The Loup City northwestern. (Loup City, Neb.) 189?-1917, May 16, 1912, Image 6

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Harry A Wheeler ot the t'nion
Tn -t aiapaar and ex president of The
• trczgo Association of Commerce, has
l«een unanimously elected president ot
tin* National Chamber of Commerce.
This committee consists of twenty
fire members from all sections of tbe
> ruled States, and will be the gov
• body of the association, having
tutrg* of practically all executive
Cnd» ihe organisation tbe National
Chamber of Commerce of the Cnlted
States will consist of more than 600
delegates from commercial organlza
>uoi of every character. Including
< hampers of commerce, boards of
trades, commercial clubs, merchants
and u.anuafcturers associations, and
national associations representing sev
eral commercial interests.
The by-laws of the new organization
provide for methods ot disclosing
' ■ h rough a system of referendum, the
commercial opinion or tne I nited
- » d f.e»' »h,H» are d-etced by the directorate to be of national
•«.*». a tic- •-.«* lij'.r!. of .rely lex at r.terest will be within the scope of
«. 'rtet « tli. o-e»• tattoo. and the directors state that "the power
aad it. •! -- M * •«.!. will tie plated behind any proposition when a
Mln-uii.. b or. of he *~otrtii ■* al associations of the l otted States have
Whsrws tWsMdtH to he ia agrera.ect "
The H*m of the itshhr Isrlud* The establishment of a permanent cen
tra «*•-■«■ !• .V <b::g*uu, *n at. «::! tie established the necessary facilities
’ ••• ■" V * »n- . o tattoo It to imiied io provide, through
tv. - . rliar ~ of emme; e. the system of co-operation among
wtirrli' aawor.atiotts ta the 1 n ted Mules. which has long l>een in effect
in . ■ -tul u. - c inn aitiiring nations as Great Britain and
CI i iamj. where The rdsttott of the «MMI lal t-odtes w ith each other and
the (»rrrtB.«t are dwse
The Hwiii rt. sere mthdriwt to apply for a federal incorporation for
the ««-cawtx*ttwa
Tar Japanese legation la Pekin
gave a aaaor the other «*• ta hahor at
t hanes » Ehat p emeu? emeritus
M Harvard anivcrslt.* lr welcoming
tfc« feoiar. KofckrM M.zuno. charge
till ire*, aa-d
'hr Kitot aa ptteddant of Haivard
itj rendered remarkable aerr
Pes te» Japan by beCuttg to educate
t a- f ta* Japan*** »ta e-:uec. nho
regenerated (Mr country. I a a: glad
it ki* • tha* aa enthusiastic recep
I'ta i* sua.'isg Hu in Japan, and !
am gUd that he * going by way o
Maothuete aad Korea He thaa mil!
•ar tatcr. aa they art call? are. In I
m>r tear year* of eon*j!ar service :n
ha. erect I heard adverse mnnsauat
the J apaaea* activities an l eater
prt. « ai Manchuria and Korea
Tl»*->e etie mi » were based on
eaaue-ptmaadlass aid tt-UrepresetiTa- i
#a» tt* »ntm+ trltMaai. but we I
daakr* it ta be baaed oa farts and *
• *» *i«. I do hot think may one has
7* ***** **••■••* iftivinn dimply because they are Japanese.
*** >^> ^ abiinrer like Dr. Kttot biust the removal
° ‘:il’■’ * *" l**0*'5" » mi-under, tandings of our activities in Manchuria
1 * ' -.ut^essioc, ana ' rtticioms arc most welcome Japan's national
Ideal Is K Unite the two vast streams of oriental and occidental
«• atiaea than contributing to the welfare *of humanity.
"us i'lnt io i Eliot, the ■ age o.‘ Cambridge America's grand old.
hash ”
** f*apa*tt«g Or. DM said to part, speaking for the Carnegie Eounela
“The CnraogSe Fksafntim does not contemplate a sudden disarmament.
