NO MAN S ▼ LAND a mmmi g&UOVIS JOSEPH VANCE ^^ULUSTRATIONS BY TbyWr**# CvunxiCMr /?/* orico/z jaztm vamcs / . f • rasa* nu of Nt( r~* «1r* e-erf* ttajc ... Hark*’or*. who h»’« Sow |» a card party H- a*- rpts ■Ml MCt !» e- l.n 'JUrlCait. tbr rea ■■* hiiaoc I tat lath at* lit loro «.tii Kath «r»o* T'ailaf l oaat * a ta to nai Itao her ,#o« MaaAatec-fc ‘o oawarthjr of loo At Mar 5 *o at if Camat marts two 1*4 Va« Ti:vt There Is _ _ _ H a.-*.ft. A a'lanla Vs* T-jfi bat Chats' mr er'-o la weal f!o S ffao last <» ,» tla *a|aa tl.a Ibes* r«o#i ts ima.rt for a.ufilrf ra*taa«A ta:l aa la taffn Ida aetv laafai uon tSlarbslo a aa the auto blwiaMt. Coast be ffao hot Riaei.olorA has aorrlil KatWeist TaaKif uf fled Coast pur 'Rasas a ywrbf aad arhMi aatBr.g area a tmmm throws tram a 0slant host lie fra ' Oao II* (a-tlaaW W*a ta rafoil AppleraM TW» arm* at a loorta island. (mown aa *• Maa s Uat Coast aarta out to es f^"»r the Pis-* an I .-teaas upon some hoiiit hciMl.nca Ha thrmm a man *>I4 cUai 'anSr* and irwuaHi ••» a !.*«joa ho iwa Kaltanw TI'IVIt whs nplatna that hor hu* ■ sons «.f Hart lai lougM the latarot It* is >-1ln« a wif-has oprraior 4!.t1 has • uaif.a Comm* Intoro-a l»» that .rdered Van Toil I'naa* a sad anew I’llumn ■ on Tart lira at lisi. hut lie to anriat hr Aps«tr>ard. who (ria Mm *o Ihr K *o If ml •». at.t ft"ra* ho fr «ah that to- • a ~ -m onlof man •at bars wax t.lna the . rood on • hr MMa* a-iato.-’ Jt that a-r -*-tmlr.ata. Cawat * a a tisao > fhttwua I Hr i rfirm Hr Isa a te*d and to -1etec*.-med Is ao-r Ktflwr.rr Ap;*-*,’-.rl talln «i sat tS.arS and I > cans mala a abb-id «d I ha s rras Mr .-a to natu a a air.r.a Chad hussrw tVaat prWetiaieS to tt-a ■Mr 4 Hartssl'i dlx-ln Kath*rl*«r CHAMTCH X:ilr—(Cant'oued.) Pa»tf" Hb.kllork |gu~ued bai-sbi/ No. h* wan t mind." be re plied trade. 'Pb«h'i grme wl-eady. »> tod i HtUt (tilUt cut and be took gowa told him that »ba was near lehlnd him th. I Swd my way about. I know rbla rheeaeboi of an island like the palm td my hand It'# no worse than navigating your own room In tto dark " ' Allow me . . .“ Coast turned •Or mob aad <,t>enr l—taet ho looked into «* of fho noma a he loved—'coked and read their meaaag*- of pleading and despair The* with a sadly negative shah* of hi* head be followed her ha* haatd out into the wind whipped dark ness. pulling the door to behind him. Thadr aho aider* too chid aa they trull pod j9 The unavoidable contact turned Coast atrk with hatred and leathteg Yet he held himself strong Ig Hi head, crumpling Her only that tiny clip of paper la hi* |>llnj with a atraage aeaae of oonfldearo. aa It were a guerdon of eventual aacoeaa. She had ae« denounced him lie weald sate her. he would sa.• her. CHAPTER XIV. here. IU Vtourh;* give you any i> side . message tor ll.a« a*: oik stood with bu back to •he at owe la the farmhouse ktich-a: baads la pocket*, hi* heavy shoulder* ****ed he swayed all but Imperceptibly wa the tails of bis feet In the dull saSroo fllumtaatiea of two common koroaeae lamps he loomed hugely ta *ho ru,om oeerahsdowiag aad dwarf tag the two mute placid Chinese who pattored about, preparing a meal — havlag been routed out of bed tor that CoaoL tilting back in a kitchen r*»*r oa the tar aide of the table from Illsrk■ toe*. caasdderv-d quickly aad Med deliberately aad wholeheartedly, with full knowledge of the conse t—r*a of a misstep Sooner or later the unmasking was hound to oome. whether he wtB It or no. He was not eager (or A yet but prepared against N at aay data. . . . Sooner or later that mart would fall from bis was on the knees of the gods. The sense of fatality was strong upon his soul. There wasn't time.” he said. "1 was off-duty and they rounded me tip just in time to catch the midnight train *' "And Voorhis sent no word?" Black >'ock demanded incredulously. Tie said you'd be advised by wire less. “No more than that?” "Only I'd find this job after my own heart, to do as 1 was told and mind my own business and see nothing ex cept what you shoved under my nose; it would be worth my while, and he knew he could de|*end on me. I guess he did. too. I guess he knows wnat kind of a man you Deed, Mr. Black, and Mr. Voorhis isn't the sort to pick an operator out of the grab-bag for a special purpo.