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About The Loup City northwestern. (Loup City, Neb.) 189?-1917 | View Entire Issue (May 16, 1912)
UNITED STATES BANK EXAMINERS S9=^ n Go Carefully over *Se coudition of this bank at different intervals. Depositors' interests are protected first, before any body or anything else. The continued growth of this bank is ibe best possible evidence that we treat all patrons with courtesy and extend to them every facility to be found in a mod ern banking institution. Your account is welcome here. I FIRST NATIONAL BANK <B. f. Ha*c». prcst H 8. Cuthcusc. Vux-prts L Nmci. Ctfhkr \ Thing when you see it! ? £ Big REDUCTION £ £ lo Price on AH Posts £ ^Ob account of rebuilding <»ur plant, we are coin|celled t#to tnufer jD.dti p-^'* to aim! or teiiwii «*f <*ur yard.d we torreed in .elling them \\ e are offering youC* of natnliing. in the price oi tlie Cali andi jwbe conrinoed that it i? a pe-t bargain of a Hie time. . I MLYSTOM: LIMBER COMPANY THE SOUTH WESTERN ADVERTISING RATES la Effect Attar Jan 1st. 1*12 ..""".... l I ) — — —mm————Jl LOCAL NgWS. Oyster tiei» (or no aem. Go u> Lea Bros, meat market. A. O Lae and wife acre visitors to Grand Island Monday I W Itoraey respectfully solicit* Judg* Well had buuness at Central Cray Tuesday. Let J. MT laougai sell your (arm or * city property (or you. Good cleanse*- and premtag, »*u- | faelloa guaranteed uy J. W. Honey Ear Ism seven barbels of Yellow Haft and ‘ t1*"' seed corn. Janas Hong Potatoes at tbe Boa Toa Cafe. ll.;i per busbr. delivered anywhere la tbe rtty. Try Use J. L ilicood dray line. Ha trill five )oti fond tervka. Phone » an Ik «n tun /-a merman i» tianng ler borne re tufted refnprred and a general overhau.fg of the same Gw Stork low Use contract for re ps—flwg Dr Main » teuMn to tie began In—lute * Mm A. T Fonril returned to t mm (ll) Mu—lay aanriec after a Ire day* mil here Ge to Lee Bn* meat market for it if imartr Mima «*r sausage Only Lx per pound. '*> bate a full supply of all kinds of key «m and our prices are right. ( ali at Taylor's Elevator. Mm U M- Matljc« accompanied 1 r aiutner Mrs Jeeisins of Arcadia, to Linrcin Tuewdsy morning for a few day* Gnai (laareilor >. W. Long and !i K Galtawav left Monday morning fee LA—n k. attend the session of the grand lodge Knights of Py LhJaa. -Dkdyou my <mlT ‘ Yes. Pinnacle, nut coni." This is a good coal for cook *u»ve» free from slack and easy to start Try it. For sale at Tay lor** elevator. Mm A. Boo—, of Arcadia, visited vita Mm Dr Main Monday evening, j on nee nay to visit at lova City, lorn, vbere her mother is danger* outiy HI. When jam buy your next sack of •our. bay White satin Floor, made by your home mill, from home grown wheel All merchants In town liandle it- Lwy Cm Mill iso LhbtOo. Mm. E. H. Mathev, Mm. A. L. Zimmerman. Mm. Wa Engle and Mm M. C. Alexander were passen gers to Grand Island Tuesday morn Born May «Lh. to Mr. and Mrs. Mr-1* Enevmdaen. at Poole, a bounc ing baby boy. and Martin never re covered iiifBcienLly to write os of the gM aev* for aevorai days, Cow giuLiiMlimi to oor chniro friend and m - - We pay cash for eggs delivered at the creamery. Ravenna Cry Co. Barred Plymouth Hock eggs. $1.00 per setting. K. L. Aktui u. : p-to-date goodr at right prices at >chwaner's Jewelry store. (1 round hone fore chicken feed at Lee Bros.' meat market. F r Sale Aifalfa and Millet seed. Te.. 4 ofl W. T Aufbbcut. m23 Li> jour farm or city property with J. W. iKiugal “The New Real Estate man.' H toe-made summer sa.sages at Lee Bros' meat market at 15c per pound Have jour suits cleaned and press ed before neat Sunday by J. W. Dor sey. J. L. llagood. successor to Stroud wt*" do your hauling promptly and satisfactorily. Phone 8 on 15. A Suit will wear twice as long and look much neater if you have J. W. I»orser clean and press them. We are paying L8> cents cash for cream delivered at the creamery. We test and pay cash for cream. Ravenna (keaueky Co. Superintendent Rignell and a num ber of other "brass collars" of the Burlington were in Loup City in a special Tuesday morning. Ho you want to buy a farm or city pr iperty worth the money? If so see J. W. Hougal. the new real estate man at Loup City. Mr and Mrs. C. W. Cary, of Pueblo. Colo., the latter formerly Miss Anna Johnson A Aur ra. was iiere visiting