' " • <*o*ae guaranty aga'ns idden invasions or the cutting
.4f at loud Mptiilew armies and navies will be necessary The Foundation
estats for the stodging and gathering of accurate information on the forces
gf—iminm grace The majority of Atrericana do not sympathize with ill ln
1 ’ - l ' : *~r- Aic’r ie and reliable information about
^ 1 • - feed The Fo -idation hopes for the establishment or
*'* *- * - •' »h’tc a: ■ .’.-sarT. enforce its decisions by armed
dorr* “
I* ‘S stated in high official circles
a- K- s-u does not contemplate the
annexation c: Mongolia and dc?s not
<>ven sire to see it established as a
• aSer state. On the contrary. Russia
-hat Chinese suzerainty is best
u. the Mongols, who are unaccus
tomed :o -el! government and are ig
norant of statecraft.
i <ii Kuj-.-ia to assist Mongolia in a
*■» lor Indepeaden <• would be fool
1. as would alienate from the em
:e the sympathies oh the young Chi
nese republic, antagonize the other
,< »»< rs .rd necessitate stronger nteas
•< later on Officials who have the
< car's c Midenee say that should China
-ccreed n making an arrangement
w hereby the Mongols would be satis
tied Hussia would not object to Mon
golia s joining the republic
While the foregoing is undoubtedly
toe Ru-■ i :n government's attitude, it
n-t be rer.iem.bered that the Kus
ruun press ar.d the military party favor
•he sl*6 bnsetit <4 V . at ■ "dent buffer stale and criticise the
p.nt«u:«e' strongly ':*r it.- cf uoilts'orv attitude toward China.
. mt Dritiall >ca'iH .. P -V o: re ned information that Chinese are be
n ■'*:-.*£ u Tibet -*0 ! d.a by iht u,a«!s and that those remaining are
l -tag r as *«fd b; H TP - tan Prac.:nent authorities lielieve that there is
.. . - • .■ » *-ec - v.dmovement in ou'er Mongolia and that
i*i Tibet lujtfc «»».:ntn— are under the spirit tal authority of the Dalai Lama,
a-*i ■’ the P.uudt ’ :•••« ii»u Ti. - Mongols arise freouent pilgrimages to
Tibet *o worst ■ * - Lai L: . -a and Ta :bi I.arra. who are regarded as re
lu< ..rut'tabs .• 3d!.*.
1m article attacking the crown
pmrc Car aaclert of atataiy duties. »
win « is attracting great attention. !
being reproduced tn many leading
•ewspspm appeared originally in
lie a monthly review, ac
cording to a Kcritn dispatch It was
wrifea by iterr tJcenrber von Vie
brocge. n retired taftccr.
The article observej that up to :s« 1
tin.” -Sen Hie l.atncr appointed bis \
hetr to tbe roiotielcj ol Ibe famous |
Death’s ’lead iimatars at Danzig Ian
Ketxt mber tfce crows prince bad never
does »tr military service worth men- i
donut*. K teas hoped that the com- ■
asM would at last flit tbe prince, in '
wbnse vela* the flood of so many 1
w amors Sowed, with genuine en
thusiasm fair the profession of arms.
‘T’p to the precent. however." con
tbiss the arcJeie. "the hopes aroused
kjr the irar. er to Danzig bare re
island uttfzltnled Tbe crown prince
•eed. om eight ask when he is at the head of his regiment at all.
Ii—Wdteteit alter ni* pppolnticent the august young gentleman went
trarefitg tor four weeks. ; nntipally to hunt. Soon alter his return we saw
hia » Her!:- : ; ot=etime= :n the reichs'.ag. where he attended the Morocco
tfehctr*; go: fires at the fyirg grovr.ds.
Exposure to Cold and Lack of Milk Causes Estimated Loss
of 35 to 40 Per Cent of Lambs—Shelter Mast be
Provided on High, Well Drained Land—
Feeding Hastens Growth.
I— -1
An Excellent Breeding Ewe.
I By J. M. BELL.)
The chief losses to the flock during
the lambing season are from cold and
exposure and from lack of milk. The
first cause can be remedied by proper
shelter and the latter by adequate and
nutritious food for the ewes at this
I critical season.
It may safely be estimated that from
35 to 40 per cent, of the loss of lambs
occurs from the above causes. To
remedy them to a great extent is in
the reach of the sheepman.
