The Loup City northwestern. (Loup City, Neb.) 189?-1917, May 16, 1912, Image 2

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    He Loop City Northwesters
J. W BURLEIGH. Publisher
Marina! Political. Pt-wul and Cther
Mattar* b Brief F*rm for All
Class** of R*ade*a.
The boaae tasted a Joint resoijtloB
eraftsmnf: the ns'ion*I peace corn
■anas for too tears.
Tb* bouse passed a bill approj rtat
kj fSPP.oM to equip army lr. ceporU
with lifeboat* ti.4 rafts.
The agrtc-uif ural espeaditcre* com
■httee of the house arms urged by Hep
htrs'ttnr N'Hir.n to investigate the
bateau cif animal industry.
ri-nator CMaam a» naid be «o. id try
to pretest • art 3 adjournment or re
raw at i-iagree* until alter tariff
arfo-dttk* had twin passed
The T:uak inquiry *aa reopened
la the trub M. L. Farrell, tew edi
tor erf a **ail M.eef ticker. n-stifying
Rtirtot misleading report r.
The bonae pasard the bill empow
ering the president to incite mari
time natacna to eralitno- ia Waeh
bfin to taneadcr ocean travels.
ib|>’**es!a'i<« Dyer introduced a
bill to appropriate $5->«.,b«ei for pro
tection against floods along the Mil*
hetppi river and tributaries.
The senate appropriations commit
tee favorably reported a Join: r'-solu
Mas appropriating for Mis-1
Mas.ptd sad Ohio valleys Hoed •uffer- j
the senate agreed to • « <«nfer
ns* r nrfar. on tie- gcnt-ra! service j
own— we fi'aMrjg nn n-.erige Is
creases of $22 •-...•.b.i* a <nr for fivt
Chairman Pn>> of the sot ailed ■
money trust tereodgatiag committee
of the hotter *5#mUK»d that br.&ks
•ere respond: it* fully to the commit
lee • itpurtr*
Seuaior Wad atm mtrodaced an '
an »* to the steed tariff revision
to a tit borne the president by irocla
ma’itm to admit free of duty any ar
ticles for one year.
President Taft seat a message ap
peoviag the eeoaocnr commission's
pdaa for retiring got emrnent cm
•doves at 7* yeers on aatsitiH of
■as-half their salary.
The mnn‘r sgricnltare rseadtice
ordered iarsnM* report <«n senator :
Thornton s tell to prov ide for emar ,
get-e. crops ca overBovred lands In 1
sooth MteriMdy^: valley.
The tense nr- -ai'are «■■* er.i.ture
naosmme*- re iae! lc«r -tic?- n of
Kof*h Ctewttna ssamp Uadf derel
apmraf and Wednesday will begin in
*o«Ud»t on of mrat iaopcrtioa terr
fenass reports indicate it* r~*se Is
Qt>k «/4 lftdilCi.
Ti^t am »*ff «fervfeelM4 by the !
*h tenons Moosev eft hosts la th Kan
sas repobliraa mitstiat
•fe'tmdiac* declared oppos or. to
lie nearing of denominational nvlg
ma £ India* school work.
committee eta
c the urges
.lodge Arch bald
•teat -mootry of W*M
11 sited by a
that farmers have bees
thousands of dollars.
of "Soekiem Jerry”
. a spiritoal
>eit and Clark would
nominees and
dark i
: •
■ays that X*v ark annually
I i *w.<mn.«<P<> eggs and
.Mt.Md eggs ia storage.
Harry T«r>ia of Xew York, a 12
stepped a runaway
to dash Into a group of
and tea reward * as id crate
give*, by a stranger.
persons made home tern by the ere
not ia the Mississippi riser levee at
Terras alone Of ft* a umber i;.(*Ki
are ppuliat open tbe boorry of the
tatted States jtov era meat.
The proposed iacrasaed rates og tbe
•date sad sheet metal from easier
ppiats to dsetiasnoe* ia the north
Pacthe states were suspended by the
laiersRate t«oa« re* commission from
May TI oatH September 7.
