The Loup City northwestern. (Loup City, Neb.) 189?-1917, September 12, 1912, Image 2

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    fbe Loop Uty Northwestern
J W B( HI-KlGn. Publisher
Loup city, • • Nebraska
i— I
Magpsr ng* That Are Making History
—Information Gathered from All
Quarters of the Globs and
Given in a Few Lines.
Ik r L I lull lap of the department
«rf unrsltitt* bureau of chemistry,
•ho * as (he chief accuser of Dr. Ilar
*e« W Wiley ta the controversy j
which shook the department last
spring has resigned his position He
has accepted a place sub a chemical
esscert is Chicago
• • •
Secretary of the N'avy Meyer denied
that he had decided to resign from the
cabinet oa account of ill health as
•as reported There la absolutely j
m» truth la this rumor be said "1
am no* to leave the cabinet My health
is very mark improved "
• • •
Secretary of Agriculture Wilson has
arranged to bold bearings on the
•bite pine bl.ster rust September Ik.
oa the Mediterranean fruit fly Sep 1
•amber If and the potato wart Sep
•ember Jd. preliminary to proposed
sweeping quarantine proclamations
against these agricultural menaces
• • •
Tbs assault upon Dr Luts Lazo
Arrtga former Honduran minister to
Washington at Gautemala iTty re
eentiy »as purely a personal one. I
reports Sen or Mendez Gautemalan j
minister a bo railed at the state de
part meet ta W ashington and said he
bad a telegram from bis government
showing that tbe assault was com
ml tied by latoi on servant.
Theodore Roosevelt is expected to
appear October 1 or 1 before the spe (
dal senate committee investigation
campaign contributions to testify re
garding the allegation of John D j
Arch hold and Senator Penrose that
the Standard Oil company gave 1100 - j
•M to the Republican national com j
mlttee of IKK with his approval
The (.'sited Spanish War Veterans
me' in Atlantic City for their annual
. encampment
• • •
idles Edith Norton, thirty-five years
old. daughter of a wealthy Leland
• III > farmer, sent Insane from the
has' and blea her nead off with a
Nicholas Jedorick sas shot and
killed at Fulum. ill. by Roy lrroden,
followieg the chastisement of Droden
by Jedorick because of an Insulting re
asarl said to nave been made by Dro
den in Jedorick'a sister Six bullets '
entered Jedorick s body. Droden sas
e • e
More than four thousand horses
have died In western Kansas since a
mysterious disease broke out in that
section of the state, and it is estima
ted that the money loan la around half
a million dollars. The great mortal
tty has created a serious situation,
hundreds of farmers being left without
the animal# to do necessary fall
work la the Helds
• • •
Oscar F Nelson of Chicago was re
elected president and Indianapolis was
selected as the next meeting place of
the National Federation of Host office
Clerk, in session at Salt Lake Oily.
icrordiut to a police announcement,
burglars entered a hat store on Lower
Broadway. New York, between Satur
day and Tuesday, and stole €.060 im
ported Austrian velour hats, valued
at SJ6.66*
• e •
A vein of high grade bituminous
cool has been found on the si of where
the f'etteg States government build
log stood at the world s fair In St |
lauU. nnd Is being mined for the
dly i one
• • e
Joseph Drago an employe on John
t» Rockefeller s estate at Pocantico
Hills V Y was approached by a
member of the -Black Hand society,
who demanded S2«9 from him lirago
refused to pay and a pistol duel took
place The Black Hand ' agent was
shot in the leg bat escaped
la 1W. when Kansas was passing
through unusually hard times, the
govern meat census figures showed
that as per cent of Kansas farms
were mortgaged According to the
cooaws figure* for 1*16 only 44 3 per
cent arw mortgaged
• • •
About 3-*6»* kosher butcher shops
are clawed in New York as the result
of a general strike of the union butch
sew The strikers demand a 36 per
root increase ia wages, a 12-hour day
and recognition of their union.
• s s
Walter Johnson, a negro accused
of attaching a white girl, lourteen
years old. at Princeton. W. Va . w u
lynched Johnson nas hanged to a
telegraph pole and his body riddled
with bullets.
