The Loup City northwestern. (Loup City, Neb.) 189?-1917, June 13, 1912, Image 5
- sr ' 1 |PLa¥=T| t =™ fhep /Kct I I ” t -1 ^ Many people plan their whole lives to ^ have a bank account and then leave this V world without so much as a start at one. | Planning in t worth anything unless ;) followed by action. 8 Goo d inte tions never land you any- f | where. 1 { Make your plans to start an account ^ with u* this week and back up your plans ) with action. 1 t FIRST NATIONALlBANK f (* | CD. f. Mjsmi. prcst H. B. Outhouse. Vktpres' < j L. hansen. CashUr S -— THE NORTHWESTERN ADVERTISING RATES l« Effect After Jan let. 1*12 V » mi ntlrr per Art prr »r*k . • -M j So t >|M> MUH UM I« «M tax Sm prr ■ -«-* t'umrtmr page per «*! Ui M. * iw* prr wmek CM 1 gull taper per n» .. ir.w* MrmJrre prr urt prr (McriM. . . A l.>i< prr liar per amw*- .*6 Lm. XulJCT. LCCb Kxe. “““ 1' hab^rriptioa to the North- / ( western i« fl.kfl a year ') n M|glr I «pj :» cents j LOCAL NEWS. Oyuber etaelJ* tor chickens. Go to Lee Bcoh meat market. J W 1> r»r* respectfully solicits jew pabrunage. I> as nan*, sale Saturday of this week at Vic Swamon *. Wanted l*i»hwaal*rr and chamber maid at the Milburn Hotel. Let J. W. Imugal tell jour firm or city property for you. Hun t forget ti«- Uemnant Sale on Saturday A this week at Swansea's. The new Kelii Makorski building Is mounting «ky ward rapidly. Good cleaning arid pressing. satis fanioa guaranteed by J. A’. I>»raer. Try the J. L. i!ag'.*>d dray line, fie nil! give you good sen ice. ITiooe Rea Ik If you want good fresh fruit, go to tbe Boa Ton Cafe Banker C. C <'arisen s good mother I* here from l lannebrag. visiting him. W 1*. Zimmerman returned last week from a •'‘-mile auto business trip into southwest Nebraska. Mr*. E A. Brown came cp from f riend. Tuesday, to visit relatives and friends. Engineer J. B. *» Bryan was chin ing Loup City friends liere the first of tie week. Postmaster Grow went to Lincoln 1 uesday morning to attend Use State 1‘ wtmasters' convention. Yes. it was a million dollar riin. It v isited us Tuesday night arid tbe 1 lowing day. Good-bye l»r. Drouth. Miss Ariie Couning was entertain ing iter friend. Miss Lima Hansen of .lviitoa. tbe tm of tbe week. Children'* Day program at tlie Methodist rfaiurb nevt Sunday at the Sunday :<-ooo! hour. We have a foil supply of a) kinds of 4«twp coal and our prices are right. Call at Taylor's Elevator. If you want adray. phone A. L. En deriee. d on *3. or leave yoar order with either lumber yard or E. G. Taylor. Best of service guaranteed. “Did you say coalT' “Yes. Pinnacle, nut coal." This is a good coal for cook stoves, free from slack and easy to start. Try it. For sale at Tay lor’s elevator. Mia. Edgar I Ha per went ta Central City Tuesday, to attend tbe marriage of her brother. Mr. Earl Hill, to a Miss Coieman, teacher in Friends’ College in that city. David II. Canon. M. D., of Drs. Higgins A Carson of Grand Island, wdll be at IH. Loogacre soUce. Thurs day.-Jane 3Mb. prepared to treat the Eye. Ear. Nose ana Throat, and also to Fit Glaaes. When you buy your next sack of floor, buy White Satin Flour, made by your borne mill, from borne grown wheat. All merchants in town handle la. Locr Cm Mill asp LiohtOo Tlie*county dads are in session this week. We pay cash for eggs delivered at Uie creamery. Kavenna Cry. Co. —Ladies, examine the Remnant Sale at Vic Swanson's Saturday. l*p-to-date goods at right prices at Soli wane rs Jewelry store. Ground bone fore chicken feed at Lee Bros.’ meat market. List your farm or city property with J. W. Dougal "The New Real Estate man.' Have your suits cleaned and press ed before next Sunday by J. W. Dor sey • Tbe Industrial society will meet with Mrs. II. G. Hosier next Wednes day afternoon. Our stationery on special