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About The Loup City northwestern. (Loup City, Neb.) 189?-1917 | View Entire Issue (June 27, 1912)
r - j* '* % - Loup City Northwestern __ . \ * VOLUME XXX LOUP CITY. NEBRASKA, THURSDAY, JUNE~27. 1912 " ' NUMBER 33 Profession/! Cards ItOBT. P. S rARR Attorney-at-Law. LOUP CITY. NEBP.SSKE. NIGHTINGALE A SON a: LOUP CITY. NEB-1 i __ t K H. MATHEW, Attorney-at-Law, And Bunded Abstractor. Loup City, Nebraska AABOX WALL Lawyer Practices in all Courts I oap CitT. Neb.! ROBERT H. MATHEW Bonded Abstracter LrtCrClTT. - N»t:RA*KA. OaJy art of Uatrw'. b. ksiocoamy o. K. LONG AC KE tm\m 2l<! SURGEON Office. Over New Bank TifLEPUOlTfi CALL, NO. t9 A. J. KEARNS 1 I * Kami T* *~ptor<r*-1 Luup City - Nebraska A. S. MAIN FRYSIGIiN 2"? SURGEON Loup City, Nebr. « We* %•Ew'ltrr 1 t-^piojatr < ouoactAon i. C. ■» ■*■■■ II !»- G»njtt- K»ut M O. BOWMAN A BOWMAN rii»*. hi •»« i ary mm% *"*»—■> »H tiiep < *1» . >#br»alif S. a. ALLEN. OK.y-riST. UM P « ITT. - - XEB. Oil > *t«» an tli# nrv State W |.. MAKCY. ilEimsT, ... NEB OFFICE: lad St4r 1'itUjr Sosair. Phuac. Hoax _ ._j C. E. Thornton The Drayman Atbea4> a:! order* promptir and rarrfuist esiiier lumber >ard ur Tay lor * «-ie>ator V. i. McDouall Promo! Br&y Work Cali luttibi-r yards or Taylor’s elerator Satisfaction guaran teed. Poone ♦ * on 57 A —tlslrl « asa—rr .. *A M««r talar 1 H*m fltOMBV kbebrU mi Nlirr. A. L. GILBERT High Grade and Aitistic BOOSE PMBTIHG is bbisi iz m PAPERING W. T, Draper Tbe Old Reliable PLASTER ER Beat of work always ItauAr K «m *1 Lo.ip.Cit>* Neb. C. E. Stroud Farawrir of Kum» City. rainting, Papering and Decorating Special attention paid t»Autos and Carriage* All tops re newed and repaired All work guaranteed. I'hone 0 Ensle & Cook Contract*™ and Builders LOUP CITY NEB. Call and see ns and allow us to figure with you on above work. *' - - *. s BecW* «• >0* „n OW«n „a«ots shcrrn BeceWes cnUon ^ ?^£U«S Pirt,B^on oi \ < vow »"4 *:m\nat\on ot * ltvlo«* •e^ctaoolct*«t- * \ drrUn»n*. t veU U*e "®J ^nvi a„d •»a'«c-> ' ^enW l «V.o»> «* VfJL W »«-*•* „LW c,„v«r.Uo"-« r t« *-" ‘ TAn> l°' -.dent. . . -«vows in'-. 0 other \ WiUivn " vice Presi”, -„,i of U'e U ‘ n v0tinR ,tory «»s t - - - -*-jrs\ .•andiAa e u c\*<-'ertn'! ' . ..T T»tt *°u a running \ eer^^idU » *** ^ ^ the Wi.t-n it »« conven . Mr ftbern'»n Ttnan "... nation \ in c-’Otr • <>t J .-. raee a"4 'TW5 vot* to' ion by **'* ro\\\ lUC "i“ voWS \ ' ^ iiavn^',u ** w#» **** \ r*«u,aT . ,nlro®>c '.eT T\>«re ine die- de\eR»wS \ * r' •,... ■ .H.»«s£JS _ > —— it11 ' _.d t'.*eir_L_—^ - Heavy Majority For Bond issue Hjilniati Bonds Carried by Ninety-live Per Cent , Hl< namr of the IwihJ etw'tion liefd M'm 'tii i!. Kcanies when the voters of Use .-it> in iheir wiauuin decided by their ballots to bond tlie city in the .t< nt <•»' »-, i.i*m for tlie construction of a railroad from Kearney t<i Beloit. Accor :iny to the terms of the bond i-»ue ordinance which provided for tlie bond issue no room is left for the purpose for which the bonds were vot ed briny defeated. In tin* first place, not one dollar of t. ie t* -omes payable until rail road trains are t*einy operated be tween Kearney and Beloit. Tlien a lilimit i* Used on the date of tiie beginning of construction, tliat of Janoanr I. IM3. an1 a time for the completion ot the road January i, IMS. The conditions named if fultilled, will tlien warrant the issui ny and u. e donation of the bonds, to run 20 year-, to the railroad. Kearny 11 sb Married to Bank Robber Woiimu Applying for Divorce Said Her Husband Bobbed the Giltner Bank. Tlte following is a story printed in Lite l«enver News. Married a bank robber, and the head of a gang of