a few days at their old
liome at Ord.
Girls, if yon want to learn the new
est an 1 best system of dressmaking,
call on Mrs. Erne-. MeFadden Oct 19,
3 p. m.. for a free demonstration.
Complete instructions with chart,only
*■">. Learn now and save many times
that amount.
Dr. J. E. Bow man drove to llavenna
last >unday evening, accompanied by
the editor, both taking the train
from there to Lincoln, attending to
matters of business and returning
that evening to Ravenna and home
Tuesday morning.
The Northwestern regrets to note
that the community is to lose from
their midst one of its most esteemed
families. Mrs. A. H. Hansel having
purclia e i city property in Ogden,
Utah, and will make that her home
after the first of the year. In this
issue, she advertises for sale all her
personal property, preparatory to re
moval, and will nave a big sale on
Wednesday, October 30th. The
Northwestern, while adding its own
note of regret, will follow herself and
family with best wishes for their hap
piness and prosperity in their new
Only a few more days selling
goods at a sacrifice, at the late T.
M. Reed’s Implement and Hard
ware Store as I am figuring with
outside parties, which means
chances are all the goods left will
be shipped out within the next 10
days P. O. REED
Sales .Manager
We are making cut prices on flour
;n 500-pound lots. Also any of the
Merchants will make you the same
price. You better buy a supply now
while prices are low.
Loup City Mill & Light Co.
Lard cans for sale at 20c each at
J ung & Melberg's Bakery.
W. S. Waite closed a deal with O. S.
Petersen on Monday, whereby he be
came possessor of Mr. Petersen's line
residence property in north Loup
Pity, formerly known as the True;.on
borne, and one of the best resit;, nee
properties in the city. Mr. Wait., is
to be congratulated. He will take
possession of same at once.
A new Moline layby at the Hansel
Charley Wharton was mulcted last
Saturday morning out of $5 and costs,
amounting to $7, for violating the
city ordinance regarding riding 1 icy
cles on sidewalks. The marshal lu^
bis official eye on others, who will au
well to try the streets hereafter.
See my line of men and boys’ over
coats. A bargain at Lorentz’.
If you want the real doings of all
the parties during this exciting presi
dential campaign send a quarter to
day to The Lincoln State Jourual and
they will mail you both the daily
and Sunday under their special cam
paign trial-offer until after election.
This is about half price.
You can save money by buying
your winter suit at Lorentz'.
Some three weeks since. Mrs. J. T,
Hale ran a pitchfork into her left ioo.
along the side, laying her up for some
lime. Still later she had a severe
case of tonailitis, and still later ac
cumulated two or three other ills
from which sue only a few days age
overcome so as to be up and around
but is now fast recovering from all
It is an old adage, that misfortune
never come singly, and this has indeec
proved a true saying with the gooc
lady in question, but we trust that
now she may escape all further dangei
of the old adage again coming true it
her case by avoiding even the first
misfortune in the future.
The biggest line of Overcoats it
the citv at Lorentz’.
Monday and Tuesday of this weol
was Odd Fellow emigration day fron
Loup City. On Monday, J. W. Conger
Taylor Gibson and A. B. Outhoust
went to Lincoln, Mr. Conger as dele
gate to the grand lodge of Patriarch!
Militant: Mr. Gibson as delegate U
the Grand Encampment, and Mr
Outhouse as delegate to the Granc
Lodge of Odd Fellows. Mr. Congei
is to receive at the hands of the
Patriarchs Militant the eminent de
gree of Declaration of Chivalry, his
earnestness and activity in the ordei
making him most worthy. On Tues
day, Mrs. A. B. Outhouse of this citi
and Mrs. T. R. Lay of Rockville wil
attend Rebekah Assembly as del
egates from their respective lodges.
As a sort of sequel to McCarver’j
elopement with his daughter-in-’.aw
Mrs. McCarver vnd her sons made s
public sale of their household effeci
on the streets of Comstock last Sat
urday afternoon an-1 the folio ini
Monday evening left for an unknowi
destination in a covered wagon. A
few to whom they were indebted took
up their trail and succeeded in over
taking them several miles out of towi
and although they persuaded anc
threatened to serve them with leg*
process unless ther bills were setjled
all of which had little effect, th<
creditors securing only $5 in cash a ><
a shot-gun, the McCarvers claiminj
they iiad no money or other valuable:
to pay with. They were allowe d t<
proceed ar d so far as we can learn, n<
one has learned their contemplated
destination—Comstock News.
