The Loup City northwestern. (Loup City, Neb.) 189?-1917, May 30, 1912, Image 1

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    Loup City Northwestern
Professional Cards
tomq vibmB'tiUi
Aad Bonded Abstractor.
Loop City, Nebraska
Practice* in all Courts
Loop Citv, Neb.
Bonded Abstracter
hocr Crrr. Nebraska.
Only ee* of Abetrect books ia county
Office. Over New Bank
riiinei. B* USn »t RmMmc*
T». Ham 1us «? Tdefkar uunl
Loop City - Ifjehraska
Loup Gity. Nebr.
oaks at frsideac*
Ttepitunt Connection
U)Cr CITY. - . NEB. |
Ottnt afttuniB lh* new State,
liaak bwllur. • - - ... - -
OFFICE: Eut Side Pubhe Snowe.
Phone. Mon M
C. E. Thornton
The Drayman
Attend* all order* promptly and
carefully. Phone either lumber raid
or Taylor * ei* valor.
V. I. McDonall
Prompt Dray Work
Call lutuber yards or Taylor’s
elevator Satisfaction guaran
teed Phone *>>oo 57
A nne»« * to O Am* \mtmr T*u
a. "l. gilbert i
High Grade and Artistic
W. T. Draper
The Old Reliable
Best of work aiwavs
f'bonr M(«« Loup.Ctt) * Net». '
C- E. Stroud
Former! j of
Fainting, Capering
and Decorating
Special attention paid t » Autos
and Carriage*. Ail tops re*,
newed and repaired All work
guaranteed. Phone 0
.r I, i
Enele & Cook
(MtnrUn and Bidden
Call and sfc Ul’and allow us to
fgure with -you on abore
work. ’
Allen J. Furgeson
Tresta all dMeaaee of ail
dometic animals. All calls
answered promptly.
day call, Phone 0
night " 7 on 73 j
* •«.. *» •.
---- •' .- ..- --1-—■ ..—.. -.=7
Here’s a Real Bargain
Big 1912 Atlas Map FREE
To the Northwestern Readers
Here is an opportunity for your friends and our friends to obtain a
yearly subscription to the Northwestern a yearly subscription to the Neb
raska Farm Journal and the new 1912 official Atlas map of Nebraska.
ALL FOB $1.50 I
This is the best offer we have ever made. Read it over carefully and
then act at once. Never before have we been able to offer such a
We want more new subscriptions and we want all of our old subscribers to take advan
tage of this offer and renew their subscriptions
We have made arrangements with the Nebraska Farm Journal of Omaha, the lar
geat and best twice-a-month farm and stock paper published in Nebraska, whereby we:
are enabled to offer one year’s subscription to the Northwestern, one year’s subscription to
the Nebraska Farm Journal (24 big, interesting, holpful issues containing departments
of special interests to all the family) and the 1912 four page atlas map, size 28x36 with metal
hangers; containing the official state map of Nebarska, complete map of United States, com
plete map the world and many other features. And also, as long as they last, we will add
the map of Sherman County, of which we have several hundred on hand, all for only $1.501
You want your home paper, of course, and we believe you want alive, up-to-date farm
paper that is devoted to the agricultural and livestock interests of this state. Now is your
time to get a bargain. We cannot make this offer fora definate period.
Use Cbis Order Coupon
To take advantage of this offer fill
out the coupon in the corner of this
advertisement and either mail it or
bring it to the office of the North
western. Loup City, Nebraska.
\ ’If , *
* * * .
■ -
Gentleman: I enclose herewith $1.50 for which
please send me the
—______^..and the Nebraska
Farm Journaf for one year and the -net^ 1912 official
state atlas map of Nebraska as per your offer
Name _•_.........
Address _.....
■■■ ... » 1 ——
Dr. F. S. Stein, of Lincoln, De
livered an Able Discourse
on Educational Themes
The following is the class of 1912: |
Esther May Kettle. Lily Maybelle
Leeper. Blanche Irene Draper. Flor
ence Amelia Depew, Marie Florentine
OhUen, Francis Ernestine Corning.
Wlnnifred Voltairine Gasteyer and
Waiter Ear. Callaham.