Ufiral rosfajtioc of Vtareat Art or
as the tew bead of the Astor family
Is coatataod ia Mayor Goyaor's ao
semceseii' at plans for the reception
of the tlermaa atjaadroa. obtch trill
visit New Tor* this summer.
Ohanpao of »*e of money ia Mary
land by tbe Hkmci e); force* !>roo«ht
a hooted denial from Senator Dixon
T lid ITS i II against the Dearer.
Xortb*esters A Par,3c railroad (the
Moffat rand*, for was en
Bwlow at rhww*o apparently was
moved with lire trwble by tbe rail
sands after the freight handlers de
darsd a strike
*t FhisMl X. J_ Atsriaw Moore
eSsood hi* botcher shop dtcaause of
the mersesea coat of meat, saying hi*
sate* bis prices.
The Pfil retied State* infaatiT.
yrhvrh forms PS't of the iatersatloiial
fore* sec t to China to beep open the
ndny from i’eklag to the sea. prob
ably aili remats there for some rime
to com* aPhcnch part of the taariae
gasrd mready has bees wttadrann.
The bones axrv ah ore expenditures
eomtnsttse coat ia sod its search into
charyes a?x-»« the meat inspection
Mews was received of tbe death of
lamrT Odborae. gpsecal supertr.tead
oat of the Pacific division of the
Pxrtfic railway. *ith tcad
gHmn at Vaaroarer.
Roosevelt has the solid Texas del
egation. forty in number.
Bryan charged an attempt was
mad* to buy votes for Harmon.
I>ead«-rs of congress contemplate a
recess during the national conven
The senate added eight millions to
the house rivers and harbors bill.
Governor Harmon may devote a
week in Ohio to answering Bryan.
The will of Mary Eddy was sustain
ed by the New Hampshire supreme
The Irish heme role bill passed its
second reading ia the house of coal
mens. *
Th»- hoc.-e fcy a pronounced major
ity voted to abolish the court of com
Senator Cummins accused the pres
:<i- nt o' trying to coerce in tariff leg
T:e Methodist Episcopal church
conference voted agair-t a final court
of appeals.
Lax meat in-section laws was
charged store a house committee by
a woman.
Trie be use ’..'-or committee ordered
favorable report on slushes industrial
come::tree bill.
An asrre- cent !.;•_? been reached be
tween hoi-' and senate conferees cn
the pension bill.
The possibilities of agriculture in
Alaska arr dealt with in a bulletin is
sued at Washington.
Secretary Hayward has called a
meeting of the republican national
commr.tee at Chicago June 6.
Tl.e re al!, initiative and referen
dum were* written into Duluth’s
cha.—tr by an overwhelming vote.
The Missouri supreme court sus
• .ined "he constitutionality of the
semi-monthly wage payment law.
TLe senate interstate commerce
committee reported favorably on Sen
ator Clapp's bill of lading measure.
Mayor Dahiman and the ticket of
whl. h r e v... - H i bead was victori
ous in the Omaha municipal election
The ser.a'e passed the bill to permit
|!(M*e increase in indebtedness
of • e Philippines over present
00OAXM* debt.
The bil! for retirement of govern
aev employes in classified service,
eic-t: postmasters, was favorably re
ported in the senate.
The figures for the 1910 census
show that Iowa bad only 1.7 per cent
.•f illiterate** over 10 years old, w here
as Nebraska had 1.9.
Crips filled with potatoes and hot
tied beer were ’eft behind b? a man
w ho cast e-: bcg’Jt cheeks aggregating
$4H» at four Bos on hotels.
At Benton. 111.. Night Marshal Wil
liam B. Odom shot and killed “Pot”
Smith, whom he was trying to arrest
and was probably fatally wounded by
At Cbtlltccthe. O.. a large crowd
str*od in the rain to hear W. J. Bryan
renew his attack upon the presiden
•iul candidacy of Governor Jadson
A* Mount Vernon. N V.. William G.
VaaderV. • st's will provided that he
be stabbed 'trough the heart after the
dorter* pren: trnced him dead, to pre
vent burial alive.
