The Loup City northwestern. (Loup City, Neb.) 189?-1917, September 12, 1912, Image 1

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Profession a i Cards
Lvsrs: lasxa'&ku
And Bonded Attractor.
Loup City, Nebraska
\I!M\ wall
Practices in all Courts
1 oap City, Neb.
Bonded Abstracter
U*T ClTT. >EBKa»Ka.
OeU act of Abatrac< OuuAa in couatf
Mill ui MH
Office. Over New Bank
*• « al Krs>d»Rr«
t»' ttinri last t/f Trwpbuftr Crural
Luup City - Nebraska
Loup City. Nebr.
office u Uealdctire.
Telephone Connection
i. C M.-*ra*sc ■ I*. Okfi .« L. M D.
bowman a bowman
t*fc»«inm mmH s«rfr«Ha«
rU*m* Hi l4i«p « it*. Huireekt j
UM'P • ITT. - XEB.
Office up •lair, m the new Stale
Btsk InuMiw.
I > I. haul '.<h- Public NJUilr.
Pboet. Ml on 36
C. E. Thornton
The Drayman
Attend* all order* promptly and I
■ arrlu Ijr. I'buoe eiiber lumber yard j
or Taylor'* elevator.
V. I. McDouall
Prompt Dray Work
Call lumber yanls or Taylor’s
elevator Satisfaction guaran
teed I*bone *» on 57
W. T, Draper
The Old Reliable
Best of work always
Plume M. oa Loup.Ctty Neb.
C. E. Stroud
F iruier.y of Kansas City.
Fainting, Papering
and Decorating
Special attention paid t * Autos
and Carriage* All tops re
newed and repairer!. All work
guaranteed. Phone 0
Eneie & Cook
(oatrartor* and Builder*
Call and see ns and allow us to
figure with you on above
Accounted For All Interest as
Treasurer of Custer County—
First to Givo Surety Bond.
Lincoln. Aug. 2s—State Treasurer
' ff. A. George has issued the following
statement regarding the charges that
lie did not turn over interest money
during his term of office as county
treasurer of Custer county:
My attention has been called to an
artlcal appearing in one of the demo
cratic papers of August 27th, regard
ing my administration as county
treasurer of Custer county. The
article in question is misleading. It
states that I retired from the office
in 1910. The facts are that I served
from January 1902 to ’anuary. 1900.
which was ten years ago.
An indirect charge is made that I
did not account in full for interest re
ceived from the hanks fund county
deposits. That charge is not true.
During the years of my administra
tion and years preceding it was the
custom of the banks desiring county
funds for deposit under the law then
in force to tile with the county hoard
x hid specified amounts and with
sucli hid a bond to protect the same,
and such hanks designated by the
county hoard as countv depositories.
I Hiring my administration the bids
ami tor ids a- tiled were not sufficient
to cover more than a minor portion
of the funds on hand, and in the of
fice and tire balance of funds were
left in the treasurer's hands forwhicit
he was personally responsible. Nu
merous requests were made by me to
the county board to relieve the
situation by furnishing additional
legal depositor or providing a burglar
proof safe and put on a night which,
but without success.
aii interest received irotn tne legal-1
I v con-.tit uteri depositories has been
amounted for. aiul no interest was
received that was not accounted for
other than the legal deposits. I do
not owe Custer county one cent for
I was the first county treasurer of
C .ster county to give surety bond,
which wasiriven at a cost of $.585. and
by so doing relieved myself from
ligation to any individual or banks,
such as would liave arisen through
my request as signers as security on
my bund.
Tbe legislature, session of 1905,
amended a depository law so as to
provide for the safe keeping of all
county and state funds, relieving the
treasurer from personal liability.
The law was again amended in 1907
and again in 1909 and this leaves con
ditions entirely radically different
from what they were ten years ago.