Regarding the question of proper
shelter, the farmer must have his
built on high, well-drained land; must
have it well protected on the north
east and west, and must be particular
to give his flock sufficient room for
a damp, over-crowded shelter is al
most, or just as bad, as none at all.
and the losses of lambs will be nearly
as heavy as where the flock are not
; housed, but left to shift for them
V.'liere sheep are crowded in this
way the ewes will drop their lambs
outside of the shelter, and when this
occurs in cold weather the little fel
lows die of cold and exposure before
; they are strong enough to suck.
Too many have the idea that the
wool of the sheep provides all the
protection needed. In reality, sheep
are about the most tender of the vari
; ous kinds of stock, and were it not
for the liberal protection provided by
Nature more protection would be nec
essary than for any other stock; hence
the ewes should have comfortable
quarters—warm, but not too close—
and liberally supplied with clean, dry
bedding to prevent dampness and to
insure cleanliness.
Confine the sheep every night, es
pecially if the weather is disagreeable.
; and when the lambs begin to arrive
keep the ewes that have dropped
lambs separate from the flock.
Build a dog-proof fence around the
sheep yard, and under the shed parti
tion oft a place for the young lambs
to go in. Have a trough for them
I and by the time they are two weeks
; old they will eat cracked corn and
: oats.
This feeding will hasten rapid
growth and at the same time will
make them more independent of their
. darns. Good feeding troughs should
I also be provided for the ewes.
This brings us to the all-important
subject of what sort of a ration the
ewes should have just before and after
lambing time; In fact, until spring
grass comes.
Just here let us take the case of a
sheep owner whose loss of both lambs
and ewes Wras very heavy during last
winter and spring. The loss of ewes
was 25 per cent.: that of lambs 37 per
i cent. Before lambing the Jock was
fed cut fodder and timothy hay; after
lambing their ration was bran and
cut fodder, no succulent food, or food
that contained enough protein to pro
duce the amount of milk necessary for
the lamb after it was born.
The man said: “If I had had 500
bushels of turnips I should have saved
my sheep and lambs also.”
It is a great mistake to fe«l sheep
merely timothy hay or corn fodder
before and after lambing time. Many
of the heaviest losses can be prevented
if C3re Is given to the ration, as It
is an exceptional case where a ewe
has not sufficient milk to at least keep
her lamb alive if she has been prop
erly fed a month before lambing.
The feed need not be expensive,
nor necessarily succulent" although
that is a great advantage; but it
should be rich in protein, palatable,
digestible and given in liberal amounts
and at regular intervals, twice a day.
Clover, cow peas or soy bean hay.
corn silage, turnips, sugar beets, and
some well cured (not moldy) corn
fodder may constitute the greater por
tion of the bulky ration, together with
a grain ration of corn, oats, bran,
and a small percentage of linseed oil
meal or cotton seed meal.
It is best to mix these grains to- !
gether. but If any a.-e to be fed alone
let it be oats.
Corn alone will prove unsatisfac- '
tory, as it has a tendency to weaken
the lambs and lessen the flow of
Be sure to have sufficient feeding
room, as the danger from crowding !
and pushing when ewes are heavy
with lamb is very great and likely to
cause some cases of abortion.
In conclusion it may be said that
every dead lamb or ewe means a loss
of about five dollars to the owner, and
it behooves him to give the best at
tention to his flock during the lamb
ing season.
Great Aim Is to Seep Larzesl
Number of Efficient Cows
Possible on a Given
The aim of the Danish farmer is to
keep the largest number of efficient
cows possible on a given area, a cow
to 214 acres or less. Enough young I
stock is raised to keep the herd sup
plied with cows.
From their feeding of oil cake and .
meal and the stall feeding of green
crops, an immense amount of manure
of fine quality is made, and with their
careful methods of husbanding the sol
ids ir. a covered manure pit and the
liquids in a cistern, and applying in
small quantities at frequent Intervals
during the rotation, the producing pow
er of their land is increasing from
year to year.
Tbe price of cows is from $S0 to
$90. Only the best heifers are raised
and with the record of the dam and
the quality of the sire known, their
selection is comparatively simple.
The soiling crops used are rye. oats
and peas, oats and vetch and clover :
and grass. These are hauled to the
barn and fed green, or pastured off by
tethering the cows along the edge.
