The Loup City northwestern. (Loup City, Neb.) 189?-1917, April 11, 1912, Image 7

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    Someth n« The Mutter. AnyNowr.
l- t> *i— r. M !.:«•«» in Broad Rip;!*
Ii:» mother p*: b'm readjr tor bed
Mar ««4 i .gbi zxe to br sura be
• aid tor »*rs fouii during tie
!‘-Sk> tt« t<«t «t?r» re- j
■*'« Uk lti!iiupci^> \r*i After '
bod pat os hi* little fuzzy pelt- !
bum tie tacked fc‘.» a.rtullr in be
• *»«• the *oel Uiskrtt Thea to
arte dsaldg nitre she sat. a hoc water
a-' r lor nst. .ad n.r yocngsler j
• an ipstairu!) an snug mr could be J
• 'b cmly t » little none sticking out
trom kentk ibe nerrfa
Wtara fct» cutter h~d finished the
t-'litrm ,<b the turned down the
l-cat iiuis ifer retire family van in
bed But Harold If like most young
sters Hr lore* bln mother, and *l*b j
n lots of at:* So in bis child ,
n!s< hr f.g«-ed out a ai; to get ber
to bis lord
be nailed. In cold!"
ref ited the raoth
er. but the nur lea ie a mote to go
to bin rescue
Tbe Utile tor tried tie opposite.
"Bell I'm tec hot. then"" be yelled.
Convenient Code.
f rank I Cobt> red to be a reporter
to Detroit and keen Icftma'ely a for
■ser pnenw of the strte of Michi
gan mb i van renowned unen; other
f- ‘ten for fc.* ability as a free-hand
a nearer
da* ii'.a* C. lb naa dining with
* e *•« retersor and his fntn’ly. A
t»ftc»:n * -rr- in to tell the boat
•sat one of I.’* pet politic*; schemes
bad . -■ bet defeated through Ibe
* t-rling of a lieutenant The old
*haa tipjied out a string of dark blue
“Son. pa " said tU n V -y ou proa
•*ed »e yon noold qa.te cursing"
"bin* said the ex-governor. “fa
ran ranuu—Ikh is fust tbe nay I
Ph ladelf h:a Saturday Even
-Eg Pi«t
A Quarter Century
E*. rr to inbe. * iw • Km- Mill on Fr* t i
Pjuaf lr» r, « *<•< r» b )ru. Tbr eo»
•’ mt a•-•l acenmetag *»!**• it- m sample*
; tutus the arnmne ment of Allen's foot. I
I—**■. the -nt.M-ptv 'Vi*, ir: t«» l*r *h;;i.ei.
• t.ue >t« Si* Tit—i. A is. >»• l*c
* i -am;.!# tr— A., m, A. en
I* iMmr.nd. U Bey. N V.
&upp«y Cfeared Cp
Go.a t tin’ Must ....aimer T‘ asked
•he man who tells tail fonts
No." reylltf Mr Growcher. "if
?st taught ail "tut fish you said you
■ - -gut last satotr. there non’l be
ay use -i go Eg Csl. ng nest sum
mer .“
A splendid and fcigfctv reconttcerdctl
aolf for tired, scab, inflamed eye.*
-md gracula’ed eyelid* is Pax'.ae An
• ; r. at druggist* Z*r a box or ser t
{■ntpatu ua iwreip of price by The
Parti* Td'ei Ca . Boston. Mass.
Midnight Scare.
Kt_i Ver Iwd your wife hear a bur
g-*ry to the tefUr?
Border—Xu sbe beard a burglar
ette :n the relljuette.
*• tr‘- 1>»* r - m 1 • - r $ and
• - i«^r* I* '.net an I •* '1** l*i j>*!n *»f
' urn m :•* Mil mrmrm. r>* and irffc* ■
'••rre di J’odr fr*«e autnipt* wr ?#* t<*
i W.i.** C®. B!a k River Kalla.
J s l*o yoo ttltk Mamie Is taller
f at 1 should ray that she is jest
about >o« rat talker.
Accounted For.
“The boy has tbe aviation fever.”
“T3 at arroonts for t be rise in his
HI S Klklii Inc to is mv>
v —- .*» • I- -M Oroo If I asm utST.