Friday evening last, at the M. E.
church occurred the Commencement!
exercises of the Loup City High
School. The weather was ideal for
the occasion and the attendance was
flatteringly large. The church was
beaoUfulljr decorated with flowers,;
banners, of the Loop Citv high school.
Die class colors of Dark Blue and
White, and everything was in keeping*
with tlm joyous occasion. The class
of 19L2, the teachers of the high
school, members of the Board of Ed
ucation. officiating ministers and the
speaker of the occasion. Dr. Stein of
Lincoln, occupied the rostrum.
Tim exercises opened with a volun
tary by Mrs. R. P. Starr, followed by
invocation by Rev. J. Tourtelott
This was followed by a piano solo by
Mrs. Starr, which was well received.
Dr Stein was then introduced with
a few well ciiosen and felicitous re
marks from Superintendent Miss Abi j
Bey non. and was enthusiastically re-,
Ex-State Superintendent J. L. Mc
Brien of Lincoln had been selected byr
the faculty to deliver the address be
fore Urn class, but at a late hour he
sent regret* for inability to keep the
engagement, and provided an able
representative in the person of Dr. i
Stein, who, as an orator on such an
occasion proved par excellence, so to
Dr. Stein opened his address by re-j
fernng in warm terms to some of the i
citizens of Loup City, whom he had1
met elsewhere, who reflected credit
upon our town, notably mentioning
lion. W. R. Mellor, and stated Ills ac
quaintance with him and others had
made him determine that the first
occasion be liad to visit Loup City be
mould accept, and when the present
occasion presented itself he hestimated
not the least to embrace it. Space
and inability to do justice to the
most excellent address of Dr. Stein
prevents a resume of the scholarly
and masterly effort of the speaker. |
With a voice strong and surprisingly;
clear, with a familiarity with his
subject born of fifty years and over
in educational affairs, with a person
ality which held his audience close
listeners from the opening to the
ekne, end frequently punctured with
applause as bis points went!
hoae with felling tone, the address
was one of the beet ever delivered be-1
1 fore a graduating class in this city,
and we have had with us such noted
men as Dr. Roacli. and ex-Governor
Shallenberger on like occasions in the
past. Dr. Stein physically is of very
short stature, rotund form, quite ad
vanced in years, hair as white as the
driven snow, but in no word, motion
nor action showing his age. but with
the energy and vim of one-half his
years, and a physique kept strong
and well by a life of correct living,
showed a wonderful vitality, making
his points of more telling effect.
Following the address, came the
presentation of diplomas to the class
by Hon. J. S. Pedler, president of the
school board, who has a number of
times in the years past graced a like
occasion, and as usual with Uncle
Joe, who is a great friend of the
young pecple and of our student
scholars in particular, did well and
j gave to the graduating class some
good and wholesome advice, which,
if lived up to, will have a good bear
ing upon their future prosperity and
A splendid duet by A. J. Johnson
and L. S. Smith followed by the ben
ediction by Rev. Dr. Leeper, and the
Commencement of 1912 was closed.
Dandelions Easily Killed.
The Lincoln capital stops talking
politics long enough to make the fol
lowing sage observations:
“It is easy to kill out the dandelions
and keep them out, when your neigh
bors do their part It is a mistake to
say that the plants come from the
same root every time they are cut off.
They soon get discouraged and quit.
It is constant seeding from other
years that makes vigilance necessary.
“The writer is not theorizing when !
he says that dandelions can be kept
down. He can show the results of j
genuine experiment, without falling!
back on the various liquid nostrums ;
of fake ‘dandelion bugs.’ An old
butcher knife does the business, and
is death to the yellow flowers, even
wlien the balance of the precinct is
seeded with them.”
The Quiz man is glad to have some
one add to the testimony he has been
bearing as to the vulnerability of the
dandelion ever since they showed
their yellow faces in Ord. We have
said over and over again that a dan
delion cut off a little below the top of
the root will never come up again, and
we have proved it bv the condition
of the largest lawn in the city. But
practically overy one says, ‘I don’t be
lieve it.” It is our opinion that a
cause of this doubt Is the dislike of
getting after the little pests. All we
do to keep them down Is, every time
we see a yellow bloom on the premises,
to pull out our trusty jack-knife and
sever the top not, and the job is
done. Do you doubting Thomases
and Tabbies see any dandelions on
oar lawn?—Ord Quiz.
