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About The Loup City northwestern. (Loup City, Neb.) 189?-1917 | View Entire Issue (May 9, 1912)
UNITED STATES S EXAMINERS _ Go Carefully over the condition of this bank at different intervals. Depositors' interests are protected first, ><efore any body or anything else. The continued growth of this bank is the best possible evidence that we treat all patrons with courtesy and extend to •hem every facility to be found in a mod ern banking institution. ^ our account is welcome here. FIRST NATIONAL BANK <fl f. prcst 3. B. Outhouse. Ylcrprts L. hansen. Cashier THE SORTHWESTERN -:-: ADVERTISING RATES In Effect After Jen. 1st. 1912 U . .. tz.,i rr prriM-l prf nek ( Hi ■' a »p.») Kturf uk« (or me iku ar prr we*. < ~*ner par* per oMk... xs« ■ rw* b" * •. cm J Soil parr irr »■» * l;w Bn le» p»r kerb prr uaertiow. .. 3 I » * prr liar per iswrtlM <*> e: nt *emr.r«f:«(n* . . IV to He Lmrmi Kcytcr* Lacal >el— ' salrM-HiiHoirio'the^orfh^ 'ler« i* *l.r»<i a year 1 >i«clr I «py :> rents each <} LOCAL NEWS. < ysirr s»«eil» for chickens. Go U> Lee Bros, meat market. Mb* Jeannette Taylor went to Grand Island last Saturday. For Sale Seven bushels of Yellow j ]<ent and Gaiko seed corn. Jake* Bone. Try the J. L. Hagx>d dray line. | He w ill give yon good service. Bitone * on IS. Mrs Bert Morris was a passenger to Grand Island last Saturday morn ing. •Jo to Lee Bros, meat market for It me-made summer sausages. Only IV per pound. Mrs. E. G. Taylor went to Grand I and and Central City lc«t Sat ur day. »e have a full supply of all kinds of lump coal and our prices are right. Call at Taylor s Elevator. Mr. and Mrs John Fisher were made happy last Su*tday by the ar ena! at their home of a bouncing baby boy. Congratulation*. A card from Geo. W. Marvel asks w* to send the North western to him at ysr. Harney street. Omaha, wliere l*e and bis wife wiii tie for a time. Ibdyou sayooaJT" "Ye*. Binnacle. coni ' This is a good coni for c -t stoves, free from slack and easy ■ t j start. Try it- For sale at Tay- \ hot'* elevator. 'A lien you buy your neit sack of; r ir. bay White r-atin Flour, made by | y »ar home mill, from borne grown wisest. All uw-rrliaat*iotown Candle i*. birr < m Mitt akd LtuirrCb. Ward Ver Valin and family arrived fr m Mitchell. S. It. last Saturday and will toon be at home in their property in northwest Leap City. It me ms good to have them with us again Mrs. B.T. Snyder left for Lincoln M joday morning to visit her daugh ter. who has recently returned from South Dakota, where she buried iier b ■kbnnd. and who will return lie re with Mis. Snyder. Our young friend. J. W. Dorsey was made happy last Saturday evening by a that from bis good parents from Manr-Jette. Neb., who remained with him over Sunday, returning home Mooday morning. Mhn I Jessie Danielson came home I from school last Friday evening and visited at home till Tuesday morning, when she returned to her studies. Sim has hi weeks more of study be fore the close of the school year, when she will be borne for tbs summer va cation Miss Melvia Danielson will also be borne from ber musical work in the Fremont Normal in some three wnefct. Later the sisters will make a abort visit to Chicago and other east ern pdtat* and will then return home till the new school year begins in the tell. James Bartunek had business at Rockville yesterday. We pay cash for eggs delivered at the creamery. Ravenna Cry. Co. Barred Plymouth Rock eggs. 91.00 per setting. R. L. Arthur. C round bone fore chicken feed at Lee Bros.' meat market. For Sale Alfalfa and Millet seed. Tel. 4 on 92. W. T Aufrbcht. ro23 Tenus Biemond orders the Xor th western sent to bis brother-in-law. A. P. I>eLvster. at Csk. Washington. Home-made summer sa.sages at Lee Bros' meat market at 15c per pound. Have your suits cleaned and press* ed before neat Sunday by J. W. Por sey. Mr. and Mrs. Carlson returned home Monday from their visit to Excelsior Springs. Mo. Hempel Jones came home last week from Lincoln, where lie graduated from the agricultural school. J. L. Hagood. successor to Stroud will do your hauling promptly and satisfactorily. Phone 9 on 15. A Suit will wear twice as long and look much neater if you have J. W. Dorsey clean and press them. We are paying 29 cents cash for cream delivered at the creamery. We test and pay cash for cream. Ravenna Creamery Co. A. X Cook lias the carpenter work finished on his new residence, he and Billy Engle finishing the same last week. If you want a dray, phone A. L. En derlee. 