The Loup City northwestern. (Loup City, Neb.) 189?-1917, June 27, 1912, Image 5

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    [ |PLAN= I |
t Z._Then Act il
t •‘fy I
t - - j
t %
Many ]**<>ple plan their whole lives to y
<* have a bank account and then leave this £
world without so much as a start at one. $
Planning isn t worth anything unless ‘i
V followed fcv action. ^
v • * ja '
Good int etions never land you any
jn where. ^
( Make your plans to start an account .j|
with us this week and back up your plans $
V with adion. ')
01. f. Mi««. prcst H. B. Cjth^usc. Vtce-Prts'
/ L. hansen. Cashier \
V _ )
In Effect After Jan. 1st. 1912
t> ous ■*!« ptlacb prr ««-ek f .Id
v» dupi*) U1UT lor k-»» thus
Sr prr M< 1
• .arurr pan:- prr «rt . . IM
MWf par* prr aaerk. . «.Sii
r»a pauar prr «* . k _ IIP
5:- afirr*. prr orb prtBrruok .25
•-* *prr inr {. r orfim ... .<6
run . bp i-«urPlnc .. :to ui
Irr*. S«»>1 tors. K»ir»
( S»bvrri|»li«i to the Norfb^H
( • extern is fl.'HI a year )
(■ sing!*- Copy 4 rents .1
Ojrtrr shells for chickens. Go to
Lee Kio*. meat market.
Mrs. Frank Witikieuian is reported
on Ute sick list.
J. W. Gone) respectfully solicit*
your patronage.
linker Mason made a business trip
'uOioia Tuesday. to return Friday.
J. W. I*>ugai made a business trip
to Grand Uiand Tuesday.
Wanted I*ish*a*her and chamber
maid at the Milburti Hotel.
Let J. W. laougal sell your farm or
city property for you.
Good cleaning and pressing, satis
faction guaranteed by J. W. Ixorsey.
See Mrs. I«eWitt for dressmaking,
in Mrs Gardner's house. - blocks east
of the Baptist church.
iVteOgle weot to Oxaha Tuesday
after a car load of autos. He has tiie
sale at three Fords in sight, lie says.
The ladies of the Mettiodist church
• ill sene Ice Cream and Cake on the
court bouse lawn this Friday night.
Try the J. L. Hagood dray line,
lie «UJ give you good service. Phone
S on Ik.
II you want, good fresh fruit go to
tlie Bon Ton Cafe.
Mrs Margeret Ling of Aurora. wIkj
has been here for a few weeks on a
visit with her sons and daughter,
returned tone Monday morning.
We have a full -apply of all kinds ol
jump coal and our prices are right.
I all at Taylor's Elevator.
Miss Li/yie Leininger entertained
her young ladv friends of tlie B. of E.
hub at her home last evening. A
1 *11 j time was reported.
Now in stock ready for your use
Tanglefoot. I»»l«y Fly Killer. Wondei
K v Killer and tlie Poison Fly Killer.
Harry Larsen, younger brotlier ol
Wm. Larsen of tiw Merc-anti* Co., re
turned to Aurora Monday.after a few
days* visit bere
Investigate Uie merits of tlie Cnioti
Fire Insurance Company of Lincoln,
J W. Doogal agent Loup City terri
-Tlie W. C*. T. I*, will meet in Um
Baptist church at 230 every Saturday
afternoon hereafter until furthei
If you want a dray, plKitie A. L. En
deriee. « on ««. or leave yoor ordei
with either lumber yard or E. G
Taylor. Best of service guaranteed.
-Did you say coal?” “Yes. Pinnacle
nut coal.’* Tills is a good coal foi
cook stoves, free from slack and easy
to start. Try it. For sale at Tay
101*1 elevator.
Wbeo you buy your next sack ol
tour, buy White Satio Flour, made by
your home mill, from borne growi
wheat. All merchants in town hand!*
it. LovpOmr Mux asdLmstOo.
We pay cash for eggs delivered at
ti«e creamery. Kavenna Cry . Co.
Spend the Fourth at Jenner's park
tl;i« year.
Ground bone fore chicken feed at
Lee Bros.' meat market.
Mis> Bernice Casteel on Route 2
has recovered from her recent illness.
1'p-to-date goods at right prices at
Schwaner's Jewelry store.
Will Itesch, of Central City, was
liere on business yesterdav.
See our ad. at the Gem Theatre.
Vacgiix & Hixman .
. Mrs. Ed. Angier entertains the la
dies of the Knte Xousclub tbis after
. noon.’ *' t"-.