Italian citirens at Cleveland. Ohio,
are to raise a fund for con
strue' iug a war aeroplane to be given
the jta an army for use against the
Turks in the present difficulty.
Politics is absorbing the attention
of congr-s*. Much of the discussion
n beitt house* is being aimed at the
c Bing campaign and the congestion
of business in the senate is largely
attributable to that cause.
Arthur Watts, chauffeur, of Chi
cago- had been out of jail less than
eighteen months following the death
o a woman under the wheels of his
automobile when be ran down and
killed Edward K. Hotter*
At Waukesha. Wi&. crashing
'hrough a window into the home of
Judge Agnew came a carrier pigeon
having attached to its leg a tag label
ed “San Francisco to Milwaukee."
The bird was revived and liberated.
The second state convention to
adopt a platform and make nomina
tions for judges of the supreme court
and offices not filled at the primary
election will be held July 10 in Des
Moines, according to an announce
ment made by members of the state
centra! committee.
Work on the new $3,000,000 Union
static: in Kansas City was suspended,
when * - *000 union men employed
struck be. _ e some of the stone used
had been procured ' rom an Indiana
company thaJ employs stonecutters
whose organisation is not affiliated
with the American Federation of La
Applications from 480 admitted
alien* and other residents of the
United State* seeking information rel
ative to home* and employment were
received during the week ended April
Ti last, at the New York branch of
the division of information, bureau of
immigration and naturalization de
partment of commerce and labor.
Roosevelt will have the delegates
from Maryland.
Congressmen have no hope of ad
journment before August or Septeru
J her.
I The Hill interests deny any inten
tion of cutting ore prices.
Chicago editors worked on presses
during the pressmen's strike.
Six delegates from Nevada will be
for Taft in the national convention.
President Taft sent to congress a
message offering a federal pension
Former Attorney General Bonaparte
says Roosevelt is correct on the Har
vester trust dispute.
Retirement of Count Paul Woiff
Mettemich from the post of German
ambassador at London is semi-o&eial
ly announced.
President Taft and others paid high
tribute to the memory of Major A. W_
! Butler
A final effort is being made to save
] the life of Richeson, the .Boston mur
! deter
1 Colonel Roosevelt directly charged
President Taft with Intention un
Captain Rostran of the Carpathia
is said to have admitted censorship
of the Titanic's wireless messages.
Inquiry Into charges of misconduct
against Judge Robert W. .Archbald ml
• the enmmeree court will be resumed
I by the hpuse from day to day.
What is Going cn Here and There
That is of Interest to the Read
ers Throughout Nebraska
and Vicinity.
Yerdon. — Joseph Holeeheck was
killed iu aii auto accident near this
place when the machine became un
manageable while going at high speed
and suddenly^ turned over. Mr. Hol
echeck lived about half an hour after
the mishap.
Meets Death Under the Wheels.
Lincoln.—Following the amputation
of his right arm and right leg. George
-Krummnck. a 7-year-old boy died on
Wednesday morning at a local hospit
al. The accident occurred Tuesday
afternoon wheu George with several
other boys was playing about a flat
ear in the Missouri Pacific yards. The
car was one of a long string on a side
track, and when struck by a switch
engine, young Krummack fell off and
beneath the wheels, one truck passing
over him.
Asphyxiated by Gas.
Lincoln. Xeb.—Rev. Harrison Pres
son. a pioneer preacher of Methodism
in Nebraska, and Miss Gladys Whit
lock. aged fourteen, are dead, and Mrs.
H. T. Whitloek, grandmother of the
girl and housekeeper for Mr. Presson,
is seriously ill. as a result of gas es
caping from a defective fixture in
their home at 622 South Nineteenth
street in this city.
Floods Caused Great Damage.
Fremont.—That the damage to land
along the Platte river between Omaha
and Columbus, whera the receding
floods left a coating of sand, amounts
to between $aOO.OOO and $ 1.000:000. is
the estimate of a Fremont man who
has been over the situation closely
since the flood, and who knows the
value of the land.
Dedicate Non-Sectarian Church.
College View—Union church a: this
place, represented by a membership of
sixty persons, drawn from nine de
nominations was dedicated Sunday.
