The Loup City northwestern. (Loup City, Neb.) 189?-1917, March 28, 1912, Image 7

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    Picturesque Spring Hats
T| "*» of i»r« ttlest or many » !<!«•
tot'iiirrd hat* are pielnred lie re
* *e l» » rtsai«* ut item
t»"-4 mvh a cbangtaMe .'.lk and
• {< «i’k nIm The ri•»n i* Ca
j»!>d *i‘t> a {eld »e »«• ti tse liare
’• *« muz wmricd liiirie o>t rlcfc
I -'•■■» r«-|*at (fcr two «. lor> b
blended la the »i!t |t |* fa,.
aI *v>lor that gn * t-llar
• "re ; i d l> iu'i to il: 'i*jj;*<♦* und
. ■ !;a|w T:.»- -• i|»- of deet>
i«-r r-mj> i* or th<- nsf. >tiadf
ta *nfc tbe faring of :ilk
* ■* ' i d t- .«• and roar woven
* The leathern in Mwtmr
..til no** g't my roatliittituons m^iu to
a.^3i- e> tbt* |;ar
- • ' t*' Ttw narrow binding ot
>rim I' tn d.-» |» lavender
Another bit made of a van co'ored
l.raii! ii.nowD as nacre» shows the
tup <ro»n covered with velvet in
g-cen (the prevailing tone in the
raid) and a piping at the brim-edge
o! the same velvet. This is a simple
model with much style. There Is .1
graietui \snsrion in the width of the
’•rir ,'T 1 a clever tilt, these with the
-in droop convert the shape into a
. Lari • J lor the face. The crown
is low and rather small. It is a shape
•• liich can be worn by almost any ,
(‘lusters of small compact roses with
green and brome foliage and small
buds are mounted flat to the brim at
each side. This Is one of several
which look well with this shape
One wiil go lar beiore finding a nat
so simple and so good.
t tori tc Or*i;me«tat.en A louts on
C Uumtt to Be Went at
Ur.. robe-> are b ag nude In
r. •• f u-! ate as <it >uk lomi ing* and
»■ :• tur- of lace tiutted with Satin
tt -■.-.wit Tbe dneues are completed
t» tW to Battk and dainty little
'Cab* «f lar adorned with Cowers.
A ■ i^a'micg tersxxi of tbe break
f--' ; os let was to be seen recently in
o e of it* sbofts Tbe foundation of
tt * dieos was white satin. v. .d with
f ns siaow and flounced with white
face A senes of flowers canght u[
lb* ear Bo'.b* lug* and the tap which
»-i with it bad a frill of lace fratn
tf s tb. face pret* 'y. with dusters of
Bower* a* tbe sides.
dowse of tbe simple bouse frtx ks
»re fcil.-d in at tbe throat with folds
of twite ta V shape, while others are
made with high transparent collars of
the t*»!>. edged along tbe top with a
t *r•'« hat.*, of sat.n Satin, after tsf
!* -• is 'be prindpc! material for tbe
ku ise frock this tea.oa and there are
rha.rung little dresaes In of
•ilk ttst*. trimmed with lace and
tans frtda
Is ktgtii tbe akirt of tbe house- <
frock touches tbe ground ail tbe way
ro-»d and tbe are long to tbe
w riots.
Casing Coats
Hrorade coats are worn with cloth,
i s _nd * *• :n gowns for teas and call
id A favorite model for these coats
• a short cutaway with a rolling cot
ar and long sleeves Tbe coats are
SOS being fin abed with fur collar?
and some of them have waistcoats
slew of the fur. says the New York
Herald Later handsome lace will be
used Instead of tbe fur.
bail more Suit.
A a uaurwat. but ettremely smart
cotar combination was seen on a
flaltimor* girl tbe other day. says tbe
las of that city. Her suit was a we
sere model of Ink-blue re]let and her
bonne- shaped bat. also of velvet, was
trimmed owly wi h an in.n bow of
.-oral sails With It was won a set
af Mack far*
- *
\\ bit** lingerie frock with fichu and
bards or. bottom or tunic of filet lace
edged with white ball trimmings. Hat
of whl'e taffeta with white roses.
