The Loup City northwestern. (Loup City, Neb.) 189?-1917, May 02, 1912, Image 5

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<io Carefully over the condition of this
bank at different intervals.
Depositors' interests are protected first,
before any body or anything else.
The continued jrrowth of this bank is
the btr< possible evidence that we treat
*11 patrons with courtesy and extend to
thea every facility to be found in a tn<*d
ero banking institution.
Your ace<>unt is welcome here.
SB f- Mm.'« prcst S. B. w uihcusc. Vlce-Prcs
L. haitecn. Cashier
> you know a good
Thing when you see it!
Id Price on All Posts
*)« aeeount rebuilding our plant, we are compelled
*'• trai-*Vr 3.C * <0 p--*t» to another section of our yard.
<ia we succeed in *ellins: them. We are offering you
tfauoo-t «f ftandlin?. in the price of the post*. Call and
.'<e that it i« a bargain of a lite time.
la Eflact Attar Jan 1st. IRIX
aaorr (» ' :*i*. «<H •
V*. | maMMrr vaAn fur «*■»• tt«t
2k K * • a
til sort and ?>4* fuIi> warranted
at r »_
A asaap in steel ra«iee» at Uwd "s
S *: i, ratii'. atonr ■
Vtiorari Hi.". .r ■ at
!. .Art.* last j?4»>
•wt-wanrr an and *i:i mafcr your
waarti run riftn.
H.f *i HI AMJCS friend*
a* H l*a-' last >at-rda»
1 Wjf’a for ditrkm. (•«> to
L* Kr*» sal ciarket
Mr*. Henry ¥ tmtb returned Mar -
day to i«er m*r a: Elat t rer*
I atr your • tv l. Vi vl »ttirr'«lor
.ri wirr and ^rraanrai repair*,
for -« an* tend iTioot T-oit-Str.
»■ (’UTCL.
For >aie vun twtiirU of Yrllor
I trot and < 'ai*-o *rrd corn
Jt«e B<ne.
j.. ■ - j. • - • • •
Mr i. iti -r tn U* Meant* r tao
at-tJitcaUe*** for penult*.
| tbs J. L llar«*d dray line.
Hr *lil fitt too fad *r>ice. I1«m
« on IS
« me eart. of Jotm I wr«* Have* and
R lur Star corn (nwiu-rv f r only *V»
U Itred' lnyleaent store
' •« U» Lee BroC tieat riarket for
IkomoHntede summer sausage^ Only
fir per pooled.
K. u Mtimic tinware sei.inga»ay
d *atn prv— at Leeds Iloi'.e'nent
tte li*%e a fuli supply of all kind- of
u. mp coal and oji pren. are right.
4 *8 at Tat .or * Kietatur.
I‘<*t•£.»»•.* r Gitaoa and an auto
pant were uier frotr. Litchfield iatt
Sunday irepetitif Loup City pros
:*>« sue <am (.eating powder for
mtm neck' and shoulder* « horses,
wow only 35r at Leeds Implement
Tin Industna > x-iety of Uw Pr*»
bytertan chur h will meet with Mr*,
i; II Haile* neat Wedoe*day after
Ml bonr p.«er (imnuk engine,
good a* nr* and a rood tnud-tand
feed aailL are tarti. for wale by He
Loop (lifOffltel BtociGo Bargains.
Mr* C. V. Bun <*a» at brand
island over last Sunday at tie bed
aide of ter tow. Hamid, who »a» re
aotenng from an operation far a>
Vnew you are looking for woe
new in Uw Jewelry line, you
will be *-re to fend it at Henry M
f tarn i/uaiity tie best .ill good
Idanaunl Apr 35
Hr. s A Allen went to‘>maba last
Saturday rooming to visit bis friendi
In that city. attend tbe state dental
^aeUnff and riait bis good mothei
wrer Sunday at < owwriJ Bluffs.
For i stiMfii-tor)’ repair job go lo
ScL waller's.
We pav cast; for egjfs delivered at
tteefttmerr. Kaverina Cry. Co.
A large reduction n all kinds of
(■amt at Reel - implement store.
Marred I*’y :nr tli Ho- k eggs. *l.nO
per seuiaf. K. L. A stock.
•■r and b i»e li re chicken feed at
Lee ISroe." meat n arket.
Mrv n W t ip.-ies: was quite ill
.ast week lut i- improving.
i Ai. kinds of mela. p. ish at Reeds
Implement store g- ing at 1 alf price.
Mr. and Mrs. \n*.rt returned
yesterday from their wedding trip.
For Sa.e Alfa.fa and Millet seed.
