The Loup City northwestern. (Loup City, Neb.) 189?-1917, August 29, 1912, Image 7

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. — T- ' • >. ■ rjMJrA
Manager Jennings of Detroit.
• • ' • ec-4 m > ont..< t tc. roci.ri ie his service as nmn
• • t , • - rusiii- • • • • t.. ieati lor she next two years
■ ♦ . iaa s -s i 'ir ‘tr fL.ti |>a.c any manager in tbe American
>t« T —« Leayue Star Lrta
Part Depcet Tearr Down Mr th
Mt Oat Safe Hit.
\ *r tUUu far 13 fren om of the
r*ar (tubm la tkr National Irafw
lU nrt feta ui4lMr form ebttt. pitch
mt tar tfcr Tn fount} leacu*. be let
V .. ~ ■ 7 --V
v.c tar mm.
t*wrt br|»M! *«st stt Stout a bn and
(baa laal tbe game 1 •• • Too errors
case Part lepat tbe * iameg ran is
tbe stiatb LSI tig
tcsytei A«i.«k
rraek bebaHe mi tbe Cola has re
■ewrss kb tatting eye Srhaite a a*
‘be basting seaaatMa of last year,
abea be made Zt home runs No*
Hesaie Iiaasfase is tbe ready kid
a ah the sthk Schulte a ill undoubted
' • b» beard tton tbi* -.i* forward
Cs.eets Codeepo Operation
f'raak * "bonce stfi be operated on
pf *he ead ef tbe presets’ season Tbe
doctor* believe they can relieve hit
«<«*;>» nervousness wttb an opera
tow and < ksarr baa consented Ut tbe
ttn apt
Secey McCsre'c* Released
Kerr; V«<’oronck fo set third base
man of tbe •'hw-ago Nationals and
(Bare recently a Ptar of the American
span nation has been released as man
«" of the Cblo State league team at
Terse of Spit Sauers
dark r,rt«B sets spit bell pitchers
are an good after tbe middle of July
lie s Siege* that mast spit balls are bit
-a (be tap and thnt after tbe ground
tubes these balls bound over tbe
* beans af (be laftuidw*
Anc ret Fan* Amazed at Present Day
Batting and Pitching—Sport Is
in It* Infancy.
'‘af-eball today is a science, and we
»*-' • nt tans stand ama/ed at the pres
ent day p tching and batting work,
at the phenomenally clever base run
ning and the hold the national game
t ** gained on the public fancy. We
are growing old wi*h the game, but
• is always Improving while
»'* are g- 'ting near sighted and stiff
:i »t - joints, says a writer In Leslies.
T• • glories of the past are being
d:n.rr.«-o b; the accomplishments of
•he present, and these infant'" fans
will live to see things done that we
ratio: * ven imagine That s why I
er.v jr them Vt e used to think we
had seen everything that was in the
game Now we realize that the sport
is fill n its childhood. The Cobbs,
•t- Man.aards and the Johnsons are
t*a< '. t.g us this, and double clinching
the fact.
F.kter. the new Brooklyn shortstop,
looks very promising
Poiigu I'utilloti is claiming anoth
er pennant for the Millers.
finpire Bill Pineen is out with the
theory that Ty Cobb isn't buman
> arney Prey fuss of the Pirates Is
after Red Corridon of the Kansas City
rge Gibson seems to be in a
class with Jimmy Archer In guarding
the sacks
Fddle Mensor. the outfielder of the
P rate team, is a prize fighter in the
off season
Hussrll Ford and Kd Walsh, both
spil bailers have allowed more hits
than an* other pitchers in the Amer
ican league
Apparently Manager Callahan i6
coe. ng to belt»*-e that youngsters are
much needed.
Charley IV*ein springs a new one
:n that a disinfectant be used
on the spltbai!
C .nclnnatl has released Thom
kins the \Va?.hington-l>ee university
pitcher to Toronto
As usual in a defeat, the opposing
p 'rher dtdn t seem to have anything
eicej*t a clove and a prayer.
The success of the Senator* Is said
»o be due to the ability of the pitch
ers to hold the runners on first
Pack* Holmes manager of the
.rand Rapids team, is boasting that
he developed both Rube Marquard
and Ibite Wa.ker
Th» Cleveland club is scouring the
r* molest corners of the country’ for
anything and everything that looks
like a player.
