The Loup City northwestern. (Loup City, Neb.) 189?-1917, September 12, 1912, Image 7

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tba «»iaaw. ua af tua State at JitMuka |
aa tore uafiar act laru la full. la sub
□la tto elac-tera af tba btala of K*- j
U> W ««|af UJM at tba
ta to tot Tuesday. So. ember |
tr 1 *12.
“AS A T tar a Joint raaotaOaa prupaa
tao immSti lat aa airtlan 1 and See
t->a it Art... Idua CuaatUuUoa af
tto tua at Kwradf aad »»pp.emmt
bd Article eat lad 'Amendments.*
lb tt Ki.iaed aad fctja. tad by tbe lASla
ta&tue af tto etaio at SabraaSa:
tort r a 1. Tbal at tto |<aeni dectot
tar m«u aad ^diiiit oJhccra ta to
toid aa tto Tuesday »-«t-mi.r.t tba drat
Monday ta S .comber Id:, tba luJiaut
pwwuat to proposed and aulHnilled aa
tun tart t ta tocuss 1 and todies la
at At;.. .. 1 A - Coast-lu Hen at tba
•data «d X«f»du
to.t aa 2 T i.«t iecboa 1 of Art.cle I
"IMUm. --r tbd State af Se
ta read ad Um
t. Tto Tr1tl>Tf-i authority af
tto etata at. til to veatad ta s leglalature ;
aeamaiia* af a aanaia and bouae of repre
■« HitHaa. bat tbo pa.pie reserve ta i
tb. - a- » —. poser ta prupuae U*i aad
Jala ta tto eucatuutioa. and ta
reject tto same at tto po.ia In
1 id tto lecoosture and also re- j
i.; at tb..r aan to ap- ,
pro*e or reject at tba po.A any act. feta,
•ar a or part af any act pawl by tto 1
•art aa 1A_ Tto Brvt poa-er rerarred
>T tto peup.e to tto uusi.Ur. Tea per
.eat at tbe total eater* of tba state, so as t» n..> B>o per cant of
tto cri eotere it aara «f two-Uftba of
tto aa- .ties af tto state. may propose
aay mcasnr* by petition abtcb mail
cantata tto foil teal of tto measure ao
»•* T-urd I ■ d*d ttot propodad Caa*
rtfritraal Aandauau abed require a
pe* tea af ftftaea per cent of Via .ecal
•ate-, of tbe ntate distributed aa abuvs
pvcdrt lait e perttiun* .except far
muauepol aad abbqr la rat los~l*1e T1 —it
>’uj to Med vitb tto Secretary af Ktata
aad to by !. m A-germed ta tto voter* at
tbe nrat t'ttar r'-toe eiectleo held not
iea* tnea tear mwattii after aucb aiin<
Tbe MS ffiaa»ur». ntter b (urm or ta
■a n.ual atlo'iM*. abad aat be aub
mt* «d ta tto peuj . by in illative petmoa
flbar aMraiafltely at uputdir)
lu :tn* year* If coa- -
aaboMMad ta tba psapis |
aaaae alarum aball ba ippiavaf, I
tto ope maelr'i g tto CiCLeat number of
• e.roaalit* vote* eutb thereby lacuna -
-a ao Id all tudlr-.nt praclalona. Tbo
« r.e' * Bmitotfoaio as to scope and
Ml erl matter id statute* enacted by tto ,
>( > ait re mad arpiy to Uiuao enacted ;
by tba initiative
wcta* power reserveo
1* I m NlM Bgto It x.e> ta ordered by
a ie tie t tew per rent of tte* legal
voter* eg the etude. d.sir.tuted aa re- i
Sawed Car MMktlta r tTttlana Kef area- I
ftia jet.t'wa measures peered
tef tte* leg s-*f -'e small tee Bled with the .
teecreaary at Plate a:tola ninety days .
after (Ba Ughtan enacting (Ba —me
ad .res a U- die ar far a period lunger >
Baa ilar<r days: and dxtlau thereon
Mat-1 tee Bad at the Bret regular state '
e ... tea teed Bet lea* than thirty days
after iSrj Bl.Bg
Beef— 1C. Tte* referendum may tee
art'red age* ary act escept acts making j
apf vapriatkune far tBa espenaes of the j
Mate govern mast and state Institutions j
etuhtd a< the urn* sued act d passed
totes* the referendum is ordered upon an
net ar any part tkereaf it aBall suspend
ta Opera teas sen tte* same is approved
»e tte* voters provided that emergency
nets, ar arts fsr ttea immediate prese-rra
ti -i af tt e public patens, health or safety •
stmt! rsaOsM In «C*«t until rejected by
tte aide s ar rrpewied V* lit legislature. !