Ml*- Zelpha Heed over last Sunday. If you want a dray, plione A. L. Kn deriee. » on *i3. or leave your order with eitlter lumber yard or E. G. Tay lor. Best of service guaranteed. C. E Lundy has rented the Baptist parsonage aud will move therein at the c *se of his lease on the St. Elmo llie rrst of June. Black boar hog came to my p yce at* five week* ago: weight ah ut Ian [« jnd* Owner can have sam< by paying ail expense*. Section 3-h 14. A. Spelt U.From ha* established a g so il in engine at his farm to run ihe separator, the churn and do the w *h ing. Friend Fro* says it is a splei iid innovati n aixi *ave* a heap of w rk. J. W. iKtrsey ha* purchased M C. Alexander's suitatonum business and i* now tlx only man in that business in Uie city. Mr. Alexander hastaken a position as traveling man. Mr* E. Mellor went to Lincoln last Friday morning, as representa tive of tlie Pythian Sisters to tiie grand chapter of the order in session there this week. Mr. Ralph Patton, of Weir Kansas, is here on a visit to his aunt. Mrs. J. P. Leininger, and family. He likes Loup City and may conclude to locate l*erc. Mr. and Mrs. Oscar Swanson re turned from Omaha last Saturday, wliere they had been to purchase furniture for their home. They will go to housekeeping as soon as it ar i rives and is installed. _ On Monday afternoon of this week, as Mr. Ike Keith was finishing the digging of a cesspool for the writer, be found two bones of some animal or human buried in the sand just at the water level. The v were in a good state of preservation, and must have been entombed there for many, many years. They may be seen at this office. They give good ground for surmising. Tomato and cabbage plants. 10cents per dozen. W. T. Gibsox. Mrs. T. M. Reed left last Tuesday for a visit at Anselmo. Neb. Joe Reiman returned Lru;u Greeley county last week, leaving his sister much i:nproven. Herman OlUseu is home for a few days' vacation from school duties, ex pecting to return to the University Saturday or next Monday. County J udge Smith issued a mar riage license to and united in wedlock yesterday afternoon Wilda S. Wagner and Sadie C. Carmody, both ot; Arcadia. C. C. Cooper shipped his car of j household goods to the west part of the state yesterday. Mr. and Mrs. A. T. Conger are re joicing over the arrival of a baby girl at their home yesterday morning. May 15, 1912. just at the peep o'day. Ashley, with one of his seraphic i-miles. was busv handing out fragrant Havanas all that day. Congratula tions We inadvertantly omitted to speak last week of the miscellaneous shower given Mrs. Oscar Swanson by some fifteen of her young lady friends a few days previous to her becoming a matron. A very enjoyable evening resulted in spite of our lack of mention. One of the beauties of a reporter s life is the supercilious manner of some people when asked for some per sonal item of news. They seem to Uiing they would be conferring a great favor by giving the news asked, when in reality the newspaper does not care a tinker's dam whether it gives them publicity or not. Last Friday at noon, just as Miss Tin t, the 1.J-.ear-old daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Will French, started from the school house g ling home to din ner. she stepped into a post hole, badly spraining one ankle. She was taken to her home in Grandpa Fa n. ii's buggy, where site is laid up and suffering ijuite severely with the badly injured member. It seems the auto business is get ting raiiroad speed on it. Last week. Jim Lee went to Omaha and pur chased a Carter: Art Reed got a Ford fr n. < *gle: Chris Oltjenbruns secured a buick from Criss: Jno. Bukowski got a Mason of Schuinan and J. I'. Leinifiger got him a Wiiite Electric. And the disease lias not reached near t!.c fever heat yet. A young couple came up from Rock ville yesterday to get a marriage license bu’’ were refused the desired piece of parchment on account of the age of the bride-to-be. she being only 1H years old. They were a young man named Bowen and a young girl named Fletcher. They were very indignant over the result, but as the law is so constituted, his honor could do naught else but turn the proposi tion down. We understand arrange ments had been perfected for a big | dance and reception for this evening. That's tough on Cupid. Rev. Leslie Sweetland