The Loup City northwestern. (Loup City, Neb.) 189?-1917, May 23, 1912, Image 1

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    Loup City Northwestern
Professional Card:
A ad Hooded Abstractor.
Loup City, Nebrasks
Practices in all Court*
Loop CitT, Neb
Bonded Abstracter
LocrCmr. Nebraska.
Ooljr act of Abstract books is uoantt
Office. Over New Bank
a*. <Wn at K.-.,
V*w lMitn Kaat «f Tt irpbvnt • 'eiitral
Loop City - Nebraska
Loup City. Nebr.
Ottee at neafcdetirr.
Teiepimoe < onnertion
LOTP cirr. - - NEB.
Oie* up stair* in due new Mate
dank build tar.
OFFICE: Eaet Side Public Suuare.
Pi tone. 10 oo 36
C. E. Thornton
The Drayman
Attend* ail order* promptly and
carefully. Phone either lumber yard
or Taylor* elevator.
V. I. McDouall
Prompt Dray Work
Call lumber yards or Taylor's
elevator. Satisfaction guaran
teed Phone ♦» on 57
A mmtimmrni € >• mi «t*rw % alee Thau
Imv Khehrl. td si,rr
High Grade and Artistic
Stas a fiu
W. T, Draper
The Old Reliable
Beat of work always
Phone Ife on *5 Lojp.Oty*N'eb.
C. E. Stroud
Fomerit of Kait<^ < it.
Painting, Papering
and Decorating
Special attention paid t > Autos
and Carriages. All tops re
newed and repaired AH work
guaranteed. Phone 0
Ends & Cook
i'aatrmrtor* and Builder*
Call and see as and allow us to
figure with you on above
Allen J. Furgeson
Treats all disease* of al
dometae animals. All calls
answered promptly
day call, Phone 0
night ’’ ” 7 on 72
* 4
New Improvements Started Almost Dally
Over the City
Two More New Homes Contracted For, Several
in Contemplation.
Work iias begun on the cement
wails of the new postoflice building.
The big plate giass windows of the
Oliver Mason implement building are
now in place, and soon the building
will be ready for occupancy.
We understand W. G. McNulty and
Will Simpson will soon begin tiie
erection of cement residences on their
property in south Loup City. and have
a goodly portion of the cement blocks
already made for them.
The excavation for the basement
A the new Felix Makowski general
-lor*' building is being rapidly pushed
by the “Big Four" Company, and the
wav they make the dirt fly it would
nut take them long to tickle the
h i: :i.~ A the feet of the pig-tail
< •. .'-stia.-. if they were not stopped.
Wi.i s.arton has given John Ohlsen
t:.e contract for a new residence to be
begun Immediately. It is to be a
story and a half, to be of brick, with
dimensi n» i'ixJi». and to be erected
on his corner lots west of the Whar
ton hotel. Mr. Wharton will occupy
t:,e ^ame for his home, renting his
other property.
The Conhiser brick store building
on Nebraska avenue . hanged hands
last Saturday. C. W. Conhiser selling
U»e same to C. W. Fletcher. The
deal was consummated the first of this
week There is to be no change in
toe occupancy of the same, as the
Vic swanson Mercantile Co. has a
ase on the property covering a j
certain period.
On Monday of tliis week, Felix
MakGw-.»d. who iast week purchased
the lots south of the square on Ne
braska avenue, on which he is erect
flig iii- big store building, purchased
of Mrs. Viola Odendahl the lots just
west of it on which rests the old
Odendai. drug store building. Were
the property not leased to its present
oocupaut. Mr. MakowNki would prob
ably erect another brick storeroom
thereon, but as it is he will let mat
ters rest till the present lease expires.
Arrangements are nearly perfected
by W. S. Waite for the erection of his
big two-story brick on the corner of
Nebraska and West avenues. He
will take out the partition in ’ the A.,
K Chase store room, running hack
till Uie room is 100 feet long, thence
east forty feet to Westavenue. which
M'e ' nase au ease Iroutage
ta his mercantile store, in addition
to the north fonntage on Nebraska
avenue. His new building to be
erected oa the corner will be two
sturies in height and lou feet long on
the ground floor, but has not decided
as to whether the second story will
be put on the entire 100 feet, await
ing the action of propositions made
to certain fraternal societies for rent
j al of the upper story of the Society
I building, which if accepted will
j cause the halt to be extended to iOO
feet and then east to and facing West
avenue. Whatever the outcome, it is
; a sure tiling that Mr. Waite will soon
begin his building operations along
| above lines.