Columbia of the South Atlantic
league has traded Phil Hinton to
Spartanburg of the Carolina asocla
tion for Catcher Menefee.
The new players' union will ask
for a lot of things that it does not
evpeet to get One condition that Is
sure to be turned down Is that the
players be represented on the nation
al commission
One Philadelphia scribe says that
Tommy I-each has gone back—to
playing as he did years ago.
I-arrr T^ejeune is batting 401 In the
I Central league It is possible that
those figures wilt tempt some big
learners to draft him.
The Cardinals hare purchased
Pitcher Sanford Rurk from Brooklyn
for the wairer price.
Washington’s Second Baseman
Taught How to Hit.
Manager Griffith Takes Danville Boy
in Hand and Teaches Him to Bat
—Shows Great Improvement
in His Stick Work.
The improvement of Ray Morgan as
a batter is one ot the greatest things
connected with the performances of
the Nationals of 1912.
Last year the little lad from Dan
ville. Va.. was a light sticker. Jim
my McAleer despaired bis ever shin
ing in the big league on that ac
count. Rut Jimmy didn't know- how
to teach the boy better form at the
bat. It remained for Clark Griffith
to do that.
At Charlottesville Morgan was
given long and careful instruction on
! hov to stand, how- to swing, how- to
get away from the plate and the kind
of a bat he should use. It was all
new to the lad. Never before had
an;- one tried to teach him. He had
always hit in his own natural style,
good enough in its way. too. but not
good enough for the big show.
\\ hen the season started Morgan
was only learning how- to use all his
weight against the ball, how to pick
out the good ones and how to get
av.a> from the plate. He was learn
ing rapidly, however, and when the
opportunity came for him to take his
I isce in the regular line-up day after
day, he was ready.
Morgan should be one of the team's
ieauing nitters if he continues his
present work with the willow Thor
oughly impregnated with the doctrine
being taught the team by Griffith, he
believes he can hit any pitching served
up tr> him. Furthermore, he is doing
it and has been doing it all along.
The Baltimore boy is using the
proper size of stick now He swings
with all his strength and weight and
Is one of the longest hitters on the
Ray Morgan.
team His great speed enables him
to get the most out of his long drives
to the garden, and as a sliding run
net only Moeller and Milan begin to
compare with him.
"Morgan is a natural hitter, that's
all," smiles Griffith, when talking ol
his young second baseman. "He is
using all his ability now and should
he a success all along As soon as he
learns the fine points about playing
the bag. he will be one of the best
second basemen in the game, mark
me. one of the best in the game."
President Ebbets of Brooklyn Sets at
Rest Rumors Concerning Leader
of His Team.
To set at rest various rumors in
volving the management of The Brook
lyns next year President Ebbets made
this positive statement:
Dahlen will not be supplanted. He
has done excellent work with the ma
terial in hand In three years he has
Bill Dahlen.
j ripped out the deadwood. the drinkers
and the trouble makers and has built
up an entirely new organization. He
knows e\ery angle of the game and
the Brooklyns are bound to improve.
"It would be an injustice to remove
Dahlen from the management just at
| a time when it seems certain that he I
w ill get good results. Dahlen is not to
blame for the accidents and illness
tnat have crippled us from time to
time. He has been patient and pains
taking and I intend to place increased
[ confidence in his ability ”
Senators Are Harmonious.
The Senators, like the Red Sox. are
i a harmonious bunch. They are pull
ing together in great shape, and ex
I perts ascribe their success to this con
: dition of affairs. No evidence of Jeal
ousy has cropped out yet.
Butler la Hard Hitter.
Art Butler, whom the Boston Na
tionals turned over to St. Paul las'
season for Harry Steinfeldt. is one ot
the leading hitters in the American
association. He also is playing a bril
liant fielding game.
Ode To Tabor
ulajeStic force that shapes the world,
tie tokened ly the smake-w reaths curied
Against the sh—
( Confound the luck!
That rearing, rattling motor truck
.1 Takes mu.h noise / cannot think!
’ I would dri ve a stronger man to drink!
There, it has passed. )
—Against the sky
Like to a fag that floats on high
And leads a vast, ur.conqueted host
To meet—
( Oh! ]'11 give up the ghost!
U he’s making all that racket? Hey?
Some carpenters at work, you say.
U ell, how i an anybody write?
ft sounds like bursting dynai-ute. )
Majestic force whose silent strength
Mates new the desert place at length,
And buddy our walls—
( Great guns! That sound!
hi hy do those boilermakers pound?
