The Loup City northwestern. (Loup City, Neb.) 189?-1917, August 01, 1912, Image 5

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    PL AN=
— Ttiep Act
Many people plan their whole lives to
have a bank account and then leave this
world without so much as a start at one.
Planning isn't worth anything unless
followed by action.
Good intetions never land you any
Make your plans to start an account
with us this week and back up your plans
with action.
«tt. f- Mason, prest H. 8. Outhouse. Vice pres
L. hansen. Cashier
If gou don't let them get in,
YOU >V on’t have to drive them out
Let I S supply YOU with screen doors,
and windows, our prices are right.
In Effect After Jan. let. 1912
L* -pj»> ae 'er prr -.ark per srrk. f H>
ilapL*) uurt taken for tkao
Sc m
Verier pace prr area . . X Mi
HaiJ law per week ... tin
Pw*i pilll prr arrk ... . ...._f .
Pr»*rr» pr tart per larmiae. ..
prr -lac prr
PP«rt Iter roatrwru free. __ .
Leeai kem Lee. Kai*»~
^abM-ripfion to the North
*e»ifr« i% a year
Niarle t «py 4 rent*
< •}«!« *1* ;* for chickens. Go to
Lee Bro» nat market.
For Sale Mare and three colt*, see
Ja*. Johann n tor particulars.
J. W. iMrsey respectfullr solicits
your patronage.
Wanted lHshwaslier and chamber
maid at the Milburn Hole!
tlighes' prices for young beeves at
Lee Bruthrrs' market.
J A. C jnverse »as up from Gibbon
Last Saturday looking after bis farms
Good c.caning and pressing, satis
faction guaranteed by J. A . liorsey.
If you want good fresh fruit go to
the Bon Ton Cafe.
Mrs. C. V Carisen and baby went to
>h I*aui Tuesday n orning for a siiort
Briar '• your spring chickens to
Lee Braunr* and get the good prices
Fancy price* will be paid by Lee
Brother* for young cattle. QU1 and
Try the J. L. liagood dray line.
He * *11 gl«e you good service. Flume
* on Ik.
Lee Braurn will give you the
highest market price for your spring
Furnit j»e for sale, as good as new.
at ion price*, at the Second Hand
Messrs. Clyde Wilson and Jack
laaris were over from Ashton Mon
day on business
Electric wa*i<er. with wringer at
tached. ti.ay hr seen at the Sweet land
store. Cali and see them.
The Ladies of the C. A. It gave a
s-rpnae party on Mrs. tieo. Keeler
at her home last Friday afternoon,
and a most peasant time reported.
Yon tad better Mil your bins with
your supply of soft coal for winter
use Come and see our coal.
Tavum’s Eurinw.
If yon want a dray, plume A. L. F.n
• ter lee. * cm *u. or leave your order
with either lumber yard or E. <>.
Taylor. Best of senior guaranteed.
Mr. Arthur E. Headeluod of Omalia
visited at tin C. C. ( arisen home over
last Sundar, returning to Omaha
Monday morning.
C- R- Sweet land lias received a con
signment of electric washing ma
chines He baa one on demonstra
tion at hweetland's store. You should
go in and see It work.
Mr* II. Biota and little daughter
left Monday noon for a two weeks'
»ta*t with the lady's parents at Sher
man. Wyoming The reverend will be
tala own oook for a time and see bow
he likes It.
Mrs Mill Cries last week enjoyed a
visit from her nieces. Mias Miller of
Lincoln and Mia. Beus of Spokaas,
Wash., staters. Miss Miller returned
home Saturday morning, while Mrs.
Betts remained for a longer visit.
We pay cash for eggs delivered at
the creamery.
Kaverina Creamery Co.
(.round bone fore chicken feed at
Lee Bros.’ meat market.
l p-to-date goods at right prices at
Schwaner's Jewelry store.
( K. Lundy went to North Platte
on a business trip yesterday morning.
\ ou can save money bv buying your
furnishings at Lorentz's store.
Mr>. McCloud and daughter left for
iH-nver yestordav morning.
Mr. UatzlilT of Route 2 went to
York last Friday morning on a two
day business trip.