• we
"h -d" Mars, the aviator, who was
srteiety hurt when hi* biplane dipped
sod crashed into a fence In an exhibi
tion Sight at the county fair at
♦Moss. NYU still la a sank condi
tion at the hoejdla!, hut Is expected
to recover
Snow fell In the mountains west of
Carson City. Nev. covering the range
to a depth of several inches. This is
the earliest snowfall In twenty-five
• • •
Fire In a steamer trunk cost the
life of Patrick J. Reilly, chief of the
Holyoke t Mass ) fire department.
Reilly was riding to the fire In an
automobile when a hose wagon
struck bis machine.
• • •
Suffering from a severe fracture of j
the skull, the bandit who. single-hand- !
ed. robbed the New York Limited train I
on the laiuisvllle & Nashville rail- j
road twelve east of New Or- j
leans Wednesday night, later to be j
felled by the locomotive driver, was j
brought to New Orleans and placed in
the charity hospital
• • •
After entering the house of his pros
pective father in-law Gerrit J Dieke- .
ma of Holland. Mich., former congress
man and. it is charged stealing $2,000
worth of diamonds and jewelry. A. S. j
Hrusse twenty-seven years old. said
to be of a wealthy family of Vancou- |
ver. P C\, was arrested at Milwaukee.
• • •
More than 500 students at Colum
bia university worked their way )
through college last year, earning ,
$i>5/MKt according to the report of the j
committee on employment.
• • •
Private detectives who have been
keeping a close watch over the John ■
1> Rockefeller estate at Pocantico
Hills were equipped w-ith a squad of I
watchdogs which will assist them in
pursuing Italian bandits who have
been responsible for recent holdups
and petty crimes on the estate.
• • •
Specialists In the raising of vege
tables from all parts of the country i
are !n Rochester. N. Y . in attendance
at the fifth annual convention of the
Vegetable Growers' association of
• • •
Unless the supreme court stays the
order of a lower court the household
goods of Gen. Daniel E Sickles, vet- j
eran of many battles of the Civil war. ;
will be sold at auction to satisfy a
judgment for $8,066 in favor of the Lin
coin Trust company of New York i
The judgment is based on a promis
sory note given by the aged soldier
• • •
Miss Annie Dorothy Nixon, twenty- j
two vests old. the daughter of Richard I
B Nixon, financial clerk of the United
Stales senate, was drowned at Colo
nial Beach. Va.. in a vain attempt to
rescue her swimming companion.
Franklin W Wiseman, aged twenty. !
of Havana. Ill
• • •
The Roosevelt presidential electors
cannot be taken off the Republican >
general election oallot in the Novem
ber election In Kansas. This was the
decision of Judge Walter H. Sanborn
of the United States circuit court of
• • •
Oscar S Straus, former secretary of
commerce and labor in the cabinet of
President Roosevelt and once United
States minister to Turkey, was unani
mously acclaimed the nominee for |
governor of the Progressive party of
New York state at the convention held
In Syracuse.
• • •
Political bosses and machines,
crooked business and unenforced leg
islation are condemned In the plat
form which was adopted by the Ohio !
Progressive state convention held at '
Columbus Arthur I.. Garford of Ely- |
ria was nominated for governor of
Ohio by the convention by acclama
• • •
With John I, Stevens of Boone as
tneir nominee for governor. Iowa Pro
gressives In convention at Pes Moines i
put a third party state ticket into the ]
field, alter overcoming opposition to
the plan by a vote of nearly five to
• • •
Thirty-seven coal miners were killed
by an explosion of fire damp in the j
Clarence coal mine, near Bruay, i
France, in the department of N'ord.
• • •
Rev. William White Wilson, rector j
of St Mark's Episcopal church, chap |
lain of the First regiment. Illinois Na
tional Guard, and one of the best j
known divines in Chicago, was killed
when he was struck by a street car i
at a crossing. Rev. Wilson was on
his way to a meeting of the Masonic
order, of which he was a prominent i
• • •
Char’.es W. Morse, the banker sen- j
tenced to a long term in the Atlanta I
penitentiary and pardoned by Presi- j
dent Taft because of poor health, re- j
turned to hts old stamping grounds—
49 Exchange place. New York City-- j
rented commodious offices on the
nineteenth floor and prepared to get
ba< k. so be said, to his "life work."
• • •
Hrarnwell Booth, the new head of 1
the Salvation army, has issued an ap
peal for $750,000 with which to erect,
e<iuip and maintain a training college
for Salvation Army officers as a me
mortal to his father.