Another noticeable change in condi
tions as to what they were ten years
ago. the county treasurer received a
salary of *2.0i»i provided the fees of
the office were sufficient to pay the
same, and the provisions forcleri* hire
were not sufficient, requiring the of
fice force to work days, nights and
Sundays to keep up the work, while
now the treasurer receives a straight
'alary of *3.000 with no restrictions
and is allowed all clerical help need
ed to perform the work.
Coder the law now in force all
counties receive not less than 2 per
cent on their daily 'salanees and tiie
state treasurer gets 3 per cent on
such daily balances. Under the
guarantee law all state banks may be
made county or state depositories
without the necessity of giving bond.
The .'xaminer who checked up the
the records of Custer county for the
last sixteen years states in his report
to the county hoard that my accounts
are absolutely correct, that he found
no alterations cr errors therein, and
in said report is embodied as I take
it a strong compliment for effi ciency
with which the work in the office
was done during my four years as
county treasurer.
Cowboys Will
Invade Mexico
For Americans
Will Co to Rescue of
Countrymen whose
Lives and Prop
erty are in
Equipped with 120 rifles and 60.000
rouuds of ammunition, an organized
body of cowboys is prepared to move
into Sonora, Mexico, where Americans
are said to be in danger.
Advices received state that the
situation is extremely grave. Arms
are being rushed to A mericans in the
Cananea district of Sonora, and
clashes with the rebels are expected
at any time. One troop of United
States cavalry left for points on the
Nogales railway and two others will
patrol the border further east.
Residents in the threatened district
appealed to the state department fo
arms. It is declared that the rebel:
are threatening to confiscate million:
of dollars worth of American prop
Attorney General Believea Them
Entitled to Place on Ticket
Electors Not Inclined to Resign
Moose Executive Gommittee
Lincoln. Sept.6.—Attorney General
Martin lias given out that lie is of
the opinion the bull moosers can at
this time get a place on the ticket
and he will so advise Secretary of
State Wait. There is considerable
diversity of opinion on this matter
by attorneys, but unless a friendly
suit is started, the names will prob
ably be eertitied to as candidates.
From authoritative sources it is re
ported that the six electors give little
indication of resigning their places.
Three of them are said to be unalter
ably opposed to retiring. Rroatch,
Johnson and l’ease. It is said that
when the latter received tlie demand
for resignation from the Taft com
mittee be hastened to wire the other
live to stand by their guns and defy
the Taft men. The other three are
slid to take a milder position. They
are reported to be willing to retire if
the whole six get out of the way.
They do not want to move unless the
action is unanimous. W. .1. Rroatcli
and Allen Johnson have issued public
statement that they will not retire.
Chairman Epperson would like to
-ee them retire for the sake of the
state ticket. Rut lie lias other
troubles which take bis immediate
attention. He lias no finances, lie
lias been delayed in securing the com
mittee office furniture. He is not
>ure that his secretary can serve, and
the whole weight of the campaign at
this moment is on his shoulders. Man
a.'yr F. 1’. Corrick, meanwhile is di
recting the Roosevelt campaign from
an elegantly appointed office and ap
pears to be well supplied with muni
tions of war.
At the office of the county judge,
Wednesday morning. Sept. 11, 1912,
his honor officiating, occurred the
marriage of Mr. Robert 1‘. Pritchard
and Miss Anna M. Syas, both of this
city. The marriage of these well
known young people which occurred
about 9:30 a. m., was followed by din
ner at high noon at the home of the
bride's parents, only a few of the
near relatives being present. The
groom is the eldest son of R. N.Pritcb
ard, a bright, talented and capable
young man and ably equipped by na
ture to make a pronounced success in
in the business marts of this world
and we believe will do so. The bride
is the youngest daughter of Mr. and
Mrs. I. X. Syas, and for a long period
employed as compositor in this office,
is endowed with many graces and
should prove a worthy home-ihaker
for the man of her choice. They will
make their home in this city for the
present. The Northwestern has an
especially kindly feeling for these
young people, and wishes most earn
estly for their best welfare,-success
and happiness,, through lie.
