The Loup City northwestern. (Loup City, Neb.) 189?-1917, May 09, 1912, Image 2

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    fbe Loup City Northwestern
<— ~ ^ -- -I*
Htmt an* r: 4_T' ae- e Cc*
CC-M: larta Two and Poor
L>-t Pj-.-iriphi.
T-.* ! - • o to- for". T 4
m 1. >1
r -pul* Kit no-silor* :b
dutsr . ■ - - j..), *S t; ■ ritt r- ^cn
®p!» UlPlMdl 1"'* 1 if.
I’r -t iC a* ' r - < t—r*«
Bail: *r . ::tiaud*t .<• of l*-4*'Wl 4 Ek4?
1*< iter* l.» f’oioB*! tomcf!! "a sup
p» riArx.
T to to- -a* *f . ar; ioiiin---“ t«“ r«
pcTi-ri ti.. .rai,ii a In" to auA- Ti>*
!*»,•'sTTaai* ■ ’ awt* - is pumcr *»’ co-urt*
tw til -4 '«T 4 <»**. Uif
>'iwBiH'icir 4'tmiaun- te-rod-a^d »*»»
pr- n» aa»-t:C: • : • t*« tb* EH-?;:!
ario-d-»** #l.arp r- du<' it u
faaan '.to 4« %*- tanataam.
Tt» tu- *4 |c »4 rrfixir -.a:
lataaai far ft.*- iituu-dat- aj*|«Twpna
ta*f- <if ♦ Tor rob'aJdlb* and
f*-1*a 'in* '■ • * — «itt M :- rti
u<4 -rt**i tar
TU- taia* a»*Ti-fcai* OS- ’
aeltr** term.•'If r«-$mrt«d A .mwter
Ball to a>I Aa**n« a* **-*n*Is
a i : fo4macr> »4BW''w«ot to ram tor
A' • iaiai a* oar’d
I tmact abd ►* d *-ar< • < «tft ;
«it— i>» •"*»***. i#> TTtnir—*-»« prods*!
a*a -*• r> 4 . •■'-♦ai.
lisa r* a r» la* • to i* -a !.al*t i,:a to r*~
4j* r* bte-aarta* a>
<*■ bxitwai aif Saji*- <r K<*4 I t»fi
tear Tail'd Batatoa i-p*«rh of AprU 9S
*"«aiaj K<oo ‘ - I" f r*-j*’c afid
B*irt Taft »■ t*>-tadrr «*r»- i t-> r*d ;
pn»-*-d a* P»;?4! r 44«’i**fi
I be r.-.
, . i
NttM) 're WNMUtt**- atsd * !! tie Ti
punsd .a a tom da- - to the -*u-*
Tbr bowse aided tie matseed !
road* BwiHwat b- props** * - i pro- -•
«aa« is fiie petoftrr bill *! it j
tie. it (be rural fr**- delivery tsail |
mri hht#*.
«T «rit-t ij-io of r <-ita- j
(*o» i® '•--*■ .—-state. a j*-i - ir-si parody j
cas The apostV • creed, last week Sew- •
•tor VI Jtuau of Mississippi ordered
IU' "be parody be struck out t-f hi*
ape*-oh la penmieM npx <4 the
rospraaa i< na! Record
B»P»h s'sf: re Ki skald .fndaod
as taeide! forn <f hi- bill tc r<pi- j
la'e tiie mV of adulterated 1-u'ter ’
!>. a was done :a order to contbiae -
Mr Risk* d » b it m I'b that of Repre- 1
pestatite Lever. wbo sa a MeMb* r of ,
tie cotsKH'tee os ss*nca!rare. to ,
wbota tbe bill baa brew referred, and i
la f> e r.-a if of a * < t Vr-tio at absrb
tla actios «aa aereed »pc*t*
Tine pMuto appr •i<ria,V.B bill. ‘
«ri to* appro*: u--«'- • f.'TT* t«<»*•
waa passed by *■.* boaae Frida;. ZTZ
1i. ' The aeai-ate earned . ddi
im to Use sppeopr atbsts sate -=ary
f«r • e *'*• - ’ *•: ■ .. d--; „r*». • s* a
latte: to r»d4<a at« *Hs*it. Atfe- ns
tbeae ae-e fed*-aI aid tor so»l roads,
tbe iOBinVert pobla-atios b> eta t
patera, a.atrju a* - asd :enodb als o'
(be sasae* to fbeir owners. aad tee
•SaMkbWKl <4 a - p at c
ewsue»- »n». »!*b *be ratal free deiiv- j
♦ft e-l iee
rase f* .’ll.* «< the TttaB-r a:nk.B*. ]
Swtall • r<p prospect* is Xebrssk* '
an rweBn,'.