Mrs. Viola and Miss Ernie Oden
.lahl were Grand Island visitors Mon
Ross H. Welton. editor of the In
dependent Pleasanton. Neb., was a
pleasant caller Friday.
We call your attention to our ad. in
this week's issue.
Vacgiix & IIixxan.
J. P. Leininger gave his Sunday
i school class an enjoyable auto ride
and outing Monday.
Take supper with the ladies on the
court house lawn tomorrow (Friday)
List your farm or city property
with J. W. Ilougal '‘The New Real
Estate man.'
Mrs. T. A. Taylor was quite ill last
week, but is reported much better at
Harry Jenner will have his park
lighted with electric lights the night
of the Fourth at his big celebration.
Swat the Fly! We will help you by
' having on hand at all times the nec
iTvNin reijuiremenis.
Vacuum & 11 [NM AN.
A monster celebration is planned
for the Fourth at Jenner's park. Don't
; miss it.
Attorney Starr went to York Tues
day morning where he is counsel in a
. MO,OHO wili case.
Have your suits cleaned and press
ed before next Sunday by J. W. Dor
: sey.
Attend the social given by the
Methodist ladies on the court house
lawn Friday night.
J. L. Hagood. successor to Stroud
will do your hauling promptly
and satisfactorily. Phone 8 on 15.
A Suit will wear twice as long and
look much neater if you have J. \V.
Dorsey clean and press them.
. We are paying 21 cents cash for
cream delivered at the creamery. We
test and pay cash for cream.
Havens'a Creamery Co.
Mr. Leslie Lyons, stenographer for
E. G. Taylor, was married at Cairo
Tuesday of this week. We did not
learn the name of the bride.
We noderstand the Commercial Club
at its regular meeting tomorrow (Fri
dao night will take up the question
of securing a Carnegie library.
l»o you want to buy a farm or city
property worth the money? If so see
J. W. Dougal. the new real estate
man at Loup City.
Tlie Union Fire Insurance Cora
l pany of Lincoln, Nebraska, writes
the most liberal farm policy of any
company in the state. See J. W.
Dougal. the new real estate man, for
The Union Fire Insurance Company
of Lincoln, has been doing business
in Nebraska for twenty-five years,
i they pay their iosses promptly. See
J. W. Dougal, Loup City for panic
‘ uiars.
1 - *
TINE is the most important part
I of a man's duty.
B'.y your watch from a man whc
can prove to you that the watch is a
perfect time keeper. Our Chronom
eter is in view day and night. It w ill
keep time better than 30secondsinl
year's running. All repaired watches
are regulated by seconds.
’ 4 Henry M. Elsner.
Bid Taylor and family were up
from Council Bluffs on a visit to rel
atives last week.
Herman Sperling and wife of Oak
Creek were Loup City visitors one
day last week.
Lee Bros, will sell home smoked
hams for one week at 16c per pound
commencing July ist.
Mrs. Thos. R. Lay of Rockville ac
companied a sister to Rochester.
Minn., last week, the latter to under
go an operation.
The Northwestern has on hand a
number of season tickets for the cem
ing Chautauqua. Call and secure the
number you want, and have that part
of the matter over with
The ice wagon will be on the streets
every Saturday afternoon for the
benefit of the farmers and other
patrons who may wish ice for special
purposes. J. W. Conuku.
Aiost— i-year-old boy's coat, some
where in first 3 or 4 miles southwest
I of Loup City. Finder return to this
office and receive proper compensation.
Mrs. Rebecca Eichelberger returned
; to her home in Aurora Friday, after
a two-weeks' visit with her daughter,
i Mrs. J. W. Cowling, at this place.
toK Salk—Northwestern engine
and Avery Separator in good condi
tion. Guaranteed a bargain.
Golka Bros.. Ord. Neb.
Geo. \V. Woten was up from Rock
ville last Friday on matters of busi
| ness. We understand he is selling
| out his business interests at Rockville
preparatory to moving elsewhere.
The ice wagon will make special de
liveries on the morning of the Fourth,
j Those wishing ice on that day will
please phone J. W. Couger. 8-on-2S.
the evening of the 3rd.
Hr. Sutherland, ex-president of
j Grand Island College, will preach
l next Sunday, morning and evening, at
the Baptist church in this city. A
| cordial welcome to all.
Born. Saturday. June 22. 1912, to
Mr. and Mrs. A. B. Young, a daughter.
Bro. Young now has a full hand tnree
j kings aud two queens. We extend
i congratulations.
