The Loup City northwestern. (Loup City, Neb.) 189?-1917, July 18, 1912, Image 5

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Many jx.ij.l,; plau their whole lives to ^
< have a bank account and then leave this £
* orb! without so much as a start at one. J
Planning isn t worth anything unless 'j
followed fcv action. 3
^ ‘io*i intetions never land you any- &
I where. &
( Make your plans to start an accouut a
with u- this week and back up your plans y
¥ with action. 1
¥ _ 1
( ®Q f- Mjww prest 3. 8. Outhouse. Vlce-pres
/, L. hansen. Cashier 4
Do you know a good
Thing when you see it!
In Price on All Posts
On arc >unt <>f rebuilding our plant, we are compelled
i tr. :i*:>*r2**,("m to another section of our yard,
hj!*-- *».• sue .*e<i in idling them. Wc are offering you
this c>»t «*f Handling, in the price of the posts. Call and
convince I that it is a post bargain of a lite time.
In Effect After Jen. let. 1912
l> -pi»< MUM (s-flwcli |rr u«k f Ki
\m uiMptaj Mt irr taSaa tor »■ mas
Sr prr a«r< i
IgiMKer tan* prr BHt. »_»
Half Imw pr-r (Ml .... ... *So *
►"Mi pact-prr *rrk _ . . li««1
prr IS, ti prr UNHtiM..ii
prr liar prr ;t»«« rttvm <6
Mr ft uta ratrvt- tr«»n: . IlioSr
Lssrsi * ..*•* Lf-ca. It,’*-*.
r-• —-.r- ^/^evr.-rvsg
( Mibsrripliuti In Ihr Nnrlh- j
( westerm i* a jpar •)
( Single Copy .*» re ill* .)
faster s.,elis hr chickens. Go to
Lee Bros ' meet market.
E. G Taylor liad business at Ganfcral
Ctlf Tuesday.
For Sale Mare and three volte-, see
Jas. Joliarisen for particulars.
J. I. lie;** ade a business trip to
York Tuesday.
J. \V. Horsey respectfully solicits!
your patronage.
Mr* T. I» Wils ti tisitedat Ashton
Wanted I »i»h washer and chamber
maid at ti*e Milburn Hotel.
Highest price. for young beeves at
Lee Brothers' market.
Let J. W. Hougat sell tour farm or
city property for you.
Mr*. H. L Adamson was on the j
sick list last week.
Good cleaning and pressing, satis
faction guaranteed by J. W\ Iiorsey.
If you want good fresh fruit go to
tie Hon Ton Cafe.
Bring in your spring chickens to
Lee Brothers and get Ute good prices I
See Mr* lh-Witt for dressmaking,
in Mrs Gardner s house, k*blocks east ,
of the Baptist chervil.
Fancy prices w ill be pah! by Lee
Brotiiers for young rattle. Call and
see them.
Try the J. L. Hagood dray line.
He will give you good service. I’hone
Lee Brot «rrs will give you the |
liigties* market price for your spring j
i Furniture for sale, as good as new. 1
at ion prices, at the Second Hand
Electric washer, with wringer at
tached. may be seen at tiie sweet land
st re Cal! and see them.
We have a full supply of all kinds of
lump coal and our prices are right.
( all at Taylor's Elevator.
Investigate the merits of the Cnion
Fit* Insurance Company of Lincoln.
J W. Hougai agent Loup City terri
If yon want a dray, phone A. L. En
deriee. i» on *iX or leave jour order
with eitlier lumber yard or E. G.
Taylor. Best of service guaranteed.
C. S. Sweetiand lias received a con
signment of electric washing ma
chines He has one on deuionstra
lion at hweetiands store. You should
go in and see it work.
-Hid you say coair' “Yes. Pinnacle,
nut coal ” Tills is a good coal for
rook stoves, free from slack and easy
u> start- Try It. For sale at Tay
lor** elevator.
When you buy your next sack of
flour, buy White Satin Flour, made by
your home mill, from home grown
wheat. All merchant* in town handle
ik Umr Car Mill au> LhihtOo.
We pay cash for eggs delivered at
tiie creamery.
Ravenna Creamery Co.
•I W. I >ougal had business at Grand
I>land Mondav.