Tie- » - s:ao •- rcalF
ed .a s msssitlaii < ** vsiow
Tie taMidos inquiry into tte j
*ib> e* ts to be taorotiph
Colorado <»•<«*;♦ is n>v con- .
*»**♦<*• declared for « ham;* «Tark.
Sesa'or ^n-itb *a* -.bat.i- "o *ef
a*.,-, trace of the all -z—£ early mm
futtroiBii f*wderwoad mow over
Mssdwiw Wi -*• .B (be Gsor* a pri
X .»*' O' 1 ? > OlHl idoTS If. od (load
*« 'I# flsio Irtwii < at-lo sti.|* vw
W-*4 at soa
Taft a«4 Tto ;m-oroatnl tot* -B
Moonarkana ~r *» ktnf Honsr colt dol- ;
*ti’o at Urp* «.-r- 4 Um«
TW Hanot. IM Km sianod *ho ■
aooatn at U«w mam ♦ f :'.<•«• la dal*
r*»» i#-» ta fbo ki< < >t«-e u day and
■ai't :ttr aid aftoriMMMi tamos on
Ikinui* da* r~ad in to- puminaol <m
artmiw of ran:
tCopaMm-atL- of ’hr t-ult
fctakoia aaarto »«*•* up tbr q«n»
i*t af teadtuif a >sktiiiit« for,
tio k-.!-«■ tjai kill Tk i soon j
Stated * *.»■*! *»-•.»-» s 4:nu”«*-u:«iiI
Jo»t rW rat** d duty.
KaMMW ir,» a fci* tom sis*m
K -** a lv«f.:>Santa and Ki!!aa
Kara hwwaoi ropittiiw-aa boss
■tfmrtui -»*'* of lid* Ja—t.<i» TI* in
tor* at* to f«wo Jaw*1 want— r < a aa!> '
t—— tl» tiponwii opposa ti rail
n>d«* nod uonit Panama <-_naI
t<m! f*rinoo bat boon r- •tidouaod
to do> far tbr tnnrdor at [k-put t War
C* :• Oils at ’> v ‘*ld i p ujiog
tu f,
3U ms to r»a'-:od of tfco doatb «f :
Jinot latamn. Otaril tap* ?»m» nd
Mi* >«f **-. V d: 'V>l| of t!»»
OMM it t‘~ ra ‘nay. m.'s brad-I
*n»rsa*» a: flwM«r
Ka-nator York* of California assort
oc -• rbo sr-nalo tl.a* if Jost.» Hirint
troro prar'M-.u* Ms b*tlias to War
Vnrt i<d>< a* Ho d«d sa kblkzl tmnos
It* mould b* Mtbtori to Car and in
to- naasott aod»T *bo lams of that
A •tajornr of ft-* narititto nations
ta>* t'ftafr » ia-plod Onu>.< pro
poj lor a tfiamS."d to <!:•« ,i-s tfco
«»>-.« of bio sat Jit
Tfco TmoaTlh r-tiinon:. inir-d
Ktai>s iafewry, <;uartorrd at Monlr
ro f'il. -d ordors from V.’asfc
toc'-us to l*o pr- t-aTod to ombari. at a
bnan - a tap .wo to tbo Toms bcrdor
F!r* ea nr.d bo-Tiers of eastern
rands den.:, nc at increase.
John Stc.iv. said to be the inven
tor c-t the Mas*-a jar. is dead.
Par.s pt :■'*■ and soldiers liilied two
deaperjT.. erif initials after a fierce bat
Rm<~ or l.atrs will follow
tie Tifaa.c disas'er.
• < t.ire a—h - ... a • ;ot< ed in the
- .rr-jic . ad meets,
* . .c ... at Vlom.icside
»:** c*,: -• a.- :c tally destroyed
1. fire
’• hoe -* " o;*s favor a -eutrn
tr> the « ... • ... :.a a t me Km
it ea pastorate -
■ iste a i_: : .. - -n r* bed : e
the penrk c bill.
p es of agriculture in
\ . .. a - ■ ...i- . .ib in a bulb'in is
su* d V_i h r*or -* . ..i.didat* s for
‘.V - ir. • r.~ e.inunstiob
' an !Ui. •- d. .-i-d -jp*.n.
■..•■• - •- • . th. ir opt. -a
•« art : .tar: -.-curilsp a ioct
h< Id its lujtjsda.oaa hoy.
He- j" .re *• pabl-'an dele
es *■•;• ck ,o Taft
\ r-- ... introduced
t .*: a .. ; ;«.!ial ;.:*»eudn.' at
t- a t r»s.dtto o..e term.