Pllhg af a referemlum patltlan against
•a* ar saass farms, sections, ar parts af
-■ act »- de ar tte remalider of
_ from iMCMSing operative
tO Xottetng in this section j
construed la deprive any mem
ber sf ttea ectsu! .r* of tte* right to ln
irt.-^e aay m n aa re Tte* whole number
at ■««* - aat fer governor at tte* regular
e . -iaa last peered;tig tte* of any
toitlativ* ar tdmassn petition shall be
(tee lead aa whicB the number of legal
netssa restored la alga aacB pstidsn ate all
le russymf n( Ttea wet* paw nr af tte* gov
•etur s-.e. : not estend to measures initi
ated By or referred ta ttea peopta All
e h n.-- - -e» it-, the law ar a
Part af tba casMtitaUan ■ ten approved
tee a majenty af ttea v.tcs cast thereon. I
( - V du*. tha vote* cart ta favor of aald
fcji.Mi.ti*'* MMtr* or pari of aald Constl
i.'a steal! constitute thirty-five per
«vi • ■ -TI sf tte* total vat* cast at aald •
- u- Ivor, and test other wise, and steal! I
lake .Sect epos procUsastisB by tba ,
gavvmar. wteicte siull b* made within '
<d the csmplstles of tte* ofBcial
Tte# vat* open mitiativ* and '
evu-rto st.ail la returned
in tte* case of presidential
" • -f - -t •• .1' r -•:<!
Sing an.eedt<urt.ts te ttee coBStitutloa
I . ■ .led By tha steal! tea supp.e
ta ttea method prvscrlbnd la ttea
at this Const :t utlon. entitled
' and (tea utter steal! to aa j
■■■■■• ■
Bail I e »■ • . i- _- • r
i_ _pay Ue enacted especially
la f» Cats its apemtlSB In submit ling l
potituvo aad ardors for tte* initiative aad •
to# referevadsm. ttea ever alary of State
and a! other oflerra abate be rttided by
this u e-adment and tte* general Laos
on:.: aBaioooal leg sis t Ian abate be espe
ddf prsrifad tbsrafsri ate propositions
sober..: ted m pnrasmaas teeraof toall ba |
sots fed In a : c-partisan manner and
■massif aay Btotosuaa ar Mggtottm aa i
the ballet that they have been approved
at *r. a-toed by snv oohiica: parly or or
gur. iu , am and provided further that
oatey - a tr * of measures shall be printed
as (tee to Hat, and when two or mure
mewawiev have the asm* till* they shall ,
be ete4 couseculively Jn the order
af B: -g wrtte (be Secretary Of State and
Inr.udsrg the asm* af ttea fret petitioner, i
beet wa A That Section It. af Article A
at tte* Csaatltsflas af (Ba atafa of Xa
br>Aj t* iBitdal (o reed as fu.lows:
Iotas to. Tte* style af aU Mils shall i
be "Be t eaarled be ttea people of the
state at steteraaka." and bo law shall '
oept b- tail So bite shall
t-v tr.r .eg «u! -re unless by!
at s major:fy sf ail tha members .
*!»• ted le each house af the legislature '
and the « nestles upon Baal passage shall
to takes mmediately upon its last read- S
tig aid the .*ka and Bays shall be en
tered span ttea Jesrnal.
•MW a. Til at aria election oa the
Tuesday »U -easting the first M - due la
XoruKt. >11. Hi Uk ballot of each
eject or volng thereat there shall be
FlT.tef or ar.ilea tbe words "For pro
posed amendment to the eoaotitui.on re
or r« I* u.e people tbo right of direct
I—ruts flop Uif sigh tbe initiative and ref
erendum ■ IM “Against proposed amend
OH to UK CKMiIaUoi reserving to the !
peapje toe right H d.rect legislation :
through the miuatlve and referendum. '
And if a eg ail voter* at as.d
ri* In* ahull he Is favor of such amend- >
meat UK name shall be deemed to be
adopted Tbo return* of aald election ;
OM UK aduptma of this amendment ,
shall bo mode to tbo state canvassing :
board and a*-d baaed si.aU canvass the
vote »KIsr tbe amendment herein in the
wm haarer an K prescribed la the ease
•4 prentoet Ual aorctor* If a majority of
tbo rote* caot at tbo election be In favor
eg toe prop mud amendment toe governor
sitnia ten day* after tbe result la asrer
tstond shall make rrarjo—atlai declar
ing tbo amendment to be part of tbe con
•nndha of tno stale and when so de
clared the amendment herein proposed
H»«W he 1* force and self-executing
A«groved March It lull
L Add a*-. Wa.r Secretary of State, of
tbo (lata of Nebraska do hereby certify
that the foregoing prvpned amendment
<* the CaCKt-'.uUoa of the State of Ne
braska k a true and correct ropy of the
i-rig.r ai eatadod and r-egmaned Mil. aa
passed by tbo Thirty-second oenrion of
Uk loodMatnr# «g the State id Nebraska
am appears from mid original bill on tile
h* til* afifire. and that said proposed
K'H t-* to submitted to the qualified
voters of the otot# of Nebraska for their
sdoprioe; sr rejartlaw at tbe genera: elec,
no to be held oa Tuesday the ith day
eg November A O. Itl*.
la TrSt-aamv Whereof I have bereur-.t
set my hand **d ■ filmed the Crest Seal
eg the Atafe eg Nebraska. Done at Ur, -
cads tfcto »>»h dnv *f Mav. In the year of
Mir Taod Owe Thousand Nine Hundred
ud Toe; r* and of the ladependei.ce of
•he Tailed Vtete* the One Hundred and
Thirty sixth sad of this Piste the Forty,
l*enl| kecretary «g Slat#.
