The Loup City northwestern. (Loup City, Neb.) 189?-1917, May 09, 1912, Image 1

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    Loup City Northwestern
SoSr.i*. sr.\i;i{
hum ai CnssuMi4iT
And Bonded Abstractor,
Loup City, Nebraska
Practices in all Courts
Loup City, Neb.
Bonded Abstracter
Lorr Crrr. - Nebraska.
Only set of Abstract tiooksia county
Office. Over New Bank
PV**«e. 34B Oil. r at llf^idrot#
Twu Dot»r> R -•*'! <•' T* r- • ’ • ' !r»I
Lnnp City - Nebraska
Loup City. Nebr.
• KBee xt lU^idcnor.
< xwi'tiuii
S. a. ALLEN.
utcrr4ft. \m..
* •? ■ up »:xir- tl - i x Mat*
iiv * •
. :
• »f f i i - :■ a*.
W^ne. Ui on >»
C, E. Thornton !
The Drayman
Air ui' ail r. r- |.roinn tr and j
rare...»!». i*i. <nr < itb«T iu brr >ard ,
or Tx> l'*r » rlritt. r.
\ . 1. MeDonall i
Prompt Dray Work
Call i:nb r vanis «>r Tavlur's
"«• . »
• ' • . r .n
t«*d •• on -"»7
% i.*m4 C wwm, r »• mC il«r« \ alnr Tlun
t|«M« *»»»r4rl% «•! *rr.
Hi;ih Grade and Aitistie
tsau^c in wi
W. T. Draper
The Old Reliable
Best of work always
Phase- !<• on '»■ LaupXlts Veb.
C. E. Stroud
Farasrsiy of km-as < it».
Painting, rapering
and Decorating
Special attention paid t»Autos
and Carr: age*. AM tops re
newed and repaired. All work
guaranteed. Phone 0
Enele & Cook
(onlractor* ami ltuil«l<-r-,
Call ami see us and allow us to
figure with you on above
Allen i. Furgeson
Treat* all disease,- of all
dometic animals. All calls
answered promptly.
(ay call, Phone 0
night • mi 72
Here’s a Real Bargain
Big 1912 Atlas Map FREE
To the Northwestern Readers
Here is an opportunity for your friends and our friends to obtain a
yearly subscription to the Northwestern, a yearly subscription to the Neb
raska Farm Journal and the new 1912 official Atlas map of Nebraska.
ALL FOB $1*50 , |
This is the best offer we have ever made. Read it over carefully and
then act at once. Never before have we been able to offer such a
1ST ewspaper Bargain
We want more new subscriptions and we want all of our old subscribers to take advan
tage of this offer and renew their subscriptions
We have made arrangements with the Nebraska Farm Journal of Omaha, the lar
ges: and best twice-a month farm and stock paper published in Nebraska, whereby we
re enabled to offer one year’s subscription to the Northwestern, one year’s subscription to1
the Nebraska Farm Journal (24 big. interesting, ho'pful issues containing departments
i s} -ial interests to all the family) and the 1912 four page atlas map, size 28x3tf with metal
hang*ts: containing the official state map of Nebarska, complete map of United States, com
p ■ t< ap of the world and many other features. And also, as long as they last, we will add
th" map f Sherman County, of which we have several hundred on hand, all for only $1.50
Vou want your Imme paper, of course, and we believe you want a live, up-to-date farm
i-M'i i; that is devoted to the agricultural and livestock interests of this state. Now is your,'
time t" _ret a bargain. We cannot make this offer fora definate period.
dee Cbis Order Coupon
To take advantage of this offer fill
out the coupon in the corner of this
advertisement and either mail it or
bring it to the office of the North
western. Loup Gity. Nebraska.
Date __101.
Gentlemen: I enclose herewith $1.50 for which
please send me the
and the Nebraska
Farm Journaf for one year and the new 1012 official
state atlas map of Nebraska as per your offer
Name ..
The Gees in California.
We iiiu- received a letter from our
i ti. '.i L reti iler out in Caii
rnu. .iicre lie aid Mrs. <1. hare
ti. >ei:i • f tlit- failing
■ •• ■ ii- ■ rites enter
tainingly a> follows:
San Francisco. Caii . \pril28,1912.
I r.-:, i lfuiieigii We are now in the
. vat -ity of San Krancisco. Have
ad a easant trip but are very tired.