sale is going fast. Better hurry. Prices very satisfactory. Mrs. Ed Kilpatrick left vesterday morning for an extended visit in Wis consin and Ohio. Stationery suitable for every oc casion, at Vaughn & Hinman's, Special sale. Buy today. Mrs. J. B. O’ Bryan w*s over from Ord last Saturday visiting her daugh ter Mrs. Joe Thompson. Notice special display of Stationery at Vaughn & Hinman's. The oppor tunity is yours. Buy today. A baby boy was born at Grand Island Monday. June 3rd, to Mr. and Mrs. John O' Bryan. J. L. Hagood. successor to Stroud will do your hauling promptly and satisfactorily. Phone 8 on 15. A Suit will wear twice as long and look much neater if you have J. W. Dorsey clean and press them. Our fountain is the busiest place in : town. Our drinks the coldest. Our ice cream the best. Vaughn & Hinman. We are paying 24 cents cash foi j cream delivered at the creamery. W« tes and pay cash for cream. Ravenna Crkamert Co. Mrs. John Zellinger. who has been visiting hef sister. Mrs. E. G. Taylor, returned Monday te her home at David City. Do you want to buy a farm or citj property worth the money? If so sei J. W. Dougal. the new real estate man at Loup City. Mies Florence Leininger came home from University Place Monday. She may return there to summer school later. You Odd Fellows. There w'll be degree work this week Saturday night All Queers urgently requested to be in attendance. The Milburn Hotel had so far com i pleted its internal improvements at | to be able to serve the needs of the internal organs of guests latii Sunday Property Owners! Inquire of us re garding the merits of Monarch Paint 100 per cent pure. Vaughn ft Hinman. Estraj—One red hog, weight about | 300 lbs., came to my place May 16tfc Owner can have same by calling foi ! hog and paying for this notice. ! j. 13 /. W. Fletcher. Mr. and Mrs. L. Hansen left yester day morning, Mr. Hansen to attend the group 5, District Banker’s con vention at Central City that day, and Mrs Hansen to visit at Chapman. They will be gone bat two or three days. THE is the most important part of a man’s duty. Buy your watch from a man who can prove to you that the watch is a perfect time keeper. Our Chrometer is in view day and night. It will keep time better than 30 seconds in 1 year’s | running- All repaired watches are j regulated by seconds. .i 4 Henrt M. Elsner. Austin people will please remember the preaching services next Sunday afternoon at 3:00. Sabbath school at 2 o'clock. No cause for complaint with Mon arch Paint. It is 100 per cent pure: that’s sure. Vaughn 8c Hixmax. Mrs. Dr. Main pleasantly enter tained the ladies of the Entre Nous Club at her home last Friday after noon. Miss Lois Bentley, who has been here visiting her grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. B. T. Snyder, for some time, left Monday morning for her home in Colorado, Stewart Conger returned last Sat urday evening from his visit back in New Tork and Vermont, among child hood scenes, and reports one of the times of his life. The Northwestern has on hand a number of season tickets for the cem ing Chautauqua. Call and secure the number you want, and have that part of the matter over with The Children’s Day services at the Presbyterian church scheduled for last Sunday,were posponed on account of the bad weather, and will be given next Sunday, June 16, at 8 p. m. Mr. and Mrs Arthur Gilbert came up from Loup City Saturday evening and visited with friendsand relatives over Sunday. Thev returned home Monday morning accompanied by Mrs. Gilbert's sister, Ruth Butterfield —The Arcadia Champion Mrs. J. A. Danielson went to Lin coln Monday morning to help her daughter, Miss Dessie, pack up to come home for her summer’s vaca tion. They were to be home last (Wednesday) evening. Marvin