Early Selected Seed Corn
Will Greatly Increase Yield.
“We have in Nebraska no surplus
seed corn on hand this jear-’ says
l’rof. C. W. Pugsley, of the Exten
sion Department of the Nebraska
Experiment Station. “If Nebraska
does not have good seed from this
year s crop, it will be necessary for
Nebraskans to depend upon seed
brought from other states. Seed
brought in from other states does not
yield as well as home grown seed.
"If every one concerned will select
their seed early and then properly
cure it. Nebraska will not experience
such a seed corn famine as that which
threatened the state this spring.
Not only will we have plenty of seed,
but we will get greater yields for
experiments at the station have
proved that well seldbted seed corn
will produce from four to six bushels
more than corn not carefully selected.
"The Helds this year were planted
late. Immediately after planting,
considerable unseasonable weather
followed ^nd in many Helds the corn
which was planted did not have
strong germinating powers. These
conditions must be borne in mind* to
get good seed for next year’s crop.”
The week of • September 30 to
October 5 has been designated as
“Seed Corn Selection Week.” Every
one is urged to select his corn that
week so that Nebraska will have
plenty of seed corn in 1913.
Strange Epedemir Appears ii
Nebraska aud Kansas, and
Horses Die in Hreat
There is a strange, mysterious di
sease at present among the horses in
Kansas and Nebraska, which seems
to baffle the attempts of the authori
ties to stamp it out. At last reports
many thousands of horses have suc
cumbed to the disease in our sister
state, while from various points in
Nebraska reports come of the losses
of these animals by the hundreds.
It resembles spinal meningitis, and
lias been so diagnosed by eminent
veterinarians, while it is denied by
other veterinarians that it is that
dread disease. Whatever it is, horses
are dyiing here and there in droves.
It is claimed, so far as has been esti
mated. that SO per cent of the horses
afflicted die from the cause. At first
it was thought that only animals
running in pastures were afflicted,
but later it was found that stall-fed
horses also contracted the disease.
So far. the disease in Nebraska seems
confined to the central part of the
state Hamilton and Merrick counties
appear to be hardest hit, horses dying
in those counties by scores. A Min
den horseman claims that plenty of
salt and water will prevent or save
them from the epidemic. He claims
to have lost seven head last year, be
fore he used the salt and water propo
sition,since which t ime he has lostnone
although handling hundreds of head.
uic tms \e<tr Hia\
be something entirely different from
tffat of last year. We hear of no cases
in Sherman county so far. hut have
reports from Arcadia of cases near
there, while from Merna. in Custer
county, come report of losses. Mon
day of this week over ninety horses
were reported dead around Palmer,
and out around Kearney reports of
gieat losses are made. Comstock a
few miles to the north of us reports
losses also. It is claimed that down
in Kansas', the death of horses is so
great that farmers can not gather in
their crops and they are rotting in
the fields. Surely the present is one
of the greatest calamities coming to
the agricultural classes. The proba
bilities are that the epidemic will
visit us later, and it behooves all
owners of equines to be active and
head it off if possible.
Later—Since w riting the above, S.
Foss from near Austin reports the
loss of one of his best horses Monday,
while a number of cases of losses are
reported around Rockville and along
the south portion of the. county.
The report that a man at Jetmore,
Kas , attending horses afflicted with
the disease that lias caused tiie
deaths of thousands of horses in
Kansas dfiring the last few weeks,
has been taken ill with all the
symptomsof spinal meningitis,caused
S. J. Crumbine, secretary of the Kan
sas board of health, to hurry there.
“The state agricultural college bac
teriologists have found diplicocci in
tiie blood of the dead horses,'- said Dr.
Crumbine. “A certain variety of
diplicocci causes meningitis in hu
mans. We are going to find out
whether the germ found in the horses
is the variety that afflicts humans.
If it is the situation is a menace to
the citizens.”