Lace-Edged Doilies.
Ir. making a set of round doilies for !
Christmas gifts one woman made the I
discovery that by stitching narrow !
hems in the edges with a rather long
marhine stitch she could very easily j
cits bet linen ihread lace on the edges, 1
catching a 10051 of the linen thread in j
ea< h machine stitch.
A simple wreath of scattered daisies I
and leaves was embroidered on each
• men circle, then a two inch edge of !
lace, resembling torchon, was cro
cheted about the edge of each. The ef- I
feet is wonderfully good. The work is \
easily done, making a charming set i
for gifts.
Combinations in Shoes.
White suede or glace kid uppers are
familiar on patent leathers by this
time, but some of the new combina
tions are not. For instance, tan up
pers on black, black uppers on tan.
white buckskin on fabric. Some of !
the low shoes, or the rhoe part on i
boots with kid uppers, are of tan or 1
black velvet or suede, stitched over
with narrow silk ribbon in a diag
onal effect.
p ncatd.oM cf Novel Ottigns Make
Acceptable T»ke»e Between
Parting Friendi.
Penn? dolls made of rUu are the
fcondataon erf runnier little pin cosh
Jans. which loot like ballet-dancer* at
Are*. sight. hut <« eeoM rlance H if i
•moterM that la ih-a of (sty skirt* !
they *«*f fct-ll* of bricht'y colored ;
satin. auk. PtMtpadoar r.bbon or tinsel
< arfb To <>•»• one of these cushion
CC J clod a strip of iocb side cotton
sine! the trank., from the waist over
the Wt shoulder, hack to the taut
again and oter the right sboulder and
turn tact it with stoat thread That
I* the host* for the Cuff- of cotton—
created «»*h sachet powder which
Most hr pot on to Iona a smnetrlral
I- .1 that la entered with white, soft
tinea ssM SnsJIy with the feisty M»«-n
Material When finished, the doll's
bands, leet and head only are eiuotr
errd and no matter bow many long
j:ta are stock Into her. their points
ere scarcdy uhely u> roach her trunk
rsc cushions of fancy ribbon. velvet
or silk of oblong stupe bave three
I-:am piurop comers and one that is
trimmed with two square double
leaves of silk which fall over both its
*ld‘~ and. when their baby ribbon
s ‘hT!?: are untied, reveal several in
fid- leaves of « mbroidered flannel for
holding need'os of various sizes At i
t!ie other end of the cushion and set i
directly at the center of its shortest 1
edge are ribbon loops by which the |
cushion may be susleaded This is !
the ideal steamer or traveling pin
* it>hioa and makes a most acceptable
bon voyage gift.
Trimmed With Angora Wool.
A wool trimming seen on a small
rcse tafteta hat. with a high draped
crown. Is a soft roil of white angora
wool braided with rose colored straw,
t e tangling of the fuzz of the wool
and the hard, shiny surface of the ,
raw produces an effect so mystify
: g that one is surprised to find on
i.\estigatk»n by what simple means
It has been produced
Love in a cottage now demands a
town boose as well
Edelweiss Grows Only on Sides of
Blossom Is Responsible for Deaths cf
Many Climbers Every Year—Legend
of the Coveted Posy Is
Lucerne.—When the warm spring
sun kisses the tugged slopes ot the
Alps the snow will gradually disap
pear. In the ncoks and crannies ot
the rocks here and there will appeal
the shoots of a tiny plant. It will
push its soft, velvety stems upward a
ferw inches. l/pon these iragile stalks
later will appear dense clusters o!
white flowers—so white that they al
most appear trreeuish in their purity
af coior. The head3 of the flowers are
covered with a fleecy substance, soft
as down to the touch.
