Loup City Northwestern VOLUME XXX LOUP CITY, NEBRASKA, THURSDAY, MARCH 7, 1912 NUMBER 17 ------ - — - - - - - — Professional Cards KOBt. P. 8 TARR Attorney-at-law LOUP CITY. NEBRASKA NIGHTINGALE ft SON AttrajuiCnitttfMt'Liv LOUP CITY. NEB K. H. MATHEW, Attorney-at-Law, | And Booted Abstractor, Loup City, Nebraska AARON WALL Lawyer Practices in all Courts Loup City. Neb. ROBERT H. MATHEW '.Sure—or to U. P. Starr) Bonded Abstracter LocrCirr, • N ebb ask a. Umiy act of Abstract books in county O. K. LON'GACRE PHYSICIAN am SURGEON Office. Over New Bank , TELEPHONE CALL, NO. 30 A. J. KEARNS PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON T». Il»w of Tcepbrnet <«*mj Loop City - Nebraska A. S. MAIN Loup City, Nebr. Teteptaooe < ooncction sTaallen. O EmlTT MS T, IXK f ‘.-ITT. * . SKB. OOee up •tain >■ the new State Beak buliiar. wTL MARCY, DENTIST, LOUP CITY, NEB orVICE: Ea»t Side Public Saiute. Ptooae. MonX JAMES BONE Prompt Dray Work PHONE. on l« Of Lasiber Yard* and Tiyiora Ele rttur. >au»f*, Uoo guaranteed C. E. Thornton The Drayman Attend* all urder* prompt Jr and i-arefuily. Hbuw ritlitr lumber yard or Taylor * titiamr. L«t Us Book Your Sales HALE A PAGELER Auctioneers Satisfaction Guaranteed Pfeoao 1 on 20 Loop City, Nob R. D. HLNDK1CKSON AUCTIONEER Loup City, Nebr. (ilft at* trial. Guarantee satie factioa H«Jot, l