Governor Stubbs appealed directly
to President Taft today in an effort to
get government aid in combating the
disease. In a telegram he told the
president that the department of agri
cultural had received the report of the
situation with “unpardonable” ne
glect or in<iifference.” He said that
over 5,000 horses have died with the
Because of fear that new horses
would catch the disease and die, the
farmers are afraid to buv other ani
mals. Meantime, fall crops are going
' unharvested and very little plowing
j or planting of fall wheat is behind
| done.
An autopsy on one of the horses
winch died of the mysterious disease
that is killing thousands of horses in
western Kansas, revealed a bucketful
of tiny worms in its intestines. Horse
owners are dosing their horses with
turpentine and other oils in an effort
to kill the intestinal worms.
It may be that you do not know
that the entire stock of implements,
buggies, wagons, hardware, etc,, be
i longing to tiie iate T. M. Reed is be
ing closed out. and will say frankly
; it is not a question of price, simply
i do you need the goods, as we are go
; ing to sell at a sacrifice, as would
like very much to clean up the entire
stock within 3odays. Still have some
good buggies, wagons, press grain
drills, sulky plows, etc., in stock and
can save you from $10 to $25 on each
article as# mentioned, and all other
goods sold accordingly. Get busy if
you need any goods here in stock as
you can save dollars.
Estate of T. M. Reed.
P. O. Reed, Sales Manager.
First National Bank
I At Loop Oily in the State of Nebraska, ui
I the close of business September 4th. 1912.
Loans and discounts .SI81.811 IS
Overdrafts secured and unsecured 4,772 os
, C. S. bonds to secure circulation. T.Oun 00
Bonds, securities, etc. 267 00
Banking house,furniture, fixtures, 11.066 09
Due from state and private Babks
; ane Bankers. 648 83
Due from approved reserve agents_ 46.328 0B
Checks and other cash items. 1.085 97
Notes of other National Banks. 295 00
Fractional paper currency, nickels
and cents.... ijo 74
Lawful money reserve in bank, viz:—
Specie.611.762 25
Legal tender notes . 4100 00—14.464 25
Redemption fund with C. S. treasurer
(5 per cent of circulation). 35o 00
Total. ...*268 017 06
I Capital stock paid In. *95,000.00
1 Surplus fund. 15.000 00
; Undivided profits, less expenses and
taxes paid. 4.894 96
I National Bank notes outstanding. 7,000 00
Individual deposits subject to
check. 129.453 48
Demand certificates of deposit..... 88.738 81
Total. *268.01706
State of Nebraska, ( . .
County of 9herman. ) 0
1, L. Hansen. Cashier of the above
named Bank, do solemnly swear that the
above statement la true to the beat of my
knowledge and belief.
L. HANSEN, Cashier
A. B. Outhouse. Director.
R J. Nightingale Director,
W. T. Chase 1 irector.
Subscribed and sworn to before me thia
10th day ol Sept., 1912.
H. S. Nightingale,
(seal) Notary Public.
M y Commission expires June 1,1917.
Legal Notice.
State of Nebraska )
County of Sherman f 88
To the unknown heirs of Frank Kwi
atkow-ski. deceased, and Noyes
Norman Shoe Company, non-resi
dent defendant:
You, and each of you, will take
notice that on the 24th day of August.
1912, Solomon P. Farhat, plaintiff
herein, filed his petition In the dis
trict court of Sherman county, Ne
braska. against you, impleaded with
John Farrah, Salime Farrah. Abdallah
! Ayoub. Anissi Ayoub, Tekla Polski,
Edward G. Taylor, J. D. Lau, and
Nebraska Mercantile Company, de
fendants, the object and prayer of
which petition are to foreclose a
certain mortgage executed by the de
fendants, John Farrah, Salime Farrah,
Abdallah Ayoub. and Anissi Ayoub,
to the said plaintiff, upon lot seven
I (7), in block nine (9), In the original
town of Ashton, in Sherman county,
[ Nebraska^ to secure the payment of
one certain promissory note, dated
April 8, 1911, for the sum of *1100.00,
and which note, by reason of the
breaches of the conditions of said
mortgage, and by reason of the elec
tion of the mortgagee, became and is
due, and upon which there is now
due the sum of *1100.00, with inter
est from April 8th, 1911, at the rate
of seven per cent per annum; also to
reform a certain deed, which is re
corded in book 27, at page 300 of the
Deed Records of said county, so as to
designate John Farrah and Abdallah
Ayoub as the grantees therein, and
plaintiff prays for a decree that said
deed may be reformed, and the title
to said lots quieted against said un
known heirs, and that said mortgage
may be foreclosed, and that in case
the defendants fail to pay the amount
found due thereon by the court, that
the said premises may be sold to
satisfy the amount found due, with
interest and costs, and that all lien
holder defendants may be required
to set up their respective liens or be
forever cut off. and for such other re
lief as may b^just and equitable.
