The Loup City northwestern. (Loup City, Neb.) 189?-1917, August 01, 1912, Image 4
To Owners of Automo biles, Buy the Marshall GASOLINE The kind that will Not Heat Your ENGINE, Goes farther and gives Satisfaction At ARTHUR S STORE • Announcement - THE REXALL STORE I In line with our policy, Pure drugs, honest ser vice, and Right Prices, we have added to our already large stock, the justly cele brated, line of REXALL REMEDIES The Rexall line of goods is of National Reputation, needs ho introduction to many of our patrons, and is sold on an absolute guaran tee of Satisfaction. Rexall. means. King of ali, Rexali, also means, abso lute purity in drugs, druggist preparations, toilet ar ticles. etc. We cordially invite you to visit our store, and look over the Retail Goods, you may find just what you want, and we will certainly appreciate your interest in our effort to give you The best drug store Service. See Our Window The Rexall Store VAUGHN & HINMAN THE NORTHWESTERN Ecirrnl at Ike Loop C'.ij Po»Uittc* for tract tProucB itr mall* at tecoco cleat matter. Office Phone, - 6 on 21 Residence. - - 3 on 21 J. W. BILLEH.H. Kd. and Fnk Republicans Hopeless ly Split At Lincoln Tuesday the republican state contention split in two pieces, the Loose veil men doing the steam roiling and Ute Taftites withdrawing and ivoiding a rump convention in the Lincoln hotel. The action of Tues day's republican state convention, or conventions as it turned out to be, can only terminate in a bitter cam paign between Uie Taft and Loose veil factions, and the result very possibly the same as mentioned in the bible tix: **A house divided against itself.''etc. Much bitterness resulted and judging t»y Uie reports in the dahie»of the day's proceedings, the Taft followers in tlie state will do by Uie candidates favoring Teddy as the Teddy ites ha»e already sworn to do to the republican national ticket. We believe Gov. Aldrich did serious harm to his candidacy by allowing himself to be elected as presiding officer of the convention, knowing as he did the temper of the convention and his acknowledged stand for Boose veil against the national repub lican nominees By his action in ■etung into the forefront, when po litical wisdom would have advised his remaining in the background, he nuH know Uiat tie has lost to a large eitent li e vote, sympathy and sup port of republicans who propose star .ding by ibe nominees of the re publican national convention. It is too early in the day. and too closely following on the heels of the ■tale convention to analyze the dis astrous results to tiie republican party in Nebraska by iu doings. It would seem that some compromise could have been effected, but it is too late now to cry oier spilt milk. The medicine lias been mixed, and how ever bitter will have to be swallowed. All we can say is tiiat it is a blankety blank shame that the republicans have no more sense than to play into the 1 >ands of the common enemy. Kavenna Is interested in Uie propo sition of being on the Canada to Gulf line, or the extension of the Kearney and Bntoit railroad. The question seems to be settled that the road will ■»i» Loup City one of iu points, and _ Ravenna would be practically in line between Loup City and Kearney.— Llaoaia Trade Review. Since the republican state conven tion, the broadening of the faces of our democratic friends is as marked as the renewed growth of Sherman county corn fields since the recent rains. Confound the democrats'. Two car loads, thirty-five head of Nebraska cattie sold in south Omaha day before yesterday for $4,770.06, or a little more than $136 per head. This was $0.67 per hundred weight, a new high record for this market. Peanut butter a fair subutitute for meat, can be bought for about twelve cents a pound. As so many have made inquiries as to the origin of the term “Bull Moose” as applied to Roosevelt’s pro posed new party, we believe the term was coined by Teddy himself. As the story goes, when the steam roller was smashing his candidacy at Chicago, some one asked him how he felt. “Fine as a bull moose,” the ex president is said to have aptly re plied. The Bryan steam roller was so carefully oiled and so expertly en gineered at the democratic state con vention at