The Loup City northwestern. (Loup City, Neb.) 189?-1917, October 17, 1912, Image 4
THE NORTHWESTERN Office Phone. - 6 on 21 Residence. - - 3 on 21 J. W. BlilLEIUH. Editor «■«! Pub REPUBLICAN TICKET National Fur IVnidmi. WILLIAM II. TAFT Fur Vkr fnsidrul. JAMES A SHERMAN Fur Pfekadratial Eleebtn*. C F REAVIS VAC. RTRi&ll • O. A. AHHUTT GEORGE I*. SMITH W II KILPATRICK DANIEL II JENCKES WRSLRY T. WILOOX ALFRED c. KENNEDY s _____ Congressional For faited state- Senate. gf>»iu.f: W NORRIS F'or Cuagm» ’41i Di-trirt. M*~F> P K1NKA1D State Fur Gotrmur, CHESTER H. ALDRICH Fur Lieutenant liu«rm»r. S. R McKELVIE Fur Secretary -I State. ADDIsoX W AIT Fur A tt* >rt*r > GRANTC. M UtTIN Fur Mile Tna*unr, W ALTER A GEORGE Fur Audit*-' >4 Public AnuMW w . it. How ard For Au|*t (u4 Public In-t ructiun. JAMES E- DELZELL For C tea. Pubiit* Land- and Buildings. i RI D BEl KM AN 0 Fur Railway < *u;n:i—i**ncr. li. G. TAYLOR Legislative Km state senator. IK •BERT I*. STARK For Represetit aline. GEORGE «. WoLKE County For Count) Attorney. J s PEI*LKi: Fm(ount) Autew.r. W.T-OWENS ISurllwiairbl PROCRESSIU TICKET National For hnUmt. TllEOI«»RE ROOSEVELT For Vine 1'ronWnl. in Ram « joiin son For ProMrelui E:n1' r*. W J. I.IMAT* h ALLEN JOHNSON GEORGE s. K'U »RV 1*K W. •#. HEN 11V A. IL OAVIs A. V. PEASE W. E TIloRNE «< G. SMITH Congressional Far I'niterf state* Senator. GEORGE « NoRRIs Far < «oyrre *«;|, I'l-trii-t, FRANK L ARMSTRONG State For Gatcrsr. CBVnB It. A LI •RICH For Lieutenant «.-.iert»-<r. . s R MeKELVtE Km secretary *4 state. ai*i*is< *n wait For Attune) (itumt, GKWT MARTIN I -jT 'Late Treasurer Walter a.giorge Foe Audttor of i‘uUU<- Acmunb, W. B. lloWAKH Fur sept. <4 Put*;ir Instruction. JAMES E- HEL/KLL FoTt aCB. Pu!> tf Land* uni Buildings. FREJ* BE* KM A N Fur Ratio a) ( ooiaiiuuotM-r. M. G. TATLOR Legislative Fm state tetutm. For Ecyreaenlat tte. R L A mill B County For fount) Attorney. W.J. FISHER L W. 4 ALLEN Announcement To the roum of SLermaa county. Marine bna nominated by the Pro gramme Party of Sherman County S«r the aflker at Coirnty Attorney. 1 take this method to thank all who •ere interested in my nomination mad to farther solicit the support of the voters of the county, erst assur ing the party at »!. j*«- hands I have this nomination that 1 am iieartliy la accord with the principals and poitcias of the Hugrraai «e I-any. hold lew an ma se towards any man «hc may not *ie» matters politically as 1 Personally I wish to state to my friend- and »upporter» and the voter* ia pease nil of >iirrman county that my time non is materially occupied In fallowing the duties of my bust now. and as a result of being thus onaapiodA is a matter of utter im pomdUiUt? for me to see every votei paeaeaaiiy and eapiaia in person mi pakion relative UjUj* odioeof count) attorney. ILaowiag me as many do 1 believe that my promise lu-re givet la tally attend the ^duties of Um odwa parsuom.) if elected will be ac x cepted. 