Mi»s Hazel Meek, of Fairfield, Ntb., j
L visiting Miss Lettie Peugh on!
Route 2.
Shirts, Uie best for the money,
made in Nebraska for Nebraska
people, at Lorentz.
Mayor and Mrs. H. W. Pedler en*
tertained a Mrs. Hall of Omalia over
last Sunday.
At the German church August 4,1
services will be held at Kelso 10:30
a. m. Sunday school 11:30.
Three kinds of flour and all kinds
of feed at Reynolds' Flour and Feed j
w E Henry, wife and baby lef last j
Thursday afternoon on a two weeks’ j
T*c*tion at various points in Colorado.;
Electric fans have been received and
are on sale by C. R. Sweetland. Call i
and secure one before they are gone.
Have you bought your tickets for
the Chautauqua yet? The North
western has a few left to dispose of.
Remember we buy what you do not
want and sell you what you do want,
at the Second Hand store.
Reports from the wheat fields show
that wheat will average some twenty
bushels per acre where conditions are
all right
l»r. Sutherland of Grand Island
will preach for our Baptist friends
next Sunday, morning and evening.
Everybody invited.
Mrs. A. H. Gilbert went to Rock
ville yesterday morning on business
eonnecu-'l with the Keystone Lumber
There is to be a ball game today.
Go and boost the bo\ s: encourage them
•o tiiat they can win half or more of
the games that they play this fall.
Mrs. Emma McCray entertained
the ladles of the Entre Nous club at
her home Tuesday afternoon of this
Mrs. Clyde Wilson and children
came over from Ashton Tuesday even
ing for a day or two’s visit with
Grandpa and Grandma Wilson.
We are paying 24 cents cash for
cream delivered at the creamery. We
test and pay cash for cream.
Ravkxxa Crkaxeby Co.
Judge Wall and Herbert Nightin
gale left Monday morning over the
l*. 1*. for the republican state con
vention at Lincoln.
A gold ring was found in Jenner’s
Park a few days’ since. Owner can
have same by seeing Mr. Jenner and
proving property.
! Mr. and Mrs. Ed Lewis last week
enjoyed a visit, of seve ray days from
Mrs. Lewis' cousins, Misses Hannah
and Lillie Moberg from Aurora, they
returning home Saturday morning.
Roxall Toilet Preparation* are
known and sold all over the civilized
world. Acknowledged to be the king
•t-all Toilet Preparations. Un
questionably the best. For sale at
Th* Rexall Store. See our window.
Vaughn & Hinman.
Have your suits cleaned and press
ed before next Sunday by J. W. Dor
We have some gasoline stoves and
a good ice chest for sale cheap.
Second Hand Store.
Our good friend. Geo. Curry, was
over from the west side last Saturday,
fora few hours, looking as fine as a
A Suit will wear twice as long and
look much ueater if you have J. W.
Dorsey clean and press them.
A. B. Outhouse went to Lincoln
last Saturday to visit his daughter,
MissMeroe, at the Sanitarium. She
is reported as improving nicely
J. L. Hagood, successor to Stroud
will do your hauling promptly
and satisfactorily. Phone 8 on 15.
Editor Beushausen and R. H. Ma
thew went to the democratic state
convention at Grand Island Tuesday
morning and came home that evening
via Ravenna by auto.
It pays to spray your work horses,
and milch cows with Zcnolsum Fly
Skoot. For sale by Swanson & Lof
Romeo Conger returned home last
Saturday noon from several weeks’
absence in Missouri and southern
Iowa. He reports a tine time.
Mr. E. Williams, a prominent stock
man of Cedar Rapids, this state, ar
rived last Friday for a short visit
with his brother-in-law, Dr. A. C.
Evans, and wife. The doctorandMr.
Williams married sisters.
At the Swedisth Christian church,
Sunday Aug., 4, Sunday school 10:30,
a. m., at 11:15 Rev. Johnson will
speak, subject “The value of the
Gospel," second Timothy, 4, 2. All
Loup City Boosters Attention: We
are headquarters for pennants for
your Boosting trip. The Rexail
Store. Vaughn & IIinman.
