The Loup City northwestern. (Loup City, Neb.) 189?-1917, March 28, 1912, Image 5

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Go Carefully over the condition of this
bank at different intervals.
Depositors' interests are protected first,
before any body or anything else.
The continued growth of this batik is
the best possible evidence that we treat
all patrons with courtesy and extend to
them every facility to be found in a mod
ern banking institution.
Your account is welcome here.
CD f. Mjm*. F>rett .4. B. Outhouse. Vice f>rts
L. hasten. Cashier
In Effect After Jan. 1st. Itl2
t» *p-*j wal'-er pr- :k>B per mr-r* t in
\* dopte* Biurf '**•*> for less tban
Sr per »r»»
' awrter pxr per »r». * M
Mo.? pap* per rrr. 6
rB-: poer per week lie
Kr««m per a. t per Mwnux »
t wren pie Be per lemua .e
' Srur. Le*a. K»t»'
All kind- of graining d >rw. ~ee Hil
OTtf (itrilua nrit Tureday. Don't
All work and t^jdr fully warranted
f> at iTiliagm i'i
Let Gilbert tell you a few tiling*
about graining
vhwaner can a id will make your
wauh rua right.
J. 1 Dapew went to Gregg Monday
morning on ImiIm*
Mr* 11. Uamtnk b> recovering]
from a severe sock spelt.
< Hster siiells for chicken* Go to!
Lee Bite.' meat market.
1'riu Johansen left la*t Monday
:s. ml*** for Reserve. Kansas.
Take your wau h bo Schwaner's for
•juick. sure and permanent repair*.
Inetnct ixiurt will convene liere the
>«U. of April It will lie jury term
The mote? n u>e I*. I*, was out of.
« cmuaiO'i again on Wedne*4»vj
■ nrning
1‘ainta and wall paper that wears
like the noae an a gig at Jones the
Mrs l»a*ts and rhildren
left Tuesday morning for tlieir home
at Greeley.
He to Lea Bros ' meat market for
home-made summer sausage* Only j
lie per pound.
J. L. Ha* - - i successor to Stroud
will do your liauling promptly.
ami satisfactorily.
Mis* Blanche l'raper visited friends
at Arcadia Monday evening, return
mg home Tueaday morning
I have laid in a stork of wall paper
and paint* on Um> cast Mdf of the
square J «a the l*ainter
Walter Herd lia* teen appointed
a imtnbtrater if tie estate of his de
ceased tattler. T. M. Heed.
Wanted A lady to do rooking at
the Boa Ton t ale, Good wage, and
steady ;ob to right ooc
We nave a full supply of all kinds of .
. ump coal and our prices are right.
Oil at Taylor * Elevator.
Mis* l»es*ie lianielson returned to
school at Lincoln Monday morning
after a week's va< ation at tome.
Will Cording of Grand Junction.
Ctlorado. b here visiting old friends
and lib brother Joe at Litrhiield.
Go to Mr*. Mathews for your
pretty New >pring Clothe- Hat*.
l're*r» 1 at* Wai-t*. Skirts. Cor
•et* air.,
«»ur awaa-Uecollege student*, who
a>t br»n enjoying a week's vacation
at borne, returned to liieir studies
a»t Saturday morning
IMi t forget t * opera to I* given
tomorrow Friday evening at the
Gem T1 .eater by tie High School
Glee Club
v»f different samples and stock of
wall paper to pick from. * cent* and
up per double roll. Hast side of the
square June- the 1‘ainter.
* IHdyrru say coair" "Yes. 1'innacle,
nut coal.' Tlds is a good coal for
cook stove*, free from slack and easy
to start Try it. For sale at Tay
lor's elevator
Thursday April ith at the Gem is
tie date of tie Buffalo Kill's show
in moving picture* of «»*• ft. of film.
Aftemooa and evening Admission
1« and 30 rent!
An adjourned session of tie dis
trict court convened Monday to finish
up unsettled business before tie court
tie post berm Tley adjourned Tues
day afternoon
The Ladies Aid Society of tie
Baptfct church will hold an Faster
.lit irg- at Lee's meat market on
tpril eiii Home made bread and
y—eggs a specialty.
Utm Son Beckman lost her gold
wtlcS on the streets here last Sat u r
_i,t afternoon, with pin attachment
jf wader will leave same at tills oflicv
reword will be given
For a satisfactory repair job go to
We pay cash for eggs delivered at
the creamery.