-e Isn't that so?” “If I know Voorhis, it is.” Black itock rocked back and forth on his feet, pursing his full, loose-lipped mouth. “1 can tell more about you in the morning." he said: “we'll have a taik and come to an understanding.” "Why not now?" Morning will do." said Blackstock decidedly. Kor some minutes Blackstock did rot speak, feast glanced up at him, and as If he were aware of that fact stolidly incurious as to himself, to all appearances; from the upper floor came reiterations of the high-pitched and querulous accents of the wounded man—a sound to which he had be' come accustomed since Biackstock had left him. He felt, consequently, j fairly safe 9 Producing the scrap of paper, he | stealthily smoothed it out across bis knee. It bore a single sentence hur- ! riedly and lightly in. pencil: “Neither your life nor mine is safe if you persist.~ Very thoughtfully he twisted the pa per into a little spill, lighted It over the chimney of one of the lamps, ap plied the flame to the tobacco in his pipe, then held it while it burned. Precisely what was one to under stand from that message? That Kath erine had awakened to the truth re garding the killing of Van Tuyl—or merely that she mistrusted Black stock’s temper, should he by any chance be led to suspect Coast’s true identity? That she knew the truth about Power? Or that through some subtle process of feminine intuition she had divined that Biackstock was not wholly hoodwinked by the at tempted lmpersonification of Handy side. and would, were his doubts con-, firmed, seek to punish her as well as the impostor for keeping silence? She had not had time to write more. The spill burned down until its tiny flame flickered blue and expired with in a fraction of an inch of his finger tips. He pinched out the spark, and dropped the unconsumed fragment back into his pocket in a ridiculous extravagance of precaution. As be did so he became conscious of a shadow bulking large In a corner of bis field of vision, and he looked up suddenly, startled to discover Black Leady Vely Soon.' the R_aa ebook himself out of what bad seemed profound abstraction. “Hot about Mr. Ilandyside's sup per. John?” he asked. “I^esdy vely soon." replied one of 'he Chinese meekly. "Hurry U up. then: he's tired. . . . Guess Cl) step upstairs and have a look at Chang." said Blackstock. That’s the fellow Power knocked out. you know," he added superfluous ly as he left the room, moving lightly with qt.ick steps noiseless in his rub tenoled shoes. Left alone. Coast fell to the rood which one of the Chinamen presently set before him. Although up to that •Ime excitement had numbed him to the (act. he bad tasted nothing since mid-day, and was now excessively hun gry. The meal, plain but well-cooked, proved a great relief from the some what monotonous diet of bacon and eggs to which he bad been restricted since the previous morning. He took nls time over it. however, and toward 'he conclusion began to wonder wbat Blackstock found to keep him so long above-stain. The dishes were removed and the Chinamen set about washing up. chat tering to one another in low, expres sionless tones. Still Blackstock did not come down. Coast lighted bis pipe. His thoughts reverting to | Katherine, in natural course swung i back to the slip of paper reposing at | 'he bottom of bis pocket. He looked cautiously round; the serv ants were Intent upon their work, i stock almost at his elbow. With such catlike lightness and silence the (el low moved! Coast pushed back his chair from the table, as If to arise, but Black stock dropped a hand compellingly upon his shoulder and held It there. "No.” he said; "don’t get up; you’re tired. I’m off—just stopped to say good night. Guess you'll find your room comfortable—if Chang doesn't keep you awake with his jabbering.” “I say, Mr. Black.” Coast could not refrain from asking, “how the dickens do you manage to get about with such sureness?” The inquiry was natural; his curiosity was piqued; the thing was not natural. He tried to bring himself back Into character. “I don't mean to be fresh, but you’re a won der.” A curious smile dawned on the face lowering over him—a smile of the fea tures only; nothing remarkable, per haps. since the eyes were dead. "Habit.” said Blackstock; “habit and training assisted by a strong feeling for’ direction. I guess I'm something ilke the guy in that book by the man who wrote Trilby—d'you remember? —the fellow that could feel the north —turn to it blindfolded? Sort of hu man compass. . . . Well, that’s me. Tell me where I am. and so long as 1 know the ground. I’ll find my way. For instance. I'm going back to the bungalow now—alone. For that matter, I came practically alone; my