Tho feCosiag proponed Amendment to
the iBsasgJtcaon at the Scat* of Nebraska
am hereinafter set forth to full. 1* sub
mitted to UK electors of Us# fitats of Ne
1-aSka to be *ot*d uaoa at tbo genera,
recto* to h* hold Tuesday. Nov emtx r
itk. A. D 1»IZ
“A JOINT KMSDt^TlOX oa preporinr
t of tbo Coaotituttow eg tho 'state of i
Jk." mt'A * Jf
Me -( Mooafeed And Enacted by tbe Legis
lator* eg Use State of Nebraska
fie ret*o t. “her nr tbe eeneml olectioc
re state aad l»ci*l«uv* officers to be fceii
•a the Tuesday following the first Mon
day ;n November. 1*12. the following be
submitted as an amendment to Section 4
of Art.cle. 3 of the Constitution of the
Stale of Nebraska:
bee. 4. At the first election of mem
1' ' of the legislature lind after the
arj of this amendment members of
tr.e ate and House of Representatives.
*■ *•».! be elected for the term of two years.
Both se:nors and representatives shall
each receive pay at the rate of six hun
dred dollars for each regular session of
f ’ e I. . g -..iture during their term, and
let. ce s for every rai.e they shall travel
id going to and returning from the place
at meeting .of the legislature, on the most
u»ua. re-let That neither members of
shall re
» '» any tay or j<erquisii" s other than
1 mileage. Kach session,
eaoept special muon, shall not be less
*-x > days After the expiration of
• went} the sea on. no bills nor
; : eesoiutiona of tne nature of bills
*■>-*: !e introduced, unless the governor
■ special message call the atlen
f t'.« > g slature to the necessity of !
gaosthg a law on the sub'ect-matter em
' *e message, and the introduc- ,
tJ "ii of till* shall be restricted thereto, j
I'n.viiled. the general appropria
t*un ’ i- may be introduced up to and j
ire .ding the fortieth day.
Sec 2. That at and election on the
Tuesday succeeding the first Monday ini
November. 1*12. on the ballot of each
el. tor votay thereat there shall be
Jf.nt-d . - written the words: “For pro- j
posed amendment to the constitution tlx- ]
■ - term of office and salary for
-n‘." rs of the legislature.” and
“A*- . s" proposed amendment to the
cc st.tution fixing the term of office and
ea for members of the legislature.”;
tM 'a majority of all the voters at the j
mi election sliall be in favor of such <
ametidment the same sl.all be deemed to j
hr adopted. The returns of said election
upon the adoption of this amendment
• f ill be made to the State Canvassing
Board and that Board shall canvass the
vote r n the amendment herein In the
same manner as is prescribed In the case i
of pres. ;• electors. If a majority of I
1 » votes cast at the election be in favor j
of the proposed amendment the governor. !
ten days after the result la ascer
tained. aboil make procl.i ovation declar
ing the amendment te e part of the
• u | mhmm so
declared the same shall he In force.
Approved April 1*. 1*11.”
I ». 1 son Wait Secretary of State, of
t*e S"«te of Nebraska do hereby certify j
that the foregoing proposed amendment
to tho Constitution of the State of Ne
I r,«ka is a tr ue and correct copy of the
or:» -a! enrolled and engrossed bill, as
paas-d bo the Thirtv-secnnd session of
the J-eglslature of the State of Nebraska,
as appears from aald original bill on file
Ir. mi office, and that said proposed
si—e- dment ts submitted to the qualified
voters of the state of Nebraska for their :
adoption or refection at the general elec
t! it to be held on Tuesday, the 5th day j
of November. A D. 1*12.
tn Testimony Whereof J have hereunto
art -ny hand and sfflved the Great Seal
of the State of Nebraska. Done at
®oln this 20th dar of Mav. 1n the v»ar of
our ford One Thousand Nine Hundred
and Twel r#. and of tilt Irdonendonce of ,
t**. f^taf^ft tb*> O"** Hundred and
T ” xth and of •»» »Ha Forty
• »#>i AHDlSnx WAIT
Secretary of State.
The following proposed amendment to
the constitution of the State of Nebraska,
as hereinafter set forth in full, is sub
m *:ed to the elector# of the State of Ne
braska. to be voted nr i at the general
election to he held Tuesday, November
Mb. A. D 1)12.
A Joint BMOLLTION to amend Sec
i r : rteen (IS) of Article five (5) of
the Constitution of the State of Nebras
ka creating a Board of Commissioners
of State institutions.
Be Enacted by tie Leg.slature of the
State of Nebraska:
Section 1 That Section nineteen 19).
of Article five <;• of tl.e Constitution of
the State of Nebraska, tie amended to
read as follows:
Section 19. The Governor shall, prior
to tne adjournment of the thirty-third !
•easi n of the legislature, nominate and,
with the consent of two-thirds of the
■Mahers of the Senate .n Executive Ses- i
a.on. appoint three electors of the state,
not more than two of whom shall belong
to the same political party and no two
of whom snail at the time of their
appointment in the same congressional
district, as members of a board to be
known as a "Board of Commissioners of
State Instltntions." Said members shall
hold office as designated by the Governor
for two. four and six years respectively
■ohoequer.t appointments shall be made
as pro. .'led and. except to fill vacan
cies. shall be for a period of six years.
The Board shall at wll times be subject '
to the above restriction* and limitations.