Tel. 4 on fi. W T A i fkkcht. rat’d
Home-made summer sa.sages at
Lee Hr is ' meat market at 15c per
List your farm or city property
witnJ W. Itougai. ‘The New Heal
, Estate Man "
J. L. Hag.xxi. successor to Stroud
will do your hauling promptly
and satisfactorily. Phone S on 15.
Treasurer Henry is on the sick list
and lias been conti ned to his home
' for a number of days.
We are paying Hi cents cash for
cream de.ivered at t he creamery. We
test and pay cash lor cream.
Ravenna Cksamkuy Co.
I*o you want to buv a farm or city
orooerty worth the moneyV If so see
J W. Iiouga., the new real estate
man at LoupCity.
If you want a dray, phone A. L. En
derlee. * on *3. or I wave your order
with either lumber yard or E. G.
Tay :or. Best of service guaranteed.
v\ t«eu you buy your next sack of
Hour. boy White Satin FJour. made by
your home mill, from home grown
wheat AH roercliantsintown liar idle
it LncpC'm Mill axi> LiohtCo.
iKrti't forget if vou want anything
in ma< hlnery. buggies, wagons, culti
vator-. plows, gas engines, press drills
you can buy now at a large reduction
in price at Keen's Implement store.
"IHdyou say coal?” ‘-Yes. Pinnacle,
nut coal." This is a good coal for
coot stoves, free iroin slack and easy
to start Try it For sale at Tay
lor's elevator.
Mr*. Iiamelson returned from Iowa
last Saturday accompanied by her
aged mother Mrs. Lynch, of Elliot
ttiat state, wh'o will ren.ain for several
Miss Angeletta Barnes, who has
!<een here visiting her mother. Mrs.
K. H. Perry. for some time, last Sun
day entertained at dinner at the St.
E-no the Misses Orpha Outhouse,
Emma Fowier. Maliel and XoeLeeper.
Messrs. Wolfe and Tromble, the
successful -a ml k tiles for i presen la
Uveon the repot*!! -an and democratic
county tickets, were in from the west
side last week iiling a-3>-jitance of
their « andidacn • amt vj akiug Lands
with friends over the results.
An alarm of tire yesterday noon
' proved to be an incipient blue at the
home of Mat Jauuelwic/.. in the north
west part of theritv. while the family
•ere at dinner. Xo dan age to speak
•f resulted before Uk tire wasputout
by the tire laddies who responded
A good many farmers will have a
thin -t and of corn tliis year because
they lave not tested their seed, but
tiiink it should grow. I still have
• *me "Reed's Yellow dent” corn that
has been tested by many of the county
I offer this com at tLtid per bushel
i until ail sold.
E- C. Tayloh
w>£ se
SO it
S UU to 6 <*>
7 IS
Butter.. SS
____ IS
Let J. W. Do u gal sell your farm or
city property for you.
l’ure Bred Barred Plymouth Rock
eggs for setting $1.00 per 12. #4.00
per 100. Mrs. H. J. Johansen.
Miss Anna Syas returned this morr
ing from a \isit to Comstock.
Mrs. H. P. Ferdinandt and children
left the first of the week for their
future home in Minnesota. Mr. Ferd
inandt to follow the first of June,
when he closes his business relations!
We have been informed that the
members of the C. C. Cluster were
conveyed by the St. Elmo bus. on
Tuesday evening, April 30th. to the
country home of L. N. Smith, where
a most pleasant and enjoyable even- j
ing was spent in guessing contests,
and progressive games, after which a
delicious lunch was served and the
guests departing at the midnight
Owing to the fact that County Su
perintendent Currier was too much
wrapped up in the happiness which
came to him last, week in the shape
of a little bundle of feminiinity to
sa i word to the Northwestern about
it. we failed to mention the arrival
of the little daughter in his home the
Friday previous. However we are
glad to be able to tender congratula
tionv some little time before she be
comes sweet sixteen.
Me received a pleasant can Monday
from Mr. ('has. K. Smith, who came
up from Aurora with his family the
first of Mari'li ami taken hold of tiie
J. VV Hougal farm a few miles upthe
valley, known as the old Fred Thode
place. Like all the boys who come
here from Hamilton county, he is a
Drince of good fellows, and of course
joins th»> ranks of Northwestern read
ers. We welcome him and his good
family to the lest county in the state.
Miss Elisabeth Iiinsdale returned
home to l’almer last Saturday morn- ]
ing. Miss Hinsdale will soon leave
for a summer - \isit in England and
France, returning bv the great'chain
of .akes. taking in the cities of Can- |
ada. the Thousand Isles. Niagara
Fa.Is and other places of interest.
