The Loup City northwestern. (Loup City, Neb.) 189?-1917, October 10, 1912, Image 5

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    I -----
N gPLAN= | j
I { jj fhep /\ct j ■
I I | I
I Many people plan their whole lives to n !
. have a bank account and then leave this 0
world without so much as a start at one. U
Planning isn't worth anything unless '
followed by action. 0 |
Good intetions never 1 and you any- h \
If. " where. H |
(. Make your plans to start an account Sj
with us this week and back up your plans B )
with action.
£ ®. f. Maw. prest H. B. Outhouse. Ylce-pres- H
Q fj . ftawses. Cashier^ j|
Sneezing again
Take Laxacold
Start after the sneeze—no unpleas
ant effects—tablets anyone can use
*" :!i> t«> take—quirk iu action and handy to carry
Do not neglect a cold
\«» in cter •.<»«■ innocent at tir-t it takei? bint very little for
i‘ ' j iU\e' into a cerioui: complication. Nothing will affect
v r - . quickly as a heavy cold—if you value your lungs
you owe it to yourself to use
Laxacold Tablets
' no b_ ing in the ears and no nausea--the fever of colds and
add iuelf are quickly banished. 35 tablets to the box -enojgh fur sever
al ookfe. 35 cents the box
»'r eip- t ui be here in business a good nany years. The only way
we can i it by treating every body right. That’s our policy.
For Sate by
Swanson & Lofholm
1’ Sabvripliba to thr North-!*
( western I-* a year 4
I Hi»slr Copy .*» reals ^ J
Veal calm wanted by Lee Brothers.
I *r Yaliier. Osteopath. Grand Island
John Lone was a passenger to
Grand Island last Saturday.
C ook* butter 2<c per pound at Lee
Brothers' meat market
J. C. Steele left Wednesday morn
ing for Beatrice, to visit over several
days with a brother
Judge Wall was confined to h a
I me through llines* the past ten
Mrs. Eva Kendall of St Paul has
Uea here the past few days visiting
L' r brother. E. G. Taylor, and family.
Vow had better fill your bins with
y jur suptrfj of soft coal for winter
use. (one and see our coal.V
Tav umk's Elevator.
lire. T. M. Reed and family autoed
over tot.rreiey last Saturday to visit
a: the E litor l***i» borne, returning
If you hare a bone or a mule U>
sell. call phone eon-**.
M%kl. A. Wabkick.
Hr and Mr*. C. A. Gilbert left for
Kansas City last Saturday morning,
for a rW: with Mr* Gilbert's mother
in that tty for a number of days.
' noke house for meat* for sale. In
quire of A*htey Conger.
If you want a dray, pi tone A. L. Kn
Jerlue. * tu» «J. or leave your order
ulth eh tier lumber yard or E. G.
Tay lor. Bm of service guaranteed.
, I Ha »ir»g paper for tiie schools for
sale at Chi* office 2 cents a sheet or 3
sheet* for a nickle.
Tt>e state Teachers Association
menu in Omaha this year, on tlie
• J». 7th and *th of November. Sher
man county teachers will be tliere in
fail force as usual, we oping.
For that cold take Lazacold tab
let* anyone can take—no quinine, no
buzzing in the ears relief in a day
and a night Swanson k Lofholm.
The Northwestern was pleased the
first of this week to add to its list Mr.
Frank Mirkow. one of the most en
0 terprising «* our German farmers on
Route 2. who owns a fine farm two
and a half miles sooth of this city.
First Grand Masquarade Ball at
leaner * Park. Thursday. Oct. 10th.
Four prize*, to be given to tlie best
down, best man and lady 's costume,
and best group. Good orchestra
muafit and good order.
Comm in and enjoy a delicious Hot
iHink. served from our new Hot Soda
Equipment. Young man. treat jour
lady friend to a deiicioos Hot Choco
late at THE EE \ ALL STORE. She
will appreciate it.
Vaughn k Uimnan
We pay cash for eggs delivered at
the creamery.
Uavenna Creamery Co.
Bring your veal calves to Lee
Brothers. ^
Chickens by the car load wanted by
Lee Brothers.
nrutners win pay casn ior a
car load of chickens.
A nice little rain of perhaps a
quarter inch visited our city and sur
rounding country Tuesday night just
before midnight, freshening the
parched earth in good shape.
Miss Constance Jenner went to
Omaha last Friday, where she was to
enter the Clarkson hospital to study
for a trained nurse. May success at
tend her.
Make it a point to see _,he values I
offer before you buy another suit of
overcoat. Lorentz the clothier.
Estray—From the stock yards in
tills city last week Wednesday, a roan
cow, branded “V” on left hip. In
formation leading to her recovery will
be rewarded. W. T. Chase.
We are paying 27 cents cash for
cream delivered at the creamery. We
test and pay cash for cream.