L .- h..;» - «r.tertaitied for the
!'<vi-• > of ir • re than a lew addition
al l ■«•«!.• s of me T:ta:..t- *i-„d
Hej-.s. r" ' ve Stanley attacked the
in-el.): : < n i. :--rat on for alleged
- ,-d tie harvester trust.
The 11 •... .• • Jar affairs commu
te* fat* rally r« farted the hill pro
• u for Filipin* independ nee in
Pr- sideir T. ft denies ttial he ever
approved at .i cabinet tneetiaa the
projoeed d* lay r, the prosecution of
•t.f Hart.-:«r trust.
Ti:e \Y- m.ns reoulili* an and
•":•.« "e * *i. « .!-Jots TO -elet - de le
; . - ' • .•• i.a:. * on lent i. • us will
i*e :.e «i it Oh* yer.t e May 13.
he- s;*;e of the main business
fro: of "erreberu. Man. wa- de
s*r< led by f r- The Joss is estimated
-• *•- principally ;n rail stores
\ lug*; anti-injunction bill, such a
a- h;.- h*: _ teen advocated
t - -.I-r :.*:•,ens I.muchout The
- fm rnl y rejorted to
the b* US*
:>■: f j \, <•: ::i»- >nr
Ct: : hir.' < ’he American
- . ■ - ant. Kotin nt company
- t •-r fcig.ier • ,>g« >. The plant
i: iosed
Mr- t . .. \ ! * widow of the
• > I •* - 'or many y.ars
<"> f 1 •* - \lo n-- City Rail
w_y < . J -d a’ her ‘.time. .iced
-• • tuy-eic: *.
T‘e direc'ors f Cnited ^tices
-•*- i c« rpcra fieri •! flat-- d the regular
<i ,_r- -:> dividend of 1 1-4 |xr cent on
tue . . -n s-i-ck and 5 '1-4 pt-r cent
on *1 * preferred stock.
Amu-:: nee merit was made by the
r. Island l::i«s of the resumption
of through service by v ay cf the
** I
St-, '.try Kn<<\ -tin to tongr*— a
-•••- rein 'be Chinese nuiiist* r ex
pressing the thank? of th people of
chu.a :< r this got eminent'? recent
ti.«—g* of ntr. .iaiion? and con
( ocf' rce- repr-s. n'iiic 'he coal
ir .:er? a:,d operators of the eouth
we-t r-iowtd their ..greement fiat
•.ere shall t» no - i-jension of operas
n rh> a !.• - while negotiations
a tew <?•!.•; it ,.r<- pending
t rging a bill 'o create a Porto
He nr. department of agriculture and
its.-.' told the insu
; ' affairs commif'ee That Porto Rico's
.•i'.tr* advanced more since
Ar.i-.-r,can acoi .sition Mian in prevtons
Franklin MacVeagh. secretary of
the treasury. expressed the belief that
the h. banking and currenc- cora
n. 'fee investigating the money trust
would Iiud an evolution in financial af
fa -s t* tiding towards a concentration
of larger power in the hands of a few
institution* or even of a few men
Protestant and Roman Catholic me
n;< ria' ices for the Titanic vic
• it,a wer* held at Halifax Burial
s’.uu. 11 lowed at both Protestant
and Catholic burial grounds Of the
lif'> nine niiUenufied dead seven were
women Forty-six w*">- placed in one
cotniaon grav* in Fmrview cemetery.
fli-hop x -1stii Iwiwling. as his first
rfi al a< • t"tia' announced the ap
■ - . (tael Fla
v : pa-ior of >fan;b: isc church. lies
Moines, as vicar general of the new
Catiioiic diocese of lies Moines. The
tie*, scar .i< ral had been pastor of
the local church for twenty-seven
Tl»*- agric .'.'> appropriation bill,
carrying $i7.- :-7*t. which is $1,723,
• more th-n i be house provided and
177.* •• mere iban the current year's
appropriation, finished by the senate
committee- would raise the appropria
v..ti for 1 htimt forest fires from
j .. ■«. t„ $1..-»■ •.)« and appropriates
f- 4'- ", 'nr •. . forestry service gen
A minority report In the Lorimer
case is soon to Ik- submitted
K in.-r At'omey General Bonaparte
says H *”sevelt is correct on the Har
vester trust dispute.
President Taft apologized for his
apiearance on ’he stump, but insisted
that >t was justified
Eu.ibu Vasguez Gomez has been
pr<. aimed prowsional president of
Me* ico.
No republican candidate for the
pre-id* yet has delegates enough
to nominate
Kepresentative Hull introduced a
!,:!! ><• pr* * ut government employes
from p„nieii>at!ng in presidential
tseoator Tillman desires to be re
turned to the s*nate.
. disw hi-»ops recommended a
< ..- g. in the church discipline law
affecting amusement.