11 yirs the ink right off my pen.
And Iseov that foreman yells and bawls!
If ell, here we go : )
— And builds our walls
And leads cur highways fair and straight
From city gate to city gate.
It turns our dreamirtgs into deeds;
The future's great demands it heeds
And by its might—
1 ( If hat? Bless my soul!
They're dumping m the winter s coal.)
Majestic force at our command—
lone of the strong and brawny hand,
Of sinews tense and stout as steel,
Of shoulders widi
( My senses reel
At thro last wild and raucous blur
Of sound, a wild steam riveter!
There, it’s shutoff. )
—Of shoulders wide,
Of faith that labors eager-eyed,
Of sweating brow—
( her-smash! Bing! Bang!
Dodgast that loud track-laying gang!
Let’s wind this up.)
—Of sweating brow—
Majestic force, that will not bow.
( ff hat’s that? Oh. n hr can 'tyou keep sdli r
If hat? Can’t l pay thu. / lumber's bill? )
A comprehensive investigation of
the relations of capital and labor will
be undertaken by the federal govern
ment. The investigation is to be con
ducted by a commission of nine per
sons to be appointed by the president
and with the advice and consent of
the senate.
The commision is specifically or
dered to Investigate:
The general condition of labor in
the principal industries. Including ag
riculture. and especially in those car
ried on in corporate forms.
The existing relations between em
ployers and employees.
The effect of the industrial condi
tions on public welfare and the rights
and powers of the community to deal
The conditions of sanitation and
safety of employees and the provisions
for protecting their lives, limbs and
The growth oQ associations of em
ployers and wage earners and the ef
fect of such associations upon the re
lations between employers and em
The methods tried in any state or
foreign countries for maintaining mu
tually satisfactory relations between
employers and employees.
The methods for avoiding or adjust
ing labor disputes through peacefll
and conciliatory mediation and negoti
The qfiuestion of smuggling or other
Illegal entry of Asiatics into the Unit
ed States or Its insular possessions
The underlying causes of dissatis
faction in the Industrial situation.
Queues and Hair Supply.
Consul General Anderson, stationed
at Hongkong, has recently taken pains
to correct the widespread impression
that the growing tendency on the part
of Chinamen to dispense with their
queues will have the effect ot making
false hair cheap. It appears that the
queues when cut are never sold, but
are always preserved for burial with
the owner. Mr. Anderson says that
this is an absolute rule throughout
South China, as well as in all other
parts of the country from which he
has been able to secure information
o" the subject.
I-abor day! Its celebration, its pa
rades and Its meetings are important
•-1 events in the in
dustrial develop
ment of our coun
try and the pro
gressive move
ments of her peo
ple. It is the spe
cial occasion when
wage-earners re
view the history j
and struggles of
the past. that. '
like milestones, j
mark the on
ward march to !
higher conditions
of life and labor.
Particularly is it
appropriate that
in New England with all her
hallowed meroqries and traditions,
the movement for industrial up
lift should find expression among
the descendants of the men
whose sacrifices and achievements
contributed so much to the establish
ment of political independence and
religious freedom on this continent.
While the problem of labor is one af
fecting all sections of our country and
all the countries of the world, yet we •
may look to the east, to the men ol
New England, for a voice that, like
that of the immortal Revere, shall I
warn us of our danger and point the
way to safety.
There are at this time many aspects
of the labor question that deserve and
demand immediate consideration; not
the least of these being the revision ol
our laws so as to make them compati
ble with the changes in our social and
industrial life that have followed the
momentous development of machinery
and methods of production.
Wage earners must take the initia
tive in any movement calculated tc
promote their own interests or to pro
tect them against the evils which have
grown out of the combination and con
solidation of capital; they must be
both courageous and patient, aggres
sive yet prudent; they must build
their organizations on sound founda
tions and conduct them on business
lines, and it is highly important to the
security of the t^age-earners and the
safety of society that women workers
shall be organized, and thus protectee
against the demoralizing influences
that have always attended overwork
excessive hours and under-nutrition.
The exhortation of Wendell Philips
cannot be too strongly emphasized:
• Organize and stand together! Let the
nation hear a united demand from th«
laboring .voice."
Protecting Children.