The Loup City Mill and Electric
Light Co. have received word tiiat all
i the machinery for their electric light
; ant has been shipped and is liable
to he here any day this week. Their
poles have been here for two weeks.!
and their men are rushing the wiring |
i of business houses and residences to
finish as much as possible before the
plant is completed and in operation, i
' holes will be placed as far as possible j
I in alleys, so as not to occupy positions J
j on the streets, and a big force of men!
will rush the pole work and striug- j
j ing of w ires at railroad speed. Had i
i not there been such unpardonable j
| delay in the shipment of the ma- j
jchinery for the company it was con- i
j fideuUy expected the plant would be j
in operation by the first of June, but
\ in any case the plant wiil be in oper
ation in the shortest possible time
! thereafter. The fixtures for several
of the residences have already been
received and put in place, and others
will soon arrive and be installed.
Oar German friends have closed a
I contract for the erection of a parson
{age and barn for their pastor of the
Evangelical church. Rev. Jueling, and
1 work is started on the bam to be fol
lowed immediately when finished by
the erection of the parsonage. We
understand our young ministerial
friend lias already found a sweet bird
| for bis cage. The parsonage and barn
are to be on lots across from Painter
Jones' residence In west Loup City.
GentlemaR Who Cane to Loup
City on First Train Tells
of His Visit
Some time since. Mr. A. F. Eisner
of this city, who is an enthusiastic
believer in the great future of the
horseless carriage, wrote the Motor
Age. asking some pertinent questions
along auto lines. Last week he re
ceived the following reminiscent let
ter from a gentleman in Indiana, who
saw his name in the Motor Age, and
it brought forth the appended bit of
interesting early history of Loup
City, which is given our readers:
Kokomo. Ind.. May 12, 1912.—Mr.
A. F. Eisner. Loup City, Neb. Dear
Sir: Having read your interest^
question in the clearing house column
of the Motor Age, it brings to my
mind my first and only trip to your
city back in 1886. June 4th, celebrat
ing the event of the first passenger
train service between Loup City and
Grand Island on the F. P. extension.
Perhaps you were there. There were
fifteen coaches in the train, crowded
to the limit, and what a dinner your
citizens served us. The crowd was
estimated at 2,000. The country was
seemingly one big pasture, with a
house to be seen here and there.
There were but few business houses
in Loup City. The court house was
a small brick structure. I am sorry
we did not go up on the hill north of
town to see what the country looked
like. I presume you have a well de
veloped farming country now and
automobiles galore. We are looking
for a good auto repair location bat
have not found what we are looking
for. Our two auto plants here are
running to about capacity. I hope
some time to visit your town again.
I was located at Grand Island that
year. * * * * Excuse my liberty
in writing you so freely, but yours
is the first name from Loup City 1
have been interested in enough to
write that I went there on the first
passenger train service put on. I am
respectfully Tours. J. A. Fidlkr.
John Cowper Dies
After 5 Days Illness
John Cowper. the Northwestern
baggageman, died at 3:40 yesterday
afternoon in his room in the Phoenix
block, from a siege of pneumonia,
from which he suffered 5 days, having
been snddenly attacked, while dis
charging his duties at the local pas
senger station Friday evening. His
affected lungs appeared lor the past
few days, to be improving, but his
heart action was unable to stand the
strain. His wife who has been at
Lincoln, is on her way to Deadwood
and will arrive this afternoon. Ar
rangements for the funeral will be
announced on her arrival.
There were few here who were so
intimately acquainted with John
Cowper as to know his true worth
and his many admirable qualities.
He came of an excellent family and
was a man of superior educational
attainments. The distressing deaf
ness from which he suffered for many
years, brevented him from holding a
position for which his alility fitted
him. He was a graduate of the Uni
versity of Oxford. England, a prolific
reader of the best literature and an
accomplished dramatic critic. In his
youth in England he was prominent
socially, was once the owner of a
stable of race horses, and found his
greatest pleasure before fortune
frowned on him in his native land, In
riding to the hounds. There always
remained with him a keen interest
in English turf events, and each year
be sent across the water commission
ers to be wagered on his choices in the
big stake events. He was possessed
of a charitable spirit that exercised
itself without ostentation.
He was horn in Tfriglenti fifty six
years ago and came to the United
States in 1880 locating on a ranch
near Loup City, Neb., where he re
mained until ooming to Dendwnod
twelve years ago. Since his arrival
he has been constantly In tbe em
ploy of the Northwestern, with the
exception of a short pel rod, during
which lie engagad in the milk
business. He leaves a wife, a brother
in England, and a sister in South
Africa. — Deadwood (S.D.) Pioneer
Times. April 14.
