| COME TO OUR STORE MOW, AMB OUR LOW PRICES, COMBIMEB WITH OUR HIGH QUALITY MERCHAMBISE, WILL ABSOLUTELY “COMPEL” YOU TO BUY MOW AMB BUY LOTS. WE BO MOT I MAKE A “HURRAH” ALL Or THE YEAR AROUMB SO WHEM WE COME OUT AMB SAY THAT OUR PRICES WILL “COMPEL” YOU TO BUY YOU MAY KMOW THAT WE SPEAK THE TRUTH.; (BIGGEST VALUES IN BOLT GOODS You have ever known await you here. Huge piles of bolt goods of all kinds greatly underpriced, and all marked for clearance of this sale Sale Commences Thursday, July 4, and Ends Saturday, July 13,1912 ^ ---- Hand Bag j Men’s Shirts. $3.50 hand bags $2.50 $2.50 men’s shirts $1.98 2.50 hand bags 1.69 2.00 men’s shirts 1.57 2.00 hand bags 1.49 1.50 men’s shirts 1.19 1.50 hand bags .98 j 25 men’s shirts .93 1.00 hand bags .69 j qq men’s shirts .79 ■...— - ■ .75 men’s shirts .59 .65 men’s shirts .49 Shoes 50 men’s shirts .39 $5.00 shoes $4.50 - 4.50 shoes 4.00 Corset Money Savers. 4.00 shoes 3.60 $1.00 American Beauty $ .79 3.50 shoes 3.10 1.25 American Beauty .98 \ 3.00 shoes 2.65 1.50 American Beauty 1.19 2.50 shoes 2.15 2.00 American Beauty 1.49 2.00 shoes 1.70 3.00 American Beauty 2.39, 1.50 shoes 1.20 Look over that box of 49 1.25 shoes .98 cent ones, they are bargains, 1.00 shoes .80; some worth as high as $1.50. % Underwear Money Savers UNION SUITS *2.50 Union Suits 1.98 1.50 Union Suits 1.18 1.25 Union Suits .98 * Union Suits .82 .65 Union Suits .48 .50 Union Suits .39 Separate Suits 50 .39 !. 40 underwear .28 .25 “ .19 Ladies’ Vests. .10c vests .08 13c vests .10 | 15c vests .12 18c vests .15 25c vests .21 50c vests .39 1 _ P Piece Goods Money Savers. 1 00 dress goods 88 80c silk mull 42 75 dress goods 59 45° &ilk mull 32 50c dress goods 39 35csiihmull 23 35 fancy lawn 23 50c border goods* 25 25 fancy lawn 17 50° natural liuen 35 15c fancy lawn 11 35c gingham 25 15c gingham 12! 25° gingham 19 Embroidery Flounces. H45 inch wide flouncing in; various designs in dainty pat- j 1 *1 terns, well worked on good quality swiss, regular 1.25 jp value for this sale vard H . 93 B45 in swiss embroidery floun cing these pieces are very good patterns and extra cheap at 85 c this sale 87« 45 in flouncing different pat terns on a nice quality swiss, well worth $1.00 of auy ones money. While they last at this sale, yard 68c 27 in wide swiss and nain sook Flouncing. Big assort ment of pretty open work and floral designs, 60c values at yard 43c Men's Hats Money Makers. z-=* meu s felt hits these are Kiipbory brand one o’i the i>est made, sale price _ 2.49 B2.Q0 man s felt huts \ gg 1.75 boy's felt hats 1.4S 1.25 boy's felt hat «9S .75 boy’s felt hats .58 m _ 2.50 men s felt hats King I brand one of the best hats for the money sold, sale price 1.98 1.75 men's felt hats 1.49 1.50 b°y* felt bats 1.23 1.00 boys felt hats .75 .50 boys felt hats .39 LadieS’ Macintoshes $4 ladie’s mackintoshes $2.25 ladie’s mackintoshes $350 6 “ “ 3.00 7 “ “ 2.75 $10 ladies’ Mackintoshes $6.50 Silk Petticoat Money Savers 7-00 Taffata in different colors one of the best makes they go at this sale 498 5 00 taffata, black 3 48 3 50 in a nice soft silk in j black, this sale 2 69 2-5Q soft silk, black 1-89 Straw Hats Ml straw hats 1 39 150 straw hats 98 125 straw hats 89 ! 1 00 straw hats 69 i 75 straw hats 49 50 straw hats 38 35 straw hats 23 I 25 straw hats 19 20 straw hats 15 j 15 straw hats 11 10 straw hats 07 Towel Money Savers Hemmed individual towels, red border, while they last, per single towel 5c Pure linen crash. 