PSTATES XAMINERS % Go Carefully over the condition of this bank at different intervals. Depositors’ interests are protected first, before any body or anything else. The continued growth of this bank is the best possible evidence that we treat all patrons with courtesy and extend to them even- facility to be found in a mod ern banking institution. Your account ia welcome here. FIRST NATIONAL BANK CU f. Hasos. prest H. B. Outhouse. Ylce-Prts L. basses. Cashier j r Do you know a good | l Thing when you see itl $ f Bin REDUCTION £ r In Price on All Posts e iOn account of rebuilding our plant, we are compelled i ^ to transfer 20,000 p.tierman country.* apportionment of the state school fund money this year amounts to We seme the pure Marthmeuow and Map* Cream. Ice Cream Sodas and Sundae* at Vaughn A Hlnman'r. Mr sad Mr* (Near Swans in went to liousekeeping Tuesday of tills week la their borne near the arbocl bourn. Try the J. L. ilagood dray line. He will ghe you rood sen ice Pbooe • on IK -\ uauj toy »t» uom last i rtaay to | Mr. and Mrs Charier L ng. but; tawed away the following day. We ha%« a full supply of a! kinds cf lump coal and our prices are right. Call at Taylor s Elevator. A. E. Chase Is around again about as good as new. after being laid up at home for a couple at weeks with iil Mr. and Nit Frank Goodwin were J up from Grand island in attendance on the Costello-Mulick wedding. Mrs. Goodwin being a sister of the bride. Mrs. Gas Lorents left this morning for Bavenna to attend commence ment her sister MUs Lucille Erarim. t«ing one of the graduates Did you my coair- “Yn. Pinnacle, nut coal.” This to a good coal for cook above*, free from slack and easy to start. Try it For sate at Tay lor's elevator When you buy your next sack of Sour, buy White Saun Flour, made by your home mill, from borne grown wheat AH rot reliant* in town handle it. Locr Cm Mux axd Lkiht Co. We understand that Mr. Ben li!inper west to Grand Island last week to undergo an operation for •loon on the stomach, from which be bn* been a severe sufferer for a kmc time Mia* Maude Boynoids finished her nine memtbs’ term of school In Valley county, near Arcadia, last Friday, and will be at borne for the summer rxatlwi Patrons and pupils alike were highly planned with her work an* wish for tor return the coming We pay cash for eggs delivered at the creamery. Ravenna Cry. Co. Barred Plymouth Rock eggs. 81.00 per setting. R. L. Arthur. Allen * Tame Cherry Phosphate at Vaught) & Hinman's. Furnished rooms for rent, inquire of Bee. Blom. Cp-to-date goads at right prices at Schwaner's Jewelry store. Ground bone fore chicken feed at Lee Bros.' meat market. Our Egg drinks connot be beat. Vaughn .fc Hinman. For Sale—Alfalfa and Millet seed. Tel. 4 on #2. W. T At theght. mT3 Vaughn Sl Hinman serve the cele brated Ravenna Ice Cream. List ycor farm or city property with J. W. Dougal “The Sew Real Estate man.’ Home-made summer sausages at Lee Bras ' meat market at 15c per pound. Have your suits cleaned and press ed before next Sunday by J. W. Dor sey. J. L. Hagood. successor to Stroud will do your hauling promptly and satisfactorily. Phone 8 on 15. A Suit will wear twice as long and look much neater if you have J. W. Dorsey dean and press them. Mr. ana Mrs. A. L. Zimmerman and Mr. and Mrs. R.H. Mathew left Tues day morning for a few days' auto trip, but we did not learn to what points. Mrs. Wm. Engle took her little daughter to Grand Island Monday to have an operation on her tonsils and liave some adenoids removed. Hiram Cramer went to St. Paul last week and had an operation for quinsy from which he hail been a severe sufferer at intervals lor years. We are paying 36 cents cash for cream delivered at the creamery. We test and pay cash for cream. Ravenna Creamery Co. H.rlag Um* will *ooa b* bar* bad If fa aaad *f a Marker. Sw**p, Mower or re pair* »au Ml r*t them n«w at Rord'a Implamaat Mor* at a law prlea. M. C. Mulick lias put in now and up-to-date fixtures in his saloon and painted and papered up the room, making it very attractive. Rev. J. C. Tourtellot gave the com mencement address before the gradu ating class of the Rockville schools last Sunday evening. Do you want to buy a farm or city property worth the money? If so see J. W. Dougal. the new real estate man at Loup City. If you want a dray, phone A. L. En derlee. 