1 am not financially able to make a canvass of the county and my time must he directed to my present work in the effort to support my family, I must, accordingly, place myself and my candidacy in the care of my friends and those voters who believe in fair play and similar gov ernment to see to my interests. In return for such a favor I honestly (p edge myself to render to the people and ta\ payers of Sherman county as such County Attorney my undivided time and attention to the duties of ti.e or’ ce and to look at all times with eye and heart single to the best welfare of Sherman county and her people. In making to you this solemn pledge I ask that your con sideration may be signified by yoar support at the polls on November 5th 1912. Very sincerely yours W. J. Fishkb Don't forget the date of the Hansel sale—October 30, 1912. Leave orders for theC.L.McDonald dray at either lumber yard or E. G. at Taylor’s. We are showing license pictures, Come and see them they are good. Change of Program every Tuesday Thursday and Saturday Don't miss any of these pictures, This is always an entertaining and instructive show ! , _< '■ lor The Same Money ^ - you might pay for clothing made six or seven months ago over dummy models, our ' Cii.cago tailors, Ed. V. Price &Co., build up-to-date clothes Expressly To lour Order and give a style that pleases, a r**^j I shape that is permanent, a wearing service that means economy, and an individuality that satisfies. A personal trial will prove why their work is so highly regarded. Let us take your measure. Today! J. W. Dorsey S. A. Pratt Billiardand Pool Parlorg Finest Brands of Cigars, with such leaders as Denbys, Havana Sticks, B. B’s., and other choice smokes. Your patronage appreciated First Door, West of First National Bank • Loup City, Nebraska, | Try Arthur’s For Your Winter Un derwear. Bring the family and let us fit them out for the winter. We also have a sice line of £ Blankets. J Come while the line is com ^ plele. At ARTHUR S STORE October Rate Specialties Low One Way RateS to Pacific Coast. These are in effect only until October 10th, $30 to California, Oregon, Was ington. and $25 to Utah and portions of Montana and Idaho. Re serve hearths early. Tourist Rates South v The usual wintar tourist and homeseekers’ rates to southern localities have Ijeen announced. The south is growing in its attractions for n r.hern people. Ask for some of the attractive literature, descrip tive of sothern resorts, hotels and tours. Through TouristsSleepers To California via Santa Fe Route < nmeocing November 5th. frara Omaha every Tuesday night at 11:35 V m.. personally conducted through conducted tourists sleepers will U- run to Los Angeles via Denver thence Santa Fe direct line—Grand < anyon Rout*. These sleepers may be taken from Omaha early Tues day night from Lincoln at midnight or leaving Denver Wednesday evening at 7:45 p. m. Winter Tourists Rates To California are daily in effect Free literature. California Excursions, Pacific Coast Tours, Southern 'l ours leaflet. Have your ticket read “Burlington,” You will then have tlie broadest choice of diverse routes to and from the