Loup City VOLUME XXX_LOUP CITY. NEBRASKA, THURSDAY, AUGUST 29. 1912 NUMBER 42 Profel Cards KOBT. P.STARR Attorney-at-Law. LOUP CITY. SEBMSKR■ NIGHTINGALE & SON z: ’.‘.Z^'Z^f LOUP (olTY. NEB U H. MATHEW, Attorney-at-Law, tad Bonded Abstractor. Loup City, Nebraska AABOX WALL Ij a -w ~ver Practices in all Courts Ijoap Cftv, Neb. ROBERT H. MATHEW Bonded Abstracter Lucr Crrr. - Nebraska. Oujj *et of AMni t booRsio county o7k. LOXGAClIE PHYSICIAN aid SURGEON Office. Over New Bank 1 rCUCpHOVK CALL, NO. 39 A. J. KEARNS Luup City. - Nebraska A. S. MAIN PEYSIGM Hi SURGEOR Loup City. Nebr. * Sfeee at I^atdrncr. Telephone Connection i."» >•■«* u. • :.*t~ H»« uV !>. BOW MAN A BOWMAN flu 11 riot —4 «»Tg>—« rN— 114 I >■» OtJ. yebr»ak4 S. A. ALLEN. DiC.YTiST. cocrcmr - - xeb. Otter up •lair* «a th*- new State cta&k buldinr. W L M ARC Ye DENTIST, LOUP CITY. NEE OFFICE: East »<> lliblieSctuai*. Phone. lo on 3® C. E. Thornton The Drayman Attends a.l trier, promptly and carefully, litooe either lumber yard or Taj lor'* elevator. V. I. McDouall Prompt Dray Work Cal! lumber yards or Taylor's elevator. .Satisfaction guaran teed Phone *» on 37 W. T, Draper The Old Reliable PLASTERER Beat of work always Piio®* KotB Loup.Otv Xeb. C. E. Stroud Konarrip of (Sip. Fainting* rapering and Decorating Special attention paid t» Autos m and Carriage* All tops re newed and repaired. All work guaranteed. Phone 0 Enele & Cook (•■trarlar* *nd Builder* LOI P CITY XEB. Call and see as and allow us to figure with you on above i HAVEST FESTIVAL, BIG CROWDS, AND BIG TIMES. Ti>e Harvest Festival last week Wednesday. Thursday and Friday, was a pronounced success as to crowds, interest, good behavior and fun unlimited. The committee hav ing tiie Festival in charge worked un ceasinginglv to the end that the peo ple might have the full benefit of a program of various kinds interspersed between the hours of noon and late evening, and there was no hitch at any time, but all went merry as a marriage bell. The days were ideal for such a celebration, there being no rain, little wind, clear weather, and i not an hour of the time of the three days w lien the people could not be upon the streets taking in every form of amusement and good time. One of Lite most enjoyable tilings of all was that not even a pinch of confetti was throw around or used during the Festival, which is one of tiie greatest nuisances ever thought of for such days. At an early liour on the morning of the first day. the amusement plat-| forms and concessions having all been j erected and put in place the day be fore, crowds began arriving and by noon the city ha i put on a g ala ; -, pearance second to no other firs', c . celebration ever given in this city. and by night immense crowds It- a various Low ns and the county at jai iiad gathered w ith the townspeople j in having a jubi ee. Kach day was given twice, after Doon and evening, the sensational smithsoo high bicycle stunt, Mr. smiUisoo starting on his bicycle from a p atform fort) icet high at its apex and riding down the incline, the bicycle and man making a flying leap! acr ’is space sc me 20 feet on to another ! p reform. at night ti e lower platform b ug sat-, rab-d w ith gasoline, set fire U and into the flames of which the I ri .i r and vehicle piuDgcd from tiie end of the first platform, making a very spectacular scene. Besides this stunt, each afternoon and eveuing, tiie Douglass', acrobats, the Wrights, in their Roman ring and cradle act and trape/e performers and other vaudeville performances were given, twsides a very creditable wrestling ’■natch each evening, the first night between ones Weaver and Miller, in which Miller won: the second evening between Weaver and Rogers, in which Weaver won. and Uie third night be tween Weaver and Rogers, again, wlien Rogers won. As the platform on which the wrestling stunts were given was only about shoulder high and hand reds crowded around to see, ; ik was not, pusii’uie ior more tnan a paucity of number to see the wrest ling with any satisfactory result. On the afternoon of each day there w as given a luse ball game at Jenner's l*ark tl.au d-ew something like a ’thousand people U) each game and each was reported most exciting and interesting. The first game was be * tween Loup C ity and Rockville, which was. as expected would be. won by Rockville with a score of 15 to 8. Loup City lias a really good buncli of • players, but it seems liave been hoo dooed all the season and have been i unable to win but a very few games this base tail year. All sorts of reasons are given therefor, but the : main one api>ears to be that the boys van not or do not take sufficient time to practice. The second day. Sargent carried