Grand Island Tuesday that the Dahl man crowd was crushed out of all semblance of factional form. And wonders of wonders; Little Giant Thompson was finally elected to something. He was made chairman of the convention. On the seventh page of the North western will be found the five con stitutional amendments to be voted upon this coming fall election. These are to run for thirteen consecutive weeks prior to the election and this paper will publish the entire time re quired by law. Our readers should digest each one thoroughly so as to be perfectly conversant with the pro visions of each that he may vote in telligently on the same. We received a pleasant call last Thursday from Editor Mel Gordon, who has just started a new paper at Sargent, the News, publishing the first issue last week. Bro. Gordon is a printer as well as editor, going to Sargent from Seward, and thoroughly understands all branches of the busi ness. Ills first issue is a neat, clean looking sheet, and very attractive editorially and typographically. We exchange with pleasure. Teachers’ Institute The Sherman county teachers’ in stitute opened Monday morning with over fifty teachers in attendance. This number has since increased to eighty-eighb. Supt. L. V. Currier was called tc Lincoln Saturday by the ill ness of ids wife and was unable to be present on the first day of the insti tute. In the absence of the superin, [ tendent. Miss Conger took charge of the enrollment and the instructors went on with the regular work. The work of the institute is largely method work, consisting of lectures and demonstrations by the instruct ors. Superintendent H. E. Bradford of the Kearney city schools has charge of the Geography, Grammer, School Management and the Music. Professor M. C. Lefler of Peru Normal giyes instruction in History and Civics, Beading and Arithmetic and Miss Newman of Lincoln has the Primary work. The teachers are taking much interest in the work of the institute and are making such notes as will assist them in retaining the main points made by the instruct ors. LOOP CITY Nettie Conger Emily Steen Ida Steen Mata Johnson Frances Corning Goldie Kilpatrick Maybelle Leeper Frieda Ohlsen Flora Ohlsen Marie Ohlsen Blanche Draper Esther Kettle Lila McNulty Wilma Amick Lillian Amick Mrs. Elma Zwink Lettie Peugh Arlie Corning Rose Critel Ada Smith Carrie Bogseth Dessie Danielson Bessie Smith Maggie McFadden Emma Rowe Lulu McFadden Mada Parlett Klea McNulty Vida Cowling Winnie Gasteyer Mary A. K. Hendrickson LITCHFIELD Myrtle Weldon Jennie Minshull Lottie Kisling Emma Nystrom Anna Nystrom Myrtle Brower Garra Hill Gertrude Ladegard Rehne Hedlund Hattie Bennington Fannie Kenyon Margie McKenzie Katie Sheets Edward Wyman Oretta Lomax ASHTON Alta Blumer Sylvia Blumer Ethel Oilman Stella Jamrog Emma Nehler RAVENNA Helen Spevacek Mary Screen Emil Holub Madge Holmes Eleanor Holmes Eleanor Cochrane Lucile Erazim ARCADIA Louella DeWitt Hazel Tiffany Lola DeWitt Lizzie Leatherman Cora Burns Kay Hill Macabei Lutz Bessie McDowell AUSTIN Jessie Gilmore Rhea Rentfrow Barbara Heil Mrs. Ella Talbot Mrs. Juanilla McDonald HAZARD Cora Heater Mrs.Nellie Treadway Nelle Heater Minnie Croston BOELUS Anna Seifert Ella Seeber Virginia Starkey Gilbert Emry COMSTOCK Lula VanCleve Jessie McGavran ROCKVILLE Alice Tangerman COZAD I mo Melins BIO CREEK Mrs. Laura Carpenter HUXLEY Inez Van Dyke 8T. PAUL Goldie Emmons MC COOK Edna Waite DUNLAP, IOWA Bertha Keairnes Additional Local. Methodist Episcopal Church Preaching next Sunday morning and evening by the Rev. Blom, pastor of the Swedish Christian church. Sun day school at 11:45, O. S. Fross, Sup*. Epworth League at 7:15. Thirty-five men accepted the invitation to attend the church in comfort by leaving their coats off last Sunday night. This will be made a permanent feature of the Sunday evening service during the month of August, at least. D. A. Leeper, Pastor. Mrs. Anslie Davis and baby, who has been with her husband on a va cation in Colorado, returned Tuesday evening, accompanied by Mrs. Loyal Terry and son, of Boulder, Colo., who will visit at the Reed home with Mrs. Davis, till the arrival of Mr. Davis and Mr. Terry, who are coming home by motor, and upon their arrival all will go to Greeley