The Loup City northwestern. (Loup City, Neb.) 189?-1917, April 11, 1912, Image 1

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    Loup City Northwestern
Profession* i Cards
i£?2T vd bORlCMt'Uv
And Bonded Abam'tror,
Loup City, Nebraska
Practice* in all Courts
Loop City. Neb.
Bonded Abstracter
Ukt Crrr. - >ebb a»ka.
(Hit eel at Abctnri book* is count* j
Office. Over New Bank
flMc, M ml KanMenry
T«~ liftw* La»: of TrirpbiQr i
Loop City - Nebraska
A. S. MAIN j
Loup City. Nebr.
• itfioe st Klcsatkorr
LOt r «JfTT. - XEB.
■!» iB Un- near State
O^FI*'E Ea-' ~ nr.
PUmm. WoaJi
C. E. Thornton
The Drayman
Atteod* all urder* promptly and
carrfcli) ilioar *>itiier lustier >ard
w Ta>k»r * eJetaUar
V. I. McDouall
Prompt Dray Work ;
Cull lutiibe- x»ris or Taylor’s
elevator Sa'j*iact»'»n guaran
teed Phon*- (I «n 57
A IstMad < ■■■—rr is «*f ««rv Valnr Ttun 1
«**V *4^4rU •« NJirr.
High Grade and Aitistic
t&z nziitx in till
W. T, Draper
The Old lleliable
Best of work always
HbDM i<i ue 'w Loup.City N>1».
C. E. Stroud
Kjforrij of ktnok Citjr.
> Painting, Papering
and Decorating
Special attenti«*n paid t * Autos
and Carriage*. All tops re
newed and repaired. All work
guaranteed. Phone 0
Trees! Trees! Trees!
If you want tree plants and
shruoc call on or writ*
P, E. Brewer. Loop City. Neb,
for stisde tree*, wind break, or,
grove trees try the Norway
Poplar, the handsomest and
fastest growing trees for the
north and we*4, can furnish
cuttings any size grown in
Loup City
Enele & Cook
('•■U acton* and Builders
C#»l and see us and allow us to
iffwre with you on shore
Wf are to have a fine new post
■ Sice building. This proposition lias
Ijeen intiie hands of the government
poslonice department for some time,
arid last Saturdav word was received
■ po~tmaster general award
ing t!ie mlra'-t for the erection of
live same to A. L. Zimmerman, of the
L>>up < 1tj Cement Block Co. The
building.-' • nt. j.'.xTOfeet.
with basement under the full width
arid length of said building. This is
t*- the home of the LoupCity post
alBee for at least ten vears. the con
tract being to that effect. Mr. Zim
merman says work on the basement
whl begin at once, and the company
is now busy getting out the cement
hi-ic-ksso as to have sufficient ma
terial on hand to begin and carry tiie
building to completion, without any
wait*, in addition to the other con
tra the cement company may have
• r so. ire in tiie meantime. TLiswiil
■nke ■ utm for our pmt
of! ce. with plenti of light, lieat and
ventilati n. as it will lx* furnace heat
ed and have good circulation tlirougli
tl«* building, which the present
■garters have not. This w ill be good
especially to our big. g
natured Nasby. who suffers so much
with ..e t of iveat and ventilation in
present ijuarters tliat he cannot
wear a < even in winter, while in
■■■■Mr be paapiMB to su.-h an ex
tetit that a Turkish hath would be a
Electric Light
Plant Nearing
Kit*.-trn-t light news this week is
especially e • *i Tuesday morning
-ompieH-d tie* moving of tlie big
I' ■ 1 ring mill from down by the river
• •n to it-, new foundation at the lower
end of ain street e--t .f the B. &
M. tracks. where the workmen are
putting on i lie finishing touches.
The new engine and power house.
whi#*h i« ’o t* a one-story brk-k. is
now up to the roof. and the iron
griders being put in place to liold up
tlie r—*f. which is to lie of cement.'
In this building will lye placed the
big si-horse power dynamo, and to it
will f- added another fib-lioreepower,
so as to tie ready for all emergencies.
In tin- rear of tlie mill and engine
house i» to l*e erected a large build
ing f.irtlie -hiring of flour, and its
erection will begin as soon as tlie
engine house is completed.