Forty-four states have adopted an
age limit for the employment of chil
dren. The limit in some states is still
pitifully low, but the organizations of
labor that have wrested an age limit
from unwilling legislatures will soon
force the limit higher.
Forty-two states have set maximum
hours for a working week for children.
Thirteen states have boiler inspec
tion laws.
Thirty-seven states order seats pro
vided for female employes.
Seventeen states make provision for
protection of employes engaged on
construction of buildings.
Fourteen states officially inspect
bakery shops.
Forty-eight 6tates and the District
of Columbia have laws conserving
wages, making it possible to secure
wages due, by "mechanics' liens,” thus
making wages preferred claims. These
liens In some instances are attached
to the property itself, in others to
chatties or to designated funds.
Thirty-five states nave established
bureaus of labor statistics,
A Colossal Scheme.
The great highway of the commerce
of the future will be the Pacific ocean.
Mighty capitalists throughout the
world are putting their heads together
to erect the most colossal system for
wireless telegraphy In the world. The
system contemplates the linking to
gether of all points along the western
coast of America from Bering sea to
the Straits of Magellan, and spanning
the isles of the ocean, to link with this
chain the whole easterly shore of
Asia, running on down to the Straits
Settlements. The contemplated sys
tem will cost in the aggregate
millions of dollars.
Hawks, Owls and Other Birds Are
Teased and Tormented by
These Noisy Birds.
The bluejay likes best to live in
thick woods, but it often comes into ,
open fields, orchards and near dwell
ings in search of food. When it dis
covers you it assumes a proud and
angry air of conceit and defiance.
The bluejay's upper parts are pur
plish-blue. The lower parts are pur
plish-gray. The wings and tail are
bright blue with black bars. The tail
feathers are tipped with white. It
has a crested head
The bluejay builds its nest about
twenty feet above ground. It is made
of twigs and fine roots. From four to
six eggs are laid. They are of a
greenish drab color flecked with
Doubtless the bluejay helped to
name itself, as its common utterance
is a long drawn, "jay, jay. jay.” This
cry, with the bright blue color, bas
given it its name.
While the jay sings no song it is
able to imitate the calls of other
birds, by which means it often at
tracts them. It likes to tease and
torment the owl and especially the lit
tle sparrow hawk. This is done by
imitating the cry of a wounded bird,
which draws the hawk near. Then
several jays will dart at the hawk
squealing and frolicking about in
great glee. Sometimes the play ends
in a tragedy, for the hawk pounces
upon one of them, to the dismay of
the others. lays may be caged and
tamed like crows and some writers
say they can be taught to utter words.
—“Bird Studies.'’ by Herman C. De
Everybody in Hard Luck.
Suddenly he stepped up to a gentle
man. who was waiting for the tram,
and. tapping him lightly on the shoul
der. said: "Excuse me. but did you
drop a five-pound note?” at the same
time holding out in his band the ar
The gentleman questioned gazed a
moment at the note, assumed an anx
ious look, made a hasty search of his
pockets, and said: "Why. so I did. and
1 hadn’t missed it,” holding out an
eager hand.
The elderly hunter took the name
and address of the loser and. putting
tie note in his pocket, turned away.
"Well." said the other, "do you want
It all as a reward?” ,
"Oh. I did not find one,” remarked
the benevolent one with another
beam; “but it struck me that in a big
place like London there must be a
quantity of money lost, and upon in
quiry I found that you are the one
hundred and thirty-first man who lost
a five-pound note this mornihg.”—Lon
don Answers.
A Word to the Wise.
The proverbial advice. “Cobbler,
stick to your last." had an opposite
exemplification in the following anec
dote. for which Zion's Advocate is re
A colored man was brought before
a police judge, charged with stealing
chickens. He pleaded guilty, and re
ceived sentence, when the judge ask
ed how it was he managed to lift those
chickens right under the window of
their owner's house when there was a
dog in the yard.
“Hit wouldn’t be of no use. judge.”
said the culprit, “to try to 'spiain dis
thing to you all. Ef you was to try
it. like as not you would git yer hide
full o’ shot, an’ git no chickens, nei
ther. Ef you want to engage in any
rascality. judge, yo’ bettah stick to
de bench, whar yo' am familiar.”
Barber Shops in China.
Since the Chinese revolution a
great many Chinese have had their
queues cut off, and this had led to the
opening of a large number of barber
shops throughout the far east wher
ever Chinese are located, says an ex
change. Several progressive business
men of Singapore, anticipating this,
imported a large number of Amer
ican barber chairs, and they are now
unable to get supplies quickly enough.