Mt % : tm- » %M f :»e *»?*• raetp * f I'ci- r* H U4.
h»«d «U «a IN.aifcS r. ni. Iitwll A.; 1. j*c
NtCklst diratiiolots tome women
twri tlu to M that a m- amlal isn't
after all
F -* bi-ad H »--rc-ial €tm*i Health.
- .4 !•» 4i (» - t.u: . • • e, c iUKi >m
tyrtemi. ut o»4i«*fe* diMiir
Outwardly most people are cheerful
a-' era. but bow about tbe feeling In
«-• tT*«- » • hull ■at Srop fnr CklMrrw
l>» Six. •Uwm Ur fu.1. reOurea ipliuBS
ioca —»» |«a.cim aatnuc.aca Intus.
Talrnt la far lit< bee ar.d a balance
In the bank should form a combina
tion for generating domestic bliss.
!*WI> > wg*r Hns for, straight Se—1
mp) uaaknp prefer lien to 10c cgsrt.
Tbe man who argues with his wife
Is one vmd of an idiot.
Build Up
The System
la the tiueurh
tank ?
Are liar hotarla
la the Mood
impmrr sthrd ?
Stomaeh Bitters
wiO tour, atrtflftbra and invig
orate the entire system and
make pot. well ipin.
mwattaipy S»|.«. I.vj.
m ^ "* “l* «mnS >n k rmeb
— Ufti* Will:
Mi ll > t-M t i lls | ALU
1-4..% : arrmi. » ;ntari -
rmc *—•;-» it rtrjK «
**»- 4i*r»:u4.. '*•••*-&i
Pettits Fve Salve
oucx unm
m !1XHQ
MT. N. U, OMAHA, NO. 12-1912.
Abuse of Statesmen Chalked on
the Capitol.
Report That He Will “Improve” His
Beautiful Rhode Island Avenue j
House Alarms the Lovers
of Beauty.
Washington.—Seme one with a
trlevan e or with an unbalanced mind
nas been scribbling on the walls of
'be capital in “a large, free hand"
*i:h blue chalk carious uiicomplimen
:ary comments about great and al- !
m.ost great statesmen doing their
ountrj s service in Washington. No
u-atter wbat the motive which in
jures the scribbling, the act is cue
t a vandal because it disfigures the j
al's of the building, and the police
and ibe watchmen are to catch
the culprit.
It will be remembered that not long
*go a large piece was cut out of the
j!1 painting of “Perry at Lake Erie.”
'.ace then a special watch has been
ctept to pieveat repc itiioas of the van- !
Raise Alarm About Webster.
V/ashington was much disturbed a ;
ilay or two ugo when it heard that j
I'Vr with a chisel had chipped
pieces out rf the marble trousers and
the n._. ok- coattail of the statue of j
Handel Webster which stands in
tittnuy ball. A close inspection has 1
led to tbe discovery that the Webster ,
memorial has not been injured by tbe
Hand of man. Elliott Woods, the su
perintendent of tbe capitol, says that I
tb« boles which were discovered in
be Webster statue were pu: there by
tbe sculptor and have been plainly via
ble ever since tbe statue v as erected,
acme one suggested that tbe vandal
who was at work was a new kind of
ni.-th which had developed uu appe
tite for marble garments.
Former Vice-President Levi P. Mor
ton has made up bis mind to come
back and live in the capital for eight
rr cine months a year for the rest of
his life. He owns a beautiful resi
dence on Rhode Island avenue, where \
be lived when be was vice-president ,
>f the United States under Harrison, j
When Mr. Morton went out of office
he Russian ambassador moved into
the residence and, following bim. came
Secretary of State Eiihu Root, and
then John Hays Han.mond. Mr. Mor
'on himself lived there for a few
months two years ago.
wiorien Mansion in Peril.
Tier* Is a fine arts commission
which is supposed to taka cognizance
of every attempt to increase the beau
ty of the capital, a cognizance which
mb races the overlooking of improve
ments In public buildings. Tbe wish
has been expressed that the commis
sion might extend its espionage to
private dwellings, for some of the '
beautiful old places in Washington \
have been remodeled by their socially
ambitious purchasers into mere rest- j
dence monstrosities, in many cases
glaring and in most cases unbeautifui. I
It la understood that Viee-Presi
lent Morton intends to spend $60,000
to improve his Rhode Island avenue
home. Today it is beautiful as it is.