8 on 63, or leave your order with either lumber yard or E. G. Taylor. Best of service guaranteed. Black boar bog came to my place about five weeks ago: weight about ISO pounds. Owner can have same by paying ail expenses. Section 3-16-14. A. Spelts. Mrs. Mary Bagan. sister of Mrs. M. C. Mulick, arrived Monday evening from Estberville, Iowa, to attend the marriage of her niece, Miss Rose Mulick. last evening. Dr. S. A. Allen is at Lincoln this week attending the Nebraska State Dental Society meeting, which con vened Tuesday. He will return by Friday evening. Dr. W. T. Chase says he is going out in the country to be an honest farmer, after be gets through Um habit of banging around his old drug store. Hie doctor even goes in and waits on customers, before he real izss that be is a “has been” so tc Tomato and cabbage plants. lOcents per dozen. W. T. Gibsox. Grand Island is going to celebrate the Fourth of July this year on a monster plan. Two days of sports, auto races, aeroplane flights, horse races on the only two mile track in the west. Grand Island is already getting ready to pull off a monster celebration this year. Among the attractions will be auto races on a two mile track in which some of the best racers in America will participate. The young lady friends of Miss Rose Mu lick gave her a kitchen shewer on Monday evening of this week at the home of her parents. Mrs. and Mrs. M. C. Mulick, and many useful and | appropriate testimonials of friendship and affections were presented. Mr. and Mr. Cyrus Hill of Hord ville, Neb., parents of Mrs. Edgar Draper, arrived Monday evening last, to be present at the graduating exercises of the 1912 class, of which their granddaughter. Miss Blanche Draper, is a member. The west bridge work has been rushed rapidly by Joe Reiman and his men, assisted by a number of farmers living across the river, and the tem porary structure is completed and ready for travel. We visited the scene of labor Tuesday morning, and had to hump ourself to keep out of the way of those engaged in the work. Vaugn & Hinman. successors to W. I T. Chase, have their drug store re arranged ina most attractive way and the boys are starting out with good business prospects. They both be : lieve in printer's ink, and start out with bright and attractive advertis ; ing in the Northwestern. Mrs. Parsons, of Colorado, and Mrs. Knapp, of North Loup, who had been visiting their sister and daughter. I Mrs. George Peterson, concluded their visit Tuesday and were that morning taken to North Loup by Mr. and Mrs. i Peterson. We received a pleasant call Tuesday from our good friend. S. C. Allison from the west side of the county. Mr. Allison complimented us upon the newsy character of the North western and showed his faith in his words by renewing for another year. Toanks. Memorial Day, May 30. this year— i and every other year. Don't forget the date, and prepare to honor our heroic dead. Judge Wall will be the orator of the occassion in Loup City, j which means one of the best ever given here. Our people delight to honor the judge and those who ex pect to hear him will have to go early to the M. E. church, where the ser vices begin at the hour of 2 o’clock. Quite a number of our people will remember the genial freight conduct or on thisB. & M. branch, familiarly known as Tommy Eaton, and one and all will regret hearing of his death at the hospital last week astne result of an operation for ulcers of the stomach. IBs funeral occurred at Aurora last Sunday, a train being run from Sargent for the obsequies and railroad men all along the line taking occasion to attend. Mrs. Felix Makowski, accompanied by her little daughters. Francis. Til lie and her little baby girl, left Mon day morning for Chicago, where Mrs. Makowski goes to consult a specialist over the physical condition of her little daughter, Tillie, who in her illness of lastyearsuffered what seems to be complete deafness as a result. The hope of the parents is that noted specialists may tind some method of restoring her hearing, but if not she will be placed in some institution where she can gain educational facil ities and receive merited care and attention. We understand two of our popular city school teachers. Miss Henry Young and Miss Lena Smith, intend , leaving for the west about the 4th of next month to spend their summer vacation. They go to Denver and thence over the Scenic Route to Salt Lake City and various points of in terest intervening, thence to Ogden, where Miss Young will perhaps re .main at the home of Mr. and Mrs. J. T. Hale, while Miss Smith goes on to Spokane, Seattle and other points on j the Pacific Coast, returning to Ogden, : where she