4 on *53. or leave your order with either lumber yard or E. G. Taylor. Best of service guaranteed. Hiram Cramer was a sufferer from quiiuy for a fortnight which kept him from work, but he is able to be back on the job. ncie Jotin r.reeniiaig was ovei from Litchfield last week and favored this office with a friendly call He is one of the substantial men of Sher man county. Mr. and Mrs. B. J. Swanson were up from riysses. this state, in attend ance on the marriage of their son to one of the choicest of Loup City girls. Engle and Cook have the carpen ter work of Mason’s new implement store and also have the carpenter work on the new post office building. The boys are right in the swim. Tire Junior Bible class of the M. E, church gave a reception in the church parlors last Friday evening to Mr. and Mrs. A. O. Lee. refreshments of ice cream and cake being served. Black boar bog came to my place about five weeks ago; weight about 150 pounds. Owner can have same by paying all expenses. Section 5-16-14. A. Spklts. Mrs. Becker, sister of Miss Pearl Keeler, who with her little daughter iiave been here some time visiting mother, sister and brothers, returned borne to Omaha this morning. Miss Grace Lee per and brother, Merlin Lee per. son and daughter of Dr. and Mrs. D. A. Lee per of the M. E. Church, arrived here from Kim ball county, where Miss Leeper has a Klnkaid homestead. They will re main for an indefinite period. Stewart Conger left for an extended visit to the East yesterday morning, stooping at Jolliet. 111., to visits few days, thence to Buffalo, N. Y., and from there to Vermont. He expect* I to be absent till the early pvt ol I Jane. MARKET REPORT Grain Wbe»t.1. KA97 j Corn.«5 A 7* j Outs..SO A $5 Stork : c»tiie.s oo to 6 oa Hoes . 7 15 Poultry Hens. 9 Butter.;. *5 I K|>-s . j] J. W. Dorsey respectfully solicits your patronage. Let J. W. Dougal sell your farm or city propertv for you. Good cleaning and pressing, satis faction guaranteed by J. W. Dorsey. Pure Bred Barred Plymouth Rock eggs for setting $1.00 per 12. $4.00 per 100. Mbs. H. J. Johansen. Dr. K<*arns presented a neatly framed picture of the Panama canal to the eighth grade, this week. This gift is highly appreciated by them and will be of much help in studying the history of the canal. Joe Reiman was called to Greeley county Monday by the illness of his sister, Miss Mary Reiman, who was reported quite ill. He went over by auto, but as he has Dot sent word j home since it is thought the sister is , improving. Mr. and Mrs. J. J. Slominsky are rejoicing over the arrival of a tine baby boy at their home, who will be 21 years of age on the 6th day of May, 1933. Jake is the happiest young man in the city, and has a right to be. We heartily congratulate this popular young Polish couple. The State Fair (Sept. 2 to 6) early races are the 2:30 trot and 2:20 trot, the 2:25 pace and 2:14 pace, each for j $1,000.00: the 2-year-old trot, 3-year trot (for colts eligible to 2:25 class) the 2-vear-old pace and the 3-year old pace (for colts eligible to 2:25 class) each for $500.00, all of which close Wednesday, May 15th. The entry fee for each race is three per cent, one percent to accompany nom ination. Entry blanks can be secured i from W. R. Mellor, Secretary, Lin j coin. The late closing (August 12th) are 2:25, 2:18, 2:14, and 2:15, trots and 2:30 (hopples barred), 2:20, 2:17, 2:09 and free-for-all pacing, each for a ! purse of $500. The annual reception for the Seniors given by the Junior was held at the home of Orpha Outhouse last Friday evening. The rooms were tastefully decorated in the class col ors. Blue and White, Senior Green and White. Juniors high school color Bed and Gray. A program consisting of readings, vocal and instrumental music was given the first part of the evening, after which a two course luncheon was served. At the close the following toasts were responded to. Albion Ohlsen acting toast mas ter. “Our Betters" Zoe Lee per, "To those