coast. □ J. A. Danielson Ticket Agent L. W. Wakely, (crusl FsssirgerAgent, Cm a ha,Neb NOTICE OF SALE OF LANDS FOR DELINQUENTTAXES For the Year 1911 and Prior Years State of Nebraska I County of Sherman f 88 To all whom It may concern: You will take notice that all lands and lots •on which taxes for 1911 and prior years have not been paid, will be sold at ihe County Treasurer's office in tbe Court House in Loup City, Nebraska, on tbe first Monday in Novem ber, 1912, between the hours of 9 o'clock a. m and 4 o'clock p. m., said sale to adjourn from day to day until all the lands and lots have been offered for sale. Tbe following is a list of lands and lots to be sold, and tbe amount set opposite the descrip tion is the amount due and unpaid. May 1st 1912. To each amount will be added interest and costs of advertising: OAK CREEK ne4 J5 27 43 Township 16. Range IS. ig ^ ^ Des. Sec. Amt. swt 25 17 63 nwt 5 *40 46 lot 1 35 23 swt . 5 18 06 __ set * 7 . 38 51 ASHTON set 8 39 34 Township 15. Range 13, net 9 31 76 Des. Sec. Amt. nwt 9 3S 51 swt 1 815 gS sw4 9 38 51 set 1 34 58 set 9 22 88 pt swt 7 12 net 10 15 52 nwt 11 29 26 net 11 27 9* set 11 31 05 swt II i5 25 net 30 35 It set 11 13 58 swt S3 10 01 swt4 U lit ROCKVILLE swt it li 53 Township 13. Range 13. net 17 25 ifi Sec. Amt. net 20 31 97 Pl lots 2 * 3 22 $ 9S nwt 20 18 58 Township It. Range 13. nwl 21 28 30 set 12 34 19 net 22 23 26nw4 13 39 92 net 23 35 82 net 15 33 81 set 21 38 88 swl 23 S3 62 w2nwt 21 17 It ne* 27 32 66 sei 25 t9 57 pt setnet 29 l IS net 26 55 10 pr , v <g> -XI ,w.' C4.AT T.vtAV Township It. Range 14. LOGAN 0^ Sec. Amt Township 16, Range it. net 19 $19 01 Des. Sec. Amt. set 32 26 31 nwt 2 $36 91 net 32 39 11 swt 2 5t 22 set 33 40 43 nwt 4 29 811 Township 14. Range 15. swt 1 30 03 net 13 35 US s2nwt 6 16 21 net 21 20 Id n2swt 6 16 64 nwt 28 33 79 swt IS 31 39 e2ne4 29 13 60 Set 13 35 It swt 29 20 40 set 18 33 92 nwl 32 35 64 net 19 37 77 swl 32 20 40 Township 16, Range 1.5. habskoiv net 2 31 13 uasbisus lots 6 and 7 6 7 23jTownshsp It. Range 16. set 10 30 63 Des. Sec. Amt. n2net 15 18 97 w*sw6 1 *13 a s2net 15 11 66 n2set 7 11 27 pt set 15 29 55 s2set 7 7 07 pt set 15 1 63'“®* 12 St 76 swt 26 66 is set 13 25 12 set 26 22 H n2net 18 7 60 w2 lot 1 27 2 16 edset 19 It 15 netnet 3t 5 41 nwtswt 20 8 19 lot? 1 and 2 31 8 36 pt net 21 26 ninwt 35 31 tt °w4 . 21 n7 S6 WASHINGTON ® j* ^ Township 16, Range 15- swtnwt 21 5 15 swt 7 $11 76 n->ne4 °9 9" fiS W2swtaetswt 17 8 12 netnwt -HI ,.> ,1 lots5and6 17 7 63i^“V S US nwtnwt 29 8 01 S V, U Township 16, Range 16^2 U TX S SS* I 34 “« ninwt 3 22 59 P 34 * - «2net 8 11 75 SCOTT w2swl 8 12 53 TowhShip IS. Range 16, s2nw« 12 29 52 Des. Sec. Amt. swt 12 10 84 pt nwt 1 $17 29 set 13 21 90 w2swt 1 it 27 swt 17 30pt n2set 1 1 81 n'2swt 19 8 87 pt net 1 1 31 n2set 19 12 8s w2net 2 7 81 s2set 19 9 15 nwt 2 47 75 S2swt 19 8 87 pt netnet 2 2 01 nwt 20 30 61 nwt 3 42 79 set 24 21 65 n2net 6 7 78 nwt 29 18 02 ninwt 6 7 06 net 30 18 02 net 10 28 70 nwt 30 17 73 w2sw4 11 25 39 swt 30 17 45 pt setnet 12 td setseianlset 