thieves, Mrs. Mary E.'Ashby. formerly a Golden society girl, tol l U*e superior court at San Francisco yesterday that a» she and her husband. Albert T. Ashby, leader of the notorious Ashby ^ang, stood before the altar receiving the well wishes of their friends, a telegram which called upon him to lead his •*and in an attack on the ltauk of Giltner. Xebr.. was received. Tlte message, the wife testified, ad vised iter husband that the "job” was readv, and the man. after kissing her and assuring her of his quick return, turned, she avers, from her side and set forth to commit the crime. "Important business*’was the reas ! on which the w oman said Ashby gave for his sudden desertion. All of iltat night and all of the next day, unaware that the man she tiad married ied a double life, Mrs. Ashby told the court, she awaited her husband's return. Then someone in formed tier that ha had been impli cated in the robbery of the Giltner bank and tlot unarmed posse pursued him. armed and determined to slay at the slightest show of resistance. In agony the young wife said she waited until the news of Ashby's ar rest reached lier. It was for the blow ing of the Giltner vaults that the ban! dit Is now serving a twenty-eight-yea sentence. t'pon this evidence Mrs. Ashby waa . given a divorce. News of the decree | reached Denver yesterday. _ A Adam Schaupp Will Lost California Judge Will Not Take Attorney’s Reconstruction Some difficulties have been found in >ettling property rights in the estate of Adam W. Schaupp, for years a resident and a coal merchant of Lincoln. A Las Angeles paper prints the following: Lost A will bequeathing =a #26.000 estate: Tinder please advise Mrs. Em ma C. Schaupp. .wo Catalina ave.. South Pasadena. Search for the will left by Adam W. Schaupp. a feed and fuel merchant [ of South Pasadena, who died last j February leaving an estate of $26,000 | came practically to an end yesterday when Judge Rivers refused to admit ■ a will, constructed by the memory of the lawyers who drew the original instrument, to probate. In deciding the petition he said that it had not been shewn that a will was in exist ence at the time of Schaupp's death. Schaupp's lost willis claimed to have been drawn in April, 1893. and had been left with John Long of Loup City, Sherman County, Nebraska, who witli YV. E. Henry of the same place knew its contents. This dispo ! sition did not tally as to the contents Long lememhering that Mrs. Scnaupp i the wife, was to get the property with j the exception of $50o each to be given Harold YV. Schaupp. a twenty-two ;.ear old son. and Y'era Schaupp Hick i ey, a daughter. Henry was not | clear on the latter provision. But inasmuch as Long said he had lost it among his papers and was not able show it was in existence as late as February, Judge Rivers denied the petition for probate. - Mrs. Sc iaupp who has an estate of :.bout j2tr.000 in her own name, will now probably Tile a petition for letters ' of administration. If by some circum stance the will turns up the distribu tion of the estate will be simplified. Special Train Service via Union Pacific, Account 4th Celebration At Grand Island From Loup City and Ord and inter mediate points, passengers leaving on the Third and Fourth may use train No. leaving LoupCity at 7:10 a. m. I and No.3»i leaving Ord at 7:15 a. m. On .1 uly 4th, a steam train will take ; place of motor leaving Loup City at ;7:li-a. m. and run on same schedule. Special steam trains will be run to (Ord and LoupCity on tbe night of tbe fourth, leaving Grand Island at 10:30 p. m. Grand Island wilt begin' i its celebration on July 3rd and | conclude with a magniticient display of fireworks on the evening of tbe