to the Davis home. Was there ever such a time for daily newspaper readers? Everybody wants a daily paper now, and they want one that will give them the “straight” of everything going on. The State Journal is that sort of a paper, and to induce you to become a reader now makes the very low price of only *1.50 from now until January 1st 1913, for both the daily and Sun day paper. Send your order and money now and the paper will start at once. It will stop on January 1st. Write to the State Journal, Lincoln, Neb. Dr. Bowman is at present wearing an unusually happy smile. He in forms us that Mrs. Dr. Bowman will sail for America August 3rd, having completed her work at Edenbarg, Scotland, where she has been taking a course in diseases of women' and children. Miss Elizabeth Dinsdale, who accompanied her across the big pond for a visit with relatives, will return with her and the two ladies will make a short visit with Mrs. Bowman’s parents in Michigan, and expect to arrive at home about the 25th of the present month. ' ' * Policemen Dog's Only Enemies. With unconscious humor, a woman summoned at Brentford, Middlesex, England, recently, on a charge of al lowing a ferocious dog to he at large, pleaded that it was friendly with ev eryone but policemen, and It had nev er bitten anyone else. Alien Property Holders. The law of the land respects the right of citizen and alien alike to have and to hold property. The alien res ident in the United States may dis pose of his property by will with the same feeling of security as the Ameri can. This is equally true of the alien who has taken steps to make himself a citizen of the country. Card of Thanks To all those who assisted during the last sickness and death and who so kindly sympathized with us in our bereavement over the loss of our dear husband, father and brother, we de sire to extend our most sincere and heartfelt thanks. Mrs. A. H. Hansel and Family, Mr. and Mrs. J. T. Hale. Clear Creek Items Mr. and Mrs. Monroe Lowry re turned last week from Fort Collins, Colorado, where Mr. Lowry has been doctoring for his health. Miss Inez Van Dyke returned home Saturday after a few days' visit with relatives at Broken Bow. Mr. and Mrs. R. D. Adams visited at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Adam Zahn Sunday. Mrs. Johnson and children of Bro ken Bow are visiting at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Van Dyke this week. Miss Grace Zahn spent Sunday with Misses Mary and Ruth Adams. Miss Grace Adams returned home from summer school Monday. Frank Kuhn thrashed his wheat last week. Read Vacation Notice, (Chile wski) Tq all whom it may cencern: The commissioner appointed to vacate that part of road No. 48 in Loup City township which crosses section No. 13, T. 14, R. 14. has reported in favor of the vacation thereof, and all objec tions thereto or claims for damages must be filed ia the county clerk’s office on or before noon, September 20th. 1912, or such road will be va cated without reference thereto. Dated at Loup City, July20th, 1912. [seal] W. C. Deiterichs County Clerk Last pub. A ug. 8, Call for Bids on Township Lina ' Bridge 1-2 Mile North of Schaupps Sealed bids will be received until 1 o’clock p. m.. August 10th, 1912, at the office of the county clerk in Sner man county. Nebraska, for the con struction of one steel bridge across Oak Creek, located about one-half (S) mile north of Schaupps on the Town ship line between Ashton and Loup Citv townships at the site of the old bridge. Bias will be received for the above bridge as follows:—viz One (1) eighteen (18) foot steel bridge with steel piling as per plans and spec ifications on file at the county clerk's office. Bids will be opened publicly at the county clerk’s office in Loup City. Nebraska, at 2 o'clock p. m. August 10th, 1912. The Townships of Ashton and Loup City reserve the right to reject anv and all bids. A. J. Johnson, Twp. Clerk, Loup City Twp. Road Notice. (Hunt) To all whom it may concern: The road committee has reported in favor of the establishment of the following road, commencing at the southwest corner of section seventeen (17) town ship fifteen (15) range fifteen (15) and running thence north and terminating at intersection with road