$' bert T Lincoln, son of Abraham
I tio-.n dwlare* Colonel Roosevelt
gas i: ' '*-d 'he war time president.
I stoop Hashford said to have been
apj u -d special envoy from China to
the 1'nited States.
?! Herman Page, rector of st.
t'hicago. i~
: o ir.ceC to h s congregation that he
:.d <?» <i*d to de* line the p’aoe oX
t-ehep of Newt Mexico.
flood damage will amount
Vi hat is Going on Here and Thera
That :s of Interest to the Read
ers Throughout Nebraska
and Vicinity.
Broken liow.—a tornado struck the
Southeast part of the county last week
u;«i did much damage. The Algernon
school house was completely wrecked.
In it at the cute were twelve children
a-=d the i. ..cher Mies t iara Mills. The
building v..,; lifted while the;, were ia
u a..J lurried a distance of l.iuj feel_
Drops Dead During Pool G;me.'
Auburn —John «'oilier, aged €■
years. I ii dead v . A- . egageti ia a
pov>; gatre h»re tie was ::: ,.|i'(twrent
?vKtd health wen: to thv r„ck *nu
count*d the bulls and then sank to
■ -e fioor. -{e was II t*u to the coun’er.
be. was dead before a doctor could
he tailed _
Monument to Pioneer.
"esl Botut—A marble monument
to commemorate the virtues, memory
am: public services of the late John
1* Neligh and his wife, the original
pioneers of the Klkhorn valley a:td of
northeastern Nebraska is one of the
projects agitating the public mind iu
:hi& vicin tv at this time.
New Monastery at Humphrey.
li imphrey.—Work has begun ot: the
T.ew i M‘ • Franciscan monastery at
his place The v.ork of tearing down
tne old building will he hurried, and
the new buiiaing completed before fall,
for the present the priests will live
in the scatvol building
New Home for Fremont K. Pc.
^biemoat Triumph lodge. Knights
o 1 y Tinas at a recent meeting voted
to purchase the Women's Christian
Temperance union temple at the cor
ner of -Military and Park avenues,
i-iiu will p«t the property in shape for
lodge purposes.
Hastings. The first forward step in
the movement inaugurated by the
v . ..tuber of t om metre to remove the
•<> front the old cemetery in the
city park Parkview was taken when
the council ordered the preparation of
•*“ ordinance to prohibit further in
terments in the old burying ground.
\ •
- *•* Georgia Smith during the festi
val last fail was found by Henry Peters
hi an all*-, way. Mr Peters restored
the timepiece to its owner. Though
it had lain in tue snow all winter, it
was undamaged.
l-u.hrton—James Weatherstone. a
farmer about forty-five years of age
is dea.i near this place from the ef
fens of a wound on the head received
from a scale weight thrown by John
li iia«n of Belgrade on the evening i
ot April 1
state Oil inspector Husenetter has
paid to the state treasurer $1,651.49
aft. r paying all expenses of his de
partment for the month of March.
Graham Taylor, the sociologist who
visited Nincoln last March in the in
terests of the Mer. and Religion For
ward Movement, has written to Gov
ernor Aldrich to explain that his state
ment recently published in the Sur
vey magazine, of which he is associate
I editor, was written in the hope of se
curing needed reforms at the Nehru s
ka penitentiary. I)r. Taylor and the
governor were the participants in a
rather heated controversy when the
former was in Nincoln.
Adjutant General Phelps estimates
tl:*- loss of government property in the
national guard armory at Omaha at
$1 <000. New steel lockers worth
$..-•"<■ belonging to the state were de
stroyed and $2.04*0 worth of furniture
belonging to th« four national guard
companies that occupied the armory
was destroyed The state of Nebras
ka < an be relieved of accountability
for the f I • jiOO of government proper
ty. but it is doubtful if the government
will replace the property without tak
ing it out of the annual allowance of
* ‘2 "Hi due to the Nebraska national
« •»»* J.UU.UUI l. .II. V . A. ooys will
take a "hike ' to Milford. June 3. to go
Into camp for ten days.
A scientific analysis of the brains of
Conticts Gray and Dowd, dead in an
attempt to escape from the peniten
tiart. is being mane by C. \Y. M. Poytt
ter. professor of anatomy at the urn
tetsstt. The study of the two brains,
recognized as typical of the two types
of criminal, is to be exhaustive, and
it will be months before the expert is
Ih rough and ready to publish his re
The sta^e railway commission has
authorized the York Water company
to issue Sfu.'Hm worth of bonds for the
purpose of refunding *30.000 worth of
bonds, taking tip bills payable amount
ing to *l.!'.-.n. building a water tower
of 1..0,000 gallons capacity, and ex
tending water mains and purchasing
new pumping machinery.