The organization recognizes no creed,
it observes no rituals. Its motto is,
"The Bible is Our Creed; God Our
Business Disqualifies Trustee.
fleshier.—Albert Caughey, who was
elected village trustee, did not quali
fy. as there is a penalty for a town of
ficial supplying the town anything, and
-Mr. Caughey is owner of the only lum
ber and coal yard here. George Beck
ler has been appointed to fill the va
Initiated a Large Class.
North Platte.—The Knights of Co
lumbus of North Platte initiated a
class of eighty-one candidates into
the order. This , is one of the largest
classes ever initiated in this section
of the country.
Joe Teeter of Lincoln.' newly ap
pointed commandant of the soldiers'
home at Milford, has filed his official
bond and taken the oath or office.
Fish Commissioner O'Brien has
placed three thousand catfish and a
few bass in the Blue river at Beatrice.
He also sent a few black bass to Bine
Residents of Newark have sent a
complaint to the state railwav com
mission asking that the Burlington
be required to maintain a depot and
station at that town.
Chief Game Warden Miller arrest
ed three Greeks in Custer county on
the charge of hunting without a li
cense and kilting game out of season
The men are employed by the Burling
ton railroad.
' ut,lor Avery Is expecting to go
to Chicago this summer to attend the
annual convention of the department
of higher education of the national ed
ucation association. Mr. Avery is
president of the department, and is
billed for an address on the second
day of the meeting. The sessions will
be held July S and 9.
In view of the recent calamity at
Morningside College in Sioux City. Ia.,
the executive committee of the board
of trustees has offered free tuition to
any students of that institution who
may wish to attend Wesleyan for the
remainder of the school year.
Commissioner McFadden has just
issued a bulletin to hotel men of the
state urging their co-operation in sup
port of the sanitary measures and ask
ing a careful perusal of the copy of
the hotel laws which accompanied the
State Superintendent Delzell has
notified county superintendents that
the first examination for city state
certificates will be given May 17-1S
under the supervision of county su
perintendents and will be conducted
in the same manner as the examina
tion for county and state certificates.
Secretary Marshall of the state
board of horticulture has received re
ports which show that all kinds of
fruit trees came through the winter
in good condition with the exception
of peach trees. There will probably
be no peaches in the state except in
the southeastern portion.
Ail effort to retain Commandant
Tates of the university cadets in his
present position has been practically
abandoned. ®e**s*g
Thomas Davis, the half breed Indian
convict who cut the throat of John
; Strong, a negro convict, at the state
penitentiary a month ago, will have
suitable counsel when his case is
called. Friends interested in his de
fense have banded together and sub
scribed a fund to hire attorneys to de
fend him and every effort will be
made to save him from the gallows.
Robert Graham has resigned as su
perintendent of the Wayne schools.
While making repairs on a windmill
near Douglas, S. H. Carpenter got
caught in the gear, jerking his thumb
John K. Rammers of Wymore. aged
seventy-two years, was killed almost
instantly Monday afternoon by the
kick of a horse.
The thirty-first annual convention
of the Nebraska state pharmaceutical
association will be held at Beatrice,
June 11, 12 and 13.
Andrew B. Huckins, of Nebraska
City, well known throughout the coun
: try as a temperance evangelist, died
suddenly in St. Louis.
Rev. Canon Burgess, for thirty-eight
: years rector of St. Luke's Episcopal
church at Plattsmeuth. has resigned
on account of ill heal:h.
When R. S. Cleckner of Teeumseh
was silting barefooted in front of the
kitchen stove, a pot of bailing meat
was overturned, burning him severe
Directors of the Fremont fire de
partment have fixed May 23 as the
; date for the annua! banquet and dance
i of the members and their families and
j friends.
.Miss Winnie Smith a Fairbury
young lady, contracted a serious case
of ptomaine poisoning from eating ice
| cream and for a time her life was de
spaired of.
Rev. Edwin Darrow. for the past
three years, pastor of the Peru Bap
tist church, has accepted a call to Mt.
Ayr. Iowa, where he will begin his
work May 19.