• .round bone fore chicken feed at
Lee Bros/ meat market.
I p-to-date goods at right prices at
Schwaner's Jewelry store.
Charley Kee and family were down
fr o Washington township trading
last Friday.
Electric fans have been received and
are on sale by C. S. Sweetland. Call
and secure one before they are gone.
Mrs. K. P. Starr and baby arrived
In line last Friday evening from their
extended visit to the Pacific COast.
J. L. Iiagood. successor to Stroud
v.ill do your hauling promptly
and satisfactorily. Phone 8 on 15.
Remember we buy what you do not
w ant and sell you what you do want,
at the Second Hand store.
A Suit will wear twice as long and
look much neater if you have J. YV.
I*orsey clean and press them.
The I.O.O.F. will have installation
and first degree work Saturday night.
All brothers are invited to be present.
List your farm or city property
with J. Y\\ Dougal "The New Real
Estate man/'
Mrs. G. S. Collipriest and children
leave today on an extended visit to
Pryor. Oklahoma. George will now
serve a sentence of melancholia.
I*o you want to buy a farm or city
property worth the money? If so see
J. YV. Dougal. the new real estate
man at Loup City.
We are paying 2* cents cash for
cream delivered at the creamery. We
test and pay cash for cream.
Ravenna Creamery Co.
The Hon. 11. F. Carson, Superinten
dent of the Anti-Saloon League will
address a union mass meeting at the
Methodist church next Sunday even
ing. All are cordially welcome.
Rid Taylor was up from Council
Rlufis over last Sunday, returning to
his express messenger duties the first
of the week. His family remain fora
longer visit. /
The Cnion Fire Insurance Com
pany of Lincoln. Nebraska, writes
the most liberal farm policy of any
company in the state. See J. W.
Dougal. the new real estate man, for
Mr. and Mrs. YY’right Reynolds were
over from Litchfield last Saturday,
visiting at the home of Judge Wall
tuat day and witli Mr. Reynolds’
parents. Mr. and Mrs. S.S. Reynolds,
in YY’ebster township over Sunday.
Miss Alta M. Johnson succeeded
Mrs. Oscar Swanson, nee Miss Etta
Lofholir.. in Dr. S. A. Allen's dental
office, having sold her millinery stock
to YY'. P. Reed.
The Cnion Fire Insurance Company
of Lincoln, lias been doing business
in Nebraska for twenty-five years,
they pay their losses promptly. See
J YY'. Dougal. Loup City for partic
Ex-Senator Frank Curry of Broken
Bow was a visitor in Loup City last
Friday and gave this office a pleasant
visit. The senator is one of the busi
est of business men in the state, with
his mining interests in Mexico, his
large cattle interests and business
galore and has nearly dropped politics
but always finds time to meet and
chat over current events with his old
friends. Senator Curry is easily on<
of the brainiest men in Nebraska, auc
withal one of the most companionable
Have your suits cleaned and press
.ed before next Sunday by J. W. Dor
Attorney Starr went to Omaha on
a business trip yesterday morning.
We have some gasoline stoves and
a good ice chest for sale cheap.
Second Hand Store.
A nice little rain visited Loup City
last Thursday night.
Miss Vida Cowling is home from
the Aurora high school, where she
graduates next year.
Willie Thrasher went to Greeley
yesterday for a two weeks' visit with
his aunts.
The C. E. society cleared a hand
some little sum off their ice cream
social in the courthouse square last
Saturday afternoon and evening.
Mrs. A. II. Hansel left last Satur
day morning for Ogden. Utah, to the
bedside of her husband, who is ill at
the home of J. T. Hale.
Our Store is as COOL as the Klon
dike, since installing our NEW
ELECTRIC FANS. Come in and en
joy a Soda, Sundae or Fountain
drink. Vaughn & Hinman.
Miss Lulu Lofholm left Monday
morning for Watertown, S. D., to
visit her sister. Mrs. Marsel Young
quest, and family for some time.
The Northwestern has on hand a
number of season tickets for the cem
ing Chautauqua. Call and secure the
number you want, and have that part
of the matter over with
Mrs. Dr. Marcy and little daughter,
Mary, left Monday morning to visit a
cousin at Kansas City and from there
to visit a sister in Kansas, to be gone
perhaps a month.