Tiie Northwestern is promised seme
interesting letters from abroad by
Miss Hinsdale during the summer.
We. with all lie friends, wish her
bon voyage.
This editorial family was pleasantly1
surprised la.-: Friday evening by the
coming for an unexpected visit of the
editor’s brother. Rev. Chas. H. Bur
leigh, and wife. who were on their
way home to Crawford from Lincoln,
w here the w ife had been taking treat
ment at the Hailey sanitarium for
some time. They left again Monday
evening for their home. Our brother
tilled the Methodist pulpit for Rev.
Dr. Leeper Sunday evening.
Monday afternoon Milford Tracy
left for Gerard. Kansas, where he will
go into tiie employ of the Aerial Nav
igation Co., and learn to ride in the
air. Asking Milford if he expected
to do air stunts himself, he admitted
such was iiis intention. So Loup
City is to have a bird man as its own
part of tiie aerial navigation armv.
Milford is a nervy lad and has no
fears as to accidents and says it is as
safe and safer than many otiier lines
of adventure. Our people will watch
his progress witli much interest and
trust lie may be a prominent and
successful aeronaut.
Mr. Henry Jenner returned home
last week from an extended visit in
England. While across the water.
Mr. Jenner had tiis eyes examined
and operated upon by eminent
specialists and returns with ins eye
sight much improved. By good for
tune. Mr. Jenner escaped the fate ac
corded the passengers on the ill-fated
Titanic. He had intended returning
home on that ship, but at a late mo
ment changed his plans and returned
by another boat, in order to accom
pany friends who were returning to
America also.
Charley Brown, who is working for
| his uncle. \V. O. Brown, had a narrow
j escape from death or at least severe
j injury Monday of this wees at the
• farm. He was discing with four
horses, when one of them, a colt, for
• some reason became frightened, be
i came detached from the disc and
i started to run. the movement fright
! ening the rest and resulting in a gen
eral runaway, throwing young Brown
from his seat on the disc, he alleging
the horses and disc all ran over him.
: which would seem impassible without
j death resulting, unless in the mad
; race the machine jnmped in the air
| as it passed over him. However, he
; was hadly mussed up. but later was
able to get around, showing none the
I especial worse for his experience.
Coming to Loup City.
Dr. Rich, the well known special
ist of Grand Island will be in Loup
| Citv Thursday. May. 16th. A cor
dial invitataion is extended to all
sufferers from Fistula and Rupture
I to visit the doctor while in the City.
, and have him explain and demon
; strate free of charge the method he
uses to cure Piles. Fistula and
Rupture without an operation. Dr.
Rich will also demonstrate his new
! treatment for cronic leg ulcers in
: women, and will feel much pleased
j to have a few of these cases call on
him while in Loup City. Watch this
paper next week for further annouce
ments Write to Dr. Rich if you
wish for an appointment for this
visit. Address. Dr Rich. Grand
Island. Neb.. Suit 7 Windoloh Build
The Northwestern his printed in
vitations for the nuptials Sunday.
May 5th. of two popular young people
of the west side of the county, but
who preferred no notice published of
their approaching happiness till after
the joyous event, hence until next
week we neither mention names nor
place nor particulars, but let our
readers query among themselves.
A card received from Ward Ver
Valin from Mitchell, S. D.. Monday,
tells us to change his ildteee back to
Loup City and that he. aud h s
family too. we suppose. will reach
Loup City this week Saturday even
ing over the R. & M. That's good
news to tiie many friends of iliat
estimable family.
invitations were printed at litis
office a few days since for tlie ap
proaching nuptia-s of Mr. Oscar l..
Swanson, our popular young druggist,
and Miss Etta M. Lofholm. which
occurs from the home of the bride’s
parents. Mr. and Mrs. John Lofholm,
next Tuesday evening. May 7th. at 8
o’clock. Miss Lofholm was for some
seven years an attache of the North
western. and one of the most efficient
and painstaking helpers any news
paper ever had on its force. The
Northwestern extends its pre-nuptial
congratulations and best wishes for
their long, happy and prosperous mar
ried life.
Last wees we spoke of our young
friend. Rev. Ray Kearns, and his call
to a Presbyterian church in Idaho.