No. 323 and the county board after considering the same do declare and resolve that said road is a public necessity, and do set the 7th day of August, 1912, as a day of final hear ing, and all objections thereto or claims for damages must be filed on or before noon of the aforesaid date, or such road will be established with out reference thereto. Dated at Loup City this 10th day of J uly, 1912. W. C. Dieterichs. [seal] County Clerk. Last pub. August 1. Notice to Non-Resident Defendents Annie S. Nave, an insane or incom petent. person, and Ira E. Williams, non resident defendants, will take notice that on the 10th day of July, 1912, the plaintiffs. Arminta Adams and Russell D. Adams, tiled their petition in the District Court of Sherman county, Nebraska, against said de fendants, impleaded with Hattie A. Lowry, guardian of the estate of said Annie S. Nave, the object and prayer of which petition are to obtain the decree of said court that the said Annie S. Nave and the said guardian of her estate, Hattie A. Lowry, have no right, title, estate, or interest in the following described real estate, to-wit: The west half of the north west quarter, and the west half of the southwest quarter, of section eight, in township fifteen, north of range sixteen, west of the 6th principal meridian, situated in Sherman county, Nebraska, and that the title and possession of the plaintiff, Arminta Adams, in said land be quieted and confirmed in her, or that, in case the Court should find that the said Annie S. Nave has the undivided one-sixth interest or share in said land, then that the Court do render judgment confirming the respective shares of said Arminta Adams and said Annie S. Nave in said land, and that partition be made of said real estate according to the respective rights of said,parties, and in case said land cannot be equitably divided, that the same may be sold and the pro ceeds thereof be divided between said parties according to their respective rights; also that the Court do find and decree that the mortgage in favor of the defendant, Ira E. Williams, which is recorded in book 44. at page 18, of Mortgage Records of said county, is a valid lien upon all of the land owned by the said Arminta Adams, and that, in the event of the sale of said land, the said mortgagee may be paid the amount due upon said mort gage as found by the Court out of that part of the proceeds of the sale of said lands which belongs to the said Arminta Adams, and for general equitable relief. You are required to answer said petition on or before the 19th day of August, 1912. Dated this 10th day of July, 1912. Arminta Adams and s Russell D. Adams, Plaintiffs. By B. J. Nightingale and H. S. Nightingale, Their Attorneys. Last pub. August 1. Legal Notice. In the District Court of Sherman County, Nebraska. T. Henry Eisner, Plaintiff, vs. Clement C. Griffin,-'i Griffin, wife of Clement C. Griffin, first and true name unknown, Mary L. Griffin, Bay Burdette Griffin, Mrs. Ray B. Grif fin, wife of Ray B. Grif fin, deceased, Mrs. Ray B. Griffin, Simeon B. i Notice to Griffin, Sadie A. V. Grif-1 Non - Resi tin, Ethel Ray Griffin, ^dentDefen Sarah A. V. Griffin, the | dants. unknown heirs, legatees and devisees of Ray B. j Griffin, deceased, the un- ! known heirs, legatees ; and devisees of Clement | C. Griffin, deceased. Defendants, j Will take notice, that the plaintiff, T. Henry Eisner, on the 16th day of July, A. D. 1912, filed his petition in the District Court in and for Sher man County, Nebraska, the object and prayer of which are for a decree that the defendants and each and all of them be required to set out, what if any, interest they or either of them have, or claim to have in or to lot number five (5) in block number eighteen (18) in the original town, now city, of Loup City, Sherman County, Nebraska, according to the recorded plat thereof of record in the office of the county cierkof said county. That said defendants and each and all of them be decreed to have no interest in. or to. said real estate or any part thereof: that the cloud or cloulds cast upon the title of this plaintiff to said real estate, caused by the claims or pretended claims of the several de fendants named, be removed, can celled and