The Board of Commissioners shall have
full power to manage, i antral and gov- |
ern. - ibject onlv to such limitations as
shall be establ.-hed by law. the State j
Soldiers' Home. Hospitals for the Insane. |
Inst.tute for the Deaf. Institute for the
MM4. Industrial Schools. Institute for
f>ilill Minded Children. Nebraska Indus
trial Home. Orthopedic Hospital, the
State Penitentiary and all charitable, re
formatory and penal institutions that
shall be by law established and main
tained by the state of Nebraska. They
shall each give bonds, receive compensa
tion for service, perform all duties and
wnrir v with all regulations that shall be
■ »- -ned by law. The powers pos- .
•eesed by the Governor and Board of
Pul :c I.ands and Buildings with refer- j
ence to the management and control of
the Institutions herein named shall, on
Julr 1. 1913. reuse to exist in the GoV
em»r and the Board of Public Lands and
B, • g* and shall become vested In a
Board of Commissioners of State institu
tions. and the said Board Ison July 1. 1913.
and without further process of law. au
thorised and directed to assume and ex
ercise all the powers heretofore vested )
in or exercised by the Governor or Board ,
of Public Lands and Buildings with ref- |
ere ce ;o the Institutions of the state I
named herein, but nothing herein con- j
tainert shall limit the general supervisory
or examining powers vested In the Gover
ror by the laws or constitution of the
state, or such as are vested by him In
anv rr.-nm!!tee appointed bv him.
Section 2. TKht at the general election. |
in November. 1912. there shall be submit
ted to the electors of the state for their
approval or rejection the foregoing pro
pped amendments to the constitution in
lowing form: On the. ballot of each
elector voting for or against said pro
posed amendment shall be printed or
written "For proposed amendment to the
Constitution creating a Board of Com
missioners of State institutions" and
“Against «ald proposed amendment to
the constitution creating a Board of
Commissioners of State Institutions."
Sect on 3. If such amendment to Sec
tion nineteen (191 of Article five (5) of
the Constitution of the State of Nebraska
shall be approved by a majority of all
elector* voting at such election said
• ■ ill constitute Section nine- ;
teen fin of Arlirle five It) of the con
stitution of the state of Nebraska.
Approved April 10. 1911.'*
I. Addison Wait. Secretary of State, of
the State of Nebraska do hereby certify
•ha: the foregoing proposed amendment
to tne Constitution of the State of Ne
braska ia a true and correct copy of the
original enrolled and engrossed bill, as
passed by the Thirty-second session of
the Legislature of the State of Nebraska,
as appear* from said original bill on file j
in th.s office, and that said proposed
amendment ia submitted to the qualified !
vot. rs of the state of Nebraska for their j
adoption or rejection at the general elec- |
tlon tv be held on Tuesday, the 5th day
of November. A. P. 1912.
In Testimony Whereof. I have hereunto
set ray hand and affixed the Great Seal
of the State of Nebraska. Done at Lin
coln. this :tth dav of Mae. in the year of
our larrd. One Thousand Nine Hundred
and Twelve. and of the Independence of
the United Stares the One Hundred and
Thirty-sixth and of this State the Fnrty
(Seal) Secretary of Slate.
The Knowing proposed amendment to
tfc* constitutton of tne State of Nebraska, 1
aa here.nafter set forth in full, is sub- !
muted to tbe electors of the State of Ne- |
brwaka. to be voted upon at the general j
election to be held Tuesday. November i
1th. A. D 1912.
“A JOINT RESOLUTION to propose !
arr.enJnivnts to Section five i5) of
Akt.c e six it) and Section thirteen (13)
of Artkie sixteen tl9) of the constitu
tion of the state of Nebraska as found
In the Compiled Statutes of Nebraska
for 1999 ejection thirteen (13) of
Article eighteen (IS) of Cobbey's An
notated Statutes for 1999). relating to of e.ectlng Judges of the supreme
court, fixing the time of the general
election and providing for holding over
of incumt-enu until their successors ,
are elected nnd qualified.
Be it Resolved and Enacted by tbe Legis
lature of tbe State of Nebraska:
Section 1. That Section Five (5) of
Art. ie Six (*) of tne Constitution of the
gtvte of Nebraska be amended to read as
Sect on 5. That at the general election
to be held In the State of Nebraska in
the year 1911, and each six years there
after, there shall be elected three (3)
ludges of the Supreme Court, who shall
hold their office for the period of six (6)
years: that at the general election to be
held In the State of Nebraska in the year
1918. and each six years thereafter there
■hall be elected three (3) judges of the
Supreme Court, who shall hold their office
for the period of six years; and at the
general election to be held In the State
of Nebraska in the year 1920 and each
•lx (6) years thereafter there shall be
elected a chief justice of the Supreme
Court, who shall hold his office for the
period of six <6) years. Provided. That
the member of the Supreme Court whose
term of office expires in January, 1914,
■hall be chief justice of the Supreme
Court during that time until the expira
tion of his term of office.
Section 2. That Section Thirteen (13)
of Article Sixteen (16) of the constitution
of tiie State of Nebraska as found in the
Compiled Statutes of Nebraska for 1909
(Section thirteen (13) of Article eighteen
<l$i of Cobbey's Annotated Statutes for
1909) be amended to read as follows;
Section 13. The general election of this
state shall be held on the Tuesday suc
ceeding the first Monday in November
In the year 1914 and every two years
thereafter. All state, district, county,
precinct and township officers, by the
constitution or laws made elective by the
people, except school d.strict officers, and
municipal officers in cities, villages and
towns, shall be elected at a general elec
tion to be held as aforesaid. Judges of
the supreme, district and county courts,
all elective county and precinct officers,
and all other elective officers, the time
for the election of whom is not herein
otherwise provided for, and which are
not Included in the above exception,
shall be elected on the Tuesday succeed
ing the first Monday In November. 1913.
and thereafter at the g-neral election
ne_\t preceding the time of the termina
tion for their respective terms of office.