Let J. W. Dougal sell your farm or
city property for you.
round bone fore chicken feed at
Lee Bros.' meat market.
Try the J. L. llagood dray line,
lie will giveyou Foodservice.
Heo. Curry was over from the west!
side yesterday greeting old iriends.
Mr>. J. T. Hale left for her future
home at Ogdon. Ctah. this morning. i
Big lied Millet Seed for sale. $1 per
bu'hel. I’hone 2-on-lfl. Route 3.
L. B. Milligan.
Let Hilbert fix your old painted
doors and windows to look like new .
Home-made summer sa.sages at
Lee Bro>' meat market at 15c per
O. S. Cross on Monday shipped a
lialf-breed Nhetland ponv colt to I)es
List vour farm or city property
witn.I.W Ikiugal. ‘The New Real
Hstale Man.”
Mrs. C. .1. Tracy has l»een quite ill
the pa»L week, but is much better at
present writing.
Mr. and Mrs. M. C. Muliekand Miss
Maude Hiibert visited at Hrand Is
land over last Sunday.
Mr. and Mrs Alex Baillie are to
leave Saturday morning for their fu
ture Lome at Clakimas. Oregon.
Mrs. K. H. I’ugslev and children
visited a few days this week witn
Hrandma Foster and Uncle Ed.
Mrs. ElTie Cooper entertained tie
B. of E. club at the homeof her sister.
Mrs Edw. Angier. Tuesday evening.
We are paying cents cash for
cream delivered at the creamery. We
test and pay cash for cream.
Ravenna ( beanery Co.
Hie Misses Ha/el TlfTany and Bess
('amp. two of Arcadia charming
young ladie-. were Loup City visitors
last Saturday.
All kinds of old painted woodwork
made to look like new. without tak-;
ing old paint oil. Ask Hilliert how it:
is done.
Glenn A. Steven and M, C. Alex
tndrr went to Omaha last Friday
morning on a business engagement
for a few days.
For up-to-date millinery goods, call !
and see Alta M. Johnson's stock be
fore purchasing elsewhere. At W. I’.
Heed's Variety Store.
>pring is here or the geeseare badly
fooled, as flocks of the honk honks
are daily skiting northward at safe
distance from earth.
1k> you want to buy a farm or city
nroDerty worth the moneyV If so see
J. W. lhjugal. tiie new real estate
man at LoupCity.
Miss Grace Adamson went to Coun
cil Bluffs last Saturday, taking home
her little nephew. Jack Taylor, who
has been visiting here for a few weeks.
Mrs. Minnie Becker came up from
Omaha last Friday for an extended
visit with her mother, Mrs. Geo.
Keeler, and brother and sisters.
if you want a dray, phone A. L. En
derlee. * on t>3, or leave your order
with either lumber yard or E. G.
Taylor. Best of service guaranteed.
We understand that Will Mulick
has aceeppted and will tie transfered
to a position with the railroad com
jiany in California. He is at present
| on a Ctali division.
II v. Blom went to Aurora last
Saturday where he tilled the Swedish
pulpit for a orother minister on Sun
day, Her. C. G. F. Johnson tilling
Rev. Worn s pulpit here.
When you buy your next sack of
flour, buy White Satin Flour, made by
'your home mill, from home grown
wheat. All merchants in town handle
it. Lour City Mill and LiohtCo.
Tlie 1*. E. O. society ga\e a fare
well party at the home of Mrs. R. P.
Starr on Tuesday afternoon of this
week to their departing sister, Mrs.
J. T. Hale, who was soon to leave
for tier future home at Ogden Utah.
Frank Bagnuski, wife and eight
children left yesterday morning over
the Union Pacific for New York City
from wiiicii point they expect to sail
on April 2nd for their old home in
Germany. They had lived here some
sit years
Our jolly friend. Mike Mulick, says
he is going to sellout and go to South
America. lie seems to have the fever
Estrays—Two pigs taken up by
John A. Peugh. Owners can have
same by calling for same and paying
costs. John A. Peugh.
Mr. and Mrs. Henthorn of Aurora
were over Sunday visitors at the M.