Notice to Horseman
i Disinfection is considered b'
authorities to be the best means o:
. preventing the prevalent Spinal Men
ingitis among horses. Disinfect youi
I barns with Pratt's Disinfectant
, For sale by Swanson & Lofholm.
For Sale
, Pure Bred Poland China boars. A
r Pood line, large type Poland Chins
. boars of March and April farrow
, Two litters sired by the 2nd prizt
, winner in agfd boars at 1912 Neb,-asks
, State Fair. This sire is a full brothei
I to the Champion. If you are in th<
. market for a good boar, come and se<
r them. Three-fourth mi.e soutu-easl
of town. H. J. Johansen.
Five *xtra good milcli cows at the !
Hansel sale.
W'ueat. & 76
Cora....73 & 80
Oats. & 33
Cattle..'...!.S 80 to 4 50
Hogs . 7 80
Springs.. 12
Bu.ter. 25
Eggs. 80
The pastor being absent at Synod
there will be no preaching service at
the Presbyterian church Oct. 20th.
Other services as usual. Rally day
service at Austin at 2:30 p. ra.
Preaching every Sunday at 10:30
and 7:30. Sunday school 11:45, O. S.
Fross, Supt. Epworth - League 6:45,
Orpha Outhouse, president. Prayer
meeting eacii Thursday at7:30. Class
meeting every Sunday morning. A
co’ invitation is extended to every
one to attend any oral! of our services.
D. gi. Lee per. raster.
Swedisli church. Oct. 20. Sunday
school 10:30 a. m. Sermon 11:15 a. m.
Subject, “The Royal Marriage Feast.*’
Matthew 22. Thursday. Oct. 31. The
Ladies Aid society rr eets at the home
of Mrs. Vic Swanson. All welcome.
The new district superintendent of
the Kearney district, the Rev. Dr.
Hammons. will preach at the Meth
odist church nett Sunday morning. |
All are most cordially invited. Special
program in the Epworth League at
6:45 p. m. D. A. Leeper.
Frank- Zwink and wife were down
from Elm township trading Saturday.
Frank finished his threshing last
week and says his wheat is much
better than last year, the kernels
b< mg far better rounded out and
more perfect.
36c 39c 39c 39c 39c 39c 39c 39c
Cloth bound Popular Fiction at 39c
per copy, while they last. Buy a few
copies to while away the long winter
evenings. Hurry, these books will
soon be sold.
Vaughn & Hinm&n.
Sheriff's Sale.
Notice is hereby given that by vir
tue of an order of « ’e to me directed
from the District A irt of Sherman
county, Nebraska, ..pon a decree of
foreclosure rendered in said court on
tbe 3rd day of SeDtember, 1912, w here
in .Tohi W. Bellmore was plaintiff,
and Minnie A. Elliott Bellmore. et al.
were defendants: I have levied upon
the following described real estate,
to-wit: The south one-hundred and
twenty (120) acres of the northwest
quarter of section twenty-four (24). |
township fifteen (15) north range six- j
teen (16). west of the 6th principal1
meridian, situated in said Sherman
county and state of Nebraska, and I
will, on the 12th day of November, j
1912. at 2 o'clock p. m., of said day, at
the south door of the court house, in
Loup City, Sherman county, Nebraska,
offer for sale and sell said above de
scribed real estate at public auction
to the highest bidder for cash to
satisfy the amount of $664.65 with in
i terest at 10 per cent from the 3rd
day of September, .912, and $17.70
costs of the above action, and accru
ing costs, which arnou. t was adjudged
' to be do-' to the plaintiff aosve named
i from thedefendant^Minnie A. Elliott
Bellmore, et al, above named, and to
j be a lien upon the above described
Dated at Loup City, Nebraska, this
! 9th day of October, 1912.
L. A. Williams.
. Sheriff of Sherman County, Neb.
Clements Bros., Attorneys.
(Last prb. Nov. 7)
i Order of Hearing and Notice of
Probate of Will
ni the County Court of Sherman county. Ne
Slate of Nebraska, i
Stern-an County, f
To the heirs, and next of kin and all persons
Interested in the estate of Katherine Kochan
. owski, deceased.