A letter from the war department
to chancellor Avery indicates that no
extension can be granted to the time
allowed Commandant Yates, who will
have to report at San Francisco on
July 1. His regiment will shortly
thereafter be sent to Alaska.
State Treasurei George collected
*,'•33.000 in cash during the first three
months of this year, and collected
*4’ ■ ,000 the first three months of last
Chief Deputy Oil Inspector William
Husenetter was at his office Thurs
day for the first time in ten days he
having been spending all of that time
in a local hospital. Muscular Rheuma
tism contracted while fighting the re
cent high water in the valleys of But
Ier county was the reason for the
state official's detention at the hos
! pital.
Auburn trill reorgaaiie her truss
band under the direction of Clarence
; Soudersv
Broken Bow is to have a sub-station
tor its £re department ou the north
sH?evo: town.
A good roads movement has been
inaugurated by the Tecumseh t om
tuereial club.
October S and 1* hat ? been decided
upcii for the German day celebration
at iuncoin this fall.
G. 1-. Hall of Haniseto®. T<> years
of age. v. as kii ks d by u hors ? and his
leg broken in three places.
Cedar Bluffs has voted an ?>.•►
issue of bonds far be installation of
an e! c'rie lighting system.
"Xim" Xorrts. a popular Liaco’.t
traveling Bin. \>us found v -ad in l 3
at Gothenburg. \V .
The bourn i? education of
make no change in the teaching staff
of the public schools for next year.
Mrs Frank V. ,!sou of Beatrice fell
dead from heart disease as she w._<
feeding the chickens in the barnyard
Thieves broke into Shepherd f
Burke's wkrvaoase at Broken Bow ai?
took several hundred pounds of dour
June ?’•. Itoatic college oi Crete will
celebrate its fortieth anniversary, also
President Ferry s fortieth year oi set
Sitting in his easy chair, smoking
and joking with friends. J. E. Howland
oi Silver Creek died suddenly of heart
Farmers of -be Bancroft vicinity art
very busy ic the nehis plovCug lor
corn, as the seeding o: small gtain has
been completed.
The Elks fair at Alliance netted
nearly $; ■ ■■«*, which will bv applied to
the building fund of the new SAV-’
home for that order.
Crete Xeb.. has been chosen as the
place for the annual encampment oi
the state university cadet regiment
to be held May M to IS.
Editor Rogers of the Gilmer Gazette
w as seriously injured when a hot ball
struck him on the head during the
progrv ss of a game recently
Six-year-old John Fbben at Howe
was badly bruised up when he
stepped in the way of the maul h;s
father was using making rails
raiiuers au cei (lit* s;.*.e ^ i.'
iug for more help to push the spring
work. Most of them are from a month
to six weeks late with the irops.
The Congregat'or.alists of Albion
celebrated their iortieth anniversary
with a banquet Thursday evening.
The local church was established in
J. 11 Overman has bgen reappointed
postmaster at Stella for a term of
four vears Mr Overman has served
in that capacity for over fourteen
Samuel 1'. Hughes, a prominent
farmer near llowe. was picked up by
a small tornado last week, carried sev
eral rods and dropped in a field un
The large new brick First Presby
terian church was dedicated a! Dur
bar Sunday free from al! encum
brances It is a credit to the tow n and
Frank Running of Renkelman. who
accidentally shot himself with a
calibre rifle two months ago and was
taken to a hospital at Kansas City,
Mo., died there.
The two-year-old son of Mr. and Mrs.
Roy Clark, near Broken Bow. was
drowned by falling into a hole four
feet deep which had filled with water
from the late rains.
Lucy Ogorrolka. five-year-old child
of Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Ogorzolka. liv
ing near Cambridge, was burned to
death as a result of venturing too
near a patch of burning Russian
Dale F. McDonald of York, w ho took
the civilian's examination for a com
mission as lieutenant in the army, has
received notice that he has passed
the examinations successfully and will
receive a commission.
j. u. i iarK. a mirnugum uriuge roc
struction foreman of Lincoln, was in
stantly killed a mile east of Tecumseh
Saturday morning when a tunnel in
which Clark aud his gang of six men
were working, caved in.
Prospects are bright for the success
of the Fremont bench show, which
will be held May S. 10 and 11. More
than 125 entries have already been
nn*de and officers of the association
say the number will reach 250.
A "mothers' aud sons" reception
was held at the Young Men's Christian
association at Fremont Friday eveninv
and fully mo mothers attended. A
program was given, a social hour en
joyed and a spread served.
The little son of J. H. Davis, living
in Glenover. a suburb of Beatrice, was
attacked and bitten on the leg by a
mad dog. Wednesday. A gash about
three inches long was inflicted in the
leg just above the knee.