A. Phillips and W. .1. McLaughlin
homes in this city. The lady is a
sister of Mr. Phillips and Mrs. Mc
Voters on the Omaha primary bal
lot will have the exquisite satisfac
tion of having to make 91 crosses on
their ballots—if they do all the mark
ing neccessary to make a complete
ballot. But how many will?
C. W. Conhiser last Friday traded
his farm soutii of town, known as
the Vic. Swanson place, for the Rag
nuski 20 acres in the west part of
Loup City. Charley tells us he is
going to make a chicken farm out of
it and if he does you may bet he will
have a good one.
Mr. and Mrs. Isaac Bowzer from
the west side, accompanied by Messrs.
Porter Curry and Byron Halcomb,
as witnesses, were over last Sat
urday to prove up on Mr. Bowzer's
homestead entry, but as the county
judge was out of some necessary
blanks. the case was postponed till
the first of April.
Mrs. Effie Cooper last Friday after
noop entertained her lady friends of
the Entre Nous Club at the home of
her sister. Mrs. Edw. Angler, and had
one of their mostenjoyable club meet
ings. Mrs. Cooper goes to look after
her claim in the Box Butte country
next Monday, where later Mr. Cooper
will join her and they there make
their future home.
Frank Kennedy was down from his
farm Tuesday on a pair of crutches,
the result of a severe seige of rheu
matism which had kept him in
supreme misery for the past four
weeks. Frank says if lie don't soon
get relief he will take in the springs
at Excelsior. Mo. Frank has our
sym. We’ve had our till of the beastly
old trouble.
Mrs. Frank Winklemann left Mon
day morning of this week for Oslo,
Texas, on receipt of the distressing
news that her good mother was lying
at tne point of death there from an
attack of appendicitis, which together
with ill-health, gives little possibi iity
for recovery. The lady visited here
some four months since, and will be
remembered by the many friends of
the grief-stricken daughter.
The lecture on “Jerusalem'' given
at the M. E. church last Sunday even
ing by Hon. W. R. Akers of Alliance
was full of historical meat and most
interesting to all who have interest
in Biblical knowledge. He took his
audience with him over the holy city
and the spots of interest in and about
the most ancient city, and while the
lecture occupied nearly two hours’
time, but very few expressed weari
ness and most of them present could
have liatened much longer with the
lecturer over the interesting facts
pertaining to Jerusalem.
We received a pleasant call last
Friday from our good friend A. M.
Lewis of Hampton, Neb., who came
up for an over-Sunday visit with his
son Ed Lewis, a ruggedcbip of theold
block, who also accompanied him to
tiie office. Mr. Lewis, Sr., owns some
valuable farming land in this county
which Ed is looking after in best
siiape. Of course both are readers of
the Northwestern. A. M. renewing
and the younger adding bis name to
the best list of leaders any paper
ever had. May kind fortune continue
to follow both gentleman through
We received a pleasant call last Sat
urday from Mr. Fred J. Chapman of
Scotts Bluff, who is here for a fort
night’s visit with his parents, Mr.
and Mrs. George Chapman. Mr. Chap
man, Jr., is engaged in the sheep
business in his country and had just
returned from Omaha where he had
marketed forty-two cars of his pro
duct and concluded te stop over here
for a visit with his parents and old
friends. He will keep posted on his
old home hereafter through the
Tomorrow (Friday) night at the
opera house, the High School Glee
Club will give the second operatic
entertainment to our people entitled
“A Dress Rehearsal” which a perusal
of in advance assures us is one of the
most charming little musical come
dies ever written, and in the hands
of “Our Girls” will prove just such
a success as did their first opera, “A
Japanese Girl,” given in the opera
house on the 10th ot February of last
year, which was heartily received,
well attended and so favorably com
mented upon at the time and since.
Anything Loup City girls attempt
I they gloriously succeed in, and our
people may expect this to be no ex
Size us up. Notice the angelic
twist to our usually homely facj. All
because we received last Saturdoy a
card from our son, Frank W. Burleigh
at Columbus, Ohio, announcing the
arrival at his home on the evening
of the 20th of this month(March, 1912)
of a darling baby girl, weight 6 1-2
pounds. Just imagine Frank’s elong
ated frame prancing around in the
wee sma’ hours ’o morn, with the
precious bundle of femininity in his
arms. This makes us grandpa five
times and we should be getting used
to it by this time, but as this is the
first girl to four boys who have come
to bless the homes and hearts of the
editor s children, he has a perfect
right to yell “Bully”’ and take a day
off to celebrate.