• • •
l.teut Gen Arthur Mac-Arthur, U. S. I
A . retired, former ranking general of !
the army, dropped dead In Milwaukee
while addressing the last reunion of
members of the regiment he com
manded In the Civil war Death was
dua to apoplexy
• • •
W H Leavitt, the divorced hus
band of Ruth Bryan, daughter of Wil
liam Jennings Bryan, was reported to
have secretly married Miss Gertrude
H ! a eper. daughter of Rev. Edward
l^eper of Fort Recovery. O.
• • •
Dr W. J. McGee, the noted scientist
, and anthropologist who died at his
j home in Washington of cancer, fcas will
ed hit body to Prof A. Spitzka of Jelfer
I son college In order that the noted
, pathologist may use it for dissection
I and to study the cancer cells and as
certain the cause of the disease.
Coard Decides that Instructors Who
Desire to Teach in Summer
Without Pay May Do So.
The Board of Regents of the state
university informally discussed the
budget which will be presented to the
legislature when it comes next Janu
ary, but deferred definite action un
til a later day. No statement was
made of the amount of money which
the university intends to ask the leg
islature to appropriate.
University professors ran on a snag
in the matter of easy leaves of ab
sence when the board of regents pass
ed a ruling prohibiting them from ap
plying summer school service toward
leave of absence on full salary.
The board adopted as its policy that
hereafter any professors who desire
to teach in the summer session with
out remuneration may do so. and
should the question ever arise of
granting leave of absence, such serv- ;
ice w ill be taken into consideration. !
President Allen found support I
among the board members against j
charges arising from the suit of the
Omaha Structural Steel works, in
w hich statements were made reflect- i
ing on the integrity of the president. !
The company asserted in its suit that |
undue influence had been brought to
bear in the awarding of one of the
sub-contracts for a new college build- I
The board directed that a letter to
this firm be drafted outlining the
board's attitude and the results ot |
its investigations. This letter, when ;
drawn up and submitted to the mem- j
bets of the board for approval, will J
be given to the press for publication. |
Two claims against the Omaha
Medical college appropriation were
paid, one for grading the site of the
new building and the other for taxes
to the city of Omaha.
The. following ad interim appoint
ments were confirmed: C. W. Smith,
instructor in physics in the school of
agriculture: Harry E. Bradford, prin
cipal of the school of agriculture; L.
F. Seaton, adjunct professor of agri
cultural engineering: G. C. White, as
Fistant professor of daily husbandry;
Rachael E. Holmes, fellow in botany:
Mattie Allen, adjunct professor of
education; W. J. Morrill, professor of
lorestry; Alice Loomis, professor of
home economics; Anna M. Olsen, ad
junct professor-of home economics; B.
F. Raber, assistant professor of me
chanical engineering.
The following new appointments
were made: Miss M. M. Hoxsey,
clerical assistant in agricultural bo
tany: R. K .Bliss, professor of animal
husbandry; Everett N. Bowman, de
tailed by the War department as com
mandant of cadets.
The board confirmed the extension
of the leave of absence without salary
of Prof. C. W. Wallace. Prof. Wal
lace has for the last three years been'
conducting Shakesprearean research
es among the archives of the British
museum. He was expected to return
to the university this fall, but early
in the summer it became apparent
that without more time he could not
finish the work he had under way.
He was accordingly given another
Notarial Commissions.
J. H. Presson, record clerk at the
governor’s office, has issued 1.005
notarial commissions since Septem
ber 1, 1011. Of this number 180 went
to Douglas county and 107 to Lancas
Auto Fees Go to County.
An apparent conflict in the statute
regarding the place of payment of
fees for the registration of automo
biles has been passed upon by Attor
ney General Martin. The statute ap
pears to be in conflict in that one sec
tion yrovides for payment to the coun
ty treasurer of the county where the
owner lives, while another appears
to require payment to the secretary of
state in case of transfer of ownership.
The attorney general holds that all
such fees must be paid to the county
treasurer of the county where the
owner lives and that in case of trans
fer of ownership the owner must pre
sent the county treasurer's duplicate
receipt to the secretary of state
and the later will register the ma
chine without pay.
Infantile Paralysis Appears.
Infantile paralysis has appeared at
the town of Neligh. according to word
received by Dr. W. H. Wilson, in
spector for the state board of n'ealth.
He has been notified that the opening
of the public schools will be deferred
on account of the disease.