District Sunday
Scboof Convention
The Annual Convention of Sunday
Schools in the Loup CiV> District was
held in the Presbyterian church at
Austin, Sunday, May 1912.
The first session at 3 p. m., with a
song service led by the Austin choir
and orchestra, this was followed with
a scripture reading and prayer by
Rev. Tourtellott who was also the
presiding officer. He ohoose for this
lesson the fourth chapter of Proverbs
which is a sermon unto itself, and
gave every parent and teacher much
food lor thought.
A nominating commit tee was then
appointed as follows: Mrs. J. A. Plant,
Miss Harriet Hayhurst and Mrs. E
W. Thompson.
Upon calling the roll of the schools
of this district the following result
was found, delegatee from Austin
Sunday school, 31; Wiggle Creek, 22:
Loup City Methodist, 4; Presbyterian
«; Baptist 1. Number of Sunday
school teachers present 12, and a total
attendance of delegates and visitors
about 123.
Miss Hayhurst then gave an outline
of the work of the primary depart
ment' beginning with the Cradle Roll
and covering the primary period. She
spoke enthusiastically of the the grad
ed lessons and endeavored to show
how they could be used, practically,
in a small school as wall as in a large
Mrs. Angier gave the work or tne
J unior period, advising also the use
of the graded lessons as her personal
exerience has proven them the most
helpful in teaching the bible truths
to the boys and girls. She also talk
ed briefly upon Sunday school mis
sions showing why instructions in
this particular department is so nec
essary in the Sunday school.
Mis. Thompson then rave a short
talk upon class organization, outlin
ing the plan as given by the Inter
national Board of Sunday Schools,
and endeavoring to show wherein or
ganization helps suggestions for the
and the adults were made, also such
teaching plans as had by personal ex
perience been proven helpful.
Rev. Tourtelott then presented
teacher training study briefly out
the ground covered by the work and
showing why every school should
have a class studying some teachers
training course and suggesting that
every superintendent should make it
a point to have such a class. He gave
one instance where a class was un
able to secure a teacher for this
course of study but were determined
bo take up the work, so they secured
the neceseary equipment and the class
members took toms in teaching the
lesson each Sabbath, thus solving the
problem. A correspondence course
was recommended where no class
could be organised and individuals
wished to take the study for their
own benefit.
The audience were then favored
with a beautiful anthem by the Pres
byterian quartette, Misses Leininger,
Needham, Mr. Schwaoer. and Rev.
Tourtelott with Miss Odendahl pre
siding at the organ.
A very interesting round table
discussion of Sunday school problems
was then held under the leadership
of Mis. C. F. Bushausen who proved
herself thoroughly equal to the se
cession. Many helpful ideas wen
brought out and we all felt this num
her one of the most helpful of the
entire afternoon.
The nominating committee then
brought in their report, nominating
the following district officers. Presi
dent, J. C. Tourtellott; Vice Presi
dent, Fred Daddow; Secretary, Mrs.
Angler; Superintendent, Elementary
derision, Mrs. Wm. Larson; Superin
tendent secondary division Miss Jes
sie Gilmore; Superintendent Aanlt
division Mrs. C. F. Busbausen; Sup
erintendent Home Department, Mrs.
Jas. Depew; Superintendent Teacher
Training department, Mias Elizabeth
Leininger: Superintendent Temper
ence department, A. L. Zimmerman;
Superintendent Missicnery depart
ment, M's. J. W. Gilmore; Superin
tendent Pastors department, D. A.
Lee per. The nominations being ac
cepted as read, all were unanimous
ly elected.
The afternoon session then closed
with a song and prayer and a kindly
invitation was extended to the visit
ing delegates to go home with their
Austin friends for the evening meal
and thus be enabled to attend the
last session.
The evening session opened at 8 p
m., and following the usual song and
scripture service. Rev. Tourtellott
delivered a strong helpful
upon the sul^ect of “Our Mothers”
showing bow the mothers, the borne
a^d the Sabbath school were connect
ed in the upbuilding at character,
manhood and womanhood
Hils doted the convention and
while it is often true that "A
prophet hath no honor in his own
country" those of us whose priveiege
it was to assist in carrying out the
plans of the program committee fed
well repaid for the efforts put forth
and are most appreciative of the
hearty co-operative spirit of the Sun
day Schools of the Loud City district.
Mrs. E. W. Thompson.
County Secty.
Baccalaureate Sermon
Last Sunday evening at the Presby
terian church occurred the Bacca
laureate address before the class of
1912, Rev. Dr. Leeper of the M. E.
church delivering a most excellent
address. The church was decorated
iu class colors and the main auditor
ium was well filled, the inclemency of
the weather keeping a large number
from being in attendance. Dr. Leep
ers text was taken from 2nd Tim. 2:
15. a synopsis of which we give below.