Later. l>r. Kearns lias received a let
ter from Ray saying that owing to a
strong pressure being brought to bear
upon him by the Presbyterian people
w here he is going te school in Chica
go. lie lias been released by the Idaho
church and will have the pastorale
of the Sedgwick Street church in
that city, near the seminary, he hav
ing accepted the call and will remain
in that city. The people of Loup
City, who with one accord are proud
of Ray as a Loup City product, will
follow him with beet of wishes for
his success
A pood story Is told us of & section
boss on the R. & M.. who had been
employed on the road at Broken Bow
for some twenty years, and whe had
made a most satisfactory record In
almost every particular. However,
in thing he had been peculiarly
unfortunate. During his later vean
lie had lost two hand cars, destroyed
by trains, which proved bipeer and
stronger than his dinky car. Upon
the destruction of the second, he was
informed by the authorities that In
case he lost a third one he should
call for his time. Some two weeks
latter, a big engine crashed into the
third and demolished it, whereupon
the section boss, whom we will call
Murphy, for the sake of giving him a
name, sent the following poetical
effusion into headquarters:
Praise God from whom all blessings
Another handcar gone below;
Send my time check to Broken Bow.
It is useless to add that the B. &
M. could not spare such a poetical
genius, and he still holds hts job.
House Cleaning Time la Hero
And we have prepared our stock to
meet all demands. We have a com
plete line of wallpaper, Linoleum,
Rugs. Draperies. Window Shades,
Furniture of all kinds can be found
here at prices that are rock bottom.
Notice our upholstered lioe in the
window. Yours for square deal.
M y L. B. Hale, Furniture Co.
Clear Creek Items
Winfield Haddix has resiling led his
Mr. Van Dyke shipped a carload of
hogs Saturday.
Mrs. Will Smith, who was seriously
hurt in the cyclone, is reported a lit
tle iietter at this writing. Other
members of the family are also im
Mr. and Mrs. Ed Bishop visited at
the home of Mr. and Mrs. Sam Hill
Saturday and Sundaj.
Word reached here last weak that
Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Zahn, of Mason
City, were rejoicing over the arrival
of a baby boy at their home.
Mrs. Warren Edsoc and children
visited at the home of Mr. and Mrs.
Hager Sunday.
Will Smith shipped his cattle and
hogs Monday.
The neighbors of this vicinity spent
a couple of days of this week building
for the families who had their homes
destroyed by the cyclone.
Services as usual May 5th. Preach
at A ustln at 3 p. m.
May 5 will be services at Kelso at
10:30 a. m. May 4. Lesson in German
10:30 a. m. at Loup City church.
P. Jueleng, Pastor.
Sunday, May 5th, Sunday school
10:30 a.m.: sermon 11:15a. m.,subject:
“The Holy Spirit as Comforter”,
John 16. All welcome.
Preaching next Sunday morning
and evening by the pastor. The sac
rament of the Lord's Supper will be
observed in the morning and at night
the pastor will speak on the subject
of "Some of the Wonders of Psychol
ogy.” Sunday school will be et 11:45
and Epworth League at 7:15 p. m.
The evening preaching at s o'clock.
The third quarterly conference will
be held May 11 and 12.
Midweek social meetings Thursday
S p. m. All cordially invited.
D. A. Lam, Pastor.
Loup City, Neb.
United Doctors, Special
ists will be at the
From Wednesday Noon
Tuesday noon, to ay 14th
and I5th,and will remain
Two Days Only;
Remarkable S«crese*ol Tb -m
Tal eslrd ll.nirin* inlc
Treatment ot Chr.mir
The United Doctors, liceusedby the
state of Nebraska for the treatment
of deformities and all nervous and
chronic diseases of men. women and
children, offer to all who call on this
trip, consultation, examination, ad
vice free, making no charge whatever,
except the actual cost of medicine.
All that is asked in return for these
valuable services is that every person
treated will state the result obtained
to their friends and thus prove to the
sick and afflicted in every city and
locality, that at last treatments have
been discovered that are reasonably
sure and certain in their effect.
These doctors are considered by
many former patients among Amer
ica's leading stomach and nerve spe
cialists and are experts in the treat
ment of chronic diseases and so great *
and wonderful have been their results
that In many cases it is hard Indeed
to And the dividing line between skill
and miracle.
Diseases of the stomach, intestines,
liver, blood, akin, nerves, heart, spleen
kidneys, or bladder, rheumatism, sci
atica. diabetes, bed-wetting, leg ul
cere. weak lungs and those afflicted
with long-standing, deep-seated chron
ic diseases, that have baffled the skill
of the family physician, should not
fail to call.
According to their system no more
operations for appendicitis, gall
stones, tumors, goiterorcertain forms
of cancer. They were among the first
In America to earn the name of the
"Bloodlere Surgeons.'1 by doing away
with knife, with blood and with all
pain in the successful treatment of
these dangerous diseases.
If you have kidney or bladder trou
bles bring a two-ounce bottle of your
urine for chemical analysis and micro
scopic examination.