Will and George Peterson returned
Monday from their trip up into
i Minnesota. Will added another piece
j of land to his holdings at Brooks and
(George will invest latter.
I he ladies of-the M. E. vlnirch will
i serve refreshments, consisting of
■ sandwiches, coffee, ice c:eain and
j cake on. the eourt house lawn tomor
row (Friday) evening.
Mr. and Mrs. Simon Anderson and
j two children, who have been visiting
■ with Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Youngquest
| since Friday last, left for their home
at Aurora Tuesday morning. Mrs.
1 Anderson is Elmer's oldest sister.
A Fourth of July celebration will
be held at Baillie's grove by the peo
j P'e of that neighborhood. Sportsand
amusements, including a ball game,
; will be given. Plenty of refresh
| ments. A cordial welcome to all to
j attend.
I he Northwestern will go to press
j next week (on Wednesday) one day
I earlier, so the office force can cele
brate the Fourth with a holiday rest.
Patrons will please hand in their fa
vors not later than Tuesday to insure
insertion that week.
\V. S. Waite left Tuesday morning
j for Old Mexico to look after the es
' tate left by his brother who was mur
| dered by Mexican pandits. He was
accompanied by his father-in-law.
; Sheriff A. Sutton of Ord. They ex
| pect to return in a couple of weeks.
Mrs. Will Simpson was taken
i seriously ill on our streets Monday
afternoon, was taken to lierhome and
■since has been under the physician's
i care with fears expressed for a time
: for her recovery. At this writing
however, she is reported improving.
Fowler, the noted aviator who flies
at Grand Island on J uly :>-4 will carry
either a lady or gentleman passenger
j up with him on July 3-4th. If any of
1 our readers have a desire to take a
j trip in an airship, just let Tom Brad
: street of Grand Island have your
name and he will arrange for you to
j take tlie flight.
Mr. and Mrs. W. L. D. Auble and
daughter. Miss Kay. parents and sister
Jof Mrs. Lou Schwaner, and Mr. and
i Mrs. Ch&s. Schwaner. the former a
j brother of Mr. Lou Schwaner. were
! guests at the Schwaner home here,
j coming over from Ord Sunday and
returning home Monday.
Last Thursday evening, about 7:30
1 an explosion of the underground muf
j tier for the engine at the power house
; occurred tearing up the cement walk
! in front of the power house, but no
i results followed, except bad holes in
! the cement work. The exhaust pipe
> proved too small to give vent to the
Archie Kearns came home from
Bellevue College last week for a few
; days’ visit at home, by way of Colora
do. where he went as a delegate from
Bellevue to the great Y. M. C. A.
convention in that state. He returned
to his college ^Monday morning,
where he will be employed during
vacation. Archie is one of the very
best of Loup City boys who is making
good in every way, and to whom the
future will bring well earned honors.
j Wheat.90 & 9
Corn..70 & 7
• Outs. ..£3 £6
Cattle.. 3 00 to 7 0
Hoes .». 6 7
„ Poultry
Hens. S'*
Butter. a:
Egps.:. i:
Misses Grace and Beulah Byerlv. ol
Anamosia. Iowa, are visiting at the
home of their sister. Mrs. J. C. Tour
The county fathers adjourned last
Saturday as a Board of Equalization
and did the handsome thing of mak
ing a blanket reduction?of 25 percent
from the outrageous assessment of
Loup City property. And even some
properties have been lowered from
that without unjust action.
W. S. Peterson has just returned
from a trip to Minnesota. This is
the third time that Mr. Peterson lias
investigated Northern Minnesota and
lie lias purchased a piece of land on
each and every trip. He has had a
wide experience in travel and looking
at land and considers Northern Minn
j esota an excellent buy.
Tiie ladies of the Birthday clad) en
j tertained tlieir husbands at the home
of editor and Mrs. Ilyusha use n last
Friday evening. The home was "lit'
with electricity furnished by Clarence
Sweetland's private plant which wa
attached to the lights which lie ha?
i installed ready when the lights get
! to going.
i And tlii> week comes the National
! IK'moeratic powwow at Baltimore
i To those who fear the defeat of the
1 republican party this fall and the
| elevation of democracy to power, we
ask that they wait the result of the
Baltimore convention, if all preen
j dent' are not broken, democracy car
, be relied upon to make enough ol
' blunders to cause tlieir defeat, ir
I spite of any mistakes the republicar
j party may make.
j Jay Cole's big bay dray team in
jdulgedinan exciting runaway Iasi
j Saturday afternoon, but fortunatly
, did little damage. Starting near
j Makowski s store, they circledarounc
I the corner and started down tin
street west, but before they gained
much headway they struck a wagoi
i tided with dirt, parted company witl
! their wagon and ended more scare,
i than hurt. For a time it looked a
j though one horse would be killed
j but beyond a few scratches th
| animal came out as good as new.