The river yesterday was overrun
ing its bank west and soutli of town
and it looks as though Loup City
might be in the flood zone within a
few days. The water has cut across
the bottom from just below the west
bridge and quite a stream is coming
down across Geo. Petersen's land and
just across the road this side of the
south steel bridge. It is to be hoped
the break-up will come moderate. It
is claimed that at Arcadia things look
bad for the bridge there across the
Loup, and damage is feared.
- . . case of the Union Pacific road
against L. Hansen, appealed from ,
the county to the district court, was j
up at the adjourned session aud has |
been taken under advisement bv
Judge Hostetler. It is the case where
the U. 1’. is attempting to make Mr.
Hansen pay an extra amount over the
purchase price of tickets to the coast
and return, the history of which the
Northwestern has previously given.
We have just learned that a certain
fellow who is too economical to sub
scribe and Day for the Northwestern,
and who wanted to see last week's
number, started bis little boy to a
neighbor's to borrow ins copy. In
his haste the boy ran over a $4 stand
* of bees and in ten minutes looked
: like a warty summer sqnash. His fa
; tiler ran to bis assistance, and failing
; to notice a barbed wire fence ran into
; that; cuttinga handful of flesh from
! his anatomy and ruining a 54 pair of
pants. Tiie old cow took advantage
| of the gap in the fence and got into
! the corn field and killed herself eat
ing fodder. Hearing a racket, the
wife ran out, upseta four gallon churn
i full of cream into a basket of little
: chickens, drowning the entire hatch. ;
In her haste she drop, ed a $25 set of :
teeth. The baby having been left I
! alone, crawled through the spilt milk
and into the parlor, ruining a brand
new $20 carpet. During the excite-1
ment the oldest daughter ran away
with the hired man. the dog broke
up eleven setting hens and the calves
got ont and chewed the tails off of
four tine shirts on the clothes line.
Beginning Thursday evening of
this week, March 28. tliere will be an
interesting series of subjects for dis
cussion at the Presbyterian church,
8 p. in. The general subject is “Chris
tianity and Practical Social Studies".
March 28th "Religion and Politics,”
April 4th “Sunday and the Labor
ing Man,” April 11 “The Religion of
Sanitation and Hygeine,” April IS
"The church and the Peace move
l ment”
Mr. Melvin E. Sickles and Miss
Orah A. Ilenrickson were united in
holy matrimony yesterday (Wednes
day) March 27. 1912, at high noon at
the home of the bride's parents. Mr.
j and Mrs. Frank Hendrickson, near
i Austin, in the presence of about 50
guests. The ceremony was performed
. by Dr. I). A. Leeper of the Loup City
; M. E. church. The groom is one of
! Sherman county's progressive young
i farmers, while the bride is a bright
, amiable and attractive young lady.
; A host of friends of the young couple
| unite in wishing for them a life of j
abundant happiness.
Legal Notice
In the District Court of Sherman County. Ne*
Bert P. Fiebig.
Plaintiff, |
The Unknown Heirs j
anti Devisees of ; Notice of Publicatiou.
K< uben S. French. |
tieceaseii. and Jo- j
seph Bray.
To the unknown heirs and devisees of Reuben
S Frruch. deceased, and Joseph Brav. de
fendants. in the above entitled cause.
You will take notice that on theW.’hday of
March, 1812. the above named plaintiff tiled his
petition in the district court of sherman
county. Nebraska, the object aud prayer of
which are to proceed against said unknown
heirs and devisees without naming them, to
obtain an order upon sai l defendants t»\ pub
lication aud to remove the cloud cast i
Plaintiff's title to lots Nin<M» Ten \ib Kiev.- ,
(11) and Twelve (It!» in blocs i \v» nty-tiv.- 2 ‘.
in the origiual town now oi • .....
Nebraska, .kicordinj in the recorded pi
thcreoi ou file in theo!Hce of the cou .tv «. .c.
of sa o county, bv the r**coro id a certain i»i«»ri
gagr dated January lo ls7f». cxecuteo lv
Reubens. French, to Martin VV. Benschotet.
recorded in bi^k at pa.^e 22 iiioric »ge re«
ords of said count\ a»*d to remove the e(»»t. l
cast uiH.n plaintiff s title to said premise-, bv
deed dated January 2d. 18n» executed by Maty
Bray, to Francis vv. .ntu- recorded in ie«-k
4 at page deed i ecords.of said couniv. by
reason of a defect in th* executionol said deed
and to qeiet the title to saiu premises iu tor
You are required to answer said petition on
or before the bda.v of May. ltd 2
Dated this26d.iv of March. 1812.