The county commissioners of Ne
maha. a! Auburn, have given perrais
sion to the school hoard to hold school
in the district court room so that the
old high school can be turned over tc
the contractors for dismantling sc
that work may proceed on the new
Prompt work of the Weeping Watet
Ere department saved the public
school building from destruction
when it caught fire in the basement
near the furnace just as school had
been dismissed.
Butchers saj that the price of beel
is higher this spring than for several
years. They claim that this is due to
the high price of feed and the scarcity
of cattle.
A large number of the district
schools in Jefferson cotinty have
closed for the summer and the teach
ers are preparing to enter ifie state
normal at Peru for a summer's course.
Thirty boys and girls of Fremont
high school have organized a high
school tennis club with Principal A. R.
Ccngdon as director. Courts will be
laid out on the lots recently purchased
for the site of the proposed new high
school building.
While a force men engaged in
road work were plowing tip the Toad
opposite the gate to a cemetery near
Auburn, they plowed up the skeleton
of a human being. The bones were
found under three feet of soil. It is
thought they were the remains of an
Indian who had been buried there
many years ago.
i __
Tears Br-rg an Abrupt Ending tc
What tr«e's Cnief Execu
tive Had to Offer.
Washington—The life of Major
Archibald \V. Bun as .. soldier, news
paper man. aide o tir.s .. : s and
lodge member. his h.. rcue death
on ;he Titanic were cosssesaorated
‘ t»y his commaBder-iB-duef. a pres:- j
UtiiT. a seer ::ry e: war. a s ::..:or of
!:.s - a’: • s ate. a contemporary .a
•he uetxsiK.;er fi-'ld auc the fra’entity
of Masonry a: au impressive tm':
j ial service here Sam:.
The tribute Pr- side M Taft ; —id to
. .s late cut epjion red all that c'.s
i Said "Everybody knew Archie as
! \tvhie. 1 cannot go in a hex at a
j theater; 1 cannot mm around i:» r.r .
room—1 can't so any where without
expecting to set- his smiling face or
to hear his cheerio! voice in grt>e:ing.
The life of the 5 resident .s rather
,v>h;td and those appointed to !i\e
with him come much closer to him ;
than any one else. The bend is very
close and it is difficult to speak on
such an occasion.
"Archie Ban's character was sirs
gle. simple, straightforward aud inca
pable of intrigue. A clear sense ol
humanity lightened h;s life and those
about him. late was not for him a
Troubled problem. Me was a soldier
and when he was apioiated to serve
i under another, to that osiier he rec
1 uered implicit loyalty. 1 never knew
a man who had so much self-abnega
tian. so much self-sacrifice as Arch:«
UlT«><uaa sue- ?;unui> wi tuv
Titanic frequently develop unforseen
traits In men. it marks them heroes
; when you don't expect it. But with
Archie it was just as natural tor him
to help Those about him us it was for
him to ask m to p» rmit him to do
something for some one or for me
"He was o', the deck of the Titanic
exactly what he was every when. He
leaves a void with those who loved
him. bat the c in am stances of his
going are all what we would have
, had. and while tears till the eyes and
the voice is choked, we are felicitated
by the memory of what he was."
Presid* nt Taft spoke with difficulty
and he was forced to an abrupt end
ing by a failure of voice and a steady
flow of tears. Beside Mrs. Tal't sat
Mr. and Mrs. Lewis Butt of Augusta.
I Ga. Opposite them sat Secretary
Wilson. Secretary Meyer and other
prominent officials Senator Bacon
sat with the members of the Georgia
delegation in congress and through
out the meeting place were states
men. soldiers and friends of the d*ad
officer. Temple lodge No. of the
Masonic fraternity was seated with
the speakers.
Jury Recommends Life Imprisonment
for Outlaw.
Lincoln. Neb.—Charles Morley, the
only surviving member of the trio of
state penitentiary convicts who broke
jail March 14 after killing Warden
I Deiahunty. Deputy Warden Wagner
! and Guide Heilman, was found guilty
of murder in the first degree. The
t jury recommended that he be sen
tenced to life imprisonment. The jury
were manv hours coming to the ver
di'L -
Ashes to Ashes.
Omaha.—Funeral services over the
ashes of Frail Braadets. who was
drowned when the. Titanic tarried its
human freight to death in the Atlan
tic, were held in private Sunday at
Pleasant Hill cemetery. The bod> had
been cremated and the ashes, repos
ing in a drab casket, were received
and interred by the graves of the dead
man's parents. Rabbi Frederick Cohn
It red n to the relatives in
a brief sermon.
Highest Prices Known.
IjOgan. la.—Corn is s< 'ling* at $5
cents here on the market and hay a*
per ton. These ar< the highest
prices known in the history ef the
! < ountv.