Every great achievement in the
history of humanity has found a fit
ting climax in the word of God.
Thus in painting. Raphael and
Micheal Angelo readied the climax in
sculpture and painting when the
Transfiguration and final Judgment
were protrayed upon the canvas and
the stone yielded up the Angelic
form. The masterpiece of fiction lias
for its hero H im who protrayed to a
remarkable degree the self denial and
love of humanity whidi characterized
the "Man of Sorrows."
Shakespeare, who spoke for the entire
Anglo-Saxon race from a literary stand
point, quotes more than five hundred
times from this inexhaustible foun
The student may have become pro
ficient in botany but until he has
come to know the "Rose of Sharon'’
and "The Lily of the Valley” his
work is not complete.
In like manner tlie geologist must
turn to the "Rock of Ages Cleft for
Me”. And so tlie astronomer may
know something of the constellation
of the skies but nothing more wonder
ful than this has come to his atten
tion: "The heavens declare the glory
of God and the firmament sheweth
His handy work. Day unto day ut
tereth speech and night unto night
sheweth knowledge."
And so in days of long ago, when
Mithnlais ware I«w it was the custom
upon the completion of the course of
study leading to the "Bachelors” de
gree for the candidate to appear in
the church ere tlie degree was con
ferred and receive from the spokes
man of the Divine the Leaureate
culled from the sweet bowers of
truth. The highest distinction of
honor and achievement.
The call in the text is for workmen
approved unto God, who need not he
ashamed. Not bunglers, not botches,
but men and women skilled in their
An old fallacy seemed to teach that
only ministers of tlie Gospel were
called to their special work. I believe
that everyone is called for some par
ticular work. A great many miss
their calling, evidently. One of the
most pathetic things we know of is to
hear an aged person lament the fact
that their life’s work has been a fail
ure because of a failure to hear or
heed the “call” in youth.
The text calls for “workmen”. I
will take off my hat to the hod carrier
who can do his work with proficiency
and dighity, but on the other hand
would have but little regard for even
a professed minister of the Gospel
who was a manifest “botch” in hand
ling the “Word of Life”.
Stand for something. Do not be
satisfied simply to copy and do as
others have done. Every life should
be a distinct note in the symphony of
the Almighty.
The most senous charge that has
ever been made against education is
that it destroys individuality. Bnt
moden education win come to study
the natural “bent” of the pupil and
as far as possible follow and develop
that,as the student’s greatest strength
must be in that direction.
Thackary says the recognition of
excellence in others is the next thing
to possessing it ourselves, therefore
petty jealousies and bickerings have
no {dace in the student’s life.
I congratulate you upon the oppor
tunity opened before you. That is all
you need, and I trust, that is all you
expect. Wealth bestowed without
having at least a hand in earning the
same has blighted many a promising
life. The world cannot be enriched
by those who are simply hunting easy
places. But true manhood and wom
anhood would scorn such mean ad
vantage and only crave for themselves
a fair chance to win in the conflict of
Finally, education is its own re
ward. New worlds are opened up to
the worker in the field of knowledge
who cares to lay out in the “sweat of
the brain,” the price required.
Our great example gladly suffered
and endured, not only that he might
gain a reward but that he might en
rich humanity with the priceless
boon of eternal salvation.
♦ fi n ■ See Loup City D Q h
To Build a House or Barn
As Cellars, Caves, Sidewalks, and Floors,
Call and get our prices
6UY ©TOUT, Manager
Fine Single Harness Attractive 1
5 If Bought at Right Place
^ and is one of the most at
I tractive parts of a stylish
horse and rig.
Fine Summer Lap
_ ——-TW ^
rA poor Harness is a source of danger. Why r
f don't you get a good one at f
While Ton are in town visit
The Picture Show
Our pictures are instructive as well as
All pictures passed by the National Board
of Censorship
Gome and take a trip around the world with us on each Thurs
day night, by seeing Pathe’s Weekly current event
Jke Oe LEE
Hail! Hail! Hail!
If you are interested in hail insurance don’t try an experi
ment but call on or write F. E. Brewer and insure in the
old reliable
St. Paul Fire and Marine Ins. Co.
of St. Paul, Minn., the only company that has written Hail
insurance successfully for
25 Consecutive Years
and hare adjusted and paid their losses fairly and promptly.
I also write Fire and Tornado insurance of all kinds.
F. E. Brewer
Loup City, Neb.
Let us Figure your bill of
Xjiimloer and all
kinds of "'Bmilcdiing
Don’t Forget The Northwestern’s
Great Bargain