Provided. That no office shall be vacated
thereby, but the incumbent thereof shall
hold over until his successor is duly
elected and qualified.
Section 3. The form of ballot on the
amendments proposed herein shall be as
follows: "For proposed amendments to
the constitution providing for general
election once in two years" and “Against
proposed amendments to The constitution
providing for general election once in
two years."
Approved April 7. 1911.”
1. Addison Wait. Secretary of State, of
the State of Nebraska do hereby certify
that the foregoing proposed amendment
to the Constitution of the State of Ne
braska Is a true and correct copy of the
original enrolled and engrossed hill, as
passed by the Thirty-second session of
the Legislature of the Sta’e of Nebraska,
as appears front said original bill on file
In this office, and that said proposed
amendment is submitted to the qualified
voters of the state of Nebraska for their
adoption or rejection at the general elec
tion to be held on Tuesday, the 5th day
of November. A D. 1912.
In Testimony Whereof. I have, hereumi
set mv hand .and affixed the Great Seal
of the State of Nebraska. Done at Lin
coln. this 20th day of May, In the year of
our l ord. One Thousuid Nine Hundred
and Twelve, and of the Independence of
the United States the One Hundred and
Thirty-sixth and of this State the Forty
[Seal] Secretary of State.
The following proposed amendment to
the constitution of the State of Nebraska,
as hereinafter set forth in full, is sub
mitted to the eiectois of the State of Ne
braska. to be voted upon at the general
election to be held Tuesday. November
5th. A. D. 191J.
“AN ACT for a Joint Resolution to pro
pose an amendment to the constitution
of the State of Nebraska.
Be it Resolved and Beaded by the Legis
lature of th~ State of Nebraska:
Section 1. That at the general election
for state and legislative officers to be
held in the State of Nebraska on the first
Tuesday succeeding the first Monday in
November. lDli*. the following provision
be proposed and submitted to the electors
of the State of Nebraska:
Sec. 2. Any city having a popula
tion of more than five thousand (,5.000)
inhabitants may frame a charter for its
own government, consistent with and
subject to the constitution and law's of
this state, by causing a convention of
fifteen freeholders, who shall have been
for at least five years qualified electors
thereof, to be elected by the qualified
voters of said city at any general or spe
cial election, whose duty it shall oe
within four months after such election,
to prepare and propose a charter for such
city, which charter, when completed, with
a prefatory synopsis, shall be signed by
the officers and members of the conven
tion. or a majority thereof, and deliv
ered to the clerk of said c. v. who shall
publish the same in fun. with his official
certification, in the official paper of said
city, if there be one. and if there be no
official paper, then in at least one news
paper published and in general circula
tion in said city, three times, and a week
apart, and within not less than thirty |
days after such publication it shall b«
submitted to the qualified electors of saio
city at a general or special election, and
If a majority of such qualified voters, j
voting thereon, shall ratify the same, it
shall at the end of sixty days thereafter,
become the charter of said city, and
supersede any existing charter and all
amendments thereof. A duplicate cer
tificate shall be made, setting forth the
charter proposed and its ratification (to- ,
gether with the vote for and against) and
duly certified by the City Clerk, and au
thenticated by the corporate seal of said ;
city and one copy thereof shall be filed
with the secretary of state and the other
deposited among the archives of the city. ;
and shall thereupon become and be the
charter of said city, and all amendments ,
to such charter, shall be authenticated in 1
the same manner, and filed with the sec
retary of state, and deposited in the
archives of the city.
oec. j. mil u saia cnarier oe re- :
Jected, then within six months thereafter,
the Mayor and council or governing au
thorities of said city may call a special
election at which fifteen members of a
new charter convention shall he elected
to be called and held as above in such
citv. and they shall proceed as above to
frame a charter which shall in like man
ner and to the like end be published and
submitted to a vote of said voters for I
their approval or rejection. If again re- j
jected. the procedure herein designated I
may he repeated until a charter is finally ■
approved by a majority of those voting
thereon, and certified "together with the
vote for and against) to the secretary of
state as aforesaid, and a copy thereof
deposited In the archives of the city,
whereupon It shall become the charter of ,
said city. Members of each of said char- j
ter conventions shall be elected at large, i
and they shall complete their labors !
within sixty days after their respective I
The charter shall make proper pro- |
vision for continuing, amending or repeal- i
log the ordinances of the city.
Sec. 4. Such charter so ratified and 1
adopted may be amended, or a chatter
convention called, by a proposal therefoi 1
made by the law-making body of such j
city or by the qualified electors in num- i
ber nut less than five per cent of the next
preceding gubernatorial vote in such city. !
by petition filed with the council or gov
erning authorities. The council or gov
erning authorities shall submit the same
to a vote of tiie qualified electors at the
next general or special election not held j
within thirty days after such petition is
filed. In submitting any such charter or
charter amendments, any alternative
article or section may be presented for
the choice of the voters and may be
voted on separately without prejudice to
others. Whenever the question of a
charter convention is carried by a ma
jority of these voting thereon, a charter
convention shall bo called through a spe
cial election ordinance, and the same
shall be constituted and held and the
proposed charter submitted to a vote of
the qualified electors, approved or reject
ed. as provided in Section two hereof.