Broadwell Suit Appealed.
The case of Douglas county against
Frank A. Broadwell. ex-clerk of the
district court of Douglas county,
which sues for fees claimed due the
county and not turned over by Mr.
Broadwell. was appealed to the su
preme court last week. The county
sues on the bond of Mr. Broadwell,
which was issued by the American
Bonding and Trust company, for fees
covering four years beginning Janu
ary 4. 1900, and extending to January
3, 1904, which amounted to $41,525.82.
Bankers Pledge Assistance.
Nebraska bankers, assembled In
convention in Omaha on August 26
and 27, pledged their assistance,
financial and otherwise to agricultur
al development in the state. They
pledged financial aid to the State Uni
versity, and to all other movements
which have for their purpose the in
crease of grain yields in th% state.
“Cooperation with the agriculturists"
was the theme of the convention and
without exception every banker in
the state gave it favorable considera
Strange Disease Is Carrying Of!
Many Animals.
More than 600 horses have died of
a strange disease in the state of Ne
braska within a few weeks, according
to reports received at the office of tfie
state veterinarian. Half a dozen ex
perts are out trying to check its rav
ages, and the state department has
ordered more men into the field. The
disease resembles fungus poisoning
and is said to be due to the late
growth of pastures following the late
summer rains. Horses are dying by
ithe dozen in a dozen scattered coun
According to the state veterinarian,
the horse afflicted with the disease,
appears to be normal in every way
except that it apparently loses its
reason within six hours after show
ing signs of being affected and is ■
dead within forty-eight hours.
At this writing no new complaints j
had been received, but every effort j
will be made to gather information so i
that the epidemic, if such it is, can ]
be stopped before it reaches large
proportions. Complaints at present
have come from Franklin. Hastings.
Merna and one or two other towns,
and inspectors who have investigated
the matter think it is caused by a
sort of fungus poisoning from the late
growth of grass caused by the rain,
which hss fallen abundantly.
Horses that have been fed upon
dry feed do not seem to be troubled |
by the disease and it is only those j
animals which have been allowed to
feed upon green grass thot have been j
A Merna veterinarian describes the
symptoms of the disease as follows:
The horse has an anxious look or
expression and appears at the outset
to suffer a loss of appetite. It is not
inclined to move save when It has to,
and in ten or twelve Sours after be
ing attacked by the disorder it begins
to stagger around and to seek to lean
up agaiust any convenient thing
which it can find. Its breathing is
practically normal, its pulse is nor
mal also and its temperature is front
103 to 105.3 degrees. As time goes
on the animal gets more stupid and
seeks to go through the fence, man
ager or whatever lies in its path. It
pays attention to nothing. Some
cases have come from the pastures
aad others front the harness. The
horses live from forty to sixty hours
usually and previous to death the
limbs of the animal tremble violently
ahd continually.
Work of the Stork.
The total number of births in the
state between January 1 and July 31
of the present year was 15.451}. ac
cording to figures given out by Secre
tary Wilson of the state board of
health. The number exceeds the
births for the same period last year.
Pay for State Troops.
The payroll of the state troops at
the recent Second regiment encamp
ment at Grand Island totalled $4,426
All of the money was forthcoming
from the federal government and was
not backed up dollar for dollar by a
like amount from the state treasury.
Assessors Are Slow.
Only a few of the fourteen counties
which failed to properly report data
for the state 1912 assessment roll,
have replied to letters sent out by
Secretary Henry Seymour of the as
sessment board, asking for the infor
mation. . Until this Is sent in the
grand assessment roll will be incom
□anger from Glanders.
The state veterinarian department
was exhibiting several pictures of j
people who had been afflicted with
glanders contracted while taking care
of horses infected with the same dis- '
ease. Efforts will be madp to educate j
the people along the. line of the dan
ger of contracting the disease by
those handling the animals.
Rule for Normal Schools.
The new rule made by the state
normal board for all state normal
schools is that a flat rate of $1 a sem
ester shall be charged for the use of
books, instead of a deposit of $3 and
the tebate system. The single tax of
$3 for lecture, athletic and other pri
vileges adopted by the state board is
merely voluntary. If students de
sire to do so, they may buy tickets to
lecture courses and other privileges
as they need them as heretofore at a
total cost of about $7 a year. The j
state normal board will meet some J
time in October for holding* a busi- [
ness session.