30 13 73 w2swt it it 35 S£ne4 33 jSSset 15 4416 ne4 32 28 lots 1 and 2 18 18 77 ELM swt 18 35 33 Township 15. Range 16. set 18 25 67 Des. Sec. Amt. swt 19 38 74 set • 31 70 n2netaswtnet 20 47 11 n2net*n2s2ne*10 18 09 swt 20 26 78 ninwt 10 13 0< nwtset 20 5 52 net 19 12 Tfewt 21 29 81 nwt SI 62 & ®2swt 27 13 05 swt 23 27 64 set 27 88 40 e'inet 21 21 39 SW4 29 22 31 eiset 21 13 01 set 29 37 75 swtawl 26 9 78 nwt 31 53 77 netnwttw2nwt 87 22 22 net St 19 58 nwtswt 27 7 S3 eSnwt 34 9 79 netnet 28 8 99 swt 31 19 58 setnet 28 12 36 set 34 19 58 Sisetanetset 28 35 41 HAZARD n2swt 30 It S| Township l| Range 15. 2SK, 3 srturt »>» u it cs.i to *} 1 -V 5 U 7X net It 29 39 ®".,nei ^ }S*^e2nwt It 17 90 *2I!e4 JJ U vSiwinwt It 13 92 nwtswt St 4 61pt sw4sw4 48 34 ?wls4l 34 5 4964 19 tt 70 U pt awtnet 19 2 30 6 offset • 20 1171 s4t a 18 net 21 94 31 sw* 3t> is <8 I|W4 3g 41 WEBSTER swt 21 38 71 Township 15. Range 15, set 21 24 31 Des. Sec. Amt. ninwt 24 13 11 lots 5 and 6 2 3 07 s2swl 94 13 11 swlset 4 ■ 9 44 set 24 29 38 w2nwl t 11 33 Pl nwt 27 88 s2awt t 23 13 set 28 25 12 nwtswt 4 6 61 net 29 So 61 w2set**etset 14 28 13 sw* 29 33 26 lot 3 It «35!^ » U 4 swt It 40 30ntswtwl S5 34 2 set 22 60 45 p4s"4sw4 £ * nwt 32 37 20pl sw4 35 44 swt 35 35 10 BRISTOL Township 15. Range It. Township 13. Range 13 lots7and8 32 11 33 Des. Sec. Amt. lots 5 and 6 32 21 01 net 18 $16 90 LOUP CITY s<* 18 16 85 Township 15 Rang^Sinwt S SS 5S4. 1 iK r- ^e* 21 16 27 w2set 1 46 37 nw4DW4 21 g 33 nt Jet 1- S is n2net*s2set 21 34 51 n7* j® «4®i5V4r4i6 s su ptse4 1- 1 04 n2 jot6 22 78 fwt®4 13 28 48 Si*64 25 14 71 5®4 }3 “ U lots 5and 6 25 9 22 pt SZDW4 It p'Hipj 00 f• pi nwtnwt 17 6 07 04 4i 9® ptnetnetptiS 19 I8 22~r, XJ ,® *! It4 3t Township 13. Range It! set ^t ji 01 nC4 U 4S gg swt 26 45 19 set II 54 88 nwt *8 26 13 nSnetfcawtnel 12 35 56 nwt 33 31 36 setnwt 13 5 13 set 33 55 88 n2nw4*sw4nw4 13 39 94 S'lswt 35 18 60 swt IS 50 43 set 35 37 18 swt 39 41 66 Township 14. Range It. swt 30 36 S3 n2nwt . 14 10 36 set 31 31 62 n2net It 9 401set 33 sg 33 LOUP CITY CITY 100x148 ft 8 653 Original Town 40x500 ft 8 3 39 Lot Blk. Amt , 1* 17 94 1 to 5 2 $ 8 46 Hogue’s Sub-Division 23 and 24 2 7 50 Iot 6 and 7 3 10 43 i0^ 3 B4k Am‘ 1® 3 1 ^t and 5 4 44 44 32x50f inI3*14 5 32 6012“nd ,3 J *2 22x75f inl3tol5 5 16*14^15° 4 W 20,21.a 5 tl 08 1440 10 4 161 30x75f 13 to 15 5 30 98 L. and K.'s Addition 3x75fl 13tol5 5 98 8 5 ui 13 and 14 6 19 56 9 to 13 5 7 17 pt 10 to 14 10 4 24 16 and 17 6 1 96 15and 16 10 1 61 21 to 34 12 39 1^ 17 to 19 10 1 64 5 to 8 13 40 U 1 to 12 13 28 tl 15 and 16 13 5 U 4 to 5 17 a 82 Barker . i«. 