This modest little blossom Is the
Every summer season intrepid inoun
taineers give up their lives to gather
the edelweiss. It is precious because
It is rare. It Is desirable because it
is difficult to obtain. For the ede! i grows generally in the most in
accessible places. It ndstles in tbs
steep sides of the precipice and the
chasm. Invigorated by the mountain
air, intoxicated by the scenery, the
climber beholds the blossom in itsj
dangerous crevice. H° determines to
make his way to it and bear it away j
with him. Sometimes he succeeds in
the quest, only to tail as he attempts ;
to return. A Icose stone that he has 1
trusted as a foothold slips away. His
hands are flung out to save himself ’
There is nothing secure to cling to
The cud is deep down in the ravine
below. The edelweiss has lured an
ther to death because of his covetous-'
In a certain legend the edelweiss
inoble white) is related to heaven,
near whic h it grows. An angel, weary
ing of her celestial home, longed once j
more to teste the bitterness of earth, j
She received permission to appear in
the flesh again, but she found her
self unprepared to mingle again with
a world w here her eyes behold crime, j
sic kness, poverty, oppression, misfor
tune and discontent. So Fhe chose a ;
home for herself high up in the Swiss ,
Alps. There she could lock about up- ;
on the world and yet dwell apart from i
The Coveted Edelweiss.
It. The angel sou! of the visitor 11 \
lumir.ed her face and transfigured her
form to one of slender, bewitching
Comes one day a climber, more t*ar
Ing than otherS' before him. The icy i
fastness where she h'des her loveli- j
ness is invaded by him. Having been 1
seeE by him her retreat soon is in
vaded by many men eager to behold j
her and, from the thrill of beholding
her, doomed to love her hopelessly.
She is kind, but cold to all. Unable
to endure the sight of one so beauti
ful and still not possess her, her ad
mirers join in a prayer to heaven.
They ask that since they may not
claim her for their own they may at
least be spared the sight of one so
lovely. The prayer is answered. The
angel is taken back to heaven. She
leaves behind her human heart in the
edelweiss as a memento of her earth
ly residence.
And so from an object of love itself,
the edelweiss has come to be the
symbol of love. The Swiss maiden to
whom some swain nas brought the
edelweiss knows that he has risked
his life to gather the tiny blossoms for
her. Receiving them, she under
stands. because the mute appeal of
the edelweiss Is stronger than words.
Port Sudan and Taingtao Illustrates
Development In Making of
Port Sudan.—As compared with the
normal process by which towns come
Into being, their development proceed
ing spontaneously and by slow stages.
U is interesting to note the occasional
deliberate construction of large sea
ports and other towns, complete and
ready for occupancy in a few years'
time, the motive being sometimes po
liticai and some times commercial
We have recently referred In these
columns to the remarkable develop
ment of Port Sudan, founded a lew
years ago by the British authorities
on the west coast of the Red sea, says
the Scientific American. A similar
undertaking, though with dilTerent
aims, was the building of the Herman
seaport of Teiugtao, China, a city
notable, among ether things, for the
fact that no American atlas maker
discovered its existence until ten
years after its foundation.
In contrast to these successful ex
periments in city building we learn
that the port of Heungchow, which
was laid out in the spring of 1901) on
the shore of Yehli bay, ten miles by
water from Macao harbor, China, has
by no means realised the hope of its
creators that it would speedily be
come a formidable rival to the neigh
boring ports of Macao and Hongkong
It was built on up to cate lines, with
telephones, water works, electric
light, tramways, etc., but it has not
succeeded in attracting trade, and its
present population is only 2,000.
Bay Cattle to Thin Flesh, Feed Plenty of Roaghaje and
Then Tarn Them Out on Grass Pasture—Prime
Corn-Fed Animals Are Scarce During Summer
Months and Bring Good Prices.
Excellent Bunch of Feeder Steers.
Choice be?f can he produced with
’css high-priced feed, and at a lower
cost, than it is produced by most feed
ers. thinks P. X. Flint, assistant pro
fessor of animal husbandry at the
Kansas Agricultural college. Pro
fessor Flint believes in a less expen
sive method of fattening, in which
grass is the principal diet.