I town on the race course, where the
l«.wer will tie generated and trans
mitted up to the engine house,
at. -tl «-r ! urge wheel has lieen put in.
which will be sufficient for all needs
mi 1*.tig as tlie water power can lie
Kvery day Mr. Taylor is besieged
with i| -.estlotting as to the time prob
abiy before the electric light plant
wid 1** ready to install light and be
gin sertic*-. While this is problem
atical to a certain extent, yet it is
the lieliel of Mr. Taylorand his chief
assistant. Mr. Nelson Smith, that
everything will be in readiness and
ready for service by the first of June.
At least every energy will lie used to
that effect, with tlie cl unices that that
date will see our town nicely lighted
and .ur people happy with the beauti
ful electric system.
Elizabeth Erazim Wins Gold
Medal in Declamatory
To Enter State Contest.
A F ormtr Resident of Loup City
Miss Elizabeth Erazim, one of Ra
venna'* representatives in the district
ieciamatory contest, lield in connec
tion with tiie convention of the Cen
tral Nebraska Teachers' Association,
at Aurora, last week, won first honors
and the gold medal in the dramatic
class. and will accordingly be one of
tiie contestants in the state contest
to be held in Lincoln in May.
Miss Erazim won in competition
with six other contestant from six of
tiie best schools in Central Nebraska
winning 476 points out of a possible
iOu. Tiie judges were two professors
from tiie Department of Rhetoric of
of tiie University of Nebraska and
Mr. E. L. Mum ford, of the Ginn
Publishing Co.
Miss Erazim ssubjectwas"A Polish
Boy" rather a difficult composition.
She tod no special trainiug on the
piece and won the contest through
individual merit, lier ability in this
line being natural rather than ac
Miss Erazim is the youngest daugh
ter of Mr. and Mrs. Anton Erazim. a
prominent farmer located one mile
north of Ravenna. She is about 16
yean of age and is a student in the
ninth grade of Ravenna High School.
—Ravenna News.
Ernie Milburn
Buys St.
Elmo Hotel
On Monday of this week, the St.
Elmo again changed hands. W. F.
Mason selling the same to Ernie Mil
burn. who comes over from Ord to go
into the hotel business here. In an
interview w ith Mr. Milburn. he states
that it is his intention to build up.
remodel and renovate the house from
foundation to garret, putting on a
new roof, placing in larger and up
to-date windows, lay new floors re
plaster, paint inside and out. put in
lavatories, steam heat, and do all
necessary to make the St. Elmo what
it should be for a town of LoupCity's
pretensions, up-to-date in everr
particular. This will be good news
to our people, as a tirst-eiass hotel is
one of the really needful things for
city. Mr. Milburn has had much ex
perience in the hotel business and
we opine will make the St. Elmd to
blossom out in pretentious appear
ance and comfortable interior, with
the cuisine of the very best. The
people of our city have been promised
new hotels, and the remodelling of the
present hotel, so often and failed as
often, that it has to a more or less
extent liegan to think the old status
of things in hotel life might go on
forever, and now that Mr. Milburn
has taken possession, and with the
aggressiveness he is known to have,
interest has again been sharpened
and belief is being formed that all
we have sought, wishod and prayed
for may come to pass.
Keystone Co.
Forging Ahead
At the Keystone yards, the new
office building basement is finished
up to the ground door, and rapidly
going skyward. In the west end of
the yards the cement foundations of
ttie great lumber sheds are in. Joe
j Reiman and his energetic men push
I iug all cement work rviidly. J£r*..
lour good friend. A. B. Outhouse,
placing his elongated frame in the
push and being almost unrecognizable
in his place among the hurry-up peo
ple rushing the work, while Bob
Perry is so covered with the results
of getting into nature's element out
doors that lie would have to lie in
troduced to his nearest friends with
out recognition. Even when the
ubiquitous reporter appears on the
scene, he must preforce get behind
and help push the water wagon, a
feat he has got some used to in the
past few years. All in all. don’t for
get in the great number of improve
ments going on that the Keystone is
stepping mighty high.
