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About The Loup City northwestern. (Loup City, Neb.) 189?-1917 | View Entire Issue (Aug. 22, 1912)
P L A N= TheP Act 6*e Many people plan their whole lives to have a hank account and then leave this world w ithout so much as a start at one. Planuing t worth anything unless followed by action. <»o«>i intetions never land yo u any where. Make your plans to start an account with us this week and back up your plans with action. FIRST NATIONAL BANK «□ f. Mas*. prtat H. 8. Outhouse. Vice-prcs' L. Rinser. Cashier ;~*wv*-wwwvw^-wwwigg^» KEEP THEM OUT | #/' non don't let them get in £ V01 Won’t have to drive them out J nr :cn sanncx: ^ Let I S supply YOU with screen doors,5 and windows, our prices are right. S KEYSTONE LUMBER THK NORTH WESTERN ADVERTISING RATES In Effect After Jen. let. 1912 t* '{us. twrr *rf lart |»r «rrk • .10 (He hi Her saassar tehee ter lose tBsa 9e prr »*»fc > v tnomr pf Mck ... .... I.P* M»c para prr ears «Su Ka I parr prr Peek . 1S.P# ‘ tCr aOrra prr >»rt prr marf-llo* 3 1 L - •» prr utr p^r lurrust M Uh iar upr ranmv fcte .isuiSc lr,» V *- ■ • Lmi Si — ( Sabsrriplioi to the North- ? ( «r«lrr» i% 91.ill a year •) |hiarlr • «!>) i reals .) k ~ ~ ~ nm ~ in 9911 iw iriTiiT! LOCAL NEWS. i »»•*ter sletis for chickens. Go to Lee Bro*. meet market. Mrs He « rim na» visiting in Lin coln tael week. For s»ie .% Good fresh milch cow. lfpjuir* of Albert Johnson. Wn Larson went to Omaha on a it'd* buying trip last week. For Sale Mare and three colts, see Ja«. Johansen for particulars J W limey respectfully solicit* your patronage. Highest price* for young beeves at Lee Brother* market. Good cleaning and pressing, satis faction guaranteed by J. W. Dorsey. if you wan*, good fresh fruit go to the Bun Ton < *afe. Mr and Mrs. John Warrick were en joying a visit last week from their daughter. Mrs. Coe of Aurora. Bring in your sprior chickens to Lee Braciw-rs and get the good prices offered Mfi J. I- McCray of Loup City is *MUa* at tie Goodrich home. —Sar gent New* Kanr? price* wilt be paid by Lee BnUen (or young cattle. Cali and see them. Daefti Collaen. wife and daughter left last Saturday morning over the l' P. for San IHego. Calif. Lew Brut-jerk e»ill give you the highest market price for your spring chickens. dim H»te Lfeddsw returned a few day* since from an extended visit •. J» her ahfter*. Mr*. Lambert and Mrs. Baliimaa. in Howard county. Vos t ad better (111 your bins with f* supply of soft coal (or winter use. Come and mc our coal. TaYLUW's ElBVATOK. Mr and Mr* W. E. Henry returned iast week Wednesday evening from tl **ir vacation in Ue mountains of Colorado If you went adray. plnjoe A. L. En-' deriee. * ua ft or leave your order with eiUjrr lumber yard or E. G. Taylor. Best of service guaranteed. Lee Bros last wee* traded their old Cartetcar (or a new and larger one. James Lee driving down to Oma ha and making the exchange The Sunday school of the first P whyuriin church ltad a picnio d wn on the river iast Friday after n m and Uie little one* had Uie time of their short lives. Mia- Elbe Coxier and broUter Ken neth <.4 Cniversity Place, vie had bm vidling at the J. P. Leirlinger bowse (or a week, returned to their h ix iast Friday morning. Mr. Geo Wilson returned to his OKlahasu borne iast week, being here U> mt tend the (unerai of bis niece, Mrs (furrier, and continued fora visit a Is* day* longer. We pay cash for eggs delivered at the creamery Kaverina Creamery Co. Mrs. Felis Makowski’s aged father lies seriously ill at her home. ‘.round bane fore chicken feed at Lee Bros.' meat market. W. D. Zimmerman made a business tri p u> points near Omaha. Monday. I p-to-date goods at right prices at J-chwaner's Jewelry store. Louie Bee http>ld made a business trip to Lincoln Monday. You can save money bv buying your furnishings at Lorentz’s store. Mrs. E. (1. Taylor and little Lucille returned lionie from David City Mon day Shirts, the best for the money, made in Nebraska for Nebraska people, at Lorentz. Frau's pool hall sports a neat new awning in front, keeping Old Sol's rays at a distance. Three kinds of flour and all kinds of feed at Reynolds' Flour and Feed Store. Mrs. Ray Gardner's good mother from Dannebrog arrived Monday for a few weeks' visit. Mr. and Mrs. Henry Ilann of Grand Island, were guests over last Sunday of Mr. and Mrs. II. T. Eisner of tliia city. A cement walk has just been fin islied leading from near the B. & M. depot past the Key stone Co., north seven blocks. Will Dowling, from bis home at Ansley. orders the Northwestern to visit him regularly hereafter, in order to get all the news from his