Ravenna Creamery Co.
Laxacold—the best for colds—in
tablet form easy to take and handy
to carry acts directly on themucous
i membranes a few tablets bring relief
• Swanson & Lofholm.
Ciark Reynolds on Tuesday of thia
' week sold to James Bone the forty
j acres recently purchased of Rol Hen
j drickson just west of the river.
First Grand Masqurade Ball at
I Jenner’s I’ark. Thursday, Oct. 10th.
I Four prizes to be given, one to the
best clown, one to the best lady and
gent costtmes and one to the best
group. Good orchestra music and
good order.
Ladies are especially invited to in
spect our Hot Soda equipment and
try our Hot Drinks. We have just
installed a splendid new outfit and
are prepared to serve all the populai
Hot Drinks, inciuding Hot Chocolate
Hot Beef Tea. Tomato Boullion, etc.
Vaughn & Hinman.
Mrs. Elmer Youngquest and chil
dren left for Aurora Wednesday morn
lng to be present at the marriage of a
sister of Mrs. Youngquest. Elmer go
ing down this morning to also be
present at the nuptials. The formei
will continue their visit perhaps a
week, while Elmer returns as soon as
. the wedding is over to take up the
regular business grind.
The Mesdames Chase and Waiu
entertained the ladies of the Entrc
Sou* Club and their husbands Tues
day evening of this week at Jenner’s
I’ark. meeting at the home of A. E.
Cliase, and going thence to the park
a la hobo, with lunch strung across
the shoulders, where the evening was
passed with games and allaroundfun.
the park being lighted up, the com
pany only reaching home just preced
ing the rain between 11 o’clock and
, midnight.
Tin- best make of clotbing.ail wool.
• hand tailored, at Lorentz'.
Orders taken for tailor made suits
a specialty at Lorentz’.
Lard cans for sale at 20c each at
Jung & Melberg’s Bakery.
Leave orders for the C.L. McDonald
dray at either lumber yard or E. G.
at Taylor’s.
Miss Winnie Gasteyer visited over
last Sunday with Miss Lucille Erazim
at Bavenna.
C. L. McDonald, the drayman: try
him for good, prompt service.
Mr. and Mrs. Joe Vaughn returned
last Saturday evening from their
visit to Omaha and the Ak-Sar-Ben
Tenis Biemond bought a Ford auto
at Grand Island and drove it up home
last Friday.
Earl Thompson, Al. Johnson, Her
man Johansen and Dr. Evans left
for Pony Lake, up in Rock county,
last Sunday morning, for a two
weeks' camping out. LBanks Hale
took them up in his auto. Hope the
boys will have the best time ever.
Adam Zahn of Elm, one of the
Northwestern’s old stand-bys and one
of the best men in west Sherman
county, renewed his subscripion
Tuesday, saying such good words for
the pa fie r and its editor that we have
to confess to blushing with pleasure,
and the best of it was that he meant
every word of it. God bless such
true and tried friends.
The three lectures given in this
city last week by Mrs. Lilia G.
English, the first on “ The Boys be
hind the Bars.” and the other two
to ladies only, were most pleasing
and instructive to those who at
tended said lectures, and we believe
were most profitable. We only re
gret that every boy and girl in our
city and surrounding country were
not present at the respective lectures
to profit thereby.
Don't miss the book sale at THE
REXALL STORE. Cloth bound
Popular Fiction at the snap price of
39c per copy. Just think—39c for a
cloth bound copy of late fiction. Bet
ter hurry, these books will go fast.
Vaughn & Hinman.
Miss Ruby Charlton, who left here
some two or three weeks ago to
accept the position as city librarian
at Cleveland. Ohio, will be a reader
of the Northwestern while there,
ordering the paper to her address in
that city. Miss Charlton is one of
Loup City's most popular young
ladies and her host of friends here
will follow her with best wishes for
her success a^I happiness.
Our good friebd, George Curry, has
sold one of his farms in tne west part
of the county to his son, G. W. Curry,
and has purchased some 1100 acres of
land near Brownlee in Cherry couuty,
and leased some 2500 acres more near
there and will go into the cattle
business on a large scale, taking his
other son, R. W. Curry, with him.
He will not move up into that
country before nest March. We wish
all three the best of success, although
we hate to see George leave us for
the ranch country.
Our good friend, Hans M. Johnson,
of Washington township, gave us a
pleasant call on Tuesday with the
remark that he was hungry for the
news and wished to re-enlist in our
army of readers. Friend Johnson
some three weeks since resigned from
the army of readers, but admitted he
could not stay away and we could count
him with us for life after this. That’s
the kind of pleasant comment we hear
continually from our readers, making
it a pleasure to publish the North
western and strive our best to make
the best paper published in Sherman
j county.