Asks To Have Name Taken Off
Lincoln, Xebr.,—Evidently a pop
ulist endorsement is proving embar
rassing to Woodrow Wilson in his
campaign for the democratic nom
ination for the presidency, as he has
written Secretary of State Wait re
questing that his name be w ithdraw n
from the Nebraska preferential bal
lot as a populist. It is suggested
that Mr. Wilson's trouble in this re
gard is in the east as democrats and
populists have fused so often in Ne
braska that it is considered the
proper thing instead of causing any
adverse comment. In the east, how
ever it is different and the fact he
is running on a populist ticket goes
' down with as much relish as a dose
of i< icac and comes up about as readi
Secretary Wait says lie will write
at once to the various county clerks
and inform them of Mr. Wilson's re
quest, but in case where the ballot
is being printed there is no assurance
the name can be taken off. Following
is the letter of Mr. Wilson:
Trenton, N. J. April 1.—The Secre
tary of State, Lincoln Neb,: Dear
Sir—I am informed that someone has
tiled my name on the primary ballot
as a candidate of the populist party
in Nebraska. I understand that this
was done without the authorization
of those gentlemen who are in charge
of m^’ interest in your state. While
I am grateful for the honer thus
conferred on me, I feel that I must
do as my friends wish, and so
request you to kindly withdraw my
name from the populist ticket Cor
dially yours, Woodkow Wilson.
J. W. Woodrough of Omaha is presi
dent of the Wilson league in Nebras
ka presumably is managing the cam
paign in the state* The populist
petition was signed by residents of
Osceola, Polk county and contained
twenty-six names.—Omaha Bee.
Oliver Mason
Big Cement
Oliver Mason on Tuesday of this
; week closed the contract with the
I Loup City Cement Block Co. for a
tine cement block implement build
ing with a frontage of 36 feet and
100 feet in length, to be erected on
the lots between the St. Elmo hotel
and the Loup Citv Cement Co.'s
building. The contractors have
agreed to have the new implement
house finished and ready for occupa
tion and business by the first of May
or within three weeks. Work be
gan yesterday and will be pushed
| with as big a force of wbrmen as can
| be secured and handled in its con
struction. This will be a handsome
addition to the building interests of
' the city, and really the largest build
| ing of the-kind in the city. In the
; meantime. Mr. Mason will have his
'office in the Cement Co.’s building
| till the completion of his own. Oliver
Mason is too w ell known to our people
to make any special mention on our
part necessary, but all know him to
be an energetic, go-ahead man.
thoroughly acquainted with the needs
of the people along the line of farm
ers. needs, and are assured that
his advent ihto business in the city
means much to us all.
William H.
Wait Murdered
In Mexico
Last Saturday. April 6th. Wilber S.
Waite received a telegram that his
brother. Wm. II. Waite, who has his
home near Aehtol, Vera Cruz. Old
Mexico, had been killed the preceding
Thursday, April 4th. the telegram
being sent by a friend, who heard of
the killing, supposedly by insurrectos
but contained no particulars, the
friend merely adding that he was
going right over and see about it, he
living a few miles away from the
dead man's home. Since then, and
up to this writing, Tuesday morning
no further word has been received
and no particulars of the tragic death
can be penned.
On tiie day the telegram was re*
ceived and but a few hours before.
Mr. Waite here had received a letter
from the brother saying matters were
warm there and that lie had placed
his personal property in the hands of
the American consul and would write
later from Guatemala, showing that
he evidently was preparing to leave
the thrice-accursed country when
he met his untimely death.
Will Waite, as he was familiarly
called and known to our people, was
born in Hunterdon county, Sew Jer
sey. on the 6th day of June 1856,
hence would have been 56 years old
on his next birthday. His parents
and brothers came here in 1880, he
following three years later, and
was well known to all the old residents
of this section of the country and
well liked by every body, being quiet
inoffensive and of most genial dispo
Some fifteen years ago. Will Waite,
accompanied by an aunt, went to
Old Mexico to make a home. A couple
of years later, the aunt died and was
buried there, where probably the re
mains of our departed friend By this
time repose. Since the death of the
aunt he had lived by himself never
having been married, and his work was
done by Mexican peons, he merely
over seeing the property interests.
Some three years since, W. S. Waite
went down to see him and made quite
an extensive visit, returning with
word that lie was doing well and en
joying life. Last year, during tha
Madero uprising, the unfortunate
man visited here some three months
with his aged mother, brothers
and other relatives, our W. S. Waite
returning with him to Mexico on a
second visit of several weeks.
While Mr. Waite was here on his
visit, in speaking of the dangers in
that country, he expressed no fears of
personal injury, his many years of
residence there making him familiar
with the people and surroundings and
he laughed at the fears expressed by
friends and relatives, butalas, he has
met the fate feared, and the tragedy
rests heavily on relatives and friends
who have known and loved him so
Asking in regard to his burial, our
M r. Waite said the body was undoubt
edly buried there by the side of the
aunt, as the weather is such in tnat
country that it could not be kept in
a state of preservation for more than
a day, so it could be prepared for
shipment and sent up here.