Rebekahs at Rockville
The fourth annual district meeting
of Rebekahs opened at Rockville last
Thursday, with State President Mrs.
Holcomb of Broken Bow in charge.
A very pleasant and profitable even
ing was spent, after which the ladies
served punch and the meeting was ad
journed until the next afternoon. At
3 o’clock, Friday, the session opened
again with small delegations present
from Sargent, Loup City and Boelus.
and with Mrs. Thos/Lay and Mrs. Dr.
Dickinson in the chairs, and Miss
Nettie Conger a» secretary-treasurer.
In the hands of these capable women
the work moved right through. A
splendid address of welcome was given
by Mrs. Dickinson, and was responded
to by Mrs. J. W. Conger of Loup City.
The district officers were then elected
for the year as follows: President.
Mrs. R. D. Hendrickson of Loup City :
vice-president, Mrs. Thos. Lay of
Rockville: secretary. Miss Nettie
Congerof Loup City: treasurer. Miss
Elva Thompson of Rockville: warden,
Lillie Coltrain of Sargent: chaplain.
Mrs. J. W. Conger of Loup City. A
very interesting paper was read by
Mrs. Clark of Boelus, and also one by !
Mrs. Conger. The state president!
gave an hour of much needed instruc-1
tion, questions being freely asked and !
answered. Mrs. Holcomb makes a:
very able presiding officer and was |
helpful to all. The meeting was
then closed till 8:30 and the sisters!
were nicely entertained in Rockville '
homes. At 7 o’clock a banquet was!
served, the like of which would be i
hard to equal, the hall was beauti
fully decorated with the lodge colors |
and potted plants and about 75 per-1
sons could be seated at one time, j
From the abundance of £.ood tiling
constantly put before us. one would j
think they were in league with their
doctor. After viewing the neat little !
town, we returned to their large hall j
and at 8:30 the meeting was called to
order and the Rockville lodge initi-!
a ted four new members in the mys
teries of the order. By request, the
papers read in the afternoon were re
peated. The committee on resolu- j
tions read their report, after which
the new officers were installed and
fancy drilling was done by the Rock-!
ville team. On behalf of Sargent, j
Miss McGregor invited the next dis- ]
trict meeting to be held at Sargent. I
which invitation was accepted. Too j
much praise can not be given the!
ladies of Peerless lodge of Rockville ■
for their cordial treatment of the i
visitors and for their labor in pre-!
paring the banquet. The team de
serves special credit for the splendid !
way they puton the work. The fancy
drills were beautiful and the music!
throughout was fine. At 12:30 the
meeting closed and all present were
taken back to the banquet hall and
served with ice cream and cake, after
which each went her way, glad that
she had been fortunate enough to at
tend this district meeting. It- is to
be regretted that more did not avail j
themselves of the privilege. It is
affairs of this kind which draw peo
ple closer together and opens the wav |
to each others' hearts. Three cheers
for Rockville and the Rebekabs.
___ . *** |
St Elmo Hotel to
Be Rejuvinated
Saturday of this weak, will be June
1st, at which time the St. Elmo is to j
change hands and name. E. F. Mil-;
burn, the new owner is to take charge
and change the name to “The Mil- j
burn.” Mr. Milburn arrived Mon
dav morning to take charge of the
work of rejuvinating the hotel build-1
ing and make it up-to-date. He in
forms us he is to have the building
repapered and repainted over the en-!
tire interior, new floors where needed, j
electric light system installed, new!
furniture throughout and new dishes,
crockery and cooking utensils, and in
fact, everything new in their entirety.