In the cool European countries the
soiling season of the crop is much
longer. The cows are seldom turned
to pasture in Denmark, but tethered
by means of a halter on the head and
a rope or chain twelve to twenty feet
long, which is attached to a ten-inch
pin driven into the ground.
Water is hauled twice a day to the
tethered cows. Many small dairymen
take the cows to the stable to be
milked three times a day.
The cows are moved five times a
day from three to six feet depending
upon the amount of feed.
Thus the crops are grazed off even
when two or three feet high without
waste from tramping. This is the
Dane's chief point of economy in the
summer feed.
Practically no grain is fed while the
cows are on grass. A few dairymen
feed a little oil cake to their best
They are stabled all winter, fed all
the straw they will eat and on the av
erage of four pounds of hay, 40 to 100
pounds of roots and about six pounds
of grain per day, consisting of oil
cake, bran, barley and oats.
Best Plan la toRnnThem Thronsh
Cutter for the Poultry or
Sell Them to the
Local Dealer.
For fresh bones the best use is to
run thfeai through a bone cutter for
the poultry or sell them to the local
dealer for the same purpose. Some
times there appears no market or use
for old bones, and with these the fol
lowing plans may be tried. The result
will still be rather coarse, but good
for vines and trees. Bones and fresh
wood ashes are placed in alternate
layers, making the first and last layer
of ashes, until the barrel is full. The
whole is kept slightly moist. After
three or four months the mass may be
turned OTer once a month for three
months, when it will be ready for use.
Another method is to mix them with
a quarter of their weight of clay, keep
ing the whole moist with urine or
| stable liquor for three or four months,
j A third method is to place the bones
j in the barrel with a layer of soil at
j the bottom^ and drench them with a
i hot solution of lye. mixed in the pro
portion of one pound of potash lye to
four pounds bones. This should be
covered with soil and stirred occasion
ally for four or five weeks. The mois
ture may then be turned out to dry.
Grading Up a Herd.
If the milk of the entire herd Is
rather low in butter fat, a sire from
a strain having a good record for but
ter-fat production should be secured.
Careful breeding is the only effective
method of raising the average richness
of herd milk. The process Is some
what slow, but, if promptly begun,
very encouraging results can be real
ised after the second year. Each suc
cessive year will add to the value of
the herd and to the satisfaction of the
Training Tomatoes.
To insure nice, smooth fruit, to
matoes must be grown on stakes.
We all admire a man who says just
what he thinks—about other people.
Red Cross Bill Blue, all blue, best bluing
value in the whole world, makes the laun
dress smile.
Every man has some good In him,
but sometimes it takes & lot of coax
ing to bring it out
‘•That horrible weather"—how pleasant It
really is when you are well! liarrield Tea
helps always.
Cure for Insomnia.
“Dibble says he can't sleep."
“He ought to read the war news
from Mexico."
ff -
‘What's Cbolly so angry about?"
“Oh, some rude girl asked him if he
was a suffragette.”
Surgeon in Ancient Times.
High honorariums were paid sur
geons in ancient times. When Dar
fus, the son of Hystaspes, sprained
his foot Damocedes was called in. an
other surgeon of renown having failed
to effect a cure. Damocedes was suc
cessful. and the king took him to his
harem and Introduced the doctor to
the ladies of the court. The ladies
filled a vase of gold with money and
precious pearls, which a eunuch was
ordered to carry to the doctor. The
eunuch let fall the vase, and the care
ful historian tells us that slaves gath
ered up the pearls.
The Largest Bells.
“Great Paul,” the hell of SL Paul’s
Cathedral, in London, weighs nearly
17 tons and is nearly 30 feet around.
The first “Big Ben” of Westminster
was cast more than 30 years ago and
weighed more than 14 tons. But “Big
Ben” had a crack and was cast over, t
losing some weight, and the clapper
was made smaller, now being about
600 pounds instead of a ton. The
great bell, “Peter of York,” cost $10.- i
000, weighs about 13 tons and is 22
feet in diameter.
The largest banging bell in the j
world is in the great Buddhist monas
tery rear Canton. It is 18 feet in
height and 40 feet in circumference,
being cast in solid bronze. This is one :
of the eight monster bells that were
cast by command of Emperor Yung
Lo about A. D. 1400. It cost the lives j
of eight men. who were killed in the '
process of casting.