The smallpox situation in Wymore.
which created considerable excitement
about tc-r weeks ago. has beta great
ly ret?-* as there has not been an
other esse reported.
The new science hail of the sta,s
normal at Wayne is completed and
will be in use during the summer
term. It will be formally dedicated
July 2 by Governor Aldrich.
Fremont'3 dog show, which opened
Wednesday, with 30$ entries, will rank
on a par with those of Omaha and
Denver in points of size, and ahead of
i the Sioux City and Des Moines shows.
Six new residences are under erec
j tion in the city of Stanton, ranging in
price from $2,000 to $3,000. The con
tracts have been let for severs! others
that »U1 be as good if not better
I houses.
William Volk was drowned in the
Platte river near Cullom Sunday
morning and his body was recovered
an hour later. He was fishing and ,
got beyond his depth while seining I
for bait.
Merchants at Humboldt have en
! tered into an agreement whereby any
merchant selling goods after 7 o'clock
in the evening will be fined $10 and
' dishonorably expelled from the Com
! mercial club.
Edward X. Ritchey, a student at ,
the state normal school of Kearney,
was successful in receiving an ap- |
pointment to the insular school ser- i
vice of the Philippine islands, and is
on his way to report for duty.
The largest mortgage ever recorded
i io Gage county was filed in the regis
: ter of deed's office at Beatrice by the
Equitable Trust company of Xew York
! City. It was for Sf’OO.OOO.'X") and cov
ers the entire property of the Union
Pacific railway company.
Teams of six men each, represent
ing Omaha and Lincoln, will play
j checkers at Lincoln May 30 to deter
mine the inter-city checker champion
ship. Each player will contest in two
games with each member of the op
posing aggregation, a total of seventy
two games.
From 1.000 to 1.500 of the school
children of Lincoln are to take part
in tbe annual play festival to be held
the afternoon of May 16 at Antelope
ball park. In a program made up of
a may pole dance, folk deuces and
out-of-door sports, every school in
tbe city will be represented.
Sheriff Hyers of Lancaster county,
who. with Chief of Police Briggs of
South Omaha, is charged with man
slaughter in connection with the kill
ing of Roy Blunt, a young farmer of
Sarpy county. March IS. last, will ask
j for a change of venue, alleging preju
; dice and inability to get a fair triaL
Arrangements are being made at
I l mon 1 ollege for the celebration of
Founders' day, commemorating the
founding of the Adventist school \
twenty-one years ago. Speakers
prominent in the affairs of the denom
ination and some of the founders of j
| the college will be present. May 19
and 20 are the dates on which the
programs will be given.
The new Lexington high school
building has been formally opened to
the public. The building cost between
$50,000 and $75,000 snd is considered
the best in central or eastern Nebras- ;
While sowing oats in a field on his 1
father's farm near Fremont. Hans I
Lass, aged 24. was seriously injured j
by being struck by a rifle bullet of ;
large caliber which plowed through j
, his cheek knocking out two teeth. The j
; young man was not found for several ;
i hours.
Great preparations are being made ;
I to entertain the state G. A. R. en- ;
campment at Beatrice May 14. 15 and 1
During an electric storm at Ains- j
; worth the power house of the Ains- !
! worth Fie. trie Light and Power com- j
! panv was struck by lightning and con- j
1 side-ruble damage was done to the ma- >
A building boom, livelier than any ;
other in the last ten years, is on in I
Fremont and scarcely a day passes !
i without ground being broken for from |
one to four new homes in the resi- ,
dence portion of the city.
May 31 has been settled on as the
date for commencement exercises for
the Fremont high school class of 1912.
Dundy county was visited by one of
the darkest days known around that
vicinity, followed by a four-inch rain
and farmers are feeling jubilant as it
almost insures a good wheat crop as
well as an excellent alfalfa crop.