off the sca>ps of the Ravenna nine in a hard fought battle by a score [of T to core. in a splendid game. On tlie second day of the Festival. f»rauc i>.and. with a big excuasijr train and crowd of over 2a0 arrhec about II a. m.. anti if you ever saw la Grand island bunch out for a time, jyou may know that the town was "took" when they came. They were a joyous bunch and seemed to have a good time every minute of the hours ! they were here till their departure about ~ o'clock in the evening. They were headed by that prince of fellows. Ed. Brown, of tue Dolan Fruit Co.. Secretary Conners of the Commercial Club. Bro. Beuchler of the Independ ent: Edward It. Butler traveling agent of the C. & X, \V. Ry.; W. P ! if ton. traveling freight agentof the nion Pacific and its branches, and .other leading lights, who graced our sanctum with their presence and used the editorial easy chair at their leisure. Also on that day, Ravenna sent up some twenty-five auto loads of boost ers who tried to make Ravenna win i ners in the game with Sargent, but who. failing, still wore the genial Ra 1 v«nna smile, accumulated from the handsome countenance of Bro. Cass of the News, who came along to cbaperooe the bunch and keep them in line. This was the first time in over a quarter of a century that he has visited Loup City and was sur prised to see so fine a city grown from the few scattering houses he saw then. Ashton not to be outdone by the other villages and towns, was on hand with a big bnnoh on all days, but es pecially on the second day, General Polski. Col. Jarnrog and Surgeon Wanek having charge of the army from that village. Litchfield was another village that sent a big delegation on the second day. Uncle Sam Gibson, Make-em-well Cording and others coming along to keep check on theirnt. i o. or ,r.\ 1 erriman of t t ih it. j: i 10. Davis of . ■ -our lal and ether iiaudsome fel lows. came Friday with a oig line of autos tilled with Ord boners fcr their fair, which is on this week, and of course the jolly bunch were given the usually royal welcome. Music? Well, yes. Loup City's splendid band, assisted by members of the Ashton band, just would not let the air have any rest hardly night or day and kept the atmospl re mov ing with the swtetest of sera, . Or the second day, the Grand Island .tatid came with the excursion aud they helped in grand style to m.,.ce a musical jubilee, and Ord brought along its band which is second to none in this section, ant, it also tilled the air with melody. Music? Well, we should say. And it was mighty good. too. Well, all things must have an tnd, but for a certainty Loup City went some when they haa live days of Chautauqua and three days of Har vest Festival in rapid “concussion", and probably it will be some time before the city will agt in be turned over to intellectual and amusement feature for seven days contiuaul go. But really it was worth the while. Auto Turns Turtle Chas. Wharton Hurt Last Tuesday morning about 10 o'clock while Charley Wharton was taking a tombstone man in an auto to Wiggle Creek, and when near the Chas. Snyder farm, and while going up hill, he attempted to change from high to low, with the result that the auto brakes tailing to work, the ma chine backed down the grade and off into a ditch by the side of the road, turning turtle and pinning Mr. Whar ton underneath. The tombstone man jumped as the car went backward and escaped unhurt tie hastened to the scene and succeeded in dragging the imprisoned man from beneath the auto, where lie lay with the gas oline saturating his clothing. Luckily no tire started from the accident, else we might have had to report fatali ties, as it was, however, Chauffer Wharton escaped with severe con tusions on the side of his face, a ...ily* bruised foot and back and -i o- Id-. su v from tl,e machine fall g ! 1 A phone to town *at out t han't er Schuman, who the tombstone man into -own, while Wliartou set red the ser vices of a farmer aud team, who dragged the auto up into the road, righted it and Mr. Wharton drove it back to tow n about the middle of the afternoon. ’ It was a fortunate es cape from serious results. W. S. Waite’s Baby Breaks Right t¥rist While pla.. ing about the home last Friday morning, the baby boy of W. £>• Wait fell, while hanging to a grape vine, in such a manner as to break the right wrist. Dr. Main was called and attended the injured little one. W. D. Zimmerman now occupies the cozy little nook made in the east side of the Young barber building for his real estate office. The dandy room a few feet in width and extend ing the full length of the building was originally intended for a cigar stand to be run by T. A. Taylor, but he not