Attest. Louis Kei.n Bert P. Fiebig
Clerk District Court Plaintiff
[seal] By J. S. Pedlek His Attorney
Last Pub. Apr. 18
3*20 acres within 6 miles of
a good town; 10i> acres broke,
20 acres alfalfa, balanc ' hay
and pasture. Sod house 14
x28, all finished inside; stable
for 6 horses, cow barn 34x60;
hay shed 40x50; double corn
crib and granary 10x32 two
chicken houses 14x16; good
well and windmil', cistern and
and water works, five acres
fenced bos; tight price S32 50
per acre. Teams, cash 82500,
balance five vears at 5 per cent.
Must be sold by May 1st
One hundred and sixty acres
six miles from Arcadia and 11
miles from Loup City; 125
acres broke, balance pasture
and hay land; 100 acres level,
balance rolling. New 3-room
hou«e, new barn for 6 head of
horses and grain bin: good
well, windmill and tank. Price
857.50 per acre. 83.450 cash,
balance five years at 5 1-2 per
cent interest with optional
Four hundred acres 9 miles
north of Loup City, 7 1-2
miles southeast of Arcadia;
256 acres level farm ground,
balance rolling and rough* fair
improvements; some alfalfa;
all fenced and cross-fenced;
Price. 860 p* r acre.
Two hundred and thirty
acres; about 6 1-2 miles north
west of Loup City; 50 acres
broke; 12 acres in alfalfs,
balance hay and pasture.
Price, $30 per acre.
For Sale by
J. W. DOUGAL, Agent,
Loup City, Nebr.
Sale on if
Great Western Manure
At The T. HI. Reed Implement Store
Tliey Must C3-o
O. S. Mason, Owner
Here is the Grocer’s
Side of the Story
So much has been said about small
dealers who cheat their customers by
selling underweight, aDd so on, that
the following extract from a letter
from a grocer, published in the April
Woman's Home Companion, is inter
‘•There are honest grocers, and one
does not not need a lantern and tub
to tind them. Look at the other side
Take coffee at twenty-five cents a
pound. Mrs. Smith wants ten cents
worth done up in a bag (that of course
i costs nothing).tied with string (that
! costs less) and delivered (which is even
< less a tax on the grocer). Does she
I get ten twenty-fifths of a pound?
Most certainly not: and and any gro- ,
cer who would give it to her deserves
to go into bankruptcy. This coffee;
cost twenty-one and a half cents per
j pound in hundred pound sacks; weigh
j it out in ten-cent parcels, and you
get slighty over ninety pounds. Where
is the grocer's profit?
“Another mistaken idea is that
cash buys cheaper than credit. At
j the bargain counter of any and all
! kinds of merchandise and inferior
grades it may; but of staples—no, de
cidedly no. If you get a staple, gro
cery or meat at less than the regular
piice, there is something wrong with
“Again, if I weigh exactly and do
not give downweight, I cannot keep
Mrs. Bjones's trade. She never kicks
at half or one once overweight on her
sugar or meat and it is impossible to
cut meat and shade it so finely: but
if the scales do not come down with
a bang, she complains of dishonest
weighs, etc. And Mrs. Bjones is the
persynifieation of the housewife in
“There is another thing. Some
Saturday night Mrs. Brown comes in
and says:‘Mr. H., my husband was
not working last week. I'd like to let
my little account run over.
“She is a fair customer, pays once
a week or once a month, and gets her
credit at ‘cash’ prices, as everyone
else does in any reputable store, so
it's ‘All right Mrs. Brown,' and I
carry her right along for two and
three months, pa ing my wholesaler
every week or thirty days, as his terms
may be. If she pays in the end, I'm
safe; if not. I’ve lost.
“Now when sick or loss of work
intervenes, it is not the big ‘Cash
Store,’ in the center of town, on
main street, that helps the customer
along: it is the little corner grocery
in your neghborhood, that you have
been maligning for not selling you a
dollar’s worth of goods for ninety
nine cents."