dispelled, and that the title and possession of the plaintiff in and to said real estate be forever quieted and confirmed and for decree quieting title and possession of plain tiff, his heirs and assigns, in and to said real estate against the claims and demands of said defendants and each and all of them and that said defendants, and each and every one of them, their heirs and assigns, or any person or persons claiming, by, through or under them, be perpetu ally enjoined and estopped from ever having, or claiming to have any right, title, interest, estate or demand in and to said premises, or any part there of. adverse to the title and possession of plaintiff, his heirs and asigns. and for such other and further relief as the court may deem just and equit able. You are further notified that you are required to answer this petition on or before the 26th day of August, ! 1912. or the allegations of said peti ! tion will be taten as true and decree entered as prayed. T. Henry Elsner. By Robert P. Starr, His Attorney Last pub Aug. 8‘ Road Notice. (Addition to Obermiller Road. To all whom it may concern: e committee on roads has reported in favor of the establishment of the fol lowing road commencing at the north west corner of section twenty-eight (28) township fourteen (14) range four teen (14) and running thence one mile south and terminating at the south west corner of said section, and the county board after considering the same do declare and resolve that said road is a public necessity, and do set the 7th day of August, 1912, as a day of final hearing, and all objections thereto or claims for damages must be filed on or before noon of the afore said date, or such road will be estab lished without reference thereto. Dated at Loup City this 10th day of July, 1912. W. C. Dieterichs, [seal] County Clerk. Last pub. August 1. For a Square Deal IN Real Estate And Insurance See J. W Dougal OFFICE OVER State Bank Building A Full Line Of Druggists Sundries are Always kept at this store. You will find that they are of the best quality and reliable in every way. Our Medicines are absolutely pure. With them we compound prescrip tiona that represent accurate ly the physicians idea for the patient For Sale By Swanson & Lofholm T'noreau to Longfellow. As I love nature, as I love singing birds, and gleaming stubble, and flow ing rivers, and morning, and evening, and summer, and winter, I love thee my friend. Boy’# Reward. Having pretty manners helps a little girl, but all a little boy gets out of pretty manners is to have the other boys call him “SiBsy.”—Atchison Globe. THE BIGGEST SALE OF MEN’S SUITS Still Conntiues For a short time I Will Give $5 Off on Any Suit In My Store If You Want to Save $5.00 Remember For a short i Time ONLY, LORENTZ { The Clothier j ft York College A Strong. Standard Institution-464 students the last rear Recognized by the State and issues all grades of State Certificates . Unrivaled Location. Most pleasant surroundings. Lowest rates of expense Three ' buildings. Good equipments Full Collegiate work. Superior Normal training, thorough Academy courses, strong busi ness and shorthand departments, splendid conservatory of music, and also Oratory and Art. York College has helped hundreds of young people to good positions after saving them hun' dreds of dollars on their education. Be sure to consult us before going elsewhere. Catalogue and picture bulletin free Fall term opens September 16. Address Wm. E. Schell, President, York Seb. r Heat Is All On the Bottom of the Iron And the ironing surface on an “American” Electric Iron is always clean and beautifully pol ished. Just the thing for all the household ironing. Do your ironing—even on the hottest day—in cool comfort, in half the time and at much lower cost. C. R. Sweetland Agent BEFORE GOING ANYWHERE CALL BURLINGTON DEPOT For one way rates, round trip summer excursion rates, Homeseekers rates, time of trains, best connections for all points. Will be pleased to have you ci 11, phone or write for any information desired. Don’t forget our freight trains spll making good time. When interested call for rates to and from all points. pS|HRR|| J. A. Danielson Ticket Agent MM L. W. Wakely, ■IB General PassingerAgent, Omaha, Neb