desiring it Mr. Zimmerman captured the same and has really one of the nicest little real estate rooms in the city. * " New Steel Bridge Across The Loup Active operations began Monday morning on the construction of the new steel bridge across the Loup river west of this city, bv the Stand ard Bridge Co. The question of the exact location of th* new bridge hav ing been discus d pro and con. to a greater or less extent, the bridge committee of the county board sub mitted the matter to the Commercial Club of this city for recommendation, saving they would place the bridge where the Club gave a concensus of i opinion it should be. What was de I sired was if possible that the tempo rary bridge now in place across the river at that point should be kept open to travel till the new bridge was completed and in view of that several auto loads of Commercial Club mem bers went out to the river to see if that could be done. After viewing the situation last Saturday morning, they adjourned to the club room, where the matter was threshed out. the opinion prevailing that the bridge should be placed as nearly as possible on a line east and west, yet following the centre of the section road line and the club so reconmmended. It i was thought the present bridge was ! not in the correct place, w hich was far enough north to allow of the new bridge being put in wi;hout disturb .rig ; he old or. ge. or closing it w>: ; \ .• . However, the state engineer, vi .0 is here directing the building oi ; ; bridge, found upon using his in st.unsents that afternoon that the present bridge was practically in the right place, and that in building of t j new >teel structure the old frame affair would have to be closed to travel immediately, torn away, and the new bridge erected on the site of the old. It is claimed that it will taae from three to four months to complete trie new bridge, so that our farmer friends on the west side must perior \ come tc town o\. r the south bridge till ; orlia :s the t > of nex: January, or unt 1 t ie firs: of thi? coming Decei; . r a. the vt e lie time, jut when he structure is eom pieted they wiii have one of the finest steel bridges for their convenience ever buiided over the Middle Loup. It is too bad that they should have to submit; to the present inconvenience but they will feel amplv repaid when they are finally using the new and up to-date steel bridge now being put in. Stabbing Affair at H oi bach Sheritl Sutton leeeived a phone call yesterday morning to go to Wo I bach to take into custody Alf Aldrich who has, for the past year, been making Greeley his home but recently has been working at toe well business near Wolbach where he made his home with Mr. Doliarliide. It appe rs that the three brothers. Charley. Alf and Walt, were again quarreling among themselves over domestic troubles and while in an ugly mood Alf stabbed his brother in the abdomen_Greeley Leader. County Supervisors Board of Equalization Loup City. Nebr., Aug. 20. 1912. County board of equalization met •at the court house at 1 p. m.. pursu ant to adjournment of Aug. 8, 1912. Present Brown. McDonald. Wask owiak, Jensen, Aden. Wolf. Welty chairman, county assessor Beelithold and clerk Deiterichs and the follow ing business was transacted. Report of state board of equaliza tion was received as follows: Total valuation of county.$3,292,115.00 | General fund 4 mills 13,ltk8.4t; University fund 1 mill 3,292.11 Slate aid bridge fund. 1-5 m. 65S.42 Total 5 i-5 mills 17,118.91* Tlic county levy was then fixed by lie board on motion at 12 mills di vided as follows: Bridge fund 3 1-2 I mills. General fund 4 3-4 mills. Road | fund 1-4 mills. Bond and interest j bond fund 3 1-2 mills. Total 12 mills. The clerk was on motion in ! structed to make the levies on the i amounts as certified to him by the | different townships, school districts. I city and villages and to spread the j same on the taxable property of the : said different divisions of the county ; of Sh 'rman. O.i motion the board of equalizati- ■* adjourned sine die. ' W. Dei eriohs County Cierk Board Proceedings Loup City, Nebr., Aug. 21.1912. County board met at the court house at 9 a. m., persuant to adjourn ment of Aug. 8. All members present with county att'y Starr and clerk Deiterichs and the following business was transacts. Minutes of last meeting were read by clerk and on motion approved Martin Placek's claim of $45 for road damages was on motion not al lowed for the reason that said claim was not filed in time as provided by law. Written request of C. F. Beush | a use n asking the county board t< i have the county attorney to proceec more expeditiously with the tax fore i closures, that he was ordered