Lee is the happiest man to be seen these days, as last Saturday morning Mrs. Lee presented him with a darling little daughter, making the second queen to be added to his home. Mother and daughter doing well. Congratulations. Traveling men coming to Loup City are a unit in saying there is more building and improvements going on in Loup City than in any other town in their territories That speaks mighty well for our town. While carrying a hundred pound sack of flour last Saturday at the mill, E. G. Taylor made a misstep, badly spraining his left ankle, but at this writing has about recovered save a little halt in his walk, Treasurer F. M. Henry and Mrs. Henry returned last Saturday night from their trip to Colorado. Mr. Henry not being able to stand the altitude. Since coming home. Mr. Henry has been under his physician’s care and said to be a very sick man. We trust he will be all right in a few days. Auto scorching received a "85 and costs” set-back yesterday, when five of ’em were called up to the captain’s office for a small first donation for hitting the high places on the boule vard leading to Jenner’s Park Open ing Day. According to law, the sec ond donation, if called for, would be in the sum of 850. Whew! After some few weeks of strenuous effort not to rain, last Saturday night and Sunday brought perhaps a quarter of an inch of moisture, which was well received, on the hypothesis of ’’small favors thankfully," etc. Just why nature is so afraid of drop ping a couple of inches of the needful on Mother Earth in this section is worse than a Chinese puzzle to solve. The encampment branch of the I. O. O. F. elected ofltoen as follows: Chief patriarch, Joe Rieman; senior warden, Tenis Biemond; high priest, T. R. Lay, Rockville; junior warden, Geo. Cramer; 1st watch. Ben Yon Krosigk, Rockville; 2nd watch, S. £. •Sorensen: 3rd watch S. A. Pratt; 4th watch, Mr. Stien: inside guard, Knute Jensen; supporters of high priest, Oliver BrodockandGeo. Woten. Rock ville. Editor Anslie Davis of Greeley came in Saturday evening for an over-Sun day visit with wife and babies, who are visiting at the parental home. They left Tuesday for a trip to 'Pueblo, Salt Lake City and other mountainous scenes on a month's va cation, when Mis. Davis and children will return, while Editor Davis will continue there for some time longer for the benefit of bfe health, he hav ing serious odtvous troubles. We trust he tawf return in the best of health. This week the Northwestern be gins the printing of another page (the 8th) at home, making four of the eight pages home print. On the 8th page we have started, and will make a feature hereafter, of a serial story of the very best, thus giving the read ers sf the Northwestern two serial stories each weak. < SoUdng is too good for our readMs and We propose to feature the NPfthwesterawtth the best things gtriHt We are a little slow getting out this issue, bscauat of the painting and renovating of tbs office, adding another borne page, the installing of a lot of the newest and most up-to-date uype and getting the Northwestern in better drape to de the best of new spapSr job work. Call and aw oar ngw type, new Jot stoekend fine additions to all de MARKET REPORT Grain Wheat.t0*« Corn. .. ... 85 *75 Oats...B *61 Stock Cattle... 3 00 to 7 01 Hoes . 6 7» Poultry Hens.,.. .. fit, Batter . SE Ears .1. 