The Loup City northwestern. (Loup City, Neb.) 189?-1917, September 12, 1912, Image 5

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    PL A N=
= fhep /Vet
! Pf" —aBBE————B
Many people plan their whole lives to
• i Lank ai-iMUOt and then leave this
v ■ i v. ith"ut :*<■ innrh as a st irt at one.
Planning isn t worth anything unless
pillowed by action.
<»«•*! intetions never land you anv
» here.
Make yotir [dans to start au account
with ir this week and back up your plans
with action.
ttt f prest 3. B. Outhouse. Vlee-pres'
L. hinstii. Cashier
ARE Often at a disadvantage
•is their school work bv usinir
•J C*
. neap supplies.
Cheap school supplies are
jeare>t in the end.
We carry a complete line of the best in Tablets,
Pencils. Paper Slates. Inks. Pens. Paints. Chalk,
Crayons etc., at all times,
\V«- also «arr> a rouip lei e line of School Books
St nd thr Children in ire trait on them
ax rourteonxlif ax trr do the older
Swanson & Lofholm
>«Wri|>litk lo ih*- \nrlh
( »r»lrm i* yl.ilt a year )
t single I i|. Mrtn
I*r \ aili'-r.Orf«op»Ui.hrwi Island
A new criui-a'. aiA is being put in
in front «f u« Hon Ton restaurant
For dale A «»ood (rni> milch can.
Ifnjulrr of Albert J ohnson
August Jaesrbke ielt Saturday !a»l
foe (leaver
If you a ant good fresh fruit go to
the Him T <o Cafe.
Treasurer I M. Henry was. u*» the
sick ins a Jew days last week, but is
up and arc -ad again
1 uu bad better &!) your bins with
> . jr tophi. *f soft coal for winter
Use. (oar and ser our coal.
Tivuo s Euvin«.
Mr. Vick Viewer'* mother and wife
went to Fremont Monday morning
on a v isit
Judge M tun left Monday morning
for babui-.e. 1 »a to attend tiie re
union of hi* regiment.
Honest. n w: tiere was a faint
sprwkJr of moisture Mutidat morning.
Tnat's ail.
If you want a dray, phone A. L. Un » os *U. w ease your order
with eitio r lumber yard or E. (>.
Tay hr. il*»t of ser. ice guaranteed.
Mr. and Mrs. mui ( ris* were in
from the farm trading Saturday, and
wc eouid nut make Sim sav any cuss
w rds over the past drouth.
Mr. and Mr», Smuiu returned
last week tram thru visit at Mason
tit). Amir) and other Custer county
James Hart -or. took bis daughter.
Mi** Louise, to st. i*auL Monday
n-.mii.g where she was to enter the
St. Haul College
Mr. and Mrs. J. I*. Uiuigtr and
Mi and Mrs. John • left last
Saturday noon over the l". P. lor a
ten dav* vacation in the mountains
■<*t of I leaver.
All the boys wbo went down to
he.p run the Slate Fair .ast week, re
turned home Saturday, reporting one
of the best, fairs in the history of the
association in every respect.
Grandma Hilbert enjoyed a visit
■a»t week from her niece. Mrs. John
Oyster uf Uaveona. accompanied by
her son anu grand-daughter, they re
turning home Saturday.
Lev Leslie sweet.and left Monday
morning for Chicago. wl*erc ne re
sume* his studies la the McCoro-tck
Ticeoijglral Seminary . lie lad been
doing missionary nork in lice Jackson
II Me. Myo, country during the rum
mer tinikn.
Owing to this ofl«e getting behind
with It* work, owing to a rush uf job
w .rk and the delay in getting out lice
paper last week Mtas lta Henry con
sented to help uv a few day* this
week. He certainly appreciate tier
We pay ash for eggs delivered at
the creamery.
Uavenna Creamery Co.
A J.\an Darn of Fairwater. Minn., -
•> a — re last week visiting his niece.
Mrs. T. M. Heed.
Cr und bjoe fare chicken feed at
Lee Bros.’ meat market.
Mr. Hoy Hill of l’age county, who
Been her, visiting his uncle. John
*• L ng. returned ltome last week.
1 hree kinds of Hour and all kinds
f feed at Hey Holds' Flour and Feed
J. VV. Conger shipped a car oad of
i, • Monday to York: also a carload to
Uockviile last week.