The common feeding -practice of
many of the farmers of the corn belt
is an expensive process. The cattle
are fed during the winter months.
Sheds have to be provided for shelter.
The cost of hauling and feeding the
roughage for the cattle when in a dry
lot is not a small item. Bad weather
is another objectionable feature—more
feed is required by a steer to make
the same gain.
The feeding practice for more profit
is this: Common feeders—Cattle In
thin flesh—may be bought at a low
price. Get stc- - s two or three years
old. Feed them p’. nty of roughage to
keep them in good condition until they
are turned out on grass. A few hours
a day on pasture i.- long enough at
first, until their systems got accus
tomed to the charge. Feed the steers
running on grass a rr.tion of $ to 14
pounds of corn. Begin with a light
ration and work up gradually to the
maximum. They should be ready tc
market the latter part of July.
Prime ccrn-fed cattle are scarce
during the summer, as most of the
feeders in the lots are finished and
shipped out before this time. The
packers must have cattle with some
finish, and they pay a good price to
get them. Coming on the market at
this time, the steers fed on grass will
bring almost as gcod a price as stock
fed a full grain ration in a dry lot.
The success of this plan of feeding
is due to the low price at which the
cattle can be bought and the thin con
dition of the animals coming in the
common class of feeders. Making eco
nomical gains is not a breed but a
type characteristic. Often the best
and j eorest gains made are by indi
viduals of the same breed.
Less labor is required with summer
feeding. The cattle gather their
rcughage. and the manure produced
by them is distributed, and evenly. In
winter, dry-lot-feeding steers are fed
a ration of IS to 22 pounds of grain
and f- to S pounds of hay apiece, when
on lull feed.
Wheel In End of Whiffle Tree
Holds Trace so That There
Is No Danscr of Its
Considerable cleverness went into
the designing by an Alabama man of
the trace connector shown in the cut.
The end of the whiffletree has sepa-.
rated parallel sides, with notches in
the ends. Pivoted between these
sides is a wheel, with two radial slots
and lateral passages running off the
slots. To us this connector a ring is
inserted ir. the wheel by lining up one
of the slots of the wheel with the
notches in the end of the whiffletree.
New Trace Connector.
Once the wheel is turned there is no
danger of the ring slipping out of
the slot, as the sides of the wbiffietree
prevent that. The trace is connected
with the ring by a spring hook and
the operation of hooking or unhooking
a trace requires only a few seconds
when this device is used.
Queer Feed for Horses.
Horses and cattle in the country
near the Persian gulf are fed locusts
fish and dates. In Thibet horses are
fed pig's blood, and in the cold moun
tain regions of Asia meat is regarded
as a necessary part of a horse's diet.
The increasing use of meat meal in
our country indicates that stockmen
are finding such a feed a useful addi
tion to the live stock ration.
Swamp Lands in West.
It is claimed that there are 77 000.
000 acres of swamp and overflow
lands in the Mississippi valley that
can be converted into fertile farm
property at an expense of five to
sev^n dollars an acre.
Small Flock of Pullets Installed
in the Back Yard in Port
able House Furnish
A young lady living in a small eitj
had impaired her health by too con
fining work in a city office, says
Christian Herald. Her physician or
cerecl her to a sanitarium for rest and
upbuilding, and when she returned tc
work he instructed her to eat four
fresh-iaid eggs daily; two eggs fot
breakfast, and the others raw, in milk
Finding it difficult to obtain derend
ably tresh eggs, she persuaded bet
mother to permit her having a small
flock in the home yard. A portable
house ^ as purchased and fifteen pul
lets installed in it. A small brothet
was paid 10 cents a week to feed a>:i
care for the flock, two bags of ready
mixed food were bought, and the re
suit cf the venture was not only a!
the eggs the young lady needed and a
supply for the family, but there was a
surplus which found a ready market
at the corner drug store, bringing 10
cents a dozen above the market price
Argentine Wheat.