The City Clerk of said city shall publish
with his official certification, for three
times, a week apart in the official paper
of said city, if there he one. and if there
be no official paper, then In at least one
newspaper, published and in general cir
culation in said city, the full text of any
charter or charter amendment to he
voted on at any general or special elec
No charter or charter amendment
adopted under the provisions of this
amendment shall be amended or repealed
except by electoral vote. And no such
charter or charter amendment shad di
minish the tax rate for state purposes
fixed by act of the legislature, or inter
fere in any wise with the collection of
state taxes.
Sec. 5. That at said election in the
year 1312. on the ballot of each elector
voting thereat, there shall be printed or
written the words—"For proposed amend
ment to the Constitution allowing cities
of more than five thousand inhabitants In
this state to frame their own city char
ter,” and “Against proposed amendment
to constitution allowing cities of more
than five thousand inhabitants in this
state to frame their own charters." And )
if a majority of all voters at said elec
tion shall be for such amendment the
same shall be deemed to be adopted.
Approved March 29. 1911."
1. Addison Wait. Secretary of State, of
the State of Nebraska do hereby certify
that the foregoing proposed amendment
to the Constitution of the State of Ne
braska Is a true and correct copy of the
original - enrolled and engrossed bill, aa
passed by the Thirty-second session of
the Legislature of the State of Nebraska,
as appears from said original bill on file
in this office, and that said proposed
amendment is submitted to the qualified
voters of the state of Nebraska for their
adoption or rejection at the general elec
tion to be held on Tuesday, the 5th day
of November. A. D. 1912.
In Testimony Whereof. I have hereunto
set my hand and affixed the Great Seal
of the State of Nebraska. Done at Lin
coln. this 20th day of May, in the year of
our Lord. One Thousand Nine Hundred
and Twelve, and of the Independence of
the United States the One Hundred and
Thirty-sixth and of this State the Forty
ISenll Secietavy of State.
Proper Way to Prepare Delicious Red
Currant Jelly—Cherry and Raisin
Conserve—Raspberry Cream
Whip—Currant Ice.
Sugared currants can be easily
made by dipping them first in write
of egs and then into powdered sugar
The sugar can be spiced if cesired.
A few drops of currant juice left
•ver from preserving, added to lem
onade, give it a delicious flavor.
Red Currant Jelly.—Put the cur
iants in a granite ware kettle, crush
into a few to prevent sticking. Add no
water. Put the kettle on the fire and
heat until ail the fruit has burst. Take
from the fire, strain through a sieve
and drip through a jelly bag wrung
out of hot water. Measure the juice
and return to the fire, bringing it to
the boiling point. Add sugar in the
proportion of one pound and one
fourth to one pint of juice. Bring
again to the boiling point and pour
into glasses.
bptced Lu rants.— l se seven pounus
af fruit, four pounds of sugar, one
pint of vinegar, one tablespoonfjl
each of cinnamon and cloves, one nut
meg grated, one teaspoonful of all
spice. Let it boil for two hours.
Cherry and Raisin Conserve.—This
conserve is made with three pounds
of sour-cherties (pitted), four |>ounds
of sugar, tojr oranges (seeded and
chopped), two pounds of raisins (seed
ed and chopjied). Steam the raising
for 20 minutes, add all together and
boit for 20 minutes longer. Put this
in glasses an dseal them.
Raspberry Cream Whip.—Sprinkle a
quart of red raspbenies (or red rasp
berries and ' blackcaps" may be used
in equal quantities if preferred! with
a heaping cupful of powdered sugar
Allow them to stand until a thick
syrup is formed, then press them on
two cupfuls cf cream that has been
whipped until it is solid; keep this
constantly duiing th,e process. Place
this in the upper part of the icebox
to thoroughly chill, and just before
serving add a cupful of meringue
made from the whites of two eggs,
beaten with half a cupful of confec
’loner's sugar. Served heaped in
pyramidal form on a round of frosted
angel cake.
Raspberry and Currant Jam.—Crush
the desired amount of fruit, using
equal parts of raspberries and cur
rants. Also use equal proportions (in
weight) of sugar and berries. Com
bine the sugar with the berries and
bring this slowly to the boiling point
to preserve scorching. Boil until thick
and clear. Place in sealed glass con
Clarified Syrup.
French recipes sometimes call for
clarified syrup. Here is Francateili's
method of preparing it: To every
pound of the finest loaf sugar add
rather more than a pint of water
When the sugar is dissolved add hall
the white of an egg whipped up in
a little water. Whisk the whole to
gether, set the stew pan on the firs
and as soon as the syrup begins to
boil set it down where it will cook
more slowly. Let it simmer gently un
til all the scum rises to the top. Re
move all as it rises, and on removing
fr>m the fire strain through a napkin
Keep it in a cool place for use in mat
ing jelly and sweets.
Making Amber Marmalade.
Take one grapefruit, one orange j
and one lemon, then wash them and ,
wipe dry. Cut into quarters. Cut :
the quarters through, peel and pulp •
into thin slices, discarding the seeds
Add three quarts and one pint of cold j
water and let stand over night.