We are paying 25 cents cash for
rea•!. delivered at the creamery. We
test grid jay cash for cream.
IUvenxa Creamery Co.
Mi— /.elpha Heed left for Lincoln
ast Thursday where she was to take
a course in Domestic Science at the
*tatj ['Diversity and also instruction
in vl .in music at theConservatorv.
Mrs A. A. .Sherman of St. Ansgar
i'here visiting tier sisters, the Mes
•iaines Samuel Daddow and S. X.
>»eet!and. Slie expects to return
home the latter part of this week.
Found—Biack crocheted shawl be
tw.-. n town and my residence. Owner
can have same by calling at my re
ideoce and paving for this notice.
W. T. Gibson.
Mr. and Mrs A. L. Balliman,of St,
Caul, and Mr. and Mrs. Lonnie I>ad
d w. of Wiggle Creek, are tcuringCol- i
orado in Mr. Balliman s auto. They
went bv way of Cheyenne and last
heard from were over the Georgetown
L ,p. Tic v expect to be absent ten
days to two wreeks.
Farmer*! “An ounce of prevention
is w rth a pound of cure." Feed
> ur horses Sal ust and prevent tliem
taking the new disease tliat is killing
thousands. Come in and let us tell
. a’> t Sal vat The Rexall
Store. Vaughn & Hinman.
The Big Four Co. began the exca
vation ior the new Odendahl hotel
I sday afternoon of this week.
< ntn,-tor A In,quest arrived from
. ( ■ * • ral City Monday eveningand will
,ear!v completion,
in -pile of reports to the contrary.
Mr A,quest will have all the labor
,n the building done by home j eople
who can possibly lie secured, only fill
ing out with men from elsewhere
necessary to carry forward the work.
Believing tint the business men of
Loup Citv uphold and appreciate
good clean sports, showing other
towns tliat the business men join
hand in hand in sending out a good
repr -* ntation of what we have here
in L up City and that we can keep
pace with other good towns of the
state. The foot ball season is near at
hand and *e will soon have some of
. the best games tliat lias ever been
played on the Loup City gridiron.
But first of all we must have more
wearing apparel, such as suits, head
gear and etc., and it Is up to the bus
itR9rt> men of Loup City to make this
j a successful year. %•
A -pci-ial sale of Palin Olive Soap
and Cream is on at Swanson & Lof
holm's Drug Store.
Go to Reynolds for vour meat for
Henry Lee, who has been assisting
his brother, A. O. Lee, in the pop
factory. is attending the Broken Bow
fair this week.
Miss Orel Young returned to her
home in Loup City Monday after a
visit of several days with her aunt,
Mrs. F. R. Nash_Central City Non
We understand A. O. Lee. besides
having his moving picture show in
the new opera house, has rented
rooms in the basement of the same
for his pop factory.
Dr. Carson of Grand Island will be
at Dr. Longacre’s office Wednesday,
Sept. 18tli, prepared to treat the Eye,
Ear, Nose and Throat and also to
Fit Glasses.
Miss Maud Reynolds, who some
time ago suffered a partial sunstroke
left Monday morning for HotSprings.
S. I)., for the benefit of her health.
We trust the stay there, with the
help of the springs will greatly bene
fit her.
Mrs. J. T. Hale arrived from Ogden,
Utah, last week for a few days’ stay,
returning home Monday morning of
this week, accompanied by Mrs. A.
H. Hansel. We understand Mrs.
Hansel contemplates moving to Og
den, as soon as she can arrange her
business affairs so to do.
James W. Ellis and Miss Myrtle V.
Sadler, both of Litchfield, received a
marriage license on the 31st ultimo,
and on the 1st of this month were
united in wedlock at the home of the
bride's parents in that village by Rev.
Win. Peterson, the Lutheran minister.
Lem Knapp lost a $200 horse by
lightning Sunday, Sept. 1st, at his
farm in Logan township. This to
gether with the loss of several hay
stacks by fire during the Harvest
Festival, is a rather hard streak of ill
willCrrss was among those who
slipped away to the State Fair with
out the know ledge of or consent of
this news emporium, and seems
ashamed of his neglect in not at least
letting us know. And there were
Mr. and Mrs. J. y. Pray attended
the State Fair, going down the Sat
urday preceding and visiting over
Sunday at Marquette with a brother
of Mr. George Zeigler. Mr. Pray re
ports the corn crops in Hamilton
and York counties ruined by the
droutliy spell.
