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About The Loup City northwestern. (Loup City, Neb.) 189?-1917 | View Entire Issue (June 13, 1912)
\ Loup City Northwestern VOLUME XXX_LOUP CITY. NEBRASKA, THURSDAY. JUNeT3. 1012 NUMBER 31 Profession! Cards KOBT. P. 8 TAKK Attormey-at-Law LOUP CITY. BBB&MS&M. NIGHTINGALE A SOW LOUP G1TY. NEB .. a H. MATHEW. Anorney-at-Law, lad BvJad Atewanor. Loop City. Nebraska AARON WALL Lawyer Practices in all Courts I »ap City, Neb. ROBERT H. MATHEW Bonded Abstracter uwrCm. • l*«i» Ml mt Abotrw < in t t». E. LONG^CKK physician ait mm Office. Over Hew Hank. 1 rIL£PiJoKK CALL, XO. 5» A. J. KEARNS / mm AM SURGEON Lonp Citg. - Ithritki A. S. MAIN PHYSICIAN lit SURGEON Loup Gity. Nobr. <Mkt at f'rmtiimrr. Tcteptiot Coooecuon S. A. ALLEN. 1 DE.m&T, ijuvr ciTT. *- xit, OPer if «uin ra |U urm State L. MAttC* PUOM. M on 6. L Thornton The Drayman Attend* all orders promptly and carefully. ttvooc eiUier lumber yard or Taylor » elevator. I V. I. Me Don all Prompt Dray Work Cell lumber yards or Taylor's •levator Satisfaction guaran teed. Phone 6 on 57 Mmm* ahstsli mi Mlver. A. L. GILBERT High Grade and Artistic HOUSE PAINTING asm nn in tiu PAPERING . T, Draper T> Old Keliable PL ASTERER Best «< work always PUkm Won *6 Lous.CWy Nab. C. E. Stroud - Formerly of Xwmo City Painting, .••poring and Boeorating Special attention naui t > Autos and Carriages. .Ail tops re newed sod repaired. All work guaranteed. 1V)M 0 Enele & Cook Contractor* and Builders LOL'PCITY NEB. Call and see ns sad allow us to figure with you on share work. Men J. Fereespn LOUP CITY* NEB Treats ' all diads— of all dometie animal*. All calk answered promptly. day call. Phone 0 sight * " 7 on 7S Loup City on the Nap of the Canada-Gulf Line The RnU tithe Proposed Cats da-ColT Line From CahresUn. Tens, to Carrington, North Dakota • . Takes In Loop City and Ord For some time rumors of a new pro posed railroad known aa the Canada Gulf Lint baa been to the public eje, aad has created ayuch local interest here from Ute faefr that an air-iine from Kearney , nbtgh is a fixed point on the proposed trunk line, to Car rington, la tbe north part of North Dakota, places Loop City on a direct ilaa between the two above named p(4ou. Oa Monday of this week, an auto load of, promoters of the proposed ; , new railroad project, passed through ' Loup 0*y bound for Carrington, N. D. and ktnoped.s abort time tointer ] view proaiinet]!. Loup City men. They saw C. Beushau?en. cresi > cleat of our Cotmusrciai Ciu\ and 1 others. admitting that Loup City and ‘Ord. among oyur towns, was on the map of tiielc proposed route, and stated latter titer would come to this city and mala certain propositions to , our people- The route of the line is ; to be from Galveston, Texas, north to Beloit, Kansas, thence to Kearney, j Neb., aod from Kearney north to Carrington, 8. D. The route south | from Kearney to Galvestoo, we un derstand. u Lboroughtly routed, and ' the 1M miles between Kearney and Be kill is permanently surveyed and bonds along kite line to the amount •if about 1175,ouu are being voted upon. The auto which panted through lie re Mooday, contained Mr. Arthur Jenkins and a Mr. Weaver, financiers of London, England, Mr. S.A.D. Hen Ilos el Kearney, aad Mr. C. Hildreth, a Franklin banker. The party will he out apaie wesica, following closely aa posslfiis the Use the route will most likely take. Contracts are said to ho^8/npd up tor the Kearney to Beioihpectiun; construction is to be gin by Peas hi r isas and -to hs com* pletsd by tbs and of 1013. The sur veys oa the north section will be pushed rapidly forward. The entire Canada-Gulf Line is to be completed and in operation within about two aad a half rears, according to those interested in the promotion of the road. This looks liks business. A line drawn on the map from Carrington, S. D.. straight to Kearney, shows Nebraska Editors Nine Onaha for Next Meeting Tills editor was down to Lincoln last week to the State Editoral Meet, and It was the best attended and one of the most interesting yet held in the JO preceding it. Lincoln, always sees to It that when any state associ ation