Mr. T. L. Pilger has been quite ill
the past few days with an aggravated
form of typhoid fever, but at present
reports from his bedside are to the
effect that he is resting nicely and on
the fair road to recovery. The re
| port that his condition was so serious
i that his sons had been wired for is
j erroneous, but instead letters have
1 been sent them keeping them in
formed as to his condition. At
present his physician precludes friends
from his bedside to save him the
| nervous exhaustion consequent upon
| seeing them, but it is thought with
in a few days he will be able to see
i them. We sincerely wish for his early
i recovery.
Lawrence Smith, who has been
quite ill the past two weeks, is re
ported better at present with best
chances for his ultimate recovery.
Some two weeks since while feeding
ensilage, Mr. Smith was struck in the
left cheek with a corn stalk, quite
severely injuring that cheek. Later
he suffered much pain and laid it to
an ulcerated tooth and going to the
dentist had the molar extracted. In
stead of easing the pain, it became
rapidly worse, the face swelling and
afflicting down the cords of-the neck
to the collar bone. His physician
made three incisions, drawing there
from quite a quantity of pus, every
thing pointing to his trouble being
blood poisoning. During part of his
illness, we understand the entire left
side of his body became more or less
swollen and even at present," as his
trouble is subsiding, he is still con
fined to his bed, where he has been
for two weeks since he had the tooth
extracted, and it is a question whether
the trouble originated with ulceration
of a tooth or the injury he received
from the blow of the cornstalk which
penetrated to the jaw bone. However
that may be, he is overcoming his ill
ness and it is expected will be up and
around again soon.
Wheat... & 76
Corn..75 & 80
Oats. .i. &35
Cattle.'.. 3 80 to 4 50
Hoes ... 7 80
✓ Poultry
Hens.r . 8H
Springs. :. 12
Butter. 25
Eggs. 20
Onions, cabbage, and home made
saur kraut for sale. Phone 87.
48-4 L. A. Bangs.
Joe Blasclike bought a 83000. 7-pas
senger Marquette at Omaha last week,
through Will Criss, and the two
brought it home last Friday. It's a
M. C. Mulick received a telegram
Wednesday mornirtg from Rochester,
Minn., that his daughter, Mrs. May
Patton, passed successfully through
the operation for opthelmic goite^on
Monday and was getting along finely,
which news will be most pleasing to
our people in their entirety.
Preaching every Sunday at 10:30
and 7:30. Sunday school 11:45, O. S.
Fross, Supt. Epworth League 6:45,
Orpha Outhouse, president. Prayer
meeting each Thursday at 7:30. Class
meeting every Sunday morning. A
cordial invitation is extended to every
one to attend any orallof ourservices.
D.’-n. Leeper. Pastor.
Presbyterian church services, Oc
tober 10th, as usual. Morning theme.
‘•The Church as a Theatre.” Even
ing (7:30), "Grave Diggers". Thurs
day evening service at 7:45. Subject
this week. "Our Responsibility for
Swedish Christian church. Sunday,
Oct. 13th: Sunday school at 1:30 a.m.;!
sermon. 11:15. Subject—‘"The Power
of the Son of Man.” Matthew 9. All
Baptist church. Oct. 13: Sunday
school at 10 a. m. Morning topic—
"The Confidence of Paul or the As
surance of Salvation." Evening topic
—“Facing Opposition or the Courage
of Jesus.’’ A cordial invitation is
extended to all.
The Ministerial Alliance will meet
at the Methodist parsonage next Mon
day at 2 p. m. This will be the 1st
meeting after the mid-summer vaca
tion. All of the pastors are requested
to be present.—D. A. Leeper. Sec.
36c 39c 39c 39c 39c 39c 39c 39c
Cloth bound Popular Fiction at 39c
per copy, while they last. Buy a few
copies to while away the long winter
evenings. Hurry, these books will
soon be sold.
Yaughn & Hinman.
—Sam, foss, an old time resident of
this county, and a brother of Bert
Foss, is here on a visit. He now
lives at Loup City, and has not made
a visit to Aurora for some time. He
is surprised at the growth and devel
ment made in a few years. His
daughter,Wilma, came with him and
will have an operation performed for
throat trouble while here.
Sheriffs Sale.
Notice is hereby given that by vir
tue of an order of sale to me directed
from the District Court of Sherman
county, Nebraska, upon a decree of
foreclosure rendered in said court on
the 3rd day of Seotember. 1912, where
in John W. Bellmore was plaintiff,
and Minnie A. Elliott Bellmore. et al.
were defendants: I have levied upon
the following described real estate,
to-wit: The south one-hundred and
twenty (120) acres of the northwest
quarter of section twenty-four (24).
township fifteen (15) north range six
teen (16), west of the 6th principal
meridian, situated in said Sherman
county and state of Nebraska, and I
will, on the 12th day of November.