The estimated product of wheat in
Argentina this season is 91.374.000
hundredweight (equivalent to 170.565.
000 bushels of 60 pounds each: in
New Zealand. 3.475,000 hundredweight
(or 6.497,000 bushels of 60 pounds
The estimated production of wheat
in the southern hemisphere this sea
son is 305.5 per cent, of the produc
tion of last season, or 156.000.000 hun
dredweight (equivalent to 291.200.000
bushels of 60 pounds each).
The estimated production of oats
in Argentina is 17.3S1.000 hundred
weight (or 60.S33.500 bushels of 32
pounds each): in New Zealand. 5,342.
000 hundredweight (or IS.697.000 bush
els of 32 pounds each).
Weather Effects on Calves.
According to some experiments
made in Ireland calves born in the au
tumn made faster gains during the
winter when housed at night in a
well ventilated shed than did calves
which received no shelter, but by mid
summer there was little difference in
the two lots. Wet weather had a
more injurious effect on the unprotect
ed cattle than did a protracted cold
Salt for Cows.
The Wisconsin experiment station
has discovered by investigation that
when salt is kept away from cows for
several months low vitality ensues and
if continued too long the animals
break down entirely. When salt is
again fed the cows recover quickly.
Every Farmer Having Swine
Should Sow Patch of Rape
Seed to Make Suit*
able Grazing.
Hogs require green food along with
a moderate amount of grain; but they
will keep in good, thrifty condition
during the summer menths4on clover
and grass alone. Every farmer having
hogs should sow a ratch of Essex
rape seed. Sow four pounds of clean. ;
new crop seed to the acre; the ground
must be deep, finely pulverized and in
good order. In ten weeks from sow
ing this makes a good pig pasture and
good grazing; the pigs will grow fast
and will be kept healthy. When fed
on rape the pigs should have at all j
times a • mixture of wood and coal j
ashes, mixing one handful of salt and j
one of sulphur In each peck of ashes.
The fattening properties of rape are
probably twice as good as those of
clover. Last fall's pifrs^hould be glv
en fine-cut clover hay. mixed with
wheat bran and wheat middlings.
Mix with boiling water. A few small
ears of corn may be given after the
mixed feed is eaten. Have the pens
clean and dry; give a thick bed of
cry leaves or cut straw. They should
have fresh water daily. Expert breed
ers give the following mixture to their
hogs; they consider it better than
wood and coal ashes alone: Ten
pounds of burnt bones. 10 pounds of
water and 10 pounds of sulphuric acid.
The burnt bones are put into an iron
pot and moistened with the water;
the acid is then slowly poured over
the mass and well stirred in. Great
care must be used in handling the
acid, as the least drop on the hand
will burn like fire. Mix this with an
equal quantity of freshly burnt hard
wood ashes; let the pigs have a little
of this mixture twice a week. It is
especially good for pigs troubled with
tumors caused by eating too much
corn. Have a grass pasture or dry
yard adjoining the pens, as they must
have plenty of exercise to keep them
in good, thrifty condition.
Most elderly people are more or
less troubled with a chronic per
sistent constipation, due largely to
lack of sufficient exercise. They ex
perience difficulty :n digesting even
light food, v, ith a consequent belching
of sio.nach gases, drowsiness after
eating, headache and a feeling cf lassi
tude and general discomfort.
Doctots advise against cathartics and
violent purgatives oi every kind, rec
ommending a mild, gcntie laxative
tonic. like Dr Caldwell's Syrup F'epsln,
to effect relief without disturbing the
entire system.
Dr. Caldwell’s Syrup Pepsin is the
perfect laxative, easy in action, cer
tain in effect and, withal, peasant to
the taste. It possesses tonic proper
ties ihji strengthen the stomach, liver
and towels nrffi is a remedy that has
been for years rUe great standby in
thousands of families, and should be
in every family medicine chest. It is
equally as Valuable for children as for
older people.