Lightning Bolt Kills Fcur.
St. Joseph, Mo.—A special from
Bocktin. Mo., says: Four persons were
killed tow miles southeast e.;‘ here
during a shower when lightning hit
the* barn of John Noian. sr.. in which
; they had taken refuge.
Engineers Agree to Arbitrate.
New York.—The Threatened strike
! of engineers of 1 he fifty railroads east
' of Chicago was averted by the signing
of an arbitration agreement between
two committees.
Chico's Fiesta Arborea.
Chico. Cal.—The three-day carnival
known a? Fiesta Arbcrea. which oper.
! ed here today, has attracted thou
sands of visitors to Chico and the
i hotels are crowded. The city is hand
somely decorated and presents an at
i tractive appearance
First Will is Probated.
New York.—The first will of a Ti
! tanie victim to be recorded here was
filed for probate on Wednesday. The ;
will was that of Martin Rothschild of i
this city.
French Aviator May Recover.
Paris.—Jules Yedrines. who met
with a serious accident while flying
| over his birthplace at Faint Denis, a
* suburb of Paris, is still in a critical
condition, but the surgeons in attend
ance think there is some hope of his
Not Driven on Rocks.
Rome.—The government denied re
ports from Constantinople that the
Italian battleship Re Umberto had 1
been driven on the rocks by a storm
and sunk off the Tripolitan coast. ‘
Sma'I Strips of Land in Pacific In
habited by Chief cf Pert an a
Several Oiners.
San Francisco, CaL—When a sub
marine cable breaks in mid-ocean, it
wonld seem to one unfamiliar with
such work thai the location ot the
trouble would be a rather hopeless un
de: taolus:. This problem was recent
ly presented to the Conimeri ial Pa
ciSc Cable company, when its cable
itor San Francisco to China. J. par
and the Philippines refused to (per
ate The question was Tery easily' set
tied, however, ty the use of delicate
electrical ins?: .mens, which tola that
the iroul .e esosted on the coral reefs
, . —
Happy Family Group.
which surround the two little Midway
Islands. These islands are M.St't
troni San Francisco and i-L'llT miles
from the Philippines, each consisting
ci a. strip of land o: only a few acres
in area, one being known as Sand Is
land, or Western Island, and the other
Eastern Island, the cable station be
ing located on the torrner.
In laying a transoceanic cable
every possible precaution is • ■.ken ic
keep the line tree troiu "trouble' arc
to this end the right of way. if we
might apply such a tern, to the bot
tom of the sea. must contain no ele
laents which will cause undue de
terlortrucn of the' cable. In this In
stance, an unforeseen factor ha?
arisen it; the shape of a coral ree:
The tit' :;oi of the water swaying the
great cable to and fro ever the re ct
coral surface chafed the insulation
and wires sufficiently to cause the
break, the cost of repairing which will
amount to approximately fl**".t«»c.
The population of Sand Island, the
home’ of the i able station, consists oi
hit persons, namely, the superintendent
of the cable company and his wife
one chief operator and his wile, s
physician. * able' operators and a tew
laborers, with two cows, two donkeys
and some poultry. There is no gov
ernor, no mayor; not even a con
stable. It is a law -abiding community
and has no ne'ed of any machinery tc
enforce tne law. At one t:me the
I nited States had a few troops there
but they were withdrawn in the in
terest of economy, since their pres
ence served no practical purpose.
Before the coming of the cable sta
tion. the island was totally uninhab
ited. As the result of turning loose
two can ;ry birds quite some time ago
the island now has a * ;!d festherec
family oi over Eve hundred songsters
Elsa and Salvador Casirillo. the
.•hildren of the nev. minister from N'ie
iragua. They were born in Nicaragua
ind are spending their first winter *
• way from home. They are attending
me of Washington's exclusive private
?c bools.
Girl Seeking $10.CC0 for Breach ol
Promise Admits She Did Mot
Accept Suitor.
Kansas City. Mo.—An emphatic
■yes'" and not a smile or a mere nod
jf the head must be given by the
maiden proposed to in order to covet
iamages for breach of promise tc
marry, according to a decision in the
-ircuit court here. Edna M. Cooke o:
•his city sued Garnett Sparks. 373f
Broadway, a horse and male dealer
ror $10,000 damages, but her attome?
ivitndrew the case w hen the evident e
ieveloped the fact that she had not
;aic '"yes'' when Sparks proposed, b :i .
took it for granted that he knew
the would marry him.
Finds the Perfect Wife.