It has also been learned that the
Chinese Insist on having American
hair clippers, and refuse all other
makes offered them.
It would seem that American manu
facturers of barbers’ supplies should
experience a large increase in their
Oriental trade.
Important to Mothers
Examine carefully every bottle of
CASTORIA. a. safe and sure remedy for
infants and children, and see that it
Bears the
Signature of |
In Use Fsr Over 30 Years.
Children Cry for Fletcher’s Castoria
Where He Balked.
"She has a terrible time with her
"Yes, she is driving him to drink."
"Nonsense! If she was driving him
to drink things would be different;
she’s trying to drive him the other
Cole’s Carbolisalve stops itching and makes
the akin smooth. All druggists. 25 and 50c.
The old hat on a woman's head
hasn't the slightest resemblance to the
new one she has on her mind.
Don’t buy water for bluing. Liquid blue is
almost all water. Buy Ked Cross Bali Blue,
the blue that's all blui.
People who build castles in the air
are never sure of their ground.
-- *
Never trust your secrets to the mails
—or the females, either.
It takes more than beauty sleep to
put some complexions in condition.
I-- 1
He—Isn't your bathing suit rather
She—It has to be loud. I’m trying
to mash a deaf old millionaire.
Its Class.
*‘I don't like this chicken-raising
for a man to go into.”
“Why not?”
“It s such a hen-pecking kind of
Aewomans mind is continually run
ning to clothes. If she isn't taikiug
through her hat she's laughing in her
From 40 to 50 Years of Age.
How It May Be Passed
in Safety.
Odd, Va.:— “I am enjoying better
health than 1 have for 20 years, and I
Ft-.-v-t believe I can safelw
say now that I am a
well woman. I was
reared on a farm and
had all kindsof heavy
work to do which
caused the troubles
that came on me la
ter. For five years
during the Change of
JLife I was hot able
to lift a pail of wa
ter. I had hemor
rhages whicn would last tor weeks and I
was not able to sit up in bed. I suffered
a great deal with my back and was so
nervous I could scarcely sleep at night,
and I did not do any housework for three
“Now I can do as much work as
any woman of my age in the county,
thanks to the benefit I have received
from Lydia E. Pinkham’s Vegetable
Compound. I recommend your remedies
to all suffering women.”—Mrs. Mart ha
L. Holloway, Odd, Va.
No other medicine for woman’s ills has
received such wide-spread and unquali
fied endorsement. We k now of no other
medicine which has such a record of
success as has Lydia E. Pinkham’s
Vegetable Compound. For more than 30
years it has been the standard remedy
for woman's ills, i
If you have the slightest doubt
that Lydia E, I’inkham’s Vegeta
ble Compound w ill help you, write
to Lydia E.Pinkham Medicine Co.
(confidential) Lynn, Mass.,for ad
vice. Your letter will be opened,
read and answered by a woman,
and held in strict confidence.
Make the Liver
Do its Duty
Nine times in ten when the liver is
right the stomach and bowels are right.
gently but firmly
pel a lazy liver
do its duty.
Cures Con
stipation, In
and Distress After Eating.
Genuine must bear Signature *
Cl—inf and beaottflae _ i
Promo— a luxuriant growth. I -
Hew Fails to Bsators Grayf
Hair to its Youthful Color. I
Prcrent® hair falllujr.
___ BBfi HHwMatjs 1
W. fir. u., OMAHA, NO. 35-19t2.
Nebraska Directory
Rooms from tl.00 up single, 75 ceuts up double.
Certificate admit* to 8mith, Vassar, and
Wellesley Colleges. Advanced Courses for
Hiph School Graduates Domestic Art and
Domestic Science. Sjiecial advantages in Kx
pression. Piano, and Voice, Gymnasium aud
Out-door Bportn. Fv>r caUtiojrut* address the
60 /On Deposits from $1.00
Vo *o $5,000.00
Send Your Money to the
Bankers Savings & Loan Ass'n
• 6th and Dodge Sts., OMAHA, NEB.
Under Control of State Banking Board.
Faultless Starch Twin Dolls
' o. tnlra fronu of Sent Fmnltloaa Starch parkin
nrtfrnttortnoSontfroiitfc Unix one ad will
bo aooeptodjrith ych application. _