21 to JM 17 13 6® ® 1st Addition 10 to 12 18 81 50 » 1 5 87 13 to 17 18 37 16 W to 18 1 g eg s218 and 19 18 2 29 < to 12 3^4 24 7 and 8 1* 35 21 44 “d 4* 6 9 78 16 and 17 19 10 76 4 to 6 9 12 39 land 2 21 7 50| Barker’s 2nd Addition 13 and 17 32 12 07 1 to 12 7 9 78 18toa tt 6 85 13 to 18 7326 9 23 87 19 to 24 73 28 13 to 18 22 13 0* 1 to 10 9 15 00 19 to 94 tt 5 22 IS to 34 9 g 19 1 and 3 a 4 90pti to 5 11 tg 3 ■ 3 91 pt 6 to 13 11 a 5 to 8 £ 3« Ito«:pt7tol0 15 tt 13 to 15 96 2 61 Smith's Addition 16 to 18 « 7 82 13 to 18 4 15 a 19 tt ti 11 and 12 6 1 M 20 and 31 a 1 64 is to II 6 3 91 a and a a 1 64 uto St 6» 9 13 S4 a »1 and 3 9130 1 to 6 26 15 00 1* 9 « 10 to 12 96 16 63 1 to 3 11 196 13 and It 26 10 76 4 to 8 ' II 994 15 and 16 S !2l! 12 * 66 17 a *6 IS to 18 13 4 56 6 to8 28 llTtianndSO 13 65 1 and 2 tt 1 30 7 to 12 18 164 31 and a 31 1 3013 to 16 18 W 1 w 5 35 4 £t 17 and 18 18 « 10 a a 1 to 6 21 g a 16 to 21424 to S3 35 19 St 19 to 34 31 10 78 FirstfAdditlon 1 to 4 21 4 56 Lot Blk. Amt 6 a 1 30 *4S7 ft 1 $ 1 64 7 to 12 34 19 tt n3aw4 5 8 486 a a ns 7 98,5 and 4 a ltt 100x300 ft f 11 08 7 and 8 a ltt lUOx 15&f*75xl5M8 1 W16 M 66 17 to 90 36 2 611 to 3 19 3 ft 7 to i2 32 16 63 Badura’s Addition. Unplatted tracts in L C 5 and 6 2 IS Township 15. Range 14. all S 41 Des. Sec. Amt. 2 5 2 3 pt sw4 3b 7 6 85 3 5 2 3 pt sw4 3a 7 6 85 First Addition pt SW4 4 <<*•,.- i .» pt SW4 7 19 56 i *0 5 1112 pt SW4 7 14 688 } *1 pt SW4 7 15 65 8 l° *4 4 2 : pt SW4 7 SS’^8 4 ‘ 1 pt SW4 7 1 96 1 »Pd 2 5 ‘ 8 pt sw4 7 98 Taylor's Is* Addition pt sw4 7 27 06 and 18 1 5 90x200 ftpt nw4 18 .3 26„nd 2, i 5 240x300 rtptnw4 18 5 55 >, 6 r^kville'Vill30^8^ Afu;°! 3 S "iS? ! 8 5 Xi *of 15; 16 to 18 2 8 3 l 1 to 13 3 17 5 ® 5 27 O. and D's Addition. 8 5 271 to 12 16 7 8 8 HZ Unplatted Tracts ii 8 Ashton Village ,.> 5 *7 Township 15. Range 1 13 5 07 Des. Sec. Ami 14 to 16 5 53 Ptnw4nw4 27 7 7 2-4-6-8-12-14-16 6 1 34 Pt “*4n*4 ? 2-4 6-8 7 80 Pt «"2nwl 27 110 2-4 6-8 8 80 Ptw2nw4 J 1 ajl 9 07 pt nw4nw4 27 4 3 all IS 1 06 Pt 8e4nel |Z * 5 I and 2 18 3 46 Pt r-“, £ 1 I II and 12 18 53 Pt sw4ne4 » * 5 19 1 06 pt sw4ne4 | 1 6 19 53 Pt se4ne4 -* 8 - s2 lot 6 20 24 47 nw4sw4 — 15 - n2 lot 6 20 22 34 LITCHFIELD VILL 5 21 1 34 OriginalTown all 22 80 lot bib. ami all 23 3 46 , 1 6 2 ?U - H4 3 48 9 and 10 1 10 7 3 to7 25 6 66 ,Iandl2 1 2 4 J and * HI 8 ^ 50x140 ft swlcor 2 110 10 and 11 21 ]J 88 75x140ftsw4cor 2 2 4 ^ “ 88 100x140 ft ne cor 3 3 1 sl9 ft4: 5 and 6 27 7 45 4 4 4E 7 and 8 ^ 4 53 3 and 4 6 13 S 1 to 4 28 6 127and8 6 9 0 7 to 9 28 1 06 9 and io 6 22 8 1-2-3 and 8 29 1 34 ,3 6 22 E 9 to 14 29 1 87,, 6 7 t n2 lot 1 30 80,7 6 10 s2 lot 1 30 53 w 6 6 2 2 and 3 30 4 79 f 7 12 1 ltol4 31 664ji and i2 8 7 0 1 to 10 33 1 87 3 9 10 7 11 and 12 33 27 u aDd 12 9 29 0 Jaeschba's Addition 4 10 6 2 all 3 4 no 11 and 12 ?U 5 JSn}*ftl4andl5 10 »1 Unplatted Tracts in 13 11 7 6 Rocbville Village l41016 11 16 6 Township IS. Range 12.1! and 12 15 SI 1 Des. Sec. Amt. IS 15 0 pt ne4sw4 5 2 66 7 16 11 4 pt ne4 8 27 8 16 1 0 Unplatted Tracts in 3 and 4 Ji *1 !, Litchfield, •? ' 17 1 0 Township 14. Range 16. 1 19 2 4 pt nw4ne4 28 23 90! pt n2s*4 28 16 61 i Flrs,t Addition ptnw4ne4 and :n2 1 ptne4nw4 28 13 813 1 1 0 nw4ne4 28 5 20 7 3 - 8 pt n2se4 28 17 99 4 3 6 a EiJJHSt? ^ 28 10 38 second Addition 30X140 ft ptn2se4 28 1 04. R pt ne4set 28 2 08 ? b 16 ” ABHTOX VILLAGE Anderson.s Addltion Original Town , , fi lot bib. Amt i to 4 2 13 8 02 lot 2 4 6165,08 2 10 0 I and n2 lot 2 5 9 73. 