will join Miss Young and both return home. We trust they may have the most pleasant time of their lives so far. Last Saturday, while at work on the west bridge, Mr. Joe Reiman re ceived a cut under the chin from a large nail, making a nasty wound, but not enough to cause him serious trouble. On Tuesday morning of this week, while Ralph Patton was work ing on the same bridge repair work, the small hammer used in driving piles became loosened in some man ner before ready for work, and in fall ing just grazed Mr. Patton!s scalp and cutting a piece from his hat. Had he been a few inches further un der the hammer, death must have been instantaneous, and a^ it was. it was a narrow escape from serions consequences. He was able, however, to resume work a short time after. R. F. Strut hers* Copper Cable and Lightning Rods insure safety to life and property. See me for Prices. A. C. Reed. Age nt. THE CHURCHES MKT HOD 1ST Memorial services next Sunday morning. Sermon by the Rev.'J. C Tourtellot. Regular services at night. Preaching by the pastor. Children's Day services June 9th, in the morn f MARKET REPORT — Grain Wheal.. 90 4 95 Corn ..K 4 72 Oats.>..50 4 15 Stork Caltle. 3 00 to 6 00 Hoes... 7 15 Poultry Hens. 9 ' " ' Butter . Sj Eggs. 13 ing. The public cordially invited. D. A. Leeper. Pastor. SWEEDISH CHRISTIAN. Pantecost. Sunday. May 26, Sun day school 10:30 a. m., sermon 11:15. subject ’ The fruits of the Spirit vs the works of the flesh,” Galations 5. Coming The Sweedisli Christian church of this city will hold a series of old time revival meetings, May 31 to June 2. Three noted ministers will be here. N. A. Blomstead and F. O. Gustofsen of Aurora, and the singer and evangel ist, J. M. Tillbery. of Iloldrege. Do not forget the time or place. PRESBYTERIAN Memorial Service at M. E. Church. Regular service at 8 p. m. GERMAN May 26tli, at Loup City. 10:30 a. m., confirmation and Lord's Supper. May 25th. 10 a. m.. LessoninGerman. There will be no services June 2nd and 9th. P. Jueling, Pastor. Auto Day for Cemetery Fund We understand the ladies of the Cemetery Association will have an other auto day on May 29th, similar to that of last vear. to raise funds to beautify our eemetary. Last year was a pronounced success financially and it is the belief that the one to come will exceed it in all respects. Last year owners of automobiles, without exception, we believe, donat ed their time and use of their autos, to and from the cemetery for our people to visit the silent city, the price be inp 25e for the round trip, the funds poinp into the treasury of the associ ation. We understand the auto own ers this year wili do likewise, and as there are double the number of autos here that there were last year, there will be plenty of whiz wagons to ac commodate all who wish to po to the cemetery without wait. Base Ball Reports Ashton was defeated by Far well in 14 inninp pame. Both teams played fast ball durinp the whole pame. Far well scored the winninp run on a wild throw by catcher Polski in the 14th inninp. ASHTON Position AB R H PO A E SH Ojendyk, 2b.6 0 1 2 3 0 0 Jamroy. 1b.5 1 1 10 2 1 0 Kweatkowski. ss. .4 0 0 0 1 10 Jezewski, 3b.4 1 2 4 2 2 G. Polski. c...4 1 2 15 2 4 0 S. Polski, lf.7 0 04 0 0 0 Wilson, CF.-.6 0 2 0 1 0 0 Topolski, bf_-.6 2 0 0 0 0 0 L. Polski. p-..6 0 0 5 6 0 0 Total 48 5 6 40 17 8 Farwkll Position AB H R O A E | Burke, c.6 1 0 9 0 0 i Rasmussen, cf.6 1 2 4 0 0 Kremlocek, 2b.6 0 1 6 2 3 Kloss, lb.6 2 1 17 0 2 Price, p.4 3 1 0 9 0 H. Lemberp. 3b—6 0 0 2 2 1 J. Lemburp. rf.5 1 0 0 0 1 R. Lemburp, lf.4 0 0 4 0 1 Banpert. ss.5 110 2 2 Totals 48 6 6 42 15 10 Struck out by Polssi 12: by Price 7; Base on balls: off. Polski 1: off. Price 1 Hit- by pitched ball. Polski 1, Price 2 2 base hits, Jamrop, Wilson, Kloss (2) 3 base hits. Price. Umpires, Jamrop and Della. Time of pame 2:40. Dannebrog vs Boelus Boelus played at Dannebrog. May 19, defeating Dannebrog 18 to 4. DANNEBROG Position AB R H FO A E A. Roe. 3b. 4 0 0 4 0 1 M. Jacobson, p.4 1 2 0 3 1 Clausen, c. 3 0 1 10 0 0 Peterson, lf.40 05 1 1 Mortensn, CF_ 4 0 0 0 0 0 Carlson, 1b. 3 0 0 6 0 2 M. Jacobson. ss...4 0 0 0 1 0 H. Hold, rf.2 1 0 0 0 0 W. Jacobson. 