fourth. Features of the celebration will be: fancy automobile parade, foot races, two ball games, 50 mile auto i mobile races, two flying machines, and fireworks on evening of Fourth. On both days the Union Pacific will ] operate suburban trains between Grand Island and the exibition ground beginning at 11:30 a. m., and con tinuing until 3K)0 p. m., and from 6: i • 30 to 7:00 in tbe evening. Bound i | trip fare 10 cento. For further infor j mation call on Union Pacific agent Colonel Says lie’s Willing to Head In dependent Ticket . tei. i*. — I Decline Longer to be Bound by This Con vention—! Hope Honestly Elected Dele egates WlH Decline Further Connec tion With Fraudulent Convention “The National Convention now is constituted by dele gates seated fraudulently. I decline any longer to be bound by any action it may take. I decline as binding any nomination it may take. I do not regard successful fraud and deliberate theft as constituting a title to party regularity, or a Claim to the support of any honest man of any party. I hope the honestly elected majority will at once insist upon the Immediate purging of the roll in its entirity and not peacemeal b|r the omvention. If this is not accom plished, I hope the honestly elected delegates will decline all further connection with the convention. If the honestly elected delegates choose to proceed with busiuess, and to nominate me for the presidency as a pro gressive on a progressive platform, I shall accept. If some fear to take such a stand, and the others nominate me. 1 shall accept. In either case, I shall fight the campaign throgh, win or loose, even if I don’t get a single elector al vote.” THEODORE ROOSEVELT. Roosevelt is Nominated SuncdhtHeai Ticket of New party at Mass Meeting • « • . e * ■ « - . - _ ROOSEVELT^ACCEPTS HONOR Chicago, June 23.—Former Pnrideot Theodore Roosevelt was nominator for president on aa independent ticket last night in the dying hours of th» republican national convention in which he met defeat. The followers ol Colonel Roosevelt gathered in OrchcstlMiall, less than a mile from the Co' iscum. and pledged their support to the former president.. In accepting. Colonel Roosevelt appealed to tiie people of all sections, re gaidless of party affiliations, to stand with the founders of the new part: one of whose cardinal principles, be said was to be “Thou shall not. steal." JENNERS PARK Fontli of My Profraa 8 to 12 o'clock—Park Amusements. 12 to 1 o'clock—General Picnic. 2 o'clock—Base Ball. Ashton vs. Loup City. 3 o'clock—Free Vaudeville In the new Park Theatre. 4 o'clock—Sports. 5 o'clock—Boxing Match. 6 o’clock—Supper. 7 o'clock—Wrestling and other sports. 8 o'clock—Dancing In Use Pavlllion. 9 o'clock—Grand Display of Fire works. ••Jemmima", the White Burro, will be on hand for the little ones. Merry-go-round and other attrac tions. We are trying to make this the best Fourth the Park has had. The Park will be Illuminated by electric lights. Admission: Ball Park. 25c and 10c j Park, 25c and 15c. Bank Cashiar at Shelton Disappears June 21. E. H. Spicer, cashier of the Shelton National bank of Shelton. Neb., left for parte unknown During the examination of the bank by National Bank Examiner H. C. Nicholson certain discrepancies In the bills receivable were dlsoovered. Being called on for an explanation. Mr. Spicer left the building to bring in one of the supposed borrowers and has not returned. It hae developed that he abstracted a 9500 package of currency, took hie auto and drove away. The exact amount of the for geries he committed is not made pub lic, but it will In no way affect the hank, as the amount has been replaced by the stockholders. Mr. Spicer has been