4-5-6 and a 8 ft 7 5 40 S3 Fatrt tew Park s 3ft 8. n20ft 9 5 7 57 1 to 8 16 1 15 5651to4 233 6 and 7 6 5 62 8 2 7 all 7 1 52HAZZARD VILLAGI 0 Pt 1 9 6 27 Original Town 8 and 9 . 9 3 89l“ 43 4 J 4 14 9 1 95 • 1010 i J * 17 9 8 0018 « i i 8 10 1 95 4i 8 ‘ r II and 12 10 3 99 ‘ . i » c 1 and 2 11 6 48 ! to8 .? 3 2 11 and 12 11 4 54° and 8 10 - S 1 12 6 7618 10 4 3 2 and3 12 8 004 11 4 6 8 to 10 12 2 8115 11 8 11 and 13 12 1951 to 3 14 13 15 to 17 14 8610 and 11 14 13 ?l“nd612 l! °o.'s Addition 4 to 6 16 8 64 s 3 3 In witness whereof. I have hereunto set my hand and official seal, this first day ol October 1912. lS*AL] F. M HENRY. Treasurer of Sherman County, Nebr. Notice to Creditors 'sE'r&Scw ' « The State of Nebraska Id County Court wihin and for Sherman county Nebraska. October 1, 1912. In the matter of the estate of Andrew C. Han sen, deceased. To the creditors of said estate: * You are hereby notified, that I will sit at the county court room in Loup City' in said county on the 26th. day of April, 1913, to re ceive and examine all claims against said estate, with a view to their adjustment and allowance The time limited for the presentation ol claims against said estate is the 26th day ol April. A. D. 1913. and the time limited foi Sayment of debts is one year from said 96tl ay of April, 1913. Witness my hand and seal of said county court, this 1st day of October. 1912. [SEAL] K. A. SMITH. Connty Judge last pub. Oct. 24 Call for Bids on Township Lina Brides 1-2 Mils North of Schaupps Sealed bids will be received until 1 o’clock p.m.. November 2,1912, at the office of the county clerk in Sherman county, Nebraska, for the construc tion of one steel reinforced concrete bridge across Oak Creek, located about one-half (14) mile north of Schaupps on the township line between Ashton and Loup City townships at the site of the old bridge. Bids will be received for the above bridge as follows:—viz One (1) twenty (20) foot steel rein forced concrete bridge as per plans and specifications on tile at the county clerk’s office. Bids will be opened publicly at the county clerk's office in Loup City, Nebraska, at 2 o'clock p. m. Novem ber 2, 1912. The townships of Ashton and Loup City reserve the right to reject any and all bids. A. J. Johnson, Twp. Clerk, Loup City Twp. (Last Pub. Oct. 31) N«tic« to Creditors ^wmLioSSZ^88- the County Court In the mutter ot the estate of Ferdinand Psota, deceased. To the creditors of said estate: You are hereby notifled. That I will sit at the county court room in Loup City, in said county, on the 3rd day of May. 1913. to receive and examine all claims against said estate, with a view to their adjustment and allowance The time limited for the presentation of claims against said estate is the 3rd day of May. A.D. 1913. and the time limited for payment of debts is one year from said 3rd day of May. 1913. Witness my hand and the seal of said county court, this Tth day of October. 