we leave behind us”, Florence i Depew, "Our Will” Walter Callahan "Friendship”, Miss Luce. “What Lies before us" Orpha Outhouse. "Our intentions” Miss Bergnow. A joke is told on our good-natured friend. Frank Brewer, which is too good to paos by. While working on i his nursery grounds a few days ago, the inner needs of nature gave him hurried warning of the evening meal. Having a heavy whetstone in his Docket, he threw the same, as be thought, into his work chest, but unthoughtedly dumped his pocket book. containing some 920 in money instead, and went to the hotel, nor in his abstraction noticing the difference till morning, when he found the poeketbook minus, with the heavy ; whetstone plus. Thinking lie had lost the filthy lucre, he made a sys tematic hunt, later finding it safely in his work box where be had thrown ; it the night previous. As Frank is an ardent advocate of the water wagon, his friends are at a loss to ac count for his absence of mind. Bull Might Object. The person who advises you to take the bull by the horns never seems to be considering what the bull might >e doing in the meantime. District Sunday School Convention. ! Austin. Xeb., Sunday, May 12, 1912. Opening session. 2:30 p. m. Song service, led by Miss Jessie Gilmore. Scripture lesson and prayer, Rev. Tourtellot. Presentation of primary work, Har j riet Hayhurst. J uGior department and Missionary work, Mrs. Edwin Acgier. Senior and adult classes, Mrs. E. W. Thompson. Teacher training. Rev. Tourtellot. Round table, conducted by C. F. B ushausen. Adjournment. Evening session. A special inspiration service will be conducted by Rev. Tourtellot, begin ing at 8 o'clock sharp. Everybody cordially invited. Relinquishments, In the Sunny South Platte Talley. 320 acres choice land. 6 miles from R. R. town, $600.00. 160 acres fine level land, well im proved, 4 mi. fromR.R. town, $900.00. 280 acres, good improvements, all under good irrigation ditch, 2 miles from R. R. station. 300 a. cultivated, $15.00 per acres. These prices are all less than value. Don’t pay rent. Get busy. Secure a farm of your own. D. G. McGdojet. Iliff, Logan Oo., Oslo. The case of the U. P. road against Mr. L. Hansen for additional railway fare to the price of the tickets he used in his trip to the Pacific coast a year or more ago, was decided by the court in favor of the railroad company, a history of w hich has here to-fore been given to our readers. The Northwestern has made arrangements with the Nebraska! Farmer to give that great farm paper, and a new 1912 map with the late census returns with the North western all for the regular subscrip- j tion price of $1.50. In addition to this, we will also give each oid sub scriber who renews and all new sub scribers to the paper a map of Sher man county, so long as they last, we having a large number of the countv maps on hand. Here is the best offer ever given to subscribers. Remem ber—The Nebraska Farmer, new 1912 map with census returns, a map of Sherman county and this paper, all for our subscription price of $1.50. In this deal, every subscriber gets a benefit, instead of other common deals whereby in subscribing for a paper you help some one else. Our premium offer begins at once. See add this week. This will only con tinue for a time, so take advantage of it early. Coming to Loup City As announced last week. Dr. Rich, will make another of his regular visits to Loup City on the 16th of Mav, and will be at the St. Elmo Hotel all day on that date. Besides explaining free his method of curing pile, fistula and rupture without an operation. Dr. Rich wishes to announce a new treatment for chronic leg ulcers in men and women, a treatment that merits the sincere investigation of any person suffering from this afflic tion. Dr. Rich’s 10 years residence in Grand Island is a guarrntee of the best service and attention. Come in and meet Dr. Rich at the St. Elmo hotel, Thursday May 16th. THE CHURCHES SWEEDISH CHRISTAIN. Sunday, May 12, Sunday school 10: 30, a. m., Sermon 11:15, subject ,lThe prayer worth its name." Johns 16-23. METHODIST Rev. Shumate will preach nest Sunday morning. No preaching in evening on account of farewell service of Rev. M. L. Powers at Baptist church. D. A. Leefeb, Pastor. PRESBYTERIAN