STORE and enjoy a glass of WELCH'S
GRAPE JUICE—an excellent sum
mer drink. SEE OUR WINDOW.
Vaughn & Hinman.
The Loup City-Hazard game last
Sunday at Hazard resulted in 15 to 5
in favor of the latter. Hazard is said
to have one of the best teams along
the B, & M. between Grand Island
and Broken Bow, and is a hard bunch
to beat.
Since the postotlice has been
changed to its new location, there is
an increasing demand for a mid-block
crossing to the court house on West
avenue. The attention of the citv
, council is called to this.
W. R. Mellor dropped his State Fair
| work long enough last week to go up
i to Alexandria. Minn., for a few days’
! outing with his wife and the circle
j of friends, who are spending their va
j cation on the lakes.
We understanl from Editor Beusli
ausen that he his an expert engaged
from Omaha to move his big printing
press and work of moving his plant
into the new quarters in the base
ment under the postotlice beirins to
Art Eisner and Dr. Lomgacre left
for Omaha last Saturday evening by
auto, Art taking his machine down
for repairs caused by his accident on
the Fouth when his auto backed down
an embankment near the river, stov
ing in the rear end against a tree.
Mr. Eisner will attend a convention
of photographers while in Omaha.
Dr. Longacre returned Tuesday even
TINE is the most important part
of a man’s duty.
Buy your watch from a man who
can prove to you that the watch is a
perfect time keeper. Our Chronom
eter is in view day and night. It will
keep lime better than 30 seconds in 1
year's running. Ail repaired watches
are regulated by seconds. Try us.
a-8 Hknky M. Elsnek.
Last Saturday a force of men se
cured by E. G. Taylor arrived and on
Monday began stretching the cables
of the electric light company and at
this writing are rapidly completing
the final work of the lighting plant.
As soon as the boys get the cables
in place and the stores and resi
dences connected up they will put
in the fifty-five hanging lights over
the street corners. All is now going
swimmingly forward.
D. A. Johnson went up to Loup
City on the Fourth and remained a
day or two visiting and looking over
the store at that place which has
lately been rebuilt and rem.di
eted to accommodate their increasing
business. They now have a splendid
storeroom and their business is in
every way satisfactory. Mr. Larson,
the manager there, reports the best
June the store ever had_AuroraSun.
E. G. Taylor is building a residence
for Nelson Smith, hi&jdght hand man
and superintendhnt of his mill and
electric light properties, just north of
the elevator office, which is to be 26x
26, w ith an addition 12x16, where Nel
son can be in close touch with both
properties. Mr. Taylor tried to pur
chase lots in the vicinity for the
erection of the home, but was unable
to do so aud was forced to lease a lo
cation on the B. & M. right of way.
Billy Rowe has the contract
Mrs. C. C. Outhouse came home
last Friday noon from Rochester,
Minn., where she went some six
weeks prior with Mrs. Gene Patton,
who was to undergo an opeiation for
opthelmic goiter. She teports that
primary operations leading to the
main operation for the removal of the
goiter have occurred, and that the
lady’s physical condition is so improved
that there is no furthur doubt as tc
being able to stand the final test.
This will be cheering news to the
friends of Mrs. Patton, who had be
come alarmed over the reports from
Rochester, to the effect that her case
was a most aggravated one and witl
doubts of her being able to undergt
the operation and recover.
Wheat.90 £ 95
Corn.70 £ 75
Oats.55 £60
Cattle. 3 00 to 7 00
Hoes ... 6 70
Hens. S<4
Butter. 35
Eggs . 13
A baby boy was born the 11th inst.
to Mr. and Mrs. Ignac Januelwicz.
A son was born Wednesday morn
ing. July 17th. to Mr. and Mrs Paul
W. S. Waite returned home from
his trip to Old Mexico. Tuesday night.
Mr. and Mrs. Earl Thompson were
passengers for Grand Island yester
day morning on business bent.
Mrs. Robert Young entertained the
ladies of the Coffee Club yesterday
C. E. Lundy’s aged sister, who has
been making her home with him, left
this morning for Vista, Mo., and will
go from there to Oklahoma City.