wife tells me the night's black as a slack of cats.” •TO BK CONTINUED.) What True Education Is I i Rev. Charles M. Sheldon’s Idea of the Right Development of the Human Mind. What Is an education? It Is (he right development, in the right direc tion. all the time, of the whole being, tor the purpose or giving one as much life as possible for himself, and te share with others. This means that the whole person most be taken into account Educa tion means more than a one-sided de velopment of one talent or ability. It means symmetrical and many-sided , growth. The reason why there are : not more interesting people In the | world ia because so many people are content with a one-sided development They are willing to be musicians and nothing hut musicians. They are willing to be newspaper men and noth ing bet newspaper men. They are K willing to be lawyers and nothing but lawyers; teachers and nothing but ; teachers; ministers and nothing but 1 ministers. And so their range of’ | thinking, of conversation, and of ac tion la limited. True education takes into account a whole being, with many different possibilities—a life which has in It the elements of surprise and an eagerness to know everything which can be known about a very great world In order to sympathise with and enter Into the thought, ao far as poeaible, of all sorts and con ditions of men.—Rev. Charles IL Shel don In the Christian Herald. Leisure Never tor the Lazy. Leisure is time for doing something useful; this leisure the diligent naa will obtain, but the lazy man nevec.— Benjamin Franklin. SHUSTER HONORED BY PERSIAN CONSUL GENERAL DESPITE the fact mat the Persian government expelled him at the demand ot Russia, Morgan Shuster, late treasurer general of the shah’s country, was received officially by the Persian consul general at New York on his arrival. Our photograph shows Mr. Shuster and his wife and children seated with the consul general. WILL RAZE MARKET Noted New York Structure to Be Demolished. Building Known as Fulton Trading Post Which Linked Modern Goth am to Peter Stuyvesant’s Days Fails to Pay. New York.—Tottering under its weight of ninety years and showing the ugly scars of a recent fire, Fulton market, the historic, the picturesque, the malodorous, is about to fall. The ruthless hand of progress, personified In a wrecking crew, working under or ders of the municipal authorities, will begin tearing down the old yellow building in the block bounded by Ful ton, South, Beckman and Front streets some time during the coming spring or summer. Thrice condemned is the old struc ture, with memories woven around it that link the present New York, with its rustle and bustle, its subway and cloud touching structures of stone and steel, to the days of Peter Stuy vesant. For it was that stubborn old Dutchman, who. Sept. 12. 1656, as gov ernor of New Amsterdam, decreed that “Saturday shall be the market day, and the market shall be held at the strand, at or around the house of Hans Kierstede. where, after him. ev ery one shall be permitted to enter that has anything to buy or sell." In 1675 the market moved to the Custom House Bridge Market house, farther up the East river and near to Maiden Lane. It became generally known as the Fly market, from the Dutch “V’Lie,” for valley, which name stuck to Fulton market long after its erection. Perhaps the housewife of today with a turn for economics would like to know what the quaint Dutch vrous paid for their household supplies in those early times, when bears roamed over Manhattan island not far north of the present city hall, and lambs bleated in the meadows around Wall street. Well, pork was 3 pence a pound; beef. 2 pence; butter. 6 pence; beer, 2 pence a mug. Lodging was 2 pence a night meals 6 pence and board by the week 5 shillings. But then it must be remembered that la bor brought only 2 shillings 6 pence a day. For over a century the market re mained, cleaned out occasionally by vagrants designated by the courts for the purpose. But the agitation that brought about the abandonment and razing of the old Fly market began in the early part of the last century, much after she fashion of the agita tion that started against its successor. Fulton market. The department of health condemn ed it aa insanitary. Finally, on Jan. 22. 