2b.3 2 0 2 1 0 Total 31 4 3 27 6 5 Boelus Position 1BRHFOAI P. Jensen, lb.5 4 2 4 0 0 H. Irvine, c.6 1 2 12 1 0 J. Seifert, lf.6 1 2 4 0 1 H. Craig, 3b.5 10 0 1 1 C. Nelson, ss.6 3 3 1 1 2 H. Bnzall, p. 5 3 4 0 2 0 W. Hedglin, rf.... 6 1 2 0 0 0 N. Jensen, cf. 6 2 1 2 0 1 Total 51 18 16 29 5 5 Clear Creek Items Claud Stapleton visited at Sbelton, Neb., a few days last week. Miss Grace Zahn returned home last Saturday from a week's visit at the home of her brother at Mason City. Miss Irma Lowry returned home Saturday from her school work at Broken Bow. Quite a number attended the last day of school at Lone Elm and helped partake of the picnic dinner. Mr. and Mrs. Stouffer spent Sun day at the home of Mr. Stouffer’s parents near Litchfield. Sam Hammond’s baby is reported sick with the measels. Mrs. Ham mond just recovered from them a MEN’S ODD PANTS ON SALE Discount 25c to $1.00 on each pair j-nnnuriri i-i i-« *-» riry.-r^iry Fink’s Detroit Special Overalls ... $1.15 aoooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooocooaoc MEN’S and BOYS’ SUITS At Special Price This Week — -*■—~ — -.-v—v" ^"3I^SC*iv ~ iu,ji H LADIES’ SPRING CLOAKS MUST GO AT CUT DOWN PRICE SHOE SALE ON ONE COUNTER, CHOICE ~ - $1.98 In Lace and Embroidery, We Lead Them All aOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOQOOOOOOOOOOC Ten Cent Ribbons on Sale at Loup City Mer. Co. short time ago. John Woods, of Mason, was out at Lone Elm Sunday attending Sunday school and church. Buggy Whip Sale Saturday May 25. at Reed's Im plement Store Too many high priced whips in stock and in order to reduce the stock of 130 whips ranging from 50c to $1. only a few 50c whips in the bunch, as most of them are worth from 75c to SI. You can shut your eyes or keep them open and pick out your whip for only 50c. Don't forget the date. Saturday. May 25. OUR FOUNTAIN If you knew the extreme care we use in the selection of the material for our flavoring syrups you would know there must be a reason, and you wouldn’t drink a soda from any where else but our foun tain. A pure glass of soda water is beneficial. And we don’t want to talk about the other kind. The Main Drag Store Vaughn & Hinman AO point. mrw not ml,km. Ttmn m only o no 6M Mound City Ca's Deck and Porch Paint The highest and bFST quality This is not an ordinary paint, for pointing that front porch or outside steps, but s special preparation made to withstand the great wear of use and weather. The usual strength and guaranteed quality of Mound City Co.’s paints is em bodied is this “Still Better" Deck and Porch Paint. 9 j Gallon $125. Half Gallon $1.15 Quart 60c, For Sale By Swanson & Lofholm Let Us Show You This 20th Century Dairy Wonder C. R. SweeUand Gasteyer’s Prepared Dishes I Are a Boon to the.Housewife at Houseclean-I ing TIME I Vienna Style'Sausage Oil Sardines j Potted Meat, Ham Flavor Red Salmon j Chipped Dried Beef Com Beef : ! Cove Oysters Pink Salmon a Mustard Sardines Veal LoafE The Quality House Established 18881 What You Gain by being a regular depositor with the Loup City State Bank: Your funds are kept in absolute security. Payment by check provides indisputable re* receipts in the form of returned can celed checks. Payment by check saves many a long trip; saves trouble of mak ing change and taking receipts. Being a depositor with us, acquaints us with eaeh other and lays the foundation for accommodation, when you want to piece out your resources with a loan. Every courtesy and facility is rendered the small as well as the large depositor. Don’t wait until you can begin with a large deposit LOUP CITY STATE BANE Capital and Surplus, S47.S00.00 J,S. Pedler. President C. C. Csrtsen, Cashier John W. Long, Vice President. w. J. Root, Assistant Cashier. Have Your Ticket Read “Burlington” SUMMER TRAVEL RATE BULLETIN Pacific Coast Tours: Special $56 tours to Portland and Seattle, May 16-17, May 37-28, June 3-6, Juno 26 30, July 1-6, July 11-12. Special $56 tours to Sau Braneisce and Los Angeles fane 12-20, August 29 to September 6. From June 1 every day to California, Portland or Seattle 160 $15 higher to include California and Portland. Big Horn Mountains: This is one of the most beautiful mountain regions in America. A special Big Horn leaflet is on the presa, but in the meantime, it wenld pay you to write the Secretary of the Sheridan Chamber of Commerce for information about the various ranches and resorts in that locality. Colorado: This summer vacation land is nearer th« any other to Nebraska people. You have only to reach Den* . or Colorado Springs, at the cheapest of railroad fares, when yon have a choioe af a hundred nearby resorts, among them Estes Park, only 76 miles north of Denver, reached by automobiles from Lyras or Loveland. Ask for special leaflets. J. A. Danielson Ticket Agent L. W. Wakely, General Passinger Agent, Omaha, Nab