old home. We are paying 23 cents cash for cream delivered at the creamery. We test and pay cash for cream. UAVKNNA IHEAMERV CO. Ashley Conger has enlarged hia lunch room, added electric lights and is furnishing a nice little place for lunches,cigars, pop corn, peanuts, etc. Speaking of duty, it is your duty to keep well. If you are ailing, there's a Itexall Remedy for almost every ailment, at The Rexall Store, Get *••1 Vaughn & Hinman The Northwestern is trying to get all the news worth publishing each week and to this end asks all readers of the paper to write, phone or bring in u> it any items of interest coming to their knowiede. We understand Mr. Carl Anderson was overcome with heat Monday and for a time his condition was pre carious. but no serious results are feared at this writing. Ladies. Please (tall at Mrs. Adam son's store, where you will find one of the most complete stocks of mil linery ever brought to the city. All styles and colors. Prices right. One door west of Gem Theatre. S. F. Reynolds is enjoying a visit from his brothers, Ed and Grant Rey nolds. from Aurora. Illinois, who were just in good time to enjoy the sessions of the Chautauqua and the big Harvest Festival. The Sherrys High Class Comedians vocalists, dancers and musical sketch artists. Don't fail to see them in | their latest comedy plays entitled, i “Jackson’s Honeymoon.*’ “The Night before Election.'' A Pair of Lobsters,’,’ each one a scream from start to finish. New music, songs new dances. The Sherrys are among the best, they guarantee to please you or to refun i your money. At Opera House Aug. 128. 1812. o Mrs. Mary A. Gardner will have 2 I rooms for rent after Sept 1st. i Miss Mary Reiman left Wednesday morning for a visit at Lincoln. A special sale of Palm Olive Soap and Cream is on at Swanson St, Lof holm's Drug Store. Mrs. W. R. Mel lor came up from Lincoln last Friday evening, return ing to her capitol home Tuesday morning. Found—an Epworth League pin. Owner call for same at this office. Adam Conhiser, wife and daughter arrived from Gothenburg Monday for a visit with relatives and friends. 1. N. Polski was up from Ashton Tuesday on business. Have your suits cleaned and press ed before next Sunday by J. W. Dor sey. Geo. Polski was in Loup City Mon day, returning home to Ashton Tues day morning. M. C. Mulick returned last Friday evening from Grand Island, where he Dad been for a few days to visit his daughter, Mrs. Frank Goodwin, whose health is very poorly. Mrs. Maude Severson came over from Loup City Friday, returning the first of the week. Her little son Virgil had been over to Ord for a couple of weeks_Quiz. Mrs. Wr. L. Marcy ancf little daugh ter Mary returned last week Wednes day from their visit at Kansas City and points in Kansas. Mrs. A. O. Lee is enjoying a visit from her cousins, Mr. Luther and Miss Lida Nelson of Blair, Neb., who arrived Monday evening of this week. A Suit will wear twice as long and look much neater if you have J. W. Dorsey clean and press them. Mr. and Mrs. Ben Freeman and son of Utan, Neb., are here visiting at the home of Mrs. Geo. Keeler, they are cousins of Miss Pearl Keeler. Mrs. J. L. Downs and baby came over from Broken Bow last Friday for a day's visit with her many friends and to take home her little twin; daughters who had been visiting here: for a tew days. me auvance guard or the Harvest | Carnival was a merry-go-round, which ' arrived Saturday and was placed in position Monday on the street west j of the public square. A load of cobs wanted at the resi dence of the editor right away, and don t care if we get two or more loads. ■ Coin of the realm given in exchange.! . Hurry with them, someone. Mrs. H. Leininger returned last1 | Saturday from an extended visit with I her son. Chas Leininger, and family j at North Platte, and at Aurora with j ■ her daughter, Mrs. Houser, and family. I Mrs. Blom, wife of Rev. H. Blom. and daughter, Anna, arrived from Cheyenne lasa Saturday. They re port a most enjoyable time with the old folks in cool Wyoming. The reverend met them at Grand Island. Compounded according to advanced science, after tried formulas, from the purest, fresh drugs, the famous Rex all remedies represent the best pro duced. At The Rexall Store. See our window. Vaughn & Hinman. Last Friday, Messrs. W. F. Mason, H. Jenner, S. E. Gallaway and Wes I Pedler autoed over to Litchfield to take in the Litchfield Woodman Day and Street Carnival, and when they got home reported our sister village having had big crowds and a fine time. However, the gentlemen abovenamed had a much more strenuous time ia ! returning home, as the rain that day