in charge of the bank for the last three years, 1 taring been assist ant cashier in the same Institution about three years prior to hts becom ing cashier. Reaeons for the f orgerie are unknown. The engine and dynamo room in the new power house built by the Ravenna Electric Co. le being plas tered, and finished with a steel celling. Everything In connection with this new plant is being finlabed up in fimt-ciam style. The boilers are expected to reach here by the first of July, and the pqpa tor the streets construction Is said to be dus almost any day now—The Ravenna Hewn. Bryan Looses Hrst Rounc A duplicate of the steam rolle which run over and flattened out th< pretensions of Teddy at Chicago ap peared at the Baltimore conventioi Tuesday and rolled over the rotum form of Peerless Billy Bryan. Bill; got out his scalping knife and wen after Parker, the chief medicim man of the Wall street end of democ racy and lost out—Parker 578, Bryai 5<i&— for temporary chairman. Tha puts the first kink in Billy's smootl puli for a fourth trial for president. • School Meeting The school election and annua business meeting Monday of this week wee the bast attended and o tbe most Interest for years. Generali tbe people take little or no interes In tbe occasion, bat this session wa a marked exception. A printed tickei was provided for the occasion, but was unused. The condition of thi school house, thj crowded condition of the rooms, the ventilation of thi building, tbe necessity of a higl sc boo' buHding tbe hiring of men teachers and other matters of interes came up for hearing. The result wa> the urging of tbe board to hire a mai supertintendent of schools hereaftei the employment of a man teacher ii addition to the corps of teachers not employed, the engaging of additions building for some of the departments the looking after of better heating lighting and ventilation of thi present school building and the ap pointment of a committee to secun signatures for the purpose of calling; special election to vote bonds for i new high school building, and thi securing of blue prints of the propose* structure and the ascertaining of the cost necessary for the erection an* completion of such, in case thi people /decide one shall be bailt Messers. £. G. Taylor and ‘S. N Swaetland were elected school direc tore for the coming three years term. _ Entrap Not!««. Taken up the 22nd day of May, 01 naif Sec. 32, T. 15,, R, 14, one horsi colt, black with white stripe on fact and three white feet, and one roai mare colt, bald face. Owner ma< jbwmm^hyjpwtnf property am , j 25 ,'r H. W. GtrsTAreoN. - «v. v-‘ * - ■*/.*:>> • ;j- _L v' --v Z ' • • [ 1 ; ■ * nr % Agency at GASTEYER'S _ , VVVVVVVVVVVV VVVVVVVVVVVV -4 • k| Attractive Single Rarness % J If Bought at the Right Place ? J Is one of the most attractive parts of a stylish rig. ^ 3 FINE I SUMMER l LAP ROBES --— | And all kinds and ~ styles of fly Nets, at right prices. I will mm \f ' treat you rignt + |t_JAMES BARTUNEK’S S Hail! Hail! Hail! | If you are interested in hail insurance don’t try an experi ment but call on or write F. E. Brewer aud insure in the ^ old reliable ; St. Paul Hre and Marine ins. Co. . Paul, Minn., the only company that has written Hai > insurance successfully for : 25 Consecutive Years and haYe adjusted and paid their losses fairly and promptly. I also write Hre and Tornado insurance of all kinds. F. E. Brewer Loup City, Neb. » •*"" ' ^^■—■— ! ♦. 6 0 SeeLoupCity B B £ r, ’ \ : i ■) ” IF YOU ARE GOING To Build a House or,Barn 1 __ j, OB ANY KIND OF CEMENT Construction 1 As Cellars, Caves, Sidewalks, and Floors, , Call and get our prices ■ OTY STOUT, Manager ► , THE ©EM fHlATll ! \ J A. O. EEE