came home last Saturday night from the east part of the state for an over-Sunday visit with his parents. Monday he [ lert for northwest Wyoming, where he j has been assigned to the missionary j field in the J ackson Iiole country, once the most noted homes of bandits and outlaws ever infesting a country, but now the peaceful habitation of western ranchman and homesteaders. J Our people will follow his labors in that historical region with added in terest. "Mothers' Day" was celebrated last Sunday morning at the First Presby terian church with an excellent ser mon on the day by the pastor. Itbe ing quarterly meeting at the M. E. church on that day, the observance of the day was postponed till next Sunday morning by that congrega tion. It is a wortln matter the put ting aside of other things to memor ialize our living or sainted mothers who have passed into the Great Be >ond. and no one will hesitate tocom memorate it. Whoever respects him -elf or herself, respects the memory ! of her who passed down into the I valley of uhe shadow of death togive i them being. God bless our mothers. Ouite a change in the time table on this U. P. branch will go into effect next bunday, May 19. The motor will go east at 1:20 or ten minutes later in the morning. Ke ' t urning it reaches here at 11:20 a. m., i remaining here two hours, giving our ! business men time to answer their ; mail and send it out when the motor j returns to St. Paul at 1:20. The ! motor returns at the same old time ; in tiie evening. This will be appre I dated by our business interests, as it i gives ample time to answer and send out their mail the same day. Last Tli r usd ay morning a telegram was received that Miss Meroe Out house. who is visiting relatives in Illinois, just east of St. Louis, was very ill and that afternoon Mrs. A. B. Outhouse left for her bedside. Mr. Outhouse following next morning. Later word lias been raceiysd. since the father and mother arrived, that the sick girl was much improved and as soon es she was able would be brought to Omaha for treatment by a specialist. Miss Outhouse's health has not been rugged for some time, danger from a nervous break down compelling her to cancel her teach ing at Fairbury. this state, some months since. Our people with one accord will trast for her complete re covery at an early dat«. Latkk—Mr. Outhouse returned Tues day bringing the daughter to the M. E. hospital at Omaha for treatment, Mrs. Outhouse remaining with her danghter. MARKET REPORT tirain Wheat. <;&97 Corn. f5i7» Oats. M &S5 Stock Cattle.S tn> to 6 00 Hosts . ... T 15 Poultry Hens.\. # Batter . 25 Erts . IS Shoes, Shoes- Shoes fuju-LTu-u-tr * | The q unity you don't see is the quality you learn to know and appreciate in. Star Brand Shoes The superior style finish of every shoe with the Star on the heel: is sufficient to sell you l your first pair. B it it’s “Star Brand" service -many months of srenuine serviee--that is [going to convince you that I Star brand shoes are better Loup City Mer. Co. Furnished rooms for rent, inquire of Rev. Biom. It i> getting quite dusty, where is the street sprinkler? Andy Gray, on route 2. came home from the Omha Hospital Tuesday and is no better. A sister of C. C. Cooper from Fort Dodge. Iowa, is expected here next week for a short visit, on her wav to j the west part of the state. J. C. Wall was in from the west part of the county Tuesday after posts to fence his land there. Improvaients are not confined to Loup City. We have received a well wiitten re port of the Sundav school convention held at Austin iast Sunday afternoon and evening, which will appear next week. Tiie young ladies of the Presby terian church will hold an exchange at Lee Bros.' meat market this week Saturday, beginning at II o'clock. Housewives will take advantage of this for their Sunday dinner. On the first page i s in article of the winning of second prize of the State High School Declamatory con test by Miss Elizabeth Erazim. of Ravenna. Miss Erazim Is a talented younger sister of Mrs. Gus Lorentz of this city. The Northwestern has made arrangements with the Nebraska Farmer to give that great farm paper, and a new 1912 map with the late census returns with the North western all for the regular subscrip tion price of $1.50. In addition to this, we will also give each old sub