Herman Johansen lost a fine mare
last Tuesday night. She had seemed
ail right the night before, but was
found dead in the pasture Wednesday
A. E. Chase was laid up two or
three days last week with a sprained
ankle received in an auto breakdown
between here and Ord, but as you
can’t keep a good man down, Bert was
out in the shortest possible time.
Dr. Bowman and W. D. Zimmer
man made an auto trip to Hazard
and Litchfield Tuesday and as a sort
of a break on a good time, indulged in
a couple of punctures in their gee
whiz cart.
Misses Winnie and OrphaOuthouse,
Miss Zoe Leeper and Clark Reynolds
leave Friday morning for a fortnight’s
visit with Rev. Harder and family
at Scotts Bluffs.
The Northwestern will make regular
visits hereafter to the home of Ernest
| McFadden. Like all our best young
married couples, they commence
housekeeping right by taking this
paper as their news dispensatory.
Dr. Carson of Dr. Higgins & Carson
of Grand Island will be at Dr. Long
acre's office. Wednesday, July 24, pre
pared to treat the Eye, Ear, Nose
and Throat and also to Fit Glasses.
Mrs. J. H. Leininger and Mrs. F. M.
Ilenrv entertained the ladies of the
Entre Nous Club at the home of the
latter this afternoon.
There will be services at the
German church at Ashton at 10:30 a.
m., Sunday. July 21, and at Rockville
at 3 p. m.
Regular preaching by the pastor at
the Methodist church next Sunday
morning. Sunday school at 11:45;
Epworth League “:15. Prof. H. C.
Carson will speak at 8 p. m.
Four auto loads of people from Loup
City visited Ravenna last Thursday,
boosting for the Harvest Festival
here August 21-22-23 next.
Services at the Swedish Christian
cl.urch Sunday, July 21, as follows:
Sunday school 10:30 a. m.; sermon at
11:15 a. m. Subject—‘'The Testi
mony of an Eye-witness.” Peter 1.
All welcome.
A load of cobs wanted at the resi
dence of the editor right away, and
don't care if we get two or more loads.
Coin of the realm given in exchange.
Hurry with them, someone.
ALL our Fountain drinks are pre
pared with filtered, CARBONATED
water. Don’t drink too much impure
water this hot weather. Enjoy a
good summer drink, and the cooling
breezes of our NEW ELECTRIC
FANS. Vaughn & Hinman.
Judge Walter Moon left Wednesday
noon on an extended trip to the Pa
cific Coast. He was accompanied by
bis daughter, Mrs. Dr. Main, and they
will visit Yellowstone Park, and from
there Mrs. Main will return home
ward, visiting her sisters in the west
part of Nebraska, while the Judge
will go westward. He will visit from
Seattle down to Los Angeles and home
by way of Salt Lake City.
Just at present the Presbyterian
people in this part of the state are
having lots of trouble over the Rev.
Mr. Wedge, who used to be known as
“Kid” Wedge, a pugilist and booze
fighter. The “Kid” has been preach
ing at Geneva, where he pummeled
an elder of his church and the people
divided in opinion as to the righteous
ness of the at. The pugilist preacher
threatens to get up a religious third
party church at Genfeva. He and
Teddy should go in cahoots.
Dr. S. A. Allen is a f ull-fleded editor,
with all the perquisites*of the pro
fession. He went to Lincoln Tuesday
on business connected with his duties
as editor of the Nebraska State
Dental Bulletin. Loup City has been
on the map for some years, as furnish
ing presidents and other officers of
state societies, and now she rounds
out her public honors by furnishing
an editor for a state publication.
And the society made no mistake in
selecting our talented young dentist
for the above duties.
York College has just completed its
twenty-second year of educational
work. During this time about eight
thousand students have been in at
tendance. Three fine buildings have
been erected. Mon than 1000 teach
ers have been given to the teaching
work, besides thousands of workers
in various pursuits and professions of
this busy age. All this has been done
: without expense to the state. The
i denominational school is one of our
i best assets. See their ad. In this
Ill iiF Tie still i
' t'.