made the roads almost impassable and in going over them had the su preme pleasure of getting thoroughly drenched, putting their auto out of commission and having to wait by the side of the road, seme five miles out, j till a phone message to Wm. Schuman brought that gentleman to their re lief with an auto and “fetched” them home. Some two weeks since, our good i friend, F.E. Kennedy of Logan town I ship, who has been having a terrible time for months with his old enemy, rheumatism, went to Eureka Springs, in Missouri, for treatment, and the most encouraging reports are received he is gaining finely. Last week, his good neighbors bunched together and 1 put up his hay crop and did other necessary work about the farm, which had gotten behind because of Frank's almost helpless condition. That is what we call the best Christianity* with a big “C" on earth, and no won der that Mrs. Kennedy wishes forthe Northwestern to extend her heart felt thanks for the big hearted fel lows who came to their assistance and we want to add right here that the boys could not have done the act to a more worthy couple, nor to any who would more heartily appreciate the kindness and good will. The quarterly conference of the Methodist church of this city was in session Tuesday evening of this week, the reports shewing the work in most excellent condition. A resolution was unanimously passed asking the return of Dr. Leeper to this charge for the coming year. This is a hand some acknowledgment of the good work done for the church by the genial pastor. We congratulate the church over the preferment of Dr. Leeper and we also congratulate the good doctor over the call to return to continue the work for the coming conference year. Personally, the Northwestern has a very warm re gard for Dr. Leeper, who, while deep ly interested in the church and its needs and wants, yet finds time to extend the glad band to- the commu nity at large and counts among bis friends all with whom be comes in contact. MARKET REPORT Grain Wheat. *78 Cora... .75 *80 Oats. *35 Stock Cattle. 3 50 to 4 50 Hoes . 7 35 Poultry Hens. 9 Batter. as Efts... 13 Found—a ring. Call at this office for same. Go to Reynolds for your meat for thrashing. Mrs.- H. M. Mathew returned last Saturday noon from her goods buying trip to St. Joe and Kansas City. Nice young meat for threshers at Lee’s meat market. Miss Leta Reed left Monday morn - ing to visit her sister, Mrs. Zoe Davis, at Greeley. Don’t look for big ad and big bills but a big saving to you at Lorentz. Mrs. ffm. McCoy, of Aurora is visiting at the home of S.S. Reynolds in Webster township. Mayor Wes Pedler is building a large brick blacksmith shop just east of the Sweetland block. Henry Ohlsen has the contract. Mrs. George Keeler, who has been visiting at Stanton and other points in the state, returned home Monday. Begining Aug. 9th, you can get fresh home baked bread at Reed's Variety store. Mrs. DeWitt. A. L. Zimmerman returned last Saturday from a flying trip up into the north part of the state. A few more fly nets and horse covers left on hand, will sell them at 15 per cent discount, also a few lap robes will go at the same rate, at Bartunek’s harness shop. Highest market price for poultry at S. F. Reynolds’. Miss Grace Porter of Zaneville, Ohio, who has been visiting at the A. L. Zimmerman home the past week on her way west, left for Greeley, Colo., Tuesday morning. Threshers can secure choicest of young meat at Lee Brothers' meat market. The top notch for fat cattle on the South Omaha markets the 13th inst. was #10.35 per hundred. Atthatrate a 1500 pound critter would bring •155.25. J ust suppose a country editor had posession of a dozen or two at those figures. Gee, but its too rich and bloeded to think about. Rev. Henry and Mrs. French are here visiting their parents, relatives and scores of friends, Mrs. French coming up from Elm Creek last Fri day and Henry arriving Monday. They take in both the Chautauqua and Harvest Festival. Rev. Dr. Geo. Sutherland, former ly president of Grand Island Bap tist College, has been installed pastor of the Baptist church in this city and will occupy the pulpit each Sunday morning and evening the coming year. Everybody invited. Sunday school at ten every Sunday. The county board of supervisor* met Tuesday and made the levy for the coming year. The levy is made on the basis of 12 mills as follows: General fund, 4 3-4 mills, raising #15, 637; bridge fund 31-2 mills, raising $11,522; road fund 1-4 mill, raising $823 and bond fund, 3 1-2 mills, raising $11,522; total, 12 mills, raising, $46,911. The board met the following day for the transaction