Wi i move on down the coast to
\ entura t<si.arrow We took a sight
ting .ar today cut to the Cliff
II '• t *.-■ < ■ ilden •• ate and liack to
’ i.e It -i the W ats come in. un
ad and r-- ad and p ~h away again
far aii voyage across the l’acitic.
■ ;n t .cast of the sights being
•it great ferry Hals lietween this
ity and iiakiand. oxer which we
c: i tli- big coast town. It is
r : i - u r -s the bay. California.
1 ' as a*- bate seen it. is certainly
a ne ■ mtry The day we started
(r ii i rte/ <olo.. and between
Ii rts ami Teliuride. we went
■ r .gb sn .w drifts that were way
... - r .an the t-ip: ol the windows
ami : r :: any miles were higher than
the bottom of the windows. That
■'as ut the 14thof April and still on
the f tn nearh as bad. We saw a
_: -at many little cabins along the
r :*■ aim.-St entirely buried in snow,
with 't the r-Mjfs peeping above.
•*i’.h narrow path' therefrom dug
throng the whitenes». It may be
s’range to our Nebraska friends, but
»e ha i is- l been out of the sight of
=ii in- unit* we leit coup
• 'tv , ii Jan !•; til! lx>t Tuesday,
April t-'nd. When we leftCortez. the
• im> jo-: begining to show in
1 v !•>, while liere in California
evfrj* ,;ng i'. in full bloom, with grass
a- .isgenerally is in Nebraska
1’iJ n, and ' line grain tieldsali liead
; ig wiiiie garden vegetables are
r adv Ii.T tlie markets, which are full
i .i rtowing now Flowers of all
Kin i' and colors to be seen anywhere
rake' ■ change nice to one who
ha' been frozen up in icebergs all
winter. While the weather is quite
■ hi- .< day. we do not see any
'ii w r ; save that which is given
with cooling drinks.
I’-eU'. t rward tlie Northwestern
and ad lock numliers to us at
\ eni ra. i alii.. a' we are getting .s tmar from our Loup City
friend-again, as it has been over
. heard oi
read a word from home.
Locks Gee.
New Law Office.
It il. Mathews lias completed ar
range!: ents for the erection of a line
law * ee just south of the State
Lark building, the front to be ol
pressed brick. The store room oc
cupied by Pratt’s pool hall will alsc
h - given a front of plate glass win
dows and otherwise put in up-tewiau
shape just north of Mr. Mathew’;
proposed new office.
Trouble With Vault Door
Treasurer Henry has been sub
mitting to a good deal of “chaffing"
the past few days, to all of which lie
accepts good naturedly, of course.
Kor some time past, the door of the
j vault in his office i as been causing a
j good deal of trouble, the combination
having a disinclination to accept the
manipulations of the tumblers. Sat
! urday evening lie closed the door with
much difficulty, but thought nothing
especially of it, but a short time after,
having occasion to get into the vault
to accommodate a belated taxpayer,
the combination would not work and
in spite of any amount of coaxing re
mained obdurate. That evening and
the better part of Sunday, efforts
were put forth to invite, plead, pound,
thresh, maltreat and in every manner
make the door to yield to the press
ure and skill brought to bear upon it,
but in vain. Monday morning, as a
last resort. Cashier Hansen, who can
almost prove an X-ray optical vision,
took the matter in iiand and with his
expert knowledge of such matters cor
rectly diagnosed it a case of internal
disorder from too close association of
two of the tumblers, which would not
separate and take their respective
stations. With the aid of J. I. I>e
pew with a small drill and Wes Pedler
later with a larger driil, our expert
cashier friend almost immediately
separated the combatants and swung
open the door. Laying aside levity,
it is a fact that Mr. Hansen, with his
knowledge of safe combination locks,
seems to have almost a prescience of
where the trouble lies, and lias here
tofore many times came to the aid of
those who get into trouble with the
pesky critters, and Treasurer Henry
has reason to feel very grateful we
have one among us who is able to re
lieve exasperating situations of tha
kind. It is believed also that the set
tling cf the vault work has to a more
or less extent settled, binding the
door gradually till it finally refused
to perform further service. Had Mr.
Hansen not been on hand, it would
have necessitated sending for an ex
pert at not a little expense to the
Rev. Powers to Gibbon.