It was thought further particulars
would have been received ere this,
but up to this writing have net been
$10.00 Reward
We will pay $10 to any person giv
ing information that will lead to the
arrest and conviction of the party oi
parties who have been breaking the
glass insulators and shooting into the
poles along our telephone line be
tween town and the west bridge.
We also offer $10 leading to the ar
rest and conviction of any person
who does in any way damage any ol
the poles, wires, fixtures or othei
property, or who will in any way in
terfere with the workings of anj
telephone line of the Sherman count;
Telephone Company.
Glenn A. Stkven. Gen’l Mgr.
Application for Liquor Licons*
In the matter of the application of M C
Malick (or liquor license.
Notice is hereby given that M C. Muiict
did on the hth day of April. !»IS, tile his pe
tition irilh the city clerk ol Loup City. Ne
braska. directed to the Mayor and City Counci
asking for a license to sell at retail malt,
spirituous and vinous liquors in the buildinc
situate on lots 13. 14 and IS. block -V on Nebras
ka avenue of the original town of Loup City,
in the second ward of said city
Said license to run from the first dav of Slav
1H1*. and end on tbe first day of May 1913.
All objection, remonstrance or protest must
be filed in writing according to law
Peter Rowe M. C. Mclick
City Clerk Applicant
[seal] Last pub. Apr. £
Read Vacation Notica
To *11 whom it may ccnceru:
The comm.stoner appointed to vacate road
No. St* in Ashton township, and which com
menees at the quarter stake on north line oi
section St, and running thence south on hal!
section line, one mile and terminating there,
has reported in favor of vacation thereof, and
all objections thereto or claims for damages,
must be filed ih the county clerks office on or
before main of the 10th day of June 1912. or
such road will be vacated without reference
thereto. Dated this 10th day of April 1912.
W C Dkiterl hs
[seal] County Clerk
Lac; pub. Apr. 9
Application for Liquor License
In the matter of the application of T. Henri
Eisner for liquor license.
Notice is hereby fIren thatT. Henry Eisner
did on the 8th day of April. l#li. hie his pe
tition with the city clerk of Loup City. Neb
raska. directed to the Mayor and City Council
of said city asking for a license to sell at re
tail. malt, spirituous and vinous liquors, in the
building situate on lot 4, block 18. on Nebras
ka avenue of the original town of Loup City,
in the second ward of said city.
Said license to run from the first day of
May . 1912, and end on the first day of
May. 1913. All objection, remonstronce or
protest must be filed in writing according to
reter Rowe T. Hisbt Kijser
City Clerk Applicant
[stAbj Last pub Apr 25th
Notice of Application for Liquor
In tbe matter of tbe application of Geo. F.
Tockey for liquor license.
Notice is hereby given that Geo. F Tockcy
did on tbe sth day o( April. 1911 tile his peti
tion with the village cierk of the v ill Lag* of
Rockville. Nebraska, addressed to tbe trustees
of said vintage, asking for a license to sell at
retail, malt, spirituous and virnous liquors In a
building situated on lots number four <4< and
live <5i In block number twenty-one (SL In the
village of Rockville. Nebraska, for^tht munic
ipal year, beginning on the first day of May.
19IS, and continuing for one year from and
after its date in the manner provided by law
Any objections or remonstrance to the issu
ance of said license must be tiled in writing
wfita the village clerk of said village on or
before the first day of May. 1912.
Geo. F. Took BY. Applicant
T. R. Lat Tillage Clerk.
(Seal] Last pub Apr. 25
Notice is hereby given that sealed bids
will be received at the office of the
County Cleric of Sherman county,
Neb., on or before noon of the 10th
day of April, 1912, for the letting of a
contract for the erection of a barn on
the county farm, Ef of Sec. 35-16-15
as per specifications on tile in the
Clerk’s office, of said county. All bids
must be accompanied by a certified
check of #100. Bids to be opened
April 10th, 1912. The board reserves
the right to reject any or ail bids.
Witness my hand and seal of said
county hereunto affixed this lrtth dav
of March 1912.
W. C. Deiterichs
[Seal] County Clerk.
Last Pub. Apr. IS.
In the County Court of Sherman county,
In the matter of the estate of Ezra S. Hay
hurst. deceased.