of general business. Notice to Threshers We have on hand a full supply of threshing coal, both nut and lump. Also have car Nigger head pea coal in transit. Our coal is right and our prices are right. Call and see us. Taylor’s Elevator. Order of Hearing on Petition for Appointment of Administrator or Administratrix. Tlie State of Nebraska, I „„ Sherman County. f In the County Court: In the matter of the estate of Fred Psota. deceased. On reading and filing the petition of Mary A. Psota. praying that administration of ssid es tate may be granted to Frank Skoehdapole as administrator, ordered that Sept. 17th. A, D. UMf. at 10 o'clock a. m., Is assigned for hearing said petition, when all persons interested in said matter may appear at a county court to be held in and for said county, and show cause why the prayer of petitioner should not be granted: and that notice of the pendency of said petition and the hearing thereof be given to all persons Interested la said matter by publishing a copy of this order In the Loup City Northwestern, a weekly newspaper print, en in said county, for three successive weeks prior to said dsy of hearing. Dated August list, 1918. E. A. Smith, [shal] Counsy Judge. Last pub. sept. S Road Vacation Notica. (Cbilewski) To all whom it may concern: The commissioner appointed to vacate that part of road No. 48 in Loup City township which crosses section No. 13, T. 14, R. 14, has reported in favor of the vacation thereof, and all objec tions thereto, or claims for damages must be filed in the county cleik’s office on or before noon, September 20th, 1912, or such road will be va cated without reference thereto. Dated at Loup City, J uly 20th. 1912. {seal] W. C. Deitkhichs. County Clerk Order of Hearing en Petition for Appointment of Adminstrator. The Stats of Nebraska ) Sherman County i In the County Court In the matter of the estate of John Lyman Pray, deceased. On reading and filing the petition of Grace Mae Pray paying that administration of said estate may be granted to Quky Pray as administrator. ordered that Sep tember 7th, A. D. 1918 at 2 o'clock p. m.. Is as signed for hearing said petition, when all per. sons interested In said matter may appear ai County Court to be held In and for said county and show cause why the prayer of said peti tioner should not be granted, and that notice of the pendency of add petition and the hear ing thereof be gives to all persons Interested in said matter by publishing a copy of this order in the Loup City Northwestern, s week ly newspaper printed In said oounty for 2 suc cessive weeks, prior to said day of hearing. Dated August 13th. 1912. Ishal] E. A. Smith County Judge Lam peb Ang. 2* lOOlbs best gr'd sugar 6 25! lOOlbs Chicken grit 90 2 cans Tomatoes 25 2 cans peas 25 j 1 doz good lemons 3< • j 2 box grape nut 25 j 2 Cream Wheat 25 3 Post Toasties 20 3 Egg-O-See 25 6 bars flake white soap 25 10 bars polo soap 25 00 gal coal oil and good steel tank §8 50 Do not be swindled, as we can always save you money _ • _ Pep’s Suits, $6.50 to $J5. Boys Suits $5. Ladies’Suits $8.50 to $18.50 Mens Pants at Special Price Boys Pants Straight Bottom PRICE only 25c SHOE8 Try Us % Shoes. Our Shoes wear well, ft well, look well. That’s what you wapt. Loup City Mer. Co. Some mills eut prices and offer new wheat flour to their trade as soon as ' it is threshed. We prefer to hold old ! wheat on hand and have our mer chants sell old wheat flour until the I new wheat is in condition to grind. This is one reason our flour trade is increasing about 100 per cent each year. You better buy a fe v sacks of old wheat flour and keep the house wife happy. Special prices on 50o pound lots. Loup City Mill and Light Co. Road Notice (Paige) To all whom it may concern: The commissioner appointed to vacate that part of road Xo. 48 which crosses section twelve. (12)township fourteen (14) Range fourteen (14) and locate a road commencing on the section line between sections eleven (11) and twelve (12) at the quarter stake and running thence south on section line to the southwest corner of section twenty-four (24) township fourteen (14) range fourteen (14 ar.d termin ating there, also starting at the north west corner of section twenty-four (24) township fourteen (14) range fourteen (14) and running thence west between sections fourteen [14) and twenty-three (22) and terminating at C. P. R. R. right of way, has reported in favor of the va | cation and establishment thereof and 1 all objections thereto or claims for damage must be filed in the office of the County Clerk on or before noon i of the 24th day of October. 