comes to Lincoln its members are so well treated they want to come again. This year was no exoeptiayi, and from first to lam nothing was too good for the editorial bunch. The meetings were held at the Lincoln hotel and some 231 editors and their families were registered in attend ance. The interest was unusual and all who were in attendance are sure to go next time if delinquent sub scribers can be persuaded to part with enough of the dough to make it pos sible. Omaha wae cboma a* .the next meeting place of the association ^by, unanimous consent The-hew officers are: President, 11. G. Taylor of Cen tral City; vice president, C. W. fool, of Tecumarb: secretary, C.{j. Johns of Grand Island; corresponding secre tary. Mrs. Mamie H. Hitchcock of Lincoln. Much of the work of the meeting would not prose of interest to the general public, being shop mlk, beoee we- will opt burden opr readers with the details. An innpyation^or next year'e meeting will Jbe^ther^oo cupying of the various Qmaha pujplts by members of the press, -.who act to talk an topic* of-general Interest to Omaha and the state. * It will bf£ of local interest to state thafc E. - A. Brown, formerly of the^Tfcpes, and Bra Beushaasen, present editor of tkmpapfekftre frxtfi.en t^e. progiam fee such grosses., By was of «*?er hfoe, the editors attended naB gafhes. UMk s«tf rides otst .the fltv, fere glqtn * reception ah ths .governor’s mansion, wsreluncfced-at-the.h'e braska «sfexhn«U.a|a|4dD, gpd Mere guests at ¥ banquet fid'the elfping daf,..p*ctww«a ttejpfah uolqu&nd lntqwetluf In Ju -iiterary get u# of e% fee wrttptAds^MiaMkp prlv^ ieged to attend. Omaha promise* todeeven b«|fcer,next year, 1*1*0* aiMo. tteahae Lincoln efcihe session jest ooaaiuded, but if ro, It willjuve togpaajm. Sunday was the most *' ■ .V : Loup City and Ord to be on the direct route of the new railroad, and everything looks most favorable for this city to be soon on tbe main line of through railroad from Canada to the Gulf. T Kearney, Neb., June 10—(Special Telegram to the Bee)—With the ob jective point of Carrington, S. D.. in view a party consisting of Messrs. Arthur Jenkins, J. W. Weaver. S.A.l) Henline and C. Hildreth left this morning for the north in the interest of the skota. Kansas & Gulf rail road. traveling K an automobile. The plan in mind is to get an insight into tbe possibilities of the extension of the proposed Kearney-Beloit road, now being advocated and for which the question of bonds will be voted this month all along the line from Kearney to Beloit. The party going to the north today will include Pleasanton. Loup City, Burweli, Wheeling, S. D, and Car rington. N. D., from which place it is said to be possible to make railway connections with both Moose Jaw and Winnipeg, Canada. At the Commercial club meeting held at noon today a committee of live including Warren Pratt, F. J. Bveritt, J. G. Lowe, J. W. Patterson and Charles Ohler were appointed to formulate plans for a publicity cam paign in faTor of the *30,000 bond issue by the city of Kearney, to be voted June 17 for the new road. The promoters of the Canada-to-the Guif railway have covered the ground thoroughly between Kearney and Beloit-and will spend tbe next two weeks with a touring car making preliminary inspection of tbe route northward from Kearney to the Can adian Una. Meanwhile most of the bond elections in southern Nebraska and northern Kansas will have been held and from these communities the tnost cheering reports are being re ceived. Kearney will lead off on the seventeenth and will set toe pace that will insure the success of the project. —Kearney Hub. pleasant day experienced by tbe Loup City contingent to tbe editorial meeting, for on that day Editor Beusliausen and wife and the editor of the Northwestern were the guests of Mr. and Mrs. W. R. Metier at din ner and afterward treated to an auto mobile ride in their big £. M. F. to all tbe principal points of interest in and out of tbe city—visiting the Fair Grounds, Experiment Station, University Place, (when they met tbe Misses Leininger. who are in school there) Havelock, College View, Bailey Sanstarium, Franklin Heights, penitentiary