The Emperor of Rome Admired the
Courage and Pluck of
One of the most unique captives
ever brought home to Rome by Julius
Caesar was Caractacus of the early
Britons. This great chief lost every
thing in fighting to drive out the
Romans and was taken prisoner with
his wife and children. When brought
before the Roman emperor the proud
ruler of the primitive people never
showed the least fear. His arms were
chained, and the emperor roared to
try to frighten Caractacus, but the
brave chief never so much as quaked.
Instead he looked the monarch in the
eve and said:
“You fight to gain the whole world
and to make everybody your slaves. I
fought to keep my own land and for
The great courage the chief showed
finally touched the heart of the em
peror, and the ruler of the Romans
resolved to see if Caractacus would be
as brave when facing warriors. On
one of the great holidays In Rome
Caractacus was taken to the great
open-air amphitheater where the popu
lace gathered. He was told that if he
could defeat the bold knight that
would be sent against him he could go
back to his home. Caractacus fought
as he never had before; for some
thing sweeter than his life was at
stake—that of his wife and children.
Justice seemed to haw tempered the
metal of his weapons, and when he
struck the strong armor of his antag
onist gave way before his fearful
blows. The result was that Caractacus
and his family returned to Britain and
to happiness.
her Little Ring.
Mary had a little ring; 'twas given
by her beau; and everywhere that
Mary went that ring was sure to go.
She took the ring with her one day.
when she went out to tea. where she
might display it to the girls, who num
bered twenty-three.
And when the girls all saw that
ring, they made a great ado, exclaim
ing. with one voice: “Has it at last
got around to you?”
Occasionally we meet a man who
would rather work for a living than
get into politics
The dyspeptic should choose car#
fully what he chews carefully.
GanicM lea is unequalled either as ai
occasional or a daily laxative.
Some people impress us as being
too polite to get all that's coming u
Stop the Pain.
The hurt of a burn or a cut stops wher
Cole's Carboiisalve is applied. It heals
quickly and prevents scars. 25c- and 50e bj
druggists. For free sample write u
J- W. Cole & Co.. Black River Falls. Wis
“Why wouldn't you put out youi
tongue for the doctor this morning
“Oh, Emmy, I couldn't I don't
know him well enough.”—Fliegendt
New York Journalists.
“Here’s a man who claims to under
stand birds.”
“Can’t we feature It?"
“We might.” replied the editor o!
the Xew York paper, “if it were played
up properly. Send him out to get an
interview with the first robin, and let's
see what he makes of it.”
All Ha Wanted Wat Just Plain Eggs
A youth entered one of the “ham
and-row” cafes on Grand avenue and
ordered eggs. “Up or over?” asked
the man behind the counter. “I just
want eggs.” replied the prospective
diner. “But do you want them up ot
over?” repeated the waiter, and again
the guest asserted that he desired
“only eggs.” The third time the party
of the second part Insisted on his
query, whereupon the patron, with a
sigh of despair, said “I guess I’ll take
a steak."—Kansas City Star.
Milky Way Causes Glaciers.
Another suggested cause of glacial
periods Is that they have been due to
the shifting of the milky way, such as
is known to have occurred. Assuming
that much of the earth’s heat comes
from the stars, Dr. Rudolf Spitaler
finds that the change of position in re
lation to the milky way might have
given a different distribution of tem
perature from that existing at the
present time. The stars are not only
crowded in the region of the milky
way. but many of them are of the hot
test type.
If You Like
a Little Quiet Fun
Ask some pompous person if Grape-Nuts Food helps
build the brain.
Chances are you get a withering sneer and a hiss
of denunciation.
Then sweetly play with the learned toad.
Ask him to tell you the analysis of brain material and
the analysis of Grape-Nuts.
“Don’t know? Why, 1 supposed you based your opinions
on exact knowledge instead of pushing out a conclusion like you
would a sneeze."
“Well, now your tire is punctured, let’s sit down
like good friends and repair it.”