Mr. Will Ford of Kearney, a cousin
of Mrs. 1>. I.. Adamson, and brother
ol Mr. Geo. Ford, deceased, so well
known to the older residents of this
city, is here with a car of Ogden.
I tah, fruit which he is disposing of
to our monied aristocracy. He is a
jolly, whole souled. all-wool and a
yard-and-a-half wide sort of a fellow
and one you enjoy meeting. And he
kuows how to talk fruit so you can
taste the flavor.
Your faithful horses are certainly
entitled to your careful consideration
and protection. Give them
and thereby fortify them against
the strange new disease that is killing
thousands. Come in and let us tell
you about Sal-vet The Rexall Store.
Yaughn & Ilinman.
Last Friday, our German Evangeli
cal friends accepted the new German
parsonage and paid Contractor Ohl
sen in full for building same. The
trustees wish the Northwestern to
return their thanks to those who
donated to the funds for the building
of the same. We understand t.iat
their talented young minister, Rev.
Juoiing will soon wed the girl of his
choice, and he and bride occupy the
parsonage at an early day.
At last, after many weeks of drouth,
and the past few days of threatening
weather, old Jupiter Pluvius opened
tiie heavens, as it were, and gave
this section the most generous out
pour of wet-stuff it has received the
present year. The rain proper began
a little before midnight Monday and
continued intermittently till past
daylight, flooding Mother Elrth in
tine shape. It came as a welcome re
lief from the torrid weather we have
had to endure till patience ceased to
be a virtue, and the most equitable
minded had lost its nerve to almost
the limit. The rainfall was 1.54 inches
F. E. Kennedy spent Sunday with
the family of his father-in-law, John
Youngquest. being on the return trip
from Kxcelsior^Springs. Mo., to his
home near Loup City. Mr. Kennedy
was a resident of Hamilton county for
many years, but removed to Sherman
county about two years ago on ac
count of the land being cheaper there,
and is well satisfied with the change,
although he still has a warm spot in
his heart for the scenes and associa
tions of his youth. He has been
seriously afflicted with rheumatism
for several months and his trip to
tiie Springs was in search of relief,
which he believes lie found_Aurora
For sale or Trade
A fine Irri gated farm of 120
acres on the famous Wheatland
Flats 4 miles from Wheatland,
Wyo., on the Colorado &
Southern railroad. The farm
is absolutely level, all under ir
rigation, perpetual water rignt
and good frame buildings. Will
trade this fine Irrigated farm
for a good Creek valley or a
good table land farm in Sher
man coubty at cash prices.
Phone Immediately or write
Long & Henry, Loup City. Ne
Wheat... & 76
Corn..75 & 80
Oats. & 35
CattJ^. . . * 80 to 4 50
Hogs . . ;... u._ 7 8
Hens._. gi
Springs. . li
Butter .•. os
Eggs. .i. 13
The best make of clotliinp.all wool,
hand tailored, at Lorentz’.
Try Conper for a pood shave. Front
of Pratt's pool hall.
TTiphest market price for poultry
at S. F. Reynolds'.
Orders taken for tailor made suits
a specialty at Lorentz’.
Make it a point to see Vie values T
offer before you buy another suit or
overcoat. Lorentz the clothier.
Don’t forpet Conper’s barber shop
has been moved into the old postoffice
If you want pood, prompt drayinp.
call on C. L. McDonald, successor to
Leave orders for theC.L. McDonald
dray at either lumber yard or F. G.
at Tavlor’s.
C. L. McDonald, the drayman: try
him for pood, prompt service.
Electricians have been busy the
past few days finisliinp up the street
liplitinp Dart of the electric proposi
tion in this city, which had been de
layed by lack of expert workmen.
See W. P. Zimmerman, office next
door to Younp's barber shop, if you 1
want to buy. sell or trade land. Have
some pood propositions to offer on
pood terms and low prices. 2-12
The telephone company yesterday
purchased a new switchboard for the
cent ral office in this city. The price
of same is approximately $$00.
E. J. Huckleebury. our popular
restauranter. has piven the contract
to the Loup City Cement Block Co.,
for the erection of a 5-room cement
bunpakiw on his lots in northeast
Loup City, work bepininp on the
same this week.