grounds, asylum, the paries and over all the main thorough fares of the capital city, taking the entire afternoon. Mr. and Mrs. Melior are best of entertainers, and never lose an opportunity of seeing that people from Loud City, especial ly, have the best going. Harvest Festival In Loup City August 28-30 Loup City is to have a big three days’ celebratioa this fall. That's settled. The date for it is August 28, 29 and 30. That is also fixed. It is to be the biggest thing of ite kind ever pulled off here. Stick that in your memory. The Loup City Com mercial Club it> behind it, and at the meeting of the club last Friday even ing the matter was threshed out, every mother's son of 'em being en thusiastically in favor of it. The fol lowing live wires were chosen as a committee to have full charge of said celebration: A. E. Chase. W. F. Ma son, Henry Jenner, Mayor WesPedier and S. E. Gallaway. And now you know it will be a go. Ail sorts of good things are being worked up by the committee in charge, and the prospects are that the city will enter tain thousands of people those three days. Grand Island will be here with abigspssial train one day. Grand Island says so, and that goes. Word has been received from all points of tbs compass, so far as they know of Urn coming celebration, that they will come in force. As fast as the com mittee cooks op celebration facts, the Northwestern will keep the people posted on the excellent menu. Sutfi dent to say, it will be the grandest time ever given in Loup City and no gains will be spa ad to give all who attend the time ->f their lives. Nuff Sed—for this week. Keep your peep ers peeled and your auricular ap %***.*'**-*—, Opening Day at Jennet’s Park Tuesday of this week was the open ing day of the season at Jenner's Park, and while not an ideal day. with bright sunshine and cheering at mosphere. yet was a good day all around, being neither too warm nor too cold, with the cloudy sky taking away the natural uncodifortableness of dazzling sunshine. Tlie day gave a suspicion of rain, yet our people had been so badly fooled tlie past few weeks by promises of moisture, that great crowds w ere in attendance, and all were perfectly willing to take a good wetting down, if Jdpiter Pluvius concluded to go into the sprinkling business. However the wished for dampness did not come, the cloudy sky kept away sunstrokas. tlie daugh terstrokes were numerous and most welcome, and tlie day proved to have been all that could be wished. While the park opened in tlie morning and large crowds entered the enclosure and put in most of the day there, yet the day proper did not open till after noon, when the grounds began tilling up rapidly and were comfortably sprinkled with happy humanity till late in the evening. Besides tlie many zoological attractions ilways to lie found at the park, there was added a merry-go-round, and it with the ocean wave, were kept busy giving the pleasure seeking crowd their till of enjoyment furnished by those mean*. There were also some few amusement concessions, but the rest less throng found other amusements amply sufficient wit hoi* patronizing them to any great extent. About 3 o'clock the hall park and grandstand tilled with lovers of the diamond to witness a good game between our local team and the Arcadia team, but pardon our not enthusing over the result, which put a whole litter of goose eggs under the hats of the locals while the Arcadians walked away with six scores. After the game, various sports were pulled off down in the park, furnishing amuse ment to lovers of sport* of all kinds. In tlie evening, tlie management gave a splendid fireworks display, while the pavillion was a -gay scene of revelry for lovers of the terp jSichorean art till along-into the "wee sms' hours o' morn.” - The early train from the north brought over 150 celebraters from Sargent, Com stock and Arcadia, while the valley road and all roads leading to the city were lined with autos and vehicles of all kinds coming in to enjoy tlie day. The Ord boosters, to the number of some twenty-five auto loads, had planned to come, but a two-inch rain up on I>avis Creek, and the