Goods Not Yet Found.
State Food Commissioner Hansen
has not yet found trace of the valu
able platinum cups which were stolen
from the laboratory of his depart
ment. He has written letters to deal
ers in this metal to look out for the
stolen goods. In reply, one firm said
it had received word of nin-> differ
er.t robberies of the same kind, all
committed by the same man.
Receive Maine Relic.
The navy yard officials at Washing
ton have sent to Adjutant General
Phelps a powder tank which was
taken from the wreck of the Maine at
the time the battleship was taken
from the mud in Havana harbot. The
tank is about three feet long and nine
inches in diameter and shows the ef
fect of the explosion. It does not
show much effect from its long sub
mersion in the water only having an
occasional scaly crus’ on the sides.
The relic will be presented to Span
ish war veterans in Lincoln.
Want Live Stock Board.
Stockmen of the state and others
interested in the growth and develop
ment of the stockraising industry are
starting an agitation looking to the
creation of a live stock sanitary board
or some such body to have Charge on
behalf of the state of the fight against
diseases wdiich are causing losses to
the extent of hundreds of thousands
of dollars each year. Plans for the
presentation of a byi to the state leg
islature at the coming session may
be made by stockmen's organizations
within the near future.
Officers Are Apprehensive of the Situ*
ation but Hope There Will Be
No Intervention.
Washington.—Intervention in Mexi
co and the possibility of President
Taft calling a special session of con
gress to determine whether American
troops shouid be sent across the line,
were widely-1 discussed here by public
men and in diplomatic circles.
It is known that the government
has been pressed on many sides to
take such a step, and various ac
counts of what influences were being
brought to bear and the objects
sought to be accomplished are related
among those interested on both sides
of the question.
President Taft and the state de
partment. however, are holding to the
principle that no such action should
be taken without authorization cl
That American soldiers have been
sent into China, oruhat American na
val forces now are actively engaged
in Nicaragua without authorization of
congress should not be a precedent
for sending troops to Mexico.
In China American missionaries
were besieged and in danger of tor
ture or death. In Nicaragua the re
bels had shelled the American lega
tion and endangered lives of Ameri
can cities by bombarding an unforti- j
tied city, in violation cf rules of inter
national law.
No such situation has been report- !
ed in Mexico.
The news that President Taft con
sidered the situation a grave one, and
has g'ven thought to the expediency
of putting it up to congress, is expect- j
ed to bring out the usual crop of re- ;
ports of troops under orders to move
and plans completed by the general ,
stafT of the army for campaigning in
The general staff has complete
plans for any such emergency. Should
it arise, some war department offici
als could wake up at night, and like
Von Moltke, at the outbreak of the
Kranco-Prussian war, send to the tele
graph wire in a moment a sheaf of or
ders that would put an army a-horse
and a foot in battle array.
So it is perfectly proper to say the
war department is ready to invade
Mexico at a moment's notice, but it is
no more ready to invade Mexico than
it is to xepel invaders from across the
ocean. It has standing orders with
the principal railroads and steamship
lines by which it can begin moving
an army within twenty-four hours.
A Motor Crash
Newark, N. J.—Eddie Hasha of
Waco, Tex., holder of several world's
records for motorcycle racing, plung
ed over the rail of the course at the
new Newark motordome into a crowd
late Sunday afternoon, causing the
death of six persons, including him
self, while six are dying and thirteen j
are badly injured.
The only two of the six dead posi- i
ttvely identified up to a late hour '
were Hasha and Johnny Albright, a
Denver motorcyclist, who was riding
third in the race. The other four ;
dead were boys and young men
among the spectators.
Five thousand spectators were wit
nessing the finish of a four-mile free,
for-all race when the daring Texan
rider, doing ninety-two miles an
hour, took his fateful plunge.
The New Battleship.
Washington.—The new battleship
Pennsylvania, the only -one author,
ized by congress at the last session,
will be fully as large as the great
battleship which the British govern
ment has just ordered, according to
plans of the naval general board.
Wilson Out Against Smith.
Sea Girt, N. J.—Governor Woodrow
Wilson, democratic presidential nomi
nee, declared against Warner J.
Smith, jr., a democratic candidate for !
United States senator from New Jer
sey, an office which he held during
President Cleveland's second ad
Bernhard Ziehn Dead.