We understand Mrs. Gene Patton
who went to Rochester. Minn., som
time since to be operated upon fo
j an opthelmic goiter, will be bonn
1 shortly, the physician deciding t
I give the lady treatment- till fall t
prepare her physical condition bette
to withstand the operation, which i
; claimed to be most difficult and dan
j gerous.
The special sale at Vic Swanson"
1 on Dry Goods continues this wee!
only. Do not pay high prices fo
Dry Goods when you can buy th'
same merchandise at from one-thin
to one-half less at Vic Swanson'
special sale. Speeiai for Saturday
i shoes worth up to $4.00 per pair, you
■ choice 91.00. Always look in our dis
j play .window for Fruit, We h&ndli
I the best.
Vic Swanson,
The House of Quality.
Miss Anna Stutheit and Mr. Ern
est McFadden were married at tin
Methodist Episcopal Church at hal
past seven o'clock in the morning
Tuesday. June 25. Rev. Dr. Leepe
officiated with the beautiful rinj
The affair was characterized througl
out by quiet elegance and the onh
guests were the near relatives of th<
contracting parties.
The bride wore white voile ove;
white silk and carried a showei
boquet of lillies-of-the-valley anc
white roses.
Miss Lucy Fowler attended tin
; bride and wore pink crepe de chine
carried pink sweet peas and had a
! band of pink velvet in her hair.
Mr. Arthur Conger was best man
j he and the groom wearing the con
I ventional black.
Miss Ernestine Odendahl played the
fwedding march, and wore a whit*
; serge gown and pink roses.
The church was handsomely deco
rated with potted plants, cut flowers
i and white ribbon.
Following the ceremony. Mrs. Viola
j Odendahl gave an elegant live course
breakfast at her beautiful home. The
parlors were decorated with ropes ol
i springiria and cut flowers. And the
many beautiful gifts were displayed
and admired The dining room was
j elaborated decorated with pinkswee:
: peas and asparagus fern. A beauti
i ful cluster of four white bells huns
directly over the breakfast table where
i the gracious hostess presided in a
. gown of black and white Parisiar
tissue trimmed with black velvet anc
I white lace. The breakfast wasservec
by Mrs. Frederick Odendahl and Mrs
'Terry Hilsabeck.
, After a trip to the southern anc
eastern part of the state Mr. and Mrs
j McFadden will be at borne in Louj
; City.
k These present at the ceremony be
; sides the bride and groom were Dr
and Mrs. Leeper, Miss Margaret
j Stutheit, sister of the bride, Mr. anc
1 McFadden, parentsof the groom. Miss
J Ruth McFadden, sister of the groom
Mr. C. Oltjenbruns and family, unclr
. and cousins of the bride.
One who was there.
Specials for the Week
We have one of the best lines of Taffata and Satin ribbons we have ever had to put on
our 10c table. Those that want to get in line for a bargain in'ribbons must follow the
| crownd and come to our store. These ribbons will be put on sale Saturday morning at
110 cents
i I
-- H m ■■ ii ■ _
Shoes! Shoes! - Shoes! Shoes!
We have just purchased from one of the eastern shoe manufactory, one lot of Chil
dren's Shoes that we will put on sale Saturday morning at a special price. The sizes o*
these shoes is 11 1-2 to 2, the price $1.29.
Ladies' Wash Suits
vVe still have a few Ladies wash suits to cl>se out at 1-2 price
Our Summer Wash Goods is the Most Complete
Our assortment is tine, we have most everything in that line you might think of and our
prices are right. Call and see them
g 100 lbs °yster . Me 12 Cans Corn. 90 I |
I IdO lbs sugar...0<’ 2 Cans of good tender peas. 25 j
g None Such Coffee..25 100 lbs White Fish.. 4 25 I
1 Can best Hominv.... 1 Harvester oil.per g.l. 40 j
§ S Cans Best Raspberries.,,, Best Cider Vinegar. •• “ 35 ; ;
| 2 Cans Tomatoes. 25 ^ Postes.25 j j
| 12 Cans Tomatoes.1 25 3 box Egg-0-See.25 \ \
b 3 Cans Corn.. 25 2 cream of wheat.25 j j
v 1 can sugar butter.3512 grape nut.25 !!