Rev. Powers, who for some time
past lias been in charge of the pastor
ate of tlie Baptist church in thiscity.
has accepted a call to Gibbon, this
state, and will preach his farewell
sermon here next Sunday evening,
the other churches giving over their
evening services that all may hear
the farewell address of the Baptist
pastor. Rev. Powers and wife have
made many friends in the city and
all who have met the estimable couple
will sincerely regret their leaving for
another field of labor, while their
best wishes will follow them. They
will probably move to Gibbon about
the middle of next week.
Business Change
On Mondav morning of this week,
the business deal whereby Dr. W. T. j
Chase sold his drug store to Messrs j
A. D. Hinman. of St. Edwards, and
J. C. Vaughn, of this city, was com
pleted. invoice now taking place and
the new men w ill re-open for business
as soon as the invoicing is concluded,
at least by the 20th instant. Mr.
Hinman invests not with the inten
tion of moving here, but to place his
son. Harry Hinman, in a business in
the city, and may later transfer bis
interest to the son. Mr. Vaughn is
well and favorably known to our peo
ple as a traveling man who has made
this his headquarters for the past two
years or more, while Mr. Hinman,
junior, has been with us for several
years and also well known to our peo
ple. The new druggists have the
best wishes of all for their successful
business venture.
Base Ball
Ashton 3, Dannebrog 0.
Ashton won its first game of the
season by defeating Dannebrog 3 to
0. The game was a pitcher's battle
from start to finish, no runs being
made by either side until the 5th
inning when a home run by S. Polski
gave the first run for Ashton. Je
zewski pitched tine bail, striking out
16 men. walking one and allowing
only two hits, while Christensen of
Dannebrog struck out 11 men and al
lowed 6 hits. Both teams gave good
support to their pitchers but Ashton
got two more runs, one in the 6th
inning and one in the 9th inning by
well placed and bunched balls.
Position AB R H PO A E SH
Ojendyk 2b 3 0 1 1 2 o 0
Jamroy 1b 4002000
Kweatkowski ss 4222010
Jezewski p 3 0 10 10 1
G. Polski c 4 0 0 0 0 0 0
S. Polski lk 4120010
Wilson cf 3000000
Topolski 3b 3 0 01000
Davy rf 3002110
Total 30 3 6 9 5 3 1
Position AB R H PO A F SH
Roe ss 4000300
M. Jacobson 2b 4 0 10 110
Carlson Ib 4 0 0 110 0 0
Mortensn cf 4000000
Clausen c 4000100
Christensen p 1001300
Peterson lf 3000000
M. Jacobson rf 3001000
Johnson 3 b 3#010020
Totals 30 0 2 14 3 3 0
Struck out by Jezewski 16, by Chris
tensen 11. base on ball of Jezewski 1,
Hit by pitched ball by Jezewski 1,
j Christensen 1, 2 base bits by Kwiat
kowski. home run by Polski. Umpires
iJamrog, Nelson. Time of game
1 hour and 55 minutes.
Wedding Bells
Are Dinging
Swanson-l.uThoi m.
Tuesday evening of tiiis week. Ma\
7, 1912, at tlie home of tlie bride'
parents. Mr. and Mrs. John uofhohn.
in tiiis city, occurred tlie nuptials ol
Mr. Oscar L. Swanson and Miss Etta
M. Lofhoioi.the ltev. J. Tourtellot. j
of the First Presbyterian church, of-1
ticiating. and a goodly number of
friends of the contracting parties t*
ing present to express their felicita
tions over tiie joyous event which
united in the holy bonds of wedlock
two of our popular young people.
Shortly after f* o’clock, to the sweet
strains of a wedding march given at
tlie piano by Miss ErnestineOdendaht,
tlie bridal party, preceded by the
officiating clergyman, took their
places on tlie south side of tlie parlor,
where with tlie beautiful ring cere
mony and in a few words they were
made man and wife, followed by the
warmest congratulations of tlie as-1
sembled friends. Tlie guests were
then invited to a sumptuous dinner
served by the mother and sisters of
tiie bride, and tne evening was given
over to conversation and music. As
tlie evening passed, numerous com
panies of young people called bride
and groom forth to tender congratu
lations while our silver cornet band
gave a number of tine pieces on the 1
lawn, their coming being a most w el- j
come surprise and thoroughly appre
ciated by tlie bridal couple and guests J
as well. Mr. Swanson and his bride!