Graves of departed members of the
Fremont fire department will be
| marked with bronze tablets bearing
appropriate inscriptions. The direct
ors of the department have appoint
ed a committee to select suitable
Twelve Hours of Fighting on Plains
Near Conejos and More Soon
.At the Federal Front. Conejos. Mex.—
Twelve hours of brisk fighting on
the desert plains 300 miles south of the
American border, between a force of
^.000 rebels under General Orozco and
an equally strong body of federals.
under General Huerta, resulted Sun
day in a decided advan’age to the gov
The fighting began at daybreak and
at nightfall the sandy mesas between
here and Yermo, fourteen miles north,
where the insurrectos were gradually
forced back, were covered with dead
and wounded. ,
Nearly 500 are believed to have been
killed and wounded on both sides. A
courier reported that Geueral Trucy
Aubert. the dashing federal command
er. had been shot in the leg.
The rebels abandoned ten c2naons
and much ammunition in their retreat.
General Joaquin Tellez, who had
beer, stationed in the rear of Huer>a's
vanguard, at noon was sent around to
the eastward to flank the rebels and
cut off their retreat. Tonight federal
headquarters claim the rebels are
completely surrounded and that the
second day of fighting will prove
equally decisive.
This town, occupied Saturday by thq
vanguard of the rebels, was riddled
with bullets, when the federals gal
loped into it at sunset. Over to the
foothills to the north the insurrectos
could be seen retreating.
General Huerta has been receiving
many telegrams of congratulations oa
the outcome of the day's fighting.
Should the advantage gained Sunday
be followed by equal success Monday,
the federal leaders are confident it
will mean the annihilation of the In
surrecto army. j
General Huerta considers it prob
able. however, that the rebels will
make their iast stand at Esealon. their
central base, fourteen miles to the
north, where they have built fortifica
tions and trenches in the last ■ fort
As they retreated the rebels de
stroyed several bridges, but the fed
erals were equipped with pontoons
and will not be seriously affected.
Scatter Flowers on Atlantic.
New York.—Standing on the bridge
of the Germania in mid-ocean last
Thursday evening. Mrs. J. H. I.oring
of New York and London scattered
armfuls of flowers on the waters o'
the Atlantic in memory of her hus
band. who lost his life on the Titanic.j
When the Carmania. which reached
port Saturday, arrived in latitude
U.K and longtitade 5'>.14, the nearest
position to where the Titanic sank,
Mrs. Loring. sniped in deep mourning,
standing on the bridge, scattered the
The Campaign in Ohio.
Columbus. O.—From Monday morn
ing until the dawn of the primary
election. May 21. there is scarcely a
crossroads station in this state so un
important numerically that it does not
expect to entertain at least one presi
dential possibility. Four seekers af
ter the nomination for the presidency.
President Taft. Colonel Theodore
Roosevelt. Governor Harmon and Sen
ator La Follette. will tour the state,
while lesser lights. United States sen
ators. cabinet members and depart
ment heads are figuring on campaign
President Wires to California.
Washington.—Unable to cross the
continent to campaign in Oaliromia,
President Taft Sunday sent by tele
graph to the men and women repub
licans o: that state his arguments for
support in the presidential primary
on Tuesday.
Observe Memorial Day.
Charleston. S. C.—Throughout North
and South Carolina May 10 was ob
served as Memorial day in honor of
the memory of toe confederate dead.
In all the principal cities and towns
business was to a large degree sus
Motormart Pinned Under Car.
South Bend, lnd.—Samuel Culp,
motorman of a street car. begged by
standers to take an axe and chop oft
his legs, after he had been hit by bis
car and fatally injured.
_% , ...
Four Killed by a Cave-in.
Green Bay. Wis.—Four little giri-s
were killed by the caving in of a
gravel pit near Black creek, in which
they were playing. Three of them are
daughters of Frank Barth.
Underwood An Easy Victor.
Atlanta. Ga.—Oscar W. Underwood's
officially plurality in the presidential '•
primary of May 1 was 14.047. accord ,
ing to the count by the state executive
committee. Mr. Underwood was de
clared the choice of the democratic ■
party in Georgia.
Rounding Up in California.
Los Angeles, Cal.—Gifford Pinchol j
and Former Senator Albert J. Bever j
idge began the last round of their
California stumping tour Saturday in
the orange belt.
Senate Adds Eight Millions.