1912, or such road will be vacated and also established without reference thereto. Dated at Loup City this 14tli dav of Aug.. 1912. W. C. Deiterichs, [seal] County Clerk, : Last pub. Sept. 12. Road Notice (Kowalski) To all whom it may concern: The 1 commissioners appointed to locate a road commencing at the quarter cor ner on the section line between sec tions eight (8) and nine (9).in T.lbR.14. running thence west on the quarter. line through said section eight (8) and terminating at the quarter corner on the west line of said section eight to be 40 feet wide, lias reported in favor of ! the establishment thereof and all ob jections thereto or claims for dam age must be tiled in the office of the ] County Clerk on or before noon of the ; 15th day of October. 1912. or such road will be established without! reference thereto. Dated at Loup City this 8th day of August, 1912. W. C. DEITERIC HS, [seal] County Clerk. Last pub. Sept.5 Notice to Creditors State of Nebraska I . _ K_ , Sherman County t ss' State of Nebraska In the County Court within and for Sherman County. Nebr.. July 30th. 1912. In the matter of the estate of Peter Bolt de- | ceased. To the creditors of said estate You are hereby notified, that I will sit at the County Court room in Loup City, in said ! 1 county on the 3rd day of February. 1913. at In ! ; o'clock a m.. to receive and examine all . claims apain-t said estate, with a view to their , adjustment and allowance, i The time limited for the presentation of j claims against said estate is the 3rd day of. | February A. D. 1913. and the time limited for : the payment of debt* is one vear from said . 3otb day of July. 191-2 Witness my hand and seal of said County I Court this 30th day of July. 1812. j s*ALJ E. A. Smith County Judge I Last publication Aug 29tb Order of Hearing In the County Court of Sherman County, Xe- j braska. In the matter of the estate of Adelade Moritz, • deceased. Now on this 3th day of August. 1912. upon reading the petition ofPhillip Moritz, adminis , trator. filed on the fifth day of August. 1912. ' for allowance of his final account and decree of distribution and possession of residue, it is i ordered that the 2tith day of August, 19i2. at . 2 o'clock, p m . be assigned for bearing said petition, when all persons interested in iaid matter may appear at said County Court and show cause why the prayer of said petition Should not be granted, and that notice of the pendency of said petition and the hearing thereon be given to all persons in terested in said estate by publishing a copy of this order 3 weeks successively in the Loup City North western a weekly newspaper published in said county prior to said day of hearing. E. a. Smith [sMAfi] . County Judge Utst pub. Ausgust 32 t Jeweler II. M. Eisner has received md installed a mamouth regulator weighing some two or three hundred pounds, over seven feet in height, and a very beauty. It's some clock, all right,all right. Mrs. Jas. Bain of Callaway with her children, arrived last week Thursday on an extended visit to her sisters, Mrs. H. M. Eisner and Mrs. E. F. Jcnes and families and her many friends in this city. What You Gain by being a regular depositor with the Loup City State Bank: Your funds are kept in absolute security. Payment by check provides indisputable re receipts in the form of returned can celed checks. Payment by check saves many a long trip; saves trouble of mak ing change and taking receipts. Being a depositor with us, acquaints us with eaeh other and lays the foundation for accommodation, when you want to piece out your resources with a loan. Every courtesy and facility is rendered the small as well as the large depositor.* Don’t wait until you can begin with a large deposit LOUP CITY STATE BANK Capital and Surplus, $47,500.00 J.S. Pedler, President C. C. Carlsen, Cashier John W. Long, Vice President, w. J, Root, Assistant Cashier. Heat Is All On the [r/ Bottom of the Iron Ap&fcrM And the ironing surface vijljj on an “American" \ Electric Iron is always \ clean and beautifully pol- \ ished. Just the thing for all the \ l household ironing. Do your I ironing—even on the hottest day—in cool comfort, in half the time and at much lower cost C. R. Sweetiand Agent BEFORE GOING ANYWHERE CALL BURLINGTON DEPOT For one way rates, round trip summer excursion rates, Homoseekers rates, time of trains, best connections for all points. Will lie pleased to have you c^ 11, phone or write for any information desired. Don’t forget our freight trains spll making good timt. When interested call for rates to and from all points. J. A. Danielson Ticket Agent L. W. Wakely, General PassingerAgent, Omaha, Neb