left the following morning for Omaha I
and other points for a short visit,
when they will return and occupy the
Swanson cottage in the north part of
the city. The groom is tlie senior
member of our popular drug firm of j
Swanson & Lofholm, and is proving
WUC wi t'Ui luvjt OUtl CCOl Ui UUMllt*^
men. and popular with our people in
tlieir entirety. The bride is a charm
ing daughter of Mr. and Mrs. John
Lofholm. and has lived all her young
life in Sherman county, and the most
of it in Loup City. Shortly after her
graduation from our city schools she i
accepted a position* in the North
western office, remaining with us for
a number of years and proving a most'
efficient and lielpfui assistant, net
only in the mechanical departments.'
but in the editorial department as
well, most heartily appreciated bv the
writer of this and by the patrons of
the paper. She is one of Loup City's
most popular girls and. with her
companion, have the best wishes of
ail for their future prosperity and
hippiness. The Northwotern. espec
ially. asks the choicest blessing on
these worthy young people. They
were the recipients of many beauti
ful, costly and usefultokens of esteem
from friends present and absent.
Married. Sunday evening. May 5. at
a o'clock, at the residence of the
bride’s cousins. Mr. and Mrs. Jeremiah
Shetler, in this city. Mr. Chester
Chamberlain and Miss Della Gordon,
both of the west side of the county.
Rev. Dr. Leeper. of the M. E. church
of this city, officiating. The happy
couple will reside on the groom’s farm
in Elm township. The Northwestern
extends warmest wishes for tlieir
future prosperity and happiness.
From the St. Joseph church. Mon
day. May tith. at 9 o'clock a. m. oc
curred the marriage of Mr. James
Galka and Miss Eleonorv Lonowski,
both of Oak Creek township. At the
close of the ceremony the happy
couple attended by an automobile par
ty went to the home of the bride's par
ents. Mr. and Mrs. John Lonowski in
Oak Creek, where the afternoon and
evening was given over to the usual
joyous wedding reception to the young
people bv the«r Polish friends. They
will go to housekeeping in Valley
county, where the groom has a tine
home prepared for the chosen com
pompanion of his life and where he
has a large farm. Their many friends
will follow them with best wishes.
Invitations have been printed at
this office for the aDproaching nup
tials of Mr. Lawrence Costello, a pop
ular young railroad man of Grand
Island and Miss Rose Mulick, young
est daughter of Mr. and Mrs. M. C.
Mulick. of this city, which is to take
place from St. Joseph church at 9
o'clock on the morning of May 22nd,
followed by a reception at the home
of the bride's parents in the evening,
beginning at 7:30 o’clock, the happy
young people to be at home to their
friends after June first at their fine
little home in Grand Island, prepared
by Mr. Costello for his bride. Miss
Mulick is one of Loup City's choicests
girls and very popular with her large
circle of friends, who will miss her
pleasant personality from among us.
The groom is highly spoken of by his
large circle of friends and acquaint
ances in Grand Island and in railroad
circles. The Northwestern is pleased
to extend pre-nuptial congratulations
and best wishes for their happy and
prosperous married life.
We have shoes that
Wear Well
In Kid. Box Calf. Velvet and Cun Metal.
Try Our Shoes
4* i- P See Loup Pity p ^
To Build a House or Barn
As Cellars, Caves, Sidewalks, and Floors,
Call and £ot our prices
GUY STOUT, Manager
Handpainted China In
Your Home
I Reflects your
^ good taste
(Who n it i» of correct quality.
And artist it* design
That is the kind we
handle priced right
\r'vi'TD TT'^’FI ta \r NwT,.r\'ir\ ' '
jla El- U.\:
loi stmv axe it
_ j
I The Gem Theater
Patties ireektir ear it 1 hurst! rit niff tit
Pictures every Nig^t
Don't Miss any of them
Hail! Hail! Hail!
If you are interested in hail insurance don’t try an experi
ment but call on or write F. E Brewer and insure in the
old reliable
St. Paul Fire and Marine ins. €o.
of St. Paul, Minn., the only company that has written Hail
insurance successfully for
25 Consecutive Years
and have adjusted and paid their losses fairly and promptly.
I also write Fire and Tornado insurance of kinds.
F. E. Brewer
Loup City. Neb.
Do All Kinds Of Job Work
Come in and see samples