Washington.—The rivers and har
bors appropriation bill was passed by
the senate amended to carry $£,000,
000 more than as passed by the house,
aod making a total of about $34,000.- j
000. It is increased in die neighbor i
hood of $2,500,000.
Red Cross in Time of War.
Washington.—The most important
question before the International Red
Chose conference is: What can the
red cross do tr case of war, where
Jealousies exist
BiSHO? ;n the far north
Clergyman Covers About 25,000
Miles 9 Year in Arctic Region
Visiting Missions.
Nome. Alaska.—Steamboat, canoe,
reindeer, dogs and snowshoes are used
by Bishop Rowe of Alaska, in cover
ing a bishopric of 600,000 square
miles, over which every year is vis
iting his missions he travels a dis
tance equal to the circumference of
the globe. In cheerful performance
if his hardy duties he proves himself
bne of history's long line of adventur
ous frontier churchmen—perhaps the
iast, Carrington Weems says, in tell
ing of the bishop in World's Work, for
“he frontier trill soon be a memory,
ind Alaska is the end. Peter Trim
ble Rowe was born in Toronto in
1859, and was tried and tested for
his arduous life's work by moving,
ifter his graduation from Trinity col
Eskirrc Vilage. One of Bishop Rowe’s
Stopping Places.
ege, to an Indian reservation at Gar
den River, cc the northern shore of
Lake Heron. Extracts from h:s diary
j give some notion of the kinds of diffi
| 'uliies he meets with in his travels,
i Telling of a trip from Tanana, start
i ng with one companion and a five-dog
t earn to go to Vaidez, he says:
1 “Our sled was loaded with robes.
:ent. stove, axes, clothing and food for
\ 16 days for dogs and selves. . . . I
Wind blew the snow like shot in
our faces. I kept ahead of the dogs,
leading them, finding the way. We
had to cross the wide river: the great
hummocks made this an ordeal: had
| to use the ax and break a way for ;
r.ogs and sied. In the midst of it all
the dogs would stop; they could not
see: their eyes were closed with the j
fros:; my own were. The time .’me |
when the dogs would—could—no long- j
tr face the storm. I was forced to '•
make a camp, it was not a spot I '
would choose for the purpose. The
bank of the river was precipitous. ,
high, rocky, yet there was wood. I
climbed 100 feet and picked out a
spot and made a campfire. Then re
turned to the sled, unharnessed dogs,
got a ’life line,' went up and tied it to ;
i a tree near the fire. By means of this
we gc: up our robes and food suffi
cient. Here, after something to eat. we
made our bed on the snow. . . .
It was a night of shivers.’ Froze our
Here is another night picture further
on ic the journey:
"All right the wolves howling near
by. and we bad to keep cur dogs near
the fire to prevent their being killed.
Bitter iron c-old shackled the north
land. By night the fire roared defi
ance to a frost which it could not sub
due. while deg and man crouched
near it for protection from its awful
power. When outside the fire's
the heavens were ablaze with mev
ing lights—the aurora borealis of the
arctic shore with wonderful bril
Appears on Board Steamship After
Vessel Steams From Daiquiri—
Husband One of Craft's Crew.
Baltimore. Md—Cool and possessed,
and just 2® years old. Mrs. C. U
Boggs, an American, was arraigned
before Immigration Commissioner
Stump for being a stowaway on board
the steamer Remembrance, which ar
rived at Sparrows Point from Dai
quiri. She was liberated.
She accompanied by l>er bus
band, who had been a passenger on
board the Remembrance as one of the
crew. Boggs proved that he was an
American citizen, and as his wife was
the spouse of a citiien she received
her freedom. The two left the immi
gration offices and disappeared as
mysteriously as the wife had hid in
the hold of the vessel.
The Remembrance steamed from
Daiquiri after taking on a cargo of
iron ore. Boggs had signed as one of
the crew at Colon. Panama, and it is
thought that he then assisted his wife
aboard the vessel and secreted, her in
the hold.