Deafness often has been cured in
sixty days.
No matter what your ailment may
be, no matter what others may have
told you, no matter what experience
you may have had with other physi
cians. it will be to your advantage to
see them at once. Have it forever j
settled in your mind. If your case is
Incurable they will give you such ad
vice as may relieve and stay the dis
ease. Do not put off this duty you1
owe yourself or friends or relatives
who are suffering because of your
sickness, as a visit this time may help
Remember, this free offer is for two
days only.
Married ladies must come with their
husbands and minors with their par
Office at St. Elmo Hotel from Tues
day noon to Wednesday noon.
R. P. Struthere Capper Cable and
Lightning Rada Inaura safety ta Ufa
and property. Saa ma far Prices.
A. E. Raad. Agent
Public Notice. ■
Porte Jones, So. 40332, Black Per
clieroo Stallion will make the season
of 1912 aa follows; Mondays. Fridays,
and Saturdays at the Round Front
barn, 1 block south of Bank. Tues
days, Wednesdays and Thursdays at
home and between Loup City and
Will Hawks farm south of town.
Service feee *10.00 and *13.00. Phone
Son 71.
H. J. Johansen, Owner
We have 400 bushels of Yellow
Dent Seed Corn for sale. Tnis corn
was shipped here by the J. H. Hively
Seed Co., of Hooper, Nebraska.
£. G. Taylor’s Eelrator.
Cow World Wonder
C. R. SweetM
V'C V'c V1' v'»c v'^v1 v'vy£ v'£.vM£^r£. \j,f£; vjf£'\y(£
'■'> ~>,\N y,\N /aN ~/n> ^i\> ^I<\?~ji^i\\^•/Vv A^- ~?i~yi^\
Appeals to the Appetite
• — - __
Fancy Sliced Peaches, in heavy syrup, 3lb cans 25c
Lemon Cling peaches 25c
Bartlett Pears 2oe
tireen (.Juaye Putins 25c
Hawn Pineapple 25c
Red Cherries, pitted 21b 25c
. i raw berries (extra tine > 2lb 25c
Kv-ijw.* •; apples, Peaches, Appricots, Raspberries. Raisins,
S.iltana ■•aisiiis and Seeded Raisins and Currants
Black Prunes and Silver Prunes
The Quality House Established 1888
yl,;V,'Vl'v' v'' r^|
% Fine Single Harnes Attractive %
If Bought at Right Place
ai*i is one of the in >st at- ~
tractive parts of a stylish
horse and rig.
Fine Sumner Lap
^ A poor Harness is a sourse of danger. Why ^
f don't you get a good one at <r
$5 to $25 By purchasing
A Sulky or Gang Plow
Buggy, Press Drill, or Gasoline Engine, at
Reed’s Implement Store Now
And other goods accordingly. The stock must be
reduced and to do so we are selling at a loW price
on all goods. W, P, REED, Administrator
What You Gain
by being a regular depositor with the Loup
City State Bank:
Your funds are kept in absolute security.
Payment by check provides indisputable re
receipts in the form of returned can
celed checks. Payment by check saves
many along trip; saves trouble of mak
ing change and taking receipts.
Being a depositor with us, acquaints us with
eaeh other and lays the foundation for
accommodation, when you want to piece
out your resources with a loan.
Every courtesy and lacility is rendered the
small as well as the large depositor. Don't
wait until you can begin with a large deposit
Capital and Surplus, $47,500.00
J,S. Pedler, President C. C. Carlsen. Cashier
John W. Lent. Vice President. w. J, Root. Assistant Cashier.
i Pacific Coast Tours The $55 tour is available on special
dates commencing April 27th: the $60 tour is available
every day commencing June 1st: th* $15 higher includes
California, Portland and Puget Sound. There is no rail
journey in the world as educational as the tour of the
Yellowstone Park: Inquire about the new sceinic way
through the park; complete tickets including hotels and
stages. The outlook from Sylvan pass is one of the
world’s magnitieient views. Are you iuteristed in the
|»er8onally conducted camping tours from Cody? A per
fect Summer tour includes Scenic Colorado, Salt Lake
and Yellowstone Park—the Rocky mountain circuit tour.
Sceinic Colorado Resorts: Here is a wonderful recrea
tive and health restoring region. It offers everything
tha. Switzerland offers and at a very small expense.
Estes Park, Colo : This grand park at the foot of Long's
Peak is rapidly becoming Denver’s recreation gnound.
It is one of the most desirable vacation regious in Colo
L. W. Wakely,
General Passinger Agent Omaha, Neb
J. A. Danielson* Ticket AGent