autos not being fitted out with lifeboats, prevented their coming. All in all. the day. the crowds, tlie sports and amusements, the most ex cellent music furnished by the Loup City Cornet band, and the entertain ment provided by Mr. Jenner, made of this year's Opening l>ay one of the most enjoyable ever held in LoupCitv. The Northwestern is pleased to announce that Loup City has been selected as the future residence and professional home of Dre. Bowman & Bowman, electic physicians from Lincoln. The doctors are husband and yife, and come to us with ex cellent reputations along their pro fessional line, and socially will prove splendid additions to the best town and best people in the state. Dr. J. E. Bowman is already here and has his temporary office at the Milburn hotel, where he is ready to receive Erofessional calls. Mrs. Dr. Carrie >• Bowman is at present in Europe, where she went a few weeks ago to take in foreign medical schools, and it is expected willretum home the early part of this September. She was accompanied by Miss Elizabeth Dinsdale, who will visit friends in England. The Drs. Bowman and Bowman are not entire strangers to our people, having owned and oper ated a drug business at Litchfield prior to taking their medical course. The Northwestern extends heartiest welcome, and bespeaks for them the friendship and best- wishes of our people in their entirety. We under stand arrangments are being perfected by Dr. Bowman for an attractive, up-to-date office building, in which they will have their living apartments, and of which we will speak later when the arrangements are perfected. Doner-Fowler Nuptials On Wednesday morning of this week, June 12, 1912, at 5 o’clock, at the home of the bride's mother, Mrs. Edward Leipheart, in this city, occurred the marriage of Mr. Wm. 11. Doner and Miss Nettie A. Fowler, the Rev. Dr. D.A. Leeper of the M.E i church officiating. After the wedding breakfast, the happy couple took the D. P. motor for a week’s honeymoon trip to Omaha, after which they will be at home in this city in the* Fowler residence. The ceremony was wholly private, only the immediate relatives being in attendance. Mr. Doner is a young plasterer, one of our best young men, industrious and active in his line and has the best wishes of all. The bride is one of our most highly es teemed young ladies, and has been em ployed for several years as saleslady in the* Loup City Mercantile Co.’s store, and wUl be followed by the best wishes of all. The Northwestern with all other friends of the new home makers, wishes them a long, happy and prosperous wedded life. At Battle Mountain SanitariiiB! Hot Springs. S. D. June 3. v-u Friend Burleigh: You were mea* enough the day l left Loup Cifcv t<' extract a promise from me to write and tell you something about how 1 found things up here in this part of Uncle Sam's domain and what I think of it. I know you take a great deal of stock in what I tell you. especially when I w hispe- the name of La Fol lette in your long ear. and tell you he will be president of the United States some day. Such things. I know, are hard for you toswaliow. On arriving here I was struck with wonder to see this tine piece of archi tecture in such a God forsaken look ing country. These hills are too small tobecalled mountains.although Battle Mountain would be something worth looking at in Nebraska. The photographic views of this sanatorium will show you a building of many buildings, ah joined together by a circular arcade: theeourt 200x250 feet, beautifully laiout in lawns and gravel walks, ornamented with flower beds and flowering shrubs ol different kinds. In the center of the court is a founts in of pure water with a cement basin about, two feet in deptli and IS feet in diameter, where fish and water Jiiliesseem to be in their glory. The buildings are all three stories high and so substantially built that 1 have no doubt but they will be standing when Gabriel blows bis trumpet, and although it is a pleasant place. I don't think I shall stay that long. We have here a corps of surgeons that can tackle anything from a flea to a grizzly bear or take a man apart and put him