You are required to answer said
petition on or before the 21st day of
1 October, 1912.
This notice is made in pursuance of
an Qrder of the district court of:
Sherman county, Nebraska, made on'
September 3rd, 1912, authorizing and
directing service by publication on
said unknown heirs.
Dated this 6th day of September,
1912. *
Solomon P. Farhat, Plaintiff.
By R. J. Nightengale and H. S.
Nightingale, His Attorneys.
(Last pub. Oct. 3)
Notice to Non-Resident Defendant
State of Nebraska {
County of Sherman f3
To No>es-Norraan Shoe Company, ti
corporation, non-resident defend
You will take notice that on the
24th day of August, 1912, Solomon P.
Farhat, plaintiff herein, tiled his
petition in the district court of Sher
man county, Nebraska, against you,
impleaded with Ed Farrah, Rossie
Farrah, Abdallah Ayoub, Anissie
Ayoub. John Farrah. Salime'Farrah,
Edward G. Taylor, J. D. Lau, Tekla
Polski. and Nebraska Mercantile
Company, the object and prayer of
which petition are to foreclose a
certain mortgage executed by the
defendants, Ed Farrah, Rossie Farrah,
Abdallah Ayoub, and Anissie Ayoub,
upon lot one (1) in block twelve (12),
in the original town of Ashton, In
Sherman county, Nebraska, to seen e
the payment of a note of $700 '
dated April 8th, 1911, and pay
three years after date, and whiv
note plaintiff has declared to be im
mediately due and payable by reason
of the breach of certain condition^
contained in said mortgage, and by
virtue of the stipulations therein
contained: that there is now due up
on the said note and mortgage the
sum of $700.00, with interest from
April 8th, 1911, at seven per cent per
annum, and plaintiff prays for a de
cree that defendants be required tA
pay the same or that said premises
be sold to satisfy the amount found
due by the court, and that such of
said defendants as have valid liens
upon said premises may be required
to set up said liens or be forever cut
off, and for general equitable relief.
You are required to answer said
petition on or before tbe 21st day
of October, 1912.
Dated this 7th day of September,
Solomon P. Farhat, Plaintiff.
By R. J. Nigntinoalk and H. S.
NigNttngalr, His Attorneys.
(Last pub. Oct. 3)
Sell Exclusive'/ Pansy Flour
rood stuffs made by
the Loup City Mill ^ Baker s Choice*
and Lisht Company ^ wheat Graham
White. Satin Flour Fine Rye Flour
Rye Grah’m I 1 Every Sack Guaranteed
__ , ^ Patronize Home In
Corn Meal -«
dustry and Have the
“T’ Break- «5 Best o> the
fast Food MARKET,_
The Quality House Established 1888
&aaaaaaaaaaaa*aa«*aa^ i
5 ALL persons know
Jing themselves in*.
Sdehted to me will
^please call and set*
J tie as I am in need
$of the money to pay my bills. $
^ S 8 See Loup City B h
... _ v - „ 1 -*>
To Build a House or Barn
As Cellars, Caves, Sidewalks, and Floors,
Call and get our prices
©ITT STOUT, Manager
. • ' ' • ' v.' .