scriber who renews and all new sub scribers to the paper a map of Sher man county, so long as they last, we having a large number of the countv maps on hand. Here is the best offer ever given to subscribers. Remem ber—^The Nebraska Farmer, new 1912 map with census returns, a map ot Sherman county and this paper- all for our subscription price of $1.50. In this deal, every subscriber gets a benefit, instead of other common deals whereby in subscribing for a paper you help some one else. Our premium offer begins at once. See add this week. This will only con tinue for a time, so take advantage of it earlv. THE CHURCHES SWEEDISH C'HRISTAIN. Sunday. May 19th, 10:30 a. m., Sun day school. Sermon at 11:15 a. m. Subject: "Xo Excuse for Sin." John 15: 22. All Welcome. GERMAN May 19. Services will be held at Ashton at 10:30 a. m.: Rockville at 3:00 p. m. May 18, Lesson in German at Loup City church. P. Jr rung. Pastor. METHODIST "Mothers' Day"’, which was post poned from last Sunday on account of the quarterly meeting, will be ob served next Sunday morning. Every one is requesteckto wear a flower in honor of tlieir mother. A white car nation will be provided for every mother who can attend. Sunday school at ll:45and Epworth League at 7:15. Xo preaching at night on account of the class sermon at the Presbyterian church. p. A. Leeper. Pastor. RESOLUTIONS. Whereas. Our brother and co-worker, M. L. Powers, has resigned his position as pastor of the Baptist church h re and has decided to leave our commun ity. and Whereas. He has been a faithful and consecrated member of our Min isterial Union, occupying also the office of secretary, a duty lie has at tended to in a manner that has won for him our confidence and respect: therefore be it Resolved. That we look upon his departure as a loss to our Union, to the church and to our whole com munity, and be it further Resolved, That our prayers and best wishes f«r happiness and sue cess go with him and Mrs. Powers to their new field of labor. The Ministerial Union of Loup City. Xebr. H. Bum. D. A. Lkeper. J. C. Tourleltot. P. J more. H. CrDZEXCK. Rural Route No. I livin Barriek was listing corn for Frank Blaschke the past week. John Gross was discing last Thurs day on the Sand E. B. Coming rent ed from R. Hiddleson. O. S. Fross has rented some ground from Roi Hendrickson this spring. A. McCullough and W. Holcomb were on the market with hogs last week. S. S. Reynolds is going to dc some breaking down next to the river this spring. Orris Domgard took his sister's piano to town last Saturday. W. Fletcher and A. hangman were seen on Route 1 last week. Frank Kuhn is figuring on putting up a large barn this summer, which will be quite an improvement. Mr. •\ hn just put up a fine house last fall. Maudie Johnson. Esther Hunt and ! Elsie Foreman were taking examina tions in town last Friday. Mist- Hal Olson, who lias been in Pes Moines. Iowa, the past year, is hi me on a visit. H. F. Beckman and sons have rent ed the quarter section of land north of C. Zwink's. this year. We- Miller and Virgil Weliersheiled Ict rn the middle of hist week. O- F. Peterson ha- built an addition or. the house where John George li es. Cecil Haddix is working for A. E. Fielding. H. L. Beil was breaking a colt Mon day. M. Smyth took a licg to Loup City. M snday. Olias. Larson was hauling Isay to G v. loosier last week. Mrs. F. F. Faster is spending the week at her daughter's, Mrs. E. J. Pugsiey. Miss Jennie Henrickson has been w rking at Toni Ward's the past two weeks. A. Damratowski and sons was on the market with two loads of hogs the first of the week. Capt. S. M. Peterson is farming the place north of F. Zwink's. Ilarry Johnson has been working in town the past few days. Earl Pray is working for his broth er. Lvrnan. this summer. A. S. Coppersmith was trading in town Monday. The Carrier and everyone living west of town will sure be glad when they get the temporary bridge across the river in. as it is about two and a half miles farther to go now to and from town. Notice of Special Meeting. of County Board of Supervisors o! Sherman County, Nebraska. At the request of three members of said board, as provided for in section 4481 Cobbev's Annotated Statutes of Nebraska. 