together again without numbering the pieces, but don't tell this to anyone, for there are some people so unreasonable as to think I was exagerating, but if anything of the kind happens while I am here I shall, if permitted to take in the en tertainment. so that 1 can swear, ithough it may be with mental reser vation) that such a thing can be done at Battle Mountain Sanitorium. Hot Springs, South Dakota. U. S. A. But really. Burleigh, this is a greai and grand institution and the system by w hich it is conducted is tine. A man must be very hard to please in deed that would find fault with bis : treatment here. The conveniences are unexcelled. Every department is kept scrupulously clean. The grub is good, clean, well cooked and plenty of it. Of course there are rules to be observed but they are mild and a man is all the better for complying with them. This is certainly a great mon ument to the memory of Captain Palmer, who worked so hard to get this institution established. Well. I must ring off. with kind re gards to yourself and family, and all my Loup City friends, whom you may happen to stumble againit in your rambles. Amen. W. T. Owens. Another New Business House This week we have to record the starting of another new business building on our main street, taking the place of the frame shack in which was located the Young tonsorial parlors. The old building has been moved out into the street temporarily, Mr. Young to occupy the new home when finished. The new building is to be of brick and cement. 22x40, one story and basement, and to be com pleted and ready for occupancy with in forty days. The jolly Big Four are now busy on the excavation. Corn Contest One hundred and forty-three Ne braska boys have completed their entries in the annual acre corn con test for which prizes amounting to $200 have been offered by the State Board of Agricultural and a like amount by the Daily Star. A num ber of these boys contested last year and wish to try it again. Following are those from Sherman county who have made entries: George Boeck ing and Harry Holm of Litchfield, and Glen Cash. Mark Johansen, Chest er Parks. Albert Peterson, John Peter son and Wm. Rogers of Loup City. A doctor came up to a patient in an insane asylum,slapped him on the back and said, ‘'Well, old man, you’re alright, you can run along and write your folks that you’ll be back'home in two weeks as good as new.” The patient went off gaily to write his let ter. He had it finishd and sealed but when he was licking the stamp it slipped through his fingers to the floor, lighting on the back of a cock roach and stuck. The patient hadn't seen the cockroach: what he did see was the escaped postage stamp zig zagging aimlessly across the floor to the baseboard and following a crooked track up the wall and across the ceiling. In depressed silence he tore up the letter that he had just finished and dropped the oieces on the floor. “Two weeks! Hell:” he said, “I won’t be out of this In three years ” -Old Quiz. . * I I II > Agency at GASTEYER’S |Fine Single Harness Attractive % r» £ If Bought at Right Place ^ ani is one of the m >st at ^ tractive parts of a stylish r horse and rig. \ aoKonoooeia / Fine Summer Lap | ROBES J A poor Harness is a source of clanger. Why ^ f don’t you get a good one at r f JAME S BARTUftEK’S ® VWW WWWWWWVWVW Hail! Hail! Hail! J T » * If you are inteiested in hail insurance don’t try an experi ment but call on or write F. E. Brewer and insure in the old reliable * -v St. Paul Fire and Marine Ins. Co. of St. Paul, Mihn., the only company that has written Hai insurance successfully for • 25 Consecutive Years and have adjusted and paid their losses fairly and promptly. I also write Fire and Tornado insurance of all kinds. F. E. Brewer Loup City, Neb. 4> a B See Lonp City B H t IF YOU ARE GOING To Build a House or Barn . OK A A \ KJLAl) OF CEMENT Construction As Cellars, Caves, Sidewalks, and Floors, Call and get our prices GUY STOUT, Manager THIS THEATER All pictures passed by the National Board of Censorship Come and take a trip around the world with uson each Thurs day night, by seeing Patlie’s Weekly current event A. O. JLEE