Morning. May 12. Mother's day service theme "Our Mothers", all mothers especially invited. Evening, union service at the Baptist church which is Rev. Power's last service in Loup City. GERMAN March 12 at Loup City, 10:30 a. m. service and examination of candidates for confermation, 11:30 a m.. meeting March 11. lesson in German 10 a. m. House Cleaning Time is Hers And we have prepared our stock to meet all demands. We have a com plete line of wallpaper. Linoleum. Rugs. Draperies, Window Shades. Furniture of all kinds can be found here at prices that are rock bottom. Notice our upholstered lioe in the window. Yours for square deal. M 9 L. B. Hale. Furniture Co. A Sign. Whenever two pretty girls kiss each other it is a stgn that there is some thing wrong with the system of con* serving our natnral resources. -nonv)A»dx3 jewo—..-piJOM eqj or -wj I no g.eop trvtn Xu)op-itnp ‘pauvsq •lseaoq eiqvims in jo eoaenpnj »tp jtoq Mouq oj »iqwsod jou si )i_ ■eouongui Bumoesu-uij Superiority. In the opinion ot the average wo man pedigree Is as much superior to brains as angel cake la superior to a flapjack.—8. E. Kiser. Pessimistic Outcry. O, woman! woman! thou shouldest have few sins of thy own to answer for! Thou art the author of such a book of follies In a man! —Bdward Bulwer-Lytton. Good for Evil. A more glorious Tictory cannot he gained over another man than this, that when the Injury began on hie pert the kindness should begin on ours.—T illot son. Discoverer of Coal. The discovery of coal la said to save been made by a Belgian black unith named Hullos, who lived In the village of Plenevaux, near Liege, in 104B. ¥70(010 as Preachers. One reason why women are forbid den to preach the gospel is that they woud persuade without argument and reprove without giving offense.—John Newton. Strong Inducements. An Indianapolis woman answering an advertisement about the rental of rooms offers the following induce ments: “Myself and husband are away all day with steam heat, hot wa ter and all modern improvements.** Hospital 8ervlce for Doge. A special ambulance service has recently been started In London for wounded dogs. It Is run In connection with the Animals* Hospital and Insti tute at Klnnerton street, PimHco. When a dog la run over In the street or Injured in any way. the hospital may be ’phoned and a motor ambu lance is immediately despatched. A qualified attendant always accom panies the ambulance. COMING TO Loup City. Nob. United Doctors. Special, istswili be at the ST. ELMO HOin_ From Wednesday *.oon TO Tuesday noon, May‘4:h and I5th,and wHi remain Two Days Only; Remarkable Sucrese. oi i t> s ■ Tal enteu I-li^k>in II t Treatment ot Chronic Disease}. OFFER THEIR SER-i VICES FREE OF CHARGE The United ltoetors. licensedby tlie state of Nebraska for tlie ti at : of deformities and all nervous ai i chronic diseases of men. women ami children, offer to all who call on ti - trip, consultation, examination, vice free, making nocharge whatevt . except the actual cost of medic;' . All that is asked in return for ;! - valuable services is that ev-ry i r- ; treated will state the result obtained to their friends and thus prove t ■ t sick and afflicted in every city y.n.i j locality, that at last treatment.-, 1 i been discovered that are reas n: . sure and certain in their effect. These doctors are consider, h many former patients among \ r ica's leading stomach and nerve ~ - cialists and are experts in the ti em inent of chronic diseases and so g* and wonderful have been their r,. ts that in many cases it is hard in ; to find the dividing line betweens . and miracle. Diseases of the stomach, intestii - liver, blood, skin, nerves, hear;. >, n kidneys, or bladder, rheumatis i. vi atica, diabetes. bed-wetting. v ul cere, weak lungs and those a:1; ", with long-standing,deep-seated i hr, ■ ic diseases, that have baffled the .