1821, the market was torn down. The merchants scattered to other parts of the city, some going to Spring Street market and others to Center Street market and a part of them to Old Slip market, until the new market was built at the foot of Fulton street. This was'finished toward the end of the year and the aldermen compris Ing the market committee recommend ed that the stands In the new market, which were to be occupied almost ex clusively by butchers, be auctioned off at a minimum rental of $100 a year. The butchers organized and de cided to boycott the market, thus hop ing to keep it idle until their demands for a lower rental were granted. But the city authorities determined upon Ignoring the butchers and on Dec. 13, 1821, James Bleeker began to auction off the stalls. Though established as a market for the express purpose of "supplying the common people with the necessaries of life at reasonable prices." old Pul ton market long before the civil war began to assume its present wholesale characteristics. Not in decades have thrifty housewives gone to the slip across from the market proper, where the fishing smacks come in. to pur chase fish cheaply as is still done at old “T” wharf in Boston. And with the going out of fashion of the vari colored shawls. New York women have ceased to go marketing with a basket on one arm. or. without one. for that matter, and this decadence, with the progress in rapid transit tak ing its one time customers out to the suburbs, has been responsible in no small measure for the gradual de parture of Pulton market from its orig inal standards. Because its maintenance costs the city an annual loss of over $2,000, and the controller has condemned the building, and largely because it has been declared insanitary by the health department, the borough president i condemns it. So Fulton market must | ATTENDS FEAST BY PHONE Man III in Kansas City Hears Speech Accompanying Gift of Loving Cup at Leavenworth, Kan. Leavenworth, Kan.—S. N. Spotts. who is ill at Kansas City, Mo., heard over the long-distance telephone speeches given here at the banquet of the Southwest District of Associated Advertising clubs. Mr. Spotts Is pres ident of the district. The telephone company connected an instrument at Mr. Spotts’ bedside with three receiv ers on the speakers’ table in the ban- j quet room. The ad. men were to have presented to him a silver loving cup. He heard the presentation speech over | the telephone. , Must Remain Single. Wilkesbarre, Pa.—According to the will of William P. Morgan, a wealthy real estate dealer, his daughters Ruth and Tacie. must remain unmar ried all their lives to participate in the estate. Misunderstood. "Does she come of an old family?’’ , “I don’t think so. Her mother ad- I mits to being only thirty-five.” ____ ' Few Cottages In England - *---__ Lack of Homes for Rising Generation Serious Problem for British— Couples Wait Years. London.—'The Chelmsford laborer who was forced into a workhouse be cause there is no cottage procurable is no isolated victim of the dearth of rural houses. x It is quite a common thing in the country for marriages to be postponed for years solely owing to want of houses. Close to Dunrcow is a notorious marriageless district, and in spite of a number of would-be village bene dicts. In a number of Huntingdon shire villages engagements of ten and fifteen years’ duration are common. The couples either wait Indefinitely till a cottage is available or migrate to the towns or emigrate. An observant motorist through the eastern midlands could soon reckon up a hundred van ished homesteads still traceable by either ruins or rectangular founda tions covered by the work of worms and moles. Only wealthy landlords can afford to build cottages; the duke of Bed ford, In Cambridgeshire; the duke of Buccleugh, In parts of Northampton and Huntington; the university col leges, and. best of all. the ecclesiastic al commissioners have built many good cottages for moderate rents; and have dmie It In spite of financial loss. Some smaller land owners have done their best to erect cheap cottages. The only solution of the great na tional question Is the cheap cottage. A member of a leading firm of build ers said to a representative of this { journal that If cottages were stand ardized could easily build £120 •ottages by means of concrete slabs, Irot absolute standardization would be necessary. Comfortable cottages have recently been built in some of the new Intensive gardens for £80. With these French gardeners are delighted, but the English workmen will not ac cept a home of wood and corrugated iron. GETS TIPS; HAS AN AllTC, Minneapolis Negro Hotel Waiter Gives Illuminating Testimony In Court Minneapolis. Minn.