I Buy a Home Where The Heaviest Crops in the State are Produced ^ggsarTrir-r-.-ocs.1 jjFree Transportation jj uin T.nnH Sppkprs )j One of the Heaviest Producing Counties in the fr'tate for the Past Twelve Years TH K FCIDU68LA NI) 1N VESTMENT COMPANY of 6IUNFY. NEliKASKA. ha- owr 1-.UUO acres of choice farming lami now on the market: for sale at from S25 to S3 per acr«-: one half rash ami the balance in three to five year with interest nt at *1 jx*rceut j*er annum. We *>lso have a few quarters that we can take from $:>00 to $1,000 as first pay ment. Cbe»enne county, Nebras ka, is «>ne of the urnst favor bly located counties in the western part of the slate: sit uvted as it is between the two great Platte rivers, and pro tected by the Rocky moun tain range to the south aud weet, they do not experience the hot winds that are so pre ralent in some part*. We will contract to show von tnanv fields < f wheat hat # w in your estimation "ill yield 38 bushels per acre: rye L'S: flax 15: corn 40 “at* <>0: jnXatoes 100: altalfa seed 5 and other staph - equal ly good in proportion. Remember you are not in verting your money in an arid region or desert, but where it sure to bring you good return*. Buying land is apure business proposition. You want to invest your money somewhere *o that you will be assured of certain sat isfactory returns. Cheyenne j county :and is the one invest ment that absolutely insures positive returns. You cannot find a section in the west which offers as many opportunities to the farmer and investor as Cheyenne county. We are selling the l>est laud in the world for the money and at a figure that can ap}>eal only to level head ed, successful business farm ers and investor*. You mns see what we have, and we want you to see it, and to in vestigate every phase and con dition surrounding it If you want to better your condition: if you want to live in a delightful climate; if you want to enjoy life to the full - start planning today to bu\ a farm in Cheyenne county and arrange to go out with us on our next excursion. September 17th, 1912, For information regarding our free transportation offer to land Maker*, and full information in detail regarding Chey enne county, NVbraaka land*, call on or write J. W. Dougal.j Loup City, Nebr. Special Representative CHAPTER |. A Chance Encounter, you know. boy. yon ought mat to get la my way?" The tide wa» ai its ebb: the boats stranded afar, and the lad addressed had started, with a fish—his wage— la eas hand, to walk to shore, wbea. passing into the shadow of the ram part at the Governor's Mount, irons the opposite direction a white horse »»eng suddenly around a comer at the .i one masonry and bore directly • T the High Atrr.csphe.-e. Forty sounding balloons carrying registration apparatus, sent up by the Royal Meteorological Society of Eng land, reaches different heights. The mean altitude attained was 16.411 me ters, the maximum 23.010 meters. At a certain aitituds the temperature in creased instead of d ressing. Th.'s could not have be", c1 c solar radi ation?. ce mice th tcarimura height w*»s roachl.; after inset.—Harpi 's Wee’-' ly For a Square Deal IN Real Estate And Insurance See J. W Dougal Offce First Floor, 4 doors south of State Bank Building i GERMAN DOCTORS Grand Island Office 108 E 3rd street Free Examination Day Sept 16,1912 fksi vmoi tjjma TP»ml»«—.«iw« a If impossibi to come on this date mail above coapo to oar home office for a later date. I AT I2C AND 25C EACH Let us Figure your bill of Lumber and all Lzincis of 73Tail