State of Nebraska 1
- ss
Sherman County I
The Slate of Nebraska to the heirs next of
kin and alt persons interested in the estate of
Kira S. Ilayhurst. deceased. You will take no
tice t eat on the 21st day of March. 1912, the ex
ecutors of said estate Hied in the count; oeurt
of said county the Unal account of their ad
ministration of said estate togather with their
petition praying for the allowance of same and
their petition praying for an ordet disributing
the residue in the hamls of said executors to
the parties entitled to the san e under and by
the terms of said will. Whereupon it is or
dered that the hearing on said final account
and petitions be fixed for the 15thday of April
1912. at ten o'clock in the forenoon at the office
of the county judge, in Loup City in said
county, at which time all persona Interested
therein may be heard concerning same.
Dated this 21st dsy of March, 1912
[SEAL] E. A. SMITH, County Judge
Last pub. Apr, 11
Legal Notice
In the District Court of Sherman County, Ne
braska :
Bert P. Fiebig, 1
Plaintiff, |
The Unknown Heirs |
and Devisees of )-Notice of Publication.
Reuben S. French. I
deceased, and Jo- ;
seph Bray,
Defendants. J
To the unknown heirs and deviseea of Reuben
S. French, deceased, and Joseph Bray, de
fendants. In the above entitled cause.
You will take notice that on the 9th day of
March, 1912. the above named plaintiff filed his
petition in the district court of Sherman
county, Nebraska, the object and prayer of
which are to proceed against said unknown
heirs and devisees without naming them, to
obtain an order upon said defendants by pub
lication and to remove the cloud cast upon
plaintiff's title to lots Nine (9) Ten (I0> Eleven
(11) and Twelve (12) in block Twenty-five (*5>,
in the original town now oitv of Loup City.
Nebraska, according to the recorded plat
thereol on file in the office of the county clerk
of said county, by the record of a certain mort
gage dated January 10. UG6. executed by
Reuben S. French, to Martin W. Benschoter,
recorded In book 1, at page 22. mortgage rec
ords of said county, and to remove the cloud
cast upon plaintiff’s title to said premises by a
deed dated January 30,188S. executed by Mary
Bray, to Francis W. Saltus. recorded in book
4 at page 296 deed records,of said county, by
reason of a defect in the execution of said deed
and to quiet the title to said premises In the
You are required to answer said petition on
or before the 6day of May, 1*12.
Dated this 26 day of March. 1913.
Attest. Louis ftel.n Bert P. Fiebig
Clark District Court Plaintiff
[8BAL] By J. 8. Pious His Attorney
Last Pub. Apr. 18
Blacksmith and Wagonmaker
& Does all kinds of plow work <§«
——--Lister Lathes made to FIT
Agency for Ford Autos
Your patronage solicited
'_ A, C. OmM
Big Discount Sale
J Will Sell the Balance of the
At a big discount until the first of May,
owing to lack of room
I also have on hand a large line of John Deere
Farm Machinery
And other Implements
O. S. Mason, Owner
<3> P See Loup City B S &
To Build a House or Barn
As Cellars, Caves, Sidewalks, and Floors,
Call and get our prices
GUY ©TOUT, Manager
I The Gem Theater i
is _ zz
On the dates mentioned below we will show the
Special Pictures as Follows
Pat hen weekly each 'Ihursdrp night
Journey of Western Governors.Sat. April 13th
Joseph in Egypt ” ” 20th
Jack and the bean Stalk ” ” 27th
Lead kindly Light ” May 4th
Red Croas Myrtar ” ” llth
Brutus ” ” 18th
Blot in the Scutcheon ” ” 25th
Cardinal Woolsey ’ "June 1st
Giri and her Trust ” ’ 8th
How Washington crowed the Deleware ” ” 15th
Panama Canal ” 2j;nd
The Bounder 29th
These are pictures that you should not miss because you
may never have the opportunity to see them again. Don’t
forget the date. Admission 5 and 19c.
s'- i’i s- £; ■ \ A
To Nebraska
We pay Si.oo task for every
recipe accepted for publication
in our Great Prize Cook Book.
We want your 'very best recipes.
A copy of the Book fru to
■very contributor. Use
Layton's Health Club
Baking Powder
when baking powder is required.
It b the only honest-priced,
high-grade one teaspoon baking
powder. Thousands of Ne
braska women are delighted
with it. So will you be.
Send us a label from a Health Club
Can with your recipes.
Send than soon.
Ecatth Club in 10c. lSe. 25c casts
at your Grocer’s
East St. Lena. flL