New York.—According to Mrs. Ro !
and Kilbee-Stuart, wife of a retired
British army officer, the perfect worn
in and the perfect wife is to be found
n Burmak. Mrs. Kilbee-Stuart and
aer husband arrived on the last lap ol
i 30.000-mi!e trip of the world. “The
Burmese woman.” said Mrs. Kflbee
Stuart, "is thrifty and keeps her home
well. She is a business woman j
mows how to look after her husband's
justness and attend to the domestic
economy of the house. Her one ides
la that she should be attractive as well
is to make her home attractive.”
20 Pretty
in this
F R £ :
—don't you want to see them?
Peer> other people’s newfcorre.. s f et
the jte-t iueas tor Tourrae decorat-rg. Our
b<x-k teK> about the FRFE Color P -ns our
expert deslgr .'z will jrttd yeu f ranv t v ut
you wish to dt« rate. You will be - ud to
box it: -re a. t ..?
The Beautifml Wali Tint
» err—idrr "5 cc* * j-*1 _ -r k :? *»£ -- T*i- *'•*
Lie* t i it t\« ?-* .*>? t~xa
rxr'~ »* ;x * : : c. i, . -xr i- •;
and crajc tors if r? * _-*%! . jCj-: ic » » -■»
fxtinst •£ tif sxj m 4i on • tvr. K_ . c -r
tMtt na eery fikdE*£«—*37
«r^ t3C ra Ik*** c! t*
per. or rafc «£. St'
- > —
JF;Vf canr CrJrr Pim&r
FC3T £x8 f^:.v Jba*z* : •;
WBssf m*tunr ksme zxjc*r
mtigz. irAvcJL
Ser-d *©r t>CT FREE BOC K
F*I. ' v. \\ ixic 5ix
Rce*±k: 7--1* ?«<c.
ALihastine Company
5£ 8>t Sreai fv-xe. Wt
*«» tot a». io.i. ?«s s*ar st
If a woman’s judgment is bad she
trusts her intuition.
Pyvpepties. despsir t.■ 1 tVfc.'.e there's
GiXUCid 1 rj. tLttt: > ho[ e.
But the foundation of the- average
man's self-eono* :t ;s past finding out.
Mrv. tt'tT>«!vw'v S.'o’hi r:e Syrup for Ol.,1 rrn
teething?. softens tee putts, reduces inHammu
iion, allays jxxia ecr>» wu.u colic* J£c a uotUa.
Murders !t.
Hewitt—He never speaks correctly.
Jewett—No: he is a regular slaugh
ter house of the English language.
The Situation.
Knicker—What is the matter?
Becker—The cook has divorced us
and wants aiimony.—Harper's Bazar.
Assuming That.
Brown—What reason have you for
hating Blank?
Smith—Well, you see, he's a relative
of mice, and—
Brown—Yes. yes. I know, but what
other reason?—Harper's Bazar.
Mrs Murphy—So your son Dinnis
fell from his airyoplane? Sure. Oi
thought he was learnin' to fly in a cor
respondence school.
Mrs. Casey—He was. but he
sbtopped short in the middle of a les
Revenge Is Sweet.
“The drinks is on me." said the little
roan with the greasy vest. "I'm feelin'
good and I don't care what happens."
"What'smatter?" said the barkeep.
“No." replied the little man "I
took my wife down to the river to the
Echo Rocks and she's so durn mad
she's speechless. For the first time
ir. her life she didn't get in the last
word. Here's to the echo.”—Cincin
nati Enquirer.
John's Logic.
John returned home at a very ques
tionable hour, and among other sou
venirs of a special evening he carried
a considerable gash on his forehead,
llis wife demanded an explanation of
the wound.
“Nothin' he 'larmed "bout, m' dear.
Jes" bit m'self."
“John Brown! How could you bite
yourself on the forehead?" exclaimed
his irritated helpmate.
This had presented no difficulties to
the versatile John, if it had taxed the
credulity of his spouse.
"I stood on chair, y'knaw,” he ex
claimed glibly.
What Every Woman Knows.
A Cleveland schol teacher writes
Jhat she asked her class what was the
difference between the expressions, "a
while" and “a time." Nobody seemed
to have any ideas on the subject.
Finally the light of intelligence was
seen to shine in the eyes of one little
boy. and the teacher called upon him
to save the intellectual honor of the
“I know, teacher!" he cried eagerly.
“When papa says he's going out for a
while, mamma says she knows he’s
going out for a time!"
That's one way of looking at it.—
Cleveland r’lain Dealer.
* What’s the
o! Cooking
When yon don’t have to?
T oasties
are skillfully and fully cooked
at the factory—ready to serve
direct from package with
cream and sugar if you like.
These thin bits of toasted
com (sold by grocers) are
crisp, delicious, satisfying and
*‘The Memory Lingers”
Made by
Postern Cereal Company, Ltd.
Pare Food Factories
Battle Creek, Mich.