—Benefits of the tipping system—with reference to the receiver—came to light in the munici pal court here, with the testimony of George Smith, a negro waiter at a hotel, that another man. being tried cn the charge of vagrancy, was an ex pert mechanician and had operated his automobile for him. ^ es, sir, said Smith, “I own a six passenger. $1,800 car. and I haven't been anything but a waiter for the last 23 years. My salary is only $23 a month and now and then I am tipped a dime or two. so the money for that machine came only after years and years of savin' up." Smith declares that there is only one ambition left in life for him, and that is to take bis wife, Julia, in the car to his old home near Norfolk. Va.. and, throwing open the muffler, go “down the pike" at the rate of 60 miles an hour. Taft Letter Aid in India How Richmond Lawyer Practically Saw Durbar aa King George’s Guest New York.—Jonathan Bryan, a Richmond lawyer, who ta In New York at the conclusion of a trip around the world which began last July, attended the Delhi durbar practically as the guest of King George, owing to the magic influence of a letter from Pres ident Taft which he carried. Mr. Bryan told of the incident on his ar rival here. He said: "Mrs. Bryan and I were anxious to witness the durbar ceremonies, but as we neared India we found that no amount of money could obtain accom modations. 1 had about abandoned the idea when 1 thought of my letter from President Taft, which was in the nature of a general note of intro duction and a part of the various cre dentials which 1 carried. ”1 forwarded the Taft note to the secretary of the durbar and was amazed on reaching Calcutta to dls s-. cover an answer in the sbape of a special train reserved for Mr. and Mrs. Bryan. We were conveyed to the durbar in state and seats were as signed to us on the gold and purple car;»et within 1W feet or the king and queen. We witnessed and heard the whole ceremony and then were con ducted back to Calcutta in the same special train. No greater favors could have been ahown to us than were won by President Taft's letter." RED NECK BAND FOR MONKEY 8tarted by Susie With Sore Throat, Keepers New 8upply All. New York.—No society circle was ever more exclusive than the one re cently formed among the chimpanzee and orang-outang families in the New York Zoological park. It Is known as the Society of Red Flannel and num bers only nine members. Its badge is a red flannel band about the throat and, although It gives one the appear ance of suffering, each member of this set glories in wearing one. Susie, the chimpanzee with a col lege education, who has traveled all ever the continent, was troubled with tonsiiitis a few days ago. She was unable to swallow her food, and in an effort to relieve her pain Fred Knglebolme. the keeper, ripped up a portion of his red flannel shirt and after saturating it with a healing oil wrapped it about her neck. Susie immediately became an ob ject of great interest to the other in mates of the “Primate House." As she strutted around the other mon keys set up a chattering and screech ing that brought both Englebolme and his assistant, “Dick" Spicer, running to ascertain the trouble. Even B&ldy. who Is the most mild mannered “chimp" in the park and who is the recognized leader of the monkey fam ily, pounded the bars of his cage and showed plainly that he wia troubled. To restore peace to the once happy family the keepers ripped the rest of the red shirt in bandages HrS MODESTY OF HIGH ORDER Tinker, ef Course, Lowed His Neighbor as Himself, but That Wasn’t Too Much. Lord T&nkerville. who is sending his son to an American school, said the other day in New Tork: "There are too many Englishmen— and English boys as well—who de velop, in the presence of a lerd, a painful and unnatural modesty. Their modesty reminds me of a village tin ker. “This tinker had a rather crusty disposition, and his pastor said to him one day: “ ‘My man, you should love your neighbor as yourself.’ “ 'Yes, sir,’ said the tinker. "But the pastor had in mind a nasty black eye that the tinker had given the bricklayer next door, and1 so he went on: “ ’Do you, though, do' you honestly, love your neighbor as yourself?’ “ ’Yes, sir; oh, yes, sir,’ said the tinker; and he added, ‘but I’m a mod est man. ye see. and, to tell the truth, I- ain’t a bit stuck on myself, sir.’ ” “WHY SHOULD f USE CUTICURA S0AP7* "There is Bathing the natter with my skin, and I thought Cuticura Soap, was only for skin troubles.” True, it is for skin troubles, but its great mis sion is te prevent skin troubles. For more than a generation its delicate emollient and prophylactic properties have rendered it the standard for this purpose, while its extreme purity and refreshing fragrance give to it alt the advantages of the best of toilet soaps. It is also Invaluable in keeping the bands soft and white, the hair live and glossy, and the scalp free from dandruff and irritation. While its first cost is a few cents more than that of ordinary toilet soaps, it is prepared with such care and of such materials, that it wears to a wafer, often outlasting several cakes of other soap, and making Its use, in practice, most economical. Cuticura Soap is sold by druggists and dealers everywhere, but the truth of these claims may be demonstrated without cost by sending to “Cuticura." Dept. L, Boston, for a liberal sam ple cake, together with a thirty-two page book on the skin and hair. Too Thin. “The greatest curiosity 1 ever came across in the course of a long expe rience,” said the first brqjier, "is a man who comes into our office every day. watches the ticker like a hawk for five hours, and pays cash for everything he buys.” "I can beat that by a mile.” replied the second broker. “A man came into our place awhile ago and started to trade actively in Reading and Union on a five-point margin. He had $5,000 when he began. In six months he had $50,000. Then do you know what he did? He put his money into first mortgage bonds—and quit.” The first broker looked almost dazed. “1 hate to do it," he mur mured, “but I’ve just got to. You're - a liari”—Puck. The Biblical Injunction. A Washington clergyman made ti call of consolation upon a woman who had suffered a sad bereavement. "I hope,” said the pastor, “that in your bitter trial you have found some ray of comfort from the Scriptures.” “Indeed I have, sir.” was the confi dent though fearful reply. “That’s grand, sister," was the sym pathetic observation of the minister. “May 1 ask what passage of the Good Book helped you most?" “Grin and bear it.” Counterfeiter Gets Stiff Sentence. William Fink, a Brooklyn. X. Y„ dealer In drugs, was sentenced by the New York Court of Special Session:., to imprison ment In the penitentiary at hard labor, for four months. The charge was coun terfeiting the trade-mark for Carter’s Lit tle Liver Pills, in violation of the penal law. The Carter Medicine Company detected the counterfeit before any quantity of the spurious goods had been placed upon the market. In sentencing Fink. Judge Deuel laid special stress upon the Injury done to the public when a remedy so well known as Carter’s Little Liver Pills Is counter feited and put on the market. He Im posed the sentence not only as the prop er punishment of Fink himself, but In or der to deter others from the commission of like frauds In the future. No Chance About It. “I'm awfully sorry it happened,” apologized the abject young man, aft er the stolen kiss. “Happened!” she exclaims. “Hap pened! That is worse than the kiss’ If you didn't have it in mind when you asked me to stroll away back here in this quiet corner of the conservatory I shall be offended, after all."—Judge. „ Important to Mothers Examine carefully every bottle of CASTORIA, a safe and sure remedy for infants and children, and see that it Bears the Signature of | In Use For Over 30~Years. Children Ciy for Fletcher’s Castoria Unrealized Idyl of a King. King Arthur bad just invented the round table. “Can you invent a bureau that a man's wife will let him have two drawers of?” we asked. Stop the Pain. The hurt of a burn or a cut stops when Cole's Carbolisalve Is applied. It heals quickly and prevents scars. 25c and 50c by druKsists. I-'or free sample write to J. It. Cole & Co.. Black River Falls. Wis. A Cruel Thrust. He—Old age has no terrors for me. She—It neden't have If It’s true that brainy men live long. A Mean Disposition. "Is Puffkins all wrapped up in his motor car?” “Not yet, but I have hopes.” «rs- Winslow’s Soothing Syrup for Children teething, softens the gums, reduces infiamnia. two, allays pain, cures wind colic. 25c a boula Platonic friendship and perpetual motion are all right theoretically, but they refuse to work. "^Thy suffer under the curse of Dyspepsia when Garfield Tea can remove it? Offering to bet that you are right Is a poor kind of argument.