» warm red brick pleasing to look
upon and suggestive in every way of
umfort. It Is now said that It is in
tended to give the bouse a more state
ly apiiearance by the Introduction of
white marble in places. The old
house lias been a comfort to the eye
of many a Washingtonian man and
visitors, and the changes are awaited
with trepidation.
Children's Playground Lest.
Washington, with all her monuments
and statues, good, bad and indifferent,
and all her vacant land, still has not
space left In which to erect public me
morials, and it ought to be said also
that projects more necessary to the
public health than marble statues, like
playgrounds for the children, cannot
be thought of apparently becanse of
lack of room.
For two years by means of private
subscriptions, for example, a little
grove at tbe corner of Fourteenth
stneet and Columbia road has been
used as a playground and fitted up
for the children. It was covered with
oak trees of priceless value, as far as
their shade qualities are concerned,
and wa* one of the most picturesque
spots in the city. It is in the heart
of a thickly settled district, where it
is a cruelty to keep children within
doors and a continual danger to let
them out on the streets.
Nevertheless congress, which would
spend $",.000 for a Federal building
in a town of 2S1 Inhabitants, neg
neeted to secure this breathing space.
Tbe magnificent oak trees are being
cut down, and where last summer the
place was alive with children, a fam
ily hotel will stand.
Many Monuments Projected.
Should congress be in a giving
mood toward the shades of the de
parted. it is a question where suit
able sites for memorials could be ob
tained. The demand for spaoe 1b in
sistent, and the senate committee cn
library has record of no less than
eight requests, while the house com
mittee doubtless has as many more.
A bill appropriating $100,000 for a
statue of Alexander Hamilton already
has passed the senate.
The sum of $50,000 ir wanted for a
statue to Matthew Fontaine Maury,
the American naval officer whose
scientific work descriptive of the sea
is among the classics. A memorial to
the signers of the Declaration of In
dependence is asked for, with an ap
propriation of $10,000 for plans alone.
The sum or $1,500 is suggested for a
small statue to CapL Charles Wilkes,
who is chiefly celebrated In popular
recollection for taking Mason and
Slidell, the Confederate commission
ers, from the British mail steamer
Trent in 1S61. Tbe United States
government did not back up Captain
Wilkes in bis act of taking the Con
iederate commissioners off the Brit
ish vessel. In fact, nearly all diplo
mats thought, and think today, that
\\ ilkes acted without proper authority
under , international taw and that the
Confederate and the British govern
ments had a perfect right to protest,
and that the United States authori
ties could do nothing else thaa to dis
avow the naval officer's act.
Admirers of Major Andrew S. Ro
wan. U. S. A , who is still living, have
put in a bill appropriating $5,000 for
seme memorial of his famous exnloit
in 1S9S. when he was sent by Presi
dent McKinley to Cuba to communi
cate with General Garcia, tbe loader
of the Cuban revolution. He made a
landing from an open boat near Tur
quino Peak and with much dithculty
succeeded in reaching Garcia.
House "Babies” Have Frolic.
At one of tne Washington res
tauranis the other night there was
a frolic of the “babies” of the
house of representatives Men to
the number of one hundred serving
their first terms in congress gathered
for a dinner at the restaurant. They
formed .< house of representatives ot
their own and passed the time mak
ing fun of the methods ot their older
colleagues and the personalities of
some of their own number, in the
main, however, they "pointed with
pride” to themselves as the real
statesmen and referred to members ot
longer service as being entirely out
of date and belonging in the pigeon
holes with the archives rather man
on the fioor of the bouse with the
"live ones."
No party iities werf drawn r.t this
gathering. Republican and Democrat
ic babies had fun together. The tar
iff came in for a bit of by-play.
protective uuty on c,ats.
A high protective duty was put on
cats in order to protect tile Home
industry. Every le!!ne, whether a
wild-cat a polecat or a domestic cat
imported into the United States or
its island possessions, it was decid
ed, must hereafter pay SI a hc-ad in
order to be admitted to full American
catizenship. As a rider to this bill
catnip v. as placed on the free list
A prize was offered to the member
who could make the most stlrrtng ora
tion on the American Bag. Kepre
sentatlve Littleton was chosen as
judge, but the oratorical Bights ot
Representative Connell of New York
and Witherspoon ol Mississippi were
so nearly equal in grace and distance
that the judge gave each the Brst
The senate galleries broke out into
applause the other day when the
name of Theodore Roosevelt was
mentioned. The senate gallery has
applauded at times the names of Wil
liam Jennings Bryan and of many
other well known Americans without
regard to political party, but it must
be understood that it is against the
rules of the senate to allow applause
In the gallery.