to insti ! tute in July. 1911. was considered, and it was moved, on the request oi | the county attorney that the county I treasurer furnish a list of all real estate in all the towns including ; Loup City, upon which there are de ■ linquent taxes due and unpaid, of the amount of said tax liens, on each of ; said tracts and that the county at torney proceed without unnecessary delay to foreclose on said tracts. Report of bridge committee, which recommended the repairing of old bridges and the budding of a new wooden bridge at Tangerman's in Clay township and a new steel bridge across Rock Creek near Rockville, said report was read and on motion approved. On motion the bond of J. F. Smith justice of the peace for Ashton twp. w'as approved. The petition of J. F. Vandrala and others praying to have the width of the Karel rbad in Hazard township altered front 60 feet to 40 feet was on motion allowed. On motion board adjourned to meet at 1 p. m. At 1 p. m.. board met as per ad journment and on motion adjourned until 6 p. m. At 5 p. m. the board met as per ad journment all members present. On motion a new steel bridge was ordered built by Standard Bridge Co., across Rook Creek on the lines aetween uw 14 and sw 14 sec. 5 T. 13, R. 13. 40 feet long 16 feet wide with steel joists and Sx24 ft plan A. steel piling and sway braces. Claims committee reported that all claims were allowed except where taken for taxes. s.. id motion was approved and the clerk instructed to issue warrants on the respective funds. GENERAL FCXD Klopp & Bartlett 8 14 00 L Bee hold c mty assessor 457 00 L E I -kinson 1 50 E F .1: es tax 4 65 A Anderstrom 3 75 E F Jones 10 85 A S Main 6 75 E G Taylor 31 65 C W Gibson 4 25 J. P Leininger lmbr co 89 90 iliyo Aden 24 20 G W Wolf 22 80 •T W Burleigh 18 00 T Jensen 23 40 C F Beushausen 37 00 A Waskowiak 22 40 L A Williams Sheriff 100 00 W O Brow n 28 60 C H French 16 00 Dan McDonald 21 70 State. Journal Co 31 50 Klopp & Rartlett 8 00 Hammond Stevens Co 3 70 W C Deitericliseo elk 412 50 E A Smith co judge 120 10 J 11 Welty 28 50 W P Reed Executor 5 50 BRIDGE FUND Sam Reasland 8 00 W O Brown 13 60 R R Bauliard 5 50 Dan McDonald 1 50 C O Glass 2 75 Dierks lbreo 4 war'ts 178 20 C G Sorenson 7 52 i Ashton lmbr co 69 95 ! Geo W Wolf 24 60 Iliyo Aden 37 25 ! S II Welty 7 00 A Waskowiak 17 50 | Standard bridge co2 warrantsl.676 00 ROAD FUND Henry Thode 8 50 L A Williams Sheriff 6 00 W m Critel 7 00 H Dunker. 2 warrants 4 90 Mat Janulewicz 16 00 Peter Boll ' • 2 00 Aug. Beushausen, 2 warrants 4 90 Hans Hehnke 4 00 Gust Werner 3 00 J Albers, 2 warrants 4 90 Wm. Bowman. 2 warrants 14 00 j Boss Coming, 2 warrants 12 00 KB Coming. 2 warrants 125 05 | Mat Janulewicz 4 00 ! .1 W Burleigh 42 00 | Pete McKeon 6 00 • Soe Hoaak 6 00 j T Jenseu 4 50 Fred Xovy 6 00 !>ierks Ibr and coal co 1 80 On motitn board adjourned to meet j Oct. 1, 1912 W. C. 1>IFTERICHS County Clerk Tii* Mesda es McCoy and Loomis, sisters, of Aurora, returned home on Monday morning, after a few days’ visit with Mrs. S. S. Reynolds of Web ster township and Mrs. M. A. Phil lips of this city. The ladies were formerly residents of Vinton, Iowa, where they and Mrs. Reynolds were friends over thirty years ago and had never met since till the present joj ful reunion. With Mrs. Phillips they were neighbors before she moved to this city. What makes the visit of more than passing interest to the writer is the fact that Vinton was his birthplace, as well as that of Dr. A. J. Kearns and ah of S. S. Reynolds1 ! sons and daughters. mi ..Min \m inia m > . . __ _ . _____ Sell cxclus-ye y Pansy Flour Food stuffs mr.de by s ..... d Baker’s Choice ! cne Loup C;ty "v.if! ^J*3< i and Li**ht Company. ^ Wheat Graham White- Satin Flour Fine Rye Flour GHSCeYBR'S ——-- < y J^yp -very Sack Guaranteed - -.r i ’" Pa ironizc Heme !e Corn Meal -y, ~ dustry and Have the “T” Break- Cn 5est 0R the fast Food MARKET, Tie Quality House Established 1C88 attractive Single Rarness If Bought at the B ig ht Place Is one o» tlie most attractive parts of a stylish rig. ■a* • * - • v • .J , SUMMER LAP ROSES - ^ And all kinds and. J sty'es of fly Nets at JJ i t ? rices. I will * t *ec' you rie;ht 5 f JAMES BARTUNEKS % vvvnvvwv'wwvw www^-A AT I2C'AND 25C EACH Let us Figure your bill of Lumber and all kinds of Tlnildin^ f MATERIAL AT THE f LEININGER LUMBER. CO., lean Ciiv Neb 4“ iJ $ See Loup City Si § IF YOU ARE GOING To Build a House or Barn OR ANY KIND OF CEMENT Construction As Cellars, Caves, Sidewalks, and Floors, Call and get our prices GLUT STOUT, Manager ■j CUR STOCK IS RESPLEND ENT WITH THE NEW JEW 12LEDSCARF PINS THAT I iViJI make an ideal, yet inepensive gift for him. jYour jewelry Store] Lou Scliwaner