1912, at 2 o'clock p. m., of said day, at
the south door of the court house, in
Loup City, Sherman county, Nebraska,
offer *or sale and sell said above de
scribed real estate at public auction
to the highest bidder for cash to
satisfy the amount of #664.65 with in
terest at 10 per cent from the 3rd
day of September, 1912, and #17.70
costs of the above action, and accru
ing costs, which amount was adjudged
to be due to the plaintiff above named
from the defendants.Minnie A. Elliott
Bellmore. et al. above named, and to
be a lien upon the above described
Dated at Loup City. Nebraska, this
9th day of October. 1912.
L. A. Williams.
Sheriff of Sherman County, Neb.
Clements Bros., Attorneys.
(Last pub. Nov. 7)
Notice to Threshers
We have on hand-a full supply of
threshing coal, both nut and lump.
AL>o have car Nigger head pea coal
in transit. Our coal is right and our
prices are right. Call and see us.
Taylor's Elevator.
If you want good, prompt draying,
call on C. L. McDonald, successor to
For Sale
Pure Bred Poland China boars. A
good line, large type Poland China
boars of March and April farrow.
Two litters sired by the 2nd prize
winner in aged boars at 1912 Nebraska
State Fair. This sire is a full brother
to the Champion. If you are in the
market for a good boar, come and see
them. Three-fourth mile south-east
of town. H. J. Johansen.
Farmers Take Notice.
We have just received a car load of
ground oil meal. And the State
Veterinary advises using oil meal as
a preventive of the dread disease
spinal meningitis, tbat is killing so
many horses in surrounding counties.
Better try a few sacks.
fcoup City Mill A Light Co.
it IS
17 k 5230 Black Imitation Pony
Skin. Size 32 to 38, Our Price $4.89
17 k 5232 Ladies’ black caracule
or broadtale, size 32 to 40 others
get §11. Our Price $8.50
17 k 5234 Silk Seal Plush Coats, full satin
lined. Our Price $15.00
We have all kinds of cloth cloaks of all the
latest patterns. Call and get your cloak be
fore the best is gone.
Children’s cloaks, Price $2. to $8.50
Munsing Underwear
No. 3557 Bleached Misses Munsing
union suit, drop seat, per suit $1.00
No. 3517, Ladies' bleached union
suit in Munsing half open front, i
—-— ankle length, elbow sleeves $1.00 /
No. 3545 Ladies’ bleached union suit, high neck, I
long sleeve, ankle length,Munsing underwear $1.[
Made from the best material and made
to fit. Price SI .75 to $850
and Boys.<
These are
made to wear
well and are
Price 50c to
Ladies Aprons
Aprons 50c
Aprons with
bib 65c
Made of India Linen - 25c
Hood made of China Silk 50c
Face Cloth
Good size bleached
terry face cloth 5
Turkish Towels
good turkish bath
towels with fringe
ends, 36x19 bleach
ed, a bargain ] 5c
Lace and embroideries
an excellent assortment
of attractive pattern
at popular price 5c
Ribbons |
A splendid lot of
ribbons including
all the newest V'-'J
shades for bows, x
sashes, etc.
Special attention is
called to the super
ior values shown at
per yard only IOc
•_ <
Women's. Misses and
children's hose support
ers, elastic web top.
non elastic bottom
rubber post button, in
black and white
only 10c
Some splendid va
ues in men’s fleeced
underwear in gra
At 50c
one better grade in
cream color heavy
fleeced at 65c
Some splendid values well made work
shirts, good wearing materials in
plain and fancy collars, a money sav
ing chance not to be overlooked atSOc
..uen s negligee
shirts, clearance of
regular dollar goods
various styles, same
with soft roll collar
and same with high
soft detachable col
lars. All well mads
and roomy, good
material neat pat
terns and collars.
Your choice of any
in this lot at 75c
A big lot to
; choose from
all the popu
lar styles and
price 25 to 5Q
Men’s cloth
bleached can
ton flannel
gloves big
L value at
13 for
f 25c
Good quality plain
and fancy.
12 and 25c
A splendid 1 ot
of men's half
hose incldin g
various styles
and colors at A
15 to 25c*
! Children’s
A splendid lot of
Boys and Girls
stockings at 15c
We also handle the
FAy stocking the
best money can
buy for the price
lOOlbs best gr’d sugar 6 25
lOOlbs Chicken grit 90
2 cans Tomatoes 25
2 cans peas 25
1 doz good lemons 30
2 box grape nut 25
2 Cream Wheat 25
3 Post Toasties 25
3 EggiO-See 25
6 bars flake white soap 25
10 bars polo soap 25
50 gal coal oil and good
steel tank $9 50
Do not be swindled, as we
can always save you money
Loup City Mer. Co.