Chicago.—Bernhard Ziehn. said to
have been one of the foremost au
thorities of the country on musical
theory, died at his home here Sunday.
His Money Melted.
Chicago.—Thomas Ballard, a farm
er, kept 500 $20 gold pieces in his
corn crib, which burned, and the
money was melted into an entact sol
id mass.
Tells All He Knows.
Preston. Enj^—Thomas Coupe,
New York Elks' club clerk, who saw
the Rosenthal murderers fleeing, and
afterwards came to Eneland. because
he was afraid he would suffer for
"knowing too much." has sent a
sworn statement of all he knows.
Watching for Cholera.
Washington.—Surgeons have been
warned to examine immigrants for
cholera carriers, until the outbreak
in southern Sardinia and Italy and in
Bierut, Syria, subsides.
Makes "Newsie” Hold Sack.
Osage City, Kas.—A bandit robbed
the passengers on Missouri Pacific
train No. 1, of $1,000 in money and
jewelry. He compelled the newsboy
to bold a sack while the passengers
Jumped in their valuables. The rob
ber ascaped.
Bull Moose- Disowned.
Hartford, Conn.—Because his son.
Edward, a Tale graduate and lawyer,
declared himself a bull moose. State
Senator E. L. Pond, a strong Taft
man, has disowned him.
Animals Are Always Most Neglected and Receive Least Notice of
All Stock Kept on Farm—Profitable to Give Them Best
Treatment Possible.
Four Excellent Rustlers.
As far as my observation goes, sheep
are always the most neglected and
least noticed of all the stock kept on
the farm. 1 am pretty sure the rea
son of this is that the sheep usually
takes care of itself so well, without
the assistance of man. and can make
its liviug on so little, that gradually
the idea of looking after the flock,
and doing something for their benefit,
passes out of the mind of most men
who keep a few sheep, but are not in
the business of keeping them as their
principal interest.
But in spite of this negligence and
lack of interest, I am sure that sheep
pay much more in proportion to the
amount invested and the cost of
maintaining them than any other
farm stock. In view of this fact, it
would seem to me that the sheep
ought to be the best cared for animal
on the farm, and should have the best
treatment that the owner can give,
says a writer in the Farm Progress.
Sheep on the farm, or on the plains,
receive less care and attention than
any other farm stock, yet so far as
my personal experience is concerned,
pay a better profit on the investment
than any other farm stock. I suppose
the chief reason for this indifference
on the part of most men lies in the
fact that sheep cannot be made to
multiply as fast as hogs, and the pub
lic demand is never so great as that
for pork and beef.
It may be truthfully said that beef
is the mainstay in filling the demand
for fresh meat, and pork In the shape
of hams, shoulders and sides, in the
shape of breakfast bacon, constitutes
the main supply of cured meats. 1
really think if lamb and mutton were
used to a larger extent, and consti
tuted a much larger portion of the
meat eaten by the people generally, it
would be better for the health of the
people generally and. probably, have
a tendency to improve the farms de
voted to stock raising, and perhaps
would also be conducive to the better
average health of the people who con
sume very much meat.
I have been associated with farming
a great many years, and owned sev
eral farms, and have kept stock of all
kinds, and I can say without prejudice
that my sheep have always given me
less trouble than the other kinds of
stock and. for the investment, have
paid me much more clear profit. 1 can
therefore urge with great sincerity
upon all who have not put at least a
few sheep on their farms to do so as
soon as possible.
That they will pay well is as certain
as anything on the farm can be. and
I know it is impossible for any farm
stctek to cost so little or give so little
M. personal preference is for one
of the "Down” breeds, and though
the Southdown is probably more
popular in a general way, 1 think the
Shropshiredown is the most attrac
tive. I think, too, that they average
somewhat heavier in weight.
On a 400-acre farm I kept for a long
time a flock of thirty to forty, and
from the tim* that the pastures were
suitable to graze in the spring till the
freezing weather in the late fall, my
sheep never needed to be fed a
mouthful. And the winter keep has
always been so small that I am sure
that half of the Increase of the flock
would offset the entire cost, if it were
possible to estimate that cost, for the
whole year.
We have made it a practice to use
on our ow n table as lamb and mutton
most of the surplus of our own flock
and aimed to keep the flock down to
about forty in number. As they are al
ways left in the pasture all the time,
including even most of the winter, the
cost of keep is too small to count.