1! For Sale Carriage and double buggy harness, all complete. For further particulars inquire of R. M. Hiddleson. Tomato and cabbage plants. lOcents per dozen. W. T. Gibson. The Rebekahs elected officers at their last meeting, putting Mrs. J.H. Minor in as noble grand: Mrs. J. W. Conger, vice grand: Mrs. Rose Thomp son. treasurer: Miss Nettie Conger, secretary. Patrons of the Northwestern will please take notice that hereafter, to insure publication that week, all fa vors MUST be in our hands by Wed nesday noon, and as much earlier as they can be prepared. Anything sent in handed us later, will run great risk of being thrown over the transom. Were it not for the seemingly unpardonable delay in receiving their consignments of wire, the electric light company would undoubted have been readyat this date togive service. The wire is expected any day now, and the company is confident they will have everything in readiness and the lights turned on at least by the first of July. No one regrets the delay more than Mr. Taylor and the gentlemen connected with him in the light company. The dynamos are in place, the poles in place to a large extent and everything is waiting for the shipments of wire. Let us all have patience. The Northwestern is in receipt of an invitation to attend the commence ment exercises of the Montana State School of Mines, held on Thursday evening. June 6.19,12. at 8:30 o’clock, at the School of Mines Gymnasium at Butte, Montana. The invitation comes from our old and well and favorably known Loup City boy, Mr. Theodore F. Pilger. youngest son of Mr. and Mrs. T. L. PUgerof this city, and who is one of the large graduat ing class of the School of Mines at Butte. We are especially pleased to learn that our young friend has made good in his chesen life work, especial ly as he stands up in the lead in per centage of the class. The host of friends of Theodore will send choicest of greetings to him and feel satisfied he will reflect credit upon family and friends and will make a name well up on the roll of honor of those engaged in his chosen work. THE CHURCHES SWEEDISH CHRISTIAN. Sunday, June 16—Sunday school 10:30 a. m. Sermon 11:15 a. m. Rev, Johnson will speak. All welcome. H. Blom. Pastor. PRESBYTERIAN June 16—Services at 11 a. m.. Theme “Religion in Vacation Time.” 7 p m. Endeavor services. 8 p. m. Chil dren's Day services (postponed fron last Sunday). 3 p. m. preaching al Austin. „ J. C. Toubtellot. Pastor. METHODIST Sunday June 16—Regular preachinj by the pastor morning and evening The Children’s Day program put of last Sunday on account of the rain will be given at the Sunday schoo hour next Sunday. D. A. Leeper, Pastor. - GERMAN Sunday June 16—Will be service at Kelso at 10: 30 a. m. At Rockvilli 3:00 p. m. „ P. Jukling, Pastor. The interesting announcement ha been received by friends here of thi marriage of Miss Ida Draper, former ly of this city, but now of Greybull Wyo., to a Mr. Wilmont Van Meter at Basin, Wyo., the 5th instant, th young people to be at home at Grey bull after June 10. The bride is: daughter of E. A. Draper, formerly ii business here, and niece of Will am Bird Draper, of this county. Cot gratulations extended. Some 20 of the young lady friend of Miss Nettie Fowler, now Mrs. Wn Doner, gave her a miscellaneous show er at her home last week Wednesa evening, and on Monday afternoon c this week at the Thompson homt with Mrs. E. W. Thompson and Mrs Ed. Lewis as hostesses, th young ladies of the M. E. Junior Bibl class gave the same young lady ; granite shower. Pleasing times fo all present. Clear Creek Items Lawrence Hayden marketed hog at Loup City, Friday. Clarence Stouffer is building Franl Kuhn’s new bam. The Misses Grace Adams and Ine Van Dyke returned to Broken Bos last week to attend summer school after spending a week's vacation a home. The bouse and bams on the Bechet Hockeaberger and Chambers rand have been treated to a new coat o paint. A surprise dance was given at tb home of Mr. and Mrs. Adam Zahi last Friday evening. A few of the. farmers have beei replanting their com. There was no preaching at Lon Kim Sunday because of the baptisimi services at Mason City Sunday aftei I nev-r-brak 7~\ We have a I I I dressing { ; \| comb now ; ; that we can ; | , guarantee not to break, they come in differ- ; ; ent sizes. Price.25c to 75 j| MEN'S | & We have a moat complete line of men’s a dress shirts in both soft collar and detach- 8 able collars Price.