The vessel was two days oat from
Daiquiri when Mrs. Boggs appeared on
deck, aEd Captain Xesbitt was at a
loss for words to ask whence she had
come. When men are found on board
vessels illegally they are forced to
scrub decks and do other arduous la
bor. but Mrs. Boggs waiked the decks
throughout the voyage, watched the
crew work and enjoyed the salt air ot
the Atlantic.
Trainer of Wild Beasts in Terror
When Caged Grizzly Bear At
tacks Her Husband.
San Francisco.—Mme. Ricardo, a
lion trainer, known as the "singing
girl In the tiger's den," is speechless
as the result of an attack upon her
husband by a bear at Oakland. The
woman was one of the few in the
gathering at the circus who realized
her husband's peril.
When the grizzly bore her husband
to the ground the woman screamed
for assistance. Ricardo remained
quiet, covering his head and face with
his arms.
Mme. Ricardo attempted to sing the
next day. but found that she had lost
her voice. Physicians fear it may not
return. Ricardo escaped Injury.
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The best of us like to play a little
with fire.
Unsightly eruptions disappetrafter* eoursa
of Garbeld Tea.
The man who wears a silk hat
shouldn't butt in.
ETen the absent-minded man may
have a good presence.
Mrs. Winslow's Soothing Syrnp for Children
teething, softens the gems, reduces infiamma
uol. a*!*}’* pain cures wind colic. 25c <s boulo.
T rouble.
“That man seems to be greatly de
pressed about something.
"Yes. He must live in some town
whose baseball team is at the tail
“Going to make garden?”
“I dunno,” replied the man who al
ways looks discouraged. “I'm busy
now iguring up how many tons of let
tuce I'll nave to raise to pay for the
spade and the rake and the rest of
the outfit.”
Safer Plan.
”1 let my house furnished, and
they've had measles there. Of course,
we've bad the place disinfected, so I
suppose it's Quite safe. What do you
“I fancy it would he all right, dear;
but I think perhaps it would be safer
to fend it to a friend first.”—Punch.
Inhuman Fellow.
“Upon what grounds do you seek a
divorce?” asked the lawyer whom
she had just retained. "Non-support,
cruelty or—”
“Both.” she cried, tearfully. "He
would net support my passionate
longing for a diamond necklace, and
if 'hat isn't cruelty I’d like to know:"
—Catholic Standard and Times.
On, Learned Judge.
A California judge decided that
there Ib no judicial authority to keep
a man from making love to his wife,
although it could stop his beating her.
Tbe remarkable cause of this remark
able decision was that a woman in
Los Angeles had applied for an injunc
tion to restrain her husband from in
sisting on being attentive to her. This
judge was not a Solomon, but he real
ized that only a Solomon could be
trusted to rule upon the whims and
inconsistencies of womankind.
Doctor Was Fooied by His Own Casa
For a Time.
It's easy to understand how ordi
nary people get fooled by coffee when
doctors themselves sometimes forget
the facts.
A physician speaks of his own expe
“I had used coffee for years and really
did not exactly believe it was injuring ^
me although I had palpitation of the
heart every day. < Tea contains caf
feine—the same drug found in coffee—
and is ju&t as harmful as coffee.)
“Finally one day a severe and al
most fatal attack of henrt trouble
frightened me and I gave up both tea
and coffee, using Postum instead, and
since that time I have had absolutely
no heart palpitation except on one or
two occasions when I tried a small
quantity of coffee,which caused severe
irritation and proved to me 1 must let
It alone.
“When we began using Postum it
seemed weak—that was because we
did not make it according to directions
—but now we put a little bit of but
ter In the pot when boiling and allow
the Postum to boil full 15 minutes
which gives it the proper rich flavor
and the deep brown color.
“I have advised a great many of
my friends and patients to leave off
coffee and drink Postum, in fact 1 daily
give this advice.” Name given by
Postum Co., Battle Creek. Mich.
Many thousands of physicians use
Postum in place of tea and coffee in
their own homes and prescribe it to
"There's a reason.” and it is explain
ed in the little book. "The Road to
Wellville.” in pkgs.
Ever ml the above letter? A new
owe appear* from time to time. Tbrv
are peoalae. trot, aad foil of hatnan
latere* t.