AUTOMOBILE COAT k| Vm4mrm»j4 * I'liltf »<■ N T. The •learner shawl will be utilized tar automobile coals the coming »tn let The material is of different col ond Scotch »ool with plaid collar and cuffs The original shawl fringe encircles the bottom of the coat, which is of three-quarter length A white felt hat completes the costume. DRESDEN IDEAS COME BACK Re. -a! Is a Natural Result of the Fad That Calls for the Pan titer Draperies. With the revival of tbe pannier j comes hack a decided em- ] phaats ta irn^s silks, with all the exquisite colorings that we associate with 'he Dresden shepherdesses Pinks \ and Use. yellows and pale green are 1 the backgrounds on which are ' spr nkled fascinating bouquets, gar- j land* and even baskets of flowers The dreader silks and satin* are ’ particularly adapted to suit the coatees that are Incorporated on after noon and evening frocks for summer They are not so striking in contrast with a plain thin fabric and there is greet scope for color combinations and Rower effects The . rose season, so noticeable in fashions for the summer, is a timely ' one for flowered mulls, organdies, mus- j He*, voties and chiffons with which the dresden silks effectirely combine. Hats covered with dresden taffeta are decidedly chic Bridesmaids now are favoring hats of this type to con tinue the idea of the dresden coatee | thrown over simple and usable frocks 1 of white or plain colors Little dresden silk slippers for the rest hour add a new touch to tbe j neg igee set. especially If bindings or : trimmings of dresden silk be used on the gown Dresden sashes, with an extra line of the ribbon quilting trailing in and awt among tbe bunches of flowers, are j accepted by womankind as an Idea j that makes the assurance of beauty i doubly sure !t .* undeniable that the dresden col orings in design* that are varied and ine-apensive are a factor in the general beauty of summer styles Are you using them* i Toledo Jewel Work. lades souvenir rases are the pret- ! ties* of trifles They are made as flat ly as possible, sometimes with two or more places, but sometimes only with sos. tike a dainty powder box One of the latest fsds is to have them made at enamel In vivacious colors and an other notion favors the gold inlaid with black of Spanish jewel work This Toledo ornamentation is in fart very popular not for personal adornment, but far toilette and specimen table or anmenta One also sees Toledo dec orated hair-combs and- lorgnettes Yellow Far Autumn. Yellow t* enjoying t return to fa •or • hick ha* bees lost for several seasons. and among tke new colors which *111 be placed on tke market nest season are many yellow tones Already Paris la eaultlng In burnt orange Along with it go sulphur and am her Is addition there Is ekartreuse the lovely limpid yellow of tbs cordial: flame yellow, whose intensity makes It becoming only to certain complexions. and canary, an otker vivid baa. bit Apples oe Hats Tke Mack bat la amazingly popular at tke moment is London White is tke favorite trimming but yellow ■takes a very dose rival A black bat that 1 admired immensely had tke rather low crown completely cot end with bunches of small silk ap ples ta varying shades of yellow, brown and pale green A few apple learns very yellow ones were mixed ta between, and both fruit and leaves were kept as Sat as possible Lace and Pearls Ah original headdress Is a simple mob cap of lace, encircled with a taring of prvelews pearls, and with an# of the new straight feather aig rettes standing crept in tke front. For tke girt whose hat Is not one of her beta points these caps arw a god send bat K always seems to me a pity ta cover up so completely a real ty pretty heed ta hair WITH THE PARISIAN SANCTION Post.lion Hat Is Sure to Be Copied Though No Longer in the Greatest Vogue. The fancy for the postilion hat has been short lived so far as Paris is con cerned, and London never greatly .■ares for millinery which the Paris- : lenne accepts as bien amusanie. More 1 or leas curly of brim, and with tall ! stiff crowrn. these hats trimmed with i a feather en fantaisie or a floral j aigrette had a brief furore, and cer- ! ti Inly when new- they were most ap- ) pealing They could not. however, j bear repetition, and since people have j taken to wearing them they have lost their attraction For once the French- | woman seems to have forgotten that the fact of a hat being chic when worn by a woman of one type may make , it impossible for those who belong to another This style of hat is. however, being made for autumn, and milliners are : looking favorably upon its possibilities 1 In beaver felt and plush. BLOUSE This Is for veiling or delaine, and has the fronts trimmed with groups of fine tucks, between which strips of insertion are sewn; the back is trim med to match Tucks are made dowr the outside of sleeve, and the cufTs and collar are of entirely tucked ma- I terial Materials required: 2 yards 4( inches wide. 2 yards insertion. Fascinating Lingerie. For evening wear throughout tht winter underskirts will remain as they are this summer, and some ot j the charming bargains so dear to th« heart of womankind may be picket up at present, as. for instance, a pet ticoat of the finest satin messaline it the palest blue, with a knee-deej frill of kilted transparent lawn ovei a pleated frill of silk, slashed at in tervals and held together by narrow bands of pale blue ribbon. To Keep on Pumps. When pumps slip at the heels and are too loose, paste a piece of velvet In the hack, with the nap side out. If the shoes still spread take them to a shoemaker and have him put in a casing for a d-aw string, or a piece of elastic which is tightly fastened Overshoes that slip z.t the heel and are too big may be made more com fortable by glueing a thick piece of chamois up the back of the heel. Use a glue that stands water. Table Decoration. An Inexpensive table decoration noted by Harpers Bazar is as follows: A crepe paper rose is hung from the j chandelier, ribbons coming to each plate. The centerpiece Is a large vase ; of roses with roses around the base. The bonbon dishes are tall glasses, and the favors are roses painted on j cardboard Baskets of ro»