$1 to $2- 8 I Whose Name b In 5 Your Gloves? t \ SIMMONS? ! || WE SELL THEM! $ | •WwUtndal kjjalyiad ^ SIMMONS MEANS \ || FINE KIP GLOVES > | They Issk wel, wear vefi, as4 J FSl Afl Hands and All Ponw 5 jj WStn yw St tut, wlihr a SIMMONS KID GLOVES | $ | DEPARTMENT 100 lbs oyster shells.<)0c 100 lbs sugar;.65" NoneSuch Coffee.25 Our Special Coffee.*. ,v. 1 Can best Hominy*. 10 2 Cans Best Raspberries. 35 2 Cans Tomatoes.. 2 , 12 Cnn« Tomatoes.•?.1 25 3 Can* Corn. 25 12ans Corn. IK> 2 Cans of good tender peas....... -5 100 lbs White Fish ..4 25 Harvester oil..per gal. -i(; Best Cid^r Vinegar. - “ 35 3 box postes.-j.v.5 3 box Fgg- O-See.25 2 cream of wheat.25 2 grape nut....25 1 can sugar butter. 35 We have them in low neck, soft de'-.tckable gcollar, Price $1.00 to $3.50 MEN’S ODD PANTS at special price. 25c to $ 1.00 dis count on each pair. Loup City Mer. Co. I High Gradel ; | Stationery | ! ! Good stationery is a mark! ; of onlturo and refinement! j . : It creates a favorable im- ; ! preosion in th mind of the ! ' one who receives year let- ! ; ter. When out of station-; ; ery do not buy a cheap ! tablet and cheap envelopes,! ; but get one ot onr highs grade stationery cabinets* ; containing 25 sheets! | of paper and 25 envel-! lopes to match. A large! gstock to select from at! omoderate prices. Also! gseeour reduced price! jj VimV BXIPLAY. 8 | VAUGHN A HINHAN | 'h ‘ «. o.-, /-M| I 1 i j i I •C. ft, SweetJatdI What You Gain by bemg a regular depositor with the Loup City State Bank: Your funds are kept in absolute security. Payment by check provides indisputable re receipts in the form of returned can celed checks. Payment by check saves many a long trip; saves trouble of mak ing change and taking receipts. Being a depositor with us, acquaints us with eaeh other and lays the foundation for accommodation, when you want to piece out your resources with a loan. Every courtesy and facility is rendered the small as well as the large depositor. Don’t wait until you can begin with a large deposit LOUP CITY STATE B ANK Capital and Surplus, $47,500.00 I.S. Pedler, President C. C. Cerlsen, Cashier J*hn W. Long. Vice President, w. J, Root Assistant Cashier. - * FENCE POf TS AT I2C AND 25C EACH Let us Figure your bill of Lumber and all Icinds of T3-u.ildim z f MATERIAL AT THE f LEININGER LUMBER. CO., Loup Citv Neb Have Your Ticket Read “Burlington” GO SOMEWHERE THIS SUMMER The entire scheme of summer vacation rates to eastern cities, or to the mountains and Pacific Coast, becomes eflm-.t ive about June 1st With liberal reductions, with ttie lux ury of modern travel, with the attractions of the seaside, the mountains, the Pacific Coast, with everything combini'.g n> invite yon to break away from the grind and monouor.y of work, you ought to go somewhere. Hoarded money has no value. There is education, besides health, in travel. Your choice includes the Pacific Coast, the Yellowstone Park, ranch life in the Big Horns, near Sheridan, Colorado s mountains and ozone, the Black Hills an Hot Springs, S. L\, Glacier National Park, Lake Michigan and Hnron resorts* Muskoka, region, Canada, eastern tours to Portland, Boston. New York, Atlentic City,—every summer locality in Amer ica has been included in a system of through rates, convient through tickets, and the comfort of highest class through trains. Sbe ygub counthy! There are no such rates and comforts of travls in the world as American railroads provide J. A. Danielson Ticket Agent _L W.Wakely, General PassingerAgent, Omaha, Neb