N'ext day cook till the peel is ten '<
der; it will take several hours. Set !
away over night, then add five pounds i
of sugar and cook, stirring occasional ;
ly. until the syrup thickens slightly
on a cold dish.
Samp Porridge.
Soak one quart of samp and on«
pint of pea beans together over right
In the morning put in a kettle and *
cover generously with water. Sim i
mer from two to three hours. Add !
three pounds of corned beef with one I
pound of salt pork and simmer anoth
er three hours. Serve on a large plat
ter. putting the meat in the center
and arranging the vegetables around it. j
Jelly Roll.
Three eggs, beaten light; lemon ex
tract, pinch of salt, one cup of sugar
Two cups of flour, previously silted
add two teaspoonfuls of good baking
powder, then sift again. Mix well to
gether, add half cup of boiling water
and bake in a well buttered square
dripper until a nice brown. Turn out;
spread quickly with red currant jelly
and roll. Place in a napkin till cold.
Graham Pudding.
Mix well together one-half a coffee
cup of molasses, one-fourth cup of but
ter, one egg, one-half cup of milk, x>ne- j
half teaspoon saleratus soda, 1»4 cups
of graham flour, one small tea cup of
raisins, spices to taste, steam fout
hours and serve brandy or wine sauce.
Rasperry and Currant Tart.
Line a deep pie tin with pastry and
fill with alternate layers of raspberries
and currants, sprinkling each layer
with sugar. Dust the top with sugar.
Jot with butter and bake. Cover with
meringue, brown this .slightly, and
serve cold with sweet cream.
bis dinner.”
"Yes. Whenever there is a ball
game in town he devotee himself to
finding fault with the umpire instead
of with the cook.”
Wathena. Kan.—“My child's scalp
trouble became so bad that I was
ashamed to have anyone see him. His
head had a solid scab on it. He also
had a terrible breaking out on his face
which was gradually growing worse.
The eruption was like pimples which
developed into Eores when he scratch
ed. which he did almost constantly.
Baby would almost scratch himself
“I had used several different kinds
of salve, none of them helping in the
least bit. when I saw the Cuticura ad
vertisement in the paper and it made
me think of the good results my sister
had w hen she used It for her children.
I had only used Cuticura Soap and
Ointment about two weeks before I
noticed that the sores were almost en
tirely gone, and it must have been a
month or six weeks he was troubled
before I began the treatment. He
would get easy when I would put the
Cuticura Ointment on him. Cuticura
Soap and Ointment completely cured
him and he has a clear complexion
now.” (Signed) Mrs. W. H. Hughes,
Dec. 31. 1911.
Cuticura Soap and Ointment sold
throughout the world. Sample of each
free, with 32-p. Skin Book. Address
post-card “Cuticura. Dept. L, Boston.”
Child's Popularity Explained.
A winning lottery ticket of $100,
000, in connection with the Nobles
Bank was recently presented for
payment at the Stkte Bank in St
Petersburg, and it now transpires
that the owner is an eight-year-old
orphan, an Inmate of the orphanage
at Pskoff. The lottery ticket was her
sole possession. Her relatives have
hitherto done nothing for the child,
but when the news of her good for
tune became known they were one
and all eager to adopt her. The au
thorities have placed her in the
charge of an arch-priest, a distant
connection of her father.
Golfer's Grand Artr.y Score.
A golfer playing his first game of
the season reported downtown the
next day that he had made a Grand
Army score—he went out in 61 and
came back in 65. — Chicago Evening
Tessie—Mr. Bore said one good
thing at least last night.
Jessie—What was that?
Tessie—He said he had to go early.
German Farmer Good Business Man.
Vnder a seemingly generous offer
i of hospitality, a North German farm
! er has managed to include a good j
stroke of business for himself. In a
Hanover paper recently appeared an
an advertisement that from fifteen to
twenty women and girls (not under
twelve years of age) who needed re
cuperation could have free board and
lodging on a country estate. But in J
exchange they would be required to !
pick pease from eight to ten hours
daily, industrious pickers might aiso
be paid cash for their labor.
Collective Housekeeping.
An English paper tells of an experi
ment in collective housekeeping in
, w hat is known as Brent Garden vil
lage. The dwelling houses contain al!
improvements except a kitchen. Meals
for everybody are cooked at a cen- j
tral hali. and may either be eaten !
there or sent home. A four-course
dinner costs only 1 shilling and 6 j
pence. Servants are supplied, when
needed, from the central hall at a
cost of about ten cents an hour.
Instead of liquid antiseptics, tablets
and peroxide, for toilet and medicinal
uses, many people prefer Paxtine,
which is cheaper and better. At drug
gists, 25c a box or sent postpaid on re
ceipt of price by The Paxton Toilet
Co., Boston, Mass.
"I thought your father looked very
handsome with his gray hairs."
“Yes, dear old chap. 1 gave him
those."—London Opinion.
Cole's Carbolisslve stops itching and makes
the skin smooth. All druggists. 25 and 50c.
Soda to Brighten China.
Soda will brighten china that has
been burned or darkened by long use.
Krs. Winslow's Soothing Syrup for Children j
teething, softens the gvime, reduces inflamma
tion. pain, cures wind colic, 25c a bottle.
Ancient Idea of Dancing.
Dancing was originally a means of ;
expressing religious feeling.
Bed Cross Ball Blue gives double value
for your money, goes twice as far as any
other. Ask your grocer.