Wanted—-A pirl to learn typesettinp
at this office. Only one who is indus
trious, anxious to learn and capable
need apple. We need no office adorn
ment. The editor supplies that fea
Rev. P. Juelinp left Tuesday morn
inpfor Lincoln and Seward, attendinp
the conference of his church at
Seward, and to return Friday eveninp.
Rev. G. A. Neumann of Lincoln re
turninp with him and preachinp
Sunday morninp and afternoon.
Farmers Attention! Thousands of
horses are dyinp. all overthecountry,
from a >tranpe new malady, lo will
pay you to protect your horses by piv
inp them Sal-vet. the preat Tonic,
Blood Purifier, and Worm Destroyer.
The lopical preventative and condi
tioner. Come in and let us tell you
about it. The Rexall Store.
Yauplin & Hinman.
Mrs. Dr. Bowman was called to
Litchfield last Saturday on profes
sional services. Dr. Bowman went
over Sunday to brinp her home, ac
companied by W. D. Zimmerman,
when the doctor's machine concluded
to stay there, necessitatinp the send
inp home to Loup City for another
auto to brinp the party home. AH
of which show that the plapuey horse
less affairs need much doctorinp to
make them sure poers and comers.
W. E. Henry on Tuesday of this
week sold his home property in this
city to L. N. Smith. In the deal. Mr.
Henry purchased a quarter section of
Mr. Smith a mile and a half east of
town. Mr, Henry will occupy the
home this winter. Mr.Smith we under
tand. intendinpto move therein from
his farm in the sprinp.
The Northwestern office will soon
be equipped with two new electric
motors, one for the big newspaper
cylinder power press and one for our
big jobber. They were purchased
yesterday and will be installed with
in a few weeks at the longest. We
have been hampered by lack of power
for a long time, but with the advent
of an electric plant in our city giving
24-hour service, and the adding of
motor power equipment, we will soon
be in position to give our patrons the
swiftest as well as the best of service
Farmers Take Notice.
We have just received a car load of
ground oil meal. And the State
Veterinary advises using oil meal as
a preventive of the dread disease,
spinal meningitis, that is killing so
many horses in surrounding counties.
Better try a few sacks.*
Loup City Mill & Light Co.
Notice of Teacher’s Examination
A special examination will be held
on the 20th and 21st of September for
all grades of certificates.
L. H. Ctrrikb.
County Superintendent.
Notice to Threshers
We have on hand a full supply of
threshing coal, both nut and lump.
Also have car Nigger bead pea coal
in transit. Our coal is right and our
prices are right. Call and see us.
Taylob’s Elevator.
Ladies Aprons
v Strap
g Gingham
f* \prons 50c
y Bingham
k Aprons with
I o |,J
Made of India Linen 25c
Hood made of China Silk 50c
Face Cloth
Good size bleached
terrv face cloth 5
f ' :
Turkish Towels
rood turkish ba h
owels with, fringe
ds,36x19 bleach
• 1, a bargain 15c
Lace and embroideries
an excellent assortment ^
■ I
of attractive patterns 1
at popular price 5c j
A splendid lot of
ribbons including .
all the newest l
shades for bows,
sashes, etc.
Special attention is
called to the super- ^
ior values shown at
per yard only 10c
Women's. Misses and
children’s hose support,
ers, elastic web top
non elastic bottom
- 9
rubber post button, in
^ black and white
only 10c
S ore splendid val
ues in men's lieee**
und -rnear in pra
A} 5Gc
one bet ter er te in
cream color heavy
iieK-cd at CCc
S mie splendid values well made work
shirts. £ood wearing materials in
plain and fancy collars, a money sav-;
ing chance not to be over o iked at 50c
Men's negligee
shirts, clearance of;
i -egular dollar goods i
arious styles, same I
■ 1th soft roll collar j
tnd same with high
<oft detachable col-1
iars. 'All well mads
ind roomy. good
naterial neat pat
■rns and collars.