This fall he expects to install a heat
ing plant for the entire building, and
starting this week Saturday will keep
ou doing things and adding this and
that necessary to make the Milburn
all that it should be to make it a
favorite hotel for the transient trade,
to which he will for the most part
cater. The house will be closed
Saturday and remain closed for a few
days, until the new papering, paint
ing and flooring can be rushed to
completion, and hopes to be able to
open again to the public if possible
by Tuesday or Wednesday of next
week. His new furniture, carpets,
kitchen stuff and all necessary to
furnish the house in good shape has
been ordered and is now here aw aiting
A Moving Picture Theater man
ager Speaks
Following isa communication from
a moving picture exhibitor, published
in the June Womans Home Companion
It gives an idea of the troubles of
the moving picture man and shows
how he looks at his business. The
letter is written by an owner and pro
i pretor of a little moving picture the
ater in Tjnall, South Dakota:
f wish to speak a word rortnpmsrh
abused exhibitor. Most of os are doing
the best possible with the material we
have to work with. As for the sub
ject. the manufacturer is the one to
praise or blame for the good, bad or
indifferent subjects, nie exchange
that supplies us sends us what we
ask for. and I am sure most exhibitors
get all of the best subjects they can
secure: but to a certain extent we
must run what is sent. The exchange
must send out what they buy. and it
stands to reason they can buy only
what is released.
The manufacturer is free to make
what he want6to.and the threadbare
excuse cannot be given much longer,
as the ‘dear public' do not demand
what they call the *low-brow' subject.
It is true, we endure it and laugh at
it, but we put up with much that we
dislike for the good that is to come.
“Great credit is due the manufact
urers who are useing the best talent
that money can secure. They are
not afraid that we cannot understand
or appreciate firstclass drama or com
edy. Take the educational picture:
every audience wants that. Then
when they run out of other material,
they can give us athletic subjects.
The general public has not had even
a taste of this. It need not be world
renowned prize-fighters: give us good
gymnasium and fieldwork.
“The motion-picture show in the
smaller towns, when managed with
intelligence, has been a real boon to
the people. Many come in from the
country, five and ten miles, as auto
mobiles have made distance no object
and the exhibitor is anxious to have
a program that will repay a patron
for the gasoline it costs to run in to
the show each evening.
Ashton 9, Kockville, 8.
The start of the game looked like
it would be a slugging match by the
score. Rockville getting two runs in
the first inning and Ashton 5. In the
9th inning with Rockville 1 ahead of
Ashton it looked very bad, but two
singles, a couple stolen bases and a
two base hit by Kwiachowski gave
Ashton 2 scores
Score by running, r h e
Ashton 9 11 13
Rockville S 7 11
Bases stolen: Ashton 6, Rockville
Struck out by Jezewski 14, by Chlund
9, 2 base bits L. Polski, Jezewski, Geo.
Polski. Kwiathowski, Werner. 3 base
hits S. Polski, Base on balls of Jez
ewski 3, off Chland 1, hit by pitcher
by Jezewski 1, time of game 2:20, Um
pires Jamrog an Kozel.
Church Has Nursery.
In order that mothers with babies
might be able to attend church, and
not be troubled with the infants, a
nursery has been established by the
First Methodist church at Vancouver,
Wash. ▲ room in the basement is
used, and it equipped with toys for
the amusement at the children.
! Prepared Dishes
Are a Boon to the Housewife at Houseclean
ing TIME
Vienna Style Sausage Oil Sardines
Potted Meat, Ham Flavor Red Salmon
Chipped Dried Beef Corn Beef
Cove Oysters Pink Salmon
Mustard Sardines Veal Loaf
The Quality House Established 1888
!| Fine Single Harness Attractive 1
If Bought at Right Place
and is one of the most at
tractive parts of a stylish
horse and rig.
Fine Summer Lap
£ A poor Harness is a source of danger. Why /
<r don't you get a good one at F
While You are in town visit
! ;• The Picture Show
Our pictures are instructive as well as
I All pictures passed by the National Board
of Censorship
; Come and take a trip around the world with us on each Thurs
day night, by seeing Pathe’s Weekly current event
I . Jk* IiISIS
Mail! Hail! Hail!
If you are interested in hail insurance don’t try an experi
ment but call on or write F. E. Brewer and insure in the
old reliable
St. Paul Fire and Marine Ins. Co.
of St. Paul, Minn., the only company that has written Hai
insurance successfully for
25 Consecutive Years
and have adjusted and paid their losses fairly and promptly.
I also write Fire and Tornado insurance of all kinds.
F. E. Brewer
Loup City, Neb.
Let us Figure your bill of
Lumber and all
Isiruis of ."^ULilciiiig
Don't Forget The Northwestern's
Great Bargain