^ i i
Loup City Mer. Co.
1 Services as usual J une 30tli. Topic
' for evening. "Ignoring Great Events."
' During July, when the pastor will be
* absent, there will be regular services
at 10:30 a. m. each Sabbath and the
Sabbath school and C. E. as usual.
Preaching in Austin 3p. m. June30.
* J. C. Tot'rt el lot. Pastor.
Regular preaching next Sunday
morning and night by the paster.
Sunday school at 11:45. Our Sunday
* *
school exceeded the 200 mark in at
5 tendance last Sunday, but we still
have room for many more. 120 were
present at the evening service last
> Sunday. A large per cent of those
. present were young men. All are
: I most cordially welcome.
; j D. A. Leeper. Pastor.
June 30—At Loup City, 10 a. m.
Sunday school: 10:30, services.
P. Jl'eling. Pastor.
i 1
Lee Bros, will sell home smoked
hams for one week at 16c per pound
commencing July 1st.
Rev. and Mrs. Tourtellot expect to
start the first of July for a little trip
by auto to eastern Iowa. They will
; visit friends enroute, and will return
about August 1st. Services will be
' held as usual at the morning hsur
each Sunday in the pastor's absence.
Mrs. Gus. Lotente and baby went
, to Ravenna last Friday for a few days’
visit with Grandpa and Grandma
, J Erazim. Gus is now stretching his
! underpinning neath the dining babies
. at the Milburn.
Mrs. Jas. Martin and daughter of
Fort Dodge. Iowa, and Trs. Begin of
Westerville. Iowa, sisters and daughter
i of Mrs* M. C. Mulick. are visiting
| the latter. Mrs. Rose Cotsello also
! is visitsng at the parental home,
j coming up from Grand Island last
Friday noon.
-- - --
Scotia 13 Loup City 3
Following is the score of the Scotia
Loup City game played here. Thurs
day, J une 20:
| Emmerman. c6 22050003
Silk, ss 6 2 0080201
Murphy, cf 6 2 0100100
Grohoskv, lb 5 3 3 17 0 O 0 0 0
Miller, 2b 511122100
Sautters. 3b 511 111100
Rado. If 51120000 0.
Copeland, rf 501000000
Cook, p 511130200
Totals 48 13 Id 27 17 3 ' 0 4
Loup City
Prichard, c 511031001
Kalleen. rf 411001001
Burt, 3b 400612300
Gilbert, p 412820002
Grow, ss 402232001
Zike. 2b 4001 2 1010
Rowe, lb 401801200
Reed. If 400002010
\ Thrasher, cf 400200010
Totals 373 7 27 16 105 3 5
(Scotia) runs 43000051 0-13
hits 22001130 1-10
. (1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 0)
i (Loup) runs 30000000 0-3
s hits 4001100 10-6
Bases on balls off Gilbert, 6: off Cook,
i 1: left on bases, Loup City 6, Scotia 8.
Time, 2 hours and 2 minutes. Um
pires, McDaniels and Tifampson.
What You Gain
by being a regular depositor with the Loup
City State Bank:
Your funds are kept in absolute security.
Payment by check provides indisputable re*
receipts in the form of returned can
celed checks. Payment by check saves
. many a long trip; saves trouble of mak
ing change and taking receipts.
Being a depositor with us, acquaints us with
eaeh other and lays the foundation for
accommodation, when you want to piece
out your resources with a loan.
Every courtesy and lacility is rendered the
small as well as the large depositor. Don’t
wait until you can begin with a large deposit
Capital and Surplus, $47,500.00
J,S. Pedler, President C. C. Carlsen, Cashier
John W. Long. Vice President, w. J, Root, Assistant Cashier.
I / --—
Let us Figure your bill ol
Lumber and all
kinds of TBmilding
Take advantage of the Government’s liberal homestead
offer which lets you file on an irrigated farm, with easy gr: d
uated payments on water rights, without interest, or lets you
take up a
in Weston, Crook or Campbell county, Wyoming, a good
oeality for dairying, stock raising, poultry raising etc. i
Here you can build a silo with native building stone
and grow corn fodder as cheaply as any place in the country.
* Splendid home markets for everything produced on the
New Folders. One telling about the Government
irrigated homesteads near Powell, Wyo. and one telling all
about the' 320 acre free homt steads. Write for the one you
want to day. They are free
D.CIem Deaver, Immigration Agent
1004 Famam Straat, Omaha Nabraaka