One Lot Ladies’ Wash Suits at
One Half Price
Ladies Waists, Regular $1.25-1.50 and
3.03, all go atone price 98c
JVIaps’ Odd papts at
big dlscGupt
H big Bargain in Ribbons
ON1-Y 10c
lOOlbs best gr’d sugar 6 25
lOOlbs Chicken grit 90
2 cans Tomatoes 25
2 cans peas 25
1 doz good lemons 30
2 box grape nut 25
2 Cream Wheat 25
3 Post Toasties 25
3 Egg O-See 25
6 bars flake white soap 25
10 bars polo soap 25
50 gal coal oil and good
steel tank 9 50
Do not be swindled, as we
can always save you money
NO. 1, Shoe Counter Regular $3,50 to $4.00
Op Sale at $J.98
No. 2 SHOE COUNTER. Regular $2.-2.50 and 3.00
"Z"cuxr Clioice $149
No. 3, Shoe Counter. A Dandy Schooi Shoe
And Children's Oxfords only $1.28
Loup City Mer. Co.
tnent represents the PUREST
NESS. Bring us your Prescriptions.
Vaughn & Hinman.
L. S. Lyons, stenographer for E. G.
Taylor, is this week moving into the
Owens cottage south of the public
A heavy rain, but of short duration,
visited Loup City at 3 o'clock this
morning. While it only lasted a few
minutes, it made up for the lack of
time in volume of downpour. At this
writing a. m3 it looks mightily as
if we would get more. Let er rip.
Mr. and Mrs. C. J. Peterson of Oak
Creek enjoyed a visit from Mrs. Peter
son's uncle and aunt. Mr. and Mrs.
Chris. Donmke of Millard, Neb.. Tues
day while on their wav home from
Ord. They left yesterday for a visit
at Rockville before returning to
Otis White, who went from here to
near Watertown some three months
ago. has been hack doing his harvest
ing the past two weeks, and Saturday
will return to his new Dakota home,
where he has rented a farm and will
remain a renter till he sees how he
likes the country, and if he does will
dispose of his farm here and buy
there. His primary object in going
to Dakota was his wife's health, which
he reports as much better there.
Estray Notice.
Taken up the 22nd day of May, or
nei$ Sec. 32, T. 15. R. 14, one horse
colt, black with white stripe on face
and three white feet, and one roar
mare colt, bald face. Owner maj
have same by proving property anC
paying damages.
j 25 H. W. Gustafson.
Saturday Specials at
2 cans 15c Baking Pow
der for 15 cents.
10 bolts 12 l-2c ging
ham per yard 7c.
I lb good Coffee 22c
Open Permanent offices
in Grand Island.
Free Examination Day set for
July ^Sth
Rupture . One Visit
Hydrocele One Visit
Varicocele One Visit
Cataracts K> nays
Cancer.30 Days
Catarrh - -30 Days
iGi.ect. Etc- 30 Day*
pOoiTER r-o Days
Piles 3 to i Days
( Drains . 5 to 30 Days
Office Hours 3 !o 9 Oaifj
-> jama** Witts to«ay to
Main a«t» BroadraT,
i Grand Island office
108 E 3rd street
The Latest In
Yah may d®P®ncI up
I vllon it—we have it
(in our Store, WE aim
to carry an up-to-date
stock, and we do. That’s
the reason we say “For some
thing new in jewelry visit our
Y0Uf( JSiYSu^Y STORE www
What You Gain
by being a regular depositor with the Loup
City State Bank:
Your funds are kept in absolute security.
Payment by check provides indisputable re*
receipts in the form of returned can
celed checks. Payment by check saves
many a long trip; saves trouble of mak
ing change and taking receipts.
Being a depositor with us, acquaints us with
eaeh other and lays the foundation for
accommodation, when you want to piece
out your resources with a loan.
Every courtesy and facility is rendered the
small as well as the large depositor. Don't
wait until you can begin with a large deposit
Capital and Surplus, $47,500.00
J,S. Pedler, President C. C. Carlsen, Cashier
John W. Long, Vice President, W. J, Root, Assistant Cashier.
Change of Program Every Monday, Wednes
day Friday and Saturday Nights
We will have 2 and 3 reel Feature picture every Friday
as follows: War on the Plains, Friday, July 19th. Before
Yorktown, Friday, July 26th. Indian Massacree, Friday,
August 2nd. Don’t miss any of these
Don't forget Chat Sle Rave
The Latest and Job Type
When in Need of that kind of work
Give Us a Cali