Your choice of any
in this lot at 75c
A big lot to
choose from
all the popu
lar styles and
price 25 to 50 l
Men's cloth I
bleached can
ton flannel j
ploves bip
value at
.3 For
1 25c
■ Good quality plain
| md fancy.
f 12 and 25c
itielIM £>
A splendid lot
of men's half
hose incldingf
various styles
and colors at A
15 to 25c ^
j Children’s
f Stockings
A splendid lot of
Boys and Girls
stockings at 15c
We also handle the
FAy stocking the
best money can
buy for the price
G-rooer ie s
lOOlbs bestgr'd sugar 0 25
lOOlbs Chicken grit 90
2 cans Tomatoes '25
2 cans peas 25
1 doz good lemons 30
2 box grape nut 25
2 Cream Wheat 25
3 Post Toasties 25
3 Egg-O-See 25
6 bars flake white soap 25
10 bars polo soap 25
bO gal coal oil and good
steel tank $9 50
Do not be swindled, as we
can always save you money
Loup City Mer. Co.
I State and County . Fair Certificate Good
Aug. 25 to Oct. 25, 1912.
Advertising Credit Bond Value $25
And will bo redeemed by us at its fu.l face
value, subject to the conditions named below.
Read Carefully To Advertise more widely during the State and
County Fairs that Genuine 20th Centuary wonder The Automatic
Cream Seperator we will accept this Advertising Credit Bond as £35 yo
cash payment toward the purchase of an Automatic Cream Seperator
and gasoline engine combined from regular price $125 and never sold
for less—provided tl» That purchjtse order is dated any time prior to
October *25th 191*2 and received by us through the mails properly exe
% C. R. Sweetland, Dealer
Edgar Draper and family left last |
Friday for an outing up in the sand-:
hills. Frank Mitchell, brother-in- j
law of Mrs. Draper, came up from j
Central City with his auto and took
them first to Gandy, to visit Mrs.
Draper’s sister, and from there the I
men folks went on up to the lakes j
hunting and fishing. They were to !
be absent perhapes ten days.
Rev. Dr. Leeper gave an excellent |
educational lecture lastSunday morn
ing, showing the impracticability of i
much of the work along educational !
lines at present. In this the doctor
hits the nail directly on the head, j
To use a homely paraphrase, one could
not teach a fish to fly nor a bird to i
swim: neither can it be expected to
teach successfully, at least, the human
mind to absorb and make a success of j
that to which it is not adapted. If a J
boy or girl has an adaptability fcr a
certain kind of work or profession, it j
- is labor thrown away to insist on
I perfecting themselves in some other
i work or profession. There is too j
much cramming of the minds with
' that for which they have no talent,
no liking, no adaptation. If he be of
a mechanical turn of mind and his
energies turn in that direction, all
the dead and live languages conbind
j could not turn him to theology or
law, or vice versa. The doctor be
lieves in the law af adaptability, evi
dently, and that the child should be
taught along the lines for which he
is best fitted. And the time is com
ing, and coming rapidly, when work
along educational lines will come to
the end of eternal fitness, in which
the child will be given a chance to
perfect himself or herself more
especially in the work for which they
are peculiarly well fitted.
What You Gain
by being a regular depositor with the Loup
City State Bank:
Your funds are kept in absolute security.
Payment by check provides indisputable re
receipts in the form of returned can
celed checks. Payment by check saves
many a long trip; saves trouble of mak
ing change and taking receipts.
Being a depositor with us, acquaints us with
eaeh other and lays the foundation for
accommodation, when you want to piece
out your resources with a loan.
Every courtesy and facility is rendered the
small as well as the large depositor. Don’t
wait until you can begin with a large deposit
Capital and Surplus, $47,500.00
J.S. Pedier. President C. C. Carlsen, Cashier
John W. Long, Vice President. w. J, Root Assistant Cashier
An auto Soadof people, namely, Mr.
and Mrs. Stanley Shaehta of Eiba,
Mr. and Mrs. Tony Forsell and Miss
Mabel Cowling, of Central City, came
up Sunday, returning the same day.
Eugei.e Philbrick of Gossville, N.H..
who ow ns a goodly quantity of land
on Route 2, orders the Northwestern
to visit him regularly, desiring to
keep In touch with county matters.
T. L. Pilger came home home from
Hot Springs. Ark., Tuesday evening,
minus all'rheumatic troubles.
Rev. Dr. and Mrs. Leeper left Mon
day evening for Scotts Bluff to attend
the annual session of the West Ne
braska M. E. conference in that city.
They will beabsent overtwoSundays,
during which there will be no preach
ing services in the M. E. church here.
The doctor has the unanimous call of
his church to return for another year.