The bulky materials of brain are water and albumin,
but these things cannot blend without a little worker known
as Phosphate of Potash, defined as a “mineral salt"
One authority, Geohegan, shows in his analysis of brain,
5.33 per cent total of mineral salts, over one-half being Phosphoric
Acid and Potash combined, (Phosphate of Potash) 2.91 per cent
Beaunis, another authority, shows Phosphoric Acid and
Potash (Phosphate of Potash) more than one-half the total
mineral salts, being 73.44 per cent in a total of 101.07.
Analysis of Grape-Nuts shows Potassium and Phos
phorus (which join and make Phosphate of Potash) is
considerable more than one-half of all the mineral
salts in the food.
Dr. Geo.W. Carey, an authority on the constituent elements
of the body, says: “The gray matter of the brain is controlled
entirely by the inorganic cell-salt. Potassium Phosphate (Phosphate
of Potash). This salt unites with albumin and by the addition of
oxygen creates nerve fluid or the gray matter of the brain. Of
course, there is a trace of other salts and other organic matter in
nerve fluid, but Potassium Phosphate is the chief factor, and has
the power within itself to attract, by its own law of affinity,
all things needed to manufacture the elixir of life.”
'< Further on he says: “The beginning and end of the
matter is to supply the lacking principle, and in molecular
form exactly as nature furnishes it in vegetables, fruits and
grain. To supply deficiencies—this is the only law of cure.”
Brain is made of Phosphate of Potash as the
principal Mineral Salt, added to albumin and water.
Giape-Nuts contains that element as mors them
one-half of all its mineral salts.
Every day’s use of brain wears away a little.
He Forgot That He Had a Stomach
Talking of food, there is probably
no professional man subjected to a
greater, more wearing mental strain
than the responsible editor of a
modern newspaper.
To keep his mental faculties con
stantly In good working order, the
editor must keep his physical powers
up to the highest rate of efficiency.
Nothing will so quickly upset the
whole system as badly selected food
and a disordered stomach. It there
fore follows that he should have
right food, which can be readily as
similated. and which furnishes true
brain nourishment.
“My personal experience in the use
Of Grape-Nuts and Postum,” writes
a Philadelphia editor, “so exactly
agrees with your advertised claim as
to their merits that any further ex
position in that direction would seem
to be superfluous. They have bene
fited me so much, however, during
the five years that I have used them
that I do not feel justified in with
holding my testimony.
“General ‘high living,’ with all
that the expression implies as to a
generous table, brought about indi
gestion. in my case, with restless
ness at night and lassitude In the
morning, accompanied by various
pains and distressing sensations
during working hours.
“The doctor diagnosed the condi
tion as ‘catarrh of the stomach.’ and
prescribed various medicines, which
did me no good. I finally ‘threw
physics to the dogs,’ gave up tea
and coffee and heavy meat dishes,
and adopted Grape-Nuts and Postum
as the chief articles of my diet.
“I can conscientiously say, and I
wish to say it with all the emphasi3
possible to the English language,
that they have benefited me as med
icines never did. and more than any
other food that ever came on my
“My experience Is that the Grape
Nuts food has steadied and strength
ened both brain and nerves to a most
positive degree. How it does it I
cannot say, but I know that after
breakfasting on Grape-Nuts food one
actually forgets he has a stomach,
let alone ‘stomach trouble.’ It Is. in
my opinion, the most beneficial as
well as the most economical food on
the market, and has absolutely no
rival." Name given by Postum Co.,
Battle Creek, Mich.
buppose your kind of rood does not contain Phosphate of Potash.
How are you going to rebuild today the worn-out parts of yesterday?
And if you don’t, why shouldn't nervous prostration and brain-fag result?
Remember, Mind does not work well on a brain that is even partly broken down
from lack of nourishment.
It is true that other food besides Grape-Nuts contains varying quantities of Brain food
Plain wheat and barley do. But in Grape-Nuts there is a certainty.
And if the elements demanded by Nature, are eaten, the life forces have
the needed material to build from.
A healthy brain is important, if one would “do things’’ in this world.
A man who sneers at “Mind” sneers at the best and least understood part of himself.
That part which some folks believe links us to the Infinite.
Mind asks for a healthy brain upon which to act, and Nature has defined a way to make
a healthy brain and renew it day by day as it is used up from work of the previous day.
Nature’s way to rebuild is by the use of food which supplies die things required.
“There’s a Reason” for