17 inches wide, red border, guaranteed to be pure linen flax, sells regularly for on sale now at, yard | The best $1 overalls that we i can buy go at 8Qc Ladies’ Coats In this line we only have two left, one bine one at 1050 one tan one at 1000 they go at this sale for $12 and $7 and will lower the price on each every day till sold' 5$f here is a chanoa for a cheap coat Men's Night Shirts $1-25 quality, nicely trim med, an extra good cambric at this sale t9c 75c either with or without collars good quality muslin, full size and nicely made, this sale 4)c Waist Money Savers $1 ladies waists 99 1 25 ladies waists 19 1 50 ladies waists 99 2 90 ladies waists 1 49 2 25 ladies waists 1 99 2 50 ladies waists 1 92 3.75 ladies waists 2 49 Glove Money Savers Wo have a nice assortment in almost any color extra strong values for 50c go at this sale 39c Suspenders Percale 50c suspenders 39c Yard wide percale, with bor 35c suspenders 25c der, just the thing for quilts, 25c suspenders 19c regular 15c, in this sale 7c I A. E. CHASE Loup City Nebraska. Ready Made Muslin Money Savers SKIRTS 4.tt underskirts 2.S9 3.50 underskirts 2.08 3.00 underskirts. 1.98 2.50 underskirts 1.69 2.00 underskirts 1.49 1.75 underskirts 1.16 1.50 underskirts .98 1.00 underskirts .69 Muslin Drawers .75 drawers 49 .65 drawers 42 .50 drawers 38 .25 drawers 19 NIGHT GOWNS. 2.50 night gowns - 1.78 2.00 ni£ht gowns 1.38 1.50 night gowns 1.08 |.25 night gowns .98 1.00 night gowns .68 .75 night gowns .49 CORSET COVERS 75 corset covers 58 65 corset covers * 49 50 corset covers 39 40 corset covers 29 35 corset covers 22 30 corset covers 19 Lace and Embroidery Money Savers. 5c lace or embroidery 31‘2 25c lace or embroidery 18 8c lace or embroidery 5 30c lace and embroidery 23 10c lace or embroidery 7 i 35° lace and embroidery 26 121-2 lace ®r embroidery 10 4Qc lace and embroidery 32 15c lace or embroidery 11 5QC lace and embroidery 39 2Qc lace and embroidery 16 60 and 65c lace and “ 50 75c lace and embroidery 60 i 1.00 lace and embroidery 75 ms Skirt Money Savers. 10.00 ikirt 7.50 7.50 akirt 5.62 7.00 ikirt 5.25 6.50 skirt 4.75 ^ 6.00 skirt 4 50 5.50 skiit 4 12 Dress Money Savers. 15.00 dress 9.00 3.00 dress 2.25 j 7.50 dress 5.89 2.50 dress 1.88 6.50 dress 4.68 2.25 dress 1.68 iS.OO dress 3.75 2.00 dress 1.48 4.00 dress 2.98 1.50 dress 1.12 3.50 dress 2.68 1.25 dress .98 1.10 dress .89 1.00 dress .85 Groceries Money Savers 2 cans tomatoes 25 Hominy 10 Kidney beans 8 3 mustard sardines .25 41bs good rice 25 Evaporated raspberries 40 3 cans lye any kind . 25 Canned appricots 15 Corn starch ■ Bakers chocolate 1-2 lb 20 Oranges, doz. 15 2 Wheatlings 2 • 7 bars yellow soap 25 Gloss starch 5 lib jar peanut butter 25 j 2 cans salmon 2q one lb good coffee 25 six cans oil sardines 25 canned peaches i5 Good broom > Krout i*» Three lbs pearl barley 2-r> Canned apples i0 Prunes 12 1-2 Swan down cake flour 31) Lemons, doz 30 Two packaaes grape nut 25 Six bars white soap 25 . Bananas 2t> Aunt Jemima’s cake flour 2 > Old potatoes 81 50 Extra Specials For Saturday, July 6th One line children’s hosiery for ic size, that is a size 5 would cost you 5c, a 7, 7c: and soon. 171b granulated sugar for $1. Mothers corn flakes per package 05c