Rev. Dr. and Mrs. Leeper left yes
terday morning to enjoy the annual
meeting of the State Epworth League
Assembly being held at Lincoln.
R. A. rienderson left Tuesday morn
ing for a fortnight's visit back in
Ohio. He will visit a day in Colum
bus. Ohio, enroute. and promises to
hunt up the editor's son and family
in that city while there and give
them a message from “Daddy."
Jack Pageler escaped from Arcadia
last Sunday and pat in the day here
with a portion of his friends, he has
so many he can't get clear around in
many times one day. .lack is getting
a line auctioneer reputation in that
section as he already has here.
That refined feminine elegance
which appeals so strongly to the cul
tured taste, can only be obtained by
careful discrimination in the selection
and use of Toilet Preparations. Rex
all toilet preparations, will please
the most exacting. See our window.
The Rexall Store.
Vaughn & Hinman.
Will Peterson, Detlitf Peterson, R.
R. Bauhard and two other gentlemen
from North Loup, whose names we
did not note, left Monday morning on
a trip up into Minnesota, where Will
has land interests. Asking them
whether they intended investing up
there, they replied, that depends.
Uncle George Newberg of Sweet
water was up to the county seat,
Tuesday, on one of his occasional
visits, and gave us a pleasant call.
He was accompanied by Mr. E. J.
Swanson of Havelock, a brother of
Emil Swanson of Hazard. Call again,
TINE is the most important part
of a man's duty.
Buy your watch from a man who
can prove to you that the watch is a
perfect time keeper. Our Chronom
eter is in view day and night. It will
keep time better than 30 seconds in 1
year’s running. Ail repaired watches
are regulated by seconds. Try us.
a-8 Henry M. Elsnek.
The sheriff sale of Starr 320 acres
in Hazard township at the court
house Tuesday afternoon brought the
tine sum of $15,000. It was bid in by
C. C. Carlson of the State Bank. The
sale was one of the best and com
manded the largest price of any sale
ever held in the county under like
Last week in a bread baking con
test at Palmer, Mrs. Tom Dinsdale
got the prize. She used Loup City
White Satin flour and competed
against a well known and highly ad
vertised Minneapolis flour. With such
a cook as Mary Minshull had the
reputation of being when she lived at
Loup City, and White Satin flour, her
competitors had too much to over
Walt Fletcher was up from Hazard
Tuesday on business. Walt has vis
ions of democratic success this fall,
not as a thing to be proud of but as a
punishment for the nomination of
Taft at the Chicago convention.
However he has no love for bull
mooses. Our good friend will get his
bearings later, we believe, and take
the least of three evils—Taft.
C. J. Tracy left for Omaha, Tues
day morning where he will attend a
meeting of the directors of the State
Association of Cement Users, he be
ing one of the board. From there he
goes to Lincoln to look alter his
duties as chief cf police at the State
Fair, and will cam pa few days at the
grounds of and attend the sessions of
the State Ep worth League Assembly.
While he is absent, he has his force
of men busily engaged in turning out
cement blocks and attending to busi
ness as usual. Mrs. Tracy went down
to Lincoln yesterday morning to en
joy the meetings of the Epworth As
sembly with him.
Wheat. *76
Corn .75 * 60
Oats. * 35
Cattle.v. 3 50 to 4 50
Hotts . 7 So
Hens. 9
Batter. as
Eggs.:. 13 i
Go to Reynolds for your meat for
Miss Ira Henry was risiting friends j
and relatives at Burwell last week.
Nice young meat for threshers at
Lee's meat market.
Don't look for big ad and big bills
but a big saving to you at Lorentz.
Threshers can secure choicest of
young meat at Lee Brothers’ meat I
The Misses Florence and Fanny
Powers of Anselmo are visiting with
Miss Zelpha Reed for a few days, the
latter meeting them at Litchfield bv
Mrs. J. E. Paige and children from
Morrill, Neb., arrived yesterday on
a visit to the lady's parents. Mr. and
Mrs. T. D. Wilson.