Druggists everywhere sell Dr. Cald
well’s Syrup Pepsin in 50c and $1 00
bottles. If you have never tried it
send your name and address to Dr. W.
B. Caldwell. 201 \Yr.shington St.. Mcn
ticello. 111., and he will be very glad to
fiend a sample bottle for trial.
Mr. Hound—I think I’ll have to get
a license—
Miss KyoOw'c—Oh! this is so sud
*1 can truthfully say Cuticura Rem
edies have cured me of four long
years of eczema. About four years
ago I noticed some little pimples
coming on my little finger, and not
giving it any attention, it soon became
■worse and spread all over my hands.
If I would have them in water for a
long time, they would burn like fire
and large cracks would come. I could
lay a pin in them. Alter using all
the salves I could think of. 1 went to
three different doctors, but all did
me no good. The only relief I got was
“So after hearing so much about the
wonderful Cuticura Remedies, I pur
chased one complete set. and after
using them three days my hands were
much better. Today my hands are
entirely well, or.e set being all I used.”
(Signed) Miss Etta Xarber. R. F. D. 2,
Spring Lake. Mich., Sept. 26, 1910.
Although Cuticura Scap and Oint
ment are sold everywhere, a sample
of each, with 32-page book, will be
mailed free on application to “Cuti
cura," Dept. L, Boston..
Polly—Miss Yellow leaf says she al
ways tries to get her beauty sleep.
Do’ly—Well, all 1 can say is she
must suffer frightfully front insomnia.
—Woman’s Home Companion.
A!i Fresco.
“Why does that old maid use so
much paint on her face?"
"She's making up for lost time."
Take I.AAATIYK BK' ‘MO Ouirm- Tat,’eta.
vs refund moner if ,t fa ls tn cure. K. IV.
U uo! s »i is ca ej. h LkiI —>c.
Many a man with one foot in the
grave does enough kicking with the
other to make up for it.
Wrs. Wtnelosr's Soottllnjr Syrup for Chtldrei
tcetbine, softens the ,-.ais. reduces inf’.smiris
non, Ailays pain.cures wiuc colic. 25c a boiue
It doesn't tequire much invent ire
genius for a man to make a fool of
For constipation us** a natural remedy.
Gartield Tea is composed iif car. fully select
ed herbs only. At all drugstores.
Some men haven't sense enough to
stop borrowing when they strike oil.
"Pink Eye'* Is Epidemic In the Spring.
Try Murine Ere Remedy for Reliable Relief.
Measure the depth of the water be
fore making your dive
The Result.
Mrs. Howard—Did you give Johnny
an unbreakable toy?
Mrs. Barker—Yes. but the trouble
is that be lias broken everything else
with it.— Harper’s Bazar
A ntan is apt to get so rattled when
a leap girl proposes to hint that
she can make him believe lie did it.
Thrrr is no excuse for the dyspeptic, with
Garlield Tea accessible at every drugs.ore.
Friendship and confidence are plants
of slow growth.
this Spring? Then
get the best- -theone
that is backed by a
proven reputation
It Invigorates, Re
builds, Nourishes.
Don’t experiment.
44 Bu. to the Aero
is a heavw yield, but that’s what John Kennedy of
Kdmonion. Aibena. Western Canada, got from 40
acres of Spring Wheat in li»10 Ileports
from other district* id that prov
ince showed other excel
lent results—such aw 4.
0u> bushels of wheat
from 120 a *'res, or 1-H
bu. per acre. ^.HOaud 40
bus hel yields were num
erous. As high uh lo2
bushels of oats to the
acre v.err*thresh**! from
Alberta, fields in 1011.
The Silver Oup
at the recent Fpokane
Fair was a warded to tbe
jits exhibit of g rains, grab se» and
vegetables. Reports of excellent
yields f«»r 1V*10 come also from
Saskatchewan and Manitoba In
Western Canada.
Free homestead* of 160
acres. and adjoining pre
emptions of 1 *>© acres (at
#3 per acre) arc to be had
111 the choicest districts.