Mustn’t Applaud In Senate.
It makes no diTerence who tt is
that is receiving the applause, the
vice-president must bring down his
gavel while the noise Is continuing
and say with all due solemlty and
severity that all demonstrations or ap
proval are not allowed and that it
they do not cease "the galleries win
be cleared.”
This word from the vice-president
has been said thousands of times in
the senate and its effect has never
been visible for more than an hour at
a time. It is only rarely that the
senators themselves laugh and it is
only once in a lifetime that they ap
plaud. The cases where senators have
broken the applause rule can be count
ed on half the fingers of one hand.
The senate, how-ever. has its jokes
frequently and while laughter is sub
dued. broad smiles are always in evi
When Senator Jonathan P, Dolllver.
now dead, referred to Senator Fran
cis E. Warren of Wyoming as "tde
greatest shepherd since Abraham."
the broadest of broad smiles was visi
ble on the face of every senator. The
wool bill was under discussion and
Mr Warren Is said to be the proprie
tor of a considerable fold
On the Safe Side.
"I take things as ] Hnd them ~
“Then I'll see that you don't And
Algernon-* philosophy.
Alrcrnon Base the elevator rope the
necessary Jerk which sent the car
on Its upward Journey before reply
ing to 'he question propounded by Mr
Topfloor. and then:
“ ‘Wot does I fink ob dis weder.'
-ah? Well. rah. ef de good Lo'd like
to take de 'eponsibTty fo' it, I won'
say nnffln. But ’pears to me tain' ve'y
pieasar.' to bab de air so chilly dis
lime de yeah, w'en de sp'ing am 'spose'
to be cornin'. But. as we say down
in Sou'f Ca'lina. de weder has jes’ got
to run its co'se. It like de dip't'eria,
or de maleeria. or de mumps or any
oder disease, dere ain' nuffin' yo'
tarn do to keep It down 'cep' take de
medsum de doctah subsc’ibes; an' 1
recko" dat the medsum fo' de col’ wed
er Is plenty steam heat an' a good
wa'm overcoat an' Jest wail till de
rood Lo'd got time to 'tend to stokin'
:p de fi'cs But I reckon. Mistob Top
flo', he aln' in no hur’y to do dat at
de iresumt time, 'cos dere'b plenty
' mo' cot w'ere dis come fom an' de
! s'pljr ain' gwine give out raight now
-<> we Jes may's well make up our
n' :o iibe in hopes or die to spare.
as my folks say down dome. Dis yo’
Co’, sah. Good night, sah!"
Vice-President Sherman. In an in
terview in Washington, said or the
smashing of a boom:
"It was a brutal smash, it was so
brutal, so cruel. It reminds me oi ilar
rit’s retort
“Marrit’s wife, at the end of the
usual breakfast table quarrel, burst
Into tears behind the coffee urn. and,
as she searched for her handkerchief!
“ ’You said, the second time ! re
fused you, that you'd rather liTe in
eternal torment with me than in bliss
by yourself.’
" Well. 1 had my wish/ growled
Diverted Attention.
"Why do you encourage your boy to
take so much interest in his studies?"
"Well," replied Mr. Bliggins. “I sus
pect I have unconsciously been selfish
in the matter. It keeps him from com
i ing home and showing off how much
more he knows about philosophy and
the higher mathematics than I do.“
English Clydesdales and Crosses Resulting From Use of
French or German Coach Animals Make Excellent
All-Round Team—Pull Almost Any Load
Within Reason.
Ciydcsdaie F:!!y "Theima Second.'
Farmers in the south still elicit
to the light breeds of horses, mainly
because there is mere horseback rid
ing done, and the average farmer
wants a horse for all-around pur
In the north, the heavy breeds, sue!,
ns the Pert-herons, Clydes at d Shires
are most generally used.
The wise fanner will raise the typo
of horse best adapted to his needs.