Don’t forget the booster trips for
Harvest Festival next Tuesday and
Thursday. And don’t forget to be on
hand at 7 a. m., if you intend going.
The late rains are bringing the corn
out in fine shape. Fields that seemed
likely to prove only fair corn sulk
fodder, will yet give a good average
crop of the king of cereals.
A card received from Miss Ella
Selineidereit, asks to change the ad
dress ou her paper back to Long Grove,
Iowa, from Eldridge, Iowa, where
she has been for several months.
Rev. J. C. Tourtellot will be home
and there will be regular services
both morning and evening, at the
Presbyterian church next Sunday,
August 4. Preaching at Austin at
3 o'clock.
J. T. Hale returned to Ogden. Utah,
last Friday. Mrs. Hale will return
this coming Saturday, taking Miss
Francis Hansel home with her for
an extended visit, in hopes that the
climate may help rid the little girl of
a bad cough from which she is suffer
The Northwestern has on hand a
number of season tickets for the com
ing Chautauqua. Call and secure the
number you want, and have that part
of the matter over with
Lost—On streets of Loup City.lady's
brown and gray long coat. Finder
please leave at this office and receive
A few more fly nets a^d horse
covers left on hand, will sell them at
15 per cent discount, also a few lap
robes will go at the same rate, at
Bartunek's harness shop.
A load of cobs wanted at the resi
dence of the editor right away, and
don’t care if we get two or more loads.
Coin of the realm given in exchange.
Hurry with them, someone.
Mrs. Lou Schwaner entertained
some fifteen young ladies of Loup
City last Fridav afternoon from 3 to
6, in honor of her sister. Miss Auble,
who has been here from Ord visiting
William Weedin, clerk of the court,
made a trip to Loup City the last of
the week by auto and will be absent
about a week. His sister went with
him_Aurora Sun.
It’s dangerous to use cheap, in
ferior Toilet Preparations. It's good
economy to use only the best. Rex
all toilet preparations are best, be
cause purest See our window.
The Rexall Store,
Vaughn & Hinman.
Our good friend. John Warneke,
writes for us to change his address to
St. Paul, where he has gone into the
poultry and produce buying Mr.
Warneke is a prince of good fellows
and will be a welcome addition to the
business interests of our sister city,
but why in the deuce didn't John
stay in the best town in Nebraska,
instead of going to the next best?
Last week a handsome subscription
was taken up among our business
men for the erection of a cement band
stand in the southwest corner of the
public square, the county dads having
given permission for the erection of
the same. The Loup City Cement
Block Co. got the contract for its
erection, and work commenced on
the same Monday morning.
Sheriff Sutton came over from Ord
last Friday, bringing with him his
daughter-in-law, Mrs. Rowan Sutton,
who will stay here some time at the
home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. T,
D. Wilson, and help care for the lit
tle children of her sister, Mrs. L. F.
Currier, while the latter is at a Sani
tarium at Lincoln.
Next Friday night will be one of
the best of moving pictures, called
the Indian Massacree. If it is as good
according as, Before Yorktown last
Friday, it certainly will be worth the
time and price to see. Don’t forget
the time and place. Friday, Aug. 2,
at Gem Theatra.
Some mills cut prices and ofTer new
wheat flour to their trade as soon as
it is threshed. We prefer to hold old
wheat on hand and have our mer
chants sell old wheat flour until the
new wheat is in condition to grind.
This is one reason our flour trade is
increasing about 100 per cent each
year. You better buy a few sacks of
old wheat flour and keep the house
wife happy. Special, prices on 500
pound lots."
Loup City Xxu, and Light Go.
lOOlbs best gr’d sugar 6 25
lOOlbs Chicken grit 90
2 cans Tomatoes 25
2 cans peas 25
1 doz good lemons 3!'
2 box grape nut 25
2 Cream Wheat 25
3 Post Toasties 2 i
3 Egg-O-See 25
6 bars flake white soap 25
10 bars polo soap 25
50 gal coal oil and good
steel tank $8 50
Do not be swindled, as we
can always save you money
Pep’s Suits, $6.50 to $]5.
Boys Suits $5.