1911. I hereby ealla special meeting of said board to be held at the court house in Loup City, Neb raska. at one o'clock p. m.. June 4th 1912. for the purpose of opening seal ed bids on file in my oftiice. for the construction of a new steel bridge across the Loup River west of Louf City, consider same and award con tract for the constrtction of said bridge. Dated at Loup Citv this 13tli da\ Mav. 1912. [seal] W. C. Deitesichs County Clerk. Last pub May 23 All paints mre not alike. There is only one Bam Mound City Ca’s Deck and Porch Paint The highest and BESTqeahty This is not an ordinary pa;nt. for painting that front porch ot outside steps, but • special preparation made to withstand the great wear of use and weather. The usual strength and guaranteed quality of Mound City Co.*s paints is em* bodied in this ‘*Still Better** Deck ^nd • & iiiriniBB—i—m—b—i—— For Sale By Swanson & Lofholm R. F. Struthers' Copper Cable anc Lightning Rods insure safety to life and property. See me for Prices. A E. Reed. Agent. When the Milking Is Done £ The Skimming Is £ Done U M /"tET the facts J VI and Tea'll I boy tbs Artrcr.aUC quick I tor big Proflt. Sec a r and then - decide. Tire TbtltowWay autocaat:o Is a -; y*otr«j4, Genuine sotb -'in i Century Vt oncer. Strorrest pcaranSec Cf d» flfctme tetter teas Kate? can m::k. Newis no waeeftunjt Omelsefor any k** dairy- Tb usaads in aatistaeten 1 iw;flw, WcuoorcaUUdaycuTCb &MkF»a C. R. Sweetlaml Gasteyer’s Prepared Dishes Are a Boon to the Housewife at Houseclean ing TIME Vienna Style Sausage Oil Sardines Potted Meat, Ham Flavor Red Salmon Cnipped Dried Beef Corn Beef Cove Oysters Pink Salmon Mustard Sardines Veal Loaf The Quality House Established 1888 ! % Fine Single Harnes Attractive ft «kT X 5 It Bought at Right Place S an 1 is on? of the most at- J ^ tractive parts of a stylish t horse and rig. * Fine Summer Lap | ROBES e A poor Harness is a sourse of danger. Why £ ^ don't you get a good one at * JAMES BARTUNEK S fj ___ YOU CAN SAVE FROM $5 to $25 By purchasing A Sulky or Gang Plow Buggy, Press Drill, or Gasoline Engine, at Reed’s Implement Store Now _;_ I - , - ■ *4. .rsz. \ And other goods accordingly. The stock must be reduced and to do so we are selling at a.IoW price on all goods. W, P, REED, Administrator What You Gain by being a regular depositor with the Loup City State Bank: Your funds are kept in absolute security. Payment by check provides indisputable re** receipts in the form of returned can celed checks. Payment by check saves many a long trip; saves trouble of mak ing change and taking receipts. Being a depositor with us, acquaints us with eaeh other and lays the foundation for accommodation, when you want to piece out your resources with a loan. Every courtesy and facility is rendered the \ small as well as the large depositor. Don't wait until you can begin with a large deposit LOUP CITY STATE BANK Capital and Surplus, $47,500.00 J.S. Pedler. President C. C. Carlsen, Cashier John W. Long. Vice President, w. J, Root, Assistant Cashier. ______ Have Your Ticket Read 'Burlington” VISIT YELLOWSTONE PARK THIS SUMMER See America First. Travelers from Europe visit ! Yellowstone Park and say there is nothing comparable with ; that wonderland. The season of 1912 offers still more at tractive routes through the Park. For instance you will be able to eo through the Park one way via Cody, the scenic entrance over Sylvan Pass, returning via Gardiner, north en trance. or vice versa. A complete system of automobiles and park coaches is operated between Cody and the Lake Hotel, in connection with the Park Hotels and stage lines. You can buy round trip rail tickets to Gardiner or Cody for about $32 and. make your own arrangements, incluning if you like, Wiley Permanent Camp six days tonrs. or you can buy round trip tickets to Cody and there use the Frost & Richard sixteen day personally conducted camping tours through the Park. There are no such vacation tours in this country. You can make the Park tour one way through Denver, Sceinic C-olorano and Salt Lake City, the other via Gardner. Then there side trip Park tours from Livingston on the main line of the Northern Pacific for those going beyond. If you will consult with us we will he glad to show you the verious at tractive ways of making the tour of the Park and hand you folders. J. A. Danielson Ticket AGent L. W.Wakely, General Passinger Agent, Omaha, Neb