Schools convenient, cll
m:-.te excellent, soil the
verv best, railways close at
hand, build ’ n g lumber
cheap, fuel easy to get and
reasonable in price, water
easily procured, mixed
farming a success.
Write as to best place for 5*ct
Cement, settlers’ low railway
rates, descriptive Illustrated
k “Last Best West’* (sent free on
y application) and other Informa
j lion, to $up*t of immigration.
= Ottawa, Can., or to the Canadian
= Government Agent. 430)
• Room 1 Deo Eldg. firaahe, lab.
a Please write to the agent nearest j ©u
Don’t soil your barren cow to the butcher.
Kow Kure, the great cow remedy, will make
her productive and prolific. Kow Kure
is a medicine for cows only—a positive cute
LOST APPETITE, and all other ailments
that make cows sickly and unprofitable.
Send today for free book, “More Money
rrom Your Cows.”
LyntJoaville, Vt, U. S. A.
I nElnHr l\/llHo^!iai«*iib
SfEd miiirrsa ibvfIodf R>r FREE tKwtiltt to DR. LE CLEKU
Writ* for book saving young chicks. Semi ns
uemes of 5 friends that uw incubator* and get
book free Raisall Remedy Co.. Blaok well.Okia.
Brown’s BronchialTrnrliPS
Nothing excels this Conjfh Remedy. No opiates^
Sample tree John I. Brown A Son, Bostor»Maa%
Avoid Cold Wavo SSftW
raise alfalfa, wheat, com, timothy, closer, horses,
m j lea. emit le. bogs a ml fruit. Tai*. in pp a i ®.. tu* ard, kan.
• OR SALE—367 2 3 A. I.V.Cl STER CO.. NEB.;
•JTX* a. cult.: 5 r. h.. outbids*., etc.; nr. town.
J. II. PRICE. Broken Bow. Neb.. R. 1, Box IS.
enti* Co.. Neb.; 90 a. cult.; 10 r. h.. out buhl kb..
etc ; well Located. PLANCK. Box 3i9. Chicago.
VV. N. U., OMAHA, NO. 13-1912.
Woman's Power
Cher Man <
Woman's most glorious endowment is the power
*to awaken and hold the pure and honest love ol a
worthy man. When she loses it and still loves on,
no one in the wide world can know the heart agony
she endures. The woman who suffers from weak*
ness and derangement of her special womanly or
ganism soon loses the power to sway the heart of
a man. Her general health suffers and she loses
ncr good looks, her attractiveness, her amiability
and her power and prestige as a woman. Dr. R.V. Pierce, of Buffalo, N.Y., with
the assistance of his staff of able physicians, has prescribed for and cured many
tho'.isands of women. He has devised a successful remedy for woman’s ail*
ments. It is known as Dr. Pierce’s Favorite Prescription. It is a positive
specific for the weaknesses and disorders peculiar to women. It purifies, regu
lates, strengthens and heals. Medicine dealers sell it. No honest dealer will
advise you to accept a substitute in order to make a little larger profit.
£r. Pterco's Pkasan: Pclieta regulate and ttmsgthem Stomach, Ltvor mod Bowels.
Curve the sktn ned sets as a preventive for others. Liquid pivrn on
the tongue. Safe for brood mares and all others. Best kidney remedy DO
cent* r.nd $1.00 a bottle: IR.00 and $10.00 the doren. Sold bv all drncSista
and horse goods bouses, or sent express paid, by the manufacturers.
**’ : rsetment neutralizes and eliminates all the moml up
r>*r»- n’n*: in the system. When this 18 done the drinker lain
•by»<rai and mental condition that he was In uefore lie ever had
Is the stored-;:p alcoholic poison tn the sTftem that causes
and when once the alcoholic poisoning *» eliminated the
Oneeta. while at the Neal Institute, enjoy all tbe comforts,
CUacy and conveniences of a tlist-claw home. e!ub or
tel. Names are never divulged. For particulars, write
NEAL INSTITUTE. 1502 S. 10th Street.