Half of the returns for wool would
more than pay for all the feed, for
age and pasture they get, and 1 have
noticed that some of my thinnest and
most run-down land on the place is
getting better all the time.
I have heard some complaint about
sheep being affected with the hot fly,
but all injury to the sheep may be
avoided by applying a mixture of pine
tar and grease—say axle grease—
around the nostrils. To save the
trouble of catching and applying the
tar to the sheep direct some people
bore holes in a log with a two-inch
auger, and put salt in 'them,
and then smear around the edge of
the holes with a mixture of pine tar
and grease.
When they lick the salt they get
their nostrils 6meared with the tar.
The smearing may be done often, say
once a week. I am of the opinion that
a sort of muzzle made of fine woven
wire, and so shaped as to be attached
to the nose of the sheep, and will not
come off will serve perfectly to keep
off the bot fly that lays the eggs of the
grub in the sheep’s nose. It would be
well for some whose sheep are much
bothered with grubs to make a test of
Difference Shown Between Hog
Given Penty of Feed and
One Neglicted.
The result of diJerent treatments of
hogs came to my notice last spring,
when a neighbor sold two average
pigs eight weeks old to a man who did
not have any other hogs. He bought
the two hogs to make pork the next
fall and. of course, wanted to give
them a good chance to do their best
They were fed wheat middlings, milk
and scraps from the table, in addition
to the pasture they gathered. They
were grade Chester Whites, farrowed
in April. These two pigs dressed be
tween 150 and 175 pounds each when
about seven months old.
The pigs that had not been sold and
out of the same litter were allowed to
run on pasture, and when corn was
ready to feed they were fed enough
corn to put them in pork condition,
but when slaughtered at about the
same time as the other two they only
weighed 65 to 70 pounds each. There
was a difference of nearly 100 pounds
between these well-fed hogs and their
mates not so fed, and it is wholly due
to different treatments. It is easy to
see which was the most economical
pork producer—the well-cared-for hog
or the one which got enough feed to
■ barely live until fattening time The
j difference in value was almost $10, as
i pork sold at 10 cents a pound here
last fall. The two well-cared-for hogs
did not eat near $10 worth of feed
from the time they were separated
from their mates until they were
Easy Matter to Secure Comfort
able Quarters if Cold
Is Kept Out.
I am using concrete floors in our
hog houses and have found that I need
very little bedding, just enough to
keep the body of the pig from coming
in contact with the concrete. It is
easy to keep a concrete floor warm if
the cold air cannot get under it, says
a writer in an exchange. With one
hundred pigs in the house, during zero
weather. I had to keep some of the
windows and the upper 'end doors
open for ventilation. I have never had
pigs get stiff from lying on concrete
floors. Good, dry bedding, straw or
shredded fodder, is used, and is re
moved as soon as it becomes damp
and replaced with a fresh supply.
Ventilation is such that cold winds
cannot blow in on the pigs. I disin
fect the houses often with air-slaked
A dipping tank Is essential, not only
for destroying lice, but for promoting
health conditions in general. I dip
my ’pigs once in two months, more
often if the animals are bothered with
lice, and use any of the dip on the
market that have crude oil as a ba
sis. I do not dip in winter, but crowd
the hogs into the house and spray
them, leaving them until dry. I spray
hogs, walls, bedding and all.
I keep wood ashes and a little lime
in a self-feeder before the pigs all the
time. Hogs need more mineral mat
ter than they usually get. During the
summer the hogs should be provided
with ample shade.
Choosing a Hoe.
In choosing a hoe, select one the
blade of which lies 'not quite flat on
the floor when you are standing erect,
with the hoe handle extending from
your hand when in working position
to the floor. The heel of the hoe
should not quite touch the floor from
this position. Such a hoe will bite
into the soil easily when it is bright
and sharp and will work smoothly and
effectively. Sharpen the hoe as soon
as it gets noticeably dull. This will
be hard on the hoe, but it saves
muscle, and hoes are c^eap. Carry a
small, flat file in your hip pocket and
do not allow a nick to stay in the hoe
a minute after it is made.
Pig-Eating Sows.
A sow eats her pigs because she
has been improperly fed during preg
nancy. We never knew of a sow
having this habit if she bad been al
lowed to run in the pasture, or whose
rations had been varied and which
contained plenty of green and succu
lent feed.