The palmist can read your future
Common sense will do more to
cure backache than>anyfhing else.
’Twill tell you whether the kidneys
are sore, swollen and aching. It
will tell you in that case that there
is no use trying to cure it with a
plaster. If the passages are scant
or too frequent, proof that there is
kidney trouble is complete. Then
common sense will tell you to use
Doan's Kidney Pills, the best rec
ommended special kidney remedy.
An Arkansas Case
but death
from terrible H
kidney trou- E
ble I had P
awful head- C
aches and g
dizzy »;»• tla,
urine scald
ed and my •"
back ached I
cons tantly.
X>oao‘i Kid
r i i i a
rtirtnJ in*' «*t>uipletoly and I have had no Sign of
I kidney lrx»ot»K* si nr**.'*
Get Doan's at any Drug Store, 50c. a Box
Doan’s ^IST
Vanishes Forever
Prompt Relief—Permanent Cure
UVfch fliXS never
fail. Purely vegeta
ble — act sui '
but gently o
the liver.
Stop after
dinner dis
tress-cure '
improve trie complexion, Dngnien me eves.
Genuine must bear Signature
S4J-S31 W. Adams St., Chicago
«■■■■ .III
DFIKIfllit Write Milo B. Stevens A Co., Attjs.,
rkllv.UHi 6M K Washington. Kv.ab. 1*4.
W. N. U.. OMAHA, NO. 37-19..
Nebraska Directory
Room* from $1.00 up slop)**, 75 cento up double,
On Deposits from $I.CQ
to $5,000.00
Send Your Money to tnr,
Bankers Savings & Lnan Ass’n
•6th and Dodge Sts., OMAHA, NEB.
Under Control of State Banking Board.
P CkhJMttk - . vJC mUt
Don’t Poison Baby.
F°E£LS£ AG,° ?“ost eTery moth6r thought her child must have
, J?tT?iwCL™™ t0 mate it deep. These drugs will produce •
TmrRAmw?S T°° MAIfT wU1 Produce 1116 SLEEP FEOM WHICH
IflEBE IS NO WAKING. Many are the children who have been killed or
whose, health has been runted for life by paregoric, laudanum and morphine, each
of which is a narcotic product of opium. Druggists are prohibited from selling
atherof the narcotics named to children at all, or to anybody without labelling
f.TJf011' .Redefinition of narcotic ” is: “.l medicine which relieves pain
and produces sleep, lut which m poisonous doses produces stupor,coma, convul
sions and death.” Thetastoandsmellofmedicmescontaiiiingopimnaredisguised,
and sold under the names of “Drops,” “Cordials,” “Soothin| Syrups,” etc?Tou
should not permit any medicine to be given to your children without you or
Tmr wit; l3 “mposei CASTOEIA DOES NOT CON
^ ^ ^6arS ^S^ture of Chas. H. Pletcher.
Letters from Prominent Physicians
HI 1 i _ addressed to Chas, H. fletcher.
[pfwffpiilffi} I -.“JL ,* W- D?Uidalel of Chicago, 111., says: "I uso your Castoria and
'JlOl| advise its use in a.1 families where there are children.”
ESj?1 SStt=lilsF^J rL,^r‘.^efanderE' Mint^e■ of Cleveland, Ohio, says: "I have frequently
KKj A ^f?1bet,T?ur ^astorla ^ found it a reliable and pleasant rem
■ B ®dy for children.”
MMmmUSm 3’ Swe‘!and- of 0maha- Nebr., says: “Your Castoria is
“ 4116 world for children and the only one I uso and
■Hki Aa\™JI?!‘ l PER CENT. McClellan* of Buffalo, N. T, says: "I have frequently prescribed
BM ^^'^^P^ionfirAs for cMldrea and always got good results. In fact I use
^Ululating ftp Castoria for my own children.”
K?oS ^^‘gSiOlsauisaatlBovicbjf ®r- J- VT. Allen, of St Louis. Mo.. Bays: “I heartily endorse your Cas.
SiSS BLl. LlH-jCTT._:?!.!■ I ***> frequently prescr!bcd «t in my medical practice, and have
Y always found it to do all that is claimed for it.”
Ri-N n -r—- C- n-G1!dden- ot Si. Paul, Minn., says: “My experience as a prac
Ea> 3,1 fromotes DigestionjOwM titioner with your Castoria has been highly satisfactory, and I consider it
■K'-'f;; ness and RestLontains note- •** excelleQt remedy for the young.”
BS OpiuniJforphine norMneraL Jf- H. D- Benner, of Philadelphia, Pa., says: "I havo used your Cas
jfi; Not NARCOTIC. j torla as a purgative In too cases of children fer years past Sh the most
P_. _ 7 fc*PPy effect, and fully endorse it as a safe remedy.”
Hr A9^^aimEX I Cf 1\"saa CUy' JI°- “Your Cast°rla is a Bplen
■i ^ ^ v cMldrea, known the world over. I usa it in my practice
Bp ! l tod d^dr^”6^ 07 111 reCOmmendIng 11 ior **»• complaints of infants
BR? teSKm ) pr,Mr»::oil (or cHildren, be:as comped r.i:ab!, nedM™,
B cenuine CASTORIA always
The Kind Yon Have Always Bought
KaacopjroiwnHw. In Use For Over 30 Year*.