One cup vinegar, one cup turpen
tine. one raw egg. put In bottle and
t hake well A most excellent liniment
foe man or beast.
Preacher’s Favor Picture Shows
Picture shows are swelling the
congregations in Omaha churches
where prayer meetings of the custo
mary kind have tailed to attract. The
latest of tne cnurches to try picture
shows as a means of bringing out
i sinners is the Southwest Methodist
; Episcopal church,of which Rev. Thos.
Bithell is pastor and which will give
the second of its series of t avelogues
Thursday evening. The congregation
flocked to the first show’ a week ago
ami enjoyed it so much that the
siiows are to weekly * vents.
The ide i -;.n ed with Mrs. C. J.
Roberts. president of the Frances
Willard Women's Christian Temper
ance union who gave tne first travel
ogue, the subject of which was '‘New
Yotk to Alasga" illustrated with
postcards used in a radioptican ma
chine. Tomorrow evening's enter
tainment wih be on ••California,” by
O. J. Pickard, who lias just returned
f rom the golden west. The motive
behind the shows is civic as well as
social and religious, sincj the pro
ceeds of the small fee are to pay the
churches’ share m the tax levied for
grading the street on which it is lo
A church which used pictures to
win back an indifferent congregation
stlie Presbyterian church of Benson
of which Rev. Jessie C Wilson is pas
The congregation has increased
five-fold since intrducing the pictures
says Mr. Wilson. He uses Bible
themes and stories, the life of Christ!
and stories which have ethical value
such as “Ben Hur” and “The Vicar
of Wakefield.”
The pioneer in picture shows for
churches is Rev. M. O McLaughlin
of the United Brethren church, who
started them in his church early in
the winter. He gives a different sub
ject each Sunday evening. He de
clares his congregation has increased
200 per cent since starting the shows
He combines his sermons with the
pictures, using one to illustrate the
other. His subjects are Biblical and
taken from other literature which
has a religious or ethical value.
“Last year, traveling through the
state on Christian Endeavor work, I
noticed that the people were crowd
ing the theaters and neglecting the
churches. The reason is psycholog
ical. People receive ten times stron
ger impressions through the eye than
through the other senses. So I de
cided to use the pictorial method in
my evening services.”—Bee
Seed Corn.
1 have for sale 46 bushels of Silver
Mine and 36 bushels Yellow Dent seed
corn t hat has been personally selected
and tested and I guarantee that 95
per cent of it will grow—price #2 per
bushel in one to five bushel lots, in
lots of more than five bushels 11.75
per bushel delivered at railway sta
tion here. Reference, any business
man in this vicinity.
E. Wickham,
Salem, Nebraska.
Mar. 21-4.
Something Different **■
At Gasteyer’s Every Friday
Fresh Lettuce and Radishes
English walnuts
Brazil Nuts
| Almonds
Dates: Not the kind you make, but the
kind you eat.
Salt Herring, White Pish. Smoked Blotters; Sweet Pickles
Sour Pickles, Dill Pickles.
fmi <£/»#>• The new cooking compound
vllow* cheaper than lard, goes far
ther and tastes better
The Quality House Established 1888
Should be an acurate
time piece. The
movement should not
be slighted.
On account of size or case
ornamentation. Ladies watch- i
i es from our stock aTe guuran
teed to be accurate and relia
ble time pieces, and, as with
everything else that comes
from our store, our guarantee
stunda behind them.
Let us Figure your bill of
Lumber and all
Inin.a.s of T3nll<3.irLg
Easier Terms for
Government Water Rights
Payments for water rights ou the government Shoshone
Project in the Bifg Horn Basin are now’ $4.70 per acre first
year—$1.00 per acre second year—$1.00 per acre third year,
$3.40 per acre fourth year $6.00 per acre fifth, sixth, seven
th eigth and ninth years, and $11 00 per acre the tenth year.
No interest. 6300 acres to be opened to entry
320 acre free homesteads in Campbell County, Wyo
ming, g »od lor dairing, stock raising, and mixed farming, the
kind that injures a steady cash income.
New folders free—write me today for new folders telling
ail about the c heap lands along the Burlington. Get in on
the ground floor before the coming land movement starts.
Homesekers rates from Eastern Nebraska every first
and third Tusday.
Drop your posal in the box today.
D. CLEM DEAVER, Immigration Agent
1004 Farnam St, Omaha, Neb.