-kill j of tlie family physician, should not j fail to call. According to their system no re. ore operations for appendicitis. ..11 stones, tumors.goiterorcertain ; - of cancer. They w ere among 11: - in America to earn the name el t “Bloodless Surgeons." by doing with knife, with blood and v. pain in the successful trea >. these dangerous diseases. If you have kidney or bladd, - bles bring a two-ounce bottle , f y. urine for chemical analysis and m scopic examination. Deafness often has been cured in j sixty days. No matter what your ailment be. no matter what others • ay h « told you. no matter what exi ; you may have had with other ;• . si- i cians. it will be to your advantug. see them at once Have it forever) settled in your mind, if your . • incurable they will give you such vice as may relieve and stay the dis ease. Do not put off this duty you owe yourself or friends or relatives who are suffering because of year sickness, as a visit this time may o p you. Remember, tins free offer is for two days only. Married ladiesmust come with their! husbands and minors with their par ents. Office at St. Elmo Hotel from Tues day noon to Wednesday noon. R. F. Struthers' Copper Cable and Lightning Reds insure safety to life end property. See me for Prices. A. E. Reed. Agent. e ruonc notice. Porte Jones. No. 40332. Black Per-! cheron Stallion will make the seas n of 1912 as follows: Mondays. F: L >. and Saturdays at the Round Front. barn. 1 block south of Bank. Tues days, Wednesdays and Thursdays t j home and between Loup City and j Will Hawks farm south of town. Service fees tlo.00 and $13.00. I’l. 2 on 71. H. J. Johansen. Owner Sitting on the Beach. A bottle of ardent spirits floated ! across the Atlantic in a little over two years. And we can Ins.".trine there »re men with sufficient patience and leisure to sit down on the pebbly strand and wait for the next one.— Cleveland Plain Dealer. NOW-"^ Milking Is Done | The Skimming Is £ . Done $ Jjninmea hmhbhhm Strongest guarantee of do _ peodatunty. Most saaitar*. Mm flwtR' than Kbmcu milL JfmSso Om otaw for aay Use dairy. Tbouaaads la eatistacr .-7 nikjalia i. wnt« or oaU today ears. Book Fre* C. R. Sweetland 1 lasteyer’s • Ss m ggj : Paepared Dishes ? ^Are . oo to the Housewife at Housecleaning W. TIME cX; " V • usage Oil Sardines Ham’Flavor Ked Salmon iriet IVe> Corn Beef ': s Pink Salmon Sardines Veal Loaf! he Quality House Established 1888' Fine Single Harnes Attractive % 7 If Sought at Right Place -j L in l is oa * o' tlie most at* f:;‘ tractive ports of a stylish t ‘ horse and rig. :-20ECCCOOOOO< Fine Summer Lap * ROBES jk a 3scs-c^as m p^or harness is a sourse of danger. Why J don't you get a good one at JAMES BARTUNEK S ® YC'J CAN SAVE FROM $5 to $25 By purchasing A Sulky or Gang Plow Buggy, Press Drill, or Gasoline Engine, at Resd’s Implement Store Now nd other goods accordingly. The stock must be :duced and to do so we are selling at a loW price n ail goods. W, P, REED, Administrator What You Gain by being a regular depositor with the Loup City State Bank: Your funds are kept in absolute security. Payment by check provides indisputable re* receipts in the form of returned can celed checks. Payment by check saves many a long trip; saves trouble of mak ing change and taking receipts. Being a depositor with us, acquaints us with eaeh other and lays the foundation for accommodation, when you want to piece out your resources with a loan. Every courtesy and facility is rendered the small as well as the large depositor. Don’t wait until you can begin with a large deposit LOUP CITY STATE BANK Capital and Surplus, $47,500.00 J,S. Pedier. President C. C. Carlsen. Cashier John W. Long. Vice President. w. J, Root, Assistant Cashier. SPECIAL HOMESEEKERS’ EXCURSIONS To Upton Weston Co.. Wyo. May 21. 1912. To Moorcroft, Crook Co., Wyo. June 4 1912 To Gillette, Campbell Co.. Wyo. June 18,1912. 1 will personally conduct the above special excursions to assist homeseekers to locate and file upon. 320 Acre Free Homesteads :n the vicinity of the towns named. Here vou can file on ree homestead lands that are valuable for mixed farming, airnifr. poultry and stock raising, the most certain and safe iethod of farming. These lands are well covered with the st nutritious grasses known and large quantities of coal, ' hiding stone, posts and poles are nearby on government 1;uk1 and free to settlers Rates: Very low Lomeseekers rates otfthese dates. Send right away for our New free government lands folder with lar^e map, illustrations and descriptive articles about • hese lands. CLEM DEAVER, Immigration Agent 1004 Farnam St, Omaha, Neb.