On reading the petition of Wladyalaw Kockan
owski praying that the instrument tiled in this
coort on the 7tn day of October 1912. and pur
■ porting to be the last will and tes tament of
the said deceased, may be proved and a’lowed
, and recorded as the last via and testament of
Katherine Kochanowski, deceased: that said
instrument be admitted to probate and the
administration of said estate be granted.
It Is hereby ordered that you. and aU
persons interested In said matter, may,
and do. appear at the County Court to
be held in and for said county, on the 6th
day of November, a. D. 1913. at a o clock p. m.
to show cause, 11 any there be, why the prayer
of the petlticner should not be granted, a id
that notice of tbe pendency of said petition and
1 that the hearing thereof be given to all per
sons iuterested in said matter by publishing
a copy of this order in tne Loup City North
■ w stern a weekly newspaper printed in s-id
county, for 3 successive weeks prior to said
1 day of hearing.
Witness my hand and seal of said court this
15th day of October, A. D., 1912.
i E. A. Smith.
[seal] County Judge.
(Last pub Oct XI) _
17 k 5230 Black Imitation Pony
Skin. Size 32 to 38, Our Price $4.89
17 k 5232 Ladies’ black caracule
or broadtale, size 32 to 40 others
got SI 1. Our Price $8-50
1« k 5234 Silk Seal Plush Coats, full satin
lined. Our Price S15.G0
We have all kinds of cloth cloaks of all the
latest patterns. Call and get your cloak be
fore the best is gone.
Children s cloaks, Price $2. to $8.50
s No. 3557 Bleached Misses Munsing
I' union suit, drop seat, per suit $1.00
No. 3517, Ladies’ bleached union
suit in Munsing half open front,
—-- ankl^ length, elbow sleeves $1.00 /
No. 3545 Ladies' bleached union suit, high neck, I
long sleeve, ankle length,Munsing underwear $1.1
Made from the best material and made
to fit._ Price $1.75 to $850
i Bradley
f Caps
^ Girls
and Boys.4
Liese are
made to wear
well and are
Price 50c to
Ladies Aprons
^ Gingham
^Aprons 50c
k Aprons with
\ bib 65c
Made of India Linen 25c
Hood made of China Silk 50c
Face Cloth
Good size bleached
terrv face cloth 5
Turkish Towels
good turkish baih
towels with fringe
ends.36xiy bleach
ed, a bargain 15c
Lace and embroideries
an excellent assortment
of attractive pattern
at popular price Sc
A splendid lot of
ribbons including /
all the newest l
shades for bows, ^
sashes, etc.
Special attention is .
caTled to the super- *
ior values shown at
per yard only IOc
Women's. Misses and
children's liose support
ers, elastic web top.
non elastic bottom
rubber post button, in
black and white
only 10c
Some splendid va
ues in men's fleeced
underwear in gra
At 50c
one better grade in
! cream color heavy
I fleeced at 65c
Some splendid values well made work
shirts, good wearing materials in
plain and .'ancy collars, a money sav
ing chance not to lie overlooked at 50c
Men’s negligee
shirts, clearance of
regular dollar goods
various styles. same
with soft roll collar
and same with high
soft detachable col
lars. All well mads
and roomy, good
material neat pat
terns and collars.
Your choice of any
in this lot at 75c
A big lot to
choose from
all the popu
lar styles and
price 25 to 50
Men's cloth
bleached can
ton flannel
. gloves big
value at
Good quality plain
and faccv.
12 and 25c
A splendid lot
of men’s half
hose inclding
various styles
and colors at
15 to 25c
' Children’s 1
A splendid lot of
Boys and Girls
stockings at 15c
We also handle the
FAy stocking the
best money can
buy for the price
1 G-rooexies
lOOibs best gr’d sugar 6 25
lOOibs Chicken grit 90
2 cans Tomatoes 25
2 cans peas 25
1 doz good lemons 30
2 box grape nut 25
2 Cream Wheat 25
3 Post Toasties 25
3 Egg-O-See 25
§ bars flake white soap 25
10 bars polo soap 25
60 gal coal oil and good
steel lank $9 50
Do not be swindled, as we
can always save you money
Loup City Mer. Co.