Generally speaking, where only one
team can be kept on the farm, the
horses should be sizeable enough to
pul! a plow or draw a heavy wagon
load with comparative case, and a
the same time light enough to r»r
along o\er the road with a surrej or
liglr rig at a fairly good gait.
if a farmer keeps a number of
borsrs he will, of course, use- the
heavy >ype for plowing aac other
heavy farm work, and keep a light
harness team for tho road'*
It is a great mistake to attempt to
plow with'a team of horses of the
harness type. Farmers are plowing
deeply those days, and it is
to see a light team struggling with a
heavy plow.
The general tendency, therefore, is.
when a light team is used, to allow
the plow to skim the ground in order
to ease up on the team. If a team
of sturdy draft horses, weighing 1.300
to 1,500 each is used, they walk along
with a plow, running from six to eight
inches deep, without the slightest dis
The English Clydesdales and crosses
resulting from the use of French or
German coach hcrses make a goorl :
all-round farm team. The infusion of
the French or German Coach blood j
produces a horse of good action, while
the blood of the Clydesdales, Shires
and Percherons keeps him heavy
enough, and close enough to the
ground to pull almost any load with
in reason.
Selection of Animals.
Success in beef production is due.
as it is in any other branch of farm
ing. to close attention to the business
details, chief among which is careful ;
selection cf a well-bred and mature
sire from one of the beef breeds, pre
ferably from that breed most com
manly represented in the neighbor
' ■ d. Such a selection is likely to re
'• !r. a geed grade of stock of a kind
,.t d reality in regular demand, with
r..t:s:. cu ry prices attached.
nsisirg Early Lambs.
T\c sole object in raising early
:: mbs is to produce a fine animal of
! got d size and flesh and get him to
j murker at the earliest possible mo
n;tr:. To do that requires good feed
. mg. good care and good management
troth the time he is born until he is
sent to market.
Silags Needs a Balance.
Cows should never be fed exclu- |
sively on silage. They need some dry
forage to go with it; besides, silage is
a carbonaceous food, and needs some
: more nitrogenous food to go with it
! to make a well-balanced ration.
Many attempts have been made to
raise skunks for their fur. but the en
terprises have usually been given up
as unprofitable. According to the bio
logical survey of the United States
department of agriculture, the chief
causes of failure have been cost of
fencing inclosures, cost of mainte
nance or lack of experience, leading
to overcrowding and overfeeding the
animals. In man}' cases, where the
animals were successfully reared, it j
was found that the expense of feed
ing them to maturity exceeded the
value of the fur. while in other in
stances the antipathy of the neigh
bors led to the abandonment of the
experiments. At present the value of
the best black skins would prcbafcly
allow- a margin of profit in rearing
this class of skunks. The survey
gives the following hints on skunk
In the matter of food, the chief aim
should be to supply a suitable ct.d suf
ficient diet at reasonable cost. A cer
tain proportion of meat is necessary,
but the animals eat also bread, green
corn, clover, tomatoes and many other
vegetable substances. Butcher and
table scraps given when fresh are the
main reliance. The food should not
be salted, and fresh water should be
supplied regularly.
Skunks are especially fond of In
sects, and If the pens are large
enough and favorably placed, the ani
mals will forage for a part of their
At least an acre of ground should
be inclosed for each fifty skunks, and
even then there is danger of canni
balism unless there are plenty o*
separate dens for the females. The
fence should be made of poultry net
ting l^s-inch mesh. The posts should
be set in ditches 18 inches or more
in depth, which should be filled with
broken stone or concrete. Another
plan is to extend the wire netting
underground. The fence should be
three or four feet high and have an
overhang at the top to keep the ani
mals from climbing over.
Skunks breed once a year and pro
duce from six to eight young. They
are born in May or June, and mature
by December.
By Doing So Farmer Will Not
Have So Mach Trouble
in Break ins in tbe
Young Animals.
Many good horses are spoiled when
colts by improper training. They may
have been teased by children, where
upon they developed a mean disposi
To make a colt easy to break, you
should make iriends with it. Gain its
confidence by feeding it from your
hand, petting and currying. A colt is
nearly half broken when you can
catch it anywhere.
The colt should first be halterbroke.
At first you will need the assistance
of a driver, but be should be dis
pensed with as soon as possible.