191S. E. A. Smith. [seal] County Judge. (Last pub. Oct. 3l.) Road Notice (Johnson) To all whom it may concern: The commissioner appointed to locate a road, commencing at about 8 rods east of the quarter siake on the north line of section one (1),following thence the traveled road running south over said section one and following the same course south, the traveled road run ning along the ravine on section twelve (12) until it reaches a point about half way through the south west quarter of sec. twelve (12) thence following &ro.:nd the heads of ravines south to connect with “Old Delaney” road No 45 all in township 16, range 15, has reported in favor of the es tablishment thereof and all objection thereto or claims for damages must be tiled in the office of the connty clerk on or before noon of December 15,1912, or such road will be estab lished without reference thereto. Dated at Loup City this 8th day of October 1912. [seal] W. C. Dhtrricbs County Clerk Last pub. Nov, 7 r I-— ‘ — ! Kirschbaum'Qothcs^] '' * 1IJ WCO*- HAND TAIIOPEP 3 2 i) ! 4 ! 0 4 4 1 4 Copyright, tqi2. A. B. Kirschbaum Co. I ! Y! OU DON’T WANT TO GAMBLE on your clothes— that’s no fun. i The man who buys Kirschbaum Clothes takes no chances on fabric, color, j tailoring or style. Kirschbaum woolens are red tested and double ihrunk; Kirschbaum suits and overcoats are hand * tailored. No warping and wrinkling; no fading; no slopping over of the shape, and no spilling of the style. ( You are certain of the biggest values in clothesdom when you buy Kirschbaum Clothes i $15 $20 $25 and assurance is made doubly sure by the maker’s Guaranty Bond in the coat inside pocket. At Lorenti The Clothier ► \ \ - - - - \ _ ► * ■■ ^" — _ ~ ■ ■ Watermans ideal fountain Pen Safety Pen j Carn£ it in apposition .up side down.right side up.or endways loss it into vocr trunk - It is sealed ink tight . CANNOT SPILL “ I SmaIl.purse«rVest pocket size/*-Vacation travels or home use = For Sale at your Jewelry Store Lou Scbwaner fei- EC6?'j B'*J: , Nails, Staples, Fencing i muumzzi 5 ready to sell you nails; barb wire, ^ en wire fencing, for we have just un-J the above. J We are prepared to furnish you withi re have just unloaded a car of these.^ our to twenty-four inch. £ jaded four other cars of building ma-a week, so we are better able to fill youri jefore. # fSTONE LUMBER CO. J ia, Ashton, Rockville and Scbaupps,* City. wvvvvww What You Gain by being a regular depositor with the Loup City State Bank: Your funds are kept in absolute security. Payment by check provides indisputable re receipts in the form of returned can celed checks. Payment by check saves many a long trip; saves trouble of mak ing change and taking receipts. Being a depositor with us, acquaints us with eaeh other and lays the foundation for accommodation, when you want to piece out your resources with a loan. Every courtesy and facility is rendered the small as well as the large depositor. Don’t wait until you can begin with a large deposit LOUP CITY STATE BANK Capital and Surplus, $47,500.00 . \ J.S. Pedlar, President t C. Carlsen. Cashier John W. Lend. Vice President *• J. Root Assistant Ctfhlt