Ladies’ Suits $8.50 to $18.50
Mens Pants at Special Price
Boys Pants Straight Bottom
PRICE only 25c
Try Us for Shoes. Our Shoes wear well,
fit well, look well. That’s what you wapt.
Loup City Mer. Co.
Highest market price for poultry
at S. F. Reynolds'.
The horse and cattle exhibits for
the coming Nebraska State Fair, Sept.
2 to 6. give promise for a show of rec-!
ord breaking proportions. Already
Supt., R. M. Wolcott of Palmer re
ports the reservation of horse stalls
greatly in excess of those made a year
ago at this time, and Supt. E. R.
Danielson of Osceola, says that cattle
stalls are reserved daily.
Notice to Threshers
We have on hand a full supply of
threshing coal, both nut and lump.
Also have car Nigger head pea coal
in transit. Ourcoal is right and our
prices are right. Call and see us.
Taylor’s Elevator.
Supt. L. F. Currier last Saturday
morning accompanied his wife to
Lincoln, where she will be for some
time for treatment, having suffered
a nervous breakdown. It is trusted
she may recover from her serious ill
health at an early period. Mr. Cur
rier returned Monday evening and re
ports Mrs. Currier as doing well.
A heavy rain visited this section
last Thursday night, or rather be
tween two o'clock a. m. and Friday
morning. While the rain was more
general than usual over the county
and being from an inch to two inches
in various places, Arcadia to the
north only got 54-100ths of an inch.
However, Friday night we understand
they got a soaker, while we did not
get a sou markee.
Some Things That Can be Done
With a Pinch ot Electricity
Probably few people have ever stop
ped to think what a power elec
tricity is. If you have never thought
the matter over it will be surprising
as well as interesting to know what
can be done with one cent's worth of
this marvelous power.
On the average rate and discounts
of the ordinary consumer, a cent's
worth of electricty will operate a 12
inch fan for 90 minutes.
Will operate a sewing machine mo
tor for three hours.
Will keep a six pound electric flat
iron hot for fifteen minutes.
Will make four cups of coffee in an
electric coffee percolator.
Will keep an eight inch disk stove
hot for seven minutes, or long enough
to cook a steak.
Will bring to boil two quarts of
water or operate the baby milk warm
er twice.
Will make a Welsh rabbit in an elec
tric chaffing dish.
Will operate a 6-inch frying pan for
12 minutes.
Will operate an electric griddie for
eight minutes.
Will run an electric broiler for six
Will run a massage machine for
nearly four hours.
Will keep the dentists electric ham
mer and drill going for nintey minutes.
Will run an electric pinola for one
Will vulcanize a patch of an auto
mobile tire.
Will heat an electric curling iron
once a day for two weeks.
Will pump 230 gallons of water 100
feet high.
Will drive the electric clipper while
shearing one horse. i
Have It of the Best
Quality? Of the most ar
tistic design? W ould you
I have it serve its purposes,
Boy From Us*
jVour "jewelry Storej
Lon Schwaner
What You Gain
by being a regular depositor with the Loup
City State Bank:
Your funds are kept in absolute security.
Payment by check provides indisputable re
receipts in the form of returned can
celed checks. Payment by check saves
many a long trip; saves trouble of mak
ing change and taking receipts.
Being a depositor with us, acquaints us with
eaeh other and lays the foundation for
accommodation, when you want to piece
out your resources with a loan.
Every courtesy and facility is rendered the
small as well as the large depositor. Don’t
wait until you can begin with a large deposit
Capital and Surplus, $47,500.00
J.S. Pedler, President C. C. Carlsen, Cashier ^
John W. Long, Vice President, w. J, Root, Assistant Cashiet
_ Is
Change of Program Every Monday, Wednes
day Friday and Saturday Nights
We will have 2 and 3 reel Featuie picture every Friday
as follows: War on the Plains, Friday, July 19th. Before
Yorktown, Friday, July 26th. Indian Massacree, Friday,
August 2nd. Don’t miss any of these
Don’t forget Chat Sle Rave
The Latest and Job Type
When in Need of that kind of work
Give Us a Call