A good way to halterbreak a colt
is alongside a horse. The rider can
act as leader and driver. Some per
sons tie the colt to the harness of the
work horse or trotter. This not only
teaches the colt to lead, but also
shows it its place. When the har
ness Is to be put on it should be done
very gently, letting the colt become
used to it. Then drive it, using short
lines. When the colt is old enough
to do light work gh'e it a lew lessons
with the wagon, plow, harrow or any
two-horse Implement, always beside a
well-broken horse to act as teacher.
Clove Trees.
The clove is the flower bud of an
evergreen tree. When the flowers are
in full bloom they are a brilliant red,
the little ball at the top of the clove
being formed of curled-up petal*.
Clove trees are natives of the Moluc
cas, or Spice islands.
Hens Pulling Feathers.
Hens pulling their feathers? Three
teaspoonfuls of flower of sulphur to
enough soft food for two dozen birds
once a day will generally stop it. Aft
er three days feed every other da^.
Straighten Ycur Fences.
If your fence is leaning, straighttn
it at once. Don't delay.
Something in It.
Governor Beryl Carroll of Iowa has
an amusing story of a state senator
whose amusing appearance might pos
sibly lead one to mistake him for a
laboring man. but who Is as sensitive
as a woman to ail unpleasant circum
"This man,” said Governor Carroll,
"happened to be standing outside a
Des Moines undertaking establish
ment, conversing with a friend on
political mutters, when one of the
employes came out of the stop and
“ ‘Say, will you give us a lift with
a casket?'
"The senator shuddered and replied
■* Is there—is there—anything in
“ ‘Sure.' came the hearty reply,
'there's a couple of drinks in it!’”—
Philadelphia Saturday Evening Post.
True Till Death.
His companions bent over him with
pitiful earnestness, and stared be
seechingly into his waxen features.
Again came the flutter of the eyelids,
but this time his will mastered ap
proaching death. His lips weakly strug
gled to execute his last command, and
the friends beat closer to hear the fal
tering whisper. “1 am—gone? Yes—
er—l know. Go to Mill?. Tell her—
er—I died with—her name on—my
Ups; that i—er—have loved—her—her
alone—er—always. And Bessie—tell
—er—tell Bessie the same thing."—
London Weekly Telegraph.
Incident of Traffic.
“Didn't you tell me dat speckled
hoss you sold me was gaited?’ 'asked
Uncle Rasberry.
"Dat's what I told you.” replied Mr.
Erastus Pinkley. "and dat's what he
is. lie's variegated.”
As we grow more sensible we refuse drug
cathartics ami take instead Nature's hero
cure, Garfield Tea.
It would save people a iot of trouble
if they could be born with their wis
dom teeth already cut.
to rrKF a rout ix ovt dat Y
Tike l.AXATIVK BttMUO Quinine Tablets.
I»ruin:.«.»srt>nina money if 5: cure. liL V.
6BOVK S si(Qatc.« »s> on eacJk be*, -jc.
It's easier for a man to make money
if he isn't on speaking terms with his
‘•Pink Eye" Is Epidemic In the Spring.
Try Mut-ire Eye Itcai.- > tor Reliable Relief
A man isn't necessarily worthless
because his neighbor is worth more.
Until You Get
After The Causa
Nothing more dis
couraging than a
constant backache.
Lame when yon
awake. Painspierce
you when you bend
or lift. It’s hard t*» -
work, or to rest.
You sleep poorly *
and nest day is the f
same old story.
That backache in-1
dicates bad kidneys |
and cads for some6
good kidney remedy.
None so well rec
ommended asPoan's -
Kidney Pilis. Grate
ful testimony is |
convincing proof, m
Here s Another
TypiccI Case— rfJk,‘ **«»•»”
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pounds in weight. I was in a terri
ble condition, in fact, I came very
near dying. As a last resort I be
gan using Doan's Kidney Pills.
Since then I have gained back my
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DOAN’S KidnniV
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Fads for Weak Women
Nine-tenths of all the sickness of women is due to some derangement or dis
ease of the organs distinctly feminine. Such sickness can be cured—is cured
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snau noi particularize here as to the symptoms of
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